-=DUTY=- Private Medical Records

Started by IceFire, 03-03-2013

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Medical Log of Duty's 7th Platoon
-Medical documents of Duty personnel locked in the medical department files-
Lead Medic: James Kalix
Days since last injury: 1

Please fill out this form to submit an accident report to keep tracks of all medical conditions of soldiers if lead medic was not around at the time of injury:

-Injury Submission Form-
IC Name:
Date of Injury:
Medical Treatments(If any):
Who treated you?

Medical Log:

Mikhail Fedoseev

Very minor injury's sustained. Walked into Springboard. No medical treatment required. - James Kalix

Ctislav Cherkisov

Is in well condition to now go on patrols again. Bandages should be kept on for at least another week. - James Kalix

Zapped by anomaly with a delay. Treated electrical burn with bandages, to be replaced every 3 days until healed. Stable condition. Taking painkillers twice a day. - James Kalix

Kuzma Travkin

Scratech by snork, left shoulder. Healed with moonlight artifact. - James Kalix