|Freedom| "Freemen of The Zone" Applications

Started by Tunddruff, 28-05-2009

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Here you will apply for Freedom. Follow this guideline, and I will review your application and decide if I want you to join Freedom.

I will be more impressed by your application if you use good grammar and spelling. Don't type as if you're in a hurry. If you don't try, its easy for me to delete a post, I can and will help people if they ask. So if you really want to be in freedom, but not the best at a story, or know the games (wow run on sentence) ask me.

You need to be on the server for two weeks for your application to be considered.
You MUST check the forums every couple days please.
Freedom is the best faction in the Zone, if you don't truly believe this, don't apply.

If you are going to apply, be active and dedicated.
Most of this is Copy 'n' pasted from Locke's apps, but I added more.

Don't be afraid of the size, the questions are easy, and short

There is a 2 paragraph minimum for Back story!

This is a MINIMUM. I like to read backstories. Impress me.
You might not even have to do an Interviews

Freedom is renown for RP. I want quality

[b]Out Of Character[/b]
Steam Friends Name:
Steam ID:
What is your region/Timezone?:
How long have you been roleplaying?:
How long have you been playing on the server?:
Have you played any of the two S.T.A.L.K.E.R games?:
Do you have any problems with drugs?:

[b]In Character[/b]
What is your Name?:
What is your Age?:
Who is in your Family?:
What is your Character's Back-story?:
What brought you to Freedom?
How well do you know Freedom Members?:

[b]Faction Related[/b]
Are you in any other factions?:
Will you leave for another faction?:
What is Freedom's belief?:
Why do you wish to join Freedom?:
Name three Freedom members that you know in character?:
Who is the leader Of Freedom (His Character's Name)?:
Who is the Co-leader of Freedom?:
What Role(Job) do you plan on becoming in Freedom?:

What is Injure-RP?:
Do you know about the rules (Flaming, Minging, etc)?:
Will you take responsibility for your actions, whether or not it is good?:
Do you plan on using the forums?:
Do you plan on being dedicated and checking the forums regularly?:
Did you know that I run a Forum check every 30 days?:
What day do promotions occur?:

The second halve, (if you receive Pending), you must have an interview to continue the application

If you have received Accepted, i have already talk to you in game about it.

There are other conditions for pending, like time on the server, or steamID.

If you are Denied, you can reapply by editing your application and adding to the end "Updated. Try Number: XX" XX standing for 01,02,03,04,etc