A Dear Apology To My Fellow Players

Started by Spawnmax, 05-04-2010

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Dear fellow players,
I recognize my own mingeness that i have sometimes, and also the lack of awseomeness {radek}. I am here today to apologize to all of you that have been agrevated, P.O.'d, and pissed at me. I have chosen to let go of the desire to troll, and to move on to a more mature way of playing. I intend not to abuse TT, Not to Insult or be disrespectful to admins, and i also intend to be a VERY good roleplayer and online friend.

Please accept my apology,



Your posistion as DEV at Griffen's FearRP didnt work out very well eh?

Strelok Holmes


:V Best keep to your word.

Crussaria=Wiglaf Grimshaw(Grimshaw of the Iron Hand), The Corpse Brigade:Alive


Yeah, i was dev and it was fun, but some guy named stan decarlo banned everyone from the group and now its dead.


Steven :D

Stan did griffen a favor, also if you dont know who stan is. He's that guy who ddos's TnB alot and stuff so yeah.
Shit happens.

Silver Knight

I kinda liked that community, kept some scum away from HGN, Griffen should start a new one up.

Quotebreslau: if i cant cheat i dont wanna play
breslau: period


Does anyone not know who Stan is? I mean, who would be retarded enough to know him and his terrible reputation and let him into your community's... So retarded. Its like taking a cyanide capsule, knowing very well what it is capable of and thinking nothing will happen.


Eh im not bothering anymore. I would gladly start another one up if people stop flaming and argueing and shit.
|HGN|Griffen: Hey, kid.
|HGN|Griffen: Get off my lawn.
|HGN-CTS|Afromana: Hey kiddo, get of my work
|HGN|Griffen: Uhm, this is MY LAWN.
|HGN-CTS|Afromana: While I can do so that you can never play or use anything HGN related
|HGN-CTS|Afromana: Shoo
|HGN|Griffen: God damnit.