HyperGaming Network

Other Forums => Scrapyard => Topic started by: Ace of Hearts on 05-11-2010

Title: Re: -=Duty=- Applications: OPEN
Post by: Ace of Hearts on 05-11-2010
Title: Re: -=Duty=- Applications: OPEN
Post by: Bucky on 05-11-2010
Out-Of-Character Information

Steam Friends Name: |HGN|Buck

STEAM ID: Find it in a bit.

Timezone: (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)

How long have you been roleplaying?: A good solid two years.

How long have you played on the server?: 9 Months. (Probably an over estimate).

Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?: Beat SoC. Halfway through CS. Beat CoP.

Do you have any IRL military knowledge?: I don't know if watching a lot of military movies or having two parents in the military counts but, yeah, I'd say I know a bit.

Can you follow orders?: Of course.

Recommendations: Douglas (|HGN-STSA|Dug)

In-Character Information

Name: Krill Leren

Age: 30.

Skill set: Technical and Mechanical Engineering as well as Close Quarters Combat. Note: Can be a bit of an ass sometimes.
Hand to Hand Combat
Shotgun Usage.

Backstory: Krill Leren, born in a small town about 53 km away from Chernobyl named Zaprudka grew up in his family's business of owning a mechanics shop. As a small child Krill usually stayed up front at the shop section of his father's business with his mother, but as he grew and more and more people came, he was needed in the back with his father to help work on what people brought in. Krill learned everything he knew from his father as expected and was very skilled in the ways of mechanical engineering. As Krill grew up, he expected he would be there for the rest of his life, and he accepted that, he was happy there and didn't care if that was what he did all his life. As the years went by, Krill took up more and more knowledge until his parents one day surprised him and told him they were sending him to college. Krill was ecstatic, and completely astounded that they raised enough money to send him to college. Krill ended up at the Технический институт Prybirs' k (Technical Institute of Prybirsk) and what better course to take than Technological Studies at a Technological Institute? This is what Krill did, quickly speeding through one semester after another and gaining a massive knowledge of computer programs and engineering. After doing so, degree in hand, Krill began his long journey of four days of hitch-hiking to get home, as he did not have a car. Upon Krill's arrival home, everything seemed normal, except for the fact that his parents shop had closed down and that they barely had any money to live a comfortable life. Krill believed for many months that this was his fault because his parents had spent so much money on him, he found out soon after that it was because no one traveled on the P02 anymore, due to the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant disaster. Krill felt awful still and was determined to gather enough money to put them back in business at another location. Krill knew not what to do, he waited and waited for a chance to earn money, but it never came. After Krill had given up looking for work, he heard of a place, The Zone. Krill heard of riches that could be found there and the adventures that could be had. Krill left home once more to travel to this native land, and soon found himself in an unforgiving predicament. Krill made it to the Zone fine, but within one day, he had been robbed, attacked by mutants, and he stumbled into an anomaly field which gave him minor radiation poisoning. Krill was understandably distraught and couldn't help feel sour feelings for the entire Zone. Krill moped around for days, scavenging off what he could find, Krill knew he would probably never return home... Krill didn't care. Krill thought it was the end when approached by black-coated men, he had nothing on him, not even one measly ruble. Krill knew that bandits usually killed anyone who didn't have anything for them and he didn't have anywhere to run. Krill braced himself when all of a sudden he heard gunshots. Krill opened his eyes and looked at himself, clean of blood, bullet holes, he was rather unscathed. Krill looked to his left, and to his right, nothing except the dead bodies of two bandits. Krill scanned the entire area when he saw them, black suited men with red patches emerging from the trees. Krill wondered if this was a miracle of some sort. Krill thanked the men and they brought him back to the base. They introduced themselves as members of the Para-Military faction Duty. Krill had heard of them before, but knew not of their ideals, which was the only thing stopping him from joining their faction. Krill thought once again of his hometown and his parents, he knew he still probably wouldn't see them again. But he knew that if he wanted to make do with what life he had left. He best join Duty, for his own sake.

Faction Related Information

What Are Duty?: Duty is a Para-Military faction seeking to contain the Zones secrets by destroying it outright and ridding the world of its monstrosities.

Why do you wish to join Duty?: I wish to join Duty for many reasons but the most important one is to help it prosper and grow in a troubled time for itself. I also agree with many of their ideals ICly and

Who is the DUTY Leader?: IC: Lieutenant Colonel, Ivan Viktorsky OOC: |HGN-STSA|Dug.

Roleplay Knowledge

Describe Injury RP: Injury RP is roleplay in which you are hindered by an action performed by another player. Examples of this would be gunshots, stab wounds, falling from great heights, or suffering from infection, radiation poisoning, severe cold, etc.

What is Metagaming: Metagaming is when you use information obtained out of character (OOC) in character (IC).
Bandit 1: OOC "Hey guys I just robbed 3 people at once in the Garbage."
*Armed Stalkers rush to the area to kill the bandit and take the items he has recived.*

What is Metaspeak: Metaspeak is the use of emoticons (:) / :P / :O) in a roleplaying environment.
Stalker 1: Lol, that noob just walked into an anomaly XD.
Stalker 2: LOOC "Dude, don't use emote's in character."

Describe RDM: RDM or Random Death Match is where another player kills one player with no consent or verbal communication from the other party; players usually do this to receive new weapons or spare ammo and such.

What is the Difference between RDM and S2K: RDM and S2K or STK are very different RDM as explained earlier is when a person is killed without warning, STK however is when it is agreed by both parties that they will have a shoot out in which you can actually try to hit or kill the person, almost like playing Counter-Strike.

Can you take responsibility for your actions?: Sure can.

Title: Re: -=DUTY=- Applications: OPEN
Post by: S.W.A.T.[RUS] on 06-11-2010
Out-Of-Character Information

Steam Friends Name:S.W.A.T.[RUS]

STEAM ID:STEAM_0:0:16953681

Timezone:+3 GMT

How long have you been roleplaying?:about 2 years

How long have you played on the server?:Hm.Alot of time i spent here

Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?:All of them

Do you have any IRL military knowladge?:MVD shooting club

Can you follow orders?:Yes

Recommendations:I think some one will rec me

In-Character Information



Skill set:Ex Sniper,Ex Medic Combat Team leader

Maksim Shuhtar-was born in Moscow.
Nothing Special in his ChildHood.After High School went in Military School.He had some problems as others,but he never showed up his emotions.Good they or not.After first fight in Hotpoint in Chechnya was hurted in Hand and then transported in Hospital.Later he ran from it.Just becouse he felt his self good,but General Doctor didnt want to let him go back,untill all courses of reabilitation will end.He came back in Hotpoint ,but now with other Rank and Job.He leaded small group of snipers.5 guys,friends.After war in Chechnya all of them were invited in military intelligence.
They did alot of jobs.They were in Australia,Egipt,South Korea and other lands...Some one smart called them Group of beasts,and the leader of that group was called Wolf.There were Fox,Hawk,Rabbit,Bull also.The last mission that they had was Chernobyl Undergrounds.Near Pripyat'.From 2006 to Our days no one knows where are they.Some one told they were trapped...some one said that they are deserted.But only few peoples know the true history of this group.
**First Ttrip**
*Wolf takes out his PDA and reads the messege from the HQ:
[01DEFhq]:Wolf,This is Colonel Vitaliy Jirkov.I see you on the map.You must check every underground in this territory.Ill send you the map.
*Wolf's PDA beeps and shows up a map of the pripyat'
[01DEFhq]:Also ill mark some points on the map.Its hospital,Hotel and old swamps.Check all marked places and collect information.UA Military dont know about our mission,so do not show up your selfes.
[Wolf]:Okay Colonel.We will do out best.
*Wolf switchs off CHAT mode and Looks on the map
Pripyat'.....This city is so empty....No one for a miles,unless military of UA and some Ecologists.THey are still working.20 Years ago they came here to find out why first explosion happend..but our informant told us about closed labs under the city.
*Wolf stands up and smiles.
Fox and Rabbit as always talking about girls,and weapons.I dont know how they always perfect balance of these two topics.Bull as always checking his gear and clearing weapon.This guy love his Rifle like his Wife.And Hawk.Hes sitting in the window,watching in binoculars.I like Hawk i like him for his ability to be calm and sensible in any situation.And me.Wolf.I dont know how to tell you about my self.Guys respect me for my LeaderShip skills,and humor.
And now we are on the outskirts of small hamlet called "Берёзка".In small house.Here alot of houses,but most of them are destroyed by the years.Old owners are dead ,i think.But if they are not,they are for always irradiated by radiation.To be honest i am a bit scared.Not becouse of military or radiation,its just feeling.
*Wolf opens the old door of the house and steps out ,taking out pack of sigarettes.And feels some ones hand on his shoulder.
*Wolf turns around fast,looking in eyes of guy,staing infront of him.
Hawk...Stelth bastard.Some times i hate him for his skills.
[Hawk]:Commandir,dont smoke,it will kill you.
[Wolf]:Not faster then bullet,and life is long any ways.
*Wolf smiles as always
Some one in Chechnya said me that when i am smiling it looks like wolfish grin.Another smart ass.
*Wolf drops sigarretes in his pocket and steps back in house,closing the door carefully.

Night came so fast.....

**Last Call**
*Small group of five men is settled near Entrance of old bunker.
*Wolf takes out his PDA again and check the map
[Wolf]:Eh..some thing not right.This place wasnt marked on the map,but place,that we need is near.Maybe they marked wrong place?
[Fox]:Wolf,i thinked they never failed at this.
[Rabbit]:Shit happens,as said some one.
[Wolf]:Hawk,stay here,with bull.Others with  me.
*Wolf opens old metal door and takes out flash light.
[Hawk]:Be carefull.

When we descended we found old labaratory.There were alot of computers,calendars,with marked date...I cant see what day,but year 2006 was circled blood.When we attemped to run any of computers it looked like the every thing de-energized.
*Foot steps heard from behind
When i turned aroudn i saw Bull.And Hawk after him.
[Wolf]:What about orders?
*Bull shrugs
[Hawk]:I seted up a few cameras.Hard rain came.
*Wolf nods
[Wolf]:I suppose,we are staing here for a night.

When i tried to sleep i felt some thing....And then i lost consciousness or fell asleep ,i dont know.I know only i had a dream.And in this dream i saw an explosion.And some strange beasts....When i woke up i found my self in a field.My Sniper Rifle was near me.Good.Also..I couldnt belive.Gravestone Cross was near my head.First i thinked its bad joke.I weakly rose up.No one near...Radio kept silence.I checked the map and seted my waypoint on first Cordon post.I dont care if they will arrest me.Some how it will be resolved.

**The ZONE**
When i was on half of way.I saw about Five BTR-90 ,rushing in middle of pripyat',and i heard about three choppers.To be hones i was impressed.I froze on one place.
In that time i even didnt knew about the New Zone,anomalies,mutants....i just wanted to come back home,and ask what happend.
I stopped in the small village,near cordon and took out pda,and sent messege to Colonel that i am giving up to UA military.
When i came came closer to cordon i heard alot of shots.Like minigun was working over there.I ran back and saw alot of strange beasts...they were so big and frightening.I decided to run to the cordon.And i ran so fast as i can.When i was so close to cordon to hear the voice of soldiers i dropped my Rifle near tree.And ran to the Bar gate...Yes,they arrested me....later i get messege from "Tat'yana Podorojnik":"Dear Maksim,i dont know you,but good luck"....I sweared alot....Tat'yana-Is colonel...in our old instruction was said:If your hostage or arrested,or any thing else,we are using codenames.That means colonel just....left me with out any protection by Russia or Russia military.Now i am just the guy that get some how in the zone in Military Suit with out any sign of army or any thing on it.They released me,becouse no one had time to do me.Even to talk.And now i am in Village near Cordon...Here alot of Peoples.They were talking about second explosion in the Chernobyl...Also they said that some groups of peoples took their weapons and gone in the New Zone.Military Soldiers that were in the village were talking about strange beasts and some things that killing every one.Like air killing the man.
I didnt knew that it were the first anomalies....Also beasts...They were little...I dont know how i walked From the Pripyat' to Cordon with out meeting with any of them...i am lucky.
Later ill buy cheap weapon and will came back in the Zone...What i can do else?I betrayed my Own country,by giving up to Military of UA ,they better close me in jail then broke relationship with Other Country..Now i am Wanted in my country and i think in UA too....

Thats how i get here,brother...I am Wolf,and this is my story.

Faction Related Information

What is Duty?:Duty is big family.They are fighting with the Zone,not letting it out from this territories.They wanna save the world from this shit.

Why do you wish to join Duty?:This is the best faction and i was in it before.

Who is the DUTY leader?:(Dug now.)Ivan Viktorsky

Roleplay Knowladge

Describe Injury RP:Injury rp means that you get hurted and you must do like in real life.(Screaming,etc.) To be short-You must react on every wound like in real life.
What is Metagaming:Its when you using every thing that you hearded  OOCly >ICLY

What is Metaspeak:Speaking in OOC chat Icly or in Icly OOCly.

Describe RDM:Its Killing with out any reason (IC) other words its Random  Killing

What is the difference between RDM and STK:RDM-when player killing some one with out any warning and reason,but STK when both of parties are agreed to "Shoot to kill" so these things are diffirent.

Can you take responsibility for your actions?:Yes.


- But, you are on thin ice, you need to improve your english a bit, also, why didn't you include the times in Duty? You were persistant to join Duty, so there you have it, you are in.
You will start as a soldier.
Title: Re: -=DUTY=- Applications: OPEN
Post by: lolKieck on 06-11-2010
Out-Of-Character Information

Steam Friends Name: |HGN| Kieck

STEAM ID:STEAM_0:1:290191 25:09 206 0 active

Timezone: GMT+1 from November to April or March, then GMT +2.

How long have you been roleplaying?: Hell, a lot, maybe 4-5 years now.

How long have you played on the server?: 1 year and 3 months.

Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?:

Do you have any IRL military knowledge?: Yup, but not a military fan.

Can you follow orders?: Yes, but I favor my life.


In-Character Information

Name: Nikolai 'Kieck' Lishvic

Age: 29

Skill set: Medic

Nikolai was born in Kiev, to a decent family, which owned a restaurant. The things were normal, the restaurant had enough guests.  When he was 18, he was helping his family in the restaurant. His sister was studying psychology, but Nikolai prefered to cook. After 5 years his family was in problems. The restaurant was getting less and less guests, most likely because of others. The restaurant was going 1 year, in that time debts rose. His sister tried to help the family as much as she could, although she had a debt to pay for her apartament too. Nikolai was irritated he can't do anything rather than run around and tell people to come, knowing they won't, because they either are going to 5-star restaurant or only to a cafe.
He took out his money, bought a pistol and some ammo, then was travelling to the Zone.

He got off the bus, where a group of people, most likely going to the same place he was. He approached them, and heard about some place where they can get into the Zone for free, but it's much more risky than riding through the checkpoint in a truck, because the truck doesn't have PKM shooting on it. In the night, the group moved out, being as sneaky as they could, but somebody fucked up, because the PKM opened fire. Stalkers dropping like flies, moving through the barbed wire, Nikolai after getting into the Zone, grabbing everything the stalkers drop, PMM's, anything else, running through the field, hearing the PKM shots, and some bullets flying near him, he sprinted into the woods, knowing he is safe, slowing down and running to the rookie village. All exhausted, Nikolai walks up to Sidorovich to sell all the loot he got, and then he heard that Sidorovich has a mission. The mission was to recover some data from a rookie and transport it to Barman.

Next day, he was moving to the place where the rookie was. The dead rookie was sucked dry of blood, and a dead bloodsucker was near him. Nikolai searched the body for loot and the documents, then moved away, stuffing some papers into his jacket. The tour to the Bar wasn't the best of all, but he managed to get through without getting shot. He gave the papers and asked for more jobs, and how can he help Duty. After some time he applied for it.

Few months later, in the command of Demidov, in 85th Cloaked Daggers, Nikolai got himself a reputation of a decent medic. Being a soldier for 2-3 months, Nikolai got himself first a rank of Junior Sergeant, then Sergeant, after big effort to become at least a Senior Soldier. Socializing with other Duty'ers got himself a nickname Kieck, from a man named Ghost/Wraith (can't remember, though it's Zarrick). Relocating to other sector, Nikolai was helping other Duty'ers in other sector. When he thought he wasn't needed at the place, he sent a radio message to the new Colonel, asking if he may come back to his older platoon.
Faction Related Information

What is Duty?: Duty is a clan of stalkers, who wish to contain the Zone.

Why do you wish to join Duty?: It was fun in Duty, so I want to go back and have some good RP.

Who is the DUTY leader?:

Roleplay Knowladge

Describe Injury RP: I get shot in the torso, and am generally out of the fight. It's roleplaying your wounds or injuries.

What is Metagaming: Metagaming is using info from Out Of Character chat In-Character.

What is Metaspeak: L0l I 4m m3t4sp33k33ng. It's using emoticons and leet talk In-Character chat.

Describe RDM: RDM is when somebody with a Fort 12 kills another guy for a makarov. Without no RP, just get out, shoot in the head and loot.

What is the difference between RDM and STK: STK is a normal fight, RDM is a kill either for revenge or to take weaponry.

Can you take responsibility for your actions?:
N- Yes.


- You will be our medic. Get your proper loadout.  Welcome to the 85th.
Also finally someone who knows how to use the code I put up.
Title: Re: -=DUTY=- Applications: OPEN
Post by: WriterX on 09-11-2010
Out-Of-Character Information

Steam Friends Name: {Haki}WriterX

STEAM ID: STEAM_0:0:12992413  2:32:52 296 0 active

Timezone: GMT

How long have you been roleplaying?: On STALKER, a few weeks. Overall 4 years+ (Different Games and Mods)

How long have you played on the server?: Over a week (More previously, cannot be certain how long)

Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?: Yes, First and Second one.

Do you have any IRL military knowladge?: Solid Military Knowledge (To my understanding). Never served in the actual Military

Can you follow orders?: Yes

Quartermaster "Goblin", Lt. Col. Ivan (At least I think he would recommend me)

In-Character Information

Name: Alex "Smith" Kowalski

Age: 29

Skill set: Heavy Physical Work, Cooking, Basic Weapon Usage and Maintenance.

Backstory: Having worked mainly in Factories and Steel Mills in the Ukraine and Poland, life was rather uneventful for Alex. He was a hard working man, self sufficient and independent with only dreams of one day having enough money for early retirement. However, as the economy slowly shifted away from Industry into commerce more and more often Alex found himself without a job, barely earning enough to live normaly. Slowly pondering on taking the only sensible route of joining the Army, Alex went through basic training when he heard of the riches in the Zone. He soon after left, and through spending the last of his savings he bribed his way inside the Zone.

After reaching the Zone, and hearing of the different groups within he decided to visit the Duty Base, where on one fateful day the local Quartermaster "Goblin" was given the order to make food for the troops. Having been on the spot at the time Alex offered to make Borscht for the troops. Earning through that the petty title of "Chef" he was recognised by Duty as "The Guy in the Bar, who sometimes servs us something eadible". What came after that is history...

Faction Related Information

What is Duty?: Closest to what I believe, it is a grouping of Stalker and possible Military/Ex-Military dedicated to containing the Zone and closing it off from the rest of the world, to keep the world safe from the Zone and its dangers. They do not appear to be completely opposed to research within the zone, assuming they are sided with the Military, and the Military did support Ecologist efforts (at least in Shadow of Chernobyl).

Why do you wish to join Duty?: Interesting RP opportunities. And I obtain a very RP role of becoming the Company Chef, allowing plenty of interaction.

Who is the DUTY leader?:
Lt. Col Ivan Viktorsky

Roleplay Knowladge

Describe Injury RP:  You suffer an injury due to IG events (broken leg, arm, gunshot wound) which cannot be represented by the game mechanics, but you yourself have to play out (moving slower, being unable to move, yelling from pain, etc.)

What is Metagaming: Using OOC knowledge IG. So, when you hear that Bob is a Freedom spy in the OOC chat, and then run IG and report that Bob is a spy, without learning that IG, that is metagaming.

What is Metaspeak: Internet Speak (short phrases, emoticons, etc.)

Describe RDM: Killing somebody for absolutely no reason and without consent.

What is the difference between RDM and STK: STK is normaly a method of agreeing how will an IG combat situation be played out. Unlike STM, STK means you are allowed to kill a person using guns or CC weapons. RDM has absolutely no IG base to happen.

Can you take responsibility for your actions?:


- You have the roleplay knowledge as I see and I'm happy with that ,we use IC here not IG tho, but that's irrelevant to me right now.

- You have used the code properly that's an other thing I like.

- You have roleplayed with us for a week and that's a good thing.

- But the only real reason why this is pending is because I want a better backstory and your understanding of Duty.

- Use Google and search for " stalker duty wiki " and there you can learn more about Duty, I expect you to work on your backstory further more.

- You will be given the rank of Recruit and will be put on a trial period of 2 weeks.
Title: Re: -=DUTY=- Applications: OPEN
Post by: rasse_boy on 11-11-2010
Out-Of-Character Information

Steam Friends Name: bunnyjump1

STEAM ID: _0:0:25965930

Timezone: GMT+1

How long have you been roleplaying?: 6 months

How long have you played on the server?: 1-2days

Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?: Yes I have played one of them

Do you have any IRL military knowladge?: My grandpa was a officer for 60 years so I have alot of knowlagde in military

Can you follow orders?: Yes I can


In-Character Information

Name: Sergey Tomchyek

Age: 19

Skill set: Good shooter,know mixed martial arts,know medic,knowlagde in weapons and CQC

Backstory:  Sergay was born in a little village outside chenobyl on december 6 1990 he grew up in a good family he had food on his table,he started to practice boxing and judo at the age of 5 since his father where a known fighter,his mother past away when he was 8 so he had a hard time when he and his father had to move to a really bad place just 55km away from chenobyl,when he went to school people where picking on him but he refused to fight.
When the years went on and on he had enough with the bullying so he punched another pupil to death when he was only 10 years old,then he started to form a gang and he used his martial arts to gain respect.when he was 12 he started to deal drugs and guns got his ass kicked a few times.When he was only 14 his dad where going to compete with a district master in boxing in russia there where alot of money depending on that fight after 3 rounds his father knocked the master to the floor people lost alot of money,just that day is a day sergay never fogetts caus after the match 2 masked men came and shot him cold blooded down to the ground.So sergey left the gang and joined the millitary in anger he forced himself to do it.He was 18 when he signed up and quited it 8 months before his birtday,so now his goal is to get peace in the world.

Faction Related Information

What is Duty?: duty is a term that conveys a sense of moral commitment to someone or something. The moral commitment is the sort that results in action and it is not a matter of passive feeling or mere recognition.

Why do you wish to join Duty?: I want good team spirit and I want to help the new players as much as I can there are many reasons but to help is the most important

Who is the DUTY leader?:
Ivan Viktorsky

Roleplay Knowladge

Describe Injury RP: Injury is hwne you get hurt liek you get shot etc you got to scream like you got shot in real life and you got to yell for medic and such

What is Metagaming: when people use OOC for IC purpose

What is Metaspeak: When someone use OOC for IC

Describe RDM: When you or someone else kills someone randomly without a reason this can result in a ban

What is the difference between RDM and STK: RDM is when you kill someone without a reason while STK is when you and the other player agrees to kill eachother

Can you take responsibility for your actions?:
Yes I sure can


- You don't know what's Duty.

- Grammar & backstory need improvement.

- Backstory was hurried and I feel not much time was spent on this application. Basically the application it is self is hurried.

Reapply in one week.

Title: Re: -=DUTY=- Applications: OPEN
Post by: rasse_boy on 11-11-2010
Out-Of-Character Information

Steam Friends Name:Bunnyjump1

STEAM ID:0:0:25965930


How long have you been roleplaying?:6months.

How long have you played on the server?:2-3 Days now.

Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?:[/color Yes I have played one of the game in the series.

Do you have any IRL military knowladge?: Yes I do,My grandpa was a officer and he tought me some stuffs about world war 2 and such things.He tought me following orders and such,I have alot of military stuffs at my home.

Can you follow orders?:Yes,I can


In-Character Information

Name:Sergey Tomchyek


Skill set:Mixed martial arts,Weapon knowlagde,Medic and mechanic.

Backstory: Sergey was born december 6 1990 and grew up in the slum ,Just a few kilometers from chenobyl,He was just like other kids.He went to school every monday to friday,He where practicing martial arts every wednesday.When he was 2 his mom passed away in a car accident and his dad where so sad so every night he came home dead drunk covered with cuts and bruises.It went on and on till Sergey where 9,At that age he had become a great fighter in martial arts so a teacher named Jonas told Sergey to teach the army in close quarters combat (CQC) Sergey thought about it and deccided to do it.So he packed his bag and went to live with the military for a while and leave his drunken father.At the age or 14 he where a very very talented young man,So he left everything behinde him and deccided to join the army for good.He was about to become the greatest solider to ever walk on earth.When he was 17 he where almost a ready elite solider,And at the age of 18 he where complete and now his final goal is to make world peace.

Faction Related Information

What is Duty?:Duty is paramilitary organization founded by former members of the Ukrainian Military

Why do you wish to join Duty?:So I can help the new people that wants to join.Give them advice,give them some good rp tips and even more reasons but that is the most important to my opinion.

Who is the DUTY leader?:
Ivan Viktorsky/Dug

Roleplay Knowladge

Describe Injury RP: Injury is when you get hurt,Like shot etc,You got to scream like you got shot in real life,You got to shout for help thats it.

What is Metagaming:Using OOC>ICly.

What is Metaspeak:Talking IC in OOC chat.

Describe RDM:When you/someone else randomly kill someone without a reason.Wich can result in ban

What is the difference between RDM and STK:RDM is when you random kill someone  STK is when both players agrees to kill eachother.

Can you take responsibility for your actions?:
Yes,I sure can.


- You missed the part where I said reapply in one week.

- Your grammar is bad again.

- Backstory is too short.
Title: Re: -=DUTY=- Applications: OPEN
Post by: mostwanted on 14-11-2010
Out-Of-Character Information

Steam Friends Name:[187th]MostWanted

STEAM ID:STEAM_0:0:19038913


How long have you been roleplaying?:3years?

How long have you played on the server?:3weeks or longer.

Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?:Yea

Do you have any IRL military knowladge?:Whole Family was in the Military

Can you follow orders?:Yes

Recommendations:Major. Alex Deadeye

In-Character Information

Name: Nick Deadeye


Skill set:Weapons Expert

Backstory:Nick Deadeye was born in a small town in America after his parent had moved from Warsaw Poland. He was brought up and raised and quickly learned English and Polish. By the time he was 13 his brother, Alex, had been shot by a corrupt police officer in their town. Luckily his brother survived and then his family quickly moved to a small town in Russia that was around a mile away from the Zone's border. Living in Russia had its pros and cons Nick had learned how to survive off the land in their new Cabin house but at the same time his family was almost poor. One day a year after they had moved to Russia Nicks brother Alex went missing. For many days Nick looked for his brother to find no trace of him. Eventually Nick had found a note from Alex and it said "I am leaving for this new place called 'The Zone' the letter also had a map to a location where Nick could enter. Not knowing what to do Nick had waited until he was older and stronger to leave for the zone and follow Alex's foot steps to find he had joined Duty. After talking with Alex, Nick decided he wanted to join Duty on their path to destroy the zone. After meeting the Lt.Col and talking with him Nick had be given an application for Duty and began to work on it right away.

Faction Related Information

What is Duty?:duty is a paramilitary force in the zone to stop the zone from sreading and utterly destroy it.

Why do you wish to join Duty?:MY brother is the Major and he has told me alot about what the duty does and why they do it. I like the way it work and it sounds like a place i should be in.

Who is the DUTY leader?:Lt.Col Ivan Viktorsky

Roleplay Knowladge

Describe Injury RP: Being shot in the leg, not being able to walk.

What is Metagaming: To use .// or // Info, ICLY

What is Metaspeak: basicly metagaming.

Describe RDM:To walk up to some on and shot them in the face

What is the difference between RDM and STK: Stk is to shot to kill for an rp reason, RDM is to just kill with out an rp reason.

Can you take responsibility for your actions?:Yes


- The Application could have been better, this is purely accepted because Alex vouched for you.
Title: Re: -=DUTY=- Applications: OPEN
Post by: rasse_boy on 20-11-2010
Out-Of-Character Information

Steam Friends Name: Leroyjenkins

STEAM ID:  0:0:25965930

Timezone: GMT +1

How long have you been roleplaying?: 7 months from now

How long have you played on the server?: about 2-3 weeks

Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?: Yes shadows of chernobyl

Do you have any IRL military knowladge?: Yes I do,my grandpa was a officer and he thought me some of the command's and such.Just a few days ago I've been at a museum formed by the military and they had a small movie about how they work and things like that.

Can you follow orders?: Sir yes sir


In-Character Information

Name: Sergey Tomchyek

Age: 26

Skill set: Weapons,CQC and computer's

Backstory: Sergey was born in 1986 In Dolinsk (Russia) the same year as the largest nuclear accident ever happened.He grew up with his mother and father they where not a very rich family.His parents wasn't spending to much time at home,His mom where working as a janitor at an old school and his father wasn't very supporting to Sergey.He was sad almost everytime except when he had food to eat,he where out late nights begging for money and some cloths if he could get any.He could be without food in days. When he was 18 he decided to join the spetsnaz military force,he never liked fighting but he thought it was the time he learn something.the year 2006 he moved to ukraine to get away from his family and become something great and fight in "The zone".Now he became friends with a few stalkers who where showing him around giving him food,One day when Sergey where out looking for supplies 3 armed men came looking at him,he unholstered his weapon,the 3 men where already pointing the gun at his face before he could even wink,who are you guys? We are the Duties.I've heard about you said Sergey,your the guys who keep the zone safe right? Yes,one of the armed men said,By then Sergey knew that he wanted to become a duty solider.

Faction Related Information

What is Duty?: : Duty is paramilitary organization founded by former members of the Ukrainian Military.

Why do you wish to join Duty?: I want to help people out as much as I can and be a part of those who tries to make the zone safe.

Who is the DUTY leader?:
Ivan Viktorsky.

Roleplay Knowladge

Describe Injury RP: Injury is when you get hurt like shot in the leg etc you can't walk you will scream in pain,stuffs like that.

What is Metagaming: Using OOC for IC purpose.

What is Metaspeak: Talking to someone using OOC info.

Describe RDM: When you kill someone randomly without a reason.

What is the difference between RDM and STK: RDM is when you randomly kill someone STK is when both parts agree killing each other.

Can you take responsibility for your actions?:
Yes I can.


- Hurried application.

- Grammar.

Title: Re: -=DUTY=- Applications: OPEN
Post by: Maxi96203 on 01-12-2010
Out-Of-Character Information

Steam Friends Name:  T/5 Ramirez [506th PIR]

STEAM ID: STEAM_0:0:27041131

Timezone: GMT -5 EST

How long have you been roleplaying?: Almost a year

How long have you played on the server?: Almost a month

Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?: All of them.

Do you have any IRL military knowladge?: Solid Military knowledge.

Can you follow orders?: Yes I can.


In-Character Information

Name: Osip Yahslov

Age: 23

Skill set: None so far.

Osip was born in Odesa, Ukraine in the year 1993 after the Chernobyl accident. Growing up in the Ukraine he had a hard life living in the slums. His father and mother owned a thrift store in the town square. They got a relatively good steady income but not enough to move to a better neighborhood. Attending a school he had dreams of serving the the military. The order. The discipline. The purpose. After learning of the land of Chernobyl and the current units sent in there. Such as the ecologists studying the atmosphere and such. Then the remnants of the Ukrainian army. Osip dreamed of the riches and fame he could obtain if he came back with a load of the natural wonders of The Zone. During his teenage years his father taught him how to shoot assault rifles and pistols. Telling him when to firing it is ideal to keep the safety on. His father was a retired military veteran. At the age of 21 he left his hometown of Odesa with only a Notebook and a pistol. Hoping for the best.

Upon his arrival to The Zone he saw a gate restricting his access to The Zone. He traveled a ways away from the checkpoint and hopped the fence sustaining wounds from the barbwires on the fence. There he covered his face with a balaclava and went north upon the grass. Luckily he managed to reach the area where Duty, Freedom, and Military where fighting endlessly over turf. Eventually using the knowledge he sustained from the Duty members and being Recommendation from a quartermaster he approached the base and asked for enlistment. Filling out the application he had finally turned it in and is currently waiting from a response from the Duty Leader.

Faction Related Information

What is Duty?: Duty is a organization inside The Zone with the mission to keep the Zone away from the outside world.

Why do you wish to join Duty?: I wish to help in the fight against the enemies of duty and to keep the Zone from infecting the outside world.

Who is the DUTY leader?:
Ivan Viktorsky

Roleplay Knowladge

Describe Injury RP: RP'ing a injury sustained in RP.

What is Metagaming: Using OOC information IC.

What is Metaspeak:  Talking IC in OOC/Talking OOC in IC.

Describe RDM: Killing for no reason at all.

What is the difference between RDM and STK: STK is dying or killing in the story line of the RP and RDM is killing for no reason.

Can you take responsibility for your actions?:
Yes I can take full responsibility for my actions.


- You are now set to rank recruit.

- You should search on google "duty stalker wiki" and read about Duty.

- You are put on a trial and will be watched closely if you are suitable to remain in Duty.
Title: Re: -=DUTY=- Applications: OPEN
Post by: deadeye382 on 05-12-2010
Out-Of-Character Information
Steam Friends Name: deadeye
STEAM ID:Steam_0:0:29039659
How long have you been roleplaying?:Almost two year's.
How long have you played on the server?:Almost a year now.
Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?:I play Stalker shadow of chernyobol,And Clear sky.
Do you have any IRL military knowladge?:Yes.
Can you follow orders?:Absolutley.
Recommendations:Colonel Ivan.
In-Character Information

Name:Petrenko Zeif.
Skill set:Infantry.
Backstory:Petrenko Zeif was born in Ukraine Prypat in October 21st 1980.His parents died when he was born so he was raised from a foster home.In April 26 1986 when he was six years old, The nuclear reactor Chernobyl exploded.When the city was evacuated, He was one of the surviviors who made it out alive.They made it to Russia to start a new life.14 years later, He met a women.Her name was Olga Teprofila.They were friends for the first couple of weeks until they started dating.They were a very good couple for several month's.One day on a gorgeous day,Petrenko ask Olga to marry him.She was very happy and happily said yes.They got married when Petrenko was 21 years old.
When he was 23 years old the second chernobyl exploded.Petrenko and his wife were devastated.One night he told his wife im going to the zone and tell all these maniacs to leave before something bad happens.His wife was upset when he was leaving.Petrenko took a Makarov,And some ammo to protect himself.He said goodbye to his wife, Took his wife picture,Then head off.When he first camed to the zone it was very scary.He seen Anomolys,Blood,And dead people.He tried to ignore it but it was so hard.When he found a base, He walked inside.There were these people in black and red suits.They were called "Duty".When it was weeks later he started to get used to the place.He got better weapon's,Better food,And better medical equipment.One day when they where attacked by dog's Petrenko help them out.But then when he was getting his pay he heard one of them talking about someone poisoning there food.He was loyal to duty so he helped out.They put ties on a women in blue but then all of the sudden.The Colonel started hearing beaping sounds like a bomb.He started running and Petrenko followed him.When they got there they found a women with a bomb.The Colonel and Petrenko raised there guns up at the women.She said she poisoned there food.Colonel said "You poisoned our food and plant a bomb, Goodbye.Then Colonel and Petrenko pulled the trigger shooting the terriost.Then they were going to execute a women but they all convinced that it wasnt her.We were all certain that she didnt do it.Then a dutier camed up to me and said come with me.I followed him up to the Colonel office.He was drinking coffe talking to the dutier.The Colonel ask me to come over.Petrenko walked up to the Colonel.He introduced himself and so did Petrenko.The Colonel explained how they need more men like him.He then said one important question."Will you join duty?"
Faction Related Information
What is Duty?:A army that wants to save the planet and destroy the zone once and for all.
Why do you wish to join Duty?:I can be very useful to help them out and im loyal to them.
Who is the DUTY leader?:Colonel Ivan Viktorsky.
Roleplay Knowladge
Describe Injury RP: Roleplaying as if you were hurt.
What is Metagaming:Saying OOC information in IC.
What is Metaspeak:I think its saying IC in OOC.
Describe RDM:Killing someone for no purpose reason.
What is the difference between RDM and STK:RDM is killing someone for no reason at all And STK is killing in RP or for a reason.
Can you take responsibility for your actions?:Yes.


- I roleplayed with you and you were decent.

- Backstory had some odd turns and twists.

- Grammar could have been better.

- Injury RP is Injury Roleplay as in if you get shot you will roleplay as you were hurt.

- Steam Friends Name is your name on steam.
Title: Re: -=DUTY=- Applications: OPEN
Post by: Dinuthe3rd on 08-12-2010
Out-Of-Character Information

Steam Friends Name: [X-H] {Super. A} Dinu (Jiddy)

STEAM ID: STEAM_0:0:31014794

Timezone: -5 EST

How long have you been roleplaying?: 3 Years and 6 Months

How long have you played on the server?: I'm guessing for about a week.

Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?: I played S.T.A.L.K.E.R: Shadow of Chernobyl & Call of Pripyat

Do you have any IRL military knowledge?: I know a decent amount of information.

Can you follow orders?: I can assure you that I can follow orders.

Recommendations: OOC: |HGN| Buck

In-Character Information

Name: Nickolaj Benioff

Age: 31

Skill set: Mechanics, Marksmanship

Backstory: Nickolaj was raised and born in Moldova, Rezina. In which he did take a college course after High School, a college named 'Technical University of Moldova'  owned a mechanics shop, usually working with vehicles. It didn't matter to him if it was foreign or not. He worked on them and had such a dedication to working to vehicles. Whenever he had time for himself, he decided to go to a local shooting range. Firing guns whenever he had the time after work like it was said. One night while he was out with some friends to a restaurant. His friends spoken of rumors and stories about ,'The Zone' and the wonders that it held for everyone. Only those who were lucky that could get close enough can obtain it. This taken him to curiosity about the Zone, looking more into it from the information, that was spread around on the internet. Then decided to experience the damn place himself. From taking a trip on a bus to Ukraine, Kiev which of course taken many stops as he went along the way. He had only his GSR handgun in which he bought from a shop before he left Rezina. But past all the the trips he made to getting into the Zone. He made it with some others at night, mostly at 11 PM. The night was cold and pale as he tried to make his way into the Zone, despite the hail of gunfire and lights that came from the Military's rifles. He was lucky to be one of them who didn't drop as the first one to be dropped with ease by a bullet. Thanking god in his mind that he made it and as the days go by as he wanders the Zone. All the things that go on is nothing that he'd ever see. Some of the stories we true, some were just rumors. But he's just starting to unfold the secrets of the Zone one step at a time.
As soon as he arrived, he didn't bother purchasing any ammo since he found out he dropped his handgun while he was going to arrive. Luckily enough there was a Makarov laying on the ground in which someone probably dropped it without noticing. There was only one clip loaded but he made the best of it and went on his way. He noticed many STALKERs walked north in which he assumed there must be something important ahead. In which when he kept following, past Garbage and such. He went to the Duty checkpoint. Noticing the equipment of Duty, how organized they were. He went in and hearing all the propaganda about Duty. From there he decided he should try and enlist. But for a while he hanged around the Zone and try to get used to it. This is where it leaves off as he tries to get a position with Duty.

Faction Related Information

What is Duty?: Duty is indeed a Paramilitary organization. In which it was formed by former Ukrainian Military members. Duty tries to keep the secrets of the Zone contained and does that by destroying the things that goes on within the Zone.

Why do you wish to join Duty?: I wish to join Duty since it seems to be not only an opportunity but a chance to work with a team instead of working alone. It seems more proficient and accurate especially when a group works together, it makes jobs much more easier if so. Besides, from what I think, faction's tactics are usually teamwork which interests me.

Who is the DUTY leader?: Ivan Viktorsky

Roleplay Knowledge

Describe Injury RP: If you are hit by another character ICly, you are induced to roleplay the injury like for an example. If I was shot on the chest, I would fall over and cry out and cringe in pain if it would ever happen.

What is Metagaming: Metagaming is when you take information from the OOC then to go to some place or et cetra for something that was taken from the OOC Chat.

What is Metaspeak: When you speak ICly in the OOC chat or et cetra.

Describe RDM: RDM is abbreviation for 'Random Deathmatching' in which it is when a player suddenly decides to shoot other players, mostly based around from greed or lust of some item.

What is the difference between RDM and STK: the Difference between RDM and STK is that RDM is when someone just goes 'lolshot' to other players as STK is mostly like a degree where you can ask if the other party wants to STK. If both parties agree, they can start firing at each other. But most of all having fun doing it.

Can you take responsibility for your actions?: Yes, if I was the person who instigated the problem, I will take responsibility for it and do whatever it takes to solve the problem. Because why cause more problems with lies and slanders if being honest and doing the right thing is best.


Title: Re: -=DUTY=- Applications: OPEN
Post by: Sion_Kenneth45 on 12-12-2010
Out-Of-Character Information

Steam Friends Name: ☢★[DG] Leon D.S. Geeste★

STEAM ID: STEAM_0: 1:24229907

Timezone: +0 GMT

How long have you been roleplaying?: I've roleplayed for 3 years and 3 months

How long have you played on the server?: About a week.

Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?: Call of Pripyat and Shadow Of Chernobyl

Do you have any IRL military knowledge?: Only on Various weapons/Medical and actions on British SAS Military

Can you follow orders?: I can follow any order.

Recommendations: Dinu - http://i52.tinypic.com/29456o5.jpg (http://i52.tinypic.com/29456o5.jpg)

In-Character Information

Name: Mikhael Krushev

Age: 21

Skill set: Medical and Unarmed Combat Skills.

Backstory: Mikhael is a young man who tries the best he can to survive the harshness of the wastelands, he was born and raised in Cherkasy-Ukraine , and was very unpopular and easily left out of most things, (BEFORE THE PRESENT HE WAS ATLEAST 18 YEARS OLD.). He was orphaned by bandits who killed his parents and took him in for ransom, the ransom location was in an abandoned and broken down motel for 1,700 Rubles, calling Mikhael a worthless piece of garbage, he doesn't deserve that much. However during his time in the Abandoned Motel, he heard noises of some gunshots, all of the bandits went out to go see, leaving Mikhael by himself, when that was happening, he starts to break himself free only slightly and attempts to break the rest of his bonds off, he failed in doing so but drags himself and the chair to a supply room, hopefully to keep himself hidden from the bandits when they come back.

After a few hours of non-stop gunshots, it was over and cheers were heard, there was a charge detonator at the door and after a few beeps and bloops it finally explodes and a few soldiers appear and searches the area, guns out in exercise extreme caution. He was in deep fear and was beginning to lose all hope as one of them picked up a trail on the drag marks from the chair, he closes his eyes and awaits the enevitable. But after opening the door a few seconds later says: "Kid...you alright?" he looks up at the man, still cautious as he recognised the badge of the soldier, he started to regain his confidence and answered: "I...I think...I'm okay..." he said in a very innocent and uncontrollable studder, he looks as the man started to untie his feet. "You should be more careful boy, you could of been killed." Mikhael answers. "I couldn't...because they came out of nowhere..." the soldier sighs and looks at Mikhael. "I think you should join us, we could give you a few pointers on survival out there." Mikhael looks at the soldier and nods. "I have nowhere else to go...my parents are dead..." the soldier sighs. "Sorry to hear...what's your name?" he said in a more serious tone. Mikhael answers. "Mikhael Krushev..."

After their ordeal, Mikhael decides to follow the DUTY's orders to help his survival chance. He finally found some place to be part of and can finally be able to protect himself. 3 years has passed since that incident. He has learned a lot about unarmed combat and medical training.

Faction Related Information

What is Duty?: Duty is a Paramilitary organization. which was formed by ex- Ukrainian Military members. Duty tries to keep the secrets of the Zone contained and does that by destroying evidence that belonged to those who attempted to exploit them inside the zone.

Why do you wish to join Duty?: I wish to join mainly because I want to have this as an opportunity for my character and to see what it's like upon DUTY Lines. My character likes to do something to keep his survival chances raise a little more, he also wants to take revenge on every single bandit he sees.

Who is the DUTY leader?: Ivan Viktorsky - DUG.

Roleplay Knowladge

Describe Injury RP: IF you were harmed by a fellow RPer, you would have to follow necessary rules and try to care for the wound, you choose the area you were shot and take care of it, however if you were heavily injured, you have to let someone else patch you up. You cannot just get shot and continue on like nothing happened...

What is Metagaming: Meta-gaming is a conversation/discussion that happens Out Of Character and is used In Character. (Same as Godmodding in a way.)

What is Metaspeak: Meta-Speak is basically talking ICly in an OOC conversation/discussion.

Describe RDM: RDM is known as RANDOM DEATH MATCH, this is used mainly for stealing another person's Item/Jealousy of Rank/Itchy Finger Triggers or just plain Minging..

What is the difference between RDM and STK:

1. Random Death Matching is basically killing for absolutely no reason and is looked down upon by many Roleplayers and could actually target not just one person but also MANY others, also known as "LOLSHOTTING.". (Could be just the exact HATE for that character...or something like that was just explained above.)

2. S2K is known as "Shoot to Kill." which is approved by mods/admins if they so desire to and can ask the other party if they want to S2K Or Shoot To Miss. It's basically like a vote upon players if they want it allowed or not.

Can you take responsibility for your actions?: I shall take responsibility for any illegal action I commit.

E.G: If I go on a killing spree and if an admin tells me to remove my badge and get out of DUTY. (ICly or OOCly) I will do it.


- Backstory was ... well could have been... a bit better. Redo it. Contact me on SF to tell you what's wrong. SF: Dug94

- Admins can't make you leave Duty. Only I can, the leader.

- You will be put on a trial because your friend who gave you the reccomendation vouched for you and he's a good rper.

Title: Re: -=DUTY=- Applications: OPEN
Post by: ShowNoFear on 20-12-2010
Out-Of-Character Information

Steam Friends Name: ShowNoFear

STEAM ID: STEAM_0:1:20505572

Timezone: GMT +10

How long have you been roleplaying?: One and a Half to Two Years (Roughly, Dark RP and Non-Serious/Semi-Serious not included)

How long have you played on the server?: 1 Month - 2 Months since I got involved with the community. I can be inactive sometimes as RL has a nack of flaring up every now and then.

Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?: I've played Shadow of Chernobyl and have Call if Pripyat waiting in my Games list once I complete Chernobyl.

Do you have any IRL military knowlage?: Yes, and slowly expanding as I am a member of the Australian Army Cadets.

Can you follow orders?: Yes.


In-Character Information

Name: Yassen Travoski.

Age: 36.

Skill set: Medical Procedures.

Backstory: Yassen Travoski saw the first light of the world on the 11th of October, 1976. His birth was a complete success, without
complications him and his mother left the hospital after remaining there a day in the case of any possible complications
to arise over time. Two years later, his brother, Nikolai entered the world.

Yassen's time in Primary School was satisfactory, having a group of freinds that he'd hang out with, doing minimum work andother related actions. Upon Grade 2, he began to take on the role of 'The Popular One', for commonly making jokes of the Teacher in class, back-chatting the Teacher and other related actions. By Grade 6, he was, to say, 'up there'.

High School was a slap in the face to Yassen, the sudden change from forgivness and having no problems going to ariddle of suspensions for back-chatting and the slightest physical content meant offensively. From which, he struggled to maintain his once thriving popularity and simply beggining to do his work. His overall grades began to rise.

Yassen went to University to Study Medicine once he was 19 so he could attempt to get a carrer in it, mainly for the pay. His time in University was challenging yet enjoyable, and the problems that arose were kept to a minimum. When the most anticipated graduation day arrived, he found a degree in his right hand, one of the greatest days of his life.

Then his life began to change for the worse.

Yassen was short alot of money when he was still looking for a job, and resorted to the local Loan Sharks for that bit of extra income. With that money, he bought a Car and got his job eventually with its help. But the Loan Sharks were an impatient bunch, and they went after Yassen for delaying them too long.

Yassen retreated from town to town, from one end of Ukrian and back in his retreat from the Loan Sharks. They'd find him every time. But there was one place where they coudn't chase him into, where they woudn't be game enough. Chernobyl, the Zone. And so, Yassen sneaked into the Zone like many others, without realising the horrors he'd face within.     

Faction Related Information

What Are Duty?: DUTY is found by a former military expidition and Stalkers that fear that the horrors of the Zone may spread outside of the bondries, and bring death to the outside world.

Why do you wish to join Duty?: Yassen believes that DUTY are of good intent, after being saved more than once by DUTY patrols and not being able to return the favour, he feels that it is his responsibility to join DUTY and return the favour through work.

Who is the DUTY Leader?:[/size] Ivan Viktorsky | Dug

Roleplay Knowlage

Describe Injury RP: Injury RP is when one is to Roleplay an injury. Example:

**Stalker clutches to his leg as he leans his head back, letting a groan of agony seep through is teeth as blood seeps through the fingers which clutch the bullet wound.

What is Metagaming: Metagaming is when one uses information obtained through OOC for an IC advantage. Example:

[OOC:] Military: We might raid or something...

What is Metaspeak: Metaspeak is when one uses various internet terminology, e.g. WTF, OMG, :), e.t.c. in IC chat. Example:

[IC] Stalker: OMG DID U C THAT?

When correctly, that would be

[IC] Stalker: Oh my god, did you see that!?

Describe RDM: RDM is a shortened term for Random Deathmatch, which is killing another player for no apparent reason. Example: If you were bored and killed someone for fun, that'd be RDM.

What is the Difrence between RDM and S2K: S2K, Shoot to Kill, is preformed for a legit reason (e.g. DUTY Patrol versus attacking Mutants) when RDM is for a non-legit reason.

Can you take responsibility for your actions?: Yes.


- Backstory is okay, could have been bigger.

- I need to see you roleplay with us in game in order for me to accept you fully.

- You will start as a trainee.
Title: Re: -=DUTY=- Applications: OPEN
Post by: slappymcqueen on 21-12-2010
Out-Of-Character Information

Steam Friends Name:Slappy

STEAM ID:STEAM_0:1:15676478


How long have you been roleplaying?:About 3 years

How long have you played on the server?:On and off for the past, year and a half.

Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?:No

Do you have any IRL military knowledge?:Ranking.

Can you follow orders?:Down to the last letter.


In-Character Information

Name:Yuki Survanie


Skill set:Surgeon

Backstory:He was Born just outside of the Chernobyl, he was born into a gypsie family so he was always wondering. He started to take an intrest in medicain from a young age and as he grew older he started to read books and learn all he could about being a Surgeon. After deciding to tell his family he wanted to be a surgeon, then he moved to Chernobyl to studie being a surgeon.
After 4 and a half years of being a surgeon the incident in Chernobyl happened. And he took it upon him self to help as many people as he possible could.

Faction Related Information

What is Duty?:Paramilitary faction who want to destroy the zone to stop it from spreading

Why do you wish to join Duty?:I want to reapply for duty because i have already been in duty and i  like the roleplay that it adds.

Who is the DUTY leader?:Dug/ Ivan Viktorsky

Roleplay Knowledge:

Describe Injury RP: Is where you roleplay and injury, weather it being long term or short term.

What is Metagaming: Metagaming is where you use OOC information and act upon it IC.

What isMetaspeak:You talk about OOC things IC

Describe RDM: It is where you just random kill someone.

What is the Difference between RDM and S2K: RDM is where you just kill someone, however S2K is where you agree upon killing each other.

Can you take responsibility for your actions?:Yes i can.

Just a note, I have been in Duty before but i havent been on in a while. I promise i will not let anyone down again, what happened last time was i was banned from roleplay for a while.


- Improve your backstory.

Title: Re: -=DUTY=- Applications: OPEN
Post by: gunudown on 22-12-2010
Out-Of-Character Information

Steam Friends Name: [iG-Pvt.]Comrade PancakesiLL

STEAM ID: STEAM_0:1:10190523

Timezone: (UTC) -1 GMT

How long have you been roleplaying?: I’ve been roleplaying for roughly 3 years. From vast majorities of servers, starting with DarkRP, and Rp'ing in things such as PERP.

How long have you played on the server?: About 2 Months (I Also Use To Play RadScript 1 Origional HGN SRP)
(I Recently Got A New Account, Due To A New E-Mail)

Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?: Yes, I've Played/Completed All Three.

Do you have any IRL military knowledge?: My Real Knowledge Is Quite Short / Limited, althought im familiar with the tactics and ranking structures withint he military.

Can you follow orders?: Yes I Can.

None At The Moment.

In-Character Information

Name: Intrizi Klashkanov (I'd like to change this To Valera Krugloza )

Age: 26

Skill set: Marksmanship And Basic Medical Knowledge.

Intrizi Klashkanov was born within the city of Chernobyl, within Ukraine. Intrizi was lucky enough to be born into an exceedingly wealthy family and was surrounded by the ones he loved, cared for, and of course his parents.. He was an underachiever towards the start of school, gradually progressing to A*'s In His Work, Exams, And Graduating In Colledge.  Intrizi's Interests Weren't things such as Maths, Or Science, he had his heart set out for joining the Army, Or Doing Many Physical Activities. He Lived His Childhood As a Healthy, Fully Developed Boy, Changing Into A Man, As he Kept The Regular Basis of Exercise and Health Food Balanced. His Life Was Gradually Getting Worst, In 2003, His Father Was Assaulted And Shot To Death Somewhere in Odessa, His Mother Was Raped, And Brutally Murdered In 2005, Along With His Brother Joining The Military. But Then, It Came to A Turn For The Worst. When the Second Chernobyl Disaster in 2006 Struck. The Rumors Had Spread Throughout The World, Of The Blinding White Light, Warping Whole Lands Into Mutated Alien-Like Freak-Zones Within Days. Chernobyl, (The Mutant-Occupied Place Known As the Zone Would Begin To Concern Him, Intrizi Ventured Forth into The Zone Somewhere Early In 2010. It took a Whole Year For Intrizi To Gain Access To Cordon, Due To Military Holdup's Constant Attacks From Stalkers And This Proved Cordon, but by the time the year of 2011 had came, Intrizi’s life as one of the Unknown Stalkers had Finally Begun. It Took a long Time for Intrizi To adapt, Being in a mutant Occupied Zone, Where Everything Is A turn For the Worst, He Was An Honest Man, With No Intentional Fear, And Every Day, He Made Atleast Twon New Friends, Who Would Aid Him During Bloodsucker Attacks, Military Raids, or The Odd Bandit Attack, He Soon Came To Find out About the Many Groups In The Zone, Or Factions, As They Called Them, Intrizi Soon Came Across The Faaction Called DUTY, And Set His Heart out To Joining Them, These Men Were Hero's To The Stalkers, Men Who Put Their Life On The Line, Just To Save A Stalker, Being No Stranger To The Dangers That The Zone Has to Offer, Intrizi Set Out To Complete His Goal of Assisting The Zone, He Thought Of Becoming A Part Of The Heroic Group, And Hoped It Would Lead Him Through Some Of The Deadliest Tasks, Known To Man, From Searching Bandit Warehouses, To Full On Combat With Bloodsuckers. After 3 Months, Intrizi Managed To Become Friends With Some Of the High-Ranking DUTY Members, And Was Soon Invited Into The Group, He Said Yes, And Was Issued The Rank Of Private, And Swore, To Protect The Zone, From Threats, Hazards, Nomatter What The Situation Is

Faction Related Information

What is Duty?: Duty is paramilitary organization founded by former members of the Ukrainian Military, It Was Assumed That They Were Spetsnaz Because Of Some of the Activities They were Assigned to do. In the public eye, Duty is a defender of Loners, a group that seeks to eradicate the horrors of the Zone, Secretly; Duty was founded by Military soldiers who wished to desert the military, and hunt artifacts for their own personal gain in the new-found Zone. Duty Consists of both EX-Military, and Loners who have gained enough trust with the organization to be recruited as an official member of the Faction.

Why do you wish to join Duty?: I wish to join Duty for a few specific reason; I wish for my faction character to be more involved with other Stalkers, and to be able to participate in events and Passive RP. None of which I was able to do as A Stalker

Who is the DUTY leader?:

Roleplay Knowledge

Describe Injury RP: Injury RP is Where you act out what wounds/injuries etc your character has recieved.. Such as Being Shot in both Legs, You Would Not be able to run away, you would act the pain/not being able to run.

What is Metagaming: Using OOC while IC.
E.G: [OOC] Bandit: Going To Invade Bloodsuckers Lair
       [IC] Bloodsucker: Come Lets Hide They're Going To Be Here Soon

What is Metaspeak: Speaking IC in an OOC chat, or the other way round..
When In Character... You Shouldnt Use Those Silly Fucking Smileys..... Or Become A Grammer Nazi ^.^

Describe RDM: RDM (Random Death-Matching) IS Essentially Where You Shoot/Kill Another player/stalker for no [IC] reason at all..

What is the difference between RDM and STK:
RDM is not backed up by an IC reason, and it lacks permission for a battle to take place. STK is the generally the opposite, it is usually backed by an IC reason, and always backed by permission for the parties to engage in STK.

Can you take responsibility for your actions?: Yes I Can.

I use To Be A DUTY Member Under The Name Of Vladmir Kawolski In RadiationScript 1, Dunno if anyone Remembers me.


- Backstory is okay, grammar issues are present but I'm not a grammar nazi.

- I need to see you roleplay with us in game in order for me to accept you fully.

- You will start as a trainee.

- Also decided which name are you going to use then PM me.
Title: Re: -=DUTY=- Applications: OPEN
Post by: deluxulous on 25-12-2010
Out-Of-Character Information

Steam Friends Name: dcbarker (Display name: Deluxulous)

STEAM ID: STEAM_0:0:9267027

Timezone: EST (GMT -5:00)

How long have you been roleplaying?: Approx. 4 years as of September 2010.

How long have you played on the server?: I first joined HGN in March, 2009. I have been actively playing S.T.A.L.K.E.R. roleplay since about June, 2009. (1 year, 6 months)

Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?: Yes. Shadow Of Chernobyl, and Call of Pripyat. (I did not play much of Clear Sky.)

Do you have any IRL military knowladge?: I have basic knowledge, it depends on what you want to go into.

Can you follow orders?: That's the only thing I've ever done in this life.


In-Character Information

Name: Leonard Maskinsky.

Age: 27.

Skill set: Leonard claims to have strong abilities in first aid, leadership, organization, and survival skills.

FILE REPORT----M, L. 162
DATE OF ACCESS - 25/12/2012
Name - Maskinsky, Leonard
DOB: March 18th, 1985
Sex: M
Early Life: Maskinsky, Leonard was born in Leningrad (Reviewers Note - Now St.Petersburg). He grew up in the city, leading a normal life. His parents worked and provided adequate financial support. Uneventful childhood, normal development.
Adolescent Life: Maskinsky begins to wish for something other than city life. Parents are recorded saying that he often was upset by how "boring and stupid" the urban environment was. Leonard and his father begin to bond. Father begins taking him to a camping area where he bought a cabin in the wilderness. Maskinsky begins to show signs of getting better, and his mood is improved greatly. His parents are relieved. Maskinsky finishes school.
Adult: Maskinsky and an unknown, anonymous person unexpectedly disappear. The two disappearances were on the same day, and are VERY LIKELY to have been connected. (Unkown could have been [CENSORED]?) Maskinsky drops off the radar for some time. Later, reappears in the Zone. Motives are unknown for his transfer into the Zone. (Wanting to show off skills? Boredom? Trouble with parents? -- scratch -- No recorded hostilities with guardians)
Maskinsky makes first encounters with DUTY faction. Small regiment, named [UNRELIABLE DATA, OMITTED]. Maskinsky trains and joins their ranks. Maskinsky's stint with this DUTY regiment is uneventful by Zone standards. Regular encounters with mutants and bandits occur.
--Database research ended, manual expansion beginning.
:;/> To fully understand Maskinsky's involvement with his next DUTY branch, you need to know about Boris Kerechinov.
Boris Kerechinov commanded the unit that Maskinsky would join in the future. Boris' soldiers were unruly and Boris punished them by demoting all of them, save for a few people for command structure. This lead to a mutiny, and Kerechinov was overthrown. On the day Kerechinov was scheduled to be exiled, he was shot. Kerechinov is listed as MIA, presumed dead. The body was never recovered. After the mutiny, a reinforcement request was sent to the small regiment Maskinsky was in at the time, and they sent Maskinsky over as the quartermaster and supplies manager. Maskinsky provided people with gear during his time there. Maskinsky seemed like the ideal DUTYer - he did everything he was told to do and believed in everything that DUTY stood for. Nothing eventful happened for a while.
:;/> After a unit transfer to a different area of the Zone, DUTY's hostility with Freedom was rising. They fought bitterly, and an exchange of territory occurred. One day, on an unrecorded date (Very strange and uncoincidental.) a Freedom group took a DUTY Master Sergeant captive (Name: Albert Lewensky). Maskinsky was the commanding officer at the time, being a Sergeant. Negotiations took place, and things started to go wrong. Maskinsky agreed to let one person enter the base to get Lewensky and give over the ransom money, seeing no other options. Another DUTY soldier, at this time his name is forgotten, foolishly rushed into the base and got himself killed. Records show he was not well liked within the unit. This added a large delay, and made communications difficult. The negotiations were still going on. Finally, Lewensky was released. Maskinsky and another DUTY recruit went to meet him. However, mutants attacked Lewensky and the ransom holder as they exited the base. The soldier that brought the ransom fled, and Lewensky was killed. Maskinsky was filled with grief, and blamed himself for the events that day.
Later, the leader would discharge Maskinsky from service, because his general health, combat performance and psychological well being were very poor. Maskinsky drops off the radar again.
:;/> Maskinsky later tried to rejoin DUTY after a leadership change and another unit relocation. He never got back in, because the leader would never see him to confirm his acceptance into the unit. Maskinsky then disappeared again, presumably wandering the Zone again.

Faction Related Information

What is Duty?: DUTY is a faction in the STALKER world. They are a group dedicated to the shutting down or destroying of the entire Zone. They stand against Freedom, their rival group. They do not endorse the selling of artifacts to the outside world, but instead give them to scientists for study. They were founded from a military group that was left in the zone to die.

Why do you wish to join Duty?: DUTY has always been my favorite faction, and the military like lifestyle suits my role-play preferences.

Who is the DUTY leader?:
Dug, Ivan Viktorsky

Roleplay Knowledge

Describe Injury RP: Injury RP is role-play where, if an ingame character is killed or hurt by any means, the user will roleplay his or her injuries if she had NOT died (if it is the case) or they act out their injuries in role-play.

What is Metagaming: Metagaming is when a user applies information recorded or gained in the Out of Character state, and applies it to In Character actions, dialogue, or other means.

What is Metaspeak: Metaspeak is using terms, phrases or other forms of talking that would normally not be used in regular dialogue or speech. Examples: "lol," "rofl," "omg," any emoticons such as ": )" ": D" "8 )" etc.

Describe RDM: RDM can stand for two different things. It can be "Random Death Match" which is the killing of a player for no purpose, from no motives, and from no other reason. It can also be "Revenge Death Match" which is when a player is killed, and then the killed player comes back and kills his/her killer.

What is the difference between RDM and STK: STK (Shoot to Kill) is agreed upon by all players who are involved in a firefight, and is an announced and planned type of combat in game. RDM is the unplanned, unannounced killing of a player for no legitimate reason.

Can you take responsibility for your actions?: Yes, I can.


- Welcome back!

- You will start as a soldier!

- Where the fuck is Stone in that story :3?
Title: Re: -=DUTY=- Applications: OPEN
Post by: Turkey on 26-12-2010
STALKER: Mad World (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jh2QrUpudPE#ws)

Out-Of-Character Information

Steam Friends Name:turky

STEAM ID:STEAM_0:1:22050784 

Timezone: Central

How long have you been roleplaying?: Too long to count D:

How long have you played on the server?: 1 year

Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?: yarp

Do you have any IRL military knowladge?: yarp

Can you follow orders?: yarp

Everyone Ace

In-Character Information

Name: Fyoder Zel

Age: 31

Skill set: Recon

Fyoder was born in a place called Irkutsk, he is a only child and his father passed away three years after he was born. His mother couldn't afford childcare, And Fyoder was sent to live with his grandparents. His grandpa would tell story's about how they would play on the Ferris wheel in Pripyat when he was little.  After school was out, Him and three other of his friends would play out in the abandon house. They played hide and go seek, Tag, And ghost hunters. One summer day, they where heading out to their "Play house" and they saw construction crews. His club house was being replaced by the modern industrial!
The kids took off running, Heading home.
Eventually time went on, They forgot about the club house, And lived a average life in high school. Trading comic books for money, Hitting on women in the halls, Getting rejected.
At the age of 19, He returned with his "Old friends" to see what happened to their club house. A large factory stood tall, Furious at what they saw, They went on strike outside the building. A few under payed workers joined in, Chanting "GO AWAY! WE DON'T WANT YOUR SHIT!". Riot police arrived, Then all hell broke loose! A man in coat, Fired a round into a officer, It turned into a war-zone. Molotov's being thrown left and right, Rocks flying trough the air! Fyoder ran, he ran as far, and as fast as he could. He ran for the 'Deserted' Zone.
He ended up in Korosten where he met up with some dutyers, They brought him to their base.. Fyoder said "This is... Home".
After he was accepted into duty. He started his life as a dutyer. Fighting a war.. A war over ideology. The nights where long.. Spending countless hours staring into a fire. Everyone told stories about their home. They also would just remain silent and listen to the night.. The mutants.. The zone. The nights were cold.. And bitter.. Every morning waking to have everything on the ground wet from the dew. Fyoder sat around a fire with no expression, The base was silent except for the rattle of gear from the soldiers doing drills.. Then a pop, A massive slam and a cry for help, As he turned his head he saw the gate guard laying on the ground, His upper shoulder ripped to shreds by a bullet. Fyoder dropped his weapon--big mistake-- and ran towards the gate to help the injured soldier. When he finally got close to him, He slid over to the body, He looked in the eyes of the soldier and paused. In his mind, Everything stopped except for him and the birds flying over him, Fyoder turned his head to the side looking over his shoulder, He could see the anarchist firing at them, Most directed towards the bear squad. He grabbed the rifle out of the hand of the soldier on the floor and turned around. He slammed into the gate wall in rage, he looked towards the soldier in front of him, Then back at Sgt. McMillan who was reloading. Fyoder darted from behind the cover, Sending a burst of rounds at the nearest green thing he saw, Then he heard the sound of bullets hitting flesh, Much like he heard earlier, He halted looking towards where he shot, The dutyers cheered as he stared at the freedomer on the ground, It was Fyoders first kill, And they successfully defended the base. He watched the freedomer squirm, He wasn't dead yet. His CO told him to go finish the rat. So Fyoder approached the injured freedomer. He knelt down next to him putting his Fora-12 on the face of the freedomer. He then stopped and looked towards the freedomers eyes. He knew he couldn't do it.. But he had to.. What would everyone do if he was caught sparing anarchist.. He pulled the trigger... Not looking, He stood up, returning to base.
He felt.. Different from that day on..  They continued the offense dutyers pushed, Every attack, More blood.. Fyoder had his own goal, He wasn't making enough money as a dutyer. He left duty, Returning as a free STALKER to the rest of the zone. Making his living in a trailer, Having nothing but his weapons and PDA. He only ever wrote one log.. It said, "And I have hope.." nothing more. He never did much but hang out at camps.. He hardly spoke.. He did work as a mercenary for a short period, One job was to murder a group of ecologist in the hospital.. It was 'cake' for him. He slaughtered all Two stalkers with abakans and one ecologist. He left the tunnels a rich man, He continued to do his 'job', Hardly considered a job for him.. He heard about duty getting a new leader.. He decided to return.. To once again fight for duty.

Faction Related Information

What is Duty?: A paramilitary group with intentions on destroying the zone

Why do you wish to join Duty?: They're very cool guys, I would like to rejoin their faction

Who is the DUTY leader?:


Roleplay Knowladge

Describe Injury RP: Hit in the leg, roleplay like you would

What is Metagaming: Using ooc info Ic

What is Metaspeak: lol wat dat< Using that IC

Describe RDM: Killing without reason

What is the difference between RDM and STK: STK is still agree'd upon

Can you take responsibility for your actions?:Always.


- Welcome back.
Title: Re: -=DUTY=- Applications: OPEN
Post by: Faxxon on 28-12-2010
Out-Of-Character Information

Steam Friends Name: warlock114/[BUILT] Breadbuilt

STEAM ID:  STEAM_0:0:5891604

Timezone: GMT+ 0

How long have you been roleplaying?: On and off 4 or so years.

How long have you played on the server?: Four or so days now.

Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?: No, I haven't.

Do you have any IRL military knowladge?: I have none, I do know about ranks, hierarchy, basic combat tactics (in a roleplay sense) and the chain of command.

Can you follow orders?: To the highest extent.

I'm afraid to be to new to have any right now.

In-Character Information

Name:Nikolai Iya

Age: Thirty-two years of age.

Skill set: Field Medic or Technology/Artifact Analyst


Nikolai Iya, born on March 4th, 1983 and raised in Chernyakhovsk as a only child to a middle class family consisting of Fedora Iya and Leonid Iya. Nikolai's father, Leonid, was a reputed and successful physician in the local area and was renowned for his techniques and practicses. Fedora was a simple house-wife who held the stereotypical motions of cooking, maintenance and keep the household content. Nikolai was brought up under a strict regime for morales, respect, courtesy and discipline and spent a lot of his free time observing his fathers work. He attended a private school close to his residence where he was taught to read and write as well as popular academic studies he required. Aged 16 (1999) Nikolai graduated from schooling and excelled in the paths of math and chemistry.

Using his advantage of qualifications he assisted his father in developing and researching into new medical treatments to better serve patients. The cold winters over the coming years provided a challenge to both father and son as crops were destroyed, disease and famine spread through the town - the dependency was on science, medical cures and prototype synthetic processing to produce foodstuffs. Around the age of 19 (2002) a lapse occurred in Nikolai's life as his parents became divorced after experiencing trouble in the marriage, an emotional phase took the household by swarm and drove Leonid to leaving the town unexpectedly. Nikolai was now deprived of family attention and having little elsewhere to turn, he began his own line of work; experimenting day and night with various volatile chemicals to produce for the revolutionary market. He understood the risks involved but the rewards were the only thing that could provide a stable income to support the house and living requirements.

Goods were exchanged, packages were delivered and money was begriming to litter Nikolai's pockets; and like they say - "more money more problems". Government officials were made aware of Nikolai's actions and discussed a correct course of action to further prevent them. Instead of using his knowledge to better society and follow his fathers work, Nikolai had almost became a monster and chose to engineer contraptions of destruction; a single regret that burdens him each and every day. Nikolai chose the option of good behaviour and turned himself into the authorities; by a twist of fate Nikolai was sentenced to the harsh and punished world of the Russian judicial system and locked away into a labor prison for his crimes, a total of twelve years - it was statistical that there was a seventy-five percent chance that convicts were killed before completing their sentences.

The sheer concentrated willpower, mental stamina mixed with a strong balance of charisma were the only attributes that allowed Nikolai to survive those agonizing years in prison. Making friends was the primary aim but far more enemies strayed his path. Companionship and brotherhood with several of his cell mates both kept his sanity and kept him alive. Nikolai was released, June 17th, 2014, aged thirty-two years. Nikolai immediately returned to Chernyakhovsk to scavenge some of the hidden money he had placed incase of his capture, it was his only collateral left. The town was much more desolate than before, winds of time had eroded and worn down the civilized structures, the pavements had become littered with reflective snack wrappers and polythene bags - the church tower stood high above the town, however, now missing large portions of concrete foundation after revolutionaries ransacked some of the town. What populace was left came to their door steps and eyed Nikolai with lost and broken faces, bemused at how a monster was evolved from once a charming and polite young boy. Nikolai wandered out of Chernyakhovsk and used the money to travel to the only place where only death would welcome him with open arms, "The Zone".

Nikolai has some former knowledge about the various militaries, splinter groups and factions that resided in the zone, DUTY took his eye the most. Some brief research revealed their application services were open and their outpost was the first location he visited for recovery and shelter.

Faction Related Information

What is Duty?: An organized group of zone inhabitants that have combined to form a paramilitary that operates under a regimental structure and governing codes. Their aim is to purge mutant life, including anomalies, in the zone with fear that it could spread to the outside world and cause un-repairable harm. Cutthroats, rogues, bandits and mercenaries are also targets who intend to manipulate, exploit and overpower STALKER's for their possessed goods and property.. Or even their lives.

Why do you wish to join Duty?:

As a former Chemist you would think I would exploit this rich land for research into advanced technologies. In fact, its quite the opposite. There is nothing beneficial out here; perhaps you could study the mutants and determine the effects of their mutation but these creatures look almost incurable into their original forms. We can tame the environment though, by eradicating all mutant life and human life that wishes to harm others for personal gain.

My father, Leonid, worked in pharmaceutical development and I chose to ignore the footsteps I should have been following. I crafted devices that should have never seen the light of this earth and I wish to seek some redemption for my actions. I am applying to the medical wing of DUTY, so that I may repair limbs, stitch wounds and heal the inflicted... Well, those who deserve it anyway. I will help DUTY progress with their responsibilities with both weapon and keeping your men healthy.

Who is the DUTY leader?:

I've done some research into your roots as a group, the latest findings were that DUTY was taken over by a "Captain Techenko". I heard your military abandoned you, its amazing what happens when you put your trust into men who point you in a direction of death and promise you safe return, I have not experienced the feeling; but I will fight alongside you and share your woe...

Or we could go with Dug.

Roleplay Knowladge

Describe Injury RP: The act of roleplaying injury, for example if you are shot in the foot you will have greater difficulty walking and running would probably not be a option for you at all. You would have to seek medical treatment for your wounds and carry your wounds in a persistent manner TILL you receive medical treatment.

What is Metagaming: Using OOC knowledge in character.

What is Metaspeak: Honestly, in my years of RPing I haven't heard of this one. I'll take a guess (despite others having the correct answers) - the actual execution of using the OOC knowledge in a IC manner, perhaps?

Describe RDM: RDM - Random Deathmatching, killing players for unexplained reasons with the intention to grief or harass, normally RDmers skip admin authorization and rules for kills and will kill a player for "the hell of it".

What is the difference between RDM and STK: STK kills are agreed on by both parties and are constituted as a RP rule, RDMing has no authorization in its nature and is classified as random deathmatching - killing people at random for unexplained reasons.

Can you take responsibility for your actions?:
Certainly can.

Title: Re: -=DUTY=- Applications: OPEN
Post by: jaik on 28-12-2010
Out-Of-Character Information

Steam Friends Name: Federal Government

STEAM ID: STEAM_0:1:15198467

Timezone: GMT +2

How long have you been roleplaying?: 3 years

How long have you played on the server?: 2 years

Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?: All of them.

Do you have any IRL military knowladge?:  Yes.

Can you follow orders?: Yes, sir


[LOOC] 'Troll': Can I have 2 recs
[LOOC] S-Sldr. Maksim 'Wolf' Shuhtar: ye
ComradeBritish: Yes, here is my reccomendation for Duty bro.

In-Character Information

Name: Stepan 'Troll' Serdjukov


Skill set: Expert Marksman with Soviet Weaponry (Groza, AKM, AKSU, AN-94), Average weapon technician skillset, Basic Military Training, Basic Medicine knowledge.


Stepan Serdjukov was born, March 23rd, 1980, into an average family far in Northern Ukraine, in a region of Berezhest. He lived a rural life, growing up in the mountain ranges and forests with his family. Stepan enjoyed a relatively good education in the local primary school, though often had clashes with classmates he had disagreements with. Then, in 1992, Russian Federal education reforms resulted in a massive change of the education system, and Stepan's course was widely thrown off balance. Because of this, he refused to take higher education.

Gaining experience
For the rest of his childhood years, Stepan tried to make up by training physically and learning basic medical procedures. In search for work, his father, who was an employee at a factory, which provided Ukraine with Warsaw Pact weapons gave Stepan a chance to join in. Many of these things he was barely able to grasp, yet he used the information he learned to his advantage in any situation. At age of 20, his father suffered lethal damage in an accident, where his father had to wrap the fragmentation grenades manually. Turned out, that low quality fuses and bad condition isn't the best combination, thus the grenade exploded. Shrapnel shards impacted his body, the shockwave instantly killed him. After the incident, the factory was closed and Stepan was left unemployed. Eventually, believing life in the capital would be much better, he chose Kiev, and got a job as a low-end technician in a minor corporate factor.

In the Army
Several years passed, and with Stepan unhappy with his job, he quit. Now with many nationalist and honor-like views, he sought a career in the army, where he was able to gain some experience in the military. Eventually, he was discharged due to Ukrainian government armed forces reformations, signifying that his services to the country were no longer required. He gave up on a chance of rejoining, and eventually, when the Chernobyl disaster occurred and the dangerous yet spoiled Zone was created, he had assumed that a life of adventure could easily be achieved outside of the military, and entered the Zone.

In The Zone
When he arrived, the faction by the name of Duty had the most influence on him. He tried to join Duty and even following its ideals as a loner. However, he was too inexperienced to join Duty at that time, thus his request and application was denied.
It wasn't long before he forgot about Duty and went onto the side of the organized crime of The Zone. "Garbage Bandits", they called themselves. He joined the said group to gain protection, as he was afraid of what the Zone dangers had to offer. His military experience and training quickly earned him a higher position within the bandits. However, the fun ended for him when a group of dutiers and loners grew tired of the group and wiped it out. He was smart enough to quickly retreat the said battle, going unnoticed. He altered his identity and became a mercenary, doing small jobs and missions here and there. Then he heard the consequences of the mentioned battle; Duty has gained another victory. This made him fear and respect Duty.
Stepan- or 'Troll', as they call him, now a hardened Zone veteran, now growing tired of hostility of Freedom, decided to fulfill his dream - becoming a full member of Duty. Until now, he's been a usual loner helping Duty and being loyal to its ideals. One of his newly made friends, a rookie, who's been wishing to join Duty ever since he arrived in the Zone, made Stepan think about his past and improve where he went wrong. They both applied for Duty...

Faction Related Information

What is Duty?: Huge para-military stalker clan, which goal is to destroy the Zone.

Why do you wish to join Duty?: I mainly wish to offer my expertise in repairing, modifying and creating weapons for Duty, however my skills aren't limited only to that.

Who is the DUTY leader?:
  Ivan Viktorsky || Dug

Roleplay Knowladge

Describe Injury RP: Roleplaying an injury, if one of your limbs are severely damaged, you'd like to RP the fact that you can't just keep fighting, ignoring the pain; rather just attempt to RP having that injury.

What is Metagaming: Using Out-Of-Character information in In-Character.

What is Metaspeak: Using internet slangs In-Character.

Describe RDM: Usually; Random Deathmatch, which means that player A, uses any way possible to kill player B without any In-Character reason.

What is the difference between RDM and STK: STK is an agreement, RDM isn't.

Can you take responsibility for your actions?:

Title: Re: -=DUTY=- Applications: OPEN
Post by: Rook on 29-12-2010
Out-Of-Character Information

Steam Friends Name: Rook/DTRZ
STEAM ID: STEAM_0:1:11821690
Timezone: GMT -/+ 0
How long have you been roleplaying?: Can't remember, more than a year or so.
How long have you played on the server?: Just over a year
Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?: All 3, only able to complete Clear Sky without adding new mods to fuck up my game.
Do you have any IRL military knowladge?: Somewhat, yes.
Can you follow orders?: Of course, why would I apply for a Disciplinary and strict faction without being able to follow orders, siwwy wabbit.

In-Character Information

Name: Roma Kuznetsov
Age: 28
Skill set: Experianced with locks, reasonable accuracy with sidearms, assault rifles, shotguns and Sniper rifles.

Roma once lived in a cabin just outside the zone by himself, he would get the regular company of Military checking the area for smugglers, he would pay the Military to bring supplies in with the Military supply trucks, soon found himself being evicted to cordon off the surrounding area, he was left 20 minutes to pack up and reach the new line where Military were moving Fences, he went outside, looked at the far off Military, turned to the gap in the Zone, he saw a few men in light brown coats standing, one with Binoculars, he decided it would be a good idea to walk over to them and ask them what they were doing, they said it was odd for Military to leave a big gap like this, anyone could run out with an Artifact or two, that word Artifact rang a few bells in his mind, a few soldiers told him about the Zone, what it was, the job they had to do, about the factions, mutants, he had enough information to know what to do, he looked between the zone and the Military line, a smirk played on his face, turning back to the men he asked "where's the best place to go for someone new?", they told him, a mile up the road you will find a small camp, talk to Wolf, he went back to his Cabin, grabbed a Hunting Shotgun he got from his father, some shells, food, money, and ran back, by which time the men were gone, so he walked up the road himself.

After a while he decided he had walked far enough, and looked around, to the right was a road leading to what looked like a Vehicle Garage, he walked down, shotgun in hand, stopped as he noticed a hidden gun, then another, and a few more, aiming at him, a voice came from the shadows of the entrance "What are you doing here STALKER, you all should know not to come here", he told them that he was told to find a camp down the road, to start with, they simply laughed, they told him they were Bandits, not STALKERs, STALKERs were weak, and they were strong.

For the next few months he worked with Bandits, robbing and killing, going through rediculous anomalic fields to get an artifact only to have it split with everyone, other than that, the money was good, he had a few friends, he started to get used to it to an extent, that was before prisoners told him things, things about the real STALKERs, Wolf's men, fighting to the good of the Zone, he may have been a bandit on the outside, but he wasn't the killer that they wanted on the inside, he soon deserted the Bandits, taking 4 prisoners with him, to show him where he needed to go, although he had wanted to go the to Cordon, he was stopped by curiosity which lead him to another faction in the area, DUTY, they wanted to destroy the Zone, stop the Bandits, this was the faction for him..

Faction Related Information

What is Duty?: DUTY are a paramilitary faction based on discipline and chain of command, they are in the Zone to protect STALKERs from Bandits and Mutants and to overall rid the world of the Zone.
Why do you wish to join Duty?: I want to be a part of DUTY RP, never before having a DUTY character I think it would be a fun experiance.
Who is the DUTY leader?:
Ivan Viktorsky/Dug

Roleplay Knowladge

Describe Injury RP: RPing an injury, e.g. you get shot in the leg, you will limp or have trouble walking on certain terrains for certain ammounts of time, shot in the arm, you will have trouble lifting your arms to aim, or aim for long periods of time.
What is Metagaming: Taking OOC information and using it IC
What is Metaspeak: Using emoticons or internet acronyms IC
Describe RDM: Killing someone without IC reasons
What is the difference between RDM and STK: RDM is killing someone without an RP reason, STK is an agreed fight in which the combating sides try to kill all enemies within that specific gunfight
Can you take responsibility for your actions?: Of course.

Title: Re: -=DUTY=- Applications: OPEN
Post by: Smirnoff on 02-01-2011
Out-Of-Character Information

Steam Friends Name: |HGN| SmirnoFF

STEAM ID: Dont know really, I will find out if you need it.

Timezone: GMT+1

How long have you been roleplaying?: I think its around a year now.

How long have you played on the server?: Look above.

Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?: Yeah, all of them infact.

Do you have any IRL military knowladge?: Besides doing a military youth course during the summer, no. But i do have a general understanding of how things work. My brother have been in basic training.

Can you follow orders?: Yes, sir!


In-Character Information

Name: Vladmir Ivanov

Age: 24

Skill set: Officer training, many years of experience as a military officer in the zone, used to poor conditions.

Vladmir was born in Kiev in a very poor family. Everyday was fight to survive, you got nothing for free, that included food, water or even medication. Vladmirs grandfather, which he was also named after, had been working as a teacher before his retirement, his mom sent him there to learn to write, read, even maths. This did not last for long however, as his grandfather was diagnosed for cancer, and died when Vladmir was 8. Vladmirs youth was filled of fighting, stealing, scamming, everything he could to be able to bring some bread and water home to his family, you could say he learned to survive the hard way, and how unfair life was.

A friend came to him at the age of 19, he told him of a paradise, "The Zone" it was called. It was there where no one were judged by their heritage, and pieces of stone called artifacts could be sold for several thousands. Vladmir, however was no fool, he had heard of this zone before and he knew about its harsh enviroment and total anarchy. But the thoughts of making a fortune wouldent leave his mind, he thought of finding these artifacts, becoming a millionaire, be able to buy a house for his parents and himself, give them a good life. He told the family of the zone and described it as a goldmine, he left out the horrid part of the zones story.
The family scrounged up all the money they could spare, and sent Vladmir off to a school to perfect his reading and writing, after that signed up for the Ukrainan military. He told the family it was necessary he had combat training before venturing in to the zone. He flied throught basic training and ended up "graduating" as the top soldier, as recommended by his superiors, he signed up for officer training, specifying the zone as his service location when the training was over. Here he spent two years of his life, the pay was suprisingly good, and his family did not need to starve anymore. When the training was over, he was now Lieutenant Vladmir Ivanov, he recieved two weeks permission visiting his family, clearing up any business he had, and said farewell to his family, possibly the last time he would ever see them.

Now, it was off into the zone, he was flown in by helicopter to the military head quarters, and was granted three plutoons to command. Even the zone did not claim his exceptional leading skills, however he began to notice something with the soldiers, they were all.. strange. Something was wrong was these men, something had GONE wrong with them, they would shoot people, stalkers for pleasure, ending human lives for their own satisfaction. Vladmir tried the best he could to prevent this sort of thing from happening, but always when he punished someone, had gathered the evidence and was about to send it in to the martial court, the case was always unexplainibly dropped. Vladmir began to be more and more disrespected by his men, even his superiors. They began ignoring orders, even stealing some of his personal things, he knew he could not stay here. One night, he deserted the camp.

He had to think of somewhere to go, and he did alright. Vladmir fled to the duty base, the heart of the enemy. When Vladmir arrived, he expected to see corpses all over the place, his superiors had told him that Duty was a cold blooded, heart less band of deserters, and foolish as he was, he belived their stories of brutal rapes and murders. The more time he spent there, the more he begin to realise what duty was about, shielding humanity from the zone, brotherhood, honor, all the things he wanted the military to be. This was his call.. he knew it.

Faction Related Information

What is Duty?: A paramilitary organisation originally built by military soldiers who were abandoned by their command. They try with everything in their power to contain the zone, and to protect humanity from it.

Why do you wish to join Duty?:
I want to join Duty because ive always enjoyed RPing with and as a duty.
Im reapplying from a period of inactivity as well.
Who is the DUTY leader?:

Lt. Col Ivan Viktorsky /Dug
Roleplay Knowladge

Describe Injury RP: Roleplaying being injured, that includes the moment of getting injured, and rehabilitating from the injury. This is often used in combat instead of STK.

What is Metagaming:
Taking OOC information and using it IC.
What is Metaspeak:
Using for example, leetspeak and shorts inside IC talking.
Describe RDM: Randomly killing someone, with no RP reasons, or permission, often for loot.

What is the difference between RDM and STK: STK is where both sides agree to STK fight, stk means Shoot To Kill.

Addendum: Im used to being an officer, both OOC and IC, I noticed you were low on officers as well so I just want you to know im up for it.

Can you take responsibility for your actions?:
Yes, Sir!


- Don't go inactive on me.

- Reinstated as a soldier.
Title: Re: -=DUTY=- Applications: OPEN
Post by: ThuyCaemBaundingOvah on 05-01-2011
Out-Of-Character Information

Steam Friends Name:  ThuyCaemBaundingOvah


Timezone:  GMT -/+ 0

How long have you been roleplaying?:   Not so long on this server, but I have played for well over 24 hours on a GTA SA RP server

How long have you played on the server?:  about 30 minuites

Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?:  Yes Iv'e played Shadows of Chernobyl, Clear Sky & Call of Pripyat.

Do you have any IRL military knowladge?:  Yes I do, I will share with you some facts now with you, 1. China is the biggest military in the world, 2. The british own special service (SAS) is the most elite fighting force on the planet, 3. Molotov cocktails were created and first used in the war agasint USSR & Sweden.

Can you follow orders?:  Indeed I can


In-Character Information

Name:  Baundin Dimitriov

Age:  37

Skill set:  Janitor

Baundin was an ex-convict from soviet russia in the mid 1980's, after being freed from prision in early 2011, baundin came to the zone in a hope to get away from the troubles he faced back home.
a few days in the zone started to make baundin feel depressed, After walking 5 day without food,  being incredibly hungry and tired he came across a group of Duty, with there shining armour.
Baundin was searched for dangorous items (Artifacts) soon on Duty's arrival and soon became friends with them. soon after the search 3 peudodog came and attacked baundin & some of the Duty squad, soon after the dogs were shot dead, Baundin now knows what his mission in the zone is, to join duty and reward them with a new comrade for saving him and to help end to the zone once and for all and stop its expansion.

Faction Related Information

What is Duty?:  Duty is a large brotherhood of elite professionals who team together to complete a common which is to stop the zone fexpanding and to try and find a way to destory it

Why do you wish to join Duty?:  Because I have the same goal as the Duty members, and that is to stop the expansion of the zone and to try and find a way to destory it!

Who is the DUTY leader?:
Lt. Col Ivan Viktorsky /Dug

Roleplay Knowladge

Describe Injury RP: Its basically roleplaying that your indured, if you become indured (e.g. roleplayign from the moment of the indury, the process of heeling, etc, etc... this is most comonly used when indured in combat

What is Metagaming: Reciving OOC info & using it IC.

What is Metaspeak: The use of emoticons or internet acronyms/slang IC

Describe RDM: killing another player without IC reasons

What is the difference between RDM and STK: RDM is kp'ing another player outside of RP reasons (e.g. getting bored and firing randomly at someone) and STK is an aggred fight that is in RP rules.

Can you take responsibility for your actions?: Yes Of Course


- Improve your backstory.

- It's injured not inrured or whatever you typed.

Title: Re: -=DUTY=- Applications: OPEN
Post by: Archangel94 on 18-01-2011
Out-Of-Character Information

Steam Friends Name:Archangel

STEAM ID:STEAM_0:1:2208059 37:18 183 0 active

Timezone: GMT +1

How long have you been roleplaying?: From one to three years.

How long have you played on the server?: Two weeks.

Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?: I am currently playing SOC.

Do you have any IRL military knowladge?: Some, yes.

Can you follow orders?:Yes i can.

Recommendations: None..

In-Character Information

Name: Valdimir Kuzetov.

Age: 42

Skill set: Basic firearms.


Valdimir, was born in Sumy, Ukraine with Diana (mom) and Egor (dad). They lived outside of the city, in a small villa. His father was in the military for many years becoming a colonel and later on retired, so Valdimir was raised in a military way. But his father had a enemy, after he married Diana, because she was promised to someone els, but she refused and ran away, her father(Ivan) was furious and when he found out she was in love and married with Egor he swore revenge on Egor.

*The Revange

It was late in the night and Ivan and some his friends came to Egor's villa, they broke down the fence and stormed to the frontdoor screaming and hitting the door, when finally Egor opened the door he saw Ivan drunk and angry, Ivan started threatening him with burning his villa down but, Egor told him and his friends go home and get some sleep and they could talk about this in the morning. Ivan left the villa but he stopped and took forth a vodka bottle and a pice of paper making a molotov cocktail lit it and threw it against the house, the molotov hitted the top window, Egor woke Valdimir and Diana told us to flee the house.

The family stood outside looking as the villa burned to the ground, Egor saw Ivan was hiding in the some bushes and picked him up, and all of sudden Egor started to attack him in mad rage but, Ivan fled before anything went bloody when Ivan fleed Egor stood there screaming. We all realized we had to leave so we left for Russia. But under their travel to Russia,  Valdimir and his parents got seperated, So Valdimir thought they was on their way to the zone so he started making his way to the zone.

*The arrival to the zone
When he finally arrived to the zone he started looking for his parents, after some years he joined The Punishers and while he was in Punishers he met his first bloodsucker he started fighting but, Valdimir was about to loose his life but, was rescued by his fellow Punisher, later on he got the rank of sergeant. Not long ago he left Punishers because of truble with bandits, so he started wandered alone and continiued searching for his parents. One day he met another bloodsucker but this time he was alone, the sucker tripped him and it attepted to get its tentacels over his head he tried to push his head away, it didnt really work, so he started to kick it, the sucker fell off Valdimir and Valdimir stood up and pulled out his pistol but, he was too late the sucker cloaked it self and ran away while Valdimir attempted to shoot it.

Faction Related Information

What is Duty?: Duty is a clan of stalkers, their main goal is to remove the zone no matter the cost, they belive if the zone is left unguarded it will spread.

Why do you wish to join Duty?:  Because i want to help find a way to stop the zone of spreading no matter the cost.

Who is the DUTY leader?: Ivan Viktorsky /Dug

Roleplay Knowladge

Describe Injury RP: If you get shot or stapped, you have to RP you are wounded not run away.

What is Metagaming: Using infomation you gained outside the game for example someone says in OOC there is 500 rubels on the ground near the scrap yard, and you run straight to the scrap yard.

What is Metaspeak: Using emoticons or acronyms. Using words that makes RP ridiculous or inappropriate.  for example:
Omg! look at that noob!

Describe RDM: Killing someone without a valid reason, for example shooting someone because he have a cool gun.

What is the difference between RDM and STK: In STK both parts agree to kill each other. And RDM is one person just kills the other person.

Can you take responsibility for your actions?: Yes, i can.


- I wasn't happy with the app (backstory), but it will do.

- You will start as a trainee.
Title: Re: -=DUTY=- Applications: OPEN
Post by: Stormtrooper333 on 20-01-2011
Out-Of-Character Information

Steam Friends Name:Stormtrooper

STEAM ID:STEAM_0:1:28417222

Timezone:(GMT-6:00) Central Time (US and Canada)

How long have you been roleplaying?:a few months.

How long have you played on the server?:a week and about 2 days.

Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?:Shadow of chernobyl,and Call of Pripyat.

Do you have any IRL military knowladge?:I know some squad commands,and formations.

Can you follow orders?:Yes,sir!


In-Character Information

Name:Dimitri Shalevon


Skill set:Basic weaponry,good with a shotgun.

Backstory:Dimitri was a quite young one when he arrived in the zone,Yet he would learn alot about it.Lets just get to before he got to the zone itself.When Dimitri opened his eyes for the first time,he saw a very bright light,hearing many things at the same time he was hearing shouting and screaming.This was only happening because Dimitri was born in a war zone, in an old abandoned hospital.There had been a few people who set up there,one of them happening to be a doctor.The military was fighting with alot of terrorists at this time,Dimitri being born on the side of the military.After a few minutes, a man rushed in, looking for every refugee in the hospital, and then he saw Dimitri and his mother, only to utter cuss words.He told Dimitris mother to hurry to the helicopters, as soon as she heard him, she grabbed Dimitri, putting a blanket around him. She then followed the man,hoping she could get out of the hospital without being harmed. When they got out of the hospital,there were many terrorists outside, attempting to gain entry. Some of them, using RPGs.The hospital was falling down, Burning to a crisp from the roof. When Dimitri, his mother, and the man were in the helicopter,they took off, flying carefully, as there were many rockets in the air. After the helicopter flew away,the man in the helicopter hugged Dimitris mom,saying goodbye, then jumping out with a parachute,AK strapped to his back. The helicopter landed near Moscow two to three hours later, Dropping Dimitri and his mother off.

9 Years later,Dimitri turned 10, having an ok birthday, Dimitri was having flashbacks of what happened in the warzone.He asked his mother if anyone got him a weapon-type present, Just to be replied with,"Dimitri,Wait to open your presents.You will see then."After Dimitri opened most of his presents,he found an Airsoft gun in one of them,thanking the gifter. He then immediatly went outside, placing a few empy cans of water,attempting to shoot each one down. He missed most of his shots, only hitting 3 cans out of the ten. Every day from then on, He practiced shooting the cans down. One day, while in the car with his mother, Dimitri spotted a thug cutting a random person up. He though this would be a good chance to test his aim with his Airsoft. He grabbed it,then lowered his window,and shot at the thug,hitting him in the leg. The thug was annoyed by this, and followed the car, Dimitri telling his mother to speed up. His mother saw the man charging at the car,so she sped up to 30MPH, escaping the thug. Soon after that, they lived a quiet life,until Dimitri turned 16.

When Dimitri turned 16, many bad things were to happen. The first bad thing to happen, Was, the thug. Dimitri was told by his mother to go to the local store to pick stuff up,but while Dimitri was heading there, the thug walked behind him,planting a knife on his back. Dimitri felt the knife, putting his hands into the air as fast as he could. "Give me all your rubles,or die!" Dimitri didnt see this coming,but a man walked behind the thug,and smacked him to the ground. Dimitri thanked this man,but he immediatley noticed his face. Dimitri was surprised, as he sat down on the thug. Dimitri was stuttering alot, attempting to talk to the man. Dimitri asked who he was, him only replying with,"Your father,son."Dimitri was surprised,and relieved that he actually had a living father.He brought his dad back to the house,Dimitris mother being exceptionally surprised. His father sat down, taking a nice long nap. About 2 year later,when Dimitri was an adult, his father sat down on the chair, signalling dimitri it was time he'd learn weapons. He'd also tell him about where he had been.His father took a Makarov out of his pocket, Handing it to Dimitri. Dimitri grabbed it,walking outback, having memories of his airsoft gun. His father placed the cans up on the small counter,Dimitri turning the safety on his pistol off,remembering it as an Airsoft gun. He got all the bottles perfectly,without missing a shot. After this, his father took something out of a secret cabinet. It was shortly after dimitri learned it was a TOZ-34. Dimitri grabbed it,and inspected it,examing it very carefully. His father told him something that caught his attention. He said something about finding a stalker named Nimble giving him the TOZ. Dimitri silently nodded,while using his shotgun for a few dummies at random positions.Dimitri fired off his weaponry quickly, at each turn of a dummy.His father ran infront of one of the dummies,expecting Dimitri to fire,yet he did not,although he was very close to doing so.After the small course with the TOZ,dimitri gave it back to his father,but kept the Makarov.His father sat him down,talking to him about the zone.Dimitri was really interested into this "Zone",Then asked his father who Nimble was.His father replied,"Nimble is a good friend,and still is.If you ever decide to go to the zone,use this fake passport when you get to the military outpost.They will allow you entry,i got this from Nimble.Nimble gave me my TOZ,And taught me many thing about the zone.That is all you need to know about Nimble."Dimitri nodded in response.5 Years later,Dimitri decided he should go to the zone.When Dimitri got to the chernobyl exclusion zone,he was stopped at the military outpost,but showed his fake passport,and they inspected it,allowing him through.About 3 days into the zone,Dimitri was attacked by a Sucker,only to be saved by a DUTY soldier,thanking him.Dimitri learned many things from the Dutyer,as what in duty wanted to do with the zone,he agreed and disagreed on some ends.Until he learned about Freedom,he didnt completely agree with the Dutyer.When he heard what freedom wanted to do,he was surprised at how they wanted to infect the world.Dimitri wishes to join DUTY,now,hoping he can stop the growth of the Zone.

Faction Related Information

What is Duty?:Duty is a group of stalkers attempting to contain the zone,to stop it from expanding.

Why do you wish to join Duty?:Because,i've had many bad experiences with blood suckers,and i want no one else to have these experiences.

Who is the DUTY leader?:
Ivan Viktorsky.

Roleplay Knowladge

Describe Injury RP:Injury RP is where you act upon getting hurt.If you are knifed in your stomach,you will fall down,and have to apply bandages to stop your bleeding.

What is Metagaming:Metagaming is acting upon information you learned from OOC or something 3rd party,like Steam.An example:Yakov Blokav:Artifact at duty base.my lucky day :D.*A random stalker comes up,shotguns Yakov in the face,and steals the artifact,somehow knowing it was there.*

What is Metaspeak:Metaspeak is talking like a non-serious person ICly,Example:Yakov Blokav says,"Wutz up,you fawking newbz."

Describe RDM:Random Death Match is shooting someone for no reason entirely.I stated an example of it within my example of metagaming.

What is the difference between RDM and STK:STK Is where both of the people fighting eachother agree that its a situation in which they can both die.RDM is just shooting some guy for no reason whatsoever.

Can you take responsibility for your actions?:
Yes,i will.


- At least your parents are alive and not killed by "bandits".

- You will start as a trainee.
Title: Re: -=DUTY=- Applications: OPEN
Post by: Dug on 12-02-2011
Applications open due to removal of inactive member. Accepting one more member.
Title: Re: -=DUTY=- Applications: OPEN
Post by: Ace of Hearts on 13-02-2011
Applications are now OPEN

We are looking for ONE new applicant, as one of our members have been inactive for some time, and has now been removed.

Applications will remain open until this applicant is found, and then will be closed again.
Title: Re: -=DUTY=- Applications: OPEN
Post by: gnomebutts on 13-02-2011
Out-Of-Character Information

Steam Friends Name: Furie

STEAM ID: I will get that for you ASAP.

Timezone: EST.

How long have you been roleplaying?: Close to four years at various different communities; vast majority at the military-themed Starship Troopers roleplay.

How long have you played on the server?: A few weeks now.

Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?: Part of the first one.

Do you have any IRL military knowladge?: A substantial amount.

Can you follow orders?: Of course.


In-Character Information

Name: Jakiv Prutko

Age: 21

Skill set: A mentally robust and physically strong young man. He would be suited to any kind of grunt work. He is an ambitious young man who has shown an aptitude for leadership in his youth. 


Jakiv Prutko was born to a working class family in Kiev. He lived with his mother, a homemaker, his father, a factory lineworker, and his three younger brothers. Life was hard growing up; Jakiv's father was a drunkard who had trouble keeping a job, and his mother was a selfish woman who was apathetic towards her family.

Being the oldest of four boys, Jakiv had to take charge and keep his brothers in line. With their father's drunkenness and their mother's apathy, Jakiv was the only one who took real interest in the well-being of his younger brothers. He made sure they were fed, behaving themselves and doing their schoolwork.

Even although his father was a drunken failure, Jakiv still loved him dearly. His father was a jolly, loving man who tried his hardest to stay in his family's good graces. He wasn't strong enough to control his drinking habit. Jakiv's mother was disgusted by her husband. She began an affair with a wealthy businessman. The affair was discovered two years later by Jakiv's father. He was devastated, sinking even further into the clutches of alcoholism. His died four years later due to liver complications. He lived the last years of his life as a cuckolded shell of a man, retreating into himself and his liquor while his wife continued the affair shamelessly. Jakiv grew to hate his mother, abhorred by her infidelity and selfishness.  Jakiv and his family moved in with his mother's lover following the death of their father. Jakiv hated the man. They clashed immediately. It wasn't long before verbal arguments turned into physical abuse. Jakiv was a child, powerless against a grown man. He did his best to hide the bruises and tears from his brothers and his schoolmates, now determined to rise above his current station.

He applied himself in school and got excellent marks, especially in the study of literature and rhetoric. He graduated with multiple scholarship opportunities. He declined them all. He went to the Ukranian Army recruiting office, aspiring to be an officer. He was turned down due to over-staffing.

It was only natural that Jakiv found himself in the Zone two months later. He needed to do something drastic in order to leave his past troubles behind and move on with his life. It was also only natural that Jakiv pursue his military ambition through enrollment in DUTY. He filled out an application and submitted it, crossing his fingers and praying for acceptance.

Jakiv is an eager young man with an impressionable mind. He longs to be part of something bigger than himself and devote his life to an ideal. He believes in DUTY's philosophy of the Zone's need for purging.

Faction Related Information

What is Duty?: DUTY is a paramilitary faction whose mission is to purge the Zone of its undesirable inhabitants. It sees the Zone as a bad thing that must be controlled and cleaned.

Why do you wish to join Duty?: The military and military roleplay is something that I have always enjoyed. With three years of SSTRP under my belt, military RP is what I know and love most. DUTY seems like the most interesting military faction. I like the idea of the zealous attitude towards the ideals of the faction.

Who is the DUTY leader?:
Col. Ivan Vitorsky.

Roleplay Knowladge

Describe Injury RP: The roleplay of injuries sustained by a character. The player must use /me to convey pain and emotion and to illustrate the extent of your wounds to players around you. Injury RP also means sacrificing certain roleplay opportunities for realism; ie. sitting out on a patrol because you have been shot in the leg. OOCly the temptation to shrug off an injury that would be debilitating to your character is great, but I believe it shows strength of character and maturity to accept injuries and roleplay them properly.

What is Metagaming: Using knowledge or information acquired OOC ICly. For example, if a Freedom player mentions an attack on DUTY base in OOC but no evidence of the attack is present ICly, if I were to act on what the Freedomer said OOCly I would be metagaming.

What is Metaspeak: I'm not entirely sure. I'm sure I don't do it though.

Describe RDM: Killing another player without reason or roleplay. Never excusable.

What is the difference between RDM and STK: RDM is the killing of another player without roleplay, STK is the killing of another player that makes sense in the context of the RP. For example, if Freedom and DUTY were to have a standoff, a fun and fair way to see who wins the battle would be to STK each other, if both parties are in agreement.

Can you take responsibility for your actions?:
Of course. It's something I always try to do.


- Your application is now pending. This means you will start as a Trainee, and be given a one week trial period to prove yourself.

- I expect you to place the Steam ID despite the application's pending status.
Title: Re: -=DUTY=- Applications: OPEN
Post by: Ace of Hearts on 13-02-2011
Applications are now CLOSED. Unless Dug decides to deny Gnomebutts.

Non-application posts were removed.

Title: Re: -=DUTY=- Applications: CLOSED
Post by: Ace of Hearts on 16-02-2011
So many changes with the application status.

Applications are now OPEN.

THREE applicant slots are available. Once these three applicants have been found, the apps will, again, revert to being closed.
Title: Re: -=DUTY=- Applications: OPEN
Post by: ThePirateMan on 23-02-2011
Out-Of-Character Information

Steam Friends Name: The Pirate Man

STEAM ID: STEAM_0:0:27041131

Timezone: GMT+1

How long have you been roleplaying?: I've been seriously roleplaying for 4 years.

How long have you played on the server?: Only a couple of days, I have RPed on other Gmod RP servers though.

Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?: I've played SoC and I'm about to play CoP once a certain mod comes out.

Do you have any IRL military knowladge?: Not much.

Can you follow orders?: Sir, yes, sir.

Ramirez/S-Sldr. Ioann Ferapont
http://i53.tinypic.com/5v6595.png%5B/IMG%5D (http://i53.tinypic.com/5v6595.png%5B/IMG%5D)

In-Character Information

Name: Vladimir Krostnov

Age: 25

Skill set: He's trained in the use of both shotguns and rifles. Although on animals rather then human beings, but it's better then nothing, right?

Backstory: Vladimir grew up in a small disclosed village, away from the zone and the industrial cities. His mother was a retired teacher and his father was a hunter. He was raised to walk in his father's footsteps from the start, by not going to school and instead being home teached. Fortunately his mother was able to give him good enough education as she was a former teacher and his father teached him about the wild, the animals in it and how to use a rifle and shotgun. Vladimir got a very naive look on the world from living in this small friendly village and with such loving and close parents. But eventualy the wildlife began to deteriorate, mostly people blamed it on the Chernobyl disaster.

Ultimately, the wildlife became too meager and the family could no longer support itself out in the village, so they moved to the nearest city, seeking work in the industries there. His mother turned terminally ill on the way there and once they arrived, Vlad's dreams of a wonderful metropolis was crushed by the dirty, corrupted hellhole he found before himself. Even in the city, they struggled to support themselves and to keep his mother alive. His father worked both day and night in desperation to gather the money needed to support his family. He went ill of work-exhaustion and he and his wife moved off to try and live with distant family in grief and painful illness. Vladimir refused to leave his old life behind entirely to live off of family and chose to say in the stupid pride of self-support that his father had given him, yet he felt hopeless, all he had was some rubles and the family's shotgun.

But he had heard rumors about the source of his pain and great riches, the zone. He thought he would only follow in his father's footsteps if he remained in the city and promptly signed up with a band of "helpful treasure hunters", who would smuggle him into the zone. But he ended up being robbed by these men, losing all his possessions, including his clothing and was thrown off at the border of the zone. With no where to go, he desperately made his way into the zone, through barb-wire, swamps and other bothersome things and fortunately found a camp of dead stalkers on his way and was able to retrieve a pistol , some medical supplies and rubles. Oh, and ofcourse, clothing. He then ventured onward, angered at how his life had turned and now paranoid of other human beings due to the earlier experiences. Fortune smiled upon him a second time as he found a Duty base where he was welcomed by Ioann Feraport and told more about the zone and it's inhabitants. The concept of Duty, to destroy the source of his pain, appealed to Vlad and he sought to join them. He was given a form to fill in which he has now turned in..

Faction Related Information

What is Duty?: A paramilitary organization that, bluntly put, wants to get rid of the zone and it's offsprings. (Mutants, zombies and.. that kinda stuff.)

Why do you wish to join Duty?: My character agrees with the idea of cleaning up the zone and you seem like nice people. I also can't find anything else appealing for my character.

Who is the DUTY leader?:
Ivan Viktorsky

Roleplay Knowladge

Describe Injury RP: When a character is hurt in RP he acts out the effects of the injury. Such as falling down on his face when he's shot in the knees from behind while trying to run away.

What is Metagaming: Using OOC information in RP. This can be anything from in some games using the name tag instead of asking for the name IC or to more serious cases, when, say.. Tommy reads the military forum pages and discovers that they're planning a secret attack on Freedom and then acts as if he knows this in character with no way of his character actualy knowing it and at the very worst, tells everyone else about it.

What is Metaspeak: Using WTF, LOL and other 1337 speak and otherwise unsuitable langauge in RP

Describe RDM: Killing someone for no IC reason whatsoever.

What is the difference between RDM and STK: STK is pretty much the opposite, your killing has some sort of motivation, reasoning and mostly purpose in RP. Most importantly it has approval by both sides of the conflict.

Can you take responsibility for your actions?: Ofcourse.

Your application is now pending. You will be given a one week trial period with which to prove yourself.
I'm not a huge fan of first-post applications, but this applications are decent, so I'm giving you a shot. Don't mess anything up. - Ace
Title: Re: -=DUTY=- Applications: OPEN
Post by: Roy on 27-02-2011
Out-Of-Character Information

Steam Friends Name: Sith121

Timezone: Est

How long have you been roleplaying?: 3 years.

How long have you played on the server?: 3 months
Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?: Yeah.

Do you have any IRL military knowledge?: A lot.

Can you follow orders?: Yup.


In-Character Information

Name: Shiltene Mickocky
Age: 67

Skill set: Assault or Recon

Backstory: I just woke up in the zone with a note to go see Ivan Viktorsky  

Faction Related Information

What is Duty?: Duty, unlike Freedom, views the Zone as something bad. They are made up of people who wish to purge the land, not open it for all. That is what they are.

Why do you wish to join Duty?:I never see any on.

Who is the DUTY leader?:
Ivan Viktorsky

Roleplay Knowledge

Describe Injury RP: It is the role playing of an injury, both internal and external.

What is Metagaming: Role playing knowledge gained from an outside source which your character would not have known otherwise.

What is Metaspeak: No idea.

Describe RDM: It is randomly killing someone without roleplay.

What is the difference between RDM and STK: RDM is when you just kill someone for the sake of killing. STK is when you kill someone, but it had RP involved.

Can you take responsibility for your actions?: Yup.

Title: Re: -=DUTY=- Applications: OPEN
Post by: GeneralGold on 11-03-2011
Out-Of-Character Information

Steam Friends Name: Goldboy :D

STEAM ID: STEAM_0:0:38182363

Timezone: Eastern Standard Time U.S

How long have you been roleplaying?: MANY years on different games.

How long have you played on the server?: Quite a while, i'm not new for sure.

Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?: Chernobyl and Pripyat.

Do you have any IRL military knowladge?: If ROTC counts, then yes.

Can you follow orders?: Yes, sir! (I use to be in this RP's military so i'm use to it.)

Recommendations: [THG[ Turkey

In-Character Information

Name: Adrian Vanof

Age: 26

Skill Set: Sub-Machine Specialty, Calm, Trained in stealth.


Adrian Vanof was born in a small town in Igarka and was in a low-classed family. He had no brother, just grown up with a mother and a busy Father who was always at work in a machinery factory. He loved to play paintball but was to poor to buy all the expensive equipment needed. He mostly stayed at home and only went outside to play baseball with his friends or to borrow his friends paintball gun. He was never good at school, but loved science and specialized in it for college. His parents could barely pay for his college, and with all the money they spent he flunked out of college, he had nothing else to do but sign up for the Military.

Joining the military, he was sent to ukraine to something called The Zone that was heard to be home of a nuclear disaster. He was sent by plane and dropped off at a small warehouse that the Military set up for. He was sent on scouting missions with many of his comrades, including Major Nikolai who was his best friend. He hated the cruel way they excacuted Freedomers or even just lone S.T.A.L.K.E.R.S that was wondering through sector three. He can't forget all the times Nikolai or even Lt. Sandman excacuted a man with a machete. At the middle of the night, he hopped the fence and escaped to Sector two warehouse. He ripped off all of his military clothes, and threw it inside a anomaly. Being a S.T.A.L.K.E.R for many weeks, he then found a small group of men in a black suit. Back in freedom, he heard them talking about a hostile group called DUTY, who kills all threats to the zone.

He always stayed at there underground bar, trying to find out who is the leader of the faction. He saw a person named Alexya who seemed to run the place, easy to tell of her rank and bodyguards behind her. He was to nervous to join, but found out that they are desperate for new recruits at the moment, and found this as a great time to sign up for the DUTY. He sent an application he had kept in his bag for many weeks desperately waiting for his reply, sitting at the bar staring at the suited men, knowing that he belongs here.

Faction Related Information

What Are Duty?: DUTY is a large group of stalkers who live by a code, Lethal anomalies, Dangerous mutants, Anarchists and bandits, They will not stop Duty on it's triumphant march to save this planet and it's citizens! they were originaly Military troops. Duty fights the horrors of the zone including Freedom who believe that the zone is benificial and fights bandits and mercenaries, but mostly the dangerous mutants. They are worried that the mutants can escape and bring terror to all of ukraine, or even the world. All the artifacts are passed on to the ecologists, who believe that they will be in better hands then selling it to a trader.

Why do you wish to join Duty?: As you can see, DUTY is very in-active at the moment and i want to help them regain there power over sector two. Also alot of people i know was in the DUTY and use to be, with many people encouraging new recruits to join. Besides, i hate everything they hate mostly Mutants, i do wish to truly wipe them out before they can infect the world.(The first reason is old)

Who is the DUTY Leader?:Ivan Viktorsky

Roleplay Knowladge

Describe Injury RP: Injury RP is if you get in shot, you can't just walk it off, you have to roleplay it out as in, /me cluntches his knee, mumbling curse words in russian with blood pouring out of his kneecap.

What is Metagaming: Metagaming is using OOC information for IC

What is Metaspeak: Metaspeak is when you use emoticons and short sentences with poor grammar.

Describe RDM: Random death match, it means when you walk up to someone and shoot there head off with no reason, no idea who they even are and have no reason to.

What is the difference between RDM and S2K: S2K has to be approved by everyone in the firefight, why RDM is just plain shooting them with no reason and them not saying anything about it what so ever.

Can you take responsibility for your actions?:Yes i can, i've done it many times.


- I want to see you roleplay in game. - Dug
Title: Re: -=DUTY=- Applications: OPEN
Post by: Dug on 22-03-2011
Applications are open again. Only two positions remains open.
Title: Re: -=DUTY=- Applications: OPEN
Post by: PacMan502 on 03-04-2011
Out-Of-Character Information

Steam Friends Name:Pac Man

STEAM ID: STEAM_0:0:13683554

Timezone:GMT -4

How long have you been roleplaying?:Six years.

How long have you played on the server?:Two years, though four or five months actively.

Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?:Erm...does beating them all on at least two run-throughs count?

Do you have any IRL military knowladge?:Most knowledge of the U.S.M.C I know, some Navy and a lot of U.S Army.

Can you follow orders?:'Course.

Recommendations:Dug, said no picture was required

In-Character Information

Name:Wolodymyr 'House' Zolyar


Skill set: Extensive First Aid, Bacterial Treatment, Triage.

Backstory:Wolodymyr was born in Khirkiv, Ukraine, it's a very large city, both his mother and father being doctors at the hospital in the city, giving him large perks as a child. His mother decided to take smaller shifts to spend more time with her son, but his father did not follow this, staying involved in work much more than his child's life, his father and him were never close, but him and his mother were. Wolodymyr had already taken a keen interest in medical procedures, so at the age of twelve he asked his mother if she would show him some procedures, his mother excitedly agreed, watching medical procedures on tape with him. As this ongoing interest in medical treatment grew, at the age of eighteen, he decided to go to medical school.
Eight years down the road, he passed Pre-medical school and medical school at the top of his class, but throughout his schooling, he had already taken a keen interest in the military, though whenever he brought it up his parents refused to listen to such things, as they believed the military was not a necessity in there life. Six months after his residency began, he had decided to enlist in the military despite his parent's wishes, and so he did.
Three months after his training, he was assigned to be transferred to a border-checkpoint, completing his combat aptitude above average, but was not incredibly remarkable. The assignment lasted one year, consisting of bacterial and infection treatments, hearing gun-fire every now and then from someone trying to access the zone, having to fire at and kill multiple persons in his assignment . After the permanent medical officer arrived, he expected to go to a military base, but to his surprise he was transferred into the zone.
As his military career continued, he began seeing a lack in military presence, a lack of guards at the gate, he shrugged this off for the time, but never let it leave his mind. As this continued he began seeing no Officers, only normal soldier, the highest rank's being Senior Soldiers, which were himself and his friend, Alex. One day he decided to read reports only classified to soldiers in the zone, his immediate interest was in something called 'Duty'. As he continued to read, he began thinking the military had deemed them expendable, as attacks from even the least armed stalkers began becoming normal, he decided to leave the military base and go meet Duty, inviting his closest friend in the Military, Alex, to come with him. As they met the commander, surprised to see no sense of danger, expecting to be shot at as a first thought. As they talked to the Captain, not the commander as he originally thought, it became apparent to him that he would be better off here with Duty, and without hesitation, he accepted the Captain's opportunity to join.

Faction Related Information

What is Duty?: A paramilitary group of stalkers who came first into the zone as military recon soldiers and were left to die. Those who survived created a stalker clan called Duty which would become a dominating stalker clan who fought to destroy the horrors of the zone and the zone it self.

Why do you wish to join Duty?:Well, it is my faction in Clear Sky, but the main reason is there cause, it's the only one that makes sense to me out of all the major factions.

Who is the DUTY leader?:Dug

Roleplay Knowladge

Describe Injury RP: Injury is RP is when your character is injured, whether it be a major or minor injury, Role playing the injury.

What is Metagaming: Using OOC information to gain advantages or something of this sort in IC.

What is Metaspeak: Shit like 'lol, xd, xD, >.>, lmao, gtfo, rofl, rofl copter goes swoosh swoosh swoosh."

Describe RDM: Randomly killing someone in a STK without consent of STK or any reason in IC.

What is the difference between RDM and STK: RDM both parties do not agree to and there is not a IC reason, STK is consent from both parties and there is a legitimate reason Icly.

Can you take responsibility for your actions?:Mhm.

Title: Re: -=DUTY=- Applications: OPEN
Post by: mikeywrenn on 03-04-2011
Out-Of-Character Information

Steam Friends Name: MikeyWrenn

STEAM ID: STEAM_0:1:27013761

Timezone: GMT +0

How long have you been roleplaying?:
I have been role-playing for around a year and a half at this point, moving through different communities and game modes.

How long have you played on the server?:
I have been role-playing with Hyper Gaming Network for around six months.

Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?:
Yes, I've play Shadow of Chernobyl.

Do you have any IRL military knowledge?:
Yes, I am currently an Officer Candidate for the Royal Navy and I am looking to study within the Ministry Of Defense Sixth Form.

Can you follow orders?:
Should that order be possible and sensible, yes.


-[Unneeded apparently]-

In-Character Information

Name: Alexandr Baranski

Age: Twenty Six

Skill set: Trained Marksman; read backstory.

[This is in-character]
Well, Captain, at the age of seventeen, I joined the Military. Might have been a mistake, but it got me somewhere, fast. That place may not have been the best place in the world, but it was away from the crap that I had to put up with. Anyway, I didn't really enjoy the training and such that I had to go through and at the beginning, well, I didn't do much.. anything right.. In my eyes, I'd have to do next to nothing and just get by, but I didn't really get much chance to screw around as I intended. I had the shit hitting the fan continuously, every day, until I was drilled into thinking that I had to do exactly as I was told.

By the time I finally gave a toss about what was going on, it came down to a testing period, where it would mean us either being booted or recruited. I had to work my ass off to get to the basic fitness mark, as I hadn't really tried at all during any of the training sessions. During those two weeks, I really became something that was worth being, I barely slept, and when I did, it was restless. Suffice to say, I managed to pass those tests, otherwise I wouldn't be sat here now. It only really got harder from then on, I had to go with even less sleep and attend even more drill and classes, and.. ugh.. makes me tired thinking about it.

When I had finally been through all of the basics and such, we were told that we were going to be back-up within the zone, after we had been given the appropriate knowledge and training. I must have been, say, twenty two, I can't even remember, when I had finally gotten through the in-depth and specialization-training for service within the zone. But, as luck would have it, my leave time came around as the others were set to be deployed, meaning I'd get one month at home. If I'm honest with you, the Zone is a lot friendlier than where I come from...

When the few of us that there were got dropped into the Zone, we ended up with Specter, back in the other sector. There was always something screwed-up back there. Such as that girl, the one that just left the base and walked off down to Freedom every-so-often and got away with it. I had to actually tell the Colonel about that, and even then I ended up getting accused of going AWOL myself... When we moved into this sector, things started going slowly downhill, basically turning our headquarters into a ghost town. People were leaving and not coming back, kind of like me and House now, eh. The base was pretty much held down by me, House and a few military Stalkers, which couldn't take orders at all. They would head out and capture a Freedomer, then bring them back and treat them like royalty. Well, then me and House just headed over here, and that's it.

Faction Related Information

What is Duty?:
DUTY is a faction that is attempting to secure the Zone, but doing it with a much more.. viable method than the Military are using. Their methods mostly consist of propaganda and giving Stalkers a safe haven, where they can be coaxed into DUTY's way of thinking.

Why do you wish to join Duty?:
I would like to join a much more active factions, as well as the fact that Dug is a pretty cool guy ;)

Who is the DUTY leader?:

That would be Dug, Captain Ivan Viktorsky.

Roleplay Knowledge

Describe Injury RP:
Injury role-play is when a character has been injured in some way and has to react to this. People may need to continue this for a while, as the wound heals or is being treated.

What is Metagaming:
Metagaming is the action where a player using information he gained by 'out of character' means, in an 'in character' situation.

What is Metaspeak:
Metaspeak is the use of Emoticons within 'In character' talk. I.e. "Shit! A Sucker got him xD!"

Describe RDM:
Random Death Match: A kill which had little or no point to it.

What is the difference between RDM and STK:
RDM- Where the victim had no idea that it was coming.
STK- Where the attacker had 'auths' to do so from either the opposing side or an appropriate staff member.

Can you take responsibility for your actions?:

Yes I can.

Title: Re: -=DUTY=- Applications: OPEN
Post by: Dug on 14-05-2011
Applications are OPEN!
Title: Re: -=DUTY=- Applications: OPEN
Post by: cgge on 16-05-2011
Out-Of-Character Information
Steam Friends Name: cgge
STEAM ID:  STEAM_0:1:21825074
Timezone:How long have you been roleplaying?:  2 years
  How long have you played on the server?: around 5 weeks
Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?: clear sky and call of pripyat
Do you have any IRL military knowladge?: yes
Can you follow orders?:  yes
Recommendations: Pac man
In-Character Information
Name:  Ivan Rascalov

Skill set:Technician
Backstory:Ivan rascalov was born on a farm with his Father Valick And his mother Samantha. as he grew up he was getting very into mechanics sneaking some construction tools when his dad was not around or In the bathroom when they went out to buy farming equipment at the hardware store in town. When he got home he would useally hide the tools till nightfall then take them out and built things like chairs and such also repairing old ripped cloths. TEEN YEARS:in his teens Ivan went to school and joined woodshop along with other people interested in tools and crafting of various items  he learned the basics of crafting though he already knew the more advanced things. He passed the course with flying colors. Later in the summer the bully at the school came to Ivans house and teepeed his house and the barn. YOUNG ADULT YEARS: When Ivan was 20 he went to the hardware store like always to pick up some tools for himself and overheard 2 men talking about the zone and how people go there and come back with enough money to buy a mansion. Later in that day his Mother died from a heart attack while harvesting the crops. Ivan was in ruin he could not believe his mother was gone. He went to the hardware store as always when he heard two men talking of the zone they were saying all were accepted and how people get rich there. Ivan decided to go there and become rich and accepted. He told his father that he wanted to move to the zone and live there. Ivans father  Did not like this but he knew that his son was ready to move out and make his own decisions and to become an independent adult. He told ivan he would buy him a pistol and gave him 500 rubles to have a start in the zone and drove to the gun shop in town to buy him a Makarov pistol He came back to pick up Ivan to drive him to a town nearest to the zone and droped him off.  ZONE TIME: When he got into the zone Ivan was in the garbage unfamiliar with his surrondings when he approached the town he went into thwe bar to buy some vodka. He saw some people in there but not many not like before where it was so populated in the town outside of the zone he was shocked to see so little human presence..A few years in the zone he had been scarred a lot emotionally being almost killed by sorrow. He was scavengeing in the zone with some other stalker and a merc having a firefight with a zombie when sorrow came up to him and started to make him feel so sad that he almost killed himself..The stalker saved him..later that day he returned to the DUTY base a ghost came he was powerfull and looked to be a stalker but when the DUTY members shot at it the bullet went right through it. He seeked refuge in the med bay there he met House a DUTY soldier He never learned his specialization but he assumed he was a medic. Later he was out searching for artifacts when he saw a bloodsucker killing another stalker. That is when he realized he never wanted this to happen again to anybody and wanted to do something about it so he decided he would join DUTY and help to save the remaining stalkers.
Faction Related Information
What is Duty?:  From what I know DUTY  is a group looking to destroy the zone and help the people survive
Why do you wish to join Duty?: To assist in detroy the zone and help the remaining people survive
Who is the DUTY leader?: Dug
Roleplay Knowladge
Describe Injury RP: Injury RP is when you RP getting hurt like getting shot and since its common sence that bullets hurt like hell you MUST be hurt by the bullet..EVEN IF you have an exo a 5.45 round would have a lot of force behind it and would hurt like hell either way
What is Metagaming: Metagaming is when you use ooc information In character
What is Metaspeak: metapeak  is when you use ooc speaking such as how to gives the moneh and saying that IC
Describe RDM: RDM is when you kill somebody for no RP reason and no RP
What is the difference between RDM and STK: RDM is when you kill somebody without reason or RP randomly..such as killing somebody point blank with a Makarov.  STK is when you have a fight though with little to no rp it HAS TO BE DECLARED.
Can you take responsibility for your  actions?: Yes
(if i did anything wrong let me know)


- I want to see you on the server. I'll be keeping you in a tight leash.
Title: Re: -=DUTY=- Applications: OPEN
Post by: Edwardss on 16-05-2011
Out-Of-Character Information

Steam Friends Name: NewfieEdwards

STEAM ID: STEAM_0:0:20178265

Timezone: Newfoundland time zone

How long have you been roleplaying?: I have been roleplaying for three years now.

How long have you played on the server?: Four weeks.

Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?: I have played on the following, Clear skys, Call of pripyat

Do you have any IRL military knowladge?: My uncle was in the royal naval reserve in world war One and Two And i have IRL knowladge of how military works.

Can you follow orders?: I am very good at following orders, If im gave and order by a higher up or officer i will follow that order to the dot and try to insure i do evreything in my ability's to make sure i get it done.

Pac Man Reccomended me

In-Character Information

Name: Dimitri Levenov

Age: 25

Skill set: Advanced first aid training, Emergency Triage, Basic bacterial treatment

Backstory:  Dimitri Levenov was born the offspring of Zechenka Levenov and Valeyoa Levenov. As an only child in of a wealthy and successful business-owning family in Kiev, Dimitri was always considered to take over the business as there was very little chance of his parents having another child due to the low fertility rate of his mother, and this being so he wasn't given much in choice of being taught about the family business. At an early age, Dimitri began becoming interested in human anatomy, finding it to be almost an intricate machine, this though to his family was unacceptable, finding medical work degrading to their son due to the successful clothing business which his parents earned. His parents dismissed his liking for medical work immediately.
As he reached the age of eighteen, him and his parents had grown apart, as he would not drop his fascination with the medical field, and so at the age of nineteen he joined pre-medical school despite being only a 'C' and 'B' student. His parents refused to pay for this, disowning him immediately, forcing him to take large loans to pay for these bills, able to complete pre-med with these loans but only able to complete three out of the four needed years for medical school.
Unable to complete these payments, he was forced to drop out a year before completing school. Left with tremendous debt and a family unwilling to help, he left with his friend Ivan to leave for a place called 'The zone', a place a man told them would help them escape their debts in this world.
Soon after entering The Zone, they befriended a Duty Senior-Soldier commonly known as 'House' who befriended the two men, teaching them basic survival in the zone, in which Dimitri gained the idea to join Duty, in which House encouraged Dimitri and Ivan to do so...

Faction Related Information

What is Duty?: A paramilitary organization that, In the short way, Wants to get rid of the zone and off spring Example Zombies, mutants

Why do you wish to join Duty?: I wish to join duty because my Character Agrees with dutys way of thinking and wants to help them in anyway he can

Who is the DUTY leader?:
Duty leader is Dug

Roleplay Knowladge
My roleplay Knowladge is rather good ive been playing in roleplays for a mater of years All these roleplays being serious I haven't been Baned once from any serious RP server i have played on.

Describe Injury RP: Injury RP is when for example if you get shot in the leg you are therefore exposed to roleplay as if you have been shot In Real Life Example of this is Falling down clutching your leg and screaming in pain.

What is Metagaming: Metagameing is when you use OOC- Out Of Character. Information In Character

What is Metaspeak: Metaspeak is for example useing =D or >.> IC or In Character

Describe RDM: RDM: RDM is Random Death Matching, This meens when you kill a player Without reson.

What is the difference between RDM and STK: STK all parties agree and RDM is when you randomly kill someone

Title: Application
Post by: Bittercup on 20-05-2011
Out-Of-Character Information

Steam Friends Name: |HGN| Rusty!

STEAM ID: STEAM_0:1:25272720

Timezone: GMT -8 PST

How long have you been roleplaying?: Over 2 years.

How long have you played on the server?: 1.5 months

Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?: Yes

Do you have any IRL military knowladge?:Much

Can you follow orders?:Of Corce.


In-Character Information

Name: Rodrick 'Axel' Clout

Age: 27

Skill set: Field Medic


My name is Axel, I grew up in a small town in Russia, my father (Victor Clout) Was a part of the Spetz Naz, a Russian task force, he was called out on a mission on September 3rd, 2013. He left that night to enter the Zone with the rest of his Company. He left that night to never retun again. Two years have passed and I am now 25. It is only me, my mother, and my brother Charlie left now that my dad has been missing. My brother, he... He was a strange man, he was the type of person who would walk the halls of the house at night making noises. One day he got an "amazing" idea to enter the Zone in search of our lost father. I told him it was an insane idea to even contomplate, but he didnt listen. That same day, he left our small town in Russia to go find out father... He was gone for several months now, we started to lose hope in his same return... And if he where to ever return at all... Mother and I assumed the worse, that Charlie had died. Mother loved Charlie, she loved him dearly. She was so torn up over the death of her son and her husband that she killed herself with an overdose of painkillers. Now I am the only one lef... I was thinking to myself, "What more do I have to lose?" with Mother, Father, and Charlie dead. I gave up, I felt that there is nothing else to to but enter The Zone, to start a new life there, and if Father, or Charlie where alive I would hope to find them.

Faction Related Information

What is Duty?:DUTY Is a faction set out to contain the Zone's secrets.

Why do you wish to join Duty?:Dutyers have allways been there for me, I beleve in their cause an wish to be among their ranks to help support the cause.

Who is the DUTY leader?:Ivan Viktorsky

Roleplay Knowladge

Describe Injury RP:Roleplaying Injury, Such as if you get shot in the knee. You cant walk and you need to RP Crawl/Limp depending on the injury.

What is Metagaming:Useing OOC Imformation ICly. For

What is Metaspeak:Pretty much the same thing but using Spoken info form IC, OOCly. Or visa vers.

Describe RDM: Killing a character for absolutly no reason at all.

What is the difference between RDM and STK: RDM is for no reason. STK is faction related, depending on what faction/group you are in, you could be killed, like if a dutyer see's a Freedomer, and yet again... Or visa versa.

Can you take responsibility for your actions?: Absolutely


I didn't like the backstory.

You need to work on your grammar.

Re-apply in one week.
Title: Re: -=DUTY=- Applications: OPEN
Post by: Nova on 23-05-2011
Applications are still Open!
Title: Re: -=DUTY=- Applications: OPEN
Post by: Bucky on 24-05-2011
Out-Of-Character Information
Steam Friends Name: |HGN| Buck (Screen) Marielle35 (Friend)

STEAM ID: One moment please.

Timezone: (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)

How long have you been roleplaying?: 2 Years 7 Months

How long have you played on the server?: 1 Year 3 Months

Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?: Completed All Three

Do you have any IRL military knowledge?: My father was an infantryman and my mother a field medic in the U.S. Army.

Can you follow orders?: Indeed, I can.

Recommendations: N/A

In-Character Information

Name: Krill Leren

Age: 31

Skill set: Mechanic, Hand to Hand Combat, Baisic Marksmanship


           Krill Leren, born in a small town about 53 km away from Chernobyl named Zaprudka grew up in his family's business of owning a mechanics shop. As a small child Krill usually stayed up front at the shop section of his father's business with his mother, but as he grew and more and more people came, he was needed in the back with his father to help work on what people brought in. Krill learned everything he knew from his father as expected and was very skilled in the ways of mechanical engineering. As Krill grew up, he expected he would be there for the rest of his life, and he accepted that, he was happy there and didn't care if that was what he did all his life. As the years went by, Krill took up more and more knowledge until his parents one day surprised him and told him they were sending him to college. Krill was ecstatic, and completely astounded that they raised enough money to send him to college. Krill ended up at the Технический институт Prybirs' k (Technical Institute of Prybirsk) and what better course to take than Technological Studies at a Technological Institute? This is what Krill did, quickly speeding through one semester after another and gaining a massive knowledge of computer programs and engineering. After doing so, degree in hand, Krill began his long journey of four days of hitch-hiking to get home, as he did not have a car. Upon Krill's arrival home, everything seemed normal, except for the fact that his parents shop had closed down and that they barely had any money to live a comfortable life. Krill believed for many months that this was his fault because his parents had spent so much money on him, he found out soon after that it was because no one traveled on the P02 anymore, due to the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant disaster. Krill felt awful still and was determined to gather enough money to put them back in business at another location. Krill knew not what to do, he waited and waited for a chance to earn money, but it never came. After Krill had given up looking for work, he heard of a place, The Zone. Krill heard of riches that could be found there and the adventures that could be had. Krill left home once more to travel to this native land, and soon found himself in an unforgiving predicament. Krill made it to the Zone fine, but within one day, he had been robbed, attacked by mutants, and he stumbled into an anomaly field which gave him minor radiation poisoning. Krill was understandably distraught and couldn't help feel sour feelings for the entire Zone. Krill moped around for days, scavenging off what he could find, Krill knew he would probably never return home... Krill didn't care. Krill thought it was the end when approached by black-coated men, he had nothing on him, not even one measly ruble. Krill knew that bandits usually killed anyone who didn't have anything for them and he didn't have anywhere to run. Krill braced himself when all of a sudden he heard gunshots. Krill opened his eyes and looked at himself, clean of blood, bullet holes, he was rather unscathed. Krill looked to his left, and to his right, nothing except the dead bodies of two bandits. Krill scanned the entire area when he saw them, black suited men with red patches emerging from the trees. Krill wondered if this was a miracle of some sort. Krill thanked the men and they brought him back to the base. They introduced themselves as members of the Para-Military faction Duty. Krill had heard of them before, but knew not of their ideals, which was the only thing stopping him from joining their faction. Krill thought once again of his hometown and his parents, he knew he still probably wouldn't see them again. But he knew that if he wanted to make do with what life he had left. He best join Duty, for his own sake.

- Chapter 2 –

           Krill Leren joined Duty, starting off at the rank of Recruit and swiftly was promoted to a Soldier, his good friend Arthur Polyakev became his commanding officer for the time being, they shared laughs and stories of their Pre-Duty action and enjoyed eachothers company. Soon after however the 85th Cloaked Daggers made a move to a sector much closer to the center of the Zone. Krill was given a slot as the factions Mechanic after demonstrating himself to the Commanding Officer, Lieutenant Colonel Ivan Viktorsky, another good friend of his. Soon after however, Krill was demoted for misbehavior on the battlefield, this did not stop him from attempting to climb his way back up to his previous position as a Senior Soldier. Krill eventually was promoted to Junior Sergeant after cleaning up his act and was even asked to perform a hand to hand combat demonstration when the General Daygan was present at the base in their Sector. A notable experience of Krill's was when he and a few of the other men in his squad (lead by Krill) discovered a saboteur attempting to sell Duty base blueprints to Freedom. Krill and his men apprehended the culprit and had him put to death by firing squad. Krill was promoted to Sergeant before the 85th Cloaked Daggers made another move to a sector labeled 42. Here Krill was given his first leadership position, controlling a strike force that dealt with clearing buildings full of hostiles. Krill's squad started off rough, but with fine tuning, good cooperation and grueling training, the squad turned out well. Krill remained at the rank of Sergeant for the rest of his tour with the 85th and fought off countless mutants and invaders of the sub-sector of the main sector S42. In one altercation with a Pseudogiant, Krill's left arm was obliterated by a single blow from the creature, the Lieutenant Yuri Levenski (at the time) helped him back to health, and within months, Krill was back on the battle field. Shortly thereafter, things became dull in the 85th and members began leaving, only to be hunted down and put to death. Krill feared that the 85th would be disbanded or he would be transferred due to lack of interest by Duty in the sectors that the 85th patrolled in. The latter eventually happened and Krill was transferred back to the Rostok Facility. Krill spent his days at the base as a mechanic (one would expect this) until one day, he received word of the Colonel Viktorsky's passing. Krill was saddened to hear this, but was excited to hear that the previous Lieutenant Levenski would be taking charge. Krill immediately requested transfer back to the 85th Battalion, it was granted, and Krill was ready to venture further back into the Zone to rejoin the 85th and help it through its reconstruction.

Faction Related Information
What is Duty?: Duty is a Paramilitary faction seeking to destroy the Zone and wipe it of its mutated inhabitants so that it does not spread and consume more than it already has.

Why do you wish to join Duty?: I wish to join Duty because I simply miss it from the old times, I want to see it prosper under new order and I'd like to contribute to its growth.

Who is the DUTY leader?: Lieutenant Colonel Yuri Levenski -/- Nova

Roleplay Knowledge
Describe Injury RP: Injury RP is the acting out of injuries sustained by the environment or in battle.


*A singular 7.62 round pecks the bandit in the right hand, the one holding a Beretta M92FS*

*The bandit drops his weapon, clutching his injured and bloody hand with his other, crying out in pain and fleeing the scene*

What is Metagaming: Metagaming is the use of IC information in OOC


OOC: "Help, a bloodsucker is killing me at the swamps!"

What is Metaspeak: Speaking ICly using emotes or abbreviations (Some limitations on the abbreviations part)


IC: "Lol that n00b just walked into an anomaly XD."

Describe RDM: RDM, or Random Death Matching, is the killing of another player when zero or very little roleplay is involved.

What is the difference between RDM and STK: Random Death Matching is killing another player with no RP whatsoever, STK AkA Shoot to Kill, is a term meaning shooting as if one were playing a First Person Shooter, both sides must agree to this before commencing.

Can you take responsibility for your actions?: Of course.


- Welcome back to the faction. Don't leave again.

- Re-instated as Sergeant
Title: Re: -=DUTY=- Applications: OPEN
Post by: meetdadoom on 29-05-2011
Out-Of-Character Information

Steam Friends Name: |HGN|Fatdan700 Or I AM A DINOSAUR

STEAM ID: 0:0:21785308

Timezone: Central

How long have you been roleplaying?: A year of Dark Rp and I have been serious rping for about two years.

How long have you played on the server?: A year and a half

Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?:I have played all of them

Do you have any IRL military knowladge?: Very Little

Can you follow orders?:Indeed


In-Character Information

Name: Midvied "Misha" Zhdanov


Skill set: Has military experience.


Midvied (or how he was called by pretty much everyone including his drill sergeant Misha) was 28 when he was laid off from his job as a waiter at a small resturant. He was single, broke and was weak to defend himself. When ever he got into fights, he had a friend come to the rescue. One day, when he was watching T.V. in his roommates apartment he saw an advertisement from the Ukrainian Military. Ukrainian Army Ad (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cH_E6YSQqTo#) . Misha watches the commercial in amazement. Everything he wants, food, free drinks, money, strength, women,etc and the advertisement had a catchy song in the background. He got off his ass and called the number on the screen. Next thing he knows it, he is in boot camp being yelled at by his drill sergeant about how much of a pussy he is. After two years, he finally became a private in the Ukrainian Military. His first assignment was to be a national guard in the Zone. As he came to his Guard Post he went through his daily guard shifts as a soldier with the mindset of "I am here to protect the people, not hurt them.". He has heard many rumors of soldiers abusing S.T.A.L.K.E.Rs. The reason why Misha never wanted to hurt the S.T.A.L.K.E.Rs is because Misha feels he has a duty to protect people of Ukraine. Killing Ukrainians who are trying to make living in a place where their life is in Constant danger is not protecting the people. After a month stuck in the Zone, the soldiers started to get a little bit crazy. The soldiers started to capitalize the fact that the zone is Lawless land and they can basically do whatever they want to. Soldiers would have competitions on how many S.T.A.L.K.E.R.s they can kill and Officers sat in their offices wasting all of the division's morphine and doing deals with the bandits. Once Misha's buddy Vlad who also had the same mindset as Misha did threatened his officer to report the corrupt doings of the Officers . Problem was, the Officer was having a bad day since he ran out of Morphine and was getting the shakes. The officer pulled a gun and shot Vlad. That was it for Misha. Misha grabbed his Ak74m, stole some ammunition from the armory and packed a few supplies in a duffle bag. His plan was to hide his duffle bag in trash can near the front gate of the base and when he was doing night shift with two guys, he would wait for them to get drunk or fall asleep so then Misha can book it and try to make it back to another Guard post. As the two guys fell asleep he grabbed his duffle bag and booked it. Accidently, Misha knocked over the trash can and woke up the guy at the tower which the guy (in panic) hit the siren and woke up the whole camp. Misha dashed off into the woods near the base since he would get cover. As he ran through the forest he finally realized that he had been running for a good two hours and the soldiers have turned off the sirens 10 minutes after the sirens went off. He finds a shack in the middle of the forest and walks in. He  passes out on the cold floor. Misha wakes up when he hears voices outside. Thinking it is a search party from his base he quickly gets up and dashes out of the shack. Turns out it was just a few S.T.A.L.K.E.Rs exploring. He darts off and the S.T.A.L.K.E.Rs fire at him noticing the military uniform. He continues to run until he runs right into something. He rubs his head and looks up and see's this woman wearing a large, bulky suit that looks like a robot with red and black stripes and a patch that said Duty. The woman looks down at him and picks Misha up. Misha looks around him and notices five soldiers wearing the same red and black pattern with guns raised at him. The woman speaks "So, are you the one who stormed up the hive at the Military base a Few miles away?" Misha shakes his head. "Do you actually want to make a change in the zone?" She asks. Misha nods his head. The woman was Lt.Col Alexia Daygan. After the encounter of Duty, Misha joins and quickly climbs the ranks due to his previous military knowledge. He becomes a sergeant and joins the Squad Cobra which was the Recon group at the time lead by an Irish man named McMillian. Fast forward two years later, Misha is 32 and is doing what he originally intended to do when he was in Military. He takes part on an assault on Monolith factory in Sector 42. They succeed but, Misha gets shot in the leg and twice in the chest. and McMillian gets shot up. The two drag their bodies to Duty base where they pass out and are taken care of. Misha wakes up and is told by Daygan that he should go back to Odessa (Misha's home town) for a while. Misha gets sneaked out of the Zone. He sells the artifacts that he stored while in Duty and makes good money and buys a small apartment.
      Three years later Misha is 35. Misha has finally finished recuperating from his wounds and is ready to come back to the Zone to help destroy the Zone and protect the people of Ukraine from the evils of the Zone.   

Faction Related Information

What is Duty?: They are a para-military group that wants to destroy the zone.

Why do you wish to join Duty?: Well, I feel like Duty can use a Veteran.

Who is the DUTY leader?:Currently Nova/ Yuri Levenski

Roleplay Knowladge

Describe Injury RP: When you get hurt and you role-play the injury icly and oocly as in you can't heal a gunshot wound overnight.

What is Metagaming: When you use OOC information in IC.

What is Metaspeak: Is when you use 1337 speak in Ic. "Hey guiz, howz it going lol :P"

Describe RDM: Killing without a reason.

What is the difference between RDM and STK: Shoot to kill is usually agreed on by both parties because of a conflict arising between characters.

Can you take responsibility for your actions?:Indeed

Sidenote: sorry if I this app isn't tip top. I honestly can barely remember my original app. I just remember the main idea.  I wrote this app at like 11:30 at night.


- Only reason I am accepting this is because you're were a pretty good RP'er.

- Re-instated as Junior-Sergeant.

- See me on the server for equipment.
Title: Re: -=DUTY=- Applications: OPEN
Post by: Astarathia on 06-06-2011
Out-Of-Character Information

Steam Friends Name: |HGN|Laveshia

STEAM ID: STEAM_0:1:20845612

Timezone: GMT +1

How long have you been roleplaying?: For about 4-5 years.

How long have you played on the server?: 1-2 Years

Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?:Da. SoC.

Do you have any IRL military knowledge?: Da, working for RL military.

Can you follow orders?:Sir, yes, sir.

Recommendations: Kieck

In-Character Information

Name: Ilona Kyantanew

Age: 26

Skill set: Assassination / Sniping

Backstory ( in /me style) :  Well urgh, I was born in Kalynivka I guess? When Chernobyl went boom, I was about one year old, so I can't really remember it ... Nor did my parents talk about it too often while I became older...
But I always had a strange feeling when I thought about this place... Like it wanted me to visit it...
I of course couldn't explain this feeling, I was too young... Well, I made my school without any too big problems, and in school I first heard about Chernobyl again... And again this strange feeling... And the teacher told us more and more about it...
And I started dreaming in the lesson...
Dreaming about visiting the place, and what is inside it... All the mysteries about it... I became too curious...
I never told anymore about my wish, not my parents, not my sister, nor my friends...
And then I went to Kiev for a job... As a bank clerk and that shizzle...
And I heard tourists talking about a tour into the "Zone" , wich is why they came to the Ukraine...
I asked them about that Tour, and they told me everything they knew, including where I could sign up for it...
I didn't really care about the costs, wich were extrememly high... But... I kinda didn't plan to return...
So I just gave them a fake bank ID, wich would lead them onto the account of one of our customers...
And I'd be gone before anyone would notice..
As the Bus tour began, I felt like a little child who is about to get a huge present...
As the Bus held, I started running, I don't know why, noone ran after me, but the feeling of Freedom... It was just impressing.
And then I was there... And I had no idea what I wanted to do next... Untill I met some nice people, who called themselves "Stalkers" and "Loners" , they answered me a few questions, then I answered theirs...
They told me about people called "DUTY" who were rather nice, but also well coordinated... That seemed rather interesting to me... As most people didn't even seem coordinated even a bit...
They also gave me a tiny pistol, wich was more for throwing then for shooting like one of the stalkers said while laughing, and a PDA...
And that's how my journey began... My first station, was the "Freedom base" ,a base full of ... Drunk people ... I wasn't sure if I should join them or not,  but I think...
DUTY would be more my style... So I went there, asked if they were accepting new people into their ranks...
The soldier just walked away for a few moments, and came back with this paper...

Faction Related Information

What is Duty?: Duty is a paramilitary group of Stalkers and ex soldiers , with the aim to completely destroy the Zone and make it disappear forever.

Why do you wish to join Duty?: Because it needs more members, it has a nice athmosphere, and is more social to Stalkers than Military.

Who is the DUTY leader?: Nova  / Yuri Levenski

Roleplay Knowladge

Describe Injury RP: If a character is shot in the leg, s/he should not run away because the engine allows it, s/he should fall to the ground, yellin in pain, trying to get the bullet out and or stop the bleeding.

What is Metagaming: Using OOC information ICly

What is Metaspeak: Using things like smileys and "lol, rofl, omg, wtf, hax, trollolol " and others in IC.

Describe RDM: RDM is when a person kills another person without any IC reason nor the agreement of that person.

What is the difference between RDM and STK: STK is when both attacker and attacked agree on a firefight where people "Shoot to Kill" , while RDM is when they just start randomly shooting each other without any agreement. 

Can you take responsibility for your actions?: Yes.


- Interesting backstory...

- Would be quite interesting to actually have an active female soldier (no sexism :P)

- Try and catch me on the server sometime. I might be online later today, if my connection will allow it

- You'll start as a Soldier
Title: Re: -=DUTY=- Applications: OPEN
Post by: Nerosis on 06-06-2011
Out-Of-Character Information

Steam Friends Name: |HGN| Nerosis

STEAM ID: STEAM_0:0:21039608

Timezone: GMT

How long have you been roleplaying?: 2 Years

How long have you played on the server?: 6 months

Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?: Yes, Stalker: Clear Sky

Do you have any IRL military knowladge?: My dad has served in the military for 30 years.

Can you follow orders?: Yes

Recommendations: N/A

In-Character Information

Name: Andrei Vasilev

Age: 23

Skill set: Mechanics, Medic

Backstory: Andrei Vasilev was born in russia in 1988. His family abanded him when he was just 12 years old, left to care and survive by himself. Andrei didnt know much english and struggled to fit in with others around him. He lived on the streets for about 4 years untill a family rescued him and brought him to a town, not far away from The Zone. His father use to tell him stories and rumours about this Zone which Andrei did not understand at a small age. He got a job as a Mechanic in a local garage as he loved working with cars and bikes. His passion when he was young was to be a Medic for the military and save lifes. When Andrei heard more about this Zone, he couldnt stop thinking about it. He wanted to visit the Zone and feel the real experience and see if these rumour's and stories were true from what his father told him. He saved up enough money to travel to the Zone and bought a Pistol for safety. He left the Mechanic career behind in search for a new life in The Zone.

Andrei Vasilev eventually made it to the Zone, with small resources left to keep alive. He stumbled across a group of people called "DUTY" who helped him survive and live. Andrei like "DUTY" and desided that he should join them.

Faction Related Information

What is Duty?: Duty is a Para-Military faction that is seeking to search for the Zone's secrets by destorying it.

Why do you wish to join Duty?: They are the best faction on the planet and i want to re-join them again from when i played in the past.

Who is the DUTY leader?: Nova/G-Man

Roleplay Knowladge

Describe Injury RP: Injury RP simply means that you act what happens to you. For examples, if i get shot in the leg, i would scream and fall to the ground rather than running of to avoid roleplay.

What is Metagaming: When you use OOC>ICly.

What is Metaspeak: Internet Phrase's (emotions, short phrase's)

Describe RDM: RDM simply stands for "Random Death Match". This can be caused when a player keeps killing you for no reason. This can result into a kick or a ban.

What is the difference between RDM and STK: STK is when someone kill's your for a roleplay reason. RDM is when someone kills you without having a roleplay reason.

Can you take responsibility for your actions?: Yes, I can


- Backstory was short and uninteresting

- I suggest you read a bit up on Duty's objectives

- You're pending because you apparently used to be in Duty

- You'll be kept in a short leash. One fatal mistake, and you're out

- You will start as Recruit. See either me or Tenshi/Smirnoff on the server for equipment
Title: Re: -=DUTY=- Applications: OPEN
Post by: ILoveHobo on 06-06-2011
Out-Of-Character Information
Steam Friends Name: ILoveHobo
STEAM ID: STEAM_0:0:39121360
Timezone: GMT
How long have you been roleplaying?: about a year
How long have you played on the server?: about 3 months
Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?: Stalker Clear Sky
Do you have any IRL military knowladge?: A bit
Can you follow orders?: Yes
Recommendations: None
In-Character Information
Name: Dragnov Varieve
Age: 21
Skill set: Medic and Marksmenship
Backstory: Dragnov  was born in a small town in Russia. At birth he was abandoned by his mother and father. He went to a care home and at the age of three he was adotped, he was beaten regularly and he found ways to cure his cuts with the little he had. He always wanted to run away but he new he had no where to go. Day by day he would take a small bit of his foster parents money without them noticing, at the age of thirteen he had enouth money to catch a plane. He decide to take a plane to Spain the only problem was that he need to escape. he had a plastic gun and he knew his foster father had a real gun in his draw, he would pratice shooting everyday untill he was ace at it. He then stole his foster farther's gun and shot his way out. In the middle of the flight he heard a great bang he looked out the window and he saw that one of the planes engin was missing, the plane crashed and he landed at the zone
Faction Related Information
What is Duty?: Duty is a Para-Military faction with the ain to destroy the zone
Why do you wish to join Duty?: It is in need for members and i belive i could help it out alot
Who is the DUTY leader?:Nova/ Yuri Levenski
Roleplay Knowladge
Describe Injury RP: Is where you would act like something happend to you in real life like if i got shot in the leg/foot i would fall to the ground and would be able to get up and walk for a while
What is Metagaming: it is when you use OOC when you should be talk IC
What is Metaspeak: It is when you use text speach like lol and you use smile faces
Describe RDM: RDM is when you shoot/kill someone for no reason
What is the difference between RDM and STK: STK is when two or more people agree to have a fight where as RDM is when someone just shoots someone
Can you take responsibility for your actions?: Yes


- It's extremely unlikely that a plane would crash, even more so in the zone...

- Rushed application, nothing really makes sense

- And one last thing: Improve your grammar

- You may re-apply in one week
Title: Re: -=DUTY=- Applications: OPEN
Post by: Recreas on 07-06-2011
Out-Of-Character Information

Steam Friends Name:|HGN|Recreas
Timezone: GMT+1
How long have you been roleplaying?: In general, for about 5-6 years. With HGN a bit longer then a year.
How long have you played on the server?: Just like my roleplay time here, about 1 year up to 1,5 years
Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?: Yea I've played and have SoC and CoP

Do you have any IRL military knowladge?: Not really, I know the general stuff that you get from watching a lot of Discovery Channel, National Geographic and etc but I can't say I have had any actual knowLEDGE or experience in the army itself.

Can you follow orders?: I sure can. Sir, Yes Sir!
Not sure if it's still usefull but I got Dugs, Laveshia's and I just got Kiecks too ;P[color]

In-Character Information

Name: Vladistov Mitorai
Skill set: Assault,  Preferable Standard Semi/Automatic Rifles


There's a few men sitting around a table in the Duty base, one of them is telling a story.

I guess that it all started a few years back when I decided to apply at the local recruitment office. And that's how I ended up in the Zone. At arrival there wasn't a moment of rest for me and the other new recruits. We immediatly got a equipment check and were set at guard duty. The first days were not quite as I expected, I mean, I was just a young Ukranian man at the time that wanted to serve his country , though on the other hand they never got any explanation about the place anyways.

So one day I hear some of the guys talking about some kind of mutant, so I decided to join in on the conversation. They told me these terrible stories about tall men-like creatures with tentacles just ripping a patrolling squad apart. I couldn't get my thoughts of them at the time.

Some of the men start to laugh

Oh, you guys are really mature..., what would you expect? I was just a young man at the time. So anyways, I returned back to guarding duty when suddenly the alarm went. Soldiers were running around, grabbing ammunition and getting in positions. This is also the first time that I saw our good old famous Colonel Nikolai Yurdansky, I'm sure that some of you guys can remember him.

One of the men says: "Yea, I sure do remember that old bastard."

Yea well anyways, at the time I sure was impressed to see the Colonel. So the base got attacked, and I knew there was no time to stare at the Colonel so I turned around and that is when I finally realised that the base was under attack. Bullets were flying around and I couldn't see a bit, I wasn't thinking clear. I was just a fresh recruit at the time so you couldn't expect more. So I started to pull the trigger and unleash hell on the little bastards that were surrounding the base. I didn't know at the time then that they were the damn junkies but well we got attacked by them damn Freedommers. I can't remember much of it because it was all going so damn fast but well I do remember the Colonel grabbing a firm hold of his grenade launcher and just bombing the bastards to pieces. I'm sure you boys would have loved to see that.

Most of the days went like that, but after two long years I finally got a letter from the government.
Funny ain't it, you never hear something from the government unless they need you. That's also what I thought at the time and it sure was like that. The letter was bringing me the good news that I was re-assigned to another base. It was too good to be true, all those years that I've spend in this shit hole I finally had a chance to get out of here. But of course, I celebrated it too early.

That night we got picked up by a convoy, a few jeeps that brough another new load of recruits. So, me and a few others got in the jeeps and we were so damn excited to get out of here. So after an hour of driving we start to hear strange noises, we get out of the jeep to investigate. But as you could guess fellas, this was the worst idea ever. We got surrounded by an angry pack of mutants and we didn't get the slightest second to prepare ourselves. Soldiers were get ripped apart here and there, and I know that an honorable man stays to fight but this was madness. Me and a few others tried to escape, and I'm afraid that I was the only one to survive...

So well, there I was in the middle of nowhere, I couldn't go anywhere. Freedom would shoot be at sight and I'm sure if I would run across any other Stalkers would have loved to kill me. So I first got rid of my old suit, running around in a military suit kinda attracts attention. Next I went to, well here. I decided to tell them Dutiers here was I just told you guys. I was and still am just sick of the things I've done, I mean what retard would protect a place this dangerous right? So anyways, them Dutiers said they could always use another pair of hands. And this is how I ended up here fellas.

The man takes another sip of his glass, emptying it. He got up and left.

(By the way, I got auth from Rebel not to get my old military character pked. You could verify this with him if you really feel like.)

Faction Related Information

What is Duty?: Duty is a group of mostly S.T.A.L.K.E.R.S and ex-soldiers that seek to destroy the dangerous zone and protect the people in it.

Why do you wish to join Duty?: Well, I've been with Military for over a year now but due recent changes in leadership and other things, I'm unable to still roleplay with them (mostly the hughe timezone differences and etc). So I decided to resign and find myself a new faction, I guess it was time for something new after a year. So I decided to join Duty because it's the closest thing to military and I hope I'll enjoy my time with you guys as much as I did in the military.

Who is the DUTY leader?: Ehm I guess Nova or ICly: Yuri Levenski

Roleplay Knowladge

Describe Injury RP: Injury RP is mostly used in RP fights or sometimes prefered over NLR. This means that you'll have an injury which you'll of course have to roleplay. For example: A broken arm, which means you wouldn't be able to fire SMGs,LMGs and etc. You would only be able to fire a simple pistol without too much kickback.

What is Metagaming: Metagaming is when you are feeding another person IC information through ooc. For example revealing locations to your friends whilst they wouldn't have that knowledge ICly seen.

What is Metaspeak: The use of words that are mostly used in the MSN language, words or emoticons like: Lol, FTW, WTF, ROFL, :D, :P, O_o. You get the point.

Describe RDM: RDM or Random Death Matching is when you or another player kills another for no good or specific reason. So as the name tells, it's random. Which ruins the fun in roleplay. If you want to shoot others go play CoD or Battlefield.

What is the difference between RDM and STK: RDM are fights that not everybody agreed on but still get shot. STK or Shoot to Kill is when both parties agreed on having a fight with each other in which they are free to open their weapons and kill the other party.

Can you take responsibility for your actions?: If I did something I know I did it and I wouldn't denie I did it, so yes I can.


- Was a pretty good backstory. Certain things didn't really add up, but I enjoyed it

- Guess I wouldn't mind someone who have actually been in the Military IC

- You'll start as a Soldier. See either me or Tenshi/Smirnoff on the server for equipment
Title: Re: -=DUTY=- Applications: OPEN
Post by: ILoveHobo on 14-06-2011
Out-Of-Character Information

Steam Friends Name: |HGN|ILoveHobo

STEAM ID: STEAM_0:0:39121360

Timezone: GMT

How long have you been roleplaying?: a year

How long have you played on the server?: a week

Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?: Yes CoP

Do you have any IRL military knowladge?: A Bit

Can you follow orders?: Yes

Recommendations: None

In-Character Information

Name: Dragnov Varieve

Age: 21

Skill set: Medic and Marksmanship

Backstory: Dragnov was born in a small town in Russia, he had a normal life and was an A* student but he never worked so he got low grades. At an age of 17 he decided to take all his exams again as he wanted to be a medic when he was older. He then got into a university and studied medication. As he was training in university he decided that he wanted to me a medic in the Army. So he practiced his shooting at the rifle range. He started to practice to be a sniper as well. At the age of 20 he got into the army. On his first patrol he got lost and wondered into the forest with his group. They jumped over this barbed wire and landed near this train crash. Some bandits came and Dragnov ran away. He hasn't seen his group since. He met this Group called Duty. They both Hated "The zone" so here he is applying.

Faction Related Information

What is Duty?: Duty is a faction that want to destroy the Zone

Why do you wish to join Duty?: Because they are a amazing faction and I like them.

Who is the DUTY leader?: Yuri Levenski

Roleplay Knowladge

Describe Injury RP: Injury RP is when if i got shot in the foot then i wouldn't be able to walk and i would act like it happened in real life.

What is Metagaming: Metagaming is where you use OOC in IC so i would ask someone where they are.

What is Metaspeak: Metaspeak is using LOL and :) so you dont use proper words

Describe RDM: RDM is when you randomly kill someone.

What is the difference between RDM and STK: STK is when both teams agree to kill people whereas RDM is when they don't agree or its random

Can you take responsibility for your actions?: Yes


- Backstory didn't make sense at all, how did you magically teleport to Ukraine on your first patrol in the russian army? It was also way too short

- Your grammar needs improvement, you don't even capitalise correctly at times.

- I find it extremly unlikely you have RP'd a year, lying won't get you far in DUTY.

- Reapply in one week.
Title: Re: -=DUTY=- Applications: OPEN
Post by: Skybroke on 16-06-2011
Out-Of-Character Information

Steam Friends Name: Skeet Biscuit

STEAM ID: STEAM_0:1:15458620

Timezone: GMT -6 Central America

How long have you been roleplaying?: Maybe two years.

How long have you played on the server?: Over a week since I came back.

Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?: Yea, SoC.

Do you have any IRL military knowladge?: No, not really.

Can you follow orders?: Yes, easily.

None but G-Man icly was going to let me join.

In-Character Information

Name: Zegorg Yokavo

Age: 20

Skill set: A little Telecom and electrical training.

Backstory: In a story that much resembles many of the others who came to the zone, it was in search of prosperity over choice. Driven by his fathers expectations to make a name for himself as he had done, Zegorg set out to find riches in the Zone. What stands out most of all for Zegorg is the fact he is here to put his own notch in history with his name. With Duty he believes he can make this notch and be one of the hero's who died protecting the world from the zone.

Faction Related Information

What is Duty?: A faction that has the idealology of protecting the outside world from the horrors in the zone.

Why do you wish to join Duty?: The possible gain of Notoriety and the personal principles of morals Zegorg has to protect his fellow man for the good of the whole over the individual.

Who is the DUTY leader?:
Nova I believe.

Roleplay Knowladge

Describe Injury RP: If you are injured in some incident, you are expected to roleplay the outcome and effects of the injury and not ignore the fact that it happened.

What is Metagaming: Using OOC information Icly.

What is Metaspeak: Use of emoticons in character.

Describe RDM: Randomly killing a player without a valid reason or proper roleplay.

What is the difference between RDM and STK: RDM is Random killing of another player where STK is authorized shooting to kill in a roleplay enviornment.

Can you take responsibility for your actions?:
Yes, I can.


- You are now pending

- Pending solely because it was a IC recruitment

- If it hadn't been a IC recruitment, I would have slapped a big fat DENIED on this thing

- Fuck up once, and you're out

- See either me or Tenshi on the server for equipment

- You'll start as a Recruit
Title: Re: -=DUTY=- Applications: OPEN
Post by: Blackflunk on 19-06-2011
Out-Of-Character Information

Steam Friends Name:|HGN|Blackflunk

STEAM ID:"|HGN|Blackflunk" STEAM_0:1:6146104 01:25 203 0 active#

Timezone: GMT+1

How long have you been roleplaying?: I've been roleplaying since I got Garrysmod, which were about 2 years ago, started out in the darkrp, but got into serious roleplaying later on.

How long have you played on the server?: I've been roleplaying for about 1 year now, been active a lot.

Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?: I've been playing them all three.

Do you have any IRL military knowladge?: I do have a bit knowlage, like radio codes etc. but I've not been in the military itself.

Can you follow orders?: I can follow orders for sure.


In-Character Information

Name: Dmitri Sidorov

Age: 25

Skill set: Good at long range hunting, lacks in close range/melee.

Backstory: Dmitri is a typical Russian person, he used to live in another part of the zone, due to his age, he lived alone in an abandoned apartment. Dmitri moved out of the abandoned apartment, simply to find artifacts in the other parts of the zone, eventhough he still had food supplies for several months. His parents were poor russian people, they got the food by hunting and sold what they could, to buy non-radiated water. His father was still able to hunt, and therefore supply food for everyone in the house.  Dmitri loved hunting, since he was a young teen, and this affected his life later on. Cause as he reached the age of 18, it was time to move out. Dmitri's father gave the hunting rifle as they used for hunting everyday. Food and water was needed after he moved out, so it was time to go hunting. Lots of the food Dmitri managed to get, was either radiated or infected. Dmitri managed to get unfriendly with the sorroundings, people started threatning him, and his parents didn't find it very comfortable to be in that part of the zone, so he decided to move somewhere else, but continued his hunting. Dmitri never managed to crash into any anormaly, and nor get artifacts. The only thing he could do for living was hunting.

Dmitri's life has always been the same, nothing really new happened in his life. There weren't very many bandits around in the area, only a few, but Dmitri still managed to run into some. A day when Dmitri was on a hunt, he noticed two bandits close to some tusks. They both had trenchcoats on, and were starting to go towards Dmitri, later started to charge towards him. Dmitri managed to shoot one of them with the hunting rifle, but got up in a fight with the other one. It ended up with a few brushes, but in the end, Dmitri managed to get profit by that happening.

After several huntings, Dmitri got in another situation, where he was sorrounded by tusks, he managed to escape, but left the hunting rifle behind. Dmitri ran into the other part of the zone, as he found some fellow stalker to accompany with. Due to the lack of food, it was time to visit a trader. Dmitri visited a trader which was trading for Duty faction. As he found the sorroundings nice, he thought it would be a good idea' to apply for duty.

Faction Related Information

What is Duty?: Duty is a faction, which's ideology is to protect the world from the zone.

Why do you wish to join Duty?: I wish to join Duty, as I find the sorroundings/people nice, and like the way they handle stuff. I find it quiete hard to hunt boars, as I have no hunting rifle, so I thought it would be a good idea to try something new.

Who is the DUTY leader?: Yuri Levenski

Roleplay Knowladge

Describe Injury RP: Injury RP is when you roleplay the injures done by on you. Taking an example, if someone walks up to you and shoots you in the leg, then you must roleplay that you're having the actual injure. Meaning you won't be able to walk properly.

What is Metagaming: Metagaming is when you use OOC information ICly - Someone writes in /ooc, asking "Is someone selling 19mm?" (Example from earlier today) That is metagaming, as he doesn't know that ICly (In Character)

What is Metaspeak: Metaspeak is using smileys IC, you can't say a smiley, you can only do /me smiles, if you want to smile - Istead of making a smiley.

Describe RDM: Random Deathmatching - When you walk up to someone and just starts to shoot at him, this is random deathmatching. Sometimes it can be misunderstood, and therefore you try to figure something out.

What is the difference between RDM and STK: STK is when you agree to do shoot to kill, the others needs to accept, and then you start shooting at eachother. STK is IC where RDM is OOC - Meaning you just shoot everyone.

Can you take responsibility for your actions?: Yes, I am.


- Well... Not the best backstory. Could have been a lot better

- However, I have seen you roleplay, and you seem pretty good

- I'll keep my eye on you

- You'll start as a Soldier. See either me or Tenshi on the server for equipment
Title: Re: -=DUTY=- Applications: OPEN
Post by: Nova on 19-06-2011
Applications are now Closed!
Title: Re: -=DUTY=- Applications: OPEN
Post by: Nova on 22-06-2011
Applications are now Open!

However, there's only one spot!
Title: Re: -=DUTY=- Applications: OPEN
Post by: Gonztah on 22-06-2011
Out-Of-Character Information

Steam Friends Name:A131891

STEAM ID:STEAM_0:0:16930661

Timezone:GMT +2

How long have you been roleplaying?:I have been RPing Gmod for about 8 months.

How long have you played on the server?:About a week.

Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?:Beat SoC and CoP and played a bit of CS.

Do you have any IRL military knowladge?:A bit but not much.

Can you follow orders?:Definetly


In-Character Information

Name:Alek Smirnov


Skill set:Recon, Other "light" duties.

Backstory:Alek Smirnov was a pickpocket in the city of Moscow did'nt earn much but enough to survive in a big city like Moscow.
One night after having a "couple" bottles of Vodka he and his friend Petya Chernyshev thought of ways to get rich easily.
Thats when they learned about the Zone. Earlier they didn't have a clue about the Zone's existence but Petya did some digging and found out about it. Petya has some buddies in there and he had contacted them for work. His friends told him that in the Zone it would be easy to get rich. Alek and Petya swayed by these words they sold all their belongings and went out on the streets to "earn" some money to get the tickets to Ukraine.
After they had scratched together enough money for the plane tickets they set off to the Zone.
When their plane had landed they went to the local store to get some equiqment mainly food and some local maps.
After that they searched the city for cars that wouldn't be too well guarded. After some time they managed to break into one and start it up.
They drove as close to the Zone as they could but then ran into a problem. The border was guarded by the military they hadn't expected this and thought of ways to get through.
Finally they decided to wait until night and attempt to sneak past the front gate.
Alek went first and managed to crawl past the soldiers but when it was Petya's turn the soldier turned his flashlight into the bushes and noticed Petya.
The alarm was raised and Alek hid and watched how his best friend was dragged away.
Alek's adrenaline was rushing through his veins yet he couldnt do anything to help Petya.
He decided he had to keep moving. While he was crawling around the base he heard someone yell three times. At the third yell Alek heard shots and a body slumping to the ground.
He was furious and thought: "One day you will be avenged Petya."
Soon he arrived at the gate to the Zone, it was still quite dark so he had to do this one with pure luck hoping that the guards wouldnt have nightvision goggles.
He started crawling to the gate his heart pumping like never before, fearing that the soldiers would catch him and kill him like poor Petya.
Luckily no soldiers spotted Alek while he was crawling through the gate. They were all propably drinking since they caught Petya.
After getting to a relatively safe distance he was feeling dizzy and thought he needed some rest after that experience.
He found a sewage pipe he thought he could take refuge in, he climbed in and he noticed something on the ground.
It was a dirty Makarov, Alek took it as it might be useful. The pistol was loaded and he found a spare clip nearby.
Now extremely tired he lied down on the ground and was about to fall asleep when he heard some growling noises at the pipe entrance.
Two dogs were about to enter the pipe, Alek drew his pistol and shot at the dogs and managed to take one down.
The other one jumped on him and tore into his left arm.
While the dog was hanging from his left arm Alek aimed the pistol to the dogs side and emptied the clip into the dog.
Bleeding and fearing infection he realised he needed help so he left the pipe and wandered about for half an hour until he met a group of Stalkers.
Alek told what had happened in the pipe and the Stalkers bandaged the wound in his arm.
The Stalkers stopped nearby for the night and Alek was finally able to get some rest.


When Alek woke up he had spoke with the Stalkers about the Zone.
The Stalkers clearly seeing Alek was new to the Zone told him a lot about it and promised to take him to a Stalker camp.
On the way there he noticed two groups fighting in the distance he asked about the Stalkers who told Alek that, its the Duty and Freedom fighting against each other, they said that he could find more about them in the camp.
Upon arrival Alek went around the camp asking about the Zone, the factions in there all kinds of things about the Zone.
He realised that if he is to survive he should propably join one of the factions.
The military was out of the question he was still mad at them for killing his best buddy in cold blood.
When he thought about this he came to the conclusion of attempting to join the Duty, realising how horrible the Zone was he thought that it should be contained and possibly destroyed so it wouldn't spread it's monstrosities across the world.
He hates the Military for what they did to his best friend and will take any chance to have some payback.

Faction Related Information

What is Duty?:Duty is a paramilitary faction operating in the Zone seeking to destroy or atleast contain it.

Why do you wish to join Duty?:I agree with their ideas.

Who is the DUTY leader?:Yuri Levenski

Roleplay Knowladge

Describe Injury RP: Example:If you get shot in the arm you cant start wrestling with the guy you propably cant even hold a gun properly. Wounds must take their time to heal not just like "Nom" medkit and you are fine again.

What is Metagaming:Using OOC info IC.

What is Metaspeak:Emoticons in IC chat. Example: Player: LoL i just killed that nub over there XD

Describe RDM:Killing without any RP reason whatsoever. Example: Dude runs up to your face and shoots you just to get your gun or something else you had (artefacts etc.)
What is the difference between RDM and STK:Well STK is a situation where both sides agree theyre going to have a firefight while RDM is just pure well.. Random killing.

Can you take responsibility for your actions?:Yes I can.


- It's a decent backstory, although there was plenty of things that should have been different

- Decent grammar, could have been better

- Decent- You get the idea. Overall, it's a decent to good application

- You'll start as a Soldier

- See either me or Tenshi/Smirnoff on the server for equipment
Title: Re: -=DUTY=- Applications: OPEN
Post by: Earthtech on 23-06-2011
Out-Of-Character Information

Steam Friends Name: Earthtech

STEAM ID: STEAM_0:1:20520755

Timezone: GMT+1

How long have you been roleplaying?: Four years.

How long have you played on the server?: I have had an on and off relationship with the server, however I have committed myself long term to the server last week.

Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?: Shadow of Chernobyl

Do you have any IRL military knowladge?: Yes, I served in the Deutsch Heer, I know of common military disposition, military bearing, and generally how specific military assemblages function, as well as phonetics and proper radio behavior.

Can you follow orders?: As said, I served in my nation's military, I am able to follow orders to the letter without dissent, both ICly and OOCly.

Recommendations: None.

In-Character Information

Name: Shalka Petrov

Age: 25

Skill set: Survival expert, linguistics expert

Backstory: Shalka Petrov was born in Leningrad, living a lucrative young life, his father was a footballer in Russia, and his mother a bartender. He lived the good life into secondary school, where he personally made the decision that his life was destined for adventure and survival. Petrov, though he had other talents, was especially advanced in the field of linguistics, and held very high diction. He decided his path of adventure was in the French Foreign Legion, and so he grabbed public transportation and headed towards Marseilles, of France. The train headed through Ukraine, however the second incident occurred, and the transportation was halted in the new Zone of Alienation.  Petrov is stranded in the zone, avoiding the killing and mutation of most residents.

Four years after Petrov was stranded in the zone, he had continued to live, developing huge survival skills. He had grown to maturity, and was very successful in scavenging, gathering, and hunting, searching for a new vocation.

As he continued, he entered the Red Forest, and found trepidation beyond belief with the gigantic amount of Bloodsuckers. He managed to move through, suffering minor wounds. He encountered more mutated creatures along his path, including the military which inflicted mental and physical harm upon Petrov.

Shalka decided he needed to join an assemblage that would offer much protection, but did not hold the hatred and hostility of the military. He scouted his options, and eventually fell upon the choice of Duty, making a serious and slightly idiosyncratic attempt to join them.

Petrov hopes that he can still find the adventure and enjoyment he seeked for without the constant worry of mutated creatures and severe pain he experienced preceding his austere, deliberate, and contemplative try at joining the Duty's ranks.

Faction Related Information

What is Duty?: A paramilitary faction, which has the motives of protecting the exterior of the zone, containing it, and ultimately destroying it.

Why do you wish to join Duty?: I find the ideology fascinating, I love the disposition and organization of Duty, and I agree with the motives and will find adventure.

Who is the DUTY leader?: Yuri Levenski

Roleplay Knowladge

Describe Injury RP: Roleplaying an injury and the pain of that injury, specifically, if shot in the leg, I roleplay the pain of the leg wound and not being able to move without heavy assistance.

What is Metagaming: Utilizing out-of-character information in-character, for example: telling an OOC friend where my character is via Steam chat.

What is Metaspeak: Using emoticons and inappropriate acronyms ICly: LOL you're awesome ;3

Describe RDM: Random deathmatch, killing another character without any validated IC roleplaying reason.

What is the difference between RDM and STK: Random deathmatch is OOC killing with no validated roleplaying reason IC. Shoot to kill is a validated IC roleplaying firefight where both parties involved agree to shoot and kill eachother ICly.

Can you take responsibility for your actions?: Yes, I can.


- One of the best application's I've seen in a while, you'll start as soldier.

- See me (Tenshi) or Gman on the server for equipment, and feel free to give send us a message over steam if you need any help.
Title: Re: -=DUTY=- Applications: OPEN
Post by: Nova on 03-07-2011
Applications are now OPEN!

Three spots open.
Title: Re: -=DUTY=- Applications: OPEN
Post by: yay:) on 23-07-2011
i would like to enter my aplication to the duty 85th
name: chercof/yay:)
used to be a member of clear sky and have ben into the ruins of chernobyl but i have just recently found stalker roleplay on g-mod.
skill set: soldier
Title: Re: -=DUTY=- Applications: OPEN
Post by: Killabreu on 23-07-2011
Quote from: yay:) on 23-07-2011
i would like to enter my aplication to the duty 85th
name: chercof/yay:)
used to be a member of clear sky and have ben into the ruins of chernobyl but i have just recently found stalker roleplay on g-mod.
skill set: soldier

WHaaaaaaaaat. Get out of here, stalker. That's just bad. Follow the format, please. Put some detail into it and uh....that.

Title: Re: -=DUTY=- Applications: OPEN
Post by: Turkey on 27-07-2011
Out-Of-Character Information

Steam Friends Name:turkey

STEAM ID:STEAM_0:1:22050784 

Time zone: Central

How long have you been roleplaying?: Too long to count D:

How long have you played on the server?: 2 years :L

Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?: Yes

Do you have any IRL military knowledge?: Kinda. I am not a soldier. But I've seen the TV shows and read the wikis. Lol

Can you follow orders?: Yes

There is no one who actually is active on their duty character, EU fags.

In-Character Information

Name:Fyodor Zell

Age: 25

Skill set: Cooking

Fyodor  was born at Pripet, his mother and father  spent most of their lives at work. And Fyodor constantly went to visit with his grandparents He lived an average life  and eventually grew up to high school. He used to pawn his grandmothers stuff off for money. At the age of 23, His family was moved to a massive tent city outside the expected contaminated area. He constantly wander off, On June 10, 2006, He wandered off a little too far, And his camp was evacuated from the entire tent city while he was away. He ended up in Korosten, While exploring some areas of the zone, He came across an old farmhouse, In the back yard there was a shelter, and He approached it, Entering it. He found some old things that interested him, When he heard the boom. The zone was being purged. After spending 2 years in the zone as a STALKER he met up with some dutiers, He went to their base, Heard about their ads, Talked to a Sergeant about joining.
After he was accepted into duty, He started his life as a dutiers. Fighting a war over ideology, The nights were long.. Spending countless hours staring into a fire, Everyone told stories about their home. They also would just remain silent and listen to the night. Every morning waking to have everything on the ground wet from the dew. The base was silent except for the rattle of gear from the soldiers doing drills.. Then a pop, A massive slam and a cry for help, As he turned his head he saw the gate guard laying on the ground, His upper shoulder ripped to shreds by a bullet. Fyodor dropped his weapon--big mistake-- and ran towards the gate to help the injured soldier. When he finally got close to him, He slid over to the body, He looked in the eyes of the soldier and paused. In his mind, he just shit himself. Fyodor turned his head to the side looking over his shoulder, He could see the anarchist firing at them, Most directed towards the bear squad. He grabbed the rifle out of the hand of the soldier on the floor and turned around. He took cover at the gate wall in fear, Nearly shitting himself he looked towards the soldier in front of him, it was a Sargent who was reloading. Fyodor darted from behind the cover, Sending a burst of rounds at the nearest green thing he saw, Then he heard the sound of bullets hitting him, Then a scream for help. He halted looking towards where he shot, He watched the freedom squirm, He wasn't dead yet. They continued to defend the base, After winning. His CO told him to go finish the rats. So Fyodor approached the injured freedomers. He, Holding his rifle in one hand, Just wildly shot at him.
He felt.. Different from that day on..  After a while{{NITROS ACTIVITY. LOL}} He left duty, Returning as a free STALKER to the rest of the zone. Making his living in a trailer, Having nothing but his weapons and PDA. He did work as a mercenary for a short period, One job was to murder a group of ecologist in the hospital.. It was 'cake' for him. He slaughtered all Two stalkers with abakans and one ecologist. He left the tunnels a rich man, He continued to do his 'job', Hardly considered a job for him.. He heard about duty getting a new leader.. He decided to return, to once again fight for duty.

// All this shit really happened, The sgt was brue, The ecologist I killed was blake the old leader was Nitro. All that.

Faction Related Information

What is Duty?: A paramilitary group with intentions on destroying the zone

Why do you wish to join Duty?: They're very cool guys, I would like to rejoin their faction

Who is the DUTY leader?:

Brewster =D

Role-play Knowledge

Describe Injury RP: Hit in the leg, role-play like you would

What is Metagaming: Using ooc info Ic

What is Metaspeak: lol wat dat< Using that IC

Describe RDM: Killing without reason

What is the difference between RDM and STK: STK is a fight declared that does not need roleplay, so just start shooting. RDM is when you kill someone for no reason without consent before. Like a fucktard

Can you take responsibility for your actions?: Can killabreu ride a horse? Yes. The answer is yes.


-Despite the terrible grammar, you told me you weren't great at writing backstories, and I've taken that into consideration. Besides, I know you know that if you fuck up, you're done for. Right?

-See me (Killabreu) on-server (and in-character) for your briefing, standing orders, and gear.

Title: Re: -=DUTY=- Applications: OPEN
Post by: ThatGuy on 29-07-2011
Out-Of-Character Information

Steam Friends Name:I THINK its either xdaniel98x or ThatGuyEC, try both

STEAM ID:# 46 "[ivG+BnT+EC] That Guy" STEAM_0:0:32663943 03:32 164 0 active

Timezone: GMT +1/0 {not sure}

How long have you been roleplaying?:A good solid year and a few months

How long have you played on the server?:2-4 weeks, 1-2 months

Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?:Played SOC first, then 2 months later found out there was another one {COP} but i never knew that ClearSky ever existed.

Do you have any real life military knowledge?: I know some basics ranks, guns, drills.
Ranks in ascending order: Pvt Pfc Spc Crpl L.crpl Sgt S.Sgt Sgt.fc M.Sgt First.Sgt Sgt.Mjr Command Sgt Major Sgt major off the army. <-- ONLY enlisted, no butter fingers. 

Can you follow orders?:Off course, you HAVE to follow orders.

Recommendations:I don't believe in recommendations, recommendations to me just prove you can pester people, and those people might just be friends, not giving the rec for the reason its meant for, if you decide to deny me for this then i guess that's your choice and understandable.

In-Character Information
(Quick note: This is a new character, he has not been made yet, this is what i did in my old forum, if this is not acceptable i will use my already made character.)

Name:First name:Andriy is Ukrainian form of Andrew, meaning man; warrior.
Middlename:Bohuslavis Czech and Ukrainian form of Polish Boguslaw, meaning God-Glory.
Suranme:Lyaksandro is Ukrainian form of Alexander, meaning defender of mankind. 


Skill set:Was in medical school, but dropped out due to anger problems (He hit a patient when he complained he felt a pain in his stomach, exclaiming "Where do you fell pain now?!" Sneaky and in his spare time practises with his old jujitsu suit and shotgun.

Backstory:Andriy was beaten as a boy, his parents were murdered, and he was left to die, luckily he was found by the gurrilla/gurilla (However you want to spell it)Forces going through the area, they took him and cared for him, they gave him is name, trying to make the name resemble him, he became a fighter and second in command of the gurrillas, he decided to leave them after it came apparent they were getting cornered, he sped off, changing clothes and slipping past the opposing forces, he got the nickname off "Wind" For his abillity to "Wisp" past anyone.
He decided to get a proper education, he went to school for 5 years, bringing him to the age off 22, he then went to medical school, but got dropped for anger reasons, he then went to get some money, mugging people, begging, part time work, whatever he could do to get money, he saw a poster for workers wanted for The blue eagles merc group [/img]http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/stalker/images/thumb/4/43/SCS_Mercs.png/200px-SCS_Mercs.png (http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/stalker/images/thumb/4/43/SCS_Mercs.png/200px-SCS_Mercs.png)[img/]http://And he saw he could earn alot off money, he decided to go and apply, when he got there, he found they had been raided bandits, and decided to stay in the zone to try and sell some artifacts, all ready having some knowledge of the zone from friends and media, he decided to look for a group he could stick with, he saw freedom, but he diddent like the look off them, he decided to try duty, and then try freedom if he diddent get accepted. 

Note: Backstorys are not my strongpoint, and never have been.

Faction Related Information

What is Duty?: A faction off stalker PMCs, founded by the Ukrainian military, and trying to keep stalkers out off the zone.

Why do you wish to join Duty?: I cant realy explain that, i just like the way duty is, i like the way there set out, the way they work, etc.

Who is the DUTY leader?:OOC: Nova IC: LC, Yuri Levenski

Roleplay Knowledge

Describe Injury RP: For this example, we will use 2 characters, A, and B
A: Take this! *Shoots B in leg*
B: *Screams and falls over, clutching his leg
A: *Hurridly reloads his revolver, trying to get another shot*
B: Quickly trys to throw his kabar at A to increase his chances off getting away
*B wins*
A: My hand! *Clutches his gun hand, droping his gun*
B: *Hurridly escapes, crawling off*

*Some people disagree that he would be able to throw a knife, but his hand wassent damaged, so i think he could.

What is Metagaming: A and B again
(All chat is OOC)
A: I just found some sweet loot at the military boundry!
B: <-- Now A bandit | IM COMING FOR THAT

What is Metaspeak:Im going to be honest here, never heard that phrase before, but im guessing its LIKE what i did above.

Describe RDM: Random death matching: Killing a player without a reason/right to.

What is the difference between RDM and STK: S2K/STK is shoot to kill, meaning you have a reason/right to shoot at/a person/someone

Can you take responsibility for your actions?:Yes, cant everybody given the chance?

(If you find any problems with the app, please tell me and ill edit it and submit again in 1 week.)


-The story makes absolutely no sense. At all. Your grammar is horrible, and you clearly don't know what good RP is, judging from your example of injury RP.

-Duty was not founded by Military. At all. Get your canon straight.

-You don't believe in recommendations? Too bad, it's part of the application process.

-You don't know what your SF name is? Or your timezone?

Don't bother reapplying. You'll get denied again.
Title: Re: -=DUTY=- Applications: OPEN
Post by: Lent23 on 31-07-2011
Out-Of-Character Information

Steam Friends Name: Brandon Lent

STEAM ID: STEAM_0:1:25572027

Timezone: GMT-5 (EST)

How long have you been roleplaying?: About a year and a half in serious roleplay.

How long have you played on the server?: At least four or five months.

Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?: Played all three of them.

Do you have any real life military knowledge?: Partially, I'm not a military expert, but I do know a bit of things.Can you follow orders?: Of course.


In-Character Information

Name:Dmitri Lentskaya

Age: 23

Skill set: Fixing guns in spare time, Decent at fixing mechanical itemsBackstory: Dmitri Lentskaya came to the Zone looking for money, and he found Duty. A group of Stalkers welcomed him in with open arms, and he enjoyed their company. These Dutiers helped him live in the zone, providing him and his mercenary comrades with some cover and assistance in the zone. He started to realize how much Duty was right. The zone should be protected from the outside world. The two shouldn't mix. He wanted to join up with duty. He signed up as quickly as possible, as Dmitri fought for what he believed in, and he believed in helping the people to return the favor they gave him.

Faction Related Information

What is Duty?: Duty is the faction that wants to destroy everything about the Zone. They are a past group of Ukrainian military, who were left in the zone while the mutants attacked them, causing them to have the desire to destroy everything. They do not like Bandits, as they extort money from the stalkers,  but will help free stalkers, and offer them support, especially if it helps them reach their own goal.

Why do you wish to join Duty?: I wish to fight to destroy the zone and all mutants in it. I want to purge the Zone, as if it got out, the world would be in hazardous conditions. OOCly, I want to help a faction become more active and assist them in recovery of active members.

Who is the DUTY leader?: Killabreu

Roleplay Knowledge

Describe Injury RP: Injury Roleplay is when you roleplay your injuries, as when you are shot in a limb, for example, you have to repair that limb through proper /mes and whatnot. This enables greater immersion for everybody, as nobody can survive being shot with an entire clip in the leg and continue to run.
What is Metagaming: Metagaming is using out of character information in character, as when you see something in OOC, you can't use it in IC.

What is Metaspeak: It's metagaming, but backwards, using OOC information IC.

Describe RDM: Random Deathmatching is when you kill somebody with no roleplay whatsoever. This can be shown when Stalker A randomly walks up to Stalker B and shoots him in the head, steals his stuff, and runs away.

What is the difference between RDM and STK: Random Deathmatching is shooting without a reason, where Shooting to Kill is agreed upon, and is attempting to hit somebody to kill them, but isn't random.

Can you take responsibility for your actions?: Of course.

@Killabreu: Fixed it.


-Accepted because I know you're active.
-See me or PistolKid on the server to get your kit.
Title: Re: -=DUTY=- Applications: OPEN
Post by: lolKieck on 03-08-2011
It isn't fixed. Why did you merge Skill set with backstory ?
Title: Re: -=DUTY=- Applications: OPEN
Post by: blt on 04-08-2011
Out-Of-Character Information
Steam Friends Name:         Darthslaker (to add) / King Blt the III'rd (Current)

STEAM ID:        STEAM_0:1:17499490

Timezone:            GMT

How long have you been roleplaying?:             Between 3-4 years.

How long have you played on the server?:               Week and a bit.

Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?:              Bit of clear sky.

Do you have any real life military knowledge?:            Yes, I am in the British air cadets.

Can you follow orders?:           Sir, yes sir!

In-Character Information

Name:     Stevni Betrenjo

Age:      27

Skill set:    Advanced marksman / Sniper.

Backstory:   He was born as any person would of been, in a ukranian hospital with everything you normally would.
    He was brought up for the first 15 or so years with his elder brother by his mum, dad having left a year after stevni was born. At the age of 8, stevni grew a pair, exploring places with his brother that were off-limits - at the same time learning how to sneak about etc - owned by gangs and so on. They quickly got bored of that, moving on to just what any normal youngster would do. On the age of 13, dad came back. Now, the two brothers weren't exactly pleased with him.
    Dad shortly left after a week, the older brother having threatened him with god knows what.
   After that, the elder brother, now 16, signed up for the army.
   Now, stevni absolutely LOVED his brother, and decided to follow in his footsteps. He decided he wanted to be demolitions, but then was told he wasn't smart enough. He then decided to be just a normal infantryman. He thought to practice, but was too poor to afford even a dinky little plinky gun.
   At 16, he signed up for the ukrainian army. He was accepted, and did standard on everything and on some low(one being medical) except one- marksmanship. His instructor said he was a natural, and after a couple more tests, he was asked if he wanted to try for the famous and coveted role of the sniper. He said yes.
    After just about getting through fieldcraft, which he loved - just had diffuculty doing it, he completed his sniper training, getting the world-reknowned two barrels-crossed sniper badge. He was then attached to a unit and went through many years doing basiclly nothing, just getting more fit from exercise while the rest got fat and lazy. At this time, he decided to start a diary.
    2 days after, korea thought it would be fun to invade russia. His division was sent to help.
        ' The squad I'm in has been decimat-d..... I watched it through my.... Rifle... I feel, I don't know. '
  He was severly affected by that, and ocasionly has nightmares of it. After that, he was given a spotter and sent on missions with him. The spotter was, suprisingly to him, a woman. They both liked each other.
     Then the incident happened, and they were sent to the zone. She died. He was angry, but carried on with his job, trained to do so. He fought tooth and neck out there, and the army just did nothing. He quit, not that they knew, they thought him dead. He had lost his loving ghillie suit, making it harder for him to hide, which he still did half decent in, though. He had also had his draganov split in half by a freindly mutant. After some wandering, he ended up encountering duty. 5 minutes later he had written an app form and was smoking a cig given to him by a friendly croot.

Faction Related Information
What is Duty?:    A 'PMC' of sorts whom wish to destroy everything about the zone.

Why do you wish to join Duty?:     To further advance my character and continue on and advance in the server, while having fun and enjoying rp.

Who is the DUTY leader?:
Roleplay Knowledge
Describe Injury RP:    Rp'ing an injury inflicted somewhere on your body and then rp'ing it hurting, and then mending it if you know how to or trying to seek help, possibly dying due to it or severly injured.

What is Metagaming:   Using OOC information IC'ly.

What is Metaspeak:    Opposite of Metagame.

Describe RDM:    Random deathmatch, where you literally pull out your gun and shoot everybody in sight for no reason and without any rp at all. ( I know this stuff, im an admin for a hl2rp server.)

What is the difference between RDM and STK:     RDM Is usually mass rdm, where you just kill without reason or warning, and shoot to kill is where you and your opposition agree on it, set some terms if needed and then go about it, having agree'd on whatever you will do.

Can you take responsibility for your actions?:
     Of course.

Note, what i have said would be white but the fourm codes derp'd up and i couldn't be bothered sorting it, as you can read it anyway.

PS. Im going way on holiday tommorow(Saturday) Until the 25th of august or so, i will probably be able to be fourm active but not on the server unless i can magically find some free wifi for my laptop, and then my laptop cant really handle gmod well anyway

Update: Now
ON HOLIDAY. when back i'll change it, and i'll probs be able to check fourms, maybe laptop internet.
Pending -- You seem capable of RP-ing well, and have a good understanding of the concepts of DUTY and RP, but the backstory almost makes no sense. Try re-writing it a bit, mostly the second part where you were in the military "keeping an eye" on many various things.
There you go, changed one or two things, and if i would of done what i planned it would be a story instead.

Asking over and over again to get accepted = delayed. Backstory makes no sense. Korea would not invade Russia. You cannot leave the army without someone at least hearing about it.
Title: Re: -=DUTY=- Applications: OPEN
Post by: DiskoStew on 05-08-2011
Out-Of-Character Information

Steam Friends Name:DiskoStew

STEAM ID: STEAM_0:0:24584107

Timezone: GMT-8

How long have you been roleplaying?: 2 years of Serious rp.

How long have you played on the server?: 6-7 months.

Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?: Yes, played them all.

Do you have any real life military knowledge?: I know a quite abit.

Can you follow orders?: Yes, Sir.


In-Character Information

Name:Lazar Ludvig


Skill set: Excellent with weapons, Basic Medical Knowledge.

Backstory: Lazar was born in St. Peters-burg, where his family was neither poor nor rich. Lazar had no brothers or sisters, he was an only child. The area he lived in was very central. School was a breeze for Lazar, did very well in all of his studies. Artifacts were a big thing in Lazar's family. Lazar's dad had the basement dedicated to artifacts. Most of them were valued as gold. At the age of 25, there was a lot of talk about this so called "Zone". Rumors say that this zone had many artifacts that can keep a man rich for the rest of his life. Lazar's mother couldn't take much more of this and decided to go on a vacation to England, leaving Lazar and his father to travel to the zone and see what they could find.
       The travel to the zone was a harsh one; Lazar's father was killed by a Sucker. Lazar was devastated at the loss, but there was no turning back now. Lazar met up with a guy named Dmitri Lenstkaya, who was a stalker for a time until he got accepted into Duty. From that day on, Lazar decided to help Duty in any way he can since getting artifacts was a lost myth. With all of this help he was doing for Duty, Lazar thought that he should join them.

Faction Related Information

What is Duty?: Duty is a paramilitary group of Stalkers and ex soldiers , who want to completely wipe out the zone.

Why do you wish to join Duty?: They seem like a pretty legit faction, so I want in to gain a new experience in role play. I also want to increase the amount of Duty members that are active on the server.

Who is the DUTY leader?: Killabreu

Roleplay Knowledge

Describe Injury RP: Role-playing as your character is injured.(Ex. Your leg gets shot and you Rp having a limp.)

What is Metagaming:Giving your character OOC knowledge or information.

What is Metaspeak: Bringing OOC into the IC world.

Describe RDM: Killing another player with a weapon without any IC reason.

What is the difference between RDM and STK: Random death matching is killing a character for no specific reason, while shoot to kill is agreed upon all players that are involved. Then they attempt to hit the person.

Can you take responsibility for your actions?: Of course.


-I'm growing tired of the whole "and then my (father, mother, brother, other family member, or close friend) got killed by a mutant so I joined Duty." thing. I'll let it slide.

-I'm also unsure as to how a middle-class family would be able to afford smuggled artifacts from the Zone, but I think I'm just nitpicking now.

-I need to see you RP on-server before I can make an absolute decision.

Denied ICly because you wound up pissing the Lt.Col. off by asking him if you were accepted every 30 minutes.

Title: Re: -=DUTY=- Applications: OPEN
Post by: lolKieck on 07-08-2011
You do realise the Zone wasn't the thing it is in SoC until 2006?
Title: Re: -=DUTY=- Applications: OPEN
Post by: Machinimercenary on 09-08-2011
Out-Of-Character Information

Steam Friends Name:[AR]Mercenaryman114

STEAM ID: (I will post this later.)

Timezone: GMT -4

How long have you been roleplaying?: At least 2 years. 

How long have you played on the server?: Off and on for months.

Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?: No, but i'm sure i'll be able to learn the backstory well.

Do you have any real life military knowledge?:
I lived on a military base when I was young.  Ever since then i've been interested in military so yes.

Can you follow orders?:
Of course, what good is resisting authority from a group I joined.



In-Character Information
Name: Mykhaylo Roman

Age: 29

Skill set: 4 Years of military combat experince

Backstory: My name is Mykhaylo Roman.  I lived in Smila for my entire childhood through my teenaged years.  It was an industrial city, not much for a childhood.  My family was lacking in wealth and my father was always gone.  He was a soldier in the Ukrainian army.  When I reached adulthood, I couldn't stand the conditions we were living in any longer and decided to join up with the army.  My father became too old to continue as a soldier during my enlistment and was to return home.  I did not know what I was getting myself into as in I didn't even know what the military was doing, we were not at war, my mom kept me sheltered from what my dad did in the army, and I couldn't have caredless when I was a teenager.  I began preperation for enterance into the zone and I did not even know what the zone was at this point until I was briefed on how to use a radition suit.  I asked them what it'd be used for, they laughed and asked if I was in over my head.  They told me about the zone and I realized the living hell I had walked into.  When we reached our first assignment we entercountered a group of so called "Stalkers", to me they looked like a bunch of citizens lost in the zone... We were told to execute them.  They had not done anything to harm us nor anything un-civil at all.  They were only walking.  I served for the army for another three months, and I began to notice the same accurance of tasks.  Execute, kill, exterminate stalkers.  I hadn't even began to notice the mutant infested area until the second month.  By the third I was tired of the same things.  I was done with killing innocent people.  Finally, one day, our squad was sent to scout an area suspected of mutant infestation.  We were a squad of 4 sent on a suicide mission into an area where two squads went MIA.  We were walking blindly into our death.  When we arrived the area there was nothing to be found, not even the body's of the two MIA squads.  It was one of those too quiet situations.  Everything went to hell fast.  Our squad leader was suddenly dragged by something into behind some trucks.  All we could hear were screams of our fallen comrade.  The remainder of the squad opened fire on the general area of where the squad leader was drug.  We stopped firing and again it was quiet.  All of us frantically searched for our attacker.  This is when I noticed how fucked up the zone actually was on the inside.  It was hard to even believe a stalker would survive out here.  Suddenly and without warning three horrific looking mutants appeared in front of the third member of the squad.  They began tearing him a part feasting on anything they could grab.  Me and the other member turned to the screams of the third member and opened fire on the three disgusting creatures.  They fell but with that they took the third member.  He was so badly injured we had to finish him our selves to put him out of his misery.  With that me and the other member fled the scene.  Hell, the military should have been dealing with these creatures before the innocent people.  These... 'things' were the real threat to society.  We held up in an abandoned building and barricaded the doors for the night.  We began discussing what our plan for the next day was.  My new friend told me that he had heard rumors of a ex-military division who plan to actually kill off the mutants and leave the stalkers to their riches.  We set out the next day for the division's outpost.  That's my story I hope you enjoyed it.   

Faction Related InformationWhat is Duty?:
The faction duty is a band of ex-military / paramilitary men.  These military men and stalkers are fed up with the conditions of the zone.  They want to exteminate the mutants who walk the zone and the possiblity of them escaping into the outside world.  Most factions seek the zone as a world of research but duty sees them as a threat to humanity and society.  Anything the opposes them must be eliminated such as zone bandits, mutants, and mercenaries who cause havoc in the wastes of the zone.

Why do you wish to join Duty?:
I wish to join Duty, because I love that the faction doesn't randomly s2k any stalkers on sight.  There's only two major factions that don't in STALKER.  The reason I won't join freedom is, it's not a military faction.  From my childhood to being 15 years old I love anything that has to due with military but what I don't like is killing innocent people in role play.

Who is the DUTY leader?:
The leader is Killabreu.

Roleplay Knowledge

Describe Injury RP: When a player is shot or injured and role plays the injures correctly.  This is a signifigant indication that the player is experienced in role play.   

What is Metagaming:   Metagaming is when a player gains imformation through OOC or LOOC chat and uses it in character to the players advantage.

What is Metaspeak: Metaspeak is revealing important in character information to the server by using LOOC or OOC chat

Describe RDM: RDM is when a player STKs another player without rp or valid reason.

What is the difference between RDM and STK: STK is not a bad thing, only when the player does not role play correctly it is considered a random death match of a player.

Can you take responsibility for your actions?:

Yes, I can take any complete responsibility for my actions alone.


-Rewrite the backstory and make it less generic. I'm getting tired of the same cookiecutter story that keeps popping up.

-Nice job on rewriting the story. It still smells of cookies, but at least this time around they're baked and golden brown. Report to the Captain (PistolKid), or myself for your standing orders.
Title: Re: -=DUTY=- Applications: OPEN
Post by: Rebel6609 on 12-08-2011
Out-Of-Character Information
Steam Friends Name: |HGN-STSV| Rebel

STEAM ID: STEAM_0:1:4200756

Timezone: GMT -5

How long have you been roleplaying?: 6ish years.

How long have you played on the server?: 2 years 2 months.

Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?: All and beat all.

Do you have any real life military knowledge?: NOPE.

Can you follow orders?: yep.

Kieck and Pistokid.

In-Character Information

Name: Dimitri Valorko

Age: 23

Skill set: Most his expertise comes from is minor use of assault rifles.

Dimitri Valorko was attracted to the zone by tales of riches and power. After saving up money to pay some mercenaries to get him in, he immediately had bad luck. He had happened to come in during an emission, and had to ditch his gear to run faster to cover. After the near death experience, he had arisen from his shelter out with only a makarov, 2 magazines and a medkit. He made his way to a rookie camp where he stayed for a few days.
          He left the camp after doing a few jobs in the camp and set on his way north. He came across a few guys in trenchcoats, offering him an artifact. Gullible, he fell for it and was robbed. However, thanks to a passing stalker group, he was escorted into wild territory to a duty base. There, he stayed in the safety and confines of duty. Hearing day after day the broadcasts of advertisements to join duty, he sought out a captain and asked. The captain returned with some forms and Valorko took them, went by a nearby campfire and began to fill them out.

Faction Related Information
What is Duty?: Duty is a group formed to protect and stop the expansion of the zone.

Why do you wish to join Duty?: After 2 years of military, and actually leading it I decided that I just want to drop the responsibility, and be a pawn instead.

Who is the DUTY leader?:
Killabreu. I should know, I put him in charge.

Roleplay Knowledge
Describe Injury RP: Roleplaying dealing with an injury, or suffering from an injury.

What is Metagaming: Using OOC knowledge in IC.

What is Metaspeak: Its when you do happy faces in character. :)

Describe RDM: Random Death matching. Killing for no reason or without first declaring it.

What is the difference between RDM and STK: STK is agreed by both parties.

Can you take responsibility for your actions?:

Accepted, duh. Your backstory pained me to read, but you know that. Go see me for equipment bro
Title: Re: -=DUTY=- Applications: OPEN
Post by: Steven :D on 12-08-2011

Out-Of-Character Information
Steam Friends Name: |HGN-GVC| Steven :D

STEAM ID: STEAM_0:0:15171330

Timezone: EST

How long have you been roleplaying?: 7 Years or so

How long have you played on the server?: Almost two years.

Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?: All of them.

Do you have any real life military knowledge?: Hierarchy and formality, sure.

Can you follow orders?: Yes.


In-Character Information
Name: Vitaly Polkiev

Age: 22

Skill set: Engineer / Mechanic, specialty is

Born to a middle-classed Russian family, Vitaly was educated in a relatively stable enviorment, to a caring mother and father who had given him mostly everything he needs. Although, due to the low population of the small town they were living in, Vitaly rarely was able to socialize with anyone besides his family. He slowly began to follow his fathers footsteps, in being a mechanic. He begun to watch his father daily, intrigued by the welding, sawing and planning he had done for all the projects done within the workshop.

By the age of fifteen, his father continued to better his son, Vitaly's education by showing him all the old books and diagrams plotted for his inventions. Vitaly's family easilly lived off of his fathers inventions as the years went by and Vitaly eventually reached the age of Eighteen, still living with his parents. His mother decided to end the affair she had with Vitaly's father. In her rage, after a recent arguement, Vitaly was taken by his mother and brought to his grandmothers house. Vitaly disliked being with his mother, due to the fact that she had never really cared for him as much as his father did. Vitaly decided that his mother was probably worried about the monetary issue, since his father was not earning as much as he use to years ago. He was able to find a job, finally using the remnants of the very little social skills he had, Vitaly earned his right to be a Mechanic in Moscow, eventually besting his teacher in terms of efficient engineering. By the time he was twenty-one, his mother had already filed for Divorce and tried to take as much money as she could from Vitaly's father. Vitaly, in response begun to work extra hours so he could support his father who was already quickly growing old. His father moved to Kiev, in search of work in response to the Divorce as well, as his mother stayed in Moscow and claimed the house he spent his childhood in, for herself. She disowned Vitaly the day he decided to become independent and increasingly become greedy about money.

Eventually, Vitaly moved back over to Kiev, in order to search for work closer to his father so he's able to support him, but eventually discovered rumors about a place where people could go from poor to a rich man, overnight. Rumors or not, the money would be able to easily solve his fathers problems, and allow Vitaly to further increase his knowledge by funding his college. He eventually journeyed towards the 'Zone', with an eye for money, or somebody (or group) who could give him some. He eventually was able to get into the zone, and immediately went to work looking for a group of people, or an employer who he could use his Engineering skills to help with.

Faction Related Information
What is Duty?: DUTY is an organization of paramilitary soldiers, who have been left in the zone for them to fend for themselves. They have begun to take it upon themselves to "Purge" the zone for all the horrors they have bestowed to the people inside of it.

Why do you wish to join Duty?: To help with the elimination of every mutant in the zone. Oh and because I like the color red /sarcasm

Who is the DUTY leader?:
Killabreu is the Lt. Col, Pistolkid is the Captain / second in command/QM.

Roleplay Knowledge
Describe Injury RP: When your hit in-characterly by a bullet and react to the shot, bleeding, damage, bandaging, removing the bullet, recovery and such.

What is Metagaming: When you take information from Out of character chat and use it In character.

What is Metaspeak: Honestly, never in my life have I encountered such a term, so I won't really fill this in with bullshit.

Describe RDM: RDM = Random Deathmatch: Example; Every DarkRP server descends into a RDM fest in the end.

What is the difference between RDM and STK: RDM is completely random without an reason. STK is an established shooting session where both (and other) parties involved are notified beforehand.

Can you take responsibility for your actions?:
Yes master

Backstory was good, actually had a decent story to it. PistolKid's got your equipment.
Title: Re: -=DUTY=- Applications: OPEN
Post by: liamrew on 12-08-2011
Steam Friends Name=[JSOF R.]= killlerrew
Timezone:GMT 9:30
STEAM ID STEAM_0:1:19483137
How long have you been roleplaying?: 2 years

How long have you played on the server?: long time spent on game

Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?:the first one

Do you have any real life military knowledge?: NOPE.

Can you follow orders?: yep.


Name: Piotr Ivanovich


Skill set:really good at the assault rilfes set
Backstory  piotr ivanovich just moved in the zone he was walking around thinking it was a good idea then 3 bandits come and beat him up took his stuff and left him for dead but then some guy found him and took him to the freedom bar they patch him up and then once he was patch up he tried to make friends with people didnt work out to well when he went for a walk he found this place called the garbage place he look there and found a fora 12 so he went back to the freedom base still haveing his rubles brought some ammo and went off untill he found someone getting attack by a bloodsucker piotr shot at the bloodsucker it just made him angry he said the bloodsucker charge at piotr and tackler him piotr kicked the bloodsucker in the face couple of times the bloodsucker jumped off piotr shot the bloodsucker once in the head then the one getting attack before shot a hole round into he bloodsucker and the bloodsucker ran off and the man helped piotr up and said hey nice shooting a fighting you did there you should apply to duty and piotr said maybe I will.
What is Duty?: is a formed group to protect the zone
Why do you wish to join Duty I have seen the duty going in the missons they do and I would like to do that my self and hopefully learning more rp skills
Who is the DUTY leader the leader is killabreu

Describe Injury RP: When a player is shot or injured and role plays the injures correctly.

What is Metagaming:   Metagaming is when a player gains imformation through OOC or LOOC

What is Metaspeak: Metaspeak is revealing important in character information to the server by using LOOC or OOC chat

Describe RDM: RDM is when a player STKs another player without rp or valid reason.

What is the difference between RDM and STK: STK is not a bad thing, only when the player does not role play correctly it is considered a random death match of a player.

Can you take responsibility for your actions yes I Take full responsibility for what I do.

The backstory was bad. Not to mention the English skills exhibited were not good - English may not be your first language, but periods and capital letters are nice to have. Other than that, DUTY does not protect the zone. Military knowledge is almost a must have.
Title: Re: -=DUTY=- Applications: OPEN
Post by: HitMan5523 on 13-08-2011
Out-Of-Character InformationSteam Friends Name:☺(H C)HitMâñ☺ -:)SSK(:-

STEAM ID:STEAM_0:1:17929904

Timezone: Eastern Zone

How long have you been roleplaying?:5-6 years

How long have you played on the server?:4 months and 5 or six days.

Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?: I've played them all and beat them on veteran

Do you have any real life military knowledge?:No I do not

Can you follow orders?: Yes sir


http://gyazo.com/4a34d592f29d7539e30073625873bf41 (http://gyazo.com/4a34d592f29d7539e30073625873bf41)
In-Character Information
Name:Alexander Arseni


Skill set: Basic Weapon Knowledge, Good Computer Skills

        Alexander Arseni grew up in Bavly,Russia with a normal family and was an average kid and went to school where he got grade numbers like 3 and 2. He was smart,but not the smartest. He knew his way around town and never really made any trouble or got into any trouble. Every once in a while he would go hunting for deers. He got a good amount of kills with his hunting rifle. Alexander's dad never really paid any attention to him,because he usually just went to his man cave and worked on his programming. His dad also was very short with him. His dad only talked to him when he was interested in computer stuff like hacking,programming, fixing computers. His mom never liked to cook and Alexander had to go out with his parents to places like restaurants to actually get food.At age 19 he moved out of his parents house and never looked back. He went to a run down apartment and made his own business. His business was to fix computers. He got around 4 people to work for him and he lead them well.. His business went well until 2 years later where the apartment where he had his business burnt down.

        Alexander didn't trust the bank so he left all of his money in his mattress, so when his apartment got burnt down he lost all of his money. One of his friends named Jax helped him out by offering him a spot in his home. 1 year after his apartment got burned down and he went to a new home, he got told by Jax about a place with lots of danger and excitement. Alexander didn't approve at first,but Jax told him that he could get lots of money if he went there. That really made Alexander want to go. Jax and Alexander packed up for the trip to this "unknown place" and before he left. He said goodbye to his parents and they just shrugged  not caring about Alexander. Jax drove all the way down to Ukraine and sold their car to some homeless guy,because Jax told them they weren't going to need it. They got past the military guarding the outer part of the area and they came across a group of people named stalkers. Alexander,Jax, and the group of stalkers made camp in an abandoned warehouse. They all went to sleep and late at night a loud yell was heard. Alexander woke up and ran to find out what happened. He saw Jax getting taken away by a bloodsucker and Alexander couldn't help him so he was very angered at this place. He seeked revenge on this "new place" and he traveled the zone with the group of stalkers until he found a group of people in black and red. They were "Duty" as they said and they told him about their beliefs and he completely agreed with them on everything he said. Alexander asked if he could join them and they told him to go to the base and ask for the captain or the Lt.Colonel if you want to join.

Faction Related Information
What is Duty?: Duty is a paramilitary group in the zone and seeks to destroy the zone.

Why do you wish to join Duty?:
I wish to help destroy the zone and help stalkers that are in need of help.

Who is the DUTY leader?:Killabreu
Roleplay Knowledge
Describe Injury RP: When you get shot or injured you must act like it until you are ICly fixed up by a medic or someone.

What is Metagaming: Taking OOC things IC.

What is Metaspeak: Using things like :) , :O ,LOLOLOL,or other things

Describe RDM: Killing someone without actually having an IC reason.

What is the difference between RDM and STK:RDM is when you kill someone without an RP reason,but STK is when both parties agree to fight.Or it could be for a faction battle.

Can you take responsibility for your actions?:
Yes I can


-All good to go. Accepted as a Recruit. Talk to the Captain or Lieutenant Colonel for orders.
Title: Re: -=DUTY=- Applications: OPEN
Post by: Archaeon on 21-08-2011

Out-Of-Character Information
Steam Friends Name: Emperor Archaeon

STEAM ID: STEAM_0:1:13839884

Timezone: GMT +1

How long have you been roleplaying?: Atleast 5 years, probably longer.

How long have you played on the server?: I joined first quite some time ago, been active to and from in the past. But played way more actively starting a bit before the summer.

Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?: Got all of them. Completed all of them.

Do you have any real life military knowledge?: Apart from 2 years in the Homeguard youthcore, no not really.

Can you follow orders?: Yes, Sir!

Recommendations: Earthtech

In-Character Information
Name: Vadim Chernikhov a.k.a 'Legion'

Age: 32

Skill set: Interrogations 

Backstory: Before his incursion into the Zone, Vadim served as an officer in the Ministry of Justice at a penal colony nearby Murmashi on the Kola Peninsula. There he was the one in charge of the interrogations of the prisoners, who mainly consisted of terrorists and political dissidents. Due to the isolated nature of this prison, the inmates occasionally 'dissappeared' on orders from the warden. Screams of agony could often be heard from the interrogation chambers as the warden gave the guards and officers free hands on the interrogatory methods. The political climate eventually shifted and several officers including Vadim were discharged and payed to keep silent on what happened there.

Vadim, who was somewhat bitter after getting an early retirement, decided to venture into the Zone after hearing one of his close friends having gone there to seek riches and adventure. As a rookie, he started out doing some jobs for the Ecologists, but got tired of the high risk and lousy pay work. Instead he went around doing freelance work, with better pay for traders, and sometimes even Freedom or Duty. As he got more known in the Zone, Vadim, now 'Legion',  eventually donned a mercenary uniform. After recent events with Duty, 'Legion', decided to finally settle for a side in the faction war.

Faction Related Information
What is Duty?: A paramilitary faction/clan dedicated to the ultimate destruction of the zone.

Why do you wish to join Duty?: To save the world from the zone and all its horrors, from the simple Flesh to Controllers.

Who is the DUTY leader?: Lt. Colonel Leonard Maskinsky (PistolKid, I assume Killabreu did leave, right?)

Roleplay Knowledge
Describe Injury RP: Roleplaying that you are injured, simple as that. All the way from getting shredded by a bloodsucker for example, to after recieving aid by a fellow stalker or someone with medical training.

What is Metagaming: Using OOC information IC.

What is Metaspeak: Haven't actually seen this expression being used.

Describe RDM: Shooting (killing) someone without any reason.

What is the difference between RDM and STK: STK is more or less a directive in how an IC battle should be done, namely shoot to kill. RDM was explained above.

Can you take responsibility for your actions?: Yes, I can.

Accepted. I have roleplayed with you quite a bit, and have seen your abilities. You also have several reccomendations.
Title: Re: -=DUTY=- Applications: OPEN
Post by: jaik on 21-08-2011
Out-Of-Character Information

Steam Friends Name: Jake


Timezone: GMT +2

How long have you been roleplaying?: 3 years

How long have you played on the server?: 3 years

Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?: All of them.

Do you have any IRL military knowladge?: Yes, I do.

Can you follow orders?: Yus.

Recommendations: Pistolkid

In-Character Information

Name: Stepan 'Troll' Serdjukov

Age: 26

Skill set: Expert Marksman with Soviet weaponry (Groza, AKM, AKSU, AN-94), Average weapon technician, Military Training, Basic First Aid knowledge.


Stepan Serdjukov was born, March 23rd, 1980, into an average family far in Northern Ukraine, in a region of Berezhest. He lived a rural life, growing up in the mountain ranges and forests with his family. Stepan enjoyed a relatively good education in the local primary school, though often had clashes with classmates he had disagreements with. Then, in 1992, Russian Federal education reforms resulted in a massive change of the education system, and Stepan's course was widely thrown off balance. Because of this, he refused to take higher education.

Gaining experience
For the rest of his childhood years, Stepan tried to make up by training physically and learning basic medical procedures. In search for work, his father, who was an employee at a factory, which provided Ukraine with Warsaw Pact weapons gave Stepan a chance to join in. Many of these things he was barely able to grasp, yet he used the information he learned to his advantage in any situation. At age of 20, his father suffered lethal damage in an accident, where his father had to wrap the fragmentation grenades manually. Turned out, that low quality fuses and bad condition isn't the best combination, thus the grenade exploded. Shrapnel shards impacted his body, the shockwave instantly killed him. After the incident, the factory was closed and Stepan was left unemployed. Eventually, believing life in the capital would be much better, he chose Kiev, and got a job as a low-end technician in a minor corporate factor.

In the Army
Several years passed, and with Stepan unhappy with his job, he quit. Now with many nationalist and honor-like views, he sought a career in the army, where he was able to gain some experience in the military. Eventually, he was discharged due to Ukrainian government armed forces reformations, signifying that his services to the country were no longer required. He gave up on a chance of rejoining, and eventually, when the Chernobyl disaster occurred and the dangerous yet spoiled Zone was created, he had assumed that a life of adventure could easily be achieved outside of the military, and entered the Zone.

In The Zone
When he arrived, the faction by the name of Duty had the most influence on him. He tried to join Duty and even following its ideals as a loner. However, he was too inexperienced to join Duty at that time, thus his request and application was denied.
It wasn't long before he forgot about Duty and went onto the side of the organized crime of The Zone. "Garbage Bandits", they called themselves. He joined the said group to gain protection, as he was afraid of what the Zone dangers had to offer. His military experience and training quickly earned him a higher position within the bandits. However, the fun ended for him when a group of dutiers and loners grew tired of the group and wiped it out. He was smart enough to quickly retreat the said battle, going unnoticed. He altered his identity and became a mercenary, doing small jobs and missions here and there. Then he heard the consequences of the mentioned battle; Duty has gained another victory. This made him fear and respect Duty.
Stepan- or 'Troll', as they call him, now a hardened Zone veteran, now growing tired of hostility of Freedom, decided to fulfill his dream - becoming a full member of Duty. Until now, he's been a usual loner helping Duty and being loyal to its ideals. One of his newly made friends, a rookie, who's been wishing to join Duty ever since he arrived in the Zone, made Stepan think about his past and improve where he went wrong. They both applied for Duty...

Faction Related Information

What is Duty?: Huge para-military stalker clan, which goal is to destroy the Zone.

Why do you wish to join Duty?: I mainly wish to offer my expertise in repairing, modifying and creating weapons for Duty, however my skills aren't limited only to that.

Who is the DUTY leader?:   Leonard Maskinsky || Deluxulous (PistolKid)

Roleplay Knowladge

Describe Injury RP: Roleplaying an injury, if one of your limbs are severely damaged, you'd like to RP the fact that you can't just keep fighting, ignoring the pain; rather just attempt to RP having that injury.

What is Metagaming: Using Out-Of-Character information in In-Character.

What is Metaspeak: Using internet slang In-Character.

Describe RDM: Usually; Random Deathmatch, which means that player A, uses any way possible to kill player B without any In-Character reason.

What is the difference between RDM and STK: STK is a rule of engagement agreement, RDM isn't.

Can you take responsibility for your actions?: Yes.

Accepted. You are a more than capable role-player, and you have been in DUTY before. Etcetera.
Title: Re: -=DUTY=- Applications: OPEN
Post by: deluxulous on 21-08-2011
Only one spot left.
Title: Re: -=DUTY=- Applications: OPEN
Post by: Hotpocket on 22-08-2011
Out-Of-Character Information

[/size]Steam Friends Name: andrew24400

STEAM ID:[STEAM_0:1:21515768/color]

Timezone: Central

How long have you been roleplaying?:

How long have you played on the server?:2 Years.

Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?: All 3.

Do you have any real life military knowledge?: No, but I am in an arma 2 realism unit.

Can you follow orders?:Yes, sir.

Recommendations: Steven :D

[/size]In-Character Information
Name:Andreki Bolofar    Age:45   Skill set:Rifleman   Backstory: Andreki grew up a simple life, living with his lower-class family. He always thought about how "cool" and "awesome" the military was when he was a child. When he reached the right age, he enlisted. After his basic training, he was pulled aside and was recruited for a special unit. This unit was called the Special Operations and clean up unit, or SOACUU. The unit was rarely used, but trained vigorously. It helped evacuate the surrounding area of the Chernobyl power plant in 1986. They were called back into action a little while after the 2nd disaster. Their mission was to rescue a small group of researchers and scientists from the emission that grew the zone by 5 kilometers. Andreki and the team were inserted by helicopter and moved on foot to the facility. What they found inside was, well, mortifying to say the least. Snorks were feasting on the bodies, and they could hear heavy breathing of bloodsuckers, not yet named. The unit fought valiantly, but was over whelmed by bloodsuckers, snorks, and even a psudogiant. Only 3 out of the 8 made it out, and the missino was considered a failure. The unit was disbanded, and the members given hours to pack up their things, and leave the base they were stationed at. At this time, the entire operation was covered up, as to not cause distress with the other soldiers and general populace. 8 years later, Andreki decided to return to the zone, due to hearing about a faction called "Duty" Who were doing their best to keep people out of the zone, and help destroy it.       
Faction Related Information
What is Duty?: Duty is a paramilitary unit in the zone, dedicated to keeping it closed to the outside world.Why do you wish to join Duty?:I want to add to and experience my favorite faction's daily passive life and operations.  Who is the DUTY leader?:Brigadier General Voronin
[/size]Roleplay Knowledge

[/size]Describe Injury RP:Injury rp is when, say, you get shot. You would RP getting shot, the pain, the blood loss, and the pure fear.

What is Metagaming:Using ooc information IC.

What is Metaspeak: Using info that one said in LOOC or OOC, using it IC.

Describe RDM:RDM is killing someone without reason or purpose.

What is the difference between RDM and STK: Shoot to kill is when you are in a fight and the admin, or supervisor of the event says to use your guns to actually kill the players. Random death match is you going around "LOLOL I SHAWT YOU"

Can you take responsibility for your actions?:Yes.

Sorry some of the app got fucked up, I really don't know how to fix that spacing.

Accepted. Backstory was slightly cardboard cutout, but it was different than most of them, and actually makes sense. Plus, reccomendation.
Title: Re: -=DUTY=- Applications: OPEN
Post by: AdrianSnake on 27-08-2011
Out-Of-Character Information

Steam Friends Name: FreeStalker

STEAM ID: STEAM_0:0:15095816

Timezone: Est, US and Canada

How long have you been roleplaying?: For 4 years, on HGN, a week

How long have you played on the server?: A week

Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?: All

Do you have any real life military knowledge?: Yes.

Can you follow orders?: Yes.


In-Character Information

Name: Kyclov Czek

Age: 30

Skill set: Rifleman and Medical (AKs and AN only, not NATO)

Backstory: First Days in the zone:
      As a rookie, Czek always pondered on the riches and glory he had heard, rumors of the zone. He spent his days scavaging and doing work, never beliving what he saw of the Zone's Inhabitants. Bandits, he expected. But he never belived of the nightmares of Mutants. Several times he nearly "had a heart attack" when the beasts show up and attack. Watching others die in combat against the Zone's scum, he wanted a safer world for everyone.

Before Arrival:
     Czek always heard the rumors of the zone. Either it was over news, on the wall or a group of pedestrians speaking of it. Czek was poor before and had no life, no job and was going to be kicked out of his shitty home, taking chances he talked to a few "people" and managed to get enough connection to get into the zone under debt.

        Czek continues to hang with rookies and Stalkers and help them anyway he can, staying Primarily in the Garbage. Learning more about the Zone and it's factions, he is more comfortable with Duty's purpose to protect and has his mind equal to theirs.

Faction Related Information
What is Duty?: A faction dedicated to purging the zone and to prevent it from spreading around the world.
Why do you wish to join Duty?: To roleplay in a faction I haven't before to add more experiance to myself, and assist as told that Duty needs more active users.

Who is the DUTY leader?: Lieutenant Colonel Leonard Maskinsky

Roleplay Knowledge

Describe Injury RP: When get shot, cut, or injured you must roleplay it's feeling, how to deal with it, heal anyway possible with IC knowledge and get to a better Doctor and not ignore it after taking care of it your own way.

What is Metagaming: Using OOC information in IC situations, or calling out someone's name because it is ontop of their heads.

What is Metaspeak: Emoticons? Never heard of Metaspeak.

Describe RDM: Killing people randomly without purpose or roleplay, Powergaming or just killing like in Half Life 2 DeathMatch

What is the difference between RDM and STK: RDM is killing for no reason and without roleplay whatsoever. STK (Shoot to kill) is roleplaying it to full extent of Injury RP, for me I try to go with logic and not jump out of cover running at them holding down at my mouse.

Can you take responsibility for your actions?:
If I ever break a rule, I will take the responsibility and not blame it on someone else

Denied - Sorry, but the backstory was very short and of low quality. Also, faction cap
Title: Re: -=DUTY=- Applications: OPEN
Post by: OrangeReal on 01-09-2011

Out-Of-Character Information
Steam Friends Name:
|HGN|Tophat Orange (OrangeReal)
(UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
How long have you been roleplaying?:
About seven, to eight years.
How long have you played on the server?:
About two years.
Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?:
Of course. I've played SoC, CS, and CoP
Do you have any real life military knowledge?:
Other than watching movies / books / journals / logs about it, no I don't, or I just know very little of it.
Can you follow orders?:
Yes, I can follow orders, depending on what kind of orders.

☺(H C)HitMâñ☺ -:)SSK(:-
Steven :D
In-Character Information
Anne 'Savior' Hutchinson
Skill set:
-Knows how to use a firearm, rifle or pistol.
-Knows how to fix a minor wound. (Such as a gunshot wound that didn't puncture any major organs)
   After Annie's parents died, due to an accident, she came into the Zone looking for her brother, Arthur Hutchinson. She wanted to know why he came here, and wanted to figure out what was so special about the Zone. She came here, mostly because of her curiosity, not just for money or the adventures. When she came here, in the Zone, she knew the risks of coming here. For example the radiation, the military, and the mutants living in the Zone.

   She then begins to look around the Zone, to find Arthur. Sadly, no one knew him, so finding him was incredible hard. Until, one day, she encounter a small group of bandits. The bandits started to demand money, and these objects called artifacts. She gave them all she got of value, but the bandits demanded more. She didn't have anything else to give them. Until, a loud gun shot was heard. One of the bandits fell to the ground. This took them by surprised. They aimed they're guns, looking around, ignoring Anne. The bandits started to fall one by one, after every gun shot. She started to look around, finding out what just happened. A man in a Sun Rise suit came out of a bush. Checking if she is okay.

   The person's name was Quake, a Sanctioned Member in the Zone, and a friend of Arthur's. Quake was aware that Anne was Arthur's brother, since he talks about her most of the time to him. Anne asked if Quake knew her brother. He said he did, but he didn't know his exact location. Quake said he left the Zone for a bit and came back, and he quit The Sanctioned, he thought it was a dead group. He also told her that he goes around by the name of 'Night'. He thought this might be easy to search for him. Anne thanked the man, and went off.

   *A few months later*

   While Anne was resting at Freedom's base, two mercs came up to Anne. They claimed they know where Arthur was, and they stated that he was in dire need of help.
   Anne thought it was suspicious of them that two random mercs comes up to her, saying they know where Arthur was. She secretly hired a merc named Hydra before they made the trip to where ever location that the two mercs claim where Arthur was. The group, Anne and the two mercs headed off, with Hydra following her.
   When they got to the location, it was a manor, some where in the Freedom sector. They knocked Anne out, Hydra opened fire from a distance at the mercs, but Hydra later failed. Anne was taken hostage in the manor, and a bit beat up for her captors. The mercs got payed for extracting Anne from Freedom to the Manor, and they went off.
   After awhile of incapacity, she was beginning to lose hope of ever getting out of the situation that she's in, but until a man in a trench coat came, with a abundant of knifes and claymores and saved Anne from the whole mess. She was taken to the Ecologist Bunker for recovery.
   Arthur was frustrated when he found out that she came to the Zone, and found out she was attacked and taken to the Ecologist bunker. He decided to visit her, and talk with her.
   *A month later*
   She fully recovered, but was told to stay at the bunker, for safety, but she decided just to go out, make a few runs for some supplies, such as ammo and medical supplies. But while she was walking, she was off guard and got captured (Again.)
   She was later deposited near Freedom's base, losing all memory, and with a tattoo on her arm. She was taken care at Freedom then she headed out. She found Duty, and learned much about them and she decided to join them.

Faction Related Information
What is Duty?:
Duty is a faction that wants to destroy the Zone, to try and keep it from spreading.
Why do you wish to join Duty?:
Well, I've been playing on the Military faction for a while, might as well try something new.
Who is the DUTY leader?:
Lieutenant Colonel Leonard Maskinsky (PistolKid)

Roleplay Knowledge
Describe Injury RP:
Injury RP is a roleplay where you get injured, either a bullet, knife wound, scratch, or etc. that harms you. You then have to RP the pain / bleeding / wound.
What is Metagaming:
Metagaming is when you know someone's name / location / etc. that is only meant to be only in OOC, not IC.
What is Metaspeak:
I'm guessing this is abbreviations and emoticons.
Describe RDM:
RDM is Random Deathmatch, meaning you kill a person for no specific reason.
What is the difference between RDM and STK:
RDM is killing someone for no reason, STK is Shoot to Kill, meaning you shoot a player with RP, and actual shooting with a specific reason.
Can you take responsibility for your actions?:

Yes, I can take responsibility for my own actions.

Accepted. Recommendations, on top of me seeing you in game. You are a very good role-player as well. Backstory was decent.
Title: Re: -=DUTY=- Applications: OPEN
Post by: deluxulous on 02-09-2011
Indeed. Will clean up non-app posts shortly. All non-app posts that relate/debate an application will be deleted once that application has been reviewed.
Title: Re: -=DUTY=- Applications: OPEN
Post by: Dvs!lverwing on 05-09-2011
Out-Of-Character Information
Steam Friends Name: Dvsilverwing

STEAM ID: To Be Updated

Timezone: (UTC -5) Eastern Time

How long have you been roleplaying?: Around 5 years.

How long have you played on the server?: Join date of 30-12-2009, so I'll assume a week or two before that.

Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?: Shadow of Chernobyl, Clear Sky, and Call of Pripyat.

Do you have any real life military knowledge?: A decent amount, but I'm no historian on it or anything.

Can you follow orders?: If the order isn't ridiculous or impossible, yes.


In-Character Information

Name: Dorsey 'Shorty' Petrov

Age: 26

Skill set: Tactician, Close Quarters Combat, Reloading Spent Brass.

Backstory: Contrary to most people in The Zone, coming to The Zone for reasons such as a love for Violence, Greed, or Hardships, Dorsey didn't come to The Zone for any reason like that. No, Dorsey was born in a rural part of the Russian coastline, the closest large city being Vladivostok to a normal family, in fact there's absolutely nothing special or remarkable about him or his family at all, they don't stand out in a crowd, they're just an average, middle class family. Dorsey did very well in his schooling, he was an eloquent person, extremely so, even. Math was never a good subject for him, he passed his classes with B's but struggled to do so, so he tended to avoid Math in general. Science was a great subject for him, however, he enjoyed it and did it well: it came easy to him. Although his constant success in schooling, he was also being taught his traditional family trade: fishing. His Father, his Father's Father, his Father's Father's Father and so on, were all Captains of a fishing boat, mainly they caught and sold Rainbow Trout and Silver Carp. Silver Carp are filter feeding fish, and therefore cannot be caught with the traditional bait/hook method, which means Silver Carp was a precious fish: only being able to be caught by using the net of a large boat or through Bow Fishing, which was a favorite hobby of Dorsey's, he enjoyed it and used it as a method to feed his family while his Elders usually relied on hunting Bear or other large native mammal with a Rifle. Dorsey was a small man of about 5'6, surrounded by a Village of people who were around 6', gaining him the name "Shorty". Dorsey was small, although he could use larger weapons like a rifle (His Father owned multiple old surplus Rifles, specifically Finnish-Made Nagants), he couldn't do so very well: he preferred a shotgun, and the only firearm hunting he enjoyed was waterfowl.

Despite graduating from school with Honors, it seemed he was destined to do what the Men of the family before him had done: Fish. Dorsey was disappointed with what he saw his future as, and instead moved from his village to Vladivostok to seek opportunities as something other than a Fisherman. In such a large city as Vladivostok, they had information about the outside world, while his small village was secluded and had little knowledge of events happening outside of their area in Russia. Word being to spread about The Zone, people heading there for opportunities: calling it Eastern Europe's "Wild West" (Ironic, because it wasn't to the West at all) or its "New Frontier". Dorsey was destined to live a boring life, fate would have it that way, but with his decision to move to Vladivostok some higher power intervened, finally a chance to do something exciting with his life, make money doing something else other than Fishing, it was his chance to make something of himself, to break the family tradition he once felt so heavily influenced everything he did. So he did, he sold all his belongings except the necessities he'd need to get there, a heavy leather jacket in which he'd crudely sewn Mesh into (a popular thing within his village, they believed it would help to protect from the slashes of a bears claws), heavy pants, boots, a Mask, and Money. He set off towards The Zone, a month later he arrived at his turning point in life: his chance to get into The Zone had come. Him and another small group of people started their journey into The Zone, sneaking through proved to be a bit simpler than what they thought, whether that was because they were lucky or because the Military didn't actually care about a bunch of nobodies that would soon die anyway, they didn't know, but they made it and that's all they cared about. A month goes by, and Dorsey soon starts to realize why they call it the New Frontier... There were no laws, nobody to keep order or peace, only Mutants trying to kill him in the midst of large warring factions all around him. He thought to himself, he couldn't live like this: he wouldn't make it out alive if he didn't group up. He knew his best chance to live would be with a large faction, and he weighed his options. He'd had experiences with a lot of the groups in his Month there, whether it was him hanging out at the Duty or Freedom bars, or being shot at by the Military as he attempted to sneak by one of their patrols, he'd only heard of the Monolith, however, and that was pretty much a no-go from the start, so he ignored that option. He thought of the way the groups operate, he'd rather not shoot everybody he sees, so Military as well as Monolith are out, and that left the other big two: Freedom or Duty. He thought hard to himself, and although he liked the laid-back ideals of Freedom, he thought hard about what he'd be fighting for. He knew that he had made a mistake coming to The Zone, it was a horrible place, and only the people inside of it knew how horrible it really was, outsiders seem to believe it's some sort of gold mine just like he did, and once they get in they truly know it's just a death trap, like a nugget of gold placed on a live bear trap inside of a room with nothing to help you with: you can get to the gold if you're really lucky or really smart, otherwise you're just going to lose your hand going for it. He knew that fighting for Freedom would be fighting for the right of people to come into The Zone, he realized that fighting for that would be lying to himself: he'd be fighting for people to be able to come in and get themselves killed, he couldn't do that, he was an honorable man. That left him with one choice, he could attempt to join Duty and fight so that in the future, naive people like himself won't have to experience the horrors he'd seen, the troubles he'd been through, and only within a month of being there, he thought of himself as an Experienced STALKER, living through a month in The Zone, he shuddered at the thought of what a Veteran or Master of The Zone had seen and been through. Well, he knew what he had to do.  

Faction Related Information
What is Duty?: Literally, an obligation you are responsible to uphold. As a group, a large Faction that operates in an organized Military-like way that is dedicated to the cause of keeping The Zone and its horrors from spreading to and contaminating the outside world.

Why do you wish to join Duty?: OOCly because the roleplay would be more interesting (I currently have 3 neutral characters, I'd like to get some Faction roleplay going on). ICly because Dorsey as a person agrees with the general ideals of Duty as a group, suprised by the horror he's unexpectedly witnessed in The Zone.

Who is the DUTY leader?: Leonard Maskinsky (PistolKid)

Roleplay Knowledge
Describe Injury RP: Roleplaying as if you're injured, IE if you get shot in the leg, you're walking with a limp, not sprinting full speed.

What is Metagaming: Metagaming is using OOC information ICly, for example: if you know a Bandit is about to kill your friend at the Construction site from something said in OOC chat, you as a person know that information IRL, but your character has no knowledge of it happening, so you cannot sprint up there and help him, that'd be Metagaming

What is Metaspeak: See above, pretty much goes together with the whole Metagaming ordeal.

Describe RDM: RDM is killing a character for no reason and with no Roleplay

What is the difference between RDM and STK: RDM is killing a character for no reason and with no Roleplay, while STK is agreed upon by both parties and at least a small amount of Roleplay is involved, even in larger battles.

Can you take responsibility for your actions?: Yes.

Temporarily Denied. Reason: Faction limit. I should've taken note of this earlier, my apologies. If a space frees up, you'll be the first to know.

Accepted - Great backstory, grammar, etc.
Title: Re: -=DUTY=- Applications: OPEN
Post by: Smift on 09-09-2011
center]Out-Of-Character InformationSteam Friends Name:Nomad

STEAM ID:STEAM_0:0:33177474


How long have you been roleplaying?:1 and a half years.

How long have you played on the server?:A monthish.

Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?:I have played SoC.

Do you have any real life military knowledge?:My brother got into the para's in the british army as a officer(he is a teacher now)but he sorta forces me to learn about some stuff if that means anything also my great granuncle was in WWII was captured by the japenese and escapedwith the help of a doctor so military runs in my family.(sorry for rambeling)

Can you follow orders?:Of course I own a NVRP server and you have to start somewhere and thats taking orders and then you make the orders so of course.

None sorry.

In-Character Information
Name:Kraushencov Petrovic


Skill set:Skilled with rifles and pistols, also good with cooking.

Backstory:Kraushencov grew up in a nomadic family who never stayed in one place for too long.They often did their bit in any town and left with whatever money they could make. He never had too many friends due to the moving so he was mostly always with his family unless he was working. As he got older his parents passed away, after that it was just him and his Brother Dimitri. Dimitri began stealing and forcing Kraushencov to work with him, Dimitri was older and stronger so Kraushencov could'nt do much about it.He did as he was told and began dirting his hands under his brothers rule.As he got older he snuck away during the night tired and feeling too guilty to carry on.He now wishes to do what he can to clear his mind of the past in any way shape or kind though he is very quiet and mentally damaged from the events that had taken place before.

Due to the events it left him slightly damaged in his head but only with charisma skills which basically lead him to Duty so that he could at least help in some way if not the only.He seems unfriendly at first and may not respond unless he has too but under it all he is very soft and nice, but strong when he needs to be.Before he decided to join Duty he would salvage guns and buy some and give them to whoever needed them to survive helping in any way he could without seeming a bother. He trys to educate himself with books when he can but finds he can only read old english books becoming fluent in certain languages but still hating the idea of learning anything else. 
Very recently he began following Duty members watching them and where they go he found one day they were argueing in Freedom territory  with some of their members over some women it seemed of importance.To his horror he watched all the Duty members be slaughtered by the Freedom members on their turf.The first thing he did was run back to the Duty base and inform them of this telling them every last detail and making sure they understood the circumstances.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Faction Related Information What is Duty?:Duty is a group of people who wish to cleanse the zone.

Why do you wish to join Duty?:I want to join Duty to help cleanse the zone and clear my mind of my past :OOC'ly I think its a good chance for a new type of RP different from the normal stalker rp which I still do enjoy.

Who is the DUTY leader?:Dug.

Roleplay Knowledge

Describe Injury RP:Injury RP example: Setup:Ive been shot in the leg with a .45 caliber bullet.:AGH! /me Hit's the ground from shock and pain of a bullet hitting him in his leg. AHG, Shit! /me Begin's crawling with one hand while putting pressure on his leg with the other. /me Leans against a rock and begin's rapping the wound with a bandage. y/me Notices the wound is a in and out wound and takes a sigh of relieve. Wraps a splint in with the bandage. /me Uses the rock to push him up and get him on his feet. /me Begins limping for better cover.

What is Metagaming:Using OOC info In-game.

What is Metaspeak:Using emoticons IC'ly

Describe RDM:Basically running up to someone with no RP and just killing them on the spot.

What is the difference between RDM and STK:STK is a agreement both sides must agree on to allow both to shoot exactly at eachother without rp sorta like phasefour or experiment.

Can you take responsibility for your actions?:
Well of course.

Denied - Grammar etc. was mediocre, but the backstory wasn't very good. Knowledge of DUTY is low.
Title: Re: -=DUTY=- Applications: OPEN
Post by: deluxulous on 09-09-2011
Thread cleanup.
Title: Re: -=DUTY=- Applications: OPEN
Post by: Hellhound on 09-10-2011
[font='dejavu sans mono', monaco, 'lucida console', 'courier new', monospace][/font]
[font='dejavu sans mono', monaco, 'lucida console', 'courier new', monospace][/size]Out-Of-Character Information[/size][/font][/color]
[font='dejavu sans mono', monaco, 'lucida console', 'courier new', monospace][/font][font='dejavu sans mono', monaco, 'lucida console', 'courier new', monospace]Steam Friends Name:[/size][/font][font='dejavu sans mono', monaco, 'lucida console', 'courier new', monospace][/size][TnB] Bruneo[/font][font='dejavu sans mono', monaco, 'lucida console', 'courier new', monospace][/size]STEAM ID:[/size][/font][font='dejavu sans mono', monaco, 'lucida console', 'courier new', monospace][/size]STEAM_0:0:17505027[/font][font='dejavu sans mono', monaco, 'lucida console', 'courier new', monospace][/size]Timezone:[/size][/font]
GMT +0
[font='dejavu sans mono', monaco, 'lucida console', 'courier new', monospace][/size]How long have you been roleplaying?:[/size][/font]
For about 6 years; started off with World of Warcraft roleplay and then made my way up to GMod roleplay
[font='dejavu sans mono', monaco, 'lucida console', 'courier new', monospace][/size]How long have you played on the server?:[/size][/font]
I was here around one year ago, before Taco N' Banana's SRP even got up. I played here for a while as I held a military character. I have come back.
[font='dejavu sans mono', monaco, 'lucida console', 'courier new', monospace][/size]Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?:[/size][/font]
I have played them all, most of them over fifty hours. I have deep knowledge of the STALKER series.
[font='dejavu sans mono', monaco, 'lucida console', 'courier new', monospace][/size]Do you have any real life military knowledge?:[/size][/font]
I have my way around military drilling and whatsoever, seeing as I practised reencatement Airsoft.
[font='dejavu sans mono', monaco, 'lucida console', 'courier new', monospace][/size]Can you follow orders?:[/size][/font]
Yes, I can follow orders.
[font='dejavu sans mono', monaco, 'lucida console', 'courier new', monospace][/size]Recommendations:[/size][/font]
I have none.

[font='dejavu sans mono', monaco, 'lucida console', 'courier new', monospace][/size][/font]
[font='dejavu sans mono', monaco, 'lucida console', 'courier new', monospace][/size]In-Character Information[/size][/font]
[font='dejavu sans mono', monaco, 'lucida console', 'courier new', monospace][/font][font='dejavu sans mono', monaco, 'lucida console', 'courier new', monospace][/size][/size][/font][/color][font='dejavu sans mono', monaco, 'lucida console', 'courier new', monospace][/size]Name: Oreksei 'Ora!' Miroklav[/font][font='dejavu sans mono', monaco, 'lucida console', 'courier new', monospace][/size]Age:[/size][/font]
Oreksei is 32, born as of 19/01/1980
[font='dejavu sans mono', monaco, 'lucida console', 'courier new', monospace][/size]Skill set:[/size][/font]
Oreksei is a good handyman, being capable of performing actions such as carpentry and gun-smithing
[font='dejavu sans mono', monaco, 'lucida console', 'courier new', monospace][/size]Backstory:[/size][/font]
"What doesn't kill you, only makes you stronger"
[font='dejavu sans mono', monaco, 'lucida console', 'courier new', monospace][/size]
Oreksei was born in Ukraine in the year of 1980, in a city called Pripyat. Pripyat was a large, industrial city, holding one of the many Sovietic Nuclear Power Plants. Oreksei always likd his town; he had everything there, friends, amusement. he liked it. He lived in an apartment not very far from the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant itself, his parents had a minimarket. Oreksei had struggles at school, mostly at maths seeing as he w was a kid with a certain learning difficulty, by the age of six, this is. When he bturned six, all hell broke loose, explosions, silent, killing clouds. He'd hear more the geigers ticking than the sound of the birds. His life had turned upside down. The ukrainian government evactuated the area, sending everyone to anoter region; his parents left everything behind. Their apartment, their market. They were offered a place to stay by their relatives, a nice cosy coutnry house where Oreksei lived until his late teens, he was now 19, the year was 1993. He had a bit of a struggle with his education, although, he managed to finish the ukrainian equivalent to high school. His parents, low on money, had to put him in a special university for the needy. That's where he learned how to operate with a rifle. he was teached how thy worked and how to make them work if they didn't. He had a good mentor. Ten more years flung by, he was now twenty nine at the year of 2003. He lived all on his ownin an apartment at the center of the city, working in a car reprirment center with a rather rough schedule left him no time for himself. as the years went by, a terrible event occured. The second explosion in the Chernobyl Nuclear Power plant. Unleashed deadly gases into the atmosphere, turning living into dead and dead into living. Mutations.. Sickensses.. It was a mess. The government had strictened the place, keeping it under a 24/7 watch by the Military's idiotic soldiers, which were easily bribed, allowing entrance  of Stalkers to "The Zone", most dangerous place on Earth. Little did he know about"The Zone" but big was his interest. He thought the Zone would be something like a quiet haven, but he was wrong. By the time he was 30, in 2010, he managed to get inside after he met this guy who went under the nam eof "Kazymir Gorbachevo", he did a work for him and he granted him entrance to the Zone. Little did he know what was waiting for himat the Zone. His first days were of struggle, constant shooting as he had to fend off dogs and other creatures he'd encounter. He was shocked. He now tries to join Duty and perform Engineering duties.
[/font][font='dejavu sans mono', monaco, 'lucida console', 'courier new', monospace][/size][/font]
[font='dejavu sans mono', monaco, 'lucida console', 'courier new', monospace]Faction Related Information[/b][/size][/font]
[font='dejavu sans mono', monaco, 'lucida console', 'courier new', monospace][/font][font='dejavu sans mono', monaco, 'lucida console', 'courier new', monospace][/size]What is Duty?:[/size][/font]
Duty is one of the Major factions located in the Zone.
[font='dejavu sans mono', monaco, 'lucida console', 'courier new', monospace][/size]Why do you wish to join Duty?:[/size][/font]
I was told Duty was looking for members and, as I had a character in Duty at TnB's SRP, I decided I could probably help around.
[font='dejavu sans mono', monaco, 'lucida console', 'courier new', monospace][/size]Who is the DUTY leader?:[/size][/font]
The current Duty leader would be Lieutenant [/size]Leonard Maskinsky[font='dejavu sans mono', monaco, 'lucida console', 'courier new', monospace][/size][/font]
[font='dejavu sans mono', monaco, 'lucida console', 'courier new', monospace]Roleplay Knowledge[/font]
[font='dejavu sans mono', monaco, 'lucida console', 'courier new', monospace][/font][font='dejavu sans mono', monaco, 'lucida console', 'courier new', monospace][/size]Describe Injury RP:[/font]
Injury RP is a roleplay often use during Combat Roleplay, it is used to roleplay actions such as a bullet wound or anything that has to do with injuries caused to your characters.
[font='dejavu sans mono', monaco, 'lucida console', 'courier new', monospace][/size]What is Metagaming:[/font]
Metagaming is the act of using Out of Character matters for IC purposes.
[font='dejavu sans mono', monaco, 'lucida console', 'courier new', monospace][/size]What is Metaspeak:[/font]
Metaspeak is speaking about Out-Of-Character mentioned topics in In Character chat.
[font='dejavu sans mono', monaco, 'lucida console', 'courier new', monospace][/size]Describe RDM:[/font]
RDM, also known as Random Deathmatch is the act of killing another player without a solid reason.
[font='dejavu sans mono', monaco, 'lucida console', 'courier new', monospace][/size]What is the difference between RDM and STK:[/font]
S2K or Shoot To Kill is often used during combats while RDM is often used during someone's happy trigger day.
[font='dejavu sans mono', monaco, 'lucida console', 'courier new', monospace][/size]Can you take responsibility for your actions?:[/font][font='dejavu sans mono', monaco, 'lucida console', 'courier new', monospace][/size]Yes, I can take responsability for my actions.[/font]
Title: Re: -=DUTY=- Applications: OPEN
Post by: AdrianSnake on 21-10-2011
Out-Of-Character Information

Steam Friends Name: Master4002 (Or known as Freestalker)

STEAM ID:  STEAM_0:0:15095816

Timezone: EST Canada and North America

How long have you been roleplaying?: If counting other servers, probably four. Roleplaying on HGN, around 3 months now

How long have you played on the server?: About 3 and a half months

Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?: I got all of them and beaten them.

Do you have any real life military knowledge?: Half my family are in the military, my science teacher is military and he's listed Officer ranks.

Can you follow orders?: Yes


In-Character Information

*The Application is wrote somewhat clear*(Was doing this ICly in duty bar)
Name: Zakev Putiv

Age: 32

Skill set: I practice with knives, ocassionaly throwing and I prefer shotguns.

Backstory: Being like any STALKER. I have heard of the riches of the Zone. It's power, the mysteries...Yet I have been fooled. Almost killed. Seen disgusting figures that have killed people I have just met. My first days was just hanging around at the Freedom camp getting some supplies. Meeting a few people, meeting my first...Controller as they call it? And a few Bloodsuckers that tried to kill me, three times in a row.
       Soon I visted the Duty base. My first time meeting the fellows. My first idea of visualization was that they were some sort of regular stalker group. When I spoken to the Sergeant at the enterence, soon came in the Captain(Kieck) and we talked. Asked what duty was and he replies that Duty fights against the zone and it's residents. Including Freedom as they are in war. Seeing that I have been in their base before and have noticed them now, I asked if they needed assitance or another helper. They took me to the bar where one of theme goes to the back room and comes back with this Application.

Faction Related Information
What is Duty?: Duty is a faction that concentrates on the destruction of the zone to protect the outside world, and to protect those inside from mutants aswell

Why do you wish to join Duty?: ICly due to the fact my character has learned of duty's purpose and shares the same opinion and other detail.

Who is the DUTY leader?: Midvied 'Misha' Zhdanov (Meetdadoom)

Roleplay Knowledge

Describe Injury RP: When shot/injured in anyway possible, you don't lolrun off saying "I'M OKAY GAIZ". You roleplay it. Limp, fall over whatever and put in the pain. Do whatever to make it realistic or your character's response to the injury. Godlike characters are on my hate list, so it's best to injury RP

What is Metagaming: Using OOC gathered information in In-Character roleplay to gain a advantage to anything. Such as if someone speeks in LOOC or OOC or in TS3 and you use the information IC.

What is Metaspeak: Pretty sure it's stupid typings and emoticons

Describe RDM: Killing like a dumbass with no roleplay and thinking this is CSS or HL2DM.

What is the difference between RDM and STK: STK is delcared by admins or agreed between players to shoot eachother. RDM is when you just shoot and don't think or say anything and killing someone for no reason.

Can you take responsibility for your actions?:
Mhm, I do.
(If I must write this in the Third Person form I shall. Just speak up and tell me to redo it in Third Person.)
Title: Re: -=DUTY=- Applications: OPEN
Post by: AdrianSnake on 22-10-2011

Out-Of-Character Information

Steam Friends Name: Master4002 (Or known as Freestalker)

STEAM ID:  STEAM_0:0:15095816

Timezone: EST Canada and North America

How long have you been roleplaying?: If counting other servers, probably four. Roleplaying on HGN, around 3 months now

How long have you played on the server?: About 3 and a half months

Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?: I got all of them and beaten them.

Do you have any real life military knowledge?: Half my family are in the military, my science teacher is military and he's listed Officer ranks.

Can you follow orders?: Yes


In-Character Information
*The Application is wrote somewhat clear*(Was doing this ICly in duty bar)
Name: Zakev Putiv

Age: 32

Skill set: I practice with knives, ocassionaly throwing and I prefer shotguns.

Backstory: Being like any STALKER. I have heard of the riches of the Zone. It's power, the mysteries...Yet I have been fooled. Almost killed. Seen disgusting figures that have killed people I have just met. My first days was just hanging around at the Freedom camp getting some supplies. Meeting a few people, meeting my first...Controller as they call it? And a few Bloodsuckers that tried to kill me, three times in a row. I first started out as anyone else I can say. I worked myself into the zone, payed some shady guys to get in. All they gave me was a scratched pop-gun with a couple of magazines, a first-aid kit, and a few bandages. Then they push me down a hill until I found myself at some rookie camp, usual people passing by as I aquaint myself...Thus began my life.

       I moved around the zone, following others and observing the Zone's residents. Soon I visted the Duty base. My first time meeting the fellows. My first idea of visualization was that they were some sort of regular stalker group of no interest, or just teaming up to look good. When I spoken to the Sergeant at the enterence, soon came in the Captain(Kieck) and we talked. Asked what duty was and he replies that Duty fights against the zone and it's residents. Including Freedom as they are in war. I thought about this, I have seen STALKERS attacked by bandits, mutants and the dangers I have seen..Seeing that I am in their base and have noticed them now, I asked if they needed assitance or another helper. They have also mentioned they need more people(I think the SGT did) in their group.They took me to the bar where one of them goes to the back room and comes back with this Application and a pen, and I start to write this up.

Faction Related InformationWhat is Duty?: Duty is a faction that concentrates on the destruction of the zone to protect the outside world, and to protect those inside from mutants aswell

Why do you wish to join Duty?: ICly due to the fact my character has learned of duty's purpose and shares the same opinion and other detail.

Who is the DUTY leader?: Midvied 'Misha' Zhdanov (Meetdadoom)

Roleplay Knowledge

Describe Injury RP: When shot/injured in anyway possible, you don't lolrun off saying "I'M OKAY GAIZ". You roleplay it. Limp, fall over whatever and put in the pain. Do whatever to make it realistic or your character's response to the injury. Godlike characters are on my hate list, so it's best to injury RP

What is Metagaming: Using OOC gathered information in In-Character roleplay to gain a advantage to anything. Such as if someone speeks in LOOC or OOC or in TS3 and you use the information IC.

What is Metaspeak: Pretty sure it's stupid typings and emoticons

Describe RDM: Killing like a dumbass with no roleplay and thinking this is CSS or HL2DM.

What is the difference between RDM and STK: STK is delcared by admins or agreed between players to shoot eachother. RDM is when you just shoot and don't think or say anything and killing someone for no reason.

Can you take responsibility for your actions?:
Mhm, I do.
(If I must write this in the Third Person form I shall. Just speak up and tell me to redo it in Third Person.)

Accepted as a Recruit. "So you think you have what it takes to be a dutier? Well, we shall see. I'll give you one week S.T.A.L.K.E.R, make the best of it. Dismissed."-Misha
Title: Re: -=DUTY=- Applications: OPEN
Post by: S.W.A.T.[RUS] on 05-11-2011
Out-Of-Character Information
Steam Friends Name:S.W.A.T.[RUS]

STEAM ID:STEAM_0:0:16953681

Timezone:+3 GMT

How long have you been roleplaying?:about 2 years

How long have you played on the server?:Hm.Alot of time i spent here

Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?:All of them

Do you have any IRL military knowladge?:MVD shooting club,Lasertag command leader.

Can you follow orders?:Yes

Recommendations:I think some one will rec me

In-Character Information



Skill set:Sniper,Ex Medic Combat Team leader.

Maksim Shuhtar-was born in Moscow.
Nothing Special in his ChildHood.After High School went in Military School.He had some problems as others,but he never showed up his emotions.Good they or not.After first fight in Hotpoint at Chechnya, was hurt in Hand and then transported in Hospital.Later he ran from it.Just becouse he felt his self good,but General Doctor wasnt able to let him go back,untill all courses of reabilitation will end.He came back in Hotpoint ,but now with other Rank and Job.He leaded small group of snipers.5 guys,friends.After war in Chechnya all of them were invited in military intelligence.
They did alot of job.They were in Australia,Egipt,South Korea and other lands...Some one smart called them Group of beasts,and the leader of that group was called Wolf.There were Fox,Hawk,Rabbit,Bull also.The last mission that they had was Chernobyl Undergrounds.Near Pripyat'.From 2006 to Our days no one knows where are they.Some one told they were trapped...some one said that they are deserted.But only few peoples know the true history of this group.
**First Ttrip**
*Wolf takes out his PDA and reads the messege from the HQ:
[01DEFhq]:Wolf,This is Colonel Vitaliy Jirkov.I see you on the map.You must check every underground in this territory.Ill send you the map.
*Wolf's PDA beeps and shows up a map of the pripyat'
[01DEFhq]:Also ill mark some points on the map.Its hospital,Hotel and old swamps.Check all marked places and collect information.UA Military dont know about our mission,so do not show up your selfes.
[Wolf]:Okay Colonel.We will do our best.
*Wolf switchs off CHAT mode and Looks on the map
Pripyat'.....This city is so empty....No one for a miles,unless military of UA and some Ecologists.They are still working.20 Years ago they came here to find out why first explosion happend..but our informant told us about closed labs under the city.
*Wolf stands up and smiles.
Fox and Rabbit as always talking about girls,and weapons.I dont know how they always perfect balance of these two topics.Bull as always checking his gear and clearing weapon.This guy loves his Rifle like his Wife.And Hawk.Hes sitting in the window,watching in binoculars.I like Hawk i like him for his ability to be calm and sensible in any situation.And me-Wolf.I don't know how to tell you about my self.Guys respect me for my leadership skills,and humor.
And now we are on the outskirts of small hamlet called "Берёзка".In small house.There are alot of houses,but most of them are destroyed by the years.Old owners are dead ,i think.But if they are not,they are for always irradiated by radiation.To be honest i am a bit scared.Not becouse of military or radiation,its just feeling.
*Wolf opens the old door of the house and steps out ,taking out pack of sigarettes.And feels some ones hand on his shoulder.
*Wolf turns around fast,watching in eyes of guy,staing infront of him.
Hawk...Stelth bastard.Some times i hate him for his skills.
[Hawk]:Commandir,dont smoke,it will kill you.
[Wolf]:Not faster then bullet,and life is long any ways.
*Wolf smiles as always
Some one in Chechnya said me that when i am smiling it looks like wolfish grin.Another smart ass.
*Wolf drops sigarretes in his pocket and steps back in house,closing the door carefully.

Night came so fast.....

**Last Call**
*Small group of five men is settled near Entrance of old bunker.
*Wolf takes out his PDA again to check the map
[Wolf]:Eh..some thing not right.This place wasn't marked on the map,but place,that we need is near.Maybe they marked wrong place?
[Fox]:Wolf,i thinked they never failed at this.
[Rabbit]:Shit happens,as said some one.
[Wolf]:Hawk,stay here,with bull.Others with  me.
*Wolf opens old metal door and takes out flash light.
[Hawk]:Be carefull.

When we descended we found old labaratory.There were alot of computers,calendars,with marked date...I couldn't see what day,but year 2006 was circled blood.When we attemped to run any of computers it looked like the every thing de-energized.
*Foot steps heard from behind
When i turned aroudn i saw Bull.And Hawk after him.
[Wolf]:What about orders?
*Bull shrugs
[Hawk]:I seted up a few cameras.Hard rain came.
*Wolf nods
[Wolf]:I suppose,we are staing here for a night.

When i tried to sleep i felt some thing....And then i lost consciousness or fell asleep ,i dont know.I know only i had a dream.And in this dream i saw an explosion.And some strange beasts....When i woke up i found my self in a field.My Sniper Rifle was near me.Good.Also..I couldnt belive.Gravestone Cross was near my head.First i thinked its bad joke.I weakly rose up.No one near...Radio kept silence.I checked the map and seted my waypoint on first Cordon post.I dont care if they will arrest me.Some how it will be resolved.

**The ZONE**
When i was on half of way.I saw about Five BTR-90 ,rushing in middle of pripyat',and i heard about three choppers.To be honest i was impressed.I froze at one place.
In that time i even didn't knew about the New Zone,anomalies,mutants....i just wanted to come back home,and ask what happend.
I stopped in the small village,near cordon and took out pda,and sent messege to Colonel that i am giving up to UA military.
When i came came closer to cordon i heard alot of shots.Like minigun was working over there.I ran back and saw alot of strange beasts...they were so big and frightening.I decided to run to the cordon.And i ran so fast as i can.When i was so close to cordon to hear the voice of soldiers i dropped my Rifle near tree.And ran to the Bar gate...Yes,they arrested me....later i get messege from "Tat'yana Podorojnik":"Dear Maksim,i dont know you,but good luck"....I sweared alot....Tat'yana-Is colonel...in our old instruction was said:If your hostage or arrested,or any thing else,we are using codenames.That means colonel just....left me with out any protection by Russia or Russian military.Now i am just the guy that get some how in the zone in Military Suit with out any sign of army or any thing on it.They released me,becouse no one had time to arrest or do any thing with me.Even to talk.And now i am in Village near Cordon...Here alot of Peoples.They were talking about second explosion in the Chernobyl...Also they said that some groups of peoples took their weapons and gone in the New Zone.Military Soldiers that were in the village were talking about strange beasts and some things that kills every one.Like air killing the man.
I didnt knew that it was the first anomalies....Also beasts...They were little...I dont know how i walked From the Pripyat' to Cordon with out meeting with any of them...i am lucky.
Later i bought cheap weapon and  came back in the Zone...What i can do else?I betrayed my Own country,by giving up to Military of UA ,they better close me in jail then broke relationship with Other Country..Now i am Wanted in my country and i think in UA too....

I joined duty about year ago.I had alot of fun,action,friends...Last rank i had-Sergant.I was a medic,then our old colonel bought me a sniper rifle SVD.It was the best rifle,i remembered my military times.Alot of medals i had.They are still with me.I miss times spent in duty.But after our last raid to the Monolith,i was lost,then shot,then Swamps doctor found me and heald.Alot of things changed at duty,i see.And now i came back and want to rock with duty again.
Thats how i get here,brother...I am Wolf,and this is my story.

[/color]Faction Related Information[/color]
What is Duty?:Duty is a big family.They are fighting with the Zone,not letting it out from this territories.They want to save the world from this shit.Why do you wish to join Duty?:This is the best faction and i was in it before.Who is the DUTY leader?:Midvied 'Misha' Zhdanov (Meetdadoom)

Roleplay Knowladge[/color]

Describe Injury RP:Injury rp means that you get hurted and you must do like in real life.(Screaming,etc.) To be short-You must react on every wound like in real life.
What is Metagaming:Its when you using every thing that you hearded  OOCly >ICLY

What is Metaspeak:Speaking in OOC chat Icly or in Icly OOCly.

Describe RDM:Its Killing with out any reason (IC) other words its Random  Killing

What is the difference between RDM and STK:RDM-when player killing some one with out any warning and reason,but STK when both of parties are agreed to "Shoot to kill" so these things are diffirent.

Can you take responsibility for your actions?:Yes.

Accepted as a Soldier, but next time use the new application format. Nitro's typos make my eyes bleed. - Kieck
Title: Re: -=DUTY=- Applications: OPEN
Post by: Reorp on 19-11-2011
Out-Of-Character Information

Steam Friends Name: Reorp

STEAM ID: STEAM_0:1:22017075

Timezone: UTC -06/ Central Time zone -6:00 US, Canada.

How long have you been roleplaying?: I have been roleplaying on Garry's Mod for about one or two years.

How long have you played on the server?: A year and a couple months now.

Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?: Call Of pripyat and Shadow Of Chernobyl.

Do you have any real life military knowledge?: I used to study the military every chance I got In real life. I have not participated in any branch of the military that I now of IRL.

Can you follow orders?: Yes, I can follow orders.

Hitman ((H C)HitMâñ -:)SSK()   
Steven :D

In-Character Information
Name: Rodian Matvei

Age: 33

Skill set:  Good at running/Sprinting/Jogging. Fine with a rifle.
Downside- Once he has a beer.... He can't put it down.

Backstory: (Going to try something different this time, And NOT start at birth of the character then work my way up.)
Well, Here I was, crawling through brush or thick, High, Reed as a Ukrainian military patrol passed by on foot. Luckily my jacket was a darker brown just like the reed. Their flashlights faded off by this time, only small blips in the distance. The sun had set and I was more than half-way past the start of the exclusion zone. I stood to my feet and began trotting off, Thinking to myself, "I have made it! Finally made it to the zone! The riches are going to be all mine!" The slide of the Viper I held in my hand fly's forward after a tap to it from my left hand, A new 9x19 round chambered into the gun. The wind gusts by as my footsteps leave imprints in the grass, the speed of the stomping or tapping of my boots speeds up as I begin to jog, run, and then break into a sprint. About an hour or two of sprinting, resting, and walking.... I reach a small shack a person stands outside. A patch on his arm and the stars on his vest and helmet represent his affiliations with the Ukrainian Military. I run and gently press myself to the wall of the shack.  A short peak reveals a Militant outside having an afternoon smoke along with another militant inside, two here at the moment. The viper stays to my chest; I gulp then speak towards the doorway... My luck is stretched farther as my voice is thrown, bouncing off the door frame into the shack. The militant inside is distracted... I take the chance and take out the first grunt before taking his gun and a couple of clips for his AN-94 Assault rifle, placing my viper in his hands now. The other soldier rushes out to find the butt or stock of the gun to his face. I had a chuckle as he dropped out cold to the ground like a sack of rocks. I break off into another quick sprint in the next direction.

                They Said I would never do it, but I did actually achieve it. I lift my face off the bar table I sit at upon a wooden stool to see a nice trader with a smile on his face. A bottle of dark beer lays in my grasp as my vision is blurred from waking back up again. I then realize.... That this wasn't a dream, It's only been my first day and I've been through a lot. These people called 'Freedom' have good alcohol, but I told myself this is my last bottle of it! I don't know if I blacked out or plain out can't remember what happened, but I got from Freedom bar to a large run down facility at the edge of this certain sector. It was dark, Shifty, not very trustworthy. I approached it, gun at my hip, and as soon as my foot stepped on broken glass, *Rooooarr!*, I heard a very large blood curdling roar from something. Then I finally see it, It is running at me, Panting loudly as if I was its next meal. I opened fire on the creature as it ran towards me cloaked like it was. It uncloaked, I saw its face, there was no way in HELL that thing was real. The next thing I know I am on the ground being dragged. I look up and two men in dark uniforms are dragging me across the grass. My mind tells my hands to move, they obey willingly.... My arms thrash wildly, and I work my way out of the men's grasps. Scrambling to my feet quickly and then looking over the two men as they both stare awkwardly at me. "What WAS THAT?!" I asked them both in a rather loud tone now. They look back and forth before chuckling and replying, "Just your friendly neighborhood bloodsucker!" A sigh is heard arising from my lungs before I ask them, 'Who are you?' My question is met with a smile, then a reply. "We are Dutiers! We just saved your ass back there, your breath smells like alcohol...Have you been to freedom recently?" I nod my head to their question before following them like a stray dog to where ever they were headed before I got back up. It then struck me; these people are the STALKERs that those freedom dogs hate, those fucking hippies.
                I arrive at their base and before I know it... I am in a different bar in a much nicer sector. The sign above the bar had read, '100 Rads', I am sure that this bar is completely safe from all the security around here anyways. After more studying of these 'dutiers' I realize how utterly disgusting the zone and its inhabitant are. The bloodsucker was just running with its long tooth spiked tendrils from its mouth, other creatures such as the controller, Pseudogiant, and....Zombies? I want to rid this entire zone just like duty. I put my mind to it and declare, "Duty has the right idea!"
                A year after working my way up through the understanding of this mysterious zone or land.... I decide to proceed in joining or attempting to aid DUTY in any way I can. Here I wait; building up the courage to talk to some high ranking officer or colonel. The very last thing I remember, This same day last year, was my birthday. I celebrated year 33 of my hopeless life with my very giddy friends at the One hundred rads bar.

Faction Related Information

What is Duty?: DUTY is a group of STALKERs and Ex-Militants looking to protect the world from the zone (More or Less destroy the zone). Although wanting to cleanse the zone from the surface of the earth.... They support and help STALKERs, Fighting against bandits and more hostile mercenaries. DUTY fights against another larger group of STALKERs named 'Freedom' A bunch of anarchist, Hippies, Crack heads, Tree huggers who want to show the zone to the world and save it.

Why do you wish to join Duty?: I wish to join DUTY for two simple and generic facts. DUTY is currently Inactive from my current point of view, I am on every day and would willingly join the server just the role-play as a dutier. It is also a new sort of Role-Play that I have never experienced before. I can assure you that I will enjoy this new experience.

Who is the DUTY leader?: Kieck/ Nikolai 'Kieck' Lishvic

Roleplay Knowledge

Describe Injury RP: Injury Roleplay is... Roleplaying your injuries corresponding with how bad or what those injuries may be. Such as being shot in the leg with no protection from the bullet.. You may down for some time on one leg or kneeling. A blow to the head from a baseball bat or iron bar as big as a baseball bat, Without a helmet, May cause someone to be dazed or almost quiet possibly Knocked out cold.

What is Metagaming: Metagaming is using Out-Of-Character information for In-Character uses, Such as locations, names, Threats. An example of this... Person 1: Where is freedom Base?
Person 2: (Insert Meta Here)

What is Metaspeak: Using emoticons, Abbreviations, horrible grammar (Such as l33tSpeek). EX- Lol what are your doin mang ;) ? rofl, lmao, :3

Describe RDM: Random Deathmatching is killing a person without a real valid reason behind the purpose of the kill.

What is the difference between RDM and STK: Random Death Match is not approved of by both sides, Some people come on the server and Random Death Match someone for their weapons (Attempting to kill them without the other person suspecting). Shooting to kill is when both parties/Opposing forces/Teams Etc, Approve of the shootout between them.

Can you take responsibility for your actions?:
Yes, I can take responsibility for my own actions in and outside of the faction.

Title: Re: -=DUTY=- Applications: OPEN
Post by: Goose on 23-11-2011
The Applications have been closed, IC Applications are now being looked into if you wish to apply talk to me in game
Lt. Col. Dave Grossman
Title: Re: -=DUTY=- Applications: IC Applications now.
Post by: lolKieck on 24-11-2011
Quote from: Goose on 23-11-2011
The Applications have been closed, IC Applications are now being looked into if you wish to apply talk to me in game
Lt. Col. Dave Grossman
Quote from: Goose on 23-11-2011
The Applications have been closed, IC Applications are now being looked into if you wish to apply talk to me in game
Lt. Col. Dave Grossman
Quote from: Goose on 23-11-2011
The Applications have been closed, IC Applications are now being looked into if you wish to apply talk to me in game
Lt. Col. Dave Grossman
WORST. IDEA. EVER. Not to mention that Duty is mostly made of European players and in GMT +1 I did not see you often  (tldr timezone issues).
Title: Re: -=DUTY=- Applications: IC Applications now.
Post by: Goose on 24-11-2011
You opinion is noted, Also seeing as i've had no problems getting people active and doing stuff i see no need to worry about time zones atm if they were removed because of one they can talk to me about it, It's no problem.
Title: Re: -=DUTY=- Applications: Open
Post by: cabooseaurand on 01-12-2011
Out-Of-Character Information
Steam Friends Name: Pvt. Caboose

STEAM ID:  STEAM_0:1:5059464   

Timezone: Eastern Standard Time

How long have you been roleplaying?: Used to play half-life RP when SRP had it.

How long have you played on the server?: 1 day

Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?: I have played all three games

Do you have any real life military knowledge?: nope

Can you follow orders?: yes


In-Character Information
Name: Nikova Taichkosvky

Age: 24

Skill set: Using pistols, Smg's and shotguns; Used to be a doctor;

Backstory:  Used to be a Doctor in the United States, he excelled in medical school and when he turned 21 years old he enlisted in the united states army as a combat medic. served overseas for awhile and say horrible things during the war. Luckily his training kept him alive and he made it out. upon returning home to the civilian life he become bored, and wanted to adventure and see the world, he spent a few years in Africa helping the war torn country. His knowledge of medical skills came in handy in all of the local villages and for the most part he was not harassed by the soldiers there, but there was a few incidents in Africa where he was almost killed; and started carrying weapons with him when he went to the villages.
When he turned 24 he heard his friends talking about rumors of untold treasure in the zone. He decided to go check it out for himself, using what little money he had, he bought a passport to gain access to Ukraine. with virtually no money but having decent knowledge in medicine. He hoped his stay in the zone would be comfortable.

Faction Related Information
What is Duty?: A group of paramilitary soldier who want to put an end to the zone

Why do you wish to join Duty?: I want to join duty because all of my friends are there, and I want to kill some freedom scum.

Who is the DUTY leader?:
Goose, Co-leader is Ace

Roleplay Knowledge

Describe Injury RP: when you are in injured, and role-play the fact.

What is Metagaming: Using outside knowledge to gain an advantage; for example hearing someone in teamspeak say, "I am at the bar" and you suddenly go there, that would be considered meta gaming.

What is Metaspeak: Same as above.

Describe RDM: Random Death Match (ie when you go around randomly killing people)

What is the difference between RDM and STK: RDM is random death match (see above) STK is shoot to kill, shoot to kill is a firefight (IE a skirmish between Duty and Freedom where they shoot to kill each other)

Can you take responsibility for your actions?:
Yes I can.
Title: Re: -=DUTY=- Applications: Open
Post by: Goose on 02-12-2011
Quote from: lolKieck on 02-12-2011
Cough, two paragraphs, cough.

Cough stop back seat modding and get the fuck out of here unless it's constructive critisim or an application cough
Title: Duty application
Post by: Barlowe23 on 04-12-2011
Out-Of-Character Information

Steam Friends Name: Newblood99

STEAM ID:STEAM_0:0:26818608 02:1


How long have you been roleplaying?:2008-2011

How long have you played on the server?: About a month

Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?: All three

Do you have any real life military knowledge?:Yes My brother in law is in the marines

Can you follow orders?:Yes


In-Character Information

Name:Vkadmir Costuv

Skill set:Good with a rifle,Sneaking

Backstory:I knew i had to spill the beans sooner or later.Well I was born  here in Chernobyl.
But I moved before the reactors blew up . In to Russia I guess you don't want me to ramble. Well I was born well I don't know
anymore to busy watching my ass. Continuing on so I was born I don't remember much from my. Childhood just my teen
years it wasn't much. But I would think this is important well when I was a teen My family wasn't doing so good so.
My dad used to steal from stores it was getting to hard to do. So he started to teach me how to infiltrate anyways.
When we stole the merchandise we would sell it on the black market. But by the time my dad was to old I was on my own.
My mom had died it tore my dad apart so I was on my own paying the bills selling.The stolen goods On the black market
so by now im 20 years old Same old gig. Close calls selling stuff By that time I had heard about the zone  while selling.
It had Pondered in my mind for about a month. So I went back sold m last load and left to the zone with the. Merchant
He gave me some tips I bought a gun wasn't good but it did it. so I went on I learned quick to make friends survived I was able to
send Rubles home to my dad. But security got tight on military checkpoints I wasn't able to send more rubles. So I said I cant
and went on with my life. I mean it was a hard thing to do but he wasn't going to live long. From the letters I received I could tell
So yeah I stopped then I meet duty It seemed like a  nice place to settle down in. Getting bar jobs but that just wasn't enough action
I had to have more then it hit me. Duty is a faction that is at war with freedom and they don't act like idiots. It was perfect so
Thats why im here wanting to join duty

Faction Related Information
What is Duty?:Made up of some of the military that went into the zone
And mostly stalkers

Why do you wish to join Duty?: I want to have comrades I can trust. And a unity I can depend on

Who is the DUTY leader?:Lt Col. Dave Grossman/ Goose

Roleplay Knowledge

Describe Injury RP: Like if you get shot in the leg you shouldnt be like running.
Or jumping and doing alot of acrobatics

What is Metagaming: Example: Ooc Hey person a meet me at duty bar/ooc Person b Ok ill meet you there I got extra  stuff to sell/ basically saying
Stuff for (IC) In char in ooc out of char

What is Metaspeak: H3y d3wd l375 g0 5cavang3 7h3 garbage

Describe RDM: Rdm is when No warning no reason kill someone

What is the difference between RDM and STK: Rdm is killing some one without.Consent
Warning or agreement. Stk is agreed upon killing (Person A) Lets have a shoot out (Person B)\

Can you take responsibility for your actions?: Yes

Denied Reapply in two weeks. - What time zone is Arizona..., Good with rifle/Sneaking seems to be the most generic things out there try to be more creative with your characters and back story.
Title: Re: -=DUTY=- Applications: Open
Post by: Szenti on 27-12-2011
Out-Of-Character Information
Steam Friends Name: zsoo08 / |HGN| .Szenti.

STEAM ID: STEAM_0:0:6487434

Timezone: GMT+1

How long have you been roleplaying?:Three years

How long have you played on the server?:Three years, since 29-06-2009

Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?: Yes, SHoC, CS, CoP. And I still play with Clear Sky.

Do you have any real life military knowledge?: Well a lil' bit. I was on Military related events, where soldiers showed what they do, some drills, their weaponry. I've been in an Apache helicopter, tanks, jeeps. I even shot around with a German-rifles. My father was a Soldier, and he told me a few stories.

Can you follow orders?: Yes, sir.

Recommendations: D33tly ;

In-Character Information
Name: Liubartas Burian

Age: 30

Skill set: Muscular body, good in creating plans, drilling people, good shooter.


Bart Burian's son, Liubartas is born. Bart is in the Ukrainian Military, he is a great Sergeant. A soldier, who is proud of his newborn son is about to retire from the Military, but he got sent on a top secret mission, his family is worried about him.
1986. - No sign of Bart... The Ukrainian Military sent a letter to the Burian family: We are sorry about Bart. He was a great person, a soldier, a real man. He is probably dead. -With respect, the Military. Bart's wife didn't know what to do, and she was worried about her son.
1991. - Liu is 9 years old. He is sad about his father, and promised he will be the second greatest soldier after his father. He's already interested about the Military, but he is too young.
1996. - He's 14 years old. Liu thinks he is ready to join the Military, but he is too weak and still too young, his mother wouldn't let him go to the Military, she thinks the same thing will happen with Liu, like with Bart. He's relationship with her mother is bad because of this.

Few years later...

2000. - Liubartas denies his mother, he goes straight to the Ukrainian Military at the age of 18, to follow his father.
2001. - He got recruited to the Military, he is training hard to be a great soldier. He gets promoted. He's 19.
2006. - Liu is 24, he is asking about his father, he wants to know what happened, but the Military is not answering him. He is angry about that.
2010. - He stole the reports case about his father, now he knows that Bart was sent to the Zone with a Military squad to investigate something, and to find two missing squads. He didn't really know about the Zone, since it was top-secret. Days later the Military gets know about the missing case, but they can't find Liu. Looks like he went after his father- to the Zone.
2011-2012. - Liu is in the Zone. He got fired from the Military, the only thing he had is the survival skills learnt from the Military.
Faction Related Information
What is Duty?:DUTY is a paramilitary clan of stalkers operating in the Zone. Their primary objective is to destroy the Zone, to protect the world from it. DUTY, along with Freedom, are also one of the most powerful stalker clans in the Zone.

Why do you wish to join Duty?: Liu wants to help DUTY complete its primary objective; To destroy the Zone. Because the Zone killed his father, and he knows its a big threat to Earth. (OOC: DUTY is my favourite faction, I love it.)

Who is the DUTY leader?: Lt. Col. Dave Grossman ; Goose.
Roleplay Knowledge
Describe Injury RP: If you get a bullet in your leg you can't go like: WHAT IS A BULLET FOR ME? I STILL SPRINT AROUND ; You have to RP that it hurts, to remove the bullet,  bandage it, etc. With a broken arm you can't really use a gun, or anything, so get used to using only one arm.

What is Metagaming: "OOC: DUTY's leader is in that pink building!" You can't tell IC information OOCly, or on chat, to give away someone's location, name.

What is Metaspeak: Using emoticons, smileys ICly. You can't write anything like: Lol bro, look at dat nub stalker:D.

Describe RDM: Random Death Match: Going to a group of stalkers, or just to a single person, and shooting him/her/them without any reason.

What is the difference between RDM and STK: RDM: Killing everyone randomly, without a reason. ; STK: Shoot to kill: OOCly people agreed to STK eachother.

Can you take responsibility for your actions?: Of course.

Accepted Come talk to me later Icly and we'll get you sorted out.
Title: Re: -=DUTY=- Applications: Open
Post by: Smift on 27-12-2011
Out-Of-Character Information

Steam Friends Name:EXO || Smift || CG

STEAM ID:STEAM_0:0:33177474


How long have you been roleplaying?:I've been RPing for almost two years.

How long have you played on the server?:I've been on this server for about six months almost.

Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?:I have played shadow of chernobyl

Do you have any real life military knowledge?:I have some military knowledge, I like to watch military documentaries.

Can you follow orders?:I can.

None sorry.

In-Character Information
Name:Yuri Checov


Skill set:Basic weapon knowledge from books etc, aswell as basic survival and medical knowledge.

Backstory:Yuri Checov was a rather bright person, he did his part in school, stuck to his books and behaved. He became a doctor in his local town tending to whomever needed it, he had started as a doctor at the age of 25, he continued this until he was aged 31. When Yuri had reached the age of 31 he was having a slight crysis and had thoughts of leaving his job, needless to say he did and came to the zone to see if he could find riches there and live out the rest of his life in relaxation....He was wrong. Sortly after arriving he realised that it was indeed a dangerous place and not to be taken lightly, coming into multiple contact he became more familiar with weapons and the mechanics of them. He also found that his knowledge of medicine was greatly appreciated and payed for when needed. As life went on and he kept travelling riches seemed to be the last thing on his mind, now just getting through the day was a struggle. He rested one day overhearing that the Duty members were recruiting he thought this may be a good oportunity to finally shine his talents in a more positive way and also learn in the proccess, needless to say he sighned up hoping for the best.

Faction Related InformationWhat is Duty?:Duty are a paramilitary group of stalkers in the zone who are the biggest alongside Freedom.

Why do you wish to join Duty?:I wish to join duty to both help its members and also to better my own skills.

Who is the DUTY leader?: LtCol. Dave Grossman (OOC) Goose.

Roleplay Knowledge

Describe Injury RP:Injury RP is the reaction of an damaging action, an example would be if I was shot I would /me Staggering and falling and then /charfallover.

What is Metagaming:Using OOC info IC.

What is Metaspeak:Using emoticons or anything along those lines IC

Describe RDM:Random Death Matching, this is shooting anyone with no reason or RP.

What is the difference between RDM and STK:STK means Shoot to kill which is an agreement between both groups in OOC.

(https://forums.hypergamer.net/proxy.php?request=http%3A%2F%2Fi530.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fdd345%2FFragger21%2Faccepted.png&hash=289fc1f0eef8009f879392850a99b25e725be219)Recruit, Week long trial phase, Within that week if you do anything stupid you are gone no questions asked.
Title: Re: -=DUTY=- Applications: Open
Post by: darkzerxx on 28-12-2011
Out-Of-Character Information

Steam Friends Name:Darkzerxx

STEAM ID:STEAM_0:1:20067753

Timezone:Gmt 6+.

How long have you been roleplaying?:3 Years.

How long have you played on the server?:1 Year.

Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?:Yes all 3.

Do you have any real life military knowledge?:Yes.

Can you follow orders?:Yes,Sir.


In-Character Information

Name: Darsen Leminski


Skill set: Gunsmith, Engineer

Backstory:My name Is Darsen Leminski, I was born in the Keiv and lived there most my life with a little traveling here and there. I was rasied by my mother a nurse and my father a gunsmith who I eventually learned when I turned 17 and started working in his shop. By the time I was 22 I had moved out on my own but still worked at the old shop fixing guns and part time engineer for my friends car repair shop. While I worked at the shop with my father I would test most of the weapons we fixed myself, Even though not all of them worked 100% of the time. When i turned 27 I meet a girl and asked her to marry me. We were going to have kids till One day there was a accident, They say she died on inpact but it didn't help the feeling of dread that haunted me the next 3 years of my life. One night after work I went to a bar for a couple drinks like normal when there was new man there. He was in his 40's Old a Brown coat and was drunk talking about all the money he had and the thrills of his life In the area called "The Zone" which came to exist after the second disaster people say. Now and then i would see something about this place on forums and blogs of people who say were either prasieing it or demanding it be sealed to the world. After talking to the man my intrest grew. Soon enough I found myself grabbing Some of my guns I kept in my house and packed the suit the man at the bar gave me saying that it could be more useful than I would think. Soon enough I found myself in the zone searching for my new life, But it was worst than I ever expected. The things I saw were as if they were stright from my worst nightmares, It wasn't till I found a squad of dutyers and camped with them one night to see that I wasn't the only one who thought this was just a land of empty promise and filled with mans worst nightmares and had to be destroyed. That's why I hope I can help end this hell hole.


Faction Related Information[/b][/size]

What is Duty?:A group of stalkers dedicated to putting a end to the zone
and protecting all from the dangers of it.

Why do you wish to join Duty?:Because I mainly miss the order and the fun I had back when I first joined HGN and during
The Treaty times of duty and freedom.

Who is the DUTY leader?:[/size] Lt Col. Dave Grossman

Roleplay Knowledge

Describe Injury RP:the act in which a player reacts to what has happened to his
or her character using detailed description depending on the action.

What is Metagaming:The act of taking OCC info and using it IC for he or shes benefits.

What is Metaspeak:Saying things Occ while Talking Ic

Describe RDM:When someone(Aka assholes)
randomly Shoots another player for no reason.

What is the difference between RDM and STK: Stk Is when the fight started off with roleplay and progressed
Into a fire fight agreed by both party's.

Can you take responsibility for your actions?:

(https://forums.hypergamer.net/proxy.php?request=http%3A%2F%2Fi530.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fdd345%2FFragger21%2Faccepted.png&hash=289fc1f0eef8009f879392850a99b25e725be219)Recruit, Week long trial phase, Within that week if you do anything stupid you are gone no questions asked.
Title: Re: -=DUTY=- Applications: Open
Post by: Harly on 01-01-2012
Out-Of-Character Information[/color][/color]

Steam Friends Name: GoldenTWM

STEAM ID: STEAM_0:0:5006520

Timezone: Eastern Standard

How long have you been roleplaying?: 2008

How long have you played on the server?: Aprox. 2 Years

Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?: All three, and continue to play them.

Do you have any real life military knowledge?: Not directly, but I'd say I'm the one you'd go to if you wanted to get some knowledge on that.

Can you follow orders?: Yes, sir, you bet I can!


In-Character Information[/color][/color]

Name: Aleksey Kletchenko

Age: 26

Skill set: Clear headed, leader type, Intimidating, Disciplined

[/size][/color]Aleksey was the bully type when he was a kid. A bulky build and a rugged look that doesn't fit a child. Infact, he actually WAS a little bit of a bully, you see, Aleksey took a lot of abuse from his parents. By retaliation, he took it out on anyone he could. Sometimes it worked for him, sometimes it didn't. When he grew up, Aleksey moved closer to the zone because of a job his father had gotten, looking for items inside chernobyl. On the day that his father was supposed to come home for a break, Aleksey wasn't sure wether or not to shut out his father, for all the abuse, or to show that he really missed him. He never had to make that choice because his father never showed up. He never found out what the reason was for his fathers disapearence, but it kept him going to find out. By this point, he had become a very strong man, with a rugged sort of look, like a drill sergeant. He stayed to himself for most of the time. He spent most of the time thinking of what to do with himself.
[/color][font='dejavu sans mono', monaco, 'lucida console', 'courier new', monospace][/size]     Fast forward a few years and Aleksey Kletchenko is now 25 years old. He hasn't been trying to get a job, because the thought of his dad dwelled on him. He often wondered why he needed to find him so much, after he beat him so many times.  One night, when his mother was drunk, Aleksey said he was going out to buy a snack. Where he really went, was the zone. When he got there, he got mixed in really fast. The bandits picked him up fast, seeing that he looked quite tough. Aleksey had almost forgotten about his father in his new life, in the zone, until the night the robbery began. Aleksey and two other bandits were going on a walk. They heard a stalker was hosting a meeting at "Red Forest." One of the bandits took position behind a tree with a sniper. Aleksey and the other bandit ran up to the stalkers at the building. When they got there, they brought their guns up and screamed at everybody to drop on the ground. One of the stalkers refused to, and the bandit closest to Aleksey ordered the sniper to fire at the rookie. The bullet went clean into the rookie's head. The other two stalkers, a sunrise and a blue sunrise remained. The green sunrise was shot in the leg and his money was stolen. The bandit said "Aleksey! Shoot the other one, now!" Aleksey nodded. It wasn't fun for him to shoot people but he did as he was told. He wouldn't get food otherwise. As he raised his rifle, the blue sunrise pulled off his mask, revealing Aleksey's father. Shock. That was all he felt. Time slowed down to an impossible rate. Sudenly, he heard a faint ringing in his ear.. Then it grew louder, until it was almost deafening. The world for Aleksey went black.[/font][font='dejavu sans mono', monaco, 'lucida console', 'courier new', monospace][/size]When he woke up, he found himself in one peice. However, he couldn't say the same about his father, riddled with bullets. The bandits had betrayed him. Aleksey checked his pockets. Yep. Money gone too. He looked behind him to see the two bandits also riddled with bullets, fresh blood pouring out. DUTY had arrived. Aleksey spent the next few days in the DUTY bar, chatting with the members of the faction. He was always getting bored whenever the DUTYers would go out on a patrol and often drank the time away. He was handed an application form that he requested a while ago. Now aged 26, he filled it out.

[/size][/color]Faction Related Information

[/size][/color]What is Duty?: DUTY is a group of people, who are really close together, and as a para-military, they seek to destroy the zone and contain it, to save the world from the horrors they experience.

Why do you wish to join Duty?: I wish to join DUTY because lately they haven't been very populated and they are a good key in the universe of STALKER RP. I wish to help keep it alive. I'm looking to let the good times roll again.

Who is the DUTY leader?:
Goose, or Lt. Col. Dave Grossman

[/size]Roleplay Knowledge

[/size]Describe Injury RP:When you are shot for example in the leg, you must RP the injury such as falling down, difficulties moving, blood loss etc. Until it is patched up ICly with RP.

What is Metagaming:
Metagaming is using OOC info IC or using Source glitches/exploits like seeing something through a wall ICly.[/font]

What is Metaspeak: [/size]Using smileys/emoticons and acronyms IC.

Describe RDM: [/size]STK without reason.

What is the difference between RDM and STK: STK means Shoot to kill; much like in CS:S when you just point, click and they're dead, without /me's and no roleplay. However STK is agreed upon by both members participating. RDM is randomly shooting to kill someone.

Can you take responsibility for your actions?:. Why wouldn't I? Ofcourse I will take responsibility.[/font]

(https://forums.hypergamer.net/proxy.php?request=http%3A%2F%2Fi530.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fdd345%2FFragger21%2Faccepted.png&hash=289fc1f0eef8009f879392850a99b25e725be219)Recruit, Week long trial phase, Within that week if you do anything stupid you are gone no questions asked.
Title: Re: -=DUTY=- Applications: Open
Post by: Raxx on 03-01-2012
Out-Of-Character Information

Steam Friends Name:
How long have you been roleplaying?:
Since late 2007
How long have you played on the server?:
A few months about 2 years ago and have started playing again recently with a couple of weeks under my belt.
Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?:
All 3
Do you have any real life military knowledge?:
Yes, Studied a Public Services course for 2 years and was a Private in the British armed forces Territorial Army for a year.
Can you follow orders?:

In-Character Information

David Sampson
Skill set:
Calm under pressure, Previous military experience, Bi-lingual, Good team-working and leadership
  As a child David had always been interested in military life, his father and both grandfathers had all served time in the armed forces and were always telling him of their stories. You would never find David without some army related toy, running around pretending to shoot the 'baddies'.

Later in life as David was beginning secondary school he had to choose the subjects he would be studying for the next 5 years, 2 of which had to be languages. Looking through the list there was the standard, boring languages like French or Spanish that were taught in lots of schools around the country, there was however another languages that caught his interest, Ukrainian. David excelled in this subject as it fascinated him greatly, at the end of his time in secondary education he achieved B grades in most subjects and an A* in Ukrainian.

By now he was old enough to make his decision on what to do next, David went and spoke to a careers advisor for the Army to see what roles he was capable of. Upon noticing his grade in Ukrainian the advisor asked David if he had ever considered becoming a translator for the army, something that had not crossed his mind before. The Army worked with David to help him decide what to do and entered him into a bursary scheme, they would give David £2000 in funding for him to go to college and get further education in the Ukrainian language, upon completing the 2 year course he would be given a further £3000 and offered a job as soon as one became available.

2 years passed quickly and David was now a fluent speaker of Ukrainian, luckily for him there was a vacancy in the job role and he was soon sent off to do his basic training. Months passed and the training sessions flew by, David passed out as a Private in the British Army and was soon sent on operations to Ukraine to help with military projects. Most of the time David was either stuck at the base doing the standard duties of a soldier or occasionally was sent abroad to help with issues for a few weeks at a time. He was also sent on a couple of standard deployments to trouble areas attached to an infantry platoon for 6 months at a time. After 3 years of service David was promoted to Lance Corporal and after a further 3 was promoted to Corporal.

2 more years passed normally and David heard news of what had happened at the Chernobyl NPP and the zone. Getting bored of the same things happening day In and day out David thought hard about his choices for the future. A few months later David decided to quit the British Army and move to Ukraine in hopes of joining their military and working in the zone. Application after Application was turned down whilst David was stuck working in a small store for almost a year until he heard about Duty and their goals. David wrote up an application to their leader and sent it off with one of the mercenaries that he had gotten to know quite well from re-supply trips to the shop every month, he just hopes that it gets through and gets read...
Faction Related Information

What is Duty?: Duty is a group in the zone made up of a lot of ex-military personnel. Their main goal is to stop the expansion of the zone and destroy it if they can by any means.
Why do you wish to join Duty?: It has always been my favourite faction in the games and I was told that it is a good one to join up with by a friend.
Who is the DUTY leader?: Lt Col. Dave Grossman

Roleplay Knowledge

Describe Injury RP:
If you sustain an injury to a certain part of the body e.g shot in the arm, you act as if you would if it had actually happened so in this instance you would have a lot of difficulty moving the arm and would most likely not be able to use 2 handed weapons.

What is Metagaming: Using OOC information IC or exploits to give your IC character an advantage.

What is Metaspeak:
Using smileys or abbreviation in IC chat "Omg did u see that guy get shot? lol :P "

Describe RDM:
Random death match is when somebody is killed/attacked for no reason or with no chance to RP back with the attacker, both of these usually intertwine.

What is the difference between RDM and STK:
RDM (read above) and STK are different as STK is when 2 parties agree that during their conflict they will either shoot to kill (STK) or shoot to miss (STM).

Can you take responsibility for your actions?:



No idea why this has been left unstamped for so long. Either way; The character here is obviously not of Ukrainian, Russian, or minor outlying nations' nationality. Causes a bit of a problem when the server rules require an application for that type of character, and you haven't even put one in, let alone have it be accepted. Deal with that issue, then re-apply when everything's sorted.
Title: Re: -=DUTY=- Applications: Open
Post by: Overwatch on 01-02-2012
In-Character Information

Full Name:  Aleksandri 'Rare' Dneprotiskov

Gender: Male

Ethnicity: Russian

Age: 31

Height: 6ft0"

Weight: 183lb

Medical Conditions: Mild cholesterol imbalance (familial hypercholesterolaemia)


  Born in a small village, Aleksandri lived a fairly sub-par life, burdened by economic trouble through most of his life, he became conscientious  of his wages on the paper runs, trying to give the money to his mother, at which she would constantly refuse, and had him attempt to enjoy his childhood, of which became more and more burdened as it continued. The local schoolchildren, acted as they usually do, raping his psyche as they tease and tear at him for his poor demeanor and scroungy clothes, but he made a few tightly knit friendships.

At the point he couldn't live off the education system any longer, he was forced to find an occupation or live on the streets. Weighing up the choices, and swayed by the propaganda, he signed up for the Military, instilled with a sense of honor, nobility and duty for his country. Years after year of training, he was eventually deployed as a response to an outpost going dark on one of the zone outskirts, at which a Forward Base was set up and was soon restored.

On a skirmish into the zone on a routine STALKER check at a local rookie town, they found it to be abnormally abandoned, after seeing signs of excessive life the day before for the last few weeks. Assuming the stalkers had been tipped off to hide again, he made his way back with the patrol, hearing an eerie groan, before his vision started blurring as he watched a friend facing back, suddenly opening fire for no reason, dropping another militant instantly, before he collapsed in a seizing fit.

Waking up an untold number of days later on his back, He was greeted by a stalker going by the name Wolf, mentioning to Alek that the patrol fell to an irregular controller passing, and that he should sell the wrecked suit off for rubles, get a weapon and head for Agropom; Where he would find a group of stalkers by the name of Duty, whom all vowed retribution against the zone and its monstrosities, and including he may even recognize a few members.

How did you get into the military: He signed up to the Military for the feeling of Glory, honor, duty and the pay. Yet ended up spending most of his time on watch facing unknown monstrosities, and an urge to break free from the Military not seeing the larger threat the zone poses than just gun runners and smugglers.
Character specialization: Suppression and the use of High-rate of fire weapons to pin people down.

Describe your character, both good and bad sides: Resoundingly loyal, follows orders and remains strict at all times, others find him had to be around fun wise, reporting any discrepancies to higher ranking officers.

Out of Character Information

Age: 16

Country: Britain ~ Scotland

Timezone: GMT+0

How long have you been roleplaying: Five Years.

How long have you been with HGN: The year before lasts October.

Is this your main character: Yes, it will be.

Do you have any alts: I play on a Bloodsucker, and a Generic monolith, both have stopped developing backstory and are now generic zone antagonists.

Are you in any other factions: Monolith event char.

Have you played any of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games: All three.

Do you have any previous Military experience: Apart from Games, the internet and TV? No.

Why should we accept you?: Because I love roleplay, and I feel I can create a believable character and would love this opportunity to help establish and maintain Duty back in server one.

Do you understand that you must follow your superior's orders?: Sir, Yes sir!

Have you ever been kicked? If so why: No.
Have you ever been banned? If so why: No.

Title: Re: -=DUTY=- Applications: Open
Post by: Gonztah on 05-02-2012
Out-Of-Character Information

Steam Friends Name: |HGN| A131891

STEAM ID:STEAM_0:0:16930661

Timezone:GMT +2

How long have you been roleplaying?: Over a year

How long have you played on the server?:About 8 months

Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?: All three.

Do you have any real life military knowledge?: Nothing much really, I know stuff from movies, games and books but no "real" experience.

Can you follow orders?:Yes, sir.


In-Character Information

Name:Alek SmirnovAge:23Skill set:Experienced with rifles and earlier Duty training. Also knows a thing or two about locks.Backstory:

                           Pre Duty
Alek Smirnov was a pickpocket in the city of Moscow. He did'nt earn much, but enough to survive in a big city like Moscow.
One night after having a "couple" bottles of Vodka he and his friend Petya Chernyshev thought of ways to get rich easily.
Thats when they learned about the Zone. Earlier they didn't have a clue about the Zone's existence but Petya did some digging and found out about it. Petya has some buddies in there and he had contacted them for work. His friends told him that in the Zone it would be  very easy to get rich. Alek and Petya swayed by these words they sold all their belongings and went out on the streets to "earn" some money to get the tickets to Ukraine.
After they had scratched together enough money for the plane tickets they set off to the Zone.
When their plane had landed they went to the local store to get some equiqment mainly food and some local maps.
After that they searched the city for cars that wouldn't be too well guarded. After some time they managed to break into one and start it up.
They drove as close to the Zone as they could but then ran into a problem. The border was guarded by the military they hadn't expected this and thought of ways to get through.
Finally they decided to wait until night and attempt to sneak past the front gate.
Alek went first and managed to crawl past the soldiers but when it was Petya's turn the soldier turned his flashlight into the bushes and noticed Petya.
The alarm was raised and Alek hid and watched how his best friend was dragged away.
Alek's adrenaline was rushing through his veins yet he couldnt do anything to help Petya.
He decided he had to keep moving. While he was crawling around the base he heard someone yell three times. At the third yell Alek heard shots and a body slumping to the ground.
He was furious and thought: "One day you will be avenged Petya."
Soon he arrived at the gate to the Zone, it was still quite dark so he had to do this one with pure luck hoping that the guards wouldnt have nightvision goggles.
He started crawling to the gate his heart pumping like never before, fearing that the soldiers would catch him and kill him like poor Petya.
Luckily no soldiers spotted Alek while he was crawling through the gate. They were all propably drinking to celebrate catching Petya.
After getting to a relatively safe distance he was feeling dizzy and thought he needed some rest after that experience.
He found a sewage pipe he thought he could take refuge in, he climbed in and he noticed something on the ground. It was a dirty Makarov, Alek took it as it might be useful. The pistol was loaded and he found a spare clip nearby.
Now extremely tired he lied down on the ground and was about to fall asleep when he heard some growling noises at the pipe entrance.
Two dogs were about to enter the pipe, Alek drew his pistol and shot at the dogs and managed to take one down.
The other one jumped on him and tore into his left arm.
While the dog was hanging from his left arm Alek aimed the pistol to the dogs side and emptied the clip into the dog.
Bleeding and fearing infection he realised he needed help so he left the pipe and wandered about for half an hour until he met a group of Stalkers.
Alek told what had happened in the pipe and the Stalkers bandaged the wound in his arm.
The Stalkers stopped nearby for the night and Alek was finally able to get some rest.


When Alek woke up he spoke with the Stalkers about the Zone.
The Stalkers clearly seeing Alek was new to the Zone told him a lot about it and promised to take him to a Stalker camp.
On the way there he noticed two groups fighting in the distance he asked about the Stalkers who told Alek that, its the Duty and Freedom fighting against each other, they said that he could find more about them in the camp.
Upon arrival Alek went around the camp asking about the Zone, the factions in there, all kinds of things about the Zone.
He realised that if he is to survive he should propably join one of the factions.
When he thought about this he came to the conclusion of attempting to join the Duty, after he had heard that they fought to destroy the Zone.
He hates the Military for what they did to his best friend and will take any chance to have some payback.

                 In Duty

While Alek served in Duty he went through a lot of things. He took part in many attacks, patrols and clearing mutant nests. Eventually after serving a while in Duty he was promoted to a Sergeant and from there he was promoted to a Warrant Officer. His biggest flaw was his alcoholism and he got into trouble for that quite a few times. Eventually he was demoted to a soldier like everyone else and soon after that he asked for leave.

                After Duty

After taking his leave he travelled around the Zone getting some friends and even some enemies along the way. At first he wandered around from place to place mostly drinking but soon he was offered a spot in a group called Neutral Cross. Alek happily joined them and helped them as best he could. One day a mutant attacked him leaving his face extremely scarred and most wouldn't recognize him now from his face. Everything went reasonably well after that, with a few bandit raids here and there. Untill one day a group of mercs called Surtech blew half of the NC base into pieces and the group was disbanded. Now he has been wandering around the Zone helping people and doing jobs for anyone who offers it (And drinking.). He's still friends with most Ex Neutral Cross stalkers and has also met some Freedom soldiers. Now lately he's been helping Duty guards at the Duty base and more or less just hanging around and is now returning to serve Duty once again.


Faction Related Information[/b][/size]

What is Duty?:A paramilitary organization seeking to destroy or atleast contain the Zone.Why do you wish to join Duty?:Because I like their ideology and for various IC reasons.Who is the DUTY leader?:Lt.Col. Dave Grossman (Goose)[/size]

Roleplay Knowledge

Describe Injury RP: As in your leg gets shot/broken you really aren't going to run and you better do something about the bleeding.

What is Metagaming: Using OOC info IC

What is Metaspeak: Using emoticons IC

Describe RDM:Killing someone without ANY IC reason at all.

What is the difference between RDM and STK: In STK you all agree to shoot each other while RDM is just someone randomly slaughtering people.

Can you take responsibility for your actions?: Yes, I can.

Title: Re: -=DUTY=- Applications: Open
Post by: dust878 on 08-02-2012
Out-Of-Character Information

Steam Friends Name: |HGN|Taco


Timezone: GMT

How long have you been roleplaying?: I started on TNB servers in around 2009.

How long have you played on the server?: It's comming up to about 2 weeks.

Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?: All of them <3

Do you have any real life military knowledge?: Personally , no.

Can you follow orders?: If I couldn't I wouldn't be applying , but Yes I can follow orders.

None , But I met a guy that was guarding the duty base the other day and he said I'm cool.

In-Character Information

Name: Andrzej Sarpowski

Age: 21

Skill set: Pretty Athletic , Other than that , nothing to astound anyone with.


Andrzej Was born in Poland during soviet times , by the parents Ewa and Wojtek Sarpowska / Ski . Soon after the birth Andrzej and his family moved to Ukraine
With the promise of a better job and a better life ,

Andrzej was a normal boy during his child hood , Socialising , playing with his friends , But his one Itch was adventure , Whenever his family didn't need him
around the household he went adventuring for hours on end , Every nook of every cranny of every cave of every field had to be discovered and document by him
in his journal that he got as a present for Christmas , it was a nice one too! leatherbound , Iron corners so that it would.... Anyway I'm getting off the track.

During his last school years Andrzej saw propaganda posters for the military and he thought it would be a good idea , but back then Conscription was still on
so there was no need to recruit your self  , Just finish the schools and you're automatically in the army for around a year , so Andrzej just waited untill
he finished his schools , Passed his Exams with all B's and C's and went off to the army.

While in the army he got around to meeting a lot of people , Some interesting , Some not. Many of the training excercises took place in the forest which was
a great way for Andrzej to quench his exploration taste along with the newley developed shooting taste and the explosives taste , which was growing ever bigger

After the army expiriance , Andrzej got a normal job as a carpenter and a normal boring life.... Which never truley satisifed Andrzej's quench for adventure
, Nor the newley developed need for explosions ,But one day a stranger came into Andrzej's favourite bar , He looked bruised and Carried a military like suit
, So Andrzej went on and talked to him and found out about ......''THE ZONE!!!!'' which was a dangerous and exciting place filled with anomalies and potential
treasures , both of which could lead to a short and painfull death , But like I mentioned earlier Andrej loved adventure , and after saying his farewells to his
family , Which by the way was already crying that he will never come back even before he left , Andrzej hopped on with the Stranger and left for the zone.


Faction Related Information[/b][/size]

What is Duty?: Duty is a Private miltary company which wishes to Harvest / Destroy the zone.

Why do you wish to join Duty?: I wish to join duty because it seems like the most organized ( Other than the corrupt military) and best
funded group in the game , I also like the society of duty soliders that it has along with it.

Who is the DUTY leader?:[/size] Lt.Col. Dave Grossman||HGN-STSA|Gooszvor!ÿ

Roleplay Knowledge

Describe Injury RP: Injury rp is when , Someone shoots you into the leg and you act like you really got shot , I.e falling down to the ground screaming in pain.

What is Metagaming: Metagaming is taking OOC knowledge into in character situations , I.E // Yo dawg I'm growing weed , T'is good shit , And then you go to arrest that guy , Thats metagaming.

What is Metaspeak: Metaspeak is using Emoticons in In-Character situations , I.e Lolz that guy got POONED :D :D.

Describe RDM: Killing someone without a propper RP reason , Does not apply to Npc's since they will not rp with you , just kill you.....

What is the difference between RDM and STK: Rdm has no reason at all and STK , Shoot to Kill has a reason to kill a person.

Can you take responsibility for your actions?:
Yes I can!

(https://forums.hypergamer.net/proxy.php?request=http%3A%2F%2Fi530.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fdd345%2FFragger21%2FPending.png&hash=b16d1cb9ddc572cf71f014d295e666594193c52e) Pending, Two week trail fuck up in that time limit and you are gone, No warnings no second chances.
Title: Re: -=DUTY=- Applications: Open
Post by: Dstirling on 11-02-2012
Out-Of-Character Information
Steam Friends Name:|HGN| Stirling

STEAM ID: STEAM_0:1:20017080 

Timezone: Pacific standard Time

How long have you been roleplaying?: 6 years

How long have you played on the server?: 1 year

Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?: Yes all three

Do you have any real life military knowledge?:Yes. I come from a military family

Can you follow orders?: Yes

Recommendations: N/a

In-Character Information
Name: Edvard Brilev

Age: 32

Skill set: Weapons expierence, Machanic

Backstory: Edvard grew up with his father in the slums of St. Petersburg, His mother had died in childbirth and had no other siblings. His father owned a small auto-garage which he started to work at a early age. When he turned 18 his father died of a heart attack and he took over ownership of the garage. He ran the garage for eight years without incident, he then met his wife to be one day when she came into his garage. Then lived happily for four years, But then a new menace came to their slums in the form of a mob boss and drug dealer. Edvard could not come up with the protection money that he owned the mob boss, so the mob boss murdered his wife and burned his garage to the ground while he was out picking up parts. Edvard returned to his burned down garage to find his wife dead, he then went into a mindless rage and killed the mob boss in cold blood. The police then wanted him for murder, so bartered passage with a man he met in the slums that helped people get into the zone.

The man he had met in the slum had bribed some military officers that supplied the bases in the zone to hide Edvard in the back of one of their convoy trucks. The military officers betrayed Edvard and threw him out of the truck into a ditch he was fortunate enough to run accross a group of three stalkers the next day who upon hearing his story decided to accept him into thir group. He traversed the Zone for 3 and a half years. Edvard and his group of stalkers went after a stash in an abandoned hospital, they found the stash in the basement and went to leave when they heard a bloodcurdeling screech and the man at the back of the party was torn appart by what appeared to be a blood sucker. The men opened fire while running for the exit but before they reached the door one of the remaining stalkers was pulled into side room and killed. When they reached the hospital lobby the final stalker told Edvard to run ahead while he tried too chained the door closed. While Edvard was running he heard the death cries of his final companion, that was when he swore revenge on the Zone and the mutants in it.   

Faction Related Information
What is Duty?: Duty is a most ex-millitary organization founded to stop the expansion of the Zone.

Why do you wish to join Duty?: I like the ideology of Duty, and they are the badasses of the Zone.

Who is the DUTY leader?:Lt.Col. Dave Grossman||HGN-STSA|Gooszvor!ÿ

Roleplay Knowledge
Describe Injury RP: Is when your in a fight and you are shot in an arm of leg you would react to being hit by falling down or not being able to use that part of your body.

What is Metagaming: Metagaming is using OCC Knownledge IC

What is Metaspeak: Using Emoticons IC

Describe RDM: Is attacking someone without reason or fair warning. Ex: Running up to someone and shooting them in the back of the head.

What is the difference between RDM and STK: RDM is random attacking someone without Rping, and STK is used a fight that both parties agree that they with not Rp.. Just Spray and prey

Can you take responsibility for your actions?: Yes.

(https://forums.hypergamer.net/proxy.php?request=http%3A%2F%2Fi530.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fdd345%2FFragger21%2FPending.png&hash=b16d1cb9ddc572cf71f014d295e666594193c52e) Pending, You are not great at writing stories are yea? Anywhom 1 week trial fuck up and your gone, Come to me to be armed.
Title: Re: -=DUTY=- Applications: Open
Post by: Rexrunaway on 18-02-2012
Out-Of-Character Information

Steam Friends Name:Joke
STEAM ID:STEAM_0:0:30718105
Timezone:+1 GTM
How long have you been roleplaying?:1 and a half year
How long have you played on the server?:almost 2 months
Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?: All of them
Do you have any real life military knowledge?:Just a lot of gaming
Can you follow orders?:ALL OF THEM
Recommendations:|HGN| A131891 would rec me.
In-Character Information

Name:Kazimir Laniska
Skill set:Weapons
Backstory:He was born as any person would of been, in a ukranian hospital with everything you normally would.
He was brought up for the first 15 or so years with his elder brother by his mum, dad having left a year after Kazimir was born. At the age of 8, Kazimir grew a pair, exploring places with his brother that were off-limits - at the same time learning how to sneak about etc - owned by gangs and so on. They quickly got bored of that, moving on to just what any normal youngster would do. On the age of 13, dad came back. Now, the two brothers weren't exactly pleased with him.
Dad shortly left after a week, the older brother having threatened him with god knows what.
After that, the elder brother, now 16, signed up for the army.
Now, Kazimir absolutely LOVED his brother, and decided to follow in his footsteps. He decided he wanted to be demolitions, but then was told he wasn't smart enough. He then decided to be just a normal infantryman. He thought to practice, but was too poor to afford even a dinky little plinky gun.
At 16, he signed up for the ukrainian army. He was accepted, and did standard on everything and on some low(one being medical) except one- marksmanship. His instructor said he was a natural, and after a couple more tests, he was asked if he wanted to try for the famous and coveted role of the sniper. He said yes.
After just about getting through fieldcraft, which he loved - just had diffuculty doing it, he completed his sniper training, getting the world-reknowned two barrels-crossed sniper badge. He was then attached to a unit and went through many years doing basiclly nothing, just getting more fit from exercise while the rest got fat and lazy. At this time, he decided to start a diary.
2 days after, On July 16, 2009 his divisjon was sent to the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant, and they was attacked by mutants.
' The squad I'm in has been decimat-d..... I watched it through my.... Rifle... I feel, I don't know. '
He was severly affected by that, and ocasionly has nightmares of it. After that, he was given a spotter and sent on missions with him. The spotter was, suprisingly to him, a woman. They both liked each other.
Then the incident happened, and they were sent to the zone. She died. He was angry, but carried on with his job, trained to do so. He fought tooth and neck out there, and the army just did nothing. He quit, not that they knew, they thought him dead. He had lost his loving ghillie suit, making it harder for him to hide, which he still did half decent in, though. He had also had his draganov split in half by a freindly mutant. After some wandering, he ended up encountering duty. 5 minutes later he had written an app form and was smoking a cig given to him by a friendly croot.

Faction Related Information
 What is Duty?:Duty is the faction that wants to destroy everything about the Zone. They are a past group of Ukrainian military, who were left in the zone while the mutants attacked them, causing them to have the desire to destroy everything. They do not like Bandits, as they extort money from the stalkers, but will help free stalkers, and offer them support, especially if it helps them reach their own goal.
Why do you wish to join Duty?:I wish to fight to destroy the zone and all mutants in it. I want to purge the Zone, as if it got out, the world would be in hazardous conditions. OOCly, I want to help a faction become more active and assist them in recovery of active members.

Who is the DUTY leader?:lt Col. Dave Grossman                   
                                                                  Roleplay Knowledge
Describe Injury RP:When a player is shot or injured and role plays the injures correctly. This is a signifigant indication that the player is experienced in role play.

What is Metagaming:Using OOC knowledge in IC.

What is Metaspeak:Using things like  :-[ :P ::) , :O ,LOLOLOL,or other things
Describe RDM: Killing someone without actually having an IC reason.

What is the difference between RDM and STK:RDM is when you kill someone without an RP reason,but STK is when both parties agree to fight.Or it could be for a faction battle.

Can you take responsibility for your actions?: Yes i really can.

(https://forums.hypergamer.net/proxy.php?request=http%3A%2F%2Fi530.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fdd345%2FFragger21%2Fdeniied.png&hash=e9bcf34e4b7297a6486f66f5686d5faebf08837f) Back story was not the greatest, I've never seen you on the server and this is your first post, Play on the server more because i have asked around no one has any idea who you are...
Title: Re: -=DUTY=- Applications: Open
Post by: Lucky Pig on 18-02-2012
Out-Of-Character Information

Steam Friends Name:|HGN| Lucky Pig

STEAM ID:STEAM_0:0:8590143


How long have you been roleplaying?:2 years or so

How long have you played on the server?:7 months or so

Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?:SoC and CoP

Do you have any real life military knowledge?:Have read some books on the subject...

Can you follow orders?:Yes I can.


In-Character Information

Name:Makariy Popov                                                                                                                                                                             


Skill set:A mechanic and a hunter                                                                             

Backstory:Born 1983 12th of December. A mechanic from the streets of Kiev. Makariy learned technical skills during his years in the orphanage from the janitor who worked there. The janitor had a small business near the orphanage, a garage called Tires and Bumpers and Makariy used to go and help him after he had finished his work at the orphanage and as "payment" the janitor teached him. For some reason Makariy never learned the real name of that janitor always calling him by that name.

After Makariy turned 18 he moved out of the orphanage to the Tires and Bumpers and worked there until 2008 when he met Inessa Petrenko an Ukrainian daughter of a farmer who lived a hundred miles from "the Zone". Makariy fell in love with the young Inessa and moved with her to her father's farm in Ukraine. There Makariy got married with Inessa and lived at her fathers farm up until 2014. When a former Freedom member who had escaped the zone, being high, robbed the farm and killed Inessa's father and first raped and then killed Inessa too whilst Makariy was in a nearby town buying a new rifle and other hunting equipment. When Makariy reached the farm he had already loaded the weapons hoping to see some animals to test the rifle and the pistol he had bought. The former Freedom member was loading up their truck with everything he found inside. Makariy noticed something was wrong, sneaked behind the house and looked in through the window and saw the bodies of his dear wife and father in law. Makariy was suddenly taken over by rage and urge to kill that stranger raiding his new home so he sneaked behind him and knocked him unconcious and tied him up wanting to question him. Half an hour passed and then the former Freedom member started to stir Makariy grabbed him and shouted: "What the fuck are you doing here and why have you killed my family?" Makariy being a big man the former Freedom member was so scared he told everything he knew immediately. Makariy listened carefully to every detail the man told him so he knew how to get into the Zone and to the spot where the Freedom member had been stationed before his escape. Makariy grabbed his weapon and other equipment and also took with him the rifle and pistol he bought earlier, killed the Freedomer taking his gear also (excluding the suit).[/size][size=78%] [/size]

Makariy set out to the zone with his truck and a few days later he reached the place where the Freedom member had told there was a secret entrance. Makariy stopped the car a little before the border and sneaked up-close on foot. Makariy waited for the guards to pass and then sneaked in through the hole. Makariy had reached the Zone and was on his way to join the DUTY to eradicate the it, because that was what he thought was right as it had so many anarchists in there and as the Freedomer had told him, swarming with mutants even more dangerous than humans could possibly be.


Faction Related Information[/b][/size]

What is Duty?:Why do you wish to join Duty?:IC as stated above but OOC I want to bring balance to the server, because Freedom is overpowered at the moment.Who is the DUTY leader?:Lt.Col. Dave Grossman or Goose[/size]

Roleplay Knowledge

Describe Injury RP: If you get hit in the leg you cant run or such.

What is Metagaming: Using information gained OOC In character

What is Metaspeak: Using emoticons or ROFL LOL etc. IC

Describe RDM: Killing people with no RP reason for it.

What is the difference between RDM and STK: In STK everyone agrees that you Shoot To Kill, RDM is just someone being a retard.

Can you take responsibility for your actions?: Yes I can

(https://forums.hypergamer.net/proxy.php?request=http%3A%2F%2Fi530.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fdd345%2FFragger21%2Faccepted.png&hash=289fc1f0eef8009f879392850a99b25e725be219) Back story has got a lot of grammar and spelling errors but seeing as English isn't your first language I'll let it slide. I've spoke with some freedomers who say you can RP so I'm going to set you as a Rct. No Week trail but make no mistake mess up really badly and you will still be kicked out.
Title: Re: -=DUTY=- Applications: Open
Post by: Otto on 18-02-2012
Lucky Pig, you realize you can't be in both Freedom and Duty right?
Title: Re: -=DUTY=- Applications: Open
Post by: Lucky Pig on 18-02-2012
Yeah I just left Freedom dude
Title: Re: -=DUTY=- Applications: Open
Post by: MercUpForHire23 on 19-02-2012
Out-Of-Character Information

Steam Friends Name: Lt.Sevjenko Of Blackout Co.

STEAM ID: Looking for it

Timezone: Eastern time(US and Canada)

How long have you been roleplaying?: About a year and a half.

How long have you played on the server?: I started in December of 2011.

Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?: Yes I Have played Clear Sky and Call of Pripyat.

Do you have any real life military knowledge?: Yes, I study military tactics, weaponry and equipment. I also watch the military channel from the time to time.

Can you follow orders?: Yes, I am a loyal person and do what i am told.

In-Character Information

Name: Vladimir Sevjenko

Age: 27

Skill set: Good Mechanic, Marksman, specializes in military tactics such as Flanking, Breaching, Cover-to-Cover and Hand-to-Hand combat.

Backstory: Vladimir was Born in Moscow. His father was a mechanic for the local police force and his mother worked in a local Restaurant as a waitress. Vladimir would always spend time with his father in the shop helping him fix the things that he could and learning how to fix new things. Vladimir's mother was injured during a robbery at the restaurant and later died in the Emergency room. His father later went into a state of mild depression and developed a drinking problem. He was fired for always drinking on the job. When Vladimir was old enough he enlisted with the police force and started of on a small drug detection unit. His first raids were successful and he later became a sergeant on a S.W.A.T team. Vladimir wanted to see the world and eventually applied for the military. He saw his first action in Afghanistan where he and his squad were assigned to assassinating a HVT.
The mission was successful however Vladimir's squad had lost their Support radio in a Retaliation from the enemy. They held out for a few hours until the rest of the their platoon came and extracted them with mortar covering the helicopters advance. He left the military after 3 years with his two friends Mikail and Misha Zidorbechev. While in the Military they had heard tales of people finding great wealth killing strange beasts in a place called the zone and they wanted their share of the fun.
They headed for the zone as soon as they said goodbye to their families. As soon as they entered the zone they were greeted by a small skirmish between a couple of dutiers and freedomers. They saw how organized the two factions were and decided that the zone wouldn't be to foreign after all. during a small scaving job they entered, without knowing, the lair of a controller. Vladimir was the only one not effected because he saw the controller and hid behind a wall. He was forced to kill his friends in self defense and then he brutally killed the controller bastard with his Kalashnikov and his knife. He wanders the zone looking for a purpose and hopes to find a way to wipe it off the face of the Earth.

Faction Related Information
What is Duty?: Duty is a large group of Paramilitaries who live in the zone, live by a code and wish to exterminate the zone.

Why do you wish to join Duty?: I have always liked the way Duty operated and I want to be a part of something that can influence the zone IC.

Who is the DUTY leader?: Lt.Col. Dave Grossman/ Goose

Roleplay Knowledge

Describe Injury RP: Injury RP is when you get wounded either from gunshot or something else and you act like you have been injured in real life.
Ex: There is a large firefight and you are hit in the leg. you can no longer run.

What is Metagaming: Is when someone uses information typed in OOC to kill, steal, arrest (on different servers). 

What is Metaspeak: When you speak OOC while in character.

Describe RDM: When someone kills someone else in RP without a valid reason.

What is the difference between RDM and STK: RDM is when someone kills someone else without a valid reason, STK is when to people or parties agree to kill each other on sight.

Can you take responsibility for your actions?:
Yes, my mistakes are mine and I must live with the consequences.

(https://forums.hypergamer.net/proxy.php?request=http%3A%2F%2Fi530.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fdd345%2FFragger21%2Faccepted.png&hash=289fc1f0eef8009f879392850a99b25e725be219) Accepted, Come see me in game for equipment.
Title: Re: -=DUTY=- Applications: Open
Post by: MercUpForHire23 on 19-02-2012
sorry I screwed up with the code
Title: Re: -=DUTY=- Applications: Open
Post by: XenosLokios on 01-03-2012
Out-Of-Character Information

Steam Friends Name:{Ñ-D-F}»Ðante«

STEAM ID:STEAM_0:1:17994501

Timezone:(UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)

How long have you been roleplaying?: I have been role playing for many years[Est:6 years] and still trying out new role plays to be a part of.

How long have you played on the server?: Approximately At least 3 months.

Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?:Of course, I have finished playing S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Call of Pripyat.

Do you have any real life military knowledge?: I do not have any real life military knowledge.

Can you follow orders?: Affirmative

Recommendations:|HGN| A131891 [Sldr. Alek Smirnov]
In-Character Information

Name: Chad Dolvic
Age: 26
Skill set:Marksmen, Recon, and Hand to Hand Combat

Backstory: Chad Dolvic being born in a unloving family which set him to a path of misfortune. At age 11, his father abandoned the country for unknown reasons and having to leave his only son with his wife. Chad's mother worked at a bank which was not that popular, but enough to be worthy of purchasing stocks from it. His mother being dishonest with herself thought of committing suicide many times, involving her addiction to narcotics. The people that sold his mother these drugs were a small business of street vendors and criminals. She would abuse her son one day and not remember the next day. She had a violent anger issue, but none felt that it would put anyone in jeopardy. Until the very day on Dolvic's 17th birthday, his mother putting her addiction before her very own son's future. She abruptly started to become more and more aggreesive not caring about her job or anyone else. She quit her job then as soon as she did, she affiliated herself with the drug dealers and criminals. Joining there business came with a price, before being able to join their group they had her do something big. At Age 21, his mother sees the end of her life when she attempted to rob the bank which she had worked at for 11 years. This placed a heavy depression on Chad Dolvic, he decided to enlist himself as a stalker in the Zone. For 5 years, he spent his life training with instructors of Judo and Muay Thai. Now the  hard part of the journey was how to get to the Zone. After hearing many rumors from a neighbor that there were rookies like himself traveling to the Zone. The rumors say that at Mid-Night a group of red trucks horribly labeled "Le..FourDead" that would line up at a abandoned parkway. Chad Dolvic taking the stolen money which his mother died for, was being used to pay for his trip to the Zone. Having enough money to pay off the fee's, now suddenly is half way to the Zone by passing through some strange abnormally. Bringing all my courage to ask what the bus was actually labeled as. Finding out it labeled "LeftFourDead", put me at a uncomfortable and uneasiness which was felt the rest of the way towards the checkpoint. After 2 and half months later he started his journey in the Zone. 
Faction Related Information

What is Duty?: Members of Duty mostly consist of ex-military who have seen the dangers of the Zone and believe it is better to exterminate it's very existence to protect the rest of the world from it's horrors.
Why do you wish to join Duty?: Currently there are not many members of Duty and as such Freedom are many and are currently in control of the Zone preventing Duty from achieving there righteous goal. I believe that what Duty's goal is also exactly similar to mine.
Who is the DUTY leader?:Lt.Col. Dave Grossman
Roleplay Knowledge
Describe Injury RP: For example if you were shot in the leg, you would not be able to sprint or walk.

What is Metagaming: Using out of character knowledge to give yourself an edge in-character.

What is Metaspeak: Using emoticons and abbreviations during In-Character.

Describe RDM: Random Death Matching is when a player randomly kills another for non-realistic reasons.

What is the difference between RDM and STK:RDM is not allowed. Shoot to kill is only allowed when both sides of the battling parties come to an agreement.

Can you take responsibility for your actions?: Sure, I can.

Title: Re: -=DUTY=- Applications: Open
Post by: haxornoob on 01-03-2012

Steam Friends Name: ShadowSTEAM ID: STEAM_0:1:28533213Timezone: (UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)How long have you been roleplaying?: I have been roleplaying for about 2 years.How long have you played on the server?: Ive been on the server for about 2 months now.Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?: Beaten CoP and part of the way through SoC have not played CS yet.Do you have any real life military knowledge?: Yes I have been looking into the military for a couple years now and Im waiting to get recruited.Can you follow orders?: Yes I can follow orders.Recommendations:
In-Character InformationName: Boris 'The Shadow' FavelAge: 24Skill set: Stealth Operations, Melee Combat, Ranged Weapon Combat, Close Quarters Combat, Artifact Locating and IdentifyingBackstory:1st Person.(Age 18) When I was a boy it was pretty rough I got in a lot of fight with the other boys over items I have found. I found it not them so they said give it or they would kick my ass. That was the first time I had ever gotten in a fight when I finished pummeling my fists into the bullies face I felt good that I had put this jerk in his place. After that day that kid never messed with anyone for the fear of getting his ass kicked again. That is when I decided that I would help take down the vial things of the zone. From there on I beat up bullies and helped keep the kids under control they learned that if they hurt someone I hurt them. Not long after that I saw a group of Duty soldiers kill a bloodsucker and that's when I decided that one day I would try to join Duty. So from that day I had been trying to get Duty's attention by killing creatures and helping stop further contamination of the areas around the zone. So that is what I have been doing for the past couple years helping keep the zone in check and trying to get my chance to one day join Duty.
Faction Related InformationWhat is Duty?: Members of Duty are people that would rather see the zone destroyed then see it spread to more parts of the worldWhy do you wish to join Duty?: I want to help try to contain the zone and its monstrosities
Who is the DUTY leader?: Dug
Roleplay KnowledgeDescribe Injury RP: I think injury RP is hard to explain you have to basicly put yourself in the characters shoes and RP what you would feel in that situation example Stalker 1 " /me shoots the stalker in the leg " Stalker 2 " says Ouch that hurt" Good injury would be. Stalker 1 " /me stabs the stalker in the arm with his knife " Stalker 2 " /me clinches the wound with his hand trying to stop the bleeding " Stalker 1 kinda powergamed but I tried something simple.What is Metagaming: he use of OOC info Icly example Stalker 1 " // I just found a stash at the ranger base. " Stalker 2 " Wait 1 secound I will be right there " Stalker 2 Shoots stalker 1 and takes loot also RDM.What is Metaspeak:Using: Emoticons in rp situations or in ic chat.Describe RDM: RDM or Random Death Matcing is killing a player with out rp reason for example you see someone walking and shoot them from a distance because your bored is RDM.What is the difference between RDM and STK: RDM is killing with out reason STK or Shoot To Kill is usually agreed upon most times STM or Shoot To Miss is used in rp situations.Can you take responsibility for your actions?: Yes I can take responsibility for my actions.
Title: Re: -=DUTY=- Applications: Open
Post by: BAMF! on 17-03-2012
Out-Of-Character Information

Steam Friends Name:BAMF!

STEAM ID: STEAM_0:0:646046

Timezone:(UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)

How long have you been roleplaying?: 1 to 2 Years

How long have you played on the server?: 2 to 3 weeks

Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?: Call of Pripyat

Do you have any real life military knowledge?: NOPE
Can you follow orders?: With ease, and like a slave.

Recommendations: NOPE

In-Character Information
Name: Mikhail Fedoseev
Age: 20
Skill set: Recon/Scout

Backstory: Born on January 13th, Mikhail was given birth by his mother Natasia. He was born into a hectic lifestyle, only to be taken care of by his big brother, Mikhail never really learned much, and he was always an adventurous type of boy. He had a loving brother only to be robbed of that when both parents divorced and went their separate ways a few years later. Mikhail unfortunately went with his mother while his brother went with their father. Living an even more hectic lifestyle, Mikhail was constantly beaten by his mother probably because of the drugs and alcohol she had been abusing her body with for the past few months. Getting sick of living a life of poverty, he decided to run only taking with him is a picture of his brother and father, Mikhail yearned for his brother and father, so he went off to make some money. Without an education he wouldn't be able to get a job, until he heard about the Zone and decided to travel there.

The way to the Zone was long a treacherous, trying to avoid being detected crossing the Zone. He later found a truck, it was gunned down, littered around it were bodies of dead STALKERS, people like him trying to cross into the Zone, but didn't make it. Mikhail pressed on ignoring the bloodshed, he wanted to just find a way to get money and finally see his brother and father. He reached a small little camp, it wasn't much, just a bit too 'open', anyways, and Mikhail was met with the STALKERS sitting around the fire and pointing their weapons at him, he tried his best to gain their trust, he didn't even have a weapon on him, Mikhail joined them in a little drinking game, while they told stories of how they got in the Zone in the first place, he sort of thought this small group could probably help him make some money, just before he passed out from drinking too much. He wakes hours later, feeling hung-over with the STALKERS laughing at him and helping him up. They seemed to like him, so they let him tag along for a bit, along the way he gained the trust of each and everyone one of them getting a share of the money bit by bit, only picking the scraps and usually carrying all their stuff. He received a pistol a few weeks later, a makarov to be exact, it wasn't much, but it helped him a bit.

Just a month passed, and Mikhail was sort of part of the group, and became an honorary member of their gang. One day they had gotten a job to help clear out a den of Bloodsuckers. They thought the job was simple, go in and help clear out the building and get paid, simple right? Wrong, approaching the building the group was approaching was suddenly attacked by two bloodsuckers, getting cocky they decided to shoot everywhere barely hitting them only to wake up more bloodsuckers and lead them to their location.

Getting scared and worried he might die, Mikhail fled running as fast as he can shooting behind him leaving the group he called his friends behind, only to be followed by a bloodsucker. He was grabbed from behind and thrown against the ground, wriggling around and trying to get up, he was pinned against the ground by the mutant. Unable to move, he tried shoot at the mutant with the pistol in his hand, he unloaded a full clip into the Bloodsuckers stomach causes it to back off a bit giving him time to run, running as fast as he could not looking back, until he reached a road. Worried about his safety, he was going down the road, only to be met by a figure that seemed to be all too familiar, and it was. Mikhail Fedoseev finally found his brother; their reunion was celebrated, but died down after telling his brother, Artyom, the whole story about their mother, he couldn't hold back his tears. Artyom, shocked to hear this, talked to him about everything that has happened so far, and they both then continued their search for their father Vladimir.
Walking along the same road, they uncover from the distance a body, it was no ordinary body either, it was their father's body. In tears, Mikhail swore to rid the Zone of its Mutants and the danger it poses to everyone. He followed his brother into a place called 'Duty', he wasn't too sure what they were until they spoke to one of them, they liked the idea they had, what they did, and how they did it, and was interested to join. Their father dead and mother off busy killing herself, made it their goal to join 'Duty' to protect people in the Zone and destroy it.

Faction Related Information

What is Duty?: A group wishing to contain everything in the Zone from ever leaving the godforsaken place and keep the world safe.

Why do you wish to join Duty?: Looked like a fun major faction to join and have fun RP opportunities with this group of people.

Who is the DUTY leader?: Ace (Major Stefan)
Roleplay Knowledge

Describe Injury RP: Roleplay in which you are stopped by an action performed by another player.
Example: Shot in the leg, you have to limp.

What is Metagaming: The Use of knowledge outside of the game itself, which is also cheating.

What is Metaspeak: Speaking in OOC while in Character

Describe RDM: Random Death Match, killing with no RPing.

What is the difference between RDM and STK: RDM is randomly killing without no cause, no RP. STK is shoot to kill, but only when authorized.

Can you take responsibility for your actions?: Of course, I'll even point out my own mistakes.


Focus a little more on the pre-Zone backstory; Meanwhile, I'll find a satisfactory method of arranging a little in-character interaction, just to see if this another case of "just a bad writer".
Title: Re: -=DUTY=- Applications: Open
Post by: Paralyzed on 18-03-2012
 Out-Of-Character Information[/color]Steam Friends Name: [SG] Paralyzed
[/color]STEAM ID:  STEAM_0:1:13332432
[/color]Timezone: UTC/GMT +1
[/color]How long have you been roleplaying?: I've been roleplaying for quite around two years now.
[/color]How long have you played on the server?: Originally I've been playing for 10 months, but I'd say actively 2-4 months.
[/color]Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?: No, but I'm planning to do so.
[/color]Do you have any real life military knowledge?: Yes, I've been in the Dutch 11th Air Assault Brigade.
[/color]Can you follow orders?: Yes, no problem at all. I've been taking orders in my military life aswell.
[/color]In-Character Information[/color]
Artyom Fedoseev
[/color]Age: 27
[/color]Skill set: Recon/Scout and/or medical
[/color]Backstory:  Artyom Fedoseev was born March 25th. After a couple of years when Artyom was older, his dad Vladimir Fedoseev decided to take him into the forest, to practice some shooting with his old Fora pistol. By that time Artyom Fedoseev was just 14 years old. Artyom didn't really know why his dad was going to teach him how to handle a weapon, mainly because he was just 14 years old. While his dad took him into the forest, back at home his Mother Natasia Fedoseev took care of the family, such as cooking for them, washing their clothes etc.
After two to three years, Artyom's mother Natasia got pregnant. Artyom was 17 years old by then. There still were eight to nine months left until his mother was given birth. While Artyom's mother didn't know she was actually pregnant the first few weeks, she realized a month later that she indeed was pregnant of a second child. While Artyom's family celebrated of having another, son, brother, family member... they were also a little concerned about it, as it wasn't the right time for them, seeing as the family lived in a hectic life, barely had any food or money to buy themselves proper clothes and/or protection. After eight months Artyom's mother finally had given birth. She was given birth to a boy. Meaning that Artyom now has a little brother. His mom Natasia named her second child 'Mikhail Fedoseev'. Right from the start Artyom Fedoseev started to take care of his little brother Mikhail, he took care of him as if it was his own child. Artyom wanted to give his mom some rest, which is one of the reasons why he took care of his brother. While only a few years had passed, Artyom's mother and father were divorced. Their father Vladimir decided to leave the house, and never returned... while Mikhail was old enough to take care of himself, Artyom decided to go look for his dad, and left both his mom and his little brother alone. While Artyom has been trying to find his dad for several months, he came across an area called the Zone. Artyom didn't know what to expect from the Zone, but after finding a dead body just openly laying on the floor, he figured the Zone wasn't the best place to be, but as he was purely focusing on finding his dad, he entered the Zone even further. While it was hard for Artyom to find himself a job, or food in the Zone he managed himself to stay alive just by finding himself food on the ground, which other people had eaten or drunken from. This was a high risk for Artyom, seeing as he could easily had taken an infection and could have had died because of this. Unfortunate for Artyom he did get an infection from all the rotten meat and chunk that he used to survive. Artyom wasn't able to run anymore, he was totally exhausted and couldn't see things clearly anymore. While Artyom went searching for other people in the Zone , while he was infected and needed urgent help.. he collapsed to the ground, and was laying there for hours. Surprisingly enough the mutants around the Zone didn't end his life...
After several days had been passed, Artyom woke up in a bed. As he looked around him, trying to find out where he was.. there was no one around at the house he was in. Artyom slowly stood up, and decided to check the house for any people, unfortunately there still was no one around.... Artyom recovered pretty quick from his infection, meaning someone had helped him, back at where he collapsed. After Artyom was recovered, and strong enough to leave again.. he found himself some better equipment, a Fora.. the one his dad used, and a kabar 'knife'. While Artyom left the house he was in, walking down the road he saw something into the distance that appeared to look like a human shape. Artyom decided to approach it closer, and saw it was his little brother Mikhail Fedoseev. Artyom couldn't believe his eyes, it was his little brother... but wondered 'why is he here, and why did he leave his mother alone at home?'. Even when several years had passed, Artyom recognized his brother straight away. Artyom was 27 years old, and Mikhail was 20 years. They celebrated their reunion shortly afterwards. After the celebration Artyom decided to ask Mikhail why he is here... and what happened back at home. Mikhail felt in tears, saying his mom started to use drugs after the divorce, and after Artyom left the house. Mikhail said he was nearly beaten to death by his own mother, which is why he decided to leave the house and search for his 'real family'. Artyom was really shocked that his mother actually beaten his little brother. After they talked about what had happened back then, they decided to continue to search for their dad and grabbed all the essential stuff they needed. While they moved back on the road, further into the Zone they found another body at the side of the road... They approached the body closer, and it appeared to be their dad Vladimir. He was completely blood sucked dry from a bloodsucker. They felt in tears together, and were dedicated to hunt down the thing that has killed their father. After finding the body of their dad, they already hated the Zone for its dangers and/or mutants. They decided to look for other people, and walked upon a big complex.. there were soldiers standing behind barricades. Artyom and Mikhail decided to approach the soldiers slowly, as they weren't too sure what kind of people they were and what they were doing here. Artyom decided to talk to one of the soldiers, and found out this group was called 'Duty'. He also found out what they do, and why they're here... seeing as that wasn't the reason Artyom and Mikhail came to the Zone, they didn't care anymore after finding the body of their father.. they were dedicated to join the soldiers 'Duty' to help them destroying the Zone, the thing that killed their father and to keep the rest of the world safe from its dangers.
[/color]Faction Related Information
[/color]What is Duty?: Duty is a group of paramilitary soldiers who want to contain everything in the Zone from leaving it. They want to protect the world from the Zone, to do so their main objective is to destroy the Zone.

[/color]Why do you wish to join Duty?: I've been hanging around at the Duty bar for quite a while, seems to be a great group. I'd just wish to join to help them out, and to get some more activity in Duty.

[/color]Who is the DUTY leader?: Stefan Cosmach - Ace

Roleplay Knowledge

Describe Injury RP: Whenever you get shot, or attacked by a bloodsucker you are supposed to role-play your injuries. For example, you limp or any of that kind.. you simply don't keep running acting like you're not wounded at all. Role-play bandaging the wound, injecting morphine etc. (All by using the /me command).

What is Metagaming: Metagaming is simply using outside information for your own advantages.
What is Metaspeak: Example: 'Stalker (OOC): There are two bloodsuckers in the yellow apartment complex. Basically using OOC for IC related things.
Describe RDM:  RDM is Random Death matching without no actual RP – And with none of the parties agreeing to get killed.
What is the difference between RDM and STK: RDM is Random killing someone with no actual reason other than having your own entertainment. STK is where both parties agreed to be killed on sight. (Usually happens in events.)
Can you take responsibility for your actions?: Yes I can, and will.
Title: Re: -=DUTY=- Applications: Open
Post by: Paralyzed on 18-03-2012
Out-Of-Character Information

Steam Friends Name: [SG] Paralyzed

STEAM ID: STEAM_0:1:13332432

Timezone: UTC/GMT +1

How long have you been roleplaying?: I've been roleplaying for quite around two years now.
How long have you played on the server?: Originally I've been playing for 10 months, but I'd say actively 2-4 months.

Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?: No, but I'm planning to do so.

Do you have any real life military knowledge?: Yes, I've been in the Dutch 11th Air Assault Brigade.

Can you follow orders?: Yes, no problem at all. I've been taking orders in my military life aswell.


[/size]In-Character Information[/size]

Name:Artyom FedoseevAge:27Skill set:Recon/Scout and/or medicalBackstory:Artyom Fedoseev was born in .... on March 25th. After a couple of years when Artyom was older, his dad Vladimir Fedoseev decided to take him into the forest, to practice some shooting with his old Fora pistol. By that time Artyom Fedoseev was just 14 years old. Artyom didn't really know why his dad was going to teach him how to handle a weapon, mainly because he was just 14 years old. While his dad took him into the forest, back at home his Mother Natasia Fedoseev took care of the family, such as cooking for them, washing their clothes etc.After two to three years, Artyom's mother Natasia got pregnant. Artyom was 17 years old by then. There still were eight to nine months left until his mother was given birth. While Artyom's mother didn't know she was actually pregnant the first few weeks, she realized a month later that she indeed was pregnant of a second child. While Artyom's family celebrated of having another, son, brother, family member... they were also a little concerned about it, as it wasn't the right time for them, seeing as the family lived in a hectic life, barely had any food or money to buy themselves proper clothes and/or protection. After eight months Artyom's mother finally had given birth. She was given birth to a boy. Meaning that Artyom now has a little brother. His mom Natasia named her second child 'Mikhail Fedoseev'. Right from the start Artyom Fedoseev started to take care of his little brother Mikhail, he took care of him as if it was his own child. Artyom wanted to give his mom some rest, which is one of the reasons why he took care of his brother. While only a few years had passed, Artyom's mother and father were divorced. Their father Vladimir decided to leave the house, and never returned... while Mikhail was old enough to take care of himself, Artyom decided to go look for his dad, and left both his mom and his little brother alone. While Artyom has been trying to find his dad for several months, he came across an area called the Zone. Artyom didn't know what to expect from the Zone, but after finding a dead body just openly laying on the floor, he figured the Zone wasn't the best place to be, but as he was purely focusing on finding his dad, he entered the Zone even further. While it was hard for Artyom to find himself a job, or food in the Zone he managed himself to stay alive just by finding himself food on the ground, which other people had eaten or drunken from. This was a high risk for Artyom, seeing as he could easily had taken an infection and could have had died because of this. Unfortunate for Artyom he did get an infection from all the rotten meat and chunk that he used to survive. Artyom wasn't able to run anymore, he was totally exhausted and couldn't see things clearly anymore. While Artyom went searching for other people in the Zone , while he was infected and needed urgent help.. he collapsed to the ground, and was laying there for hours. Surprisingly enough the mutants around the Zone didn't end his life...After several days had been passed, Artyom woke up in a bed. As he looked around him, trying to find out where he was.. there was no one around at the house he was in. Artyom slowly stood up, and decided to check the house for any people, unfortunately there still was no one around.... Artyom recovered pretty quick from his infection, meaning someone had helped him, back at where he collapsed. After Artyom was recovered, and strong enough to leave again.. he found himself some better equipment, a Fora.. the one his dad used, and a kabar 'knife'. While Artyom left the house he was in, walking down the road he saw something into the distance that appeared to look like a human shape. Artyom decided to approach it closer, and saw it was his little brother Mikhail Fedoseev. Artyom couldn't believe his eyes, it was his little brother... but wondered 'why is he here, and why did he leave his mother alone at home?'. Even when several years had passed, Artyom recognized his brother straight away. Artyom was 27 years old, and Mikhail was 20 years. They celebrated their reunion shortly afterwards. After the celebration Artyom decided to ask Mikhail why he is here... and what happened back at home. Mikhail felt in tears, saying his mom started to use drugs after the divorce, and after Artyom left the house. Mikhail said he was nearly beaten to death by his own mother, which is why he decided to leave the house and search for his 'real family'. Artyom was really shocked that his mother actually beaten his little brother. After they talked about what had happened back then, they decided to continue to search for their dad and grabbed all the essential stuff they needed. While they moved back on the road, further into the Zone they found another body at the side of the road... They approached the body closer, and it appeared to be their dad Vladimir. He was completely blood sucked dry from a bloodsucker. They felt in tears together, and were dedicated to hunt down the thing that has killed their father. After finding the body of their dad, they already hated the Zone for its dangers and/or mutants. They decided to look for other people, and walked upon a big complex.. there were soldiers standing behind barricades. Artyom and Mikhail decided to approach the soldiers slowly, as they weren't too sure what kind of people they were and what they were doing here. Artyom decided to talk to one of the soldiers, and found out this group was called 'Duty'. He also found out what they do, and why they're here... seeing as that wasn't the reason Artyom and Mikhail came to the Zone, they didn't care anymore after finding the body of their father.. they were dedicated to join the soldiers 'Duty' to help them destroying the Zone, the thing that killed their father and to keep the rest of the world safe from its dangers.


Faction Related Information
What is Duty?: Duty is a group of paramilitary soldiers who want to contain everything in the Zone from leaving it. They want to protect the world from the Zone, to do so their main objective is to destroy the Zone.

Why do you wish to join Duty?: I've been hanging around at the Duty bar for quite a while, seems to be a great group. I'd just wish to join to help them out, and to get some more activity in Duty.

Who is the DUTY leader?: Stefan Cosmach - Ace

Roleplay Knowledge

Describe Injury RP: Whenever you get shot, or attacked by a bloodsucker you are supposed to role-play your injuries. For example, you limp or any of that kind.. you simply don't keep running acting like you're not wounded at all. Role-play bandaging the wound, injecting morphine etc. (All by using the /me command).

What is Metagaming: Metagaming is simply using outside information for your own advantages.

What is Metaspeak: Example: 'Stalker (OOC): There are two bloodsuckers in the yellow apartment complex. Basically using OOC for IC related things.

Describe RDM: RDM is Random Death matching without no actual RP – And with none of the parties agreeing to get killed.

What is the difference between RDM and STK: RDM is Random killing someone with no actual reason other than having your own entertainment. STK is where both parties agreed to be killed on sight. (Usually happens in events.)

Can you take responsibility for your actions?: Yes I can, and will.[/size][/color]
Title: Re: -=DUTY=- Applications: Open
Post by: Paralyzed on 18-03-2012
Out-Of-Character Information
Steam Friends Name: [SG] Paralyzed

STEAM ID: STEAM_0:1:13332432

Timezone: UTC/GMT +1

How long have you been roleplaying?: I've been roleplaying for quite around two years now.

How long have you played on the server?: Originally I've been playing for 10 months, but I'd say actively 2-4 months.

Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?: No, but I'm planning to do so.

Do you have any real life military knowledge?: Yes, I've been in the Dutch 11th Air Assault Brigade.

Can you follow orders?: Yes, no problem at all. I've been taking orders in my military life aswell.

Recommendations: N/A
In-Character Information
Name: Artyom Fedoseev
Age: 27
Skill set: Recon/Scout and/or Medical

Backstory: Artyom Fedoseev was born in on March 25th. After a couple of years when Artyom was older, his dad Vladimir Fedoseev decided to take him into the forest, to practice some shooting with his old Fora pistol. By that time Artyom Fedoseev was just 7 years old. Artyom didn't really know why his dad was going to teach him how to handle a weapon, mainly because he was just 7 years old. While his dad took him into the forest, back at home his Mother Natasia Fedoseev took care of the family, such as cooking for them, washing their clothes etc.

After a few weeks, Artyom's mother Natasia got pregnant. Artyom was only 7 years old by then. There still were eight to nine months left until his mother was given birth. While Artyom's mother didn't know she was actually pregnant the first few weeks, she realized a month later that she indeed was pregnant of a second child. While Artyom's family celebrated of having another, son, brother, family member... they were also a little concerned about it, as it wasn't the right time for them, seeing as the family lived in a hectic life, barely had any food or money to buy themselves proper clothes and/or protection. After eight months Artyom's mother finally had given birth. She was given birth to a boy. Meaning that Artyom now has a little brother. His mom Natasia named her second child 'Mikhail Fedoseev'. Right from the start Artyom Fedoseev started to take care of his little brother Mikhail, he took care of him as if it was his own child. Artyom wanted to give his mom some rest, which is one of the reasons why he took care of his brother.

While only a few years had passed, Artyom's mother and father got divorced. Their father Vladimir decided to leave the house, and never returned... while Mikhail was old enough to take care of himself, Artyom decided to go look for his dad, and left both his mom and his little brother alone. While Artyom has been trying to find his dad for several months, he came across an area called the Zone. Artyom didn't know what to expect from the Zone, but after finding a dead body just openly laying on the floor, he figured the Zone wasn't the best place to be, but as he was purely focusing on finding his dad, he entered the Zone even further. While it was hard for Artyom to find himself a job, or food in the Zone he managed himself to stay alive just by finding himself food on the ground, which other people had eaten or drunken from. This was a high risk for Artyom, seeing as he could easily had taken an infection and could have had died because of this. Unfortunate for Artyom he did get an infection from all the rotten meat and chunk that he used to survive. Artyom wasn't able to run anymore, he was totally exhausted and couldn't see things clearly anymore. While Artyom went searching for other people in the Zone , while he was infected and needed urgent help.. he collapsed to the ground, and was laying there for hours. Surprisingly enough the mutants around the Zone didn't end his life...

After several days had been passed, Artyom woke up in a bed. As he looked around him, trying to find out where he was.. there was no one around at the house he was in. Artyom slowly stood up, and decided to check the house for any people, unfortunately there still was no one around.... Artyom recovered pretty quick from his infection, meaning someone had helped him, back at where he collapsed. After Artyom was recovered, and strong enough to leave again.. he found himself some better equipment, a Fora.. the one his dad used, and a kabar 'knife'. While Artyom left the house he was in, walking down the road he saw something into the distance that appeared to look like a human shape. Artyom decided to approach it closer, and saw it was his little brother Mikhail Fedoseev. Artyom couldn't believe his eyes, it was his little brother... but wondered 'why is he here, and why did he leave his mother alone at home?'. Even when several years had passed, Artyom recognized his brother straight away. Artyom was 27 years old, and Mikhail was 20 years. They celebrated their reunion shortly afterwards.

After the celebration Artyom decided to ask Mikhail why he is here... and what happened back at home. Mikhail felt in tears, saying his mom started to use drugs after the divorce, and after Artyom left the house. Mikhail said he was nearly beaten to death by his own mother, which is why he decided to leave the house and search for his 'real family'. Artyom was really shocked that his mother actually beaten his little brother. After they talked about what had happened back then, they decided to continue to search for their dad and grabbed all the essential stuff they needed. While they moved back on the road, further into the Zone they found another body at the side of the road... They approached the body closer, and it appeared to be their dad Vladimir. He was completely blood sucked dry from a bloodsucker. They felt in tears together, and were dedicated to hunt down the thing that has killed their father.

After finding the body of their dad, they already hated the Zone for its dangers and/or mutants. They decided to look for other people, and walked upon a big complex.. there were soldiers standing behind barricades. Artyom and Mikhail decided to approach the soldiers slowly, as they weren't too sure what kind of people they were and what they were doing here. Artyom decided to talk to one of the soldiers, and found out this group was called 'Duty'. He also found out what they do, and why they're here... seeing as that wasn't the reason Artyom and Mikhail came to the Zone, they didn't care anymore after finding the body of their father.. they were dedicated to join the soldiers 'Duty' to help them destroying the Zone, the thing that killed their father and to keep the rest of the world safe from its dangers.

Faction Related Information
What is Duty?: Duty is a group of paramilitary soldiers who want to contain everything in the Zone from leaving it. They want to protect the world from the Zone, to do so their main objective is to destroy the Zone.

Why do you wish to join Duty?: I've been hanging around at the Duty bar for quite a while, seems to be a great group. I'd just wish to join to help them out, and to get some more activity in Duty.

Who is the DUTY leader?: Stefan Cosmach – Ace

Roleplay Knowledge

Describe Injury RP: Whenever you get shot, or attacked by a bloodsucker you are supposed to role-play your injuries. For example, you limp or any of that kind.. you simply don't keep running acting like you're not wounded at all. Role-play bandaging the wound, injecting morphine etc. (All by using the /me command).

What is Metagaming: Metagaming is simply using outside information for your own advantages.

What is Metaspeak: Example: 'Stalker (OOC): There are two bloodsuckers in the yellow apartment complex. Basically using OOC for IC related things.

Describe RDM: RDM is Random Death matching without no actual RP – And with none of the parties agreeing to get killed.

What is the difference between RDM and STK: RDM is Random killing someone with no actual reason other than having your own entertainment. STK is where both parties agreed to be killed on sight. (Usually happens in events.)

Can you take responsibility for your actions?: Yes I can, and will.


Normally I wouldn't have given you a chance (For the same reason as listed above in the previous application, though there seems to be a little more effort put into your backstory), but recent in-character interaction has persuaded me otherwise. One week trial period.
Title: Re: -=DUTY=- Applications: Open
Post by: motorhead98 on 19-03-2012
Title: Re: -=DUTY=- Applications: Open
Post by: motorhead98 on 19-03-2012
Out-Of-Character Information

Steam Friends Name:|HGN| Zech

STEAM ID: STEAM_0:0:34485415

Timezone:Central time

How long have you been roleplaying?:About 2 year's I went from dark rp to serious rp.

How long have you played on the server?:About a week

Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?:Beat Shoc, Beat CS Still playing COP

Do you have any real life military knowledge?:Nope unless you can count the army then yes.

Can you follow orders?:Of course i can.

|HGN| Lucky Pig

In-Character Information

Name:Rekycov Genrovich


Skill set:Cooking and Recon


Rekycov Genrovich was born a month after the Chernobyl incident, At age 3 his father left to join the monolith, of course rekycov didn't understand much about faction's At age 6 his older brother Petrolize, taught him how to shoot gun's, and taught him many thing's about the factions, Petrolize was a great older brother for rek, At age 15 he moved from terivoz, to Darkdolina From there him and his brother built a house from all the scrap's found around the road, they scavanged just about any thing, for shelter, or food. At age 18 Rekycov decided to join duty, Of course his older brother petro dident want him to go because, thats all he had, rekycov lived in a very small family just his dad and is brother. At age 24 Rekycov decided to move out on his own. And now it's this very day.

Faction Related Information

What is Duty?:Duty is a group of soldiers out to destroy the zone.

Why do you wish to join Duty?:I wish to join duty because thats all his older brother talked about was duty, Rekycov decided to join and is willing to serve in any way shape or form to help duty.

Who is the DUTY leader?:
Stefan Cosmach

Roleplay Knowledge

Describe Injury RP: Injury rp is where if you get shot you must roleplay being hit with a reaction. And act as if you where really shot in real life.

What is Metagaming: METAGAMING is when you use info gained OOC IC

What is Metaspeak: metaspeak is when you use emoticons or stuff like OMG or LOL, IC

Describe RDM: Random Death Match Is Killing Someone Randomly With out a reason.

What is the difference between RDM and STK: Rdm is randomly killing someone with out a reason and Stk is Shoot To kill basicly you dont Shoot to miss you aim for the kill.

Can you take responsibility for your actions?:
Of Course i can.


I... Don't even know where to begin here.

You fail to even mention where your character was born; Not that it matters much, seeing as you proceed to immediately state that the character's father went off to "join the Monolith", apparently willingly.

I could sit here and dissect this, but I'm just going to generalize; It's bad. It needs a lot of work.
Title: Re: -=DUTY=- Applications: Open
Post by: Mathue24 on 28-03-2012
Out-Of-Character Information

Steam Friends Name:Whippy

STEAM ID:..::Mathue24::..
How long have you been roleplaying?:About 1 year.
How long have you played on the server?:45 days
Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?:All of them 2 times

Do you have any real life military knowledge?:Nope , only what I see in movies and games
Can you follow orders?:YesRecommendations:N/A
In-Character Information

Name:Leo 'Messo' Kain
Skill set:Pistols/Lockpick/Shotguns/Rifles/cooking/Sneaking
Backstory: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=emeSBD8DvCc#! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=emeSBD8DvCc#!)
Leo Kain - Chapter one: The valley of the shadow of death

"Kain? Kain..? Jesus man you're alright!"

The man turned around after speaking the small, few, words to Leo. He stares blankly at the bodies of his men laying against the ground with a video recorder aimed at where the corpses lay. He mutters keenly to himself "My god... Leo, what happened!? Did you shoot your men?"

"N-..." The torn, beaten, staff sergeant looked up to the figure above him; he coughed lightly not able to finish off his word.

"Leo, just tell me. We've been friends since eighth grade man... Did you kill them?"

The man continued to stare at the figure above him, the dim lighting not helping with the horrible eye sight Leo was facing. He coughed once more before letting out a small, feeble mumble in response to the man.

"Marcus... I did not shoot them, they were my frien-... fri-."

The beaten man was unable to speak much further, he groaned in pain staring at the man above him, he let out a soft whimper as if begging for forgiveness. He soon lowered his head, unable to speak further.

"I want to believe you Leo, I really do." The man sighed deeply, he ran his hand across his face before looking across at the wall and placed his hands on his hips shaking his head lightly. "The evidence stacks against you Leo, even if you didn't do this they are going to convict you... I can offer you, no I have to give you two options... You either get sent to court in the states and spend the rest of your life behind bars or get sentenced to death or..." The man paused again, a tear running down his left cheek as he continues to speak "Or I can get you out of here... I know a place."

Leo looked up to Marcus, his eyes filled with regret as he slowly nods muttering lightly "I don't... I don't want to die."

The soldier, Marcus, almost broke down, feeling pity for his best friend. He gave a soft sniffle before looking down to Leo again and nodding lightly "I promise you will not die..." He than shook his head "I'm going to have to report that you killed your men... I'll... I'll tell your mother..."

Leo's eyes began to water, the thought of his life starting a new, leaving his mom and dad to wonder if he had actually killed his men haunted him. Unable to move he began to cry. "Help me.... Marcus... Please..."

Marcus bent down lifting Leo up and placing him in a carry, he began to move out of the building heading over too the HMMWV and setting Leo into the back seat before he himself hopped into the Passenger seat, he looked over to the Private nodding. "Head up to Sharif..." The driver nodded before pressing onto the pedal and heading north. Marcus turned around to look at Leo "I have a contact... He'll take you to Ukraine, into the zone... I'll fill you in on the way."

Leo nodded lightly, unable to decline.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=3TIN955FYeg#! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=3TIN955FYeg#!)

Leo Kain - Chapter Two: Entry and DisturbanceThe Truck made a stop at a small shack in the middle of the woods. Two men and Leo hopped out of the truck and headed to the shack, Leo still disturbed by the events said nothing as they entered the building. There was little light, only that of candles and what came in through the windows. The shack was made of wood and had a deep musty smell all around. Leo cringed slightly as they entered. The first man who was about six five began to speak."Alright Sergeant Kain, we need to take your gear and clothes, we have something to start you off with... This will insure your security and make sure no one comes after you." Leo nodded as the man spoke, he headed to the back room still weak from before. He began to remove his ACU's, the last time he would wear it. A tear moved down his eye as he began to remember fully the incident which had occurred him to throw away his life for the zone. The patrol moved down the road, before gunfire erupted. The team left the HMMWV and led to a near by building. Inside the insurgent waited until the last member entered, the sergeant, and smacked him in the face with a rifle. He fell to the ground, unable to move as he watched the insurgent quickly pick up his own gun and shoot down the five members of his patrol. The insurgent bent down afterwords setting the now empty rifle next to him, he looked into Leos eyes with a smile before speaking in Arabic. He then proceeded to beat the already broken man until near death, all he could remember.Knocking of the door was then heard, Leo awoke from his daze as a man called out. "Come on Sergeant! We have to get moving, the gate will not be secured forever." Leo feebly walked to the door, he opened it grabbing the anorak and AK-47 dragging it into the room. He slowly began to slip on the new ware beginning to think of his family. What would they think? Their first son now a federal criminal for a crime he didn't commit. The thought began to destroy him internally as tears began to run down the side of his face. He slipped on the rest, including the balaclava and gripped onto the AK, the tears soaked into the Balaclava as he opened the door. He gripped the weapons sling pushing it into his shoulder as he looked to the two men "Are we ready to go?" Five words better than nothing. The taller man nodded."We're ready, lets go Mr. Kain." The men headed out the door again, they motioned for him to follow and he did.The reached the gates of the Zone, the men hopped out and exchanged nods with a man who was already at the gate. One of the two men handed the figure a large sum of cash before speaking "Take him as far in as you can, set him up well... Take him to a woman named Tammy, she is the only one who can help him." The three men exchanged nods before the figure motioned for Leo to come closer. Leo hopped down from the truck and walked over, his beaten face hidden behind the balaclava. "So, Mister Kain... Are you ready to start your life a new?" The man asked half heatedly, he did not expect a response except motioning for Leo to enter the hole into the gate. Leo nodded before stepping foot into the gate and taking his first step into the zone. They began to walk, and walk they did for at least an hour. "Alright, we are staying here for tonight, set up your stuff, I'll make the fire." Leo set down his sleeping bag and opened it, letting it lay on the cold zone soil. He set down his ragsack so he could take a seat on it while the figure began to start the fire. It was cold in the Ukraine, the events only made him colder, and it was time to finally get warmed up.The fire burned nicely, giving off the crackles of burning wood. Leo rose his hands to the fire allowing them to warm up, he looked over to the figure letting out a weak breathe before speaking. "Tell me... What is the zone?" The figures head rose and stared at Leo, a small grin arising on his face."The zone, to some, is the place of fortune and wealth. To most it is hell on earth, there are creatures that were made here not by gods design, but the devil himself. Welcome to Hell Mister Kain, but I'm sure you have already seen hell yourself if you are here now.""Hell... Hell doesn't describe it." Leo answered to the figure, "It was like being killed, just to be reborn again just to be killed."The figure nodded lightly turning back to the fire. "Who is Tammy?" Leo asked the man as he turned away."She is the only one who can help you now Mister Kain, the only one who can send you back to your family. Now get some sleep."Leo rose from the sleeping bag and entered the sleeping bag, attempting to get some rest before the further journey into the zone. The next morning he awoke near the crack of dawn, he looked over to the man who was sitting by a small dim fire. "Are we... Ready to go?" He asked standing up from where he had slept."Yes, gather your things." The man said as he rose from his seat. Leo gathered his things before they headed out, going further into the zone. About another hour or so passed before they reached a small town controlled by duty.

The new life in the zone began to work well with Leo. After so many drinks, and so many days, the pains of what happened weeks before began to slowly slip by him as he began life a new in the zone. Jobs were not hard to find in the zone and he grew a familiar liking to it. He began to collect artifacts for himself to hold by the campfire.

Later he started to ask people around him about duty , until Leo decided to join duty.
Faction Related Information

What is Duty?:Duty is a group , no its a family . Duty is here to protect the ones that can't protect themselves.

Why do you wish to join Duty?:My favorite faction , with a good idea and i always played for duty in original stalker games
Who is the DUTY leader?: Grossman

Roleplay Knowledge
Describe Injury RP:Its when player RP injury
*Stalker feels a strange feeling in his leg while aiming , he looks down and finds out that he is bleeding*
What is Metagaming:When IC informations are obtained by OCC and used IC
player 1 : ooc / Where are you ?

player 2 : in the freedom baseWhat is Metaspeak: When somebody uses terms like OMG , WTF , :DDD ,
H3y man where did ya f0und that ? OMG !
Describe RDM: Random deathmatch , means when somebody kills somebody with no reasonWhat is the difference between RDM and STK: RDM is a not valid reason to kill , and STK is a valid reason e.g. Stalker kills mutant
Can you take responsibility for your actions?:Yes

Sorry For the problems in line , im not used to this editor . :/


Due to my recently mucked-up sleep schedule, I never got around to checking this; if you're still interested in joining the faction, send me a PM.
Title: Re: -=DUTY=- Applications: Open
Post by: Deathcon on 09-04-2012

Out-Of-Character Information
Steam Friends Name:death_con56
How long have you been roleplaying?:6 years
How long have you played on the server?:For at leats a year, but that was many moons ago.
Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?:All of them
Do you have any real life military knowledge?:My father was special forces and taught me a lot about shooting.
Can you follow orders?:Yup
In-Character Information
Name:Burik Miska
Skill set:Was a recon unit for the military, who was left for dead in the zone.
Backstory: (Three paragraph minimum)Burik, crawled through the bushes toward the edge of the cliff, that mission was simple. To observe the Monolith forces and report back to command. It was supposed to be simple, easy even, but that would be his last day as a Private in the military. As he approached the edge of the cliff he took out his binoculars and watched the squad of Monolith. They moved around in a frantic pattern as if they knew they were being watched. Before Burik could draw his sniper he heard gunshots. Three Monolith soldiers rushed him from his flank side, however they were shooting full auto and not hitting anything. Burik rolled onto his back and pulled his pistol, he dropped two easily but managed to take a bullet in the leg before he took down the third.

Burik took out his knife and dug the bullet out of his skin, and then applied gauze to the wound. Lucky for him the bully hit the meat of his thigh, and would affect his leg in the long term. Unfortunately it would still kill him now, as he limped away from the cliff in an attempt to get away. He pulled out his radio and called in what happened, and didn't receive a reply. He tried three more times, hearing the yells get closer each time, and nothing no reply until his last try he received one fragment of a sentence. "Good luck, Stalker." Burks mouth dropped wide open and he threw the radio into a nearby pond. Burik kept running until his injured leg gave out on him. He crawled to an abandoned crane and set up an outpost. If he was going down, he'd take down as many as possible.

The Monolith squad was down to four after his little encounter, and he dropped another before they took notice to his position. However he was panicked and missed most of his shots after the first one, he barely took down another one as his clip ran dry. Before he could reload, a Monolith soldier rushed up the stairs, Burik only had enough time to drain a pistol clip into him, as he dropped the last Monolith soldier stepped over his body and pulled a long wicked knife. Burik threw his pistol aside and pulled his ka-bar. The Monolith moved toward Burik slowly and deliberately, knowing his was injured and in know shape for hand-to-hand combat. But before he could get any close a gunshot was heard and he fell to the ground. Burik looked astonished and a loner appeared in the doorway. As he approached Burik managed to croak out a "Thanks" the Stalker nodded and asked "You Military?" Burik looked at his arm patched and cut it off his arm. "Not anymore."
Faction Related InformationWhat is Duty?:Duty is a Para-Military faction seeking to contain the Zones secrets by destroying it outright and ridding the world of its monstrosities.
Why do you wish to join (http://www.forums.hypergamer.net/duty/duty-applications-open/#) Duty?:To help re-establish its reputation on the server.
Who is the DUTY leader?:Ace
Roleplay Knowledge
Describe Injury RP:Roleplaying injuries like gunshot wounds, knife stabs etc. Usually done when stationary as not many of these leave you in an sort of condition to walk or move.What is

Metagaming: Using OOC knowledge IC

What is Metaspeak:Using leet-speak IC. Lol, brb etc.

Describe RDM:Randomly killing a player for no RP purpose or reason.

What is the difference between RDM and STK: STK is a genuine RP method usually decided before a firefight or done due to RP reasons. RDM is none of these and has no roleplay purpose.

Can you take responsibility for your actions?:
Of course

EDIT: Fixed


Gonna' have to talk to you, Deathcon.
Title: Re: -=DUTY=- Applications: Open
Post by: Picto Wolf on 14-04-2012
Out-Of-Character Information

Steam Friends Name: |HGN-STSA| Picto Wolf

STEAM ID: STEAM_0:1:19921109

Timezone: GMT

How long have you been roleplaying?: Five years

How long have you played on the server?: Really cant remember.

Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?: Clear sky.

Do you have any real life military knowledge?: Yes I do.

Can you follow orders?: Rodger rodger.

Recommendations:  Paralyzed

In-Character Information

Name: Mikhail Hasakov

Age: 25

Skill set: Field craft, basic first aid, Cooperative, Basic knowledge of warfare. 

Backstory: (Three paragraph minimum) Mikhail grew up in Russia in a small village. He lived with his mother but still kept in contact with his father. They both split when he was young, around the age of one. This was good in some ways as he did not understand what had happen. Mikhail went to a free state school about five miles from his village. In school he we average, did not excel in any academic subject. His strong point was in physical activity. So he went though school not learning as much as his parents wanted this caused problems at home as they always said he would not get anywhere in life. He felt the was always a chance as he was street smart and was fit enough to look after himself. The day his finished school he ended up walking out with minimalistic grades from his attitude as a child.

At the age of nineteen he noticed he was not going in the right direction in life. Was still living in the same village with his mum. Its over a period of a month he came to the idea of joining the russian military This was a shock to all of his family for good reason as Mikhail sprung it on a the dinner table one night. A year later Mikhail managed to get into the army and under go his training. His attitude and mentality changed for the situations he had to deal with. He spent many months perfecting his field craft skill and medical skills as they were essential to his role in the force. After his training was done Mikhail was send off on his first deployment. This was a short one to see how he coped. It was to a outpost on the border of the zone. It is at this point it all changed for him. He saw things he was not trained for. The biggest culture shock for him was the fact not knowing what was inside the zone. One time at the outpost some stalkers were caught trying to get into the zone. He was made to search and investigate what they wanted in the zone. His commanding officer was in charge of the interrogation after Mikhail struggled for the information. He was heartless and butchered the stalkers. It is at this point he knew he could not go thought with it without knowing why they where willing to risk there lives. The officer explained after so long in the army he ended up enjoying what he does. It was then Mikhail knew he could not carry on.

Mikhail had a plan to stab himself in the foot to be sent back so he could fill out his discharge papers, The plan seems reckless but after seeing what happens he was willing. Shamfully a guard some how caught onto his plan. The was not another supply truck coming for a week so they could not send him back. Instead the last words he heard from the officer was "chuck him in." After two years in the zone he was weary of what happened. knowing where to stay away from, he skills learnt before kept him alive. In those two years he found about the factions and what the wanted to achieve in the zone. It was at this point Mikhail could see himself in Duty..

Faction Related Information

What is Duty?: Duty is a paramilitary group in the zone.

Why do you wish to join Duty?: Last time I was in duty I loved the roleplay that came from it along with the structure.

Who is the DUTY leader?: Ace.

Roleplay Knowledge

Describe Injury RP: Injury RP is lets say stalker 1 was shot by stalker 2. Stalker one would /me the injury done. This leads to medical roleplay and alot of passive.

What is Metagaming: Using OOC knowledge IC

What is Metaspeak: Using OOC Knowledge heard in Teamspeak ICly

Describe RDM: Random Death Matching, Walking up to someone. No rp and just STKing them.

What is the difference between RDM and STK: STK is agreed on with both sides of the party.

Can you take responsibility for your actions?: Of course.


Title: Re: -=DUTY=- Applications: Open
Post by: BAMF! on 14-04-2012
Out-Of-Character Information

Steam Friends Name:BAMF!

STEAM ID: STEAM_0:0:646046

Timezone:(UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)

How long have you been roleplaying?: 1 to 2 Years

How long have you played on the server?: 2 to 3 weeks

Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?: Call of Pripyat

Do you have any real life military knowledge?: NOPE
Can you follow orders?: With ease, and like a slave.

Recommendations: NOPE

In-Character Information
Name: Mikhail Fedoseev
Age: 20
Skill set: Recon/Scout

Backstory: Born on January 13th, Mikhail was given birth by his mother Natasia. He was born into a hectic lifestyle, only to be taken care of by his big brother, Mikhail never really learned much, and he was always an adventurous type of boy. He had a loving brother only to be robbed of that when both parents divorced and went their separate ways a few years later. Mikhail unfortunately went with his mother while his brother went with their father. Living an even more hectic lifestyle, Mikhail was constantly beaten by his mother probably because of the drugs and alcohol she had been abusing her body with for the past few months. Getting sick of living a life of poverty, he decided to run only taking with him is a picture of his brother and father, Mikhail yearned for his brother and father, so he went off to make some money. Without an education he wouldn't be able to get a job, until he heard about the Zone and decided to travel there.

The way to the Zone was long a treacherous, trying to avoid being detected crossing the Zone. He later found a truck, it was gunned down, littered around it were bodies of dead STALKERS, people like him trying to cross into the Zone, but didn't make it. Mikhail pressed on ignoring the bloodshed, he wanted to just find a way to get money and finally see his brother and father. He reached a small little camp, it wasn't much, just a bit too 'open', anyways, and Mikhail was met with the STALKERS sitting around the fire and pointing their weapons at him, he tried his best to gain their trust, he didn't even have a weapon on him, Mikhail joined them in a little drinking game, while they told stories of how they got in the Zone in the first place, he sort of thought this small group could probably help him make some money, just before he passed out from drinking too much. He wakes hours later, feeling hung-over with the STALKERS laughing at him and helping him up. They seemed to like him, so they let him tag along for a bit, along the way he gained the trust of each and everyone one of them getting a share of the money bit by bit, only picking the scraps and usually carrying all their stuff. He received a pistol a few weeks later, a makarov to be exact, it wasn't much, but it helped him a bit.

Just a month passed, and Mikhail was sort of part of the group, and became an honorary member of their gang. One day they had gotten a job to help clear out a den of Bloodsuckers. They thought the job was simple, go in and help clear out the building and get paid, simple right? Wrong, approaching the building the group was approaching was suddenly attacked by two bloodsuckers, getting cocky they decided to shoot everywhere barely hitting them only to wake up more bloodsuckers and lead them to their location.

Getting scared and worried he might die, Mikhail fled running as fast as he can shooting behind him leaving the group he called his friends behind, only to be followed by a bloodsucker. He was grabbed from behind and thrown against the ground, wriggling around and trying to get up, he was pinned against the ground by the mutant. Unable to move, he tried shoot at the mutant with the pistol in his hand, he unloaded a full clip into the Bloodsuckers stomach causes it to back off a bit giving him time to run, running as fast as he could not looking back, until he reached a road. Worried about his safety, he was going down the road, only to be met by a figure that seemed to be all too familiar, and it was. Mikhail Fedoseev finally found his brother; their reunion was celebrated, but died down after telling his brother, Artyom, the whole story about their mother, he couldn't hold back his tears. Artyom, shocked to hear this, talked to him about everything that has happened so far, and they both then continued their search for their father Vladimir.
Walking along the same road, they uncover from the distance a body, it was no ordinary body either, it was their father's body. In tears, Mikhail swore to rid the Zone of its Mutants and the danger it poses to everyone. He followed his brother into a place called 'Duty', he wasn't too sure what they were until they spoke to one of them, they liked the idea they had, what they did, and how they did it, and was interested to join. Their father dead and mother off busy killing herself, made it their goal to join 'Duty' to protect people in the Zone and destroy it.

Faction Related Information

What is Duty?: A group wishing to contain everything in the Zone from ever leaving the godforsaken place and keep the world safe.

Why do you wish to join Duty?: Looked like a fun major faction to join and have fun RP opportunities with this group of people.

Who is the DUTY leader?: Ace (Major Stefan)
Roleplay Knowledge

Describe Injury RP: Roleplay in which you are stopped by an action performed by another player.
Example: Shot in the leg, you have to limp.

What is Metagaming: The Use of knowledge outside of the game itself, which is also cheating.

What is Metaspeak: Speaking in OOC while in Character

Describe RDM: Random Death Match, killing with no RPing.

What is the difference between RDM and STK: RDM is randomly killing without no cause, no RP. STK is shoot to kill, but only when authorized.

Can you take responsibility for your actions?: Of course, I'll even point out my own mistakes.


Seeing as your time in Military, short as it was, went by without any issues, I'll give you a shot. I still dislike this backstory, but all the same.

One week trial period.
Title: Re: -=DUTY=- Applications: Open
Post by: Dstirling on 15-04-2012
Out-Of-Character Information
Steam Friends Name:|HGN| Stirling

STEAM ID: STEAM_0:1:20017080 

Timezone: Pacific standard Time

How long have you been roleplaying?: 6 years

How long have you played on the server?: 1 year

Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?: Yes all three

Do you have any real life military knowledge?:Yes. I come from a military family

Can you follow orders?: Yes

Recommendations: N/a

In-Character Information
Name: Edvard Brilev

Age: 32

Skill set: Weapons expierence, Machanic

Backstory: Edvard grew up with his father in the slums of St. Petersburg, His mother had died in childbirth and had no other siblings. His father owned a small auto-garage which he started to work at a early age. When he turned 18 his father died of a heart attack and he took over ownership of the garage. He ran the garage for eight years without incident, he then met his wife to be one day when she came into his garage. Then lived happily for four years, But then a new menace came to their slums in the form of a mob boss and drug dealer. Edvard could not come up with the protection money that he owned the mob boss, so the mob boss murdered his wife and burned his garage to the ground while he was out picking up parts. Edvard returned to his burned down garage to find his wife dead, he then went into a mindless rage and killed the mob boss in cold blood. The police then wanted him for murder, so bartered passage with a man he met in the slums that helped people get into the zone.

The man he had met in the slum had bribed some military officers that supplied the bases in the zone to hide Edvard in the back of one of their convoy trucks. The military officers betrayed Edvard and threw him out of the truck into a ditch he was fortunate enough to run accross a group of three stalkers the next day who upon hearing his story decided to accept him into thir group. He traversed the Zone for 3 and a half years. Edvard and his group of stalkers went after a stash in an abandoned hospital, they found the stash in the basement and went to leave when they heard a bloodcurdeling screech and the man at the back of the party was torn appart by what appeared to be a blood sucker. The men opened fire while running for the exit but before they reached the door one of the remaining stalkers was pulled into side room and killed. When they reached the hospital lobby the final stalker told Edvard to run ahead while he tried too chained the door closed. While Edvard was running he heard the death cries of his final companion, that was when he swore revenge on the Zone and the mutants in it.   

Faction Related Information
What is Duty?: Duty is a most ex-millitary organization founded to stop the expansion of the Zone.

Why do you wish to join Duty?: I like the ideology of Duty, and they are the badasses of the Zone.

Who is the DUTY Leader: |HGN-STSA| Ace

Roleplay Knowledge
Describe Injury RP: Is when your in a fight and you are shot in an arm of leg you would react to being hit by falling down or not being able to use that part of your body.

What is Metagaming: Metagaming is using OCC Knownledge IC

What is Metaspeak: Using Emoticons IC

Describe RDM: Is attacking someone without reason or fair warning. Ex: Running up to someone and shooting them in the back of the head.

What is the difference between RDM and STK: RDM is random attacking someone without Rping, and STK is used a fight that both parties agree that they with not Rp.. Just Spray and prey

Can you take responsibility for your actions?: Yes.


Gonna' pull a Freedom on this one, and call for an IC 'interview' of sorts.
Title: Re: -=DUTY=- Applications: Open
Post by: Predu on 21-04-2012
Out-Of-Character Information

Steam Friends Name: |HGN-STSO| Predu

STEAM ID:     STEAM_0:0:16901706 

Timezone: GMT +2

How long have you been roleplaying?: Around two and a half years. A few servers before HGN but mainly HGN.

How long have you played on the server?: A little over two years.

Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?: Yes, and finished them all.

Do you have any real life military knowledge?: A little, however haven't been in the actual military yet.

Can you follow orders?: Aye, sir.

Recommendations: |HGN-STSA| Picto Wolf

In-Character Information

Name: Fedor Biriukova

Age: 34

Skill set: Engineering. Knowledge with assault rifles, sidearms and explosives. Cooking.


              24th of October, 2010. It wasn't one of those trivial days for Fedor. The government promised "simple work with decent payment" through the Moldovan Military Voluntary Engineering Unit, to many it wasn't a choice of free will. The impoverishment of Moldova strove many workers like Fedor to cheap and insecure work. This time it was the Ukranian Military offering work for the MMVEU. The order came for  Fedor and a dozen of other MMVEU workers to pack their belongings and say goodbye to their families. But a drunkard like Fedor had no time to farewell his family, his thoughts were around alcohol.

             So there he was, after a few hour train trip and now on the back of a truck, Fedor glimpsed outside of the truck, thinking about her family. For the first time, Fedor grieved, almost bringing a tear to his eye thinking about what a miserable bastard he was for not saying good bye to his family and all the times he had embraced a bottle of vodka instead of his son. The truck pulled to a stop and soon the workers were told to step out with their equipment. Fedor sunk the bottom of his boots to the wet mud and could feel the refreshening of the cool water drippling against his face. He looked up, inhaling deeply.

"Save it for the break, worker. We have work to do." Fedor faced the commissar in front of him.
"Welcome to Chernobyl, workers of the free government! Just listen to me very carefully and this will go faster and easier than you expect." The commissar shouted out to all the workers.
"The maintenance of the exclusion zone border is vital to the Ukranian government and military. And it seems they need us to do the dirty work. We will dispatch in a few minutes, prepare your gear and warm up your legs, we have quite a hike to do before we can get to work."

             After an hour walk into the deep nothingness of the forest somewhere near Chernobyl, some of the workers started repeating:
"They are coming, there's nothing we can do."
Fedor was abashed and he could feel something gouge the back of his spine, he was afraid. Somewhere in the forest, the group could hear howling. All the workers came to a halt. A horde of dogs rushed towads the group, they all dispersed, screaming their lungs out. Guns started going off, Fedor couldn't hear anything but gunfire and screaming. He saw a couple workers getting torn by the hounds, it was a bloodshed. Fedor saw the situation being hopeless and started running deeper into the forest. Soon he couldn't see any other human being, but the fear strove him to keep running. He ran and ran, his thought were about his family and getting home.

            Fedor seeked shelter in an abandoned village, he was badly exhausted. Fedor though about what happened just a few moments ago and knew he wouldn't see his family again in a long time. He fell down and started crying. A day had passed and ,what Fedor thought impossible, he saw other people. Thinking they were other workers stranded from the group, he walked over to them. Soon Fedor noticed that the people were unknown to him, he had never met them and thought how they could actually live inside the exclusion zone.

           Having spent a few days in the exclusion zone, he learned a lot about the 'Zone' as they call it. Fedor become more worried about his family as he had heard how the 'Zone' is expanding. Fedor wanted to ensure the best future for his son and didn't want him to become a S.T.A.L.K.E.R looking for him when he grows up. Fedor knew the 'Zone' must be stopped, and he only knew one powerful group that supports his idea.

Faction Related Information

What is Duty?: Originally a group of ex-military striven to stop the 'Zone' from expanding and destroy it.

Why do you wish to join Duty?: I like how Duty is a very professional faction and very devoted to seriousness and expertiseness in combat

Who is the DUTY leader?: Stefan Cosmach aka |HGN-STSA| Ace

Roleplay Knowledge

Describe Injury RP: When you get wounded in combat and you hurt yourself stupidly, you roleplay tending to the wounds and patching yourself up.

What is Metagaming: Using OOC (Out-Of-Character) information for IC (In-Character) purposes.

What is Metaspeak: Using emoticons when typing something IC.

Describe RDM: Formative way to describe it is when you activate your CS:S mode without there being a STK fight at all. As well as if you shoot someone without roleplaying it or roleplaying it properly.

What is the difference between RDM and STK: STK must be consented upon. RDM is just when you do it at your own will without anyone consenting to a gunfight with you.

Can you take responsibility for your actions?: Yes, I can.


Whilst I'm not a huge fan of your story here, Predu, I already know you're a capable roleplayer. So, let's see if the character proves more interesting in action than on figurative paper.
Title: Re: -=DUTY=- Applications: Open
Post by: Poler on 23-04-2012
Out-Of-Character Information

Steam Friends Name: Poler

STEAM ID: STEAM_0:1:30289962

Timezone: CDT

How long have you been roleplaying?: Since I was a little kid, but GMOD wise... about three years.

How long have you played on the server?: About one year.

Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?: Shadow of Chernobyl, Clear Sky, and Call of Pripyat - So yes.

Do you have any real life military knowledge?: In my opinion, even though I am not offically in the Military, I do know a lot about the basic's of the field.

Can you follow orders?: "Yes sir!"


In-Character Information

Name: Trarus Zukov

Age: 31

Skill set: Zukov is best suited for small arms and tracking.

Backstory: (Three paragraph minimum)
Trarus Zukov, a private contract worker, was interested in stories about this so called "Zone". On his available time, Kukov researched about the area, learning about the Chernoybl Distaster, it's inhabitants, and the isolation of the area. His interest's grew upon the area. Learning there is no way to get access to the Zone without being thrown in prison or being shot at the sight of entering, Zukov came up with a plan which took several week's of effort. During the process of planning, he persuaded many friends into helping him out with his little operation, most of which were his co-workers. All experienced in the combative field. At the same time, one of his co-workers, Issac Konn, was leaked much information about the sorrounding patrols of Ukraine Military and outposts, in attempt to avoid them while sneaking into the Zone. Konn also studied the area's geological features, finding the best points to enter discreetly. The planning was finally finished, and Zukov contacted all of his friends into meeting up about one-thousand yards from the Zones borders.

Zukov enter's the waypoint with his gear, and all of his "followers" are all ready geared up at the site. "Alright comrades, we've gone over this plan countless times now, and you all know what to do. Be brave, and whatever you do, make sure you all stick together. Once we get past the patrol's and begin crossing the Zone's borders, it's going to be like hell due to what we know so far about that place. You all ready?" Zukov speaks in a commanding voice. The others nod to him and begin their plans. The group first splits up into two sections, while one staggers, follows behind. Step by step, the group of men hike their way to the Zone's borders, avoiding the known Military patrols. They're successful. Zukov's group, which is following Konn's group, radio's in for location status, "Konn, how close are we to the borders? We've been hiking for a fair bit of time now." Konn replies, "We're very close. Have you heard the screams and odd noises while following us? Shit out here is mad insane, I hope this was a good idea." "It is... and it was. See you on the other side." About ten minutes after the conversation, Konn's group reaches the known border of the Zone and radios in for Kukov's group to meet up with them. Minutes later, Kukov and his crew shows up slowly and quietly, startling one of Konn's members, "Holy shit... no wonder why we haven't been caught yet. Konn is just up ahead, follow me." Zukov's group and Konn's at last meet eyes again, and are exactly at the Zones borderline. "Well, here we are Zu-..." A stray bullet buzzes into Konn's chest, immediately killing him. "Everyone get down!" Zukov shouts out, with Konn's blood splattered on him. The sound of gunfire rolls in and out of the area, bullets race towards Zukov's friends, and blood fills the dirt. A friend shouts out to Zukov, "Zukov! I thought you said we were going to be safe! What the fuck do we do?" "Draw out your sidearm's and shoot back!" Everyone was ordered by Zukov to being along a firearm of some sort's, just incase this situation came. Zukov and his friends begin firing into random spots of the sorrounding tree's, not exactly knowing where the enemy are. One by one, Zukov's friend's continuosly are hit by a stray bullet, and hope is begining to be lost. Laying down on his back, Zukov let's out a deep sigh and begins crawling forward deep into the Zone. The scattered tall grass completly saves his life from being detected as he crawls slowly deeper into the Zone. He must have been crawling for hours, and he never even noticed the gun firing had halted.

Stunned, Zukov stands up slowly and stuggles. He reaches to his feet, and looks upon his arms, noticing his hands and elbows are covered in blood. He shakes his head slowly, and takes out his radio which he was carrying before. Zukov speaks into it with the frequecny set as the same as before, "Hello? Any of you... still alive?" No response appears. Zukov looks around himself, and he is standing in a large open field, a large crater with flames bursting out of it, and follows with earthquake scarred terrain. He blindly stares into the unusual anomoly, "Hmm?" he surprisely hums. Across the field, a group of men approches Zukov in black suits, patterned with red lines. "Oi! You! Stalker! Are you alright man?" One of the men shouts to Zukov. He questions to himself, "Stalker? Me?" Zukov is clueless to the term, and the group of men reach to Zukov's front. "Did you hear me Stalker? Are you alright, your pretty bloody. People may think your a zombie if you don't clean yourself up." Zukov shakes his head and replies to the man, "Yes, hmm... I'm sorry. I have no clue what these terms are you are using." He looks back, "I just got into the... Zone. Is that right, the Zone?" The man looks to his men and chuckles, "Well! Howdy ho there! A Stalker is what we call people around here. It's a term commonly used. Please, follow us, we're just patroling these parts for any danger. We are Duty, welcome to the Zone!"

So, Zukov followed the group of men back to their base. On the way, Zukov witnessed countless strange anomolies, wandering dog's, large abnormal pig's, and other strange mutants. Upon arrival, the Duty soldiers explained to him that the Zone is not a safe place to be wandering around. They informed him that he should save up enough rubles to purchase a rifle along with some physical protection. Zukov was still carrying his sidearm he brought with him though. He said his farewell's to the soldier's and at least ten steps away one of the men shouted out to him, "What is your name by the way?" Zukov turned and shouted back, "Tarus, Tarus Zukov!" Once again the soldier shouted to him, "Nice name, call me Bouche! Why don't you head up down the pathway you were taking, and take your first right path you see! The local bar is located down that path, I'll meet you there!" Zukov gave a slight nod and headed down towards his directions. At his arrival, Zukov sighted a large stone building along with a large sign, 'The Bar'. He entered.

The moment he entered, Zukov spotted many "stalkers" filling their gut's with hard liquor. He walked over to an empty table and took a seat on a rough wooden stool. Tired, he leaned over and floped his body over the table sighing. Moments later, Bouche entered the bar with a few other Dutier's. "Zukov! Come over here," Bouche shouted across the bar. Zukov joined the Duty soldier's in a drink and began chatting. Zukov asked many questions about the Zone, and Bouche was able to answer msot of them. Questions like, "What are some threat's I should worry about, here?" and, "What is the Duty's purpose within the Zone?" A half an hour pasted, and Bouche asked Zukov a serious question, "Tarus... why don't you give Duty a shot. All you have to do is fill out a small application, and do some training drills then your in!" Bouche was being sarcastic. "Join Duty? Well, I do like your purposes here, put an end to the Zone and all, but should I make such a big decision so quickly," Zukov questioned. "Sure! Not many people live long enough to out last a month here, so you should at least do your best to survive. Duty always has your back," Bouche spoke without a lie. "Alright, I'll join Duty, but I will like to get comfortable around this area before I join."

Two weeks of time, Zukov performed a few job's that earned him a fair amount of rubles. He purchased a rifle which he was informed about getting. He purchased some better clothing that is suited with metal plating, and Zukov purchased some medical supplies for himself, just incase. He also gained a few local stalkers friendship while on a job to clear out a bandit camp. Alongside of a job, Zukov earned himself a PDA to keep in touch with these Stalkers, along with Bouche, his closest friend in the area. He decided it was time to give Duty a shot. Zukov pulled out his PDA, and sent a message to Bouche informing him to meet up at a small warehouse, inside of the base. They both arrived, "Zukov, so what is it? Going to give us a shot yet?" Zukov rolled his shoulder before responding, "Yeah, I'll join up with you all. I hope it's worth it." "Oh, it's worth it alright... it's worth it." Bouche smiled.


Faction Related Information

What is Duty?: A group of Ex. Ukraine Military soldiers and stalkers, attempting to their best of abilities to make an end to the Zone.

Why do you wish to join Duty?: For a different RP experience after the end of the Military faction...

Who is the DUTY leader?:
Ace, to my knowledge.

Roleplay Knowledge

Describe Injury RP: For example, if you are wounded by a stray bullet in a specific point, you must injury rp it just as how if you were shot in real life. Attempt to stop the bleeding, take the bullet out if it did not make it's way through the other side, and treating it properly.

What is Metagaming: Learning something OOCly (Out-of-Character) and using it to your benefit's ICly (In-Character).

What is Metaspeak: Using OOC communications while IC.

Describe RDM: Random death-matching. Killing someone without ANY roleplay. Example, shooting someone randomly.

What is the difference between RDM and STK: RDM is out of random without it being authorized. STK (Shoot-to-kill) is authorized and agreed upon by the individuals.

Can you take responsibility for your actions?:
For my actions, yes.


That's still not what I meant, but you put the extra effort in, so at least that shows a certain degree of genuine desire to be in the faction. We'll give it a shot.

One week trial period.
Title: Re: -=DUTY=- Applications: Open
Post by: MajorBradley on 27-04-2012

Out-Of-Character InformationSteam Friends Name:[font='dejavu sans mono', monaco, 'lucida console', 'courier new', monospace][T5-] вяα∂ℓєу 007[/font]STEAM ID:STEAM_0:1:5636167Timezone:GMTHow long have you been roleplaying?:2 YearsHow long have you played on the server?:Last year which Rarr can vouch for and a couple a daysHave you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?: SoCDo you have any real life military knowledge?:NoCan you follow orders?:YesRecommendations:None
In-Character InformationName:Nikolia StykovitchAge: 25Skill set:Dexterity and determinationBackstory: (Three paragraph minimum) Nikolia had grown up with his parents in Lakia. They were a poor family, his mother worked as a cleaner for a much richer family and his dad had no job. They couldn't offord to send him to school so Nikolia only could learn from experiences,His brother had died at the age of 15 causing even more trouble for his family, he had died from a terminal illness, he was a fast learner and by the age of 19 he had heard the word of The Zone a place full of Riches beyond your imagination. He set off to The Zone to try bring his family out of poverty.He had soon realised how terrible The Zone was and wanted to stop its word from being spread to the outside world he had heard of a group called Duty thats role was to keep The secerts of The Zone away from the outside world and to destroy all the abominations that dwell within The ZoneHe had thought about this for a while and decided to see if he could join but before that he had came across his first encounter with a snork and bloodsucker both had terrified him and he wanted to leave The Zone but if he tried he would be caught by The military so had stayedHe was all alone in this terrifying place he still had not met anyone fully only the odd conversation but nothing to get to know someone He had started to do research about more to do with The Zone, he learned of things that were refereed to as artefactsthat could make you some quick cash when you needed it, he had set it to find one with no luck and just returning to the place he always holed up in to sleep.His food supply was dwindling. He needed more food badly. He had resorted to eating what was some form of dog meat he had foundit tasted horrible but that was all he could find, He had enough of living like this He went to Duty to go sign up.Faction Related InformationWhat is Duty?: A group of ex-military Soldiers who believe the secrets of The Zone should not reach the ears of the outside worldWhy do you wish to join Duty?:Well, Duty needs more members than duty so I decided to sign up for Duty instead, neeWho is the DUTY leader?:Lt.ColDave grossman or Ace heartRoleplay KnowledgeDescribe Injury RP:Injury rp is when a player is hurt they are supposed to re-act to their wound in the form of /mes and possibly /its and to not re-act would be considered fail rpWhat is Metagaming:When someone uses OOC information In character What is Metaspeak :Using emitocons IC'lyDescribe RDM:When a player is killed without any /mes and no time to re-act to the situation developing around themWhat is the difference between RDM and STK: STK involves /mes and gives both sides of the fight a fair chance and where both players agree on it as RDm is where a player would just shoot at you with no /mes and no warning of what was going to happenCan you take responsibility for your actions?:[/s Yes I would
Title: Re: -=DUTY=- Applications: Open
Post by: MajorBradley on 27-04-2012

Out-Of-Character InformationSteam Friends Name:[font='dejavu sans mono', monaco, 'lucida console', 'courier new', monospace][T5-] вяα∂ℓєу 007[/font]STEAM ID:STEAM_0:1:5636167Timezone:GMTHow long have you been roleplaying?:2 YearsHow long have you played on the server?:Last year which Rarr can vouch for and a couple a daysHave you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?: SoCDo you have any real life military knowledge?:NoCan you follow orders?:YesRecommendations:None
In-Character Information[font='dejavu sans mono', monaco, 'lucida console', 'courier new', monospace][/font][/size][font='dejavu sans mono', monaco, 'lucida console', 'courier new', monospace]Name:[/font][/color]Nikolia StykovitchAge: 25[/color]Skill set:Dexterity and determinationBackstory: (Three paragraph minimum) Nikolia had grown up with his parents in Lakia. They were a poor family, his mother worked as a cleaner for a much richer family and his dad had no job. They couldn't offord to send him to school so Nikolia only could learn from experiences,His brother had died at the age of 15 causing even more trouble for his family, he had died from a terminal illness, he was a fast learner and by the age of 19 he had heard the word of The Zone a place full of Riches beyond your imagination. He set off to The Zone to try bring his family out of poverty.He had soon realised how terrible The Zone was and wanted to stop its word from being spread to the outside world he had heard of a group called Duty thats role was to keep The secerts of The Zone away from the outside world and to destroy all the abominations that dwell within The ZoneHe had thought about this for a while and decided to see if he could join but before that he had came across his first encounter with a snork and bloodsucker both had terrified him and he wanted to leave The Zone but if he tried he would be caught by The military so had stayedHe was all alone in this terrifying place he still had not met anyone fully only the odd conversation but nothing to get to know someone He had started to do research about more to do with The Zone, he learned of things that were refereed to as artefactsthat could make you some quick cash when you needed it, he had set it to find one with no luck and just returning to the place he always holed up in to sleep.His food supply was dwindling. He needed more food badly. He had resorted to eating what was some form of dog meat he had foundit tasted horrible but that was all he could find, He had enough of living like this He went to Duty to go sign up.
Faction Related Information[font='dejavu sans mono', monaco, 'lucida console', 'courier new', monospace]
[/font][/color][/size]What is Duty?: A group of ex-military Soldiers who believe the secrets of The Zone should not reach the ears of the outside worldWhy do you wish to join Duty?:Well, Duty needs more members than duty so I decided to sign up for Duty instead[/color], neeWho is the DUTY leader?:Lt.ColDave grossman or Ace heart
[font='dejavu sans mono', monaco, 'lucida console', 'courier new', monospace]
Roleplay Knowledge[/font][/color][font='dejavu sans mono', monaco, 'lucida console', 'courier new', monospace][/font][/color][/size]Describe Injury RP:Injury rp is when a player is hurt they are supposed to re-act to their wound in the form of /mes and possibly /its and to not re-act would be considered fail rp [/font][/color][font='dejavu sans mono', monaco, 'lucida console', 'courier new', monospace]What is Metagaming:When someone uses OOC information In character [/font][/color]What is Metaspeak :Using emitocons IC'lyDescribe RDM:When a player is killed without any /mes and no time to re-act to the situation developing around themWhat is the difference between RDM and STK: STK involves /mes and gives both sides of the fight a fair chance and where both players agree on it as RDm is where a player would just shoot at you with no /mes and no warning of what was going to happenCan you take responsibility for your actions?:[/s Yes I would
Title: Re: -=DUTY=- Applications: Open
Post by: MajorBradley on 27-04-2012
Out-Of-Character InformationSteam Friends Name:[font='dejavu sans mono', monaco, 'lucida console', 'courier new', monospace][T5-] вяα∂ℓєу 007[/font]STEAM ID:STEAM_0:1:5636167Timezone:GMTHow long have you been roleplaying?:2 YearsHow long have you played on the server?:Last year which Rarr can vouch for and a couple a daysHave you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?: SoCDo you have any real life military knowledge?:NoCan you follow orders?:YesRecommendations:None
In-Character Information[font='dejavu sans mono', monaco, 'lucida console', 'courier new', monospace][/font][/size][font='dejavu sans mono', monaco, 'lucida console', 'courier new', monospace]Name:[/font][/color]Nikolia StykovitchAge: 25[/color]Skill set:Dexterity and determinationBackstory: (Three paragraph minimum) Nikolia had grown up with his parents in Lakia. They were a poor family, his mother worked as a cleaner for a much richer family and his dad had no job. They couldn't offord to send him to school so Nikolia only could learn from experiences,His brother had died at the age of 15 causing even more trouble for his family, he had died from a terminal illness, he was a fast learner and by the age of 19 he had heard the word of The Zone a place full of Riches beyond your imagination. He set off to The Zone to try bring his family out of poverty.He had soon realised how terrible The Zone was and wanted to stop its word from being spread to the outside world he had heard of a group called Duty thats role was to keep The secerts of The Zone away from the outside world and to destroy all the abominations that dwell within The ZoneHe had thought about this for a while and decided to see if he could join but before that he had came across his first encounter with a snork and bloodsucker both had terrified him and he wanted to leave The Zone but if he tried he would be caught by The military so had stayedHe was all alone in this terrifying place he still had not met anyone fully only the odd conversation but nothing to get to know someone He had started to do research about more to do with The Zone, he learned of things that were refereed to as artefactsthat could make you some quick cash when you needed it, he had set it to find one with no luck and just returning to the place he always holed up in to sleep.His food supply was dwindling. He needed more food badly. He had resorted to eating what was some form of dog meat he had foundit tasted horrible but that was all he could find, He had enough of living like this He went to Duty to go sign up.
Faction Related Information[font='dejavu sans mono', monaco, 'lucida console', 'courier new', monospace][/font][/color][/size]What is Duty?: A group of ex-military Soldiers who believe the secrets of The Zone should not reach the ears of the outside worldWhy do you wish to join Duty?:Well, Duty needs more members than duty so I decided to sign up for Duty instead[/color], neeWho is the DUTY leader?:Lt.ColDave grossman or Ace heart
[font='dejavu sans mono', monaco, 'lucida console', 'courier new', monospace]Roleplay Knowledge[/font][/color][font='dejavu sans mono', monaco, 'lucida console', 'courier new', monospace][/font][/color][/size]Describe Injury RP:Injury rp is when a player is hurt they are supposed to re-act to their wound in the form of /mes and possibly /its and to not re-act would be considered fail rp [/font][/color][font='dejavu sans mono', monaco, 'lucida console', 'courier new', monospace]What is Metagaming:When someone uses OOC information In character [/font][/color]What is Metaspeak :Using emitocons IC'lyDescribe RDM:When a player is killed without any /mes and no time to re-act to the situation developing around themWhat is the difference between RDM and STK: STK involves /mes and gives both sides of the fight a fair chance and where both players agree on it as RDm is where a player would just shoot at you with no /mes and no warning of what was going to happenCan you take responsibility for your actions?:[/s Yes I would
Title: Re: -=DUTY=- Applications: Open
Post by: MajorBradley on 27-04-2012
Out-Of-Character Information

Steam Friends Name: вяα∂ℓєу 007


Timezone: GMT

How long have you been roleplaying?: 2 Years

How long have you played on the server?: Last year which Rarr can vouch for and a couple a days

Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?: SoC

Do you have any real life military knowledge?: No

Can you follow orders?: Yes


In-Character Information

Name: Nikolia Stykovitch

Age: 25

Skill set: Dexterity and determination

Backstory: (Three paragraph minimum) Nikolia had grown up with his parents in Lakia. They were a poor family, his mother worked as a cleaner for a much richer family and his dad had no job. They couldn't offord to send him to school so Nikolia only could learn from experiences,His brother had died at the age of 15 causing even more trouble for his family, he had died from a terminal illness, he was a fast learner and by the age of 19 he had heard rumours about a place called The Zone and decided to do more research about it and to find it was located in Chernobyl and that it was filled with mutated creatures, The Zone was a place full of Riches beyond your imagination. As of all people he would wanted to be engulfed in its riches.

He set off to The Zone with a group of friends, his goal to try bring his family out of poverty.Military forces  had been guarding the entrance to The Zone,so they had snuck round into another tunnel some of them dying from things so called as anomalies. He had soon realised how terrible The Zone was and wanted to stop its word from being spread to the outside world he had heard of a group called Duty thats role was to keep The secerts of The Zone away from the outside world and to destroy all the abominations that dwell within The Zone. He had thought about this for a while and decided to see if he could join but before that he had came across his first encounter with a snork and bloodsucker both had terrified him and he wanted to leave The Zone but if he tried he would be caught by The military so had stayed He was all alone in this terrifying place he still had not met anyone fully only the odd conversation but nothing to get to know someone.

He had started to do research about more to do with The Zone, he learned of things that were refereed to as artefacts that could make you some quick cash when you needed it, he had set it to find one with no luck and just returning to the place he always holed up in to sleep.His food supply was dwindling. He needed more food badly. He had resorted to eating what was some form of dog meat he had found it tasted horrible but that was all he could find, He had enough of living like this He went to Duty to go sign up.He definitely didn't want word of The Zone reaching the outside world. 

Faction Related Information

What is Duty?: A group of ex-military Soldiers who believe the secrets of The Zone should not reach the ears of the outside world.

Why do you wish to join Duty?: Well, Duty needs more members than Freedom so I decided to sign up for Duty instead.

Who is the DUTY leader?:
Stephan Cosmach (Ace)

Roleplay Knowledge

Describe Injury RP: Injury rp is when a player is hurt they are supposed to re-act to their wound in the form of /mes and possibly /its and to not re-act would be considered fail rp.

What is Metagaming: When someone uses OOC information In character.

What is Metaspeak: Using emitocons IC'ly

Describe RDM: When a player is killed without any /mes and no time to re-act to the situation developing around them

What is the difference between RDM and STK: What is the difference between RDM and STK: STK involves /mes and gives both sides of the fight a fair chance and where both players agree on it as RDm is where a player would just shoot at you with no /mes and no warning of what was going to happen.

Can you take responsibility for your actions?:


Still not liking the writing. Calling for an IC interview.
Title: Re: -=DUTY=- Applications: Open
Post by: MajorBradley on 28-04-2012
Quote from: MajorBradley on 27-04-2012
Out-Of-Character Information

Steam Friends Name: вяα∂ℓєу 007


Timezone: GMT

How long have you been roleplaying?: 2 Years

How long have you played on the server?: Last year which Rarr can vouch for and a couple a days

Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?: SoC

Do you have any real life military knowledge?: No

Can you follow orders?: Yes


In-Character Information

Name: Nikolia Stykovitch

Age: 25

Skill set: Dexterity and determination

Backstory: (Three paragraph minimum) Nikolia had grown up with his parents in Lakia. They were a poor family, his mother worked as a cleaner for a much richer family and his dad had no job. They couldn't offord to send him to school so Nikolia only could learn from experiences,His brother had died at the age of 15 causing even more trouble for his family, he had died from a terminal illness, he was a fast learner and by the age of 19 he had heard rumours about a place called The Zone and decided to do more research about it and to find it was located in Chernobyl and that it was filled with mutated creatures, The Zone was a place full of Riches beyond your imagination. As of all people he would want to be engulfed in its riches.

He set off to The Zone with a few of his friends off the streets, his goal was  to try bring his family out of poverty.He had soon realised how terrible The Zone was and wanted to stop its word from being spread to the outside world he had heard of a group called Duty thats role was to keep The secerts of The Zone away from the outside world and to destroy all the abominations that dwell within The Zone. He had thought about this for a while and decided to see if he could join but before that he had came across his first encounter with a snork and bloodsucker both had terrified him and he wanted to leave The Zone but if he tried he would be caught by The military so had stayed He was all alone in this terrifying place he still had not met anyone fully only the odd conversation but nothing to get to know someone.

He had started to do research about more to do with The Zone, he learned of things that were refereed to as artefactsthat could make you some quick cash when you needed it, he had set it to find one with no luck and just returning to the place he always holed up in to sleep.His food supply was dwindling. He needed more food badly. He had resorted to eating what was some form of dog meat he had foundit tasted horrible but that was all he could find, He had enough of living like this He went to Duty to go sign up.

Faction Related Information

What is Duty?: A group of ex-military Soldiers who believe the secrets of The Zone should not reach the ears of the outside world.

Why do you wish to join Duty?: Well, Duty needs more members than duty so I decided to sign up for Duty instead.

Who is the DUTY leader?:
Stephan Cosmach (Ace)

Roleplay Knowledge

Describe Injury RP: Injury rp is when a player is hurt they are supposed to re-act to their wound in the form of /mes and possibly /its and to not re-act would be considered fail rp.

What is Metagaming: When someone uses OOC information In character.

What is Metaspeak: Using emitocons IC'ly

Describe RDM: When a player is killed without any /mes and no time to re-act to the situation developing around them

What is the difference between RDM and STK: What is the difference between RDM and STK: STK involves /mes and gives both sides of the fight a fair chance and where both players agree on it as RDm is where a player would just shoot at you with no /mes and no warning of what was going to happen.

Can you take responsibility for your actions?:


You seem to have missed the 'three paragraph minimum' note in the application code, you've only got one here. Could probably parcel it out into three if you tried, but 'eh, get it fixed.

I've still read what's here though, and lemme' tell ya', you're walking a fine line against 'generic sob story background' here. Might want to think about revising it. That's to say nothing of the bare-minimum explanation as to how the character even discovered the Zone to begin with, which is, you guessed it, also a problem. I'll check back on this in a day or so and check on your revisions. Restamp then.

Title: Re: -=DUTY=- Applications: Open
Post by: INA7HAN on 28-04-2012
Out-Of-Character Information

Steam Friends Name: |HGN| NA7HAN

STEAM ID:STEAM_0:0:21050188

Timezone: GMT

How long have you been roleplaying?: 2 years maybe more

How long have you played on the server?: Since i joined HGN 9 months or more ago

Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?: All three, completed COP and CS, currently finishing off SOC

Do you have any real life military knowledge?: I'm part of the Army cadets, i play lots of military games such as the Arma series, Operation flashpoint series and Ghost recon.

Can you follow orders?: Yes i can


In-Character Information

Name: Chekov Lagunov


Skill set: Strong build, experiance with a range of warsaw weaponry, basic weapon maintainace

Backstory: (Three paragraph minimum)
Chekov was the oldest of his brothers, he had two brothers Nicolai the second oldest and Vladimir the youngest brother. They all got on well, but Chekov got on better with Nicolai due to him being only two years younger than himself. Chekov saw it to himself to protect his family due to their father leaving while Chekov was six years old. He beat up alot of people who said wrong about his family or harmed them, he got beaten up alot himself also. Chekov is very determined and will even fight forces who out match him to protect his family. Chekov would often fight Nicolais battles for him as Nicolai couldn't fight them himself. When the brothers were older Chekov was not needed to help Nicolai anymore as he had built up his strength. At around 20 Chekov was working in a factory packaging products, he didn't do well in school or collegue and so he was stuck in the factory.

At 21 he left the factory and became a boxer fighting in the illegal underground fights. He became a good fighter and won more than he lost, because of this a gang put a pretty big bet on him to win a fight, but Chekov lost and the gang wanted their money. They told him to get the money or they would kill him, he had hardly any money as his prize money was spent on food and rent. He knew he had to leave for somewhere but he had no idea where he could go. He soon started hearing rumours about a strange place in the zone and saw it as a new begininng for him, a place to escape to.

He entered the zone and travelled around in the Cordan acquiring money, gear, knowledge and experiance to help him in his dangerous life. Nicolai knew Chekov had left for the zone and followed him after a while. Vladimir the youngest brother was a child at  heart and envied his brothers, he thought the zone was a game, and adventure and he followed in their footsteps. Vladimir was not built for the zone at all, he was to nice and weak. After a week in the zone Vladimir who went by the name 'Lightning' trying to copy Nicolais codename 'Thunder', was killed by a boar. When Chekov caught word of his brothers death he believed it was his fault he was dead just as Nicolai thought it was his fault also. Chekov began to hate the zone and mutants alike, he began hunting mutants on a small scale killing dogs, and fleshes. He stayed away from blood suckers due to their strength and stealth. At 24 he saw a group of men armed to the teeth with black and red combat suits. He watched them hunt down some blood suckers and kill them efficiently with no casualties, he approached the group and spoke to them wondering who they were. He found out that they were a faction in the zone known as Duty, that they were trying to keep the zone from expanding and kill all mutants possible. That they saw the zone as a curse and not a gift, Chekov liked the ideas of Duty and wanted to try and avenge his brother in some way, he followed the Duty patrol back to their base where he spoke to a recruiter and joined the ranks of Duty 

Faction Related Information
What is Duty?: A faction made up of ex paramilitary and S.T.A.L.K.E.Rs. They believe that mutants may escape from the zone and attack the outside world so they are trying to purge the zone of mutants.

Why do you wish to join Duty?: I like the faction and would like to try and make it more active.

Who is the DUTY leader?:  Major Stephan Cosmach (Ace)

Roleplay Knowledge

Describe Injury RP: Injury rp is where you rp injuries you have obtained e.g /me Is shot in the leg and collapses to the floor gripping the wound in pain

What is Metagaming: When you use OOC information IC e.g That characters description is blue so he's a bandit, i'm going to kill him

What is Metaspeak: Using smilies in character such as :) :D XD :( :/

Describe RDM: Random deathmatch is when a player kills another player randomly without reason and without the consent of the other player.

What is the difference between RDM and STK: Shoot to Kill (STK) is used when both players agree to a gunfight, it is not like RDM as the player has agreed to the fight.

Can you take responsibility for your actions?:
Yes i can


Whilst we're bordering uncomfortably on 'sob story' territory again, I suppose I've seen worse. At least the concept is rather unique, I can't seem to recall any characters with a boxing background, but eh, I'm sure there was one or two at some point.

All the same, the grammar & spelling here burns my eyes in a near-literal fashion. So, in order to more fully gauge your roleplaying abilities (And whether or not the aforementioned poor grammar & spelling will be a problem), I'm calling for an IC interview.
Title: Re: -=DUTY=- Applications: Open
Post by: Visari on 29-04-2012
Out-Of-Character Information

Steam Friends Name:|HGN| Visari

STEAM ID:STEAM_0:0:15704483


How long have you been roleplaying?:6 1/2 years. I started at a young age.

How long have you played on the server?:3 months total. I came back after a year, 2 weeks recently.

Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?:All three.

Do you have any real life military knowledge?:Minor, very minor.

Can you follow orders?:Yes.


In-Character Information

Name:Yurvos 'Dead-Shot' Maximov


Skill set:Hand-to-hand combat, AK series specialization, experienced survivalist.

Backstory: (Three paragraph minimum)
      Yurvos grew up in a moderately funded house-hold with his mother and father. He went to school with his brother, a year older than he was. His brother's name was Charkov. They grew up in a city called Belgorod, just off the border of Ukraine. His older brother was one for adventure, while Yurvos was aswell, but not nearly as much. At a young age, Charkov would go out a night through the streets of Belgorod, even though within their block, but Yurvos didn't dare leave their property. As they grew older, the sense of adventure did aswell. Charkov started roaming the streets at night, of course, carrying a knife with him. Yurvos followed him, but didn't dare go down alley ways like Charkov. Yurvos skipped a grade in elementary, landing himself in 6th grade before both of them left for Jr. High School.

      As soon as they both could, they went to college. They both attended Belgorod State Technological University. Each of them recieveing a Associates degree before Charkov dropped out. College just wasn't it for him. Yurvos, wanting to follow in his brother's footsteps, dropped out aswell. Charkov had learned of a place west of where they lived, Chernobyl, and how it had created a vast wilderness of 'monsters'. Yurvos denied wanting to go, not wanting to leave their parents behind, both of them being generally nice to both of them throughout their childhood. But Charkov didn't care, he lived for the feel of discovering, and discovering new things. Charkov gave Yurvos a day to decide before he would leave without him. Yurvos pondered, wondering if he could really just leave where he grew up, and where his parents live, thinking they're both still in college right now. The next day came, and Yurvos was forced to decide. Charkov had already packed everything except their cell phones, which lay destroyed on the ground. Charkov had already taken preparations to take Yurvos with him, so Yurvos went with him.

      Yurvos and Charkov travelled west, eventually entering the country of Belarus. They stopped by Mazyr, which would be their last stop until entering the Zone, as Charkov called it. They went south, eventually coming into military forces blocking the way inside the contaminated area. Charkov and Yurvos spent the night outside the military border of the Zone, waiting for a moment to enter it. Yurvos awoke, being shaken up by Charkov. Their moment of chance had arrived as the patrols switched out. They both sprinted across the patrolled border, not being spotted once. Once inside, they made their way deeper, putting distance between military checkpoints and outposts.

      Upon entering a stalker outpost, Yurvos and Charkov made small talk, attempting to start connections from inside the Zone. Yurvos hadn't known they would be called Stalkers upon entering, but went along with it. Charkov didn't seem to mind it, so he wouldn't either. They heard the small talk of the other stalkers, hearing about some of the 'local life' living in the zone. They mainly learned of how snorks jump and bloodsuckers cloak, but that was it. After eating the canned food they had, they moved in a circular pattern around the middle part of the Zone. Charkov bought himself a TOZ, while Yurvos got an AK-U. They both made their way through the Zone, learning valuable information along the way of how it works. Sure, they but got some scars from bloodsucker encounters, but they powered through it.

      They both settled down in Duty one day, and heard it was looking for volenteers. Upon learning of what their motive is, Yurvos immediatly volunteered to enroll. Charkov, on the other hand, wasn't so great on Duty's motive. Charkov believed the Zone was full of excitement of good things, such as artifacts that could be used to help people in daily life. Yurvos, however, has had enough of the Zone and seen the horrors it has produced. If those escaped, it would mean an end to the world as they knew it. Yurvos volunteered, leaving his brother despite his warnings not to join them. At that point, they both just separated, Charkov didn't want anything to do with Yurvos anymore, as he just completely cut contact with Yurvos. Charkov's location remains unknown to this day.


Faction Related Information

What is Duty?:A PMC trying to put a end to the Zone. It is their job to eradicate the Zone's hostile creatures and everything inside.

Why do you wish to join Duty?:The faction IS getting more active, but I'd like to join it to be a part of the faction. I've had some military RP before, it's pretty fun.

Who is the DUTY leader?:Stefan Cosmach (Ace)

Roleplay Knowledge

Describe Injury RP: I got shot in the knee-cap, I would fall on the ground in pain and require someone to help me walk. Or I could crawl with my arms.

What is Metagaming: OOC: "Guys, don't go on the bridge, there is a poltergeist." Then, ICly, everyone avoids the bridge because they don't want to die/become injured.

What is Metaspeak: Doing this ICly: :D :) ;) :-) :-D etc.

Describe RDM: When you kill a player having no IC reason at all without the permission of the other player to do so OOCly. Doing it for a OOC reason could count as RDM too.

What is the difference between RDM and STK: RDM is when you kill a player for no reason. It can be done with a /me or no /me. STK is when you damage a player in-game lowering whatever health bar they have, and could possibly kill them. RDM-STK is when you randomly kill a person with no /me and just STK them for no reason.

Can you take responsibility for your actions?:Of course I can. Why wouldn't I?


This is another case of too much information on entering the Zone & early activity within it, but not enough backstory. However, I'm inclined to give you a shot in spite of that, as I've seen your roleplay before & it falls within my acceptable standards.

One week trial period.
Title: Vladimir Ulshenov's DUTY App (Vladimir Frost)
Post by: Vladimir Frost on 19-05-2012
Out-Of-Character Information

Steam Friends Name:[(At the momement) [HZ]Cpl. Vladimir Frost

STEAM ID:STEAM_0:0:16378921


How long have you been roleplaying?: I have been RPing since the old DarkRP days. From there I went on to RP in PERP, and then HL2RP. So in a total time, i would say somewhere from 2009 to current day.

How long have you played on the server?: Two weeks from tommorw (May 31st)

Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?: I have played all three and own all three. I have beaten SoC and am working on CoP.

Do you have any real life military knowledge?: I know a good deal of military tactics and strategy.

Can you follow orders?: Give the order and it will be carried out.

Recommendations: Ace of Hearts, Corracan(Sorry forgot the  spelling.)

In-Character Information
Name:Vladimir Ulshenov


Skill set:Sniping, Basic Medical Skills, (Progressing in Field Medic skills), Scouting, Really patient, Hunter.

Backstory:(This is the new and improved backstory from my old one, if you want to see the old one i can post it on here aswell.) Vladimir Ulshenov, left in the Zone to die as he was part of the of Military to come in to aid in the cleanup of the Zone. After his entire squad was taken out by a group of Snorks, he escaped from them, bleeding internally, and nearly dry on ammo, he made his way out of the Zone. As he was reaching the limits of the Zone he came to a Military outpost. He approached the outpost and quickly waved for the snipers to call him in. The snipers in the towers aimed their Sniper Rifles down at him and he quickly took the Mosin Nagant from his back. He yelled at them to stop and showed them his Military bands. They told him that he was compromised  so he could not come back, but giving sympathy to him, told him to get out before their commanding officers called the order to open fire.

  Days passed after he had left the Military outpost, and he stumbled toward the center of the Zone. He had found small amounts of food and medical supplies to treat his wounds when he came upon abandoned Bandit camps. As he had found it more "safe", he traveled underground in the tunnels and canals. As he came to a cross roads in the sewer systems of a desolated town, he began hearing low growls and animal like sounds. He kept checking his 6' as he was trained to and then as one time he went to check behind himself, a Bloodsucker attempted to grab at him. Vladimir instinctively drew his PMm from his belt and emptied three bullets into the chest of the Bloodsucker. The sucker continued to grab Vladimir and then wrapped the tentacles around his neck and gas mask. As a last chance of hope he aimed the handgun up and emptied the clip into the Bloodsucker. A stray bullet struck the Bloodsucker straight through the head, causing a spray of blood to spurt from the creatures head, then it fell in a lifeless lump. Vladimir rubbed his neck where the creature had grabbed him and then took the magazine of the PMm out, placed it in his ammo pouch, and took out a new magazine, sliding it into the pistol.

  After the event that happened in the Sewers, Vladimir had came to the assumption that no where was safe in the Zone. Although he had come to this new conclusion, he kept traveling in the underground, yet more cautious. He had grown more vigilant of his surroundings and had his pistol drawn at all times. As he had traveled through the subterranean ground, he came across a camp fire in the dampness of a crossroads. He scanned the ground and saw tin cans littering the ground. He knew that this was a trap as he saw the medical supplies sitting on the crate near the fire. He stepped back until he was far enough to not be seen and then crouched low. He pulled the sling of the Mosin Nagant from his back and then holstered his pistol. He picked up a pieces of rubble behind him and tossed it at the cans. It struck a can and from the shadows of the side near the fire, a Bandit appeared. Vladimir aimed down the sights and then quickly shot the Bandit dead in the center of the forehead.

  Vladimir approached the campsite with his pistol drawn and his Mosin slung on his back. He clicked the flashlight's button on his chest. The light shone on the darkness of the tunnels and he saw no more bodies in the shadows. He quickly examined the medical supplies on the crate and found that they were completely unused. The first aid kit had all of it's contents in it and the bandage roll's seal had not been broken yet. He picked up the supplies and placed them in his backpack.

  As he had continued through the tunnels until he found a dead end. He backtracked to the ladder he had come across and ascended. He broke through the man hole cover after an hours worth of work, and came out to a camp swarming with Bandits. He quickly pulled himself out and hid behind a tree. He peaked his head from behind the tree and counted eight Bandits in all, no snipers, just Pistols and Automatics. Vladimir silently moved to the tower that was in the corner of the encampment and climbed the rungs to the top. He pulled the Mosin from his back and check the amount of bullets he had left for his sniper. He counted six in the bag and he had four in the Mosin itself.

  He aimed the Sniper Rifle at one of the patrolling Bandits and then a shot rang off. He quickly looked as the Bandit fell, but not from his rifle. He looked to his right where the shot had rang out from and saw two Military, one with a Sniper, and one with a AK74U. The Bandits that were sitting around the campfire all quickly stood. Another shot rang off and one of the Bandits fell. The other Military began firing off rounds and the other Bandits near the camp fell, lifeless. A ring of gunfire ensued and when Vladimir peaked his head out he saw that the Military with the sniper was the last one standing, his partner lying dead. Seeing his moment, Vladimir quickly drew up his Mosin and aimed at the Soldiers head. He sucked in a breath and then squeezed the trigger.

  The Soldier fell to the ground lifeless. Vladimir climbed down the ladder and began to loot all the corpses for any ammunition or supplies of use. After this, he began to travel above ground. After over three months in the Zone he had survived and somewhat thrived. And as he came to Rostock. It was here he found Duty. He admired them for their morals and their objective. To get rid of the Zone before it can spread and to kill all the mutants before they can plague the world. Vladimir then settled down for a short time in Rostock. From there he carried out small missions for people in Rostock as a Loner, as as Stalker.

Faction Related InformationWhat is Duty?:A group of Stalkers/PMC's that wish to eradicate all Mutants from the zone and to end the zone before the Mutants may spread outside the Zone.

Why do you wish to join Duty?:Because it seems to offer a great deal of Roleplay with it, and it fits my characters background rather well. And from what i heard it is really organized and very fun to be a part of.

Who is the DUTY leader?:Stefan Cosmach (Ace of Hearts)
Roleplay Knowledge

Describe Injury RP: You are shot in the right arm, you are holding a pistol in your right arm, you drop the gun. You are shot in the leg, you would fall down and have to require assistance to be moved. Shot in the lung, it becomes really difficult to breath. Shot in the right hand, you cannot use your right hand, etc. (Didn't know it was known as Injury RP, i know it as PainRP.)

What is Metagaming: Using out of character knowledge for in character use. EXAMPLE: FailRP'r:// Guys their is a Bloodsucker in the swamps, dont go there." Then the people use the OOC knowledge to not go their, to not be harmed.

What is Metaspeak: Using emoticons and such like: lol, lawl, rofl, jk, stfu in chat.

Describe RDM: Killing a player without IC or RP reason, or without their permission, and doing it for IC knowledge gained through OOC means is also RDM.

What is the difference between RDM and STK: RDM is the random killing of a player without reason. STK is shooting to harm a player either fatally or near fatally.

Can you take responsibility for your actions?: Yes i can.


This is far from the best application I've seen, yet... Given your consistent revision efforts & cooperating with me to marginally improve the backstory you've got here, I feel obligated to give you a shot. You've got quite a bit to learn yet, it seems, but we'll see how this goes.

~ Ace of Hearts
Title: Krug Piel's Duty Application
Post by: Vorter on 30-05-2012
Out-Of-Character Information

Steam Friends Name: Vorter

STEAM ID:STEAM_0:1:17813869


How long have you been roleplaying?:Several years, PERP, DarkRP, then this server.

How long have you played on the server?:Several months.

Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?:All of them.

Do you have any real life military knowledge?:C/DC of my JROTC unit (Very accustomed to military customs and courtesies) and many years of airsoft (squad and objective based play; not your kiddie backyard type of games).

Can you follow orders?:Yes.

Recommendations:Jr-Sgt Artyom Fedoseev (Paralyzed) and S-Sldr Mikhail Fedoseev (BAMF!)

In-Character Information


Skill set:Small squad tactics, good medical skills (EMT-B), extensive weapons knowledge (mostly NATO, some Warsaw Pact/USSR)

Backstory: Krug Piel was born into a normal upper-middle class family in the city of Riga, Lativa, right during the close of the Cold War and the fall of the Soviet Union. His father was a store manager and his mother tended to him and his one younger sister, picking up occasional part-time jobs, such as gardening work. He cruised through his lower-level schooling quite easily, meeting some resistance once he reached the end of his secondary education.
By the time he was considering post-secondary options, the country was just about to join the EU and NATO. His interest was spiked by these events, and he grew an interest in the military.
He would purchase books about history, planes, tanks, and firearms, all mostly NATO, which is how he became so familiar with weapons. He applied to the National Latvian Defense Academy, but could not make it as his standardized test scores were too low. Instead, he contacted his local recruiter and was desperate to join, his mind wading in the thoughts of glory and battle.
While waiting for news from the recruiter if his physical and vocational test scores were good enough, he picked up a job as a volunteer firefighter in his hometown.
Here, he learned valuable skills such as rescue carries and medical skills, which were cut short when his recruiter called to let him know he was accepted into armored calvary,
as a secondary weapons systems operator. He would end up packing his bags and leaving to basic training. Little did he know, war isn't what it seems.

Krug has just passed basic training. While lacking on physical ability. His medical skills and weapon familiarization made medical and weapons classes a breeze, and he easily picked up on his
leadership classes. Krug was stationed at Fort Petroveshk, a medium sized base on the southern border of Latvia. He was stationed there for only 2 months when his unit was deployed to Ukraine, whose government was asking for security assistance in return for shipments of heavy machinery. The civilian population has been rioting for the past 2 weeks because of limited provisions and government intrusions into the private lives of civilians. Riots died down after massive government reform, and the superseding government has asked Krug's unit, among others, to stay in lieu of their own defense force while the government tries to rebuild the country's infrastructure. Several years have passed and the year is 2006. The Ukrainian government has finished reconstruction and formation of their new defense force, but a devastating event struct the country. The second Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant disaster occurred. 20 years after the first disaster.
The government in a panic, asks Krug's armored cavalry unit and whatever other forces are in the area to stabilize Pripyat and provide assistance to anybody caught within the blast radius, know as the "Zone".

Krug's unit has been in the Zone for 6 years now, and despite being in the Zone for so long, they still only have limited experience of the Zone's contents, due to being stuck on standby in base camp for most of the time. Finished with supporting the local population's exodus, they are now tasked to control the Zone and try to maintain order as much as possible, until a certain mission separates Krug from his squad and unit. Krug, who has been promoted to Sgt 1st-Class several months prior, takes charge of a squad who is tasked to take control of the substation in the area, in order to provide some electricity for his unit's communications at base camp. His team of 11, loaded up into 2 BMP-1's and a single UAZ-469, roll into the area. Here, they encounter what the local S.T.A.L.K.E.R's call "Bloodsuckers", specifically, a lair. Unsuspecting, two soldiers from Krug's UAZ scout ahead, reporting that they hear strange grunting noises. In an instant, one of the soldiers bumps into a sleeping, cloaked bloodsucker and barely has time to see the beast uncloaked as he gets ripped apart. The other soldier, screaming bloody murder, tries to stab it with his bayonet, only to be attacked from behind by another bloodsucker. The two BMP's are trying to shoot the suckers, with minimal effect as their 73mm 2A28 Grom semi-automatic cannon cannot move quickly enough to catch up with the swift bloodsuckers. As the BMP's decide to retreat as the suckers are clawing at the commander's hatch, they forget their commanding sergeant, Krug, who is driving away at a high speed in an effort to throw off the two bloodsuckers clinging onto the back storage racks. As he looks back to see that the suckers have fallen off and are gone, the vehicle nose-dives into a massive ditch, caused by an anomaly, and he enters a short 72-hour coma.

The sun rises over the horizon at the tapered end of the crevice. Krug coughs up clotted blood as he removes himself from the rubble which was his UAZ. His head is aching while he tries to remember what happened. Krug takes a step outside the ditch into an open field, shielding his eyes from the rising sun. As he limps down the hill, clutching his injured leg, he sees a group of armed men in the distance, donning red suits.
He looks above them, and sees the banner that reads, "Duty".

Faction Related Information

What is Duty?:A paramilitary organization who's mission is to stop the spread of the zone and it's resulting mutants/anomalies. They oppose those who wish to exploit and expand the Zone, such as Freedom..

Why do you wish to join Duty?: 1. I loved Duty in SoC and CoP. 2. Their motives/mission, organization, and equipment is very appealing to me. 3. My friends are in Duty.

Who is the DUTY leader?: Maj. Stefan Cosmach

Roleplay Knowledge
Describe Injury RP: Act our injuries as you would in real life. Ex: If you fall from a high place, limp around as you probably have a broken leg./ If you get shot in the hand, it is no longer usable and you can run away, but cannot operate firearms or machinery.

What is Metagaming: Using information from out of the game (OOC) to influence what you do in-game (in-character).What is Metaspeak: Using non-proper grammar/spelling. Ex: "Sup brah, gimmeh some of dat ammo PLZ!?!!>" or text-speak such as "lol, wtf, gtfo, np".

Describe RDM: Killing someone for absolutely no valid reason, or reasons not IC.

What is the difference between RDM and STK: RDM is killing someone for no valid reason, while STK is shooting with the intention of killing or doing damage.

Can you take responsibility for your actions?: Absolutely.

Title: Re: -=DUTY=- Applications: Open
Post by: Vladimir Frost on 05-06-2012
  After entering the Zone, Alexei had realized that the greed of the artifacts and other loot in the Zone had taken control of him. He had always been good with money, and a good salesman. And yet as he entered the Zone, all he could do was loot or steal, and then sell it off for a quick buck. At the age of 36, Alexei had no intentions of ever entering the Zone. But after one of his friends had explained to him the untold riches and treasure that lay withen the Zone, he had changed his mind.

  The first day, he already encountered trouble. The Ukrainian Military had set up a outpost to stop all from entering the Zone. Alexei, after many hours of searching in the darkness along the barbed wire fence, found where the wire had been cut, just enough to slip through. But as Alexei was slipping through, he heard the crunch of boots on soil. Alexei weighed his options and hurriedly slipped through the fence, causing the fence to clang and rattle. The guards in the watchtowers shown their spotlights down on Alexei as he rushed past all of the guards. He felt a blazing feeling in his thigh, yet he kept running.

  As, Alexei came out of the outpost, he heard the alarm at the camp ring out, and the sound of an engine revving. He quickly slid into a large cluster of bushes and steadied his breathing. As he waited withen seconds, he saw the jeep, mounted with a turret, drive up. The manned turret had a spotlight attached to it and slowly scanned as the driver edged along. There was a scream as the driver nearly landed the jeep into a large crater as they were heading off the trodden road. All of the members of the jeep steadied themselves, and then the driver muttered something unintelligible to the crew, and turned around, heading back toward the camp.

  As Alexei, began to stand he grunted in pain, as he looked down to the source of the pain, he saw that his thigh was bleeding. Ripping off part of his undershirt, he rapped the clothe tightly around the wound, to stop the bleeding. As he limped over onto the road, he came across a Makarov PM, he realized that it must have slipped out of the holster of one of the soldiers. He slipped it into his right pocket and continued down the road, deeper into the Zone.

  A year had passed sense Alexei had entered the Zone. In the single year of being in the Zone, Alexei had aged beyond his ears. Either it be from lack of sleep, constant physical strain, or the metal trauma, he didn't know anymore. All he knew was that he was 37, or at least though so, but felt as if he were 50. During one of the many treks into a Bandit camp, he came across the only two Bandits at the camp. He pulled the pistol which he had kept since he had entered the zone from his holster on his thigh. He aimed the gun down the sights at the man on the right, he lined the sights up, and pulled the trigger. The man fell and his friend screamed. Alexei quickly fired off three more shots, silencing the other man.

  As he scrounged supplies from the camp he could not help but feel a growing sense for something. As he was searching through the men's bags he came across an artifact of the Zone. He rolled the artifact around in his hands, and then stuffed it in his backpack. As he stood and began walking from the camp, he began to feel the sense of something that lay dormant, waking. He felt that he wanted more from the Zone, more than the adventure, he wanted the riches.

  As the second year of being in the Zone came by, he felt much more aged than he should. Yet he had grown more knowledgeable of the economy of the Zone. He had started collecting the guns and scrap parts of guns and began to sell them off to craftsmen which could fashion new guns. And so he began to grow in wealth. As he had begun to think about the life he was living, he wanted to make an official name for himself. As one of the most valued people in the Zone, as a Trader.
Title: Re: -=DUTY=- Applications: Open
Post by: jaik on 18-11-2012
Quote from: Lent23 on 18-11-2012
Backstory: <PM'd to Gonztah>

What's the point of applications if you can't read the biographies?
Title: Re: -=DUTY=- Applications: Open
Post by: Ket on 18-11-2012
Out-Of-Character Information
Steam Friends Name: KetChup

STEAM ID: STEAM_0:0:17222483

Timezone: GMT +2 ??

How long have you been roleplaying?: Long enough

How long have you played on the server?: since I joined [02-07-2011]

Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?: Yes

Do you have any real life military knowledge?: No

Can you follow orders?: Yes


In-Character Information
Name: Petka Vladovich

Age: 30

Skill set: Scouting and shooting stuff.

Backstory: (Three paragraph minimum) PM'd to Gonztah

Faction Related Information
What is Duty?: Duty is a group of ex-military soldiers and stalkers who want to destroy the zone.

Why do you wish to join Duty?: Duty is a fun faction I guess, and Gonztah is a cool kat.

Who is the DUTY leader?:

Roleplay Knowledge
Describe Injury RP: When someone is hurt and has to fricking act like it.

What is Metagaming: Using OOC info In-Character.

What is Metaspeak: :) =)))) XD LLOOLLL u got sWAg

Describe RDM: Random Deathmatch, when you kill someone for no legitimate reason.

What is the difference between RDM and STK: RDM is bad and un-cool, STK is like RDM but then authorized.

Can you take responsibility for your actions?:
Yeah sure

Changed his mind, didn't want to join.
Title: Re: -=DUTY=- Applications: Open
Post by: jaik on 18-11-2012
Quote from: Ket on 18-11-2012
Backstory: (Three paragraph minimum) PM'd to Gonztah

what are you doing?
Title: Re: -=DUTY=- Applications: Open
Post by: lolKieck on 18-11-2012
Quote from: Lent23 on 18-11-2012
Name: Lt. Sasha 'Lucifer' Zolnerowich

holy shit boy you got promoted real fast
Title: Re: -=DUTY=- Applications: Open
Post by: Strelok0532 on 16-02-2013
Steam Friends Name: Name: KaSoJ

STEAM ID: STEAM 0:1:48636575

Timezone:  (GMT-5)

How long have you been roleplaying?: 2 year.

How long have you played on the server?: I registered on the fourms
    January 20, 2012 and played for at least a year. So since then. I've had a couple year break and i'm currently starting to play again.

Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?: All three.

Do you have any real life military knowledge?: Real life military knowledge? No. But pseudo military knowledge yes. I know the basics of the military with the ranking system and some military tactics that I've learned from playing military role-play before (and being in duty before I know how they perform).

Can you follow orders?: I can indeed.Yes!

Recommendations: None.

In-Character Information

Name: Alex Karnitsky

Age: 21

Skill set: Ex-Duty member (military skills), Duty propaganda team (has a way with communicating with people).

Backstory: (Three paragraph minimum)
Alex first came to the Zone five years ago where he met Duty and became a member. He lived by the side of his brothers fighting their wars. Duty became his home. James worked hard and became a Corporal where he stood proud.
There was an incident involving two other Duty members, here is a diary extract from an old friend:
" We assaulted a bunker, military was trapped in it. A bandit came down to military, he had an exo, he assisted them. I saw him come down there and the next thing that happened was I got shot in my shoulder after firing some rounds at them. Damned exo, fucking up my shoulder. I dragged my self to a tree seeing Krissina bleeding...dieing. I passed out. I woke up in the medical tent. I've been quickly patched up. Nothing could be done for Krissina. Her kidney has been ripped out.... I couldn't believe. While she was dying she looked at me and I looked at her. We held out our hands and held each others hand. She told me to tell to Boris that he was a good father. I was confused at that moment and I've told her I will and that I will miss her. I watched her die and close her eyes , when she stopped breathing my heart simply died, a cold breeze went through my body.
The last I remember was  Alex constantly standing there and kept talking to me. He was worried. I couldn't believe that this was him. He actually cared about me. He put a bullet in my hand it was a golden one and on it had a writing on it Krissina.
I made a necklace and now I wear it around my neck. To remember her and think of good times. Seeing her die made me wish I died with her. Colonel stepped inside and asked for a report, he was told everything and his face was basically blank. He stepped outside and he never came back.
The stalker...was actually a bandit. The one that dragged me, killed Krissina.  Alex put a nice bullet through his head while he was trying to kill me." - Extract from Stones Diary.

As I shot the bullet I saw more Duty soldiers come for assistance, however they were not coming to save me. They thought I was the one who shot Stone and Krissina as I was standing there with my gun aimed. Bullets fired in my direction I was hit but luckily at the time I was wearing an exo. I talked to Stone before he passed out. My only choice was to run. I fled into the dark.
Long story short, I hid for a few until a good friend "Wolf" found me and returned me to the base and tried to explain things over with the Colonel. Lots of things happened and there was much confusion. The Colonel wasn't happy with everyone at Base and asked who was responsible. I want to ruin anything else for anyone so I took the blame for the situation. The Colonel stripped me of my title and my gear and threw me out like a stranger.
Since then I've tried not to look back. Knowing that It wasn't my fault has been the hardest but I'm ready to start anew. Here I am ready to redeem myself.

Faction Related Information

What is Duty?: The Duty Faction is a Military-like Faction. The Duty protect the outside world from the zone, and attempt to keep all calm. The Duty is at war with the Freedom as the Freedom want the opposite to the Duty.

Why do you wish to join Duty?: Since being pushed away from the old duty I hope to find new friends and a place to be again where I spent so much time before. I can prove myself to be a loyal soldier and a friend.

Who is the DUTY leader?: Yuriy Zelenko - Gonztah

Roleplay Knowledge

Describe Injury RP: Where you roleplay being injured in a realistic manor where you try and replicate the feelings and emotions which would take place in real life.

What is Metagaming: Using out-of-character knowledge as in-game knowledge for you character.

What is Metaspeak: Using out-of-character language in-character. For example using smiley faces when talking in-character or using abbreviations such as "lol" in-character.

Describe RDM: Killing somebody in-game for no reason (killing for the OOC fun of it).

What is the difference between RDM and STK: RDM is running round shooting people without a roleplay reason. STK (Shoot to kill) is used in specific roleplay situations (usually faction battles) where you're allowed to shoot at people to kill them. Providing there is a reason for this.

Can you take responsibility for your actions?: I can.

Obviously denied, you copied the whole application, don't bother applying again, you'll most likely get denied.
Title: Re: -=DUTY=- Applications: Open
Post by: Lucky Pig on 16-02-2013
Quote from: IceFire on 02-02-2013
Backstory: (Three paragraph minimum)
James first came to the Zone five years ago where he met Duty and became a member. He lived by the side of his brothers fighting their wars. Duty became his home. James worked hard and became a Corporal where he stood proud.
There was an incident involving two other Duty members, here is a diary extract from an old friend:
" We assaulted a bunker, military was trapped in it. A bandit came down to military, he had an exo, he assisted them. I saw him come down there and the next thing that happened was I got shot in my shoulder after firing some rounds at them. Damned exo, fucking up my shoulder. I dragged my self to a tree seeing Krissina bleeding...dieing. I passed out. I woke up in the medical tent. I've been quickly patched up. Nothing could be done for Krissina. Her kidney has been ripped out.... I couldn't believe. While she was dying she looked at me and I looked at her. We held out our hands and held each others hand. She told me to tell to Boris that he was a good father. I was confused at that moment and I've told her I will and that I will miss her. I watched her die and close her eyes , when she stopped breathing my heart simply died, a cold breeze went through my body.
The last I remember was James constantly standing there and kept talking to me. He was worried. I couldn't believe that this was him. He actually cared about me. He put a bullet in my hand it was a golden one and on it had a writing on it Krissina.
I made a necklace and now I wear it around my neck. To remember her and think of good times. Seeing her die made me wish I died with her. Colonel stepped inside and asked for a report, he was told everything and his face was basically blank. He stepped outside and he never came back.
The stalker...was actually a bandit. The one that dragged me, killed Krissina. James put a nice bullet through his head while he was trying to kill me." - Extract from Stones Diary.

As I shot the bullet I saw more Duty soldiers come for assistance, however they were not coming to save me. They thought I was the one who shot Stone and Krissina as I was standing there with my gun aimed. Bullets fired in my direction I was hit but luckily at the time I was wearing an exo. I talked to Stone before he passed out. My only choice was to run. I fled into the fog.
Long story short, I hid for a few until a good friend "Wolf" found me and returned me to the base and tried to explain things over with the Colonel. Lots of things happened and there was much confusion. The Colonel wasn't happy with everyone at Base and asked who was responsible. I want to ruin anything else for anyone so I took the blame for the situation. The Colonel stripped me of my title and my gear and threw me out like a stranger.
Since then I've tried not to look back. Knowing that It wasn't my fault has been the hardest but I'm ready to start anew. Here I am ready to redeem myself.

Quote from: Strelok0532 on 16-02-2013

Backstory: (Three paragraph minimum)
Alex first came to the Zone five years ago where he met Duty and became a member. He lived by the side of his brothers fighting their wars. Duty became his home. James worked hard and became a Corporal where he stood proud.
There was an incident involving two other Duty members, here is a diary extract from an old friend:
" We assaulted a bunker, military was trapped in it. A bandit came down to military, he had an exo, he assisted them. I saw him come down there and the next thing that happened was I got shot in my shoulder after firing some rounds at them. Damned exo, fucking up my shoulder. I dragged my self to a tree seeing Krissina bleeding...dieing. I passed out. I woke up in the medical tent. I've been quickly patched up. Nothing could be done for Krissina. Her kidney has been ripped out.... I couldn't believe. While she was dying she looked at me and I looked at her. We held out our hands and held each others hand. She told me to tell to Boris that he was a good father. I was confused at that moment and I've told her I will and that I will miss her. I watched her die and close her eyes , when she stopped breathing my heart simply died, a cold breeze went through my body.
The last I remember was  Alex constantly standing there and kept talking to me. He was worried. I couldn't believe that this was him. He actually cared about me. He put a bullet in my hand it was a golden one and on it had a writing on it Krissina.
I made a necklace and now I wear it around my neck. To remember her and think of good times. Seeing her die made me wish I died with her. Colonel stepped inside and asked for a report, he was told everything and his face was basically blank. He stepped outside and he never came back.
The stalker...was actually a bandit. The one that dragged me, killed Krissina.  Alex put a nice bullet through his head while he was trying to kill me." - Extract from Stones Diary.

As I shot the bullet I saw more Duty soldiers come for assistance, however they were not coming to save me. They thought I was the one who shot Stone and Krissina as I was standing there with my gun aimed. Bullets fired in my direction I was hit but luckily at the time I was wearing an exo. I talked to Stone before he passed out. My only choice was to run. I fled into the dark.
Long story short, I hid for a few until a good friend "Wolf" found me and returned me to the base and tried to explain things over with the Colonel. Lots of things happened and there was much confusion. The Colonel wasn't happy with everyone at Base and asked who was responsible. I want to ruin anything else for anyone so I took the blame for the situation. The Colonel stripped me of my title and my gear and threw me out like a stranger.
Since then I've tried not to look back. Knowing that It wasn't my fault has been the hardest but I'm ready to start anew. Here I am ready to redeem myself.

Do I detect a slight similarity to these two tales?
Title: Re: -=DUTY=- Applications: Open
Post by: Knife_cz on 16-02-2013
Quote from: Lucky Pig on 16-02-2013
Quote from: IceFire on 02-02-2013
Backstory: (Three paragraph minimum)
James first came to the Zone five years ago where he met Duty and became a member. He lived by the side of his brothers fighting their wars. Duty became his home. James worked hard and became a Corporal where he stood proud.
There was an incident involving two other Duty members, here is a diary extract from an old friend:
" We assaulted a bunker, military was trapped in it. A bandit came down to military, he had an exo, he assisted them. I saw him come down there and the next thing that happened was I got shot in my shoulder after firing some rounds at them. Damned exo, fucking up my shoulder. I dragged my self to a tree seeing Krissina bleeding...dieing. I passed out. I woke up in the medical tent. I've been quickly patched up. Nothing could be done for Krissina. Her kidney has been ripped out.... I couldn't believe. While she was dying she looked at me and I looked at her. We held out our hands and held each others hand. She told me to tell to Boris that he was a good father. I was confused at that moment and I've told her I will and that I will miss her. I watched her die and close her eyes , when she stopped breathing my heart simply died, a cold breeze went through my body.
The last I remember was James constantly standing there and kept talking to me. He was worried. I couldn't believe that this was him. He actually cared about me. He put a bullet in my hand it was a golden one and on it had a writing on it Krissina.
I made a necklace and now I wear it around my neck. To remember her and think of good times. Seeing her die made me wish I died with her. Colonel stepped inside and asked for a report, he was told everything and his face was basically blank. He stepped outside and he never came back.
The stalker...was actually a bandit. The one that dragged me, killed Krissina. James put a nice bullet through his head while he was trying to kill me." - Extract from Stones Diary.

As I shot the bullet I saw more Duty soldiers come for assistance, however they were not coming to save me. They thought I was the one who shot Stone and Krissina as I was standing there with my gun aimed. Bullets fired in my direction I was hit but luckily at the time I was wearing an exo. I talked to Stone before he passed out. My only choice was to run. I fled into the fog.
Long story short, I hid for a few until a good friend "Wolf" found me and returned me to the base and tried to explain things over with the Colonel. Lots of things happened and there was much confusion. The Colonel wasn't happy with everyone at Base and asked who was responsible. I want to ruin anything else for anyone so I took the blame for the situation. The Colonel stripped me of my title and my gear and threw me out like a stranger.
Since then I've tried not to look back. Knowing that It wasn't my fault has been the hardest but I'm ready to start anew. Here I am ready to redeem myself.

Quote from: Strelok0532 on 16-02-2013

Backstory: (Three paragraph minimum)
Alex first came to the Zone five years ago where he met Duty and became a member. He lived by the side of his brothers fighting their wars. Duty became his home. James worked hard and became a Corporal where he stood proud.
There was an incident involving two other Duty members, here is a diary extract from an old friend:
" We assaulted a bunker, military was trapped in it. A bandit came down to military, he had an exo, he assisted them. I saw him come down there and the next thing that happened was I got shot in my shoulder after firing some rounds at them. Damned exo, fucking up my shoulder. I dragged my self to a tree seeing Krissina bleeding...dieing. I passed out. I woke up in the medical tent. I've been quickly patched up. Nothing could be done for Krissina. Her kidney has been ripped out.... I couldn't believe. While she was dying she looked at me and I looked at her. We held out our hands and held each others hand. She told me to tell to Boris that he was a good father. I was confused at that moment and I've told her I will and that I will miss her. I watched her die and close her eyes , when she stopped breathing my heart simply died, a cold breeze went through my body.
The last I remember was  Alex constantly standing there and kept talking to me. He was worried. I couldn't believe that this was him. He actually cared about me. He put a bullet in my hand it was a golden one and on it had a writing on it Krissina.
I made a necklace and now I wear it around my neck. To remember her and think of good times. Seeing her die made me wish I died with her. Colonel stepped inside and asked for a report, he was told everything and his face was basically blank. He stepped outside and he never came back.
The stalker...was actually a bandit. The one that dragged me, killed Krissina.  Alex put a nice bullet through his head while he was trying to kill me." - Extract from Stones Diary.

As I shot the bullet I saw more Duty soldiers come for assistance, however they were not coming to save me. They thought I was the one who shot Stone and Krissina as I was standing there with my gun aimed. Bullets fired in my direction I was hit but luckily at the time I was wearing an exo. I talked to Stone before he passed out. My only choice was to run. I fled into the dark.
Long story short, I hid for a few until a good friend "Wolf" found me and returned me to the base and tried to explain things over with the Colonel. Lots of things happened and there was much confusion. The Colonel wasn't happy with everyone at Base and asked who was responsible. I want to ruin anything else for anyone so I took the blame for the situation. The Colonel stripped me of my title and my gear and threw me out like a stranger.
Since then I've tried not to look back. Knowing that It wasn't my fault has been the hardest but I'm ready to start anew. Here I am ready to redeem myself.

Do I detect a slight similarity to these two tales?
I'd like to see the person blacklisted from applying to any other faction for doing such thing. He obviously can't even put effort to get into the faction by doing such thing.

He didn't just copied the backstory, but even the OOC questions.
Title: Re: -=DUTY=- Applications: Open
Post by: Otto on 16-02-2013
lol, how retarded do you have to be to copy another application word for word on the exact same page that it's on
Title: Re: -=DUTY=- Applications: Open
Post by: Lucky Pig on 16-02-2013
I once copied my Freedom backstory to my Duty application. Both were accepted.

Title: Re: -=DUTY=- Applications: Open
Post by: lolKieck on 16-02-2013
the epic thing is
he doesn't even know who the fuck was krissina and other people in that app
Title: Re: -=DUTY=- Applications: Open
Post by: IceFire on 16-02-2013
Wow he copied me xD Cheap :LL And he didn't even change the name of him in the second line xD

Edit: And wow he actually copied the whole thing..
Title: Re: -=DUTY=- Applications: Open
Post by: kropfi on 24-02-2013
Don't know if I can do this but I am a co-leader. Accepted as a Rct. for now, only cause it's probably what BAMF would do.
Title: Re: -=DUTY=- Applications: Open
Post by: Gokiller on 25-02-2013
I'll have to deny this one. I haven't really seen you on the server and your application needs work. Work on the application and play on the server more and apply again
Title: Re: -=DUTY=- Applications: Open
Post by: jaik on 25-02-2013
Quote from: GoKiller on 25-02-2013
Work on the application and play on the server more and apply again
dude its rarr lol

also you dont remove applications from edited posts