SRP: Economy Discussion (Because it needs its own spot)

Started by irondeity, 17-11-2012

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Quote from: Lent23 on 26-11-2012
It's easy to hoard gear. This was my inventory before Adam Chronovich was PK'd, all of this was then taken away by Goose and he refused to give it back when I was unPK'd. If people can do something, they will, so don't even try to stop them. This inventory took like three months of faction management and smooth talking traders to get, so this is one extreme, but the safebox was big enough to hold three high end suits.

Then why do you hoard it if it's a problem for you? I don't even understand what are you trying to say, no shit it's easy to hoard gear in a server where there are no strict limits on that to make roleplay possible you schmuck. This just proves that you could care less about roleplay or you're simply trying to boast about having a mediocre amount of items. It doesn't matter which of the two is the case because in the end nobody gives a damn, Lent.
Blake.H: And im also working on whipping him into shape
Blake.H: He's nice
Blake.H: He doesn't moan
Blake.H: The sheer obedience is enough to fuel my erection anyway


Quote from: Jake on 26-11-2012
Quote from: Lent23 on 26-11-2012
It's easy to hoard gear. This was my inventory before Adam Chronovich was PK'd, all of this was then taken away by Goose and he refused to give it back when I was unPK'd. If people can do something, they will, so don't even try to stop them. This inventory took like three months of faction management and smooth talking traders to get, so this is one extreme, but the safebox was big enough to hold three high end suits.

This just proves that you could care less about roleplay or you're simply trying to boast about having a mediocre amount of items. It doesn't matter which of the two is the case because in the end nobody gives a damn, Lent.

Quote pyramid get?


Why don't we make it so guns have durability. (Or so that they expire/get used up after some point in time.)

Yes it makes people more hesitant to use their guns, but isn't that a good thing?

There's so many good things about that I don't know where to start.


Because coding that is harder than the other control mechanisms discussed.

I'm not overly familiar with lua but I guess you could have durability where every gun object (lua is object oriented right?) has a field "Roundcount" that, when the gun is fired, is incremented and once it hits some value you get the message "Your gun has jammed/broken an operating rod/has a worn sear/some other firearm problem" and you'd have to take it to the trader to get repaired. The trader could right click on the swep like you can to harvest ammo from and have a "Repair" option that resets the counter. Again not sure how easy that would be to code but the concept seems like it'd be doable.


Quote from: Paintcheck on 26-11-2012
Because coding that is harder than the other control mechanisms discussed.

I'm not overly familiar with lua but I guess you could have durability where every gun object (lua is object oriented right?) has a field "Roundcount" that, when the gun is fired, is incremented and once it hits some value you get the message "Your gun has jammed/broken an operating rod/has a worn sear/some other firearm problem" and you'd have to take it to the trader to get repaired. The trader could right click on the swep like you can to harvest ammo from and have a "Repair" option that resets the counter. Again not sure how easy that would be to code but the concept seems like it'd be doable.

It's the best way to make the economy WORK, since you know, all economies are based on depletion and consumption. You can't have an economy unless stuff is breaking/getting consumed.

Edit: Also there should be some chance that guns are irreparable.


In case of gun becoming overused, you could make a big roundcount that when exceeded shows a message which says the weapon starts to make some odd noises or feels as if it was going to break. A second, slightly bigger roundcount would make it so the gun breaks and it's just a scrap worth maybe 100 RU (30-50 RU in case of pistols, 200 RU in case of sniper rifles), and the traders should repair weapons for 1/4 of their price, like 750 RU to repair an AKS74M, etc.

EDIT: OFC it's all an assumption based on Paintcheck's assumption.
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No one's going to get even close to using their gun till it needs repairs since they will be barely using them. It would give you a reason to buy new guns from the traders, though, but as long as they are expensive as hell no one will want to risk them in a fight. And if no one takes risks than the server will be boring as all fuck.


Kinda like what sticky said, all I see are even less fights, because people will now not only lose guns on death, but by chance the gun breaks after a shoot out.

I'd wager that it would increase hoarding preservation of one's gun, more than anything.
People will be able to lose guns even more than before.


Quote from: Khorn on 26-11-2012
Kinda like what sticky said, all I see are even less fights, because people will now not only lose guns on death, but by chance the gun breaks after a shoot out.

I'd wager that it would increase hoarding more than anything.
People will be able to lose guns even more than before.

Thus factions like monolith can terrorize with their giant stash of guns.


What the hell Khorne, drop the whole hoarding guns thing. People can hoard 5 guns at max. Woo. That wasn't whats wrong with the economy.

By quality, I meant guns that were poor condition had less of an accuracy of those with good conditions. Guns could never break, just decrease in effectiveness. Simple.
SRP chars:
Vasilli 'Vasoline' Nikolaev - Freedom - Alive
Aleksey Ipanov - Spooky Trenchcoat Man - Alive
'Pale' - Bloodsucker - Alive


I wasn't referring to your version of durability Spartans.

And I didn't mean hoard as in grab every gun they see. I should have said 'preserved' as in, players would be even less likely to fight because they would be now able to lose guns both after dying, or shooting just a bit too much.

It will basically make another reason for people to avoid actual gun fights.


I don't think there's any better idea other than implementing worldspawn v2.0 bug or a shitty saving system.
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Making it so people loose shit randomly is retarded. We need to keep SRP close to reality, and that doesn't mean adding in a Gearfairy that takes your items away while you sleep at night. I feel like my ideas just haven't been properly addressed yet.


Quote from: StickyWicket on 28-11-2012
Making it so people loose shit randomly is retarded. We need to keep SRP close to reality, and that doesn't mean adding in a Gearfairy that takes your items away while you sleep at night. I feel like my ideas just haven't been properly addressed yet.

It was a joke. Stop pretending like SRP is a super secret nuclear project that needs to be executed ASAP -- it's not the case, relax. We've got like what, 7 pages of ideas(and trash) + the economy thread and I think we're all getting the idea now.
Blake.H: And im also working on whipping him into shape
Blake.H: He's nice
Blake.H: He doesn't moan
Blake.H: The sheer obedience is enough to fuel my erection anyway


Thats's what happens when you post ideas at HGN.

No one here understands what anyone is talking about.


I still think durability and faster paychecks would make items more fluid.


Not necessarily relevant to the topic but relevant to the economy

Drop the damn price of the Mosin and add a scoped version you want to know why?

I went around and looked at prices for Mosins in America at least. . . They never went as high as 260 dollars (8000 rubles) at most it got to like 100 dollars or so (3000 Rubles) and was as cheap as 50 dollars (1500 rubles)

Add a scope because you can add not WWII scopes on them its just more expensive than the gun to add things to the gun to make it a scoped weapon (Which you could use as an excuse to raise the price above what a normal mosin costs to avoid lots of people buying them for sniper weapons)

Quote from: TheAndyShandy on 05-12-2013
Oh boy.
Strap yourselves in, it's time for the great 'obligatory' SRP resurrection of 2013/14/15/16/22


Quote from: Tom on 30-11-2012
Not necessarily relevant to the topic but relevant to the economy
Drop the damn price of the Mosin and add a scoped version you want to know why?
I went around and looked at prices for Mosins in America at least. . . They never went as high as 260 dollars (8000 rubles) at most it got to like 100 dollars or so (3000 Rubles) and was as cheap as 50 dollars (1500 rubles)
Add a scoped version of it cause

If we follow that logic then we should raise the price of the exoskeleton to over a dozen million rubles. The swep is surprisingly balanced, yet effective, which is why it has a high price. Mosin doesn't need any changes.
Blake.H: And im also working on whipping him into shape
Blake.H: He's nice
Blake.H: He doesn't moan
Blake.H: The sheer obedience is enough to fuel my erection anyway


Quote from: Jake on 30-11-2012
Quote from: Tom on 30-11-2012
Not necessarily relevant to the topic but relevant to the economy
Drop the damn price of the Mosin and add a scoped version you want to know why?
I went around and looked at prices for Mosins in America at least. . . They never went as high as 260 dollars (8000 rubles) at most it got to like 100 dollars or so (3000 Rubles) and was as cheap as 50 dollars (1500 rubles)
Add a scoped version of it cause

If we follow that logic then we should raise the price of the exoskeleton to over a dozen million rubles. The swep is surprisingly balanced, yet effective, which is why it has a high price. Mosin doesn't need any changes.

Except if you took it into a STK fight you'd get your shit knocked in.

YOu're right if we used my method of pricing Exos would be more expensive so would every other gun

I did however look up the price of other guns in SRP, they are more expensive than they are in SRP, like a lot.
Quote from: TheAndyShandy on 05-12-2013
Oh boy.
Strap yourselves in, it's time for the great 'obligatory' SRP resurrection of 2013/14/15/16/22


Quote from: Tom on 30-11-2012
Quote from: Jake on 30-11-2012
Quote from: Tom on 30-11-2012
Not necessarily relevant to the topic but relevant to the economy
Drop the damn price of the Mosin and add a scoped version you want to know why?
I went around and looked at prices for Mosins in America at least. . . They never went as high as 260 dollars (8000 rubles) at most it got to like 100 dollars or so (3000 Rubles) and was as cheap as 50 dollars (1500 rubles)
Add a scoped version of it cause

If we follow that logic then we should raise the price of the exoskeleton to over a dozen million rubles. The swep is surprisingly balanced, yet effective, which is why it has a high price. Mosin doesn't need any changes.

Except if you took it into a STK fight you'd get your shit knocked in.

YOu're right if we used my method of pricing Exos would be more expensive so would every other gun

I did however look up the price of other guns in SRP, they are more expensive than they are in SRP, like a lot.

Yeah I noticed that too. I mean, AK47s would probably be expensive on SRP but in real life an old 80s AK47 is like a hundred bucks. I mean why not use those? Just make them shitty rifles. It'd make sense considering we're in the Ukraine and the Soviet Union made tons of these.


Quote from: Corocan on 30-11-2012
Quote from: Tom on 30-11-2012
Quote from: Jake on 30-11-2012
Quote from: Tom on 30-11-2012
Not necessarily relevant to the topic but relevant to the economy
Drop the damn price of the Mosin and add a scoped version you want to know why?
I went around and looked at prices for Mosins in America at least. . . They never went as high as 260 dollars (8000 rubles) at most it got to like 100 dollars or so (3000 Rubles) and was as cheap as 50 dollars (1500 rubles)
Add a scoped version of it cause

If we follow that logic then we should raise the price of the exoskeleton to over a dozen million rubles. The swep is surprisingly balanced, yet effective, which is why it has a high price. Mosin doesn't need any changes.

Except if you took it into a STK fight you'd get your shit knocked in.

YOu're right if we used my method of pricing Exos would be more expensive so would every other gun

I did however look up the price of other guns in SRP, they are more expensive than they are in SRP, like a lot.

Yeah I noticed that too. I mean, AK47s would probably be expensive on SRP but in real life an old 80s AK47 is like a hundred bucks. I mean why not use those? Just make them shitty rifles. It'd make sense considering we're in the Ukraine and the Soviet Union made tons of these.

Thats why the gun itself is cheap. It makes no sense for the Mosin to be expensive, and using the argument of "Its an old weapon and no longer made" isn't a valid excuse. The same exact thing goes with most of the AK's too.

Besides, the Mosin sucked so fucking bad it wasn't even funny. Saying that it is balanced would be true if you took it against some with the skill of a 3 yearold with Parkinsons. Shitty guns like that should be a low price so that rookies can afford different types of weapons other than shit pistol and shit shotgun. They now get a chance to try out a shit rifle that is actually ever so slightly effective at long range.

<22:23:04> "Puffles": gofuckyourselfaggot
<22:25:12> You were banned for 5 hours from the server by "Cole" (For trolling)
Never in my life have I ever had to endure 9 yearolds calling me a banana picker, and then get banned afterwards for doing nothing wrong.
Promising Young admins.


Considering the fact that talibs still use MP40's, Mosin Nagants, Kar98's, Sten SMG's and other WW2 and 50's weaponry, I'd safely say it'd be easy to get a big shipment of these guns in the Zone.
And if you guys think that Sten's are so rare in general, then I invite you to the lecture of Sten production in German-occupied Poland.
Besides, Mosin Nagant is slow due to it's bolt-action mechanism, only really good snipers would want to use it because it has a really slow fire rate. No-scope variants should be used by rookies because they can't really afford any better weaponry.
so mlg
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Guns shouldn't be purposefully made shitty. I'd like to see weapons that are actually identical to their real life counter parts. Rookie guns are hunting weapons, pistols, and maybe a sub machine gun. There are obvious draw backs to hunting weapons, like high reload time, low magizine capacity, and short range. Pistols' draw backs should be obvious. And an submachine gun has low ballistics and range. That's not to say they are bad. Any rifle round, and especially a slug, could end someone's life easily. And buckshot at a range of up to five meters is almost certain death. But, in combat they generally don't preform well due to the drawbacks stated above.

When it comes to mosin, I don't see the problem with it. If we actually made the weapons realistic than you will find that we don't need to make anything that different when it comes to prices. A mosin fires the same cartridge as the SVD, yet the SVD is much more ideal since it is semi-auto, better weight, better recoil, more ammo capacity, and less reload time. Where, the mosin is bolt-action, made out of heavy wood and steel, and is a little bit less accurate than the SVD. But, mosin and SVD should still do the same amount of damage. Good thing about making the mosin a rookie's rifle/sniper is that you can't go around abusing it's high damage and accuracy in STK because of it's drawbacks. All guns should have accurate prices and performance. Trust me, a mosin would be ideal for a rookie's weapon, along with all the other weapons accosiated with low/mid/high tiers.

BTW: I live in Tennessee and I can pick up a mosin at the flea market for 20 bucks. Now, imagine russia where it's even more rural and it was actually produced there.

BTWx2: I think an AK47 would be a must addition to the script.


I think the guns are the least important thing right now.
And to be honest, I did not see any problem with the economy. When people had millions, they engaged RP and didnt care if they lost stuff instead of crying in corner sucking their thumb because that bad-bad-ThY is on Albino and raping everyone.


We seem to be stuck somewhere in between making people have less weapons and making people have more weapons but being able to roleplay. As nke said, we had that pretty well last time..
"Mommy, when is Daddy coming home?"
"Here, Alex.. Daddy sent us a package.. The soldier told us that it.. might be a while until Daddy's done with his service. Don't worry, you'll see him soon, Alex.."
"He's always gone! I never get to see him!"