New Iseyu Application Thread

Started by Syl, 29-06-2015

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This is the official application post for the new Iseyu revival.

If you've already been accepted and played on the server on the previous Iseyu and before, you don't need to re-apply. Instead just go ahead an pm a mod or admin for the password.

Please have an original name for your character (Not an internet alias, an actual name), and while it is okay to take some elements from another character, please don't plagiarize a character from an outside source.


[b]Roleplay Name:[/b]

[b]Players you already know on the on the server:[/b]

[b]Previous roleplay experience:[/b]

[b]What servers have you played on, and how long:[/b]

[b]Why would you like to join our server:[/b]

[b]Do you agree to follow the rules?:[/b]

[b]Will you agree to a One week probation Period?:[/b]


[b] You awake slowly, being brought back to consciousness by the feeling of the ocean spray hitting your face, and the sound of waves. You wake with a start, noticing  you're adrift at sea on a piece of driftwood, and there's nothing you can see except the expanse of the sea around you. You subtly remember a storm, and the sound of a large amount of wood cracking. How do you react? (Roleplay it out.) [b]

[b] You're walking through the muddy tracks of a bustling city fair, and there are sound and smells all around you. An interesting place to be sure, but as you're looking into one of the makeshift bar, you see a bartender slip something suspicious into what looks to be a nobleman's drink. How do you react? (Roleplay it out) [b]

[b] You're walking through the marketplace of a town, people passing back and quite a bit of confusion going on in what appears to be a rush hour of sorts. Around the middle of the square, a running child crashes  into you, quite hard, and you take a tumble down onto the cobblestones. Instantly the child is helping you up and brushing off your coat, but before you know it, you feel a small hand snatch your purse, and as you turn around, another child is dashing through the crowd with your coin purse in hand, and if you turn back around, the other child has disappeared too, how do you react? (Roleplay it out.) [b]

Please, take this seriously, and don't give us any one sentence answers, or it will just be automatically denied. Put some thought into it, and please make sure it is legible. If you are accepted, pm a mod or administrator for the password.  If denied, simply reapply, fixing any changes that need to be made. Follow the  format, and do not add any fonts or glows or crazy colors. Thank you.