*Outdated*Admin Applications

Started by Silver Knight, 05-01-2009

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Silver Knight


In-character name:

Steam friends name:

Steam ID:

Your Country (UK, America, New Zealand etc):

Your Timezone:

Do you have any previous administration/leadership experience and if so, explain where/what/etc:

Why do you want to become an admin?:

Why do you feel we should pick you over somebody else?:

Quotebreslau: if i cant cheat i dont wanna play
breslau: period


In-character name: Markus (Hopefully the "Court Magician")

Steam friends name: [HGN] MattyK

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:11144302

Your Country (UK, America, New Zealand etc): South East England, UK.

Your Timezone: +0 GMT

Do you have any previous administration/leadership experience and if so, explain where/what/etc: Plenty in a series of Listen RP servers, plus some Dedicated Sandboxes.

Why do you want to become an admin?: Ain't it obvious? To be the person to ban those goddamn fucking abusers. And probably lead a greater role in the RP, and somebody to get nagged at for flags.

Why do you feel we should pick you over somebody else?: I was probably the first to literally leap out of my seat at the promise of Medieval RP, as I was a great admirer of Geo/Stingwraith's work.
Follow my Twitter HERE!


In-character name: Archfather Peter

Steam friends name: death_con56

Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:9338595 02:35 98 0 active

Your Country (UK, America, New Zealand etc): USA

Your Timezone:EST

Do you have any previous administration/leadership experience and if so, explain where/what/etc:Yes, I was a super admin on The Zone, on Precinct 13, and was on of the Head admins on at a zombie mod clan called UM. Also was an admin at eGO. Also I an an admin on the SRP server and SB.

Why do you want to become an admin?:I want to be an admin to help enforce the rules because it seems to me during the US nighttime hours is when the UK admins log off and the Minges come on to ruin up or server. Also it seems we are in a shortage of admins and I would love to help out the community by adding my semi-limited admin expirience to the administration.

Why do you feel we should pick you over somebody else?:Well i have a lot more expirience that some other people also I have been super admin at a few other RP so I know common RP problem that prop up from time to time.


In-character name: I have not decided yet.

Steam friends name
: Nines

Steam ID: 12520311

Your Country (UK, America, New Zealand etc): America.

Your Timezone

Do you have any previous administration/leadership experience and if so, explain where/what/etc: Held positions of power before on several servers, from a high rank in a certain faction (One case is that I used to be a leader in a military intel branch) to being an admin (was super admin on RARP). Both I have resigned from to move on to different things. I never received one complaint against me in either of those cases, and I figure my years of RP experience helps with that.

Why do you want to become an admin?
: I like this server, i like helping, i think i could help even more by
becoming an admin, helping with issues, that sort of thing. I would help new RPers get aquanted with the server. I would also help stop the dming and flaming, and listen to complaints.

Why do you feel we should pick you over somebody else?: I've had years of rping experience, i know how servers like these work, i've also had quite a bit of leadership experience, if you see my above posts, also I am very mature and I know how to handle almost any problem regarding players in game. Not only this, but i've been with the community so long, I practically know everyone, which is always a good thing, because you need to know who you are administrating over.

: I'll also be getting a mic soon, along with my credit card, which hopefully leads to donating and ventrilo talk.


In-character name: Havn't decided yet.

Steam friends name: Turnkey230

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:10760741

Your Country (UK, America, New Zealand etc): Denmark

Your Timezone: GMT+1

Do you have any previous administration/leadership experience and if so, explain where/what/etc: No, not really :)

Why do you want to become an admin?: Well, I reallly admire the communitys admins, I feel like they are doing a big difference.
So I just want to help out like the communitys other admins.

Why do you feel we should pick you over somebody else?: Theres no reason, anybody would be better. Well im Credible :)


In-character name: Hazikas Carter

Steam friends name: [жŦ-Яж] Major Fluffy: 5th Fleet

Steam ID: 14915331

Your Country (UK, America, New Zealand etc): USA America

Your Timezone: GMT Mountain Time

Do you have any previous administration/leadership experience and if so, explain where/what/etc: Super Admin of GoDlY Server PHX, Wire, Stargate

Why do you want to become an admin?: To help the community and to help people when they need it.

Why do you feel we should pick you over somebody else?: Because i have admin experience, and i would like to be given a chance to help the community.

Lone Soldier

In-character name: Dweebin Dukin

Steam friends name: Mattyman97

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:10646772

Your Country (UK, America, New Zealand etc): America

Your Timezone: Eastern time

Do you have any previous administration/leadership experience and if so, explain where/what/etc: I do have previous Administration experience. If you know about TAV, There is a DRP server called TAV Dark RP. I was a Superadmin there for.. about 4 months, Many peaple enjoyed me as an admin, although I dont really use it for threatening. I like to use it undercover, because when Minges know that there is no admin on, they start to spam. I like to go in as a diffierent name. Please contact "[TAV] TheAwesome" If you are more interested in me. I was also a SuperAdmin at TheZoneRolePlay, before the merge. Nofearkid and Hybird trusted me to give ie to me, but I went inactive and lost it. Ask Hybird or Nofearkid for details.

Why do you want to become an admin?: I want to help the servers needs, and keep the DMing low, and keep the minges out. I might sound like a Abuser, But I really hate minges. You have seen me scream in OOC "Fucking DMer, Someone ban "blsudadgway7dgasyu" Please, Hes fucking DMing!" The only other thing you might not like, Is that peaple hate abusive admins, so dont expect me if I am accepted to be like "STOP THAT OR U WILL BE BANNED! I WILL KICK YOU IF YOU DO THAT AGAIN! STOPSTOPSTOP *Permaban's BSAIUSHWUI*

Why do you feel we should pick you over somebody else?: Because I might have more experience then this other person. If I dont, and if you deem it, feel free to pick them! Im also not expecting to be accepted, Im planning for the worst, as though some peaple have heard about my history when I first got here, And I was a minge, But since then, many peaple have agreed and said I have greatly improved, and can Roleplay well now this also ruins me because of past experience with many other members, I am expected random rating.. I am not expecting the best, I am planning for the worst. Im not going to beg, whatever it is, is what it is. Thanks for reading, - Haxator (Lone Soldier)
<:: Leve Koslev|Alive|Prof. Issac's apprentice|Strong::>

I fukin luv gunz so plz i kno i lie in my uh ecologiste app butte i luv them so plz still dun ban me, kthxbai

Rohok Teyar: [OOC]: Happens with every gun. o_O The inventory is fucked up the ass like an african giraffe in the amazon.

Lone Soldier

Quote from: MattyK In-character name: Markus (Hopefully the "Court Magician")

Steam friends name: [HGN] MattyK

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:11144302

Your Country (UK, America, New Zealand etc): South East England, UK.

Your Timezone: +0 GMT

Do you have any previous administration/leadership experience and if so, explain where/what/etc: Plenty in a series of Listen RP servers, plus some Dedicated Sandboxes.

Why do you want to become an admin?: Ain't it obvious? To be the person to ban those goddamn fucking abusers. And probably lead a greater role in the RP, and somebody to get nagged at for flags.

Why do you feel we should pick you over somebody else?: I was probably the first to literally leap out of my seat at the promise of Medieval RP, as I was a great admirer of Geo/Stingwraith's work.

I recommend MattyK. He is trustworthy, Reliable, and understanding. He has never, ever let me down.
<:: Leve Koslev|Alive|Prof. Issac's apprentice|Strong::>

I fukin luv gunz so plz i kno i lie in my uh ecologiste app butte i luv them so plz still dun ban me, kthxbai

Rohok Teyar: [OOC]: Happens with every gun. o_O The inventory is fucked up the ass like an african giraffe in the amazon.


In-character name: Will Morlonie

Steam friends name:
[HGN GA] ?i?KNe??

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:7233314

Your Country (UK, America, New Zealand etc):

Your Timezone: Central, -6 GMT

Do you have any previous administration/leadership experience and if so, explain where/what/etc:
Yeah, from Stalker rp in Roadside Picnic, in Hypergaming Network. Also from a couple of other old communities I used to be in. I'm still learning how to be a better admin, but also so people don't bitch at you after you kick/ban them.

Why do you want to become an admin?:
Because I enjoyed being admin in Stalker Roleplay, and I don't want to lose that.

Why do you feel we should pick you over somebody else?: I try and help everyone I can while I am busy. I join the server when people need some admins on. I restart the server when the server needs one. One problem you might not like is that I am not the most strict admin there is. I try to make sure people follow the rules, but also making sure they don't start hating me for doing my job.
Rusty - Returned to the Zone

Lone Soldier

I love how someone randomly rated peaple with a red X

EDIT: Ahaha! The mingebag rated me again! Ahaha! Its proberly Vityaz or SnakeTheFox XD being a mingey newb.
<:: Leve Koslev|Alive|Prof. Issac's apprentice|Strong::>

I fukin luv gunz so plz i kno i lie in my uh ecologiste app butte i luv them so plz still dun ban me, kthxbai

Rohok Teyar: [OOC]: Happens with every gun. o_O The inventory is fucked up the ass like an african giraffe in the amazon.


In-character name:Lady Ari

Steam friends name:.. - as in dot dot

Steam ID:N/A

Your Country (UK, America, New Zealand etc):Usa

Your Timezone:Central

Do you have any previous administration/leadership experience and if so, explain where/what/etc:I have had super admin on many servers and have been a admin on many others such as WW2RP Turning point but was disbanded due to low amount of players and donations.Im also a Expert at ULX

Why do you want to become an admin?:I want to become admin because a lot of people are minges and i want to keep the server running smoothly and i also want to make sure everything is fun for me and the players.

Why do you feel we should pick you over somebody else?:I am a really good rper. But i say you dont have to pick me for admin there are many other great rpers out there and admins but you should choose me because i can a lot of mingery. I am also known to admins. I also am good at old language for such rp.
Four Eyes is nice.

http://tinyurl.com/HGNUKMFMU - Military Faction Simple Medical Guide


In-character name: Devin Cobalt

Steam friends name: Devster13

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:13264015

Your Country (UK, America, New Zealand etc): USA

Your Timezone: Pacific

Do you have any previous administration/leadership experience and if so, explain where/what/etc: I was an admin for about four months on the various CCZ servers, but mainly on CCZ Serious RP. I have also been an admin on random other RP servers like the Leet Lounge.

Why do you want to become an admin?: I would like to help improve the quality of the roleplaying that goes on in the server by doing things such as helping out players the best I can and assisting in the removal of people who only come to the server to annoy players trying to have fun on the server.

Why do you feel we should pick you over somebody else?: I have experience as a RPer for about four years, and I'm not new to being an admin either. I am also fair in my judgments of situations and can make a call in a tough situation rather quickly.


In-character name: The Grim Reaper

Steam friends name: Judas Iscariot

Steam ID:I forgot, Does it matter? Im fucking Judas

Your Country (UK, America, New Zealand etc): Hades

Your Timezone: Hell has no timezone.

Do you have any previous administration/leadership experience and if so, explain where/what/etc: I lead the Army of the Damned.

Why do you want to become an admin?: Because I am Death.

Why do you feel we should pick you over somebody else?: I am the fucking Grim Reaper Bitch, Ill cut you.


In-character name: Gromgor the Large

Steam friends name: Carnage

Steam ID: What is dat?

Your Country (UK, America, New Zealand etc): Crussaria duh you stoopid humie

Your Timezone:umm whats dat?

Do you have any previous administration/leadership experience and if so, explain where/what/etc: I r chieften!

Why do you want to become an admin?: becuz I ar best!

Why do you feel we should pick you over somebody else?: Because I am biggust and baddast!

And Vityaz from Fyren. And Fyren from Silver. And really, it goes on. It's like a giant homo sex train

-Rohok Teyar


In-character name: Dunno yet.

Steam friends name: C1131

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:17681320

Your Country (UK, America, New Zealand etc): America

Your Timezone: Est (GMT -5)

Do you have any previous administration/leadership experience and if so, explain where/what/etc: lol TZ, acouple of WoW private servers.

Why do you want to become an admin?: Don't really have a reason. Lmao.

Why do you feel we should pick you over somebody else?: Because I don't shower.


In-character name:(Hopefully Father Markus)

Steam friends name:Jaxback21

Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:16964692

Your Country (UK, America, New Zealand etc):America

Your Timezone:Eastern

Do you have any previous administration/leadership experience and if so, explain where/what/etc:I was the leader of several groups in several different games. My most recent ones were from World of Warcraft I had one on a normal server and a roleplay server. I understand what it takes to have power.

Why do you want to become an admin?:I feel that I should become an admin because I know how stressful it is to be overwhelmed by unhappy players and I want to be able to help and make it a more fun roleplaying expirience for everyone.

Why do you feel we should pick you over somebody else?: I feel that I should be picked over the others because I understand the responsibilty behind being an admin/leader. I know that if I do a bad job as an admin my spot will be relinquished for someone else to have a chance. I just need one chance to prove how well of an admin I could be. I feel that I can boost the expirience for everyone and make sure that if a conflict occurs I can fix it fairly for both people.


In-character name:([orc] Thor TerrorBlade,[Human] John Strut

Steam friends name: [HGN Ta] Nails

Steam ID: (Will Get Soon :sailor: )

Your Country (UK, America, New Zealand etc): Australia

Your Timezone: GMT + 10

Do you have any previous administration/leadership experience and if so, explain where/what/etc: I was a Trial Admin on Stalker Roleplay.

Why do you want to become an admin?: So i can keep order and make sure everyone has a fair roleplaying experience
Why do you feel we should pick you over somebody else?: I am more trusted then others im mostly always on ventrillo to speak to others.
I chill quite often.


In-character name: Owen Darith

Steam friends name: [HGN] Mr. Tea

Steam ID: gonna put it here later.

Your Country (UK, America, New Zealand etc): America

Your Timezone: GMT -8

Do you have any previous administration/leadership experience and if so, explain where/what/etc: Many dark rp servers, build servers, my own server and here.

Why do you want to become an admin?: I just want another chance, i know im ready this time, i want to prove i can be better.

Why do you feel we should pick you over somebody else?: Honestly i believe i dont have this right, past experiance with Silver really ruins this for me, but i guess i still have a chance... right?


In-character name: Undecided.

Steam friends name: Dom.

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:16699101

Your Country (UK, America, New Zealand etc): Blackpool, England.

Your Timezone: GMT

Do you have any previous administration/leadership experience and if so, explain where/what/etc: I do not have any specific experiance as an Admin but i do have a strong sense of right and wrong and what is fair.

Why do you want to become an admin?: I want to be able to commit more to the server by offering my help, i also want to stop those goddamn minges.

Why do you feel we should pick you over somebody else?: As stated before i have a strong sense of right and wrong and know when and where to dish out hard justice. I was upset to hear we would be losing Stalker RP but i'm putting up with it and will make the most of Crussaria.


In-character name:If it is possible "Elrav" so here for more details http://www.hypergamer.net/board/index.php/topic,933.0.html

Steam friends name: Faw|A)Moordact

Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:17480691

Your Country (UK, America, New Zealand etc):Belgium

Your Timezone:Gmt+1

Do you have any previous administration/leadership experience and if so, explain where/what/etc: garrysmod darkrp server "Fireandwater" still admin although i heard something about Faw is over

Why do you want to become an admin?: I wan't to help the community , And i wanne rp .
I will only use the ban hammer when i got enough evidence of the person breaking multiple rules.

Why do you feel we should pick you over somebody else?: Because i am completely behind this cummunity and the only thing i wan't to do is help
Don't mind my englisch im Dutch!


In-character name: Zalus Vine

Steam friends name: Zaki

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:11605357

Your Country (UK, America, New Zealand etc): America

Your Timezone: Pacific

Do you have any previous administration/leadership experience and if so, explain where/what/etc: Yes I do, I have been an admin at RRP.

Why do you want to become an admin?: So I have a good chance to be a good somebody on the server instead of people thinking I am a trolling faggot.

Why do you feel we should pick you over somebody else?:I am able to be mature, I know how to keep my cool in certain situations, I am sort of hard to annoy, and I am always active on the server, I am on it as long as it is up. (But I have school and sports now so I wont be on sometimes).


In-character name: Aidan The Marksman

Steam friends name: [HGN] Sheperd

Steam ID: [/u] STEAM_0_0_12157185

Your Country (UK, America, New Zealand etc): USA

Your Timezone: Mountain

Do you have any previous administration/leadership experience and if so, explain where/what/etc: some World of warcraft private server's. A Garrysmod server of my own I use occationally.

Why do you want to become an admin?: To help the community and to benifit the role-play by trying to spot any abusers of Tool trust or people that are just randomly DMing. I would also like to be admin because I am very active and I would think that people would want the convinance of another admin on.

Why do you feel we should pick you over somebody else?: Because I can learn the ropes quickly and easily. I will try to help teach the new people. I have never been kicked or banned from a server on HGN before. (exept when Plauge banned me accidetaly).


In-character name: Edward Everdeen

Steam friends name: Plunger

Steam ID: 0:0:13927190

Your Country (UK, America, New Zealand etc): United States of America

Your Timezone: Central ( -6 GMT)

Do you have any previous administration/leadership experience and if so, explain where/what/etc: I was playing a 2D icon four years ago where I was one of the admins. It was called Cowed. I had to stop players from greifing (Random Killing to ruin role-plays.). The two other admins were Oasiscircle and Nategrant who along with me also helped develop the game.

I began playing another game called, Signora Legends, IT is a Japanese RPG game where the players use magic and swords much this game. I lead a group called Ryuu who stopped all the people from RKing (Random killing.) other players. We defated a big group called DUSK and now Ryuu is known by most in the game.

Also two years ago I lead a Counter Strike Warcraft 3 mod server for my clan, FN, used the server to train for all the clan matches and I moderated making sure no one from another clan tried to join the server. We began accepting clan member through the server and trained them there before accepting them into the clan. The clan went inactive a half a year ago when the owner of the clan moved.

I was also a respected member of the mercenary's clan that ran a modified Cake Script role-play of Gmod, It is much like this where you had to apply for a position to be a Civil Protection or Rebel. There was also the tool trust rule going on there. I went inactive from that server when my computer fried. I got a new laptop and that's when I found this forum and came here. Before I came here I tried to find the merc. server, but sadly it went down. The owner didn't get enough donation.

Why do you want to become an admin?: I want to help the community and this medieval server is going to be the first big new server for me since I've gotten my new laptop. I have experience being an admin from games that encouraged paragraph role-plays over small lines so I now what a good reason is for a kill. The ban is only used if they repeatedly do the same mistake. If a new player comes on and try's to kill a player, I'll ask him to stop, If he doesn't I'll kick him, If he comes back and starts again I'll ask him again, If he continues I'll ban him for sixty minutes, If he continues I'll have no choice to ban him for three hundred minutes or longer. I want to try and help the players role-play not punish them so they don't learn their lesson.

Why do you feel we should pick you over somebody else?:
I have a wealth of experience with medieval role-plays and only want the best for other players and role-players. I want to help the players play with their role-playing skills so there aren't more of the taco and banana style players. There aren't to many admins on in my time zone so when someone is on causing trouble they always get away with it. We need more or a difference in the time zones of this server and I would like to be one of them. If you don't pick me then you need to pick MattyK as an admin. Heck if you pick me, pick him also.

Alek Kenenday

In-character name: Sir John

Steam friends name:[Roadside Picnic] Redneck

Steam ID:

Your Country (UK, America, New Zealand etc):America

Your Timezone:Central

Do you have any previous administration/leadership experience and if so, explain where/what/etc: Yes on multiple servers including half life 1 (about 5 different ones)

Why do you want to become an admin?: Because I want to prove that I am not a mingebag and that people need to stop knocking people down and trying to help them
I do not even want that high of an Admin I just want a simple admin to like give flag and kick and that's about it. I will help the new people instead of yelling at them
and making them leave the server.

Why do you feel we should pick you over somebody else?: Because I have rped for 5 years and I want a chance to redeem myself and be an admin and instead of being an asshole
to help them


People really need to be mature about this and stop disagreeing.