SRP: What you like/dislike, Want/Do not want PROPER DISCUSSION THREAD

Started by Tom, 07-11-2012

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   I'm going to make this as short and sweet as possible; there's no way to discuss a problem about 'gear' by setting it as a spawning weapon. (Except for maybe the major factions such as Duty or Freedom and so on.) And why do you ask? Well people say it time and time again in role-play servers "Oh, gear doesn't matter, it's just about the role-play!" Now yes, I agree in some RP situations it's not necessary, and even on some servers you can go your entire character's life without a single gun and then die for being in the wrong place!

Now we can all argue that GR is a bad or good thing and that there should be a definite rule about it; though personally I think it should just be an unwritten agreement between the two role-playing. I mean shit, people aren't /that/ much'a dicks all the time >_>. Sure, you may have some cash and your gun taken from you; but who hasn't had that happen? People always come back on the rebound, just be smart with your money. You can always work yourself back to the top if you play your cards right.

But S.T.A.L.K.E.R role-play is not a place like that. No matter which way you look at it, people go to the Zone to make money fast and either leave, or improve their standard of living (Through possibly 'gear' or other means.). Now I'm not trying to sound like a 'gear' monger when I say this, it's just that 'gear' /does/ matter; It matters more than most other role-play servers. 'Gear' increases one's survivability in the Zone, 'gear' is what helps the poor stalker survive maybe another day. Sure, you can passive and sure, you could just live in a bar and be a sad little drunk stalker all day. But in order to get in line with the big-wigs it seems; you have to show what you're worth and the safest and easiest way to do that is have a nice shiny shooter or a protective suit.

What I think we need to work on is just more sensible role-play. Less "Triple back flipping bloodsuckers" and more realistic role-play; I say we just simplify the rules and then let the player-base make whatever they can of the server.  It feels annoying sometimes to be tied down to a canon that's already sketchy as it is, why don't we let our audience give it a little twist of their own? Maybe giving everyone else a say in the matter and helping them shape their own world even if it's a little bit, will help.   Of course admins can step in whenever shit gets out of hand, but the Zone is kinda lawless, if someone can get away with something ridiculous which could actually happen; then why not let them do it?

What I'm trying to say is, let's just make the community a little more open to outsiders maybe and make sure the RP stay sensible >_> I mean jesus christ we have had bullet proof blood suckers, spine-ripping mortal kombat finishers (As Thanatos mentioned.)... Let's just let S.T.A.L.K.E.R be S.T.A.L.K.E.R. . No Streloks, no crazy wild shit <_<. . . . PLEASE.  (When I think about it, yes I know that there's a bunch of weird stuff in the canon already, but you should know what I'm tryin' to say.)


Also I'd like to address a little problem I found about STK/STM and just using a gun in general on SRP; I've found it very silly that instead of STM or STRP or anything like that, the whole situation suddenly become "Action movie the role-play." I mean seriously, someone gets their nickers in a bunch for getting clipped or hit with a bullet >_>... Injuries happen in firefights and if you aren't willing to accept this yourself, then how about you let someone else help you understand? If it were anyone's choice, no one would ever get hit by anything it seems. It's just something silly that I thought I'd like to address, if there are any rule changes, I think something should definetley touch on that subject at least a little bit.

Of course we all want the admins (We've beaten this subject into a bloody pulp already, I know.) to be active and involved etc, etc, we all know how that goes; But players need to create their own RP, it's not hard. You just have to /do/ it. Try to rely more on yourself and your own resources rather than admins with their almighty guiding hand to make a pivotal moment in SRP. 'Jus takes a little bit of effort.

Everything aside I think I spoke a little too much and made too little sense, oh well! That's just how I sees it.

I think I failed at making it "Short and sweet." ._.

Steven :D

The fucking guns S2M for you whats the fucking point of trying even harder. Most conflicts should be S2K because everybody is rambo is S2RP and S2M is stupid because you waste your ammo for somebody elses pleasure.

Lucky Pig

Not everybody, and if someone gets rambo there will probably be a shoutdown in OOC resulting in A) an admin popping on the scene or B) the "rambo" gets some sense pounded into its head by an AK. Most of these are new players, who dont really get the concept yet anyways.


Here we go.

1.) Restrict progression in terms of items to only Stalkers. Faction members will spawn with a suit, and a gun with accordance to their rank, but are stuck with them. To get new ones they'd need to rank up in the faction, possibly giving them a new flag with the new items in accordance. This will put the spotlight on the stalkers where it should be, and stop the stupid faction gear whoring, and encourage them to actually follow orders, and stay active faction wise if they want to improve.

2.) For the love of god stop suggesting perma-death. It's the shittiest idea ever for RP. Role-Play is about developing a character, something you can't do when your characters die once or twice per day.

3.) Stop trying to over complicate the script because you feel it'll add 'immersion'.


Just as an FYI, when I mentioned perma-death, it wasn't the point of my whole post.

I just want to see the economy stripped down to a point where it won't play the role of the whole server. I also still vote with the idea of locking faction gear.

At least than, admins won't need to monitor each and every fight between factions. And then the factions can just handle themselves and win by their own troops ability.


Quote from: Plunger on 08-11-2012
Here we go.

1.) Restrict progression in terms of items to only Stalkers. Faction members will spawn with a suit, and a gun with accordance to their rank, but are stuck with them. To get new ones they'd need to rank up in the faction, possibly giving them a new flag with the new items in accordance. This will put the spotlight on the stalkers where it should be, and stop the stupid faction gear whoring, and encourage them to actually follow orders, and stay active faction wise if they want to improve.

2.) For the love of god stop suggesting perma-death. It's the shittiest idea ever for RP. Role-Play is about developing a character, something you can't do when your characters die once or twice per day.

3.) Stop trying to over complicate the script because you feel it'll add 'immersion'.

I think this is your only non-idiotic post in ages, Plunger.
I actually agree with your post 100%.


Quote from: Steven :D on 08-11-2012
The fucking guns S2M for you whats the fucking point of trying even harder. Most conflicts should be S2K because everybody is rambo is S2RP and S2M is stupid because you waste your ammo for somebody elses pleasure.

Guns got fixed by Pistolkid to not be super shitty before I left, sure if you hip fire full auto you won't hit a damn thing but if you're smart about firing you have a chance of hitting a target at impressive distances.

Also, kudos to CC for stating what I've been saying all along and that is to let HGN make drive the story/canon. Of course he may not be suggesting the same thing I've been suggesting and that is. . . To ignore the main storyline of the main characters of S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Act like they don't/didn't exist or happen, hell it'd open up some leeway for events that could happen IDK, just divorce the idea that if it didn't happen in the game it shouldn't happen in the server. . . Also yeah I agree that Suckers need a nerf as far as how "SUPER FACKING REDICULUS AWESAM" they are in RP, yes they are higher in the food chain but they aren't these super sayian beasts that doesn't afraid of anything aren't affected by bullets and blades.


Quote from: Plunger on 08-11-2012
Here we go.

1.) Restrict progression in terms of items to only Stalkers. Faction members will spawn with a suit, and a gun with accordance to their rank, but are stuck with them. To get new ones they'd need to rank up in the faction, possibly giving them a new flag with the new items in accordance. This will put the spotlight on the stalkers where it should be, and stop the stupid faction gear whoring, and encourage them to actually follow orders, and stay active faction wise if they want to improve.

2.) For the love of god stop suggesting perma-death. It's the shittiest idea ever for RP. Role-Play is about developing a character, something you can't do when your characters die once or twice per day.

3.) Stop trying to over complicate the script because you feel it'll add 'immersion'.

Quote from: TheAndyShandy on 05-12-2013
Oh boy.
Strap yourselves in, it's time for the great 'obligatory' SRP resurrection of 2013/14/15/16/22


Quote from: Tom on 09-11-2012To ignore the main storyline of the main characters of S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Act like they don't/didn't exist or happen, hell it'd open up some leeway for events that could happen IDK, just divorce the idea that if it didn't happen in the game it shouldn't happen in the server... I agree that bloodsuckers need a nerf as far as how "SUPER FACKING REDICULUS AWESAM" they are in RP, yes they are higher in the food chain but they aren't these super sayian beasts that doesn't afraid of anything aren't affected by bullets and blades.
Just make SRP post-CoP storyline, that will free us from the bonds of STALKER storyline, we could also progress SRP into it's own storyline too.
While bloodsucker nerfing is pointless, because after all people RP differently and it won't change shit, other than lowering combat ability of good-RPing bloodsuckers UNLESS you'd buff up the hit and run tactics which bloodsuckers used in STALKER games by, for example, making bloodsuckers barely visible or invisible after a few seconds and making sure people know that bloodsucker claws can pierce through kevlar (after all they attack stalkers, don't they?). It'd compensate the fact that bloodsuckers are easier to kill and would make bloodsucker players able to escape with buffed up cloak.

EDIT: Also Khorn, your idea about perma-death is stil bad.
RP is developing your character and losing a really developed one due to a stray bullet doesn't really promote that. And if you think that everyone would still RP, then you're wrong. Perma-death only works on RP's like Starship Troopers because it's solely your fault you have died, dying because of an accident or a sniper on a hill will make SRP a DayZ/WarZ game where everyone would be hostile to each other because they don't want to lose gear and their precious character. It would also make people rage quit and would make SRP a dead server.
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Quote from: lolKieck on 09-11-2012
Quote from: Tom on 09-11-2012To ignore the main storyline of the main characters of S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Act like they don't/didn't exist or happen, hell it'd open up some leeway for events that could happen IDK, just divorce the idea that if it didn't happen in the game it shouldn't happen in the server... I agree that bloodsuckers need a nerf as far as how "SUPER FACKING REDICULUS AWESAM" they are in RP, yes they are higher in the food chain but they aren't these super sayian beasts that doesn't afraid of anything aren't affected by bullets and blades.
Just make SRP post-CoP storyline, that will free us from the bonds of STALKER storyline, we could also progress SRP into it's own storyline too.
While bloodsucker nerfing is pointless, because after all people RP differently and it won't change shit, other than lowering combat ability of good-RPing bloodsuckers UNLESS you'd buff up the hit and run tactics which bloodsuckers used in STALKER games by, for example, making bloodsuckers barely visible or invisible after a few seconds and making sure people know that bloodsucker claws can pierce through kevlar (after all they attack stalkers, don't they?). It'd compensate the fact that bloodsuckers are easier to kill and would make bloodsucker players able to escape with buffed up cloak.

EDIT: Also Khorn, your idea about perma-death is stil bad.
RP is developing your character and losing a really developed one due to a stray bullet doesn't really promote that. And if you think that everyone would still RP, then you're wrong. Perma-death only works on RP's like Starship Troopers because it's solely your fault you have died, dying because of an accident or a sniper on a hill will make SRP a DayZ/WarZ game where everyone would be hostile to each other because they don't want to lose gear and their precious character. It would also make people rage quit and would make SRP a dead server.
Completly agree.
Althought Monolith would be gone with that canon, still better than /this/.
And about the bloodsuckers, sure they do attack stalkers, but holy hell I completly hate Bloodsuckers which attack a group of more than three stalkers, which are armed, thats just a suicide for them, they are supposed to be atleast a bit afraid.


First of all, I support the post-Call of Pripyat idea. It would allow us to get a sure point of where we left off (Those who finished Call of Pripyat know precisely where we are, and the things that have happened thus far.) The main characters could have existed previously, and everything could have happened how it happened, and the atmosphere would be uniform for every single player. Also, as a response to Knife, the Monolith is not needed in my opinion, as their only objective in the STALKER universe is to provide late game resistance to the "Wish Granter." SRP should not take place in what can be considered "Late game" of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. universe.

Next, the 'gear' "Problem." The entire point, the entire focus of S.T.A.L.K.E.R. is the economy. Whether you like it or not, 99% of the Stalkers have come to the Zone in search of wealth in black market "Artifacts." No scared bitches come to the Zone, a place they know is dangerous. It takes a very adventurous, strong, brave person as a base for the desire to enter the Zone in the first place. Some people may have come for personal reasons, and that's acceptable, but that's the very minority.

The factions should have two focuses, one In-character, one Out of Character. The In-character focus should be on the faction's ideals, ie Freedom's free access and lack of "ownership" of the Zone, or Duty's destruction of the Zone and its inhabitants (The mutants, Anomalies, etc). The Out of Character goal should be to enhance the roleplay of the Neutral Stalkers (the main demographic of SRP) while still building their own character's story. This fact is something Gonztah and I agreed on and influenced how each of us would theoretically run our two factions together (provided we had both won our nominations), for the betterment of Stalkers. Creating a large area that can potentially be used to creating events and working with admins to create a huge amount of jobs for the average Stalker.

I am school currently and have work afterwards, so I'll add more information once I have more free time, but this is the basis of my main points and my stance on SRP.
"Mommy, when is Daddy coming home?"
"Here, Alex.. Daddy sent us a package.. The soldier told us that it.. might be a while until Daddy's done with his service. Don't worry, you'll see him soon, Alex.."
"He's always gone! I never get to see him!"


Quote from: Lent23 on 09-11-2012
First of all, I support the post-Call of Pripyat idea. It would allow us to get a sure point of where we left off (Those who finished Call of Pripyat know precisely where we are, and the things that have happened thus far.) The main characters could have existed previously, and everything could have happened how it happened, and the atmosphere would be uniform for every single player. Also, as a response to Knife, the Monolith is not needed in my opinion, as their only objective in the STALKER universe is to provide late game resistance to the "Wish Granter." SRP should not take place in what can be considered "Late game" of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. universe.

It'd still be nice to at least see some remnants of them, like when you came across Strider and his group.

Removing them altogether would be kind of stupid I think.


Quote from: Otto on 09-11-2012
Quote from: Lent23 on 09-11-2012
First of all, I support the post-Call of Pripyat idea. It would allow us to get a sure point of where we left off (Those who finished Call of Pripyat know precisely where we are, and the things that have happened thus far.) The main characters could have existed previously, and everything could have happened how it happened, and the atmosphere would be uniform for every single player. Also, as a response to Knife, the Monolith is not needed in my opinion, as their only objective in the STALKER universe is to provide late game resistance to the "Wish Granter." SRP should not take place in what can be considered "Late game" of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. universe.

It'd still be nice to at least see some remnants of them, like when you came across Strider and his group.

Removing them altogether would be kind of stupid I think.

I don't disagree with this, remnant forces that aren't associated with the faction itself anymore would be fine with regulation, in my opinion, but the main force of "Monolith" is just meant to kill people.
"Mommy, when is Daddy coming home?"
"Here, Alex.. Daddy sent us a package.. The soldier told us that it.. might be a while until Daddy's done with his service. Don't worry, you'll see him soon, Alex.."
"He's always gone! I never get to see him!"


Quote from: Otto on 09-11-2012
Quote from: Lent23 on 09-11-2012
First of all, I support the post-Call of Pripyat idea. It would allow us to get a sure point of where we left off (Those who finished Call of Pripyat know precisely where we are, and the things that have happened thus far.) The main characters could have existed previously, and everything could have happened how it happened, and the atmosphere would be uniform for every single player. Also, as a response to Knife, the Monolith is not needed in my opinion, as their only objective in the STALKER universe is to provide late game resistance to the "Wish Granter." SRP should not take place in what can be considered "Late game" of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. universe.

It'd still be nice to at least see some remnants of them, like when you came across Strider and his group.

Removing them altogether would be kind of stupid I think.

Monolith doing gorilla warfare against stalkers would be fun.
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Kieck, like I stated a few posts above, perma death was nothing more than an after thought, not the main point I was making. I don't care either way, but I personally could play just fine with a aperma death option.

My point was about the issues with economy and gear, so please stop trying to point out something I was driving after.


Quote from: lolKieck on 09-11-2012
Quote from: Otto on 09-11-2012
Quote from: Lent23 on 09-11-2012
First of all, I support the post-Call of Pripyat idea. It would allow us to get a sure point of where we left off (Those who finished Call of Pripyat know precisely where we are, and the things that have happened thus far.) The main characters could have existed previously, and everything could have happened how it happened, and the atmosphere would be uniform for every single player. Also, as a response to Knife, the Monolith is not needed in my opinion, as their only objective in the STALKER universe is to provide late game resistance to the "Wish Granter." SRP should not take place in what can be considered "Late game" of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. universe.

It'd still be nice to at least see some remnants of them, like when you came across Strider and his group.

Removing them altogether would be kind of stupid I think.

Monolith doing gorilla warfare against stalkers would be fun.

Exactly, a few fanatics left just causing a little havoc.


Quote from: Khorn on 09-11-2012
Kieck, like I stated a few posts above, perma death was nothing more than an after thought, not the main point I was making. I don't care either way, but I personally could play just fine with a aperma death option.

My point was about the issues with economy and gear, so please stop trying to point out something I was driving after.
There's a Delete button for a reason.
"Mommy, when is Daddy coming home?"
"Here, Alex.. Daddy sent us a package.. The soldier told us that it.. might be a while until Daddy's done with his service. Don't worry, you'll see him soon, Alex.."
"He's always gone! I never get to see him!"


Quote from: Lent23 on 09-11-2012
Quote from: Khorn on 09-11-2012
Kieck, like I stated a few posts above, perma death was nothing more than an after thought, not the main point I was making. I don't care either way, but I personally could play just fine with a aperma death option.

My point was about the issues with economy and gear, so please stop trying to point out something I was driving after.
There's a Delete button for a reason.

Admins cannot delete their own posts.
Blake.H: And im also working on whipping him into shape
Blake.H: He's nice
Blake.H: He doesn't moan
Blake.H: The sheer obedience is enough to fuel my erection anyway


My problem with a post-COP timeline is. . . What the fuck is there to do that's daring/awesome/cool/interesting.
Quote from: TheAndyShandy on 05-12-2013
Oh boy.
Strap yourselves in, it's time for the great 'obligatory' SRP resurrection of 2013/14/15/16/22


Quote from: Tom on 09-11-2012
My problem with a post-COP timeline is. . . What the fuck is there to do that's daring/awesome/cool/interesting.
Its not like nobody cared about timeline this year, srp has its own known Stalkers, not from STALKER games.
The only difference would be just really set timeline, no monolith, and few helicopter crashes.


Quote from: Lent23 on 09-11-2012
Quote from: Khorn on 09-11-2012
Kieck, like I stated a few posts above, perma death was nothing more than an after thought, not the main point I was making. I don't care either way, but I personally could play just fine with a aperma death option.

My point was about the issues with economy and gear, so please stop trying to point out something I was driving after.
There's a Delete button for a reason.

Yea, and in FORP, I remade new characters constantly for events, but again, that's not my concern, and apparently no one elses.

And Tom, if you do post COP, you could take some ideas from some books, or similar themed books.

Find a force of some kind that grows larger and more powerful pushing itself through the zone or something, something that poses a threat to the people or the zone.


Quote from: Khorn on 09-11-2012
Quote from: Lent23 on 09-11-2012
Quote from: Khorn on 09-11-2012
Kieck, like I stated a few posts above, perma death was nothing more than an after thought, not the main point I was making. I don't care either way, but I personally could play just fine with a aperma death option.

My point was about the issues with economy and gear, so please stop trying to point out something I was driving after.
There's a Delete button for a reason.

Yea, and in FORP, I remade new characters constantly for events, but again, that's not my concern, and apparently no one elses.

And Tom, if you do post COP, you could take some ideas from some books, or similar themed books.

Find a force of some kind that grows larger and more powerful pushing itself through the zone or something, something that poses a threat to the people or the zone.

Everytime someone has tried to implement ideas from books or create their own ideas they've been somewhat attacked in some instances. Which is why I say we don't use Game story at all just the universe.
Quote from: TheAndyShandy on 05-12-2013
Oh boy.
Strap yourselves in, it's time for the great 'obligatory' SRP resurrection of 2013/14/15/16/22


Fuck the games and books, use them as guide lines but don't follow them, alternate reality anyone? Maybe in this reality Clear Sky was never wiped out because Strelok didn't get to the center of the zone and it's still a mystery as to how to get their? This means no/little monolith as their in the center protecting it, Clear sky as a minor faction so science and fighting 'n' shit can happen, might add more atmosphere?
The zone becomes more hostile and often hordes/waves of mutants sweep over the land destroying un protected camps?
New weapons invented in the alternate timeline? Go crazy with new weaponry ideas.
New mutants?
New anomalies?
New factions?
New artifacts?

SRP: Nicolai 'Thunder' Lagunov - Loner - Alive


As much as HGN making its own Canon sounds good, it's been tried with miserable results. Remember the necklaces of meat chunks that resurrected people? Remember the androids? Remember the myriad of other stupid things people seem to do. The problem I see with Post-COP is that it pretty much removes any threats. Freedom, and Duty are allied. The Monolith are gone. Mercenaries have finished their goal. There is no more reason to try to penetrate deeper into the zone now.


Quote from: INA7HAN on 09-11-2012
Fuck the games and books, use them as guide lines but don't follow them, alternate reality anyone? Maybe in this reality Clear Sky was never wiped out because Strelok didn't get to the center of the zone and it's still a mystery as to how to get their? This means no/little monolith as their in the center protecting it, Clear sky as a minor faction so science and fighting 'n' shit can happen, might add more atmosphere?
The zone becomes more hostile and often hordes/waves of mutants sweep over the land destroying un protected camps?
New weapons invented in the alternate timeline? Go crazy with new weaponry ideas.
New mutants?
New anomalies?
New factions?
New artifacts?
Alternate timeline?
Differnt weapons, different factions?

Why would we call that STALKER roleplay anymore?

And Plunger has point, CoP timeline is just useless - no faction fights, no monolith..yeah.
The timeline just should be SoC, it's not like it matters.


Quote from: knife_cz on 09-11-2012
Quote from: INA7HAN on 09-11-2012
Fuck the games and books, use them as guide lines but don't follow them, alternate reality anyone? Maybe in this reality Clear Sky was never wiped out because Strelok didn't get to the center of the zone and it's still a mystery as to how to get their? This means no/little monolith as their in the center protecting it, Clear sky as a minor faction so science and fighting 'n' shit can happen, might add more atmosphere?
The zone becomes more hostile and often hordes/waves of mutants sweep over the land destroying un protected camps?
New weapons invented in the alternate timeline? Go crazy with new weaponry ideas.
New mutants?
New anomalies?
New factions?
New artifacts?
Alternate timeline?
Differnt weapons, different factions?

Why would we call that STALKER roleplay anymore?

And Plunger has point, CoP timeline is just useless - no faction fights, no monolith..yeah.
The timeline just should be SoC, it's not like it matters.
Why not do a S.T.A.L.K.E.R. SoC but instead of sticking with the games story of The marked one we just start our own story based of the key points of the factions and such.
Just my Thought.
Ex-Duty-converted Monolith:|Draco 'Dice' stellem|Decease
Stalker/Trader:|Dracovich Raka|Alive
Eco:|Dr.Richard L. Vangraff|In zone
Stalker:|Scarler 'becca' Owen|Alive
Stalker:|Taylor 'trinity'|Alive
Military:|Scarlet Stroik|alive