A map idea.

Started by Hotstarr, 08-03-2009

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I've worked on a basic map design here.

Blue colors are water, tannish color are the shores, dark green are areas not habited by humans, orcs, elves, etc. Light green are habited places. The grey are moutains, the darker grey are caves. Brown is forestry, and the black circles are villages/towns/buildings/ruins/ etc. Black cirlces with lines between them may are faction-owned territories. The largest black cirlcle, and the black circle near the left edge of the image is likely going to be where the orcs, or the elves are.

So, is this map design okay? The actual size of the map may vary, but the map would retain most of the way it's shaped. I'm not a geographical genius, so I might use some good advice here.

I can also make maps, but I'm not good with landscapes and such. I'm more of a "guy who maps villages and castles".


This would need a pro mapper. I'm not sure we got any of those here.


^ ... I'm sorry, are you saying something about mah mapping?

Looks like a Excellent Idea, If silver doesn't deny it i give SUPPORT.


I am just excited for having passive rp in REAL towns with REAL STORES and stuff. Just hang out, walkin down the street with my sword holstered :P

I like this map design btw; I think everyone needs to put there ideas down on the table, so that by putting them all together we could have something excellent. And practice makes perfect.

Military Recruitment Officer // Christofer Brock
Trader // Maksym Smirnovoych Ctol
CCA.C18-UNION.75160 // Jakob Turman


Its tiny, make it bigger...
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