The Fallen

Started by ~Ness~, 02-05-2009

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Quote from: Ness Tea Calling someone a nub, doesn't have to do with ANYTHING about my group. I SERIOUSLY think you can't take ANY joke. As I said before, if you want to fucking argue with me about a fucking word, sure, but do it in SF and stop spamming my thread with all of your mother fucking bull shit. Sure, give me an example of something I wouldn't want to discuss publicly. "OMFG UR ALL NUBZ!"? No, I haven't said anything else besides saying I was not on the server spamming Makarovs, I accidentally stay AFK on a server.

Oh yeah. And how can I spam Makarovs?  Its not like I have an unlimited amount of money and guns in my inventory.  And I haven't been on my trader for a while. Hell. I haven't been on the server for a while. And when I am, its only about 15-30 minutes. So, get off my back, quit accusing me of doing something that I did not. You don't even have evidence if I DID do it (Not saying I did) and stop spamming my thread.

Wow. Someone needs to take a chill pill. Now imma gonna make a list of points
Point 1. Don't use a load of swear words in one post. It makes you sound like a 12 year old who can't even play CS.
Point 2. If you read through your own previous posts I quote
Quote from: Ness Tea Lol okay. Sorry for rushing you nubs :P
I see someone calling potential joiners noobs.
Point 3. you contradicted yourself in the first quoted post
Quote from: Ness Tea I accidentally stay AFK on a server. Hell. I haven't been on the server for a while.
You were on the server this week.
Point 4. I said the makarov thing was a joke (See previous post before this one) When i went on the server when you were AFK for such a long time I found a bunch of makarovs round the place so I thought I'd make a joke and link it to you because you had clocked so much time on the server and were still on the server.
Point 5. Learn grammer
Point 6. Who says i was arguing with you? I was simply calmly discussing with you the use of nub in a previous post of yours.
Point 7. You live too stressy a lifestyle and need a chillpill.
Point 8. Its not really spamming if we are discussing, is it?
Final point: I can take a joke but you can't call members of your group by any other name than nub.
Final Final point (there was another one :O). Is it Ness Tea or Nastie? I don't really know please enlighten me in your next post which I am sure is going to contain some more colourful language from you in answer to this point post. lol.
If I kill you, it means your my friend. :) *Cue for manic laughter*

----Stalker RP Characters-----
Renlen Deadeye-LonerlBritishlGoodMarksman


I'm still wondering what you guys have to say about the military..

Just noticed that your allied with freedom... So i can kinda guess what you think about us but... it would be nice to have some confermation.
Tom About Mili interigation
|HGN-STSR| Tom: "Ill keep an eye out for OMEGA! PLEASE DON'T KILL ME!!"      "Damn right you will!" *Pours vodka on you and lights you on fire*    "IN HELL!"


Its Ness Tea.

I live too stressy? Do you know my name? Do you know how I am? Do you know anything about me?

Yes, I was on the server this week. Most of the time I was with Blake, building my base for The Fallen. If I'm not doing that, I'm with Faust talking about shit, or with Shepard.

Lighten up. Its just a word, actually, its not even in the English dictionary, I believe.
colourful language? Your telling me I have bad grammar, when you have terrible spelling. So please FUCK off. No more colorful language for you.
Fuckity Fuck Fuck Shit Face Fuck Head [x5]
_________________________________________________Edit: 16-05-2009_________________________________________________
Oh yeah, I don't know about Military, I haven't had a chance to speak with the leader, as I have with Freedom.


Freedom.. Grr.. :P
Tom About Mili interigation
|HGN-STSR| Tom: "Ill keep an eye out for OMEGA! PLEASE DON'T KILL ME!!"      "Damn right you will!" *Pours vodka on you and lights you on fire*    "IN HELL!"


Hehe. :P Once I speak to Deathcon ICly, we might be able to form an alliance... sooo... don't get your hopes down YET!


Quote from: Darknessvamp Point 1. Don't use a load of swear words in one post. It makes you sound like a 12 year old who can't even play CS.
Point 2. If you read through your own previous posts I quote

Quote from: Ness Tea on Yesterday at 06:00:14 PM
Lol okay. Sorry for rushing you nubs :P

I see someone calling potential joiners noobs.
Point 3. you contradicted yourself in the first quoted post

Quote from: Ness Tea on Yesterday at 06:00:14 PM
I accidentally stay AFK on a server. Hell. I haven't been on the server for a while.

You were on the server this week.
Point 4. I said the makarov thing was a joke (See previous post before this one) When i went on the server when you were AFK for such a long time I found a bunch of makarovs round the place so I thought I'd make a joke and link it to you because you had clocked so much time on the server and were still on the server.
Point 5. Learn grammer
Point 6. Who says i was arguing with you? I was simply calmly discussing with you the use of nub in a previous post of yours.
Point 7. You live too stressy a lifestyle and need a chillpill.
Point 8. Its not really spamming if we are discussing, is it?
Final point: I can take a joke but you can't call members of your group by any other name than nub.
Final Final point (there was another one :O). Is it Ness Tea or Nastie? I don't really know please enlighten me in your next post which I am sure is going to contain some more colourful language from you in answer to this point post. lol.

Your whole post is Flame-baiting. Dont do it or you'll get a forum slap

ref_DevCon.smd: david star is the only heir of the ecologist throne
ref_DevCon.smd: house of blake
"Any of you fucking pricks move, and I'll execute every motherfucking last one of ya!"


Thanks for make him stop. Can someone delete his posts on my thread now?


If I kill you, it means your my friend. :) *Cue for manic laughter*

----Stalker RP Characters-----
Renlen Deadeye-LonerlBritishlGoodMarksman


Ye, this is a Flame thread due to miss understanding people.
"Where ground is soft most often grows, arise! Arise! Arouse! A rose!...a rosy rose ?


Quote from: Ness Tea;16087Thanks for make him stop. Can someone delete his posts on my thread now?

Ill request that i get Modding of this forum/thread. Im Comissar after all... Ill remove it all... Get a nice clean thread if thats ok with you Ness.

Note to Darknessvamp, flame here again and you'll be banned. Probably

ref_DevCon.smd: david star is the only heir of the ecologist throne
ref_DevCon.smd: house of blake
"Any of you fucking pricks move, and I'll execute every motherfucking last one of ya!"


I request a Moderator powers on this thread as well. Since I'm the leader.


Bump for applications. :D


I'd consider the Fallen and Military as "hostile shoot on sight"since you took over our checkpoint and shot our guts out.




New member. - Private Ralik Omikrei



The Fallen is over.
