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Other Forums => Scrapyard => Topic started by: VonXeno on 12-05-2019

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Title: Paralogue: Shadesong Concerto
Post by: VonXeno on 12-05-2019
"Since finding the strange young woman, Ciriné, in the Tundra below Ironfrost Mines, many residents of Ventiera have befriended her. They did this despite her mysterious origins, going so far as to defend her from her pursuers. Myself included, of course. But one day, the dark forces that sought her prevailed, and she as since been imprisoned in the Shadesong Temple. I really have failed...

A Fiend from town now holds the key, given freely by the very Dark Knight who once sought to capture her. That Knight...Vulkyr was his name. Seems he was her brother...but their father casted a curse upon him, bending him to his will.

With enough allies mustered, perhaps one last raid on the Shadowsong temple will bear fruit. Perhaps...this time, we can save Ciriné for good."

-An excerpt from Aedian Slate's journal.

The event will take place on 5/24 5:30PM EST.
*This is a bonus event*

-General server rules apply
-No mobility items
-Distribute loot evenly. Reckless greed may have repercussions.

- 1 Platinum
- A low level Dark Element weapon based on your class. Potentially upgradable by the Mountain Smith.
- 1 Acorn of the Guardian Oaks: A powerful magic item that, depending on your choice during the event, can be used once outside of it.