[Religion] Rearusism

Started by DasHeadCrap, 13-05-2016

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Rearusism is a religion dedicated to the teachings of the prophet Rearus. It's widespead in the Northern Isles and relating Germanic lands.

What did Rearus preach?: According to Rearus, God created the universe as his grand machine in which it runs on itself with the occasional "tweak" from God. This of course is a condensed version as there's dozens of sects of Rearusism but that is the fundamental point of it. The people of the machine that help it function are rewarded life in God's realm after their life has ended. Those that are considered to unpositively help the machine however are sent to the Nether to learn their sins and perhaps work for another chance in the machine.

Symbol: A double cross (as in two horizontal lines through a vertical).

What happened to Rearus?: Rearus was crucified for his teachings over a thousand years ago. Thus the double cross is used to show not only the sacrifice one must make for the good of the "machine" but the higher power (the second line in the cross) that rewards such sacrifice.

How to typical Rearus members treat other religions?: Rearus members will try to convert but it's not forced. While the religion is typically strictly enforced in following Kingdoms there are usually not wars with other nations over it simply because the conflict and resulting death's would be seen as "hurting the machine". However exceptions are made when an opposing religion seems to seriously threaten the fundamental idea of the machine. Thus neutral and similar religions are tolerated but directly opposing ones are fought.

States/Factions following Rearus:

Listen, man, humanity dreams of the stars for one reason and one reason only. Hot xeno ass. Don't fail us now.