Item Development Sheet - Request items for servers here!

Started by Silver Knight, 18-11-2011

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Silver Knight

Item Development Sheet - Request items for servers here!

If you think we need a item in one of our servers, aka crussaria, stalker, frp etc. Follow the item format bellow to create the item and i can easily turn it into a item on the server using it.

Here is an example with comments. The real format is bellow this example.

local ITEM = {}; = "Melon"; //The name of the item, this is what appears as the name.
ITEM.cost = 10; // Cost of the item.
ITEM.model = "models/props_junk/watermelon01.mdl"; //Model path.
ITEM.batch = 1; // How many are sold from the trader menu, don't edit this.
ITEM.weight = 0.35; // Weight of the item.
ITEM.access = "T"; // Access flag (T is general trader) = true; // (If it appears in the trader menu)
ITEM.category = "Consumables" // (Catagory it appears in)
ITEM.description = "A green fruit, it has a hard outer shell."; // Item Description

Additional Optional Lines:

ITEM.useText = "Eat"; // (Custom Text, add back if it needs it aka "Eat", "Punch" "Edit" etc.)
ITEM.useSound = "npc/barnacle/barnacle_crunch3.wav"; // (Custom sound path when used)
ITEM.armor = 0.25; //This is the protection added for suits, here it is 25% bullet protection. If your making a suit add this optional line.

Server the item is for:
What is the point of the item?:

local ITEM = {}; = "";
ITEM.cost = ;
ITEM.model = "";
ITEM.batch = 1;
ITEM.weight = ;
ITEM.access = "T"; = true;
ITEM.category = ""
ITEM.description = "";

Additional Optional Lines?:

Should something happen when the item is used? (Gain health, armor, money etc):

Should something happen when its dropped? (Change model, loose health, armor etc):

Quotebreslau: if i cant cheat i dont wanna play
breslau: period


I remember doing this for all the artifacts we have models for. LE if you'd SF message me the pastebin saves of the example and the artifact code, I'll do them again.


Server the item is for: Fallout
What is the point of the item?: Just some armor.

local ITEM = {}; = "Pre-War Riot Gear";
ITEM.cost = ; 40000 Caps
ITEM.model = "models/fallout/riotgear";
ITEM.batch = 1;
ITEM.weight = ; 4
ITEM.access = "T"; = true;
ITEM.category = "Clothing"
ITEM.description = "A dusty rest of riot gear with heavy Kevlar weave.";

Additional Optional Lines?:

Should something happen when the item is used? (Gain health, armor, money etc): Equip Armor

Should something happen when its dropped? (Change model, loose health, armor etc): Model back to normal ye


I have worked on the code for all the artifacts we where not using, and I hope to god I did this right.
Server the items are for: SRP
What is the point of these items?: To make it so there will be more economically benefitial and unique artifacts.

local ITEM = {}; = "Battery";
ITEM.cost = 14000;
ITEM.model = "models/srp/items/art_battery.mdl";
ITEM.batch = 1;
ITEM.weight = 0.5;
ITEM.access = "A"; = true;
ITEM.category = "Artifacts"
ITEM.description = "A very rare artifact, it is formed from an electo anomaly";

local ITEM = {}; = "Crystal";
ITEM.cost = 9000;
ITEM.model = "models/srp/items/art_crystal.mdl";
ITEM.batch = 1;
ITEM.weight = 0,5;
ITEM.access = "A"; = true;
ITEM.category = "Artifacts"
ITEM.description = "Created from a burner anomaly, it is some what of a rare artifact.";

local ITEM = {}; = "Crystal Thorn";
ITEM.cost = 4500;
ITEM.model = "models/srp/items/art_crystalthorn.mdl";
ITEM.batch = 1;
ITEM.weight = 0.5;
ITEM.access = "A"; = true;
ITEM.category = "Artifacts"
ITEM.description = "A blue, slightly better verson of the Thorn artifact.";

local ITEM = {}; = "Droplet";
ITEM.cost = 500;
ITEM.model = "models/srp/items/art_droplet.mdl";
ITEM.batch = 1;
ITEM.weight = 0.5;
ITEM.access = "A"; = true;
ITEM.category = "Artifacts"
ITEM.description = "Most common artifact in the Zone, has very little use to it.";

local ITEM = {}; = "Gravi";
ITEM.cost = 4000;
ITEM.model = "models/srp/items/art_gravi.mdl";
ITEM.batch = 1;
ITEM.weight = 0.5;
ITEM.access = "A"; = true;
ITEM.category = "Artifacts"
ITEM.description = "I normal find in the Zone. For some odd reason, you can feel your hands being slightly pulled into it.";

local ITEM = {}; = "Mama's Beads";
ITEM.cost = 15000;
ITEM.model = "models/srp/items/art_mammasbeads.mdl";
ITEM.batch = 1;
ITEM.weight = 0.5;
ITEM.access = "A"; = true;
ITEM.category = "Artifacts"
ITEM.description = "The rarest artifact in the zone, hold on to this one with your life.";

local ITEM = {}; = "Meat chunk";
ITEM.cost = 4000;
ITEM.model = "models/srp/items/art_meatchunk.mdl";
ITEM.batch = 1;
ITEM.weight = 0.5;
ITEM.access = "A"; = true;
ITEM.category = "Artifacts"
ITEM.description = "A moldy, yellow, meaty patch of flesh. Probably one of the most tasty artifacts in the Zone.";

local ITEM = {}; = "Mica";
ITEM.cost = 7000;
ITEM.model = "models/srp/items/art_mica.mdl";
ITEM.batch = 1;
ITEM.weight = 0.5;
ITEM.access = "A"; = true;
ITEM.category = "Artifacts"
ITEM.description = "A rare artifact, stops most forms of bleeding.";

The item descriptions are subject to change, and so are the prices.


Uh. Silver, what's the point if most people here can't write the code for Use()? Just wondering really.
Blake.H: And im also working on whipping him into shape
Blake.H: He's nice
Blake.H: He doesn't moan
Blake.H: The sheer obedience is enough to fuel my erection anyway

Silver Knight

Quote from: Jake on 18-11-2011
Uh. Silver, what's the point if most people here can't write the code for Use()? Just wondering really.

For idea's and easy implementation. All they are doing is writing out fields like a form.

Quotebreslau: if i cant cheat i dont wanna play
breslau: period


That's nice we will get some artifacts, but can you add some..bonus stats to them?
Like Goldfish adds space in your inventory.

And no idea if it has to do something with this, but why did my blue sunrise/or modified turned into "Sunrise suit (GREEN)" and it looks like normal sunrise :o

And my brown trenchcoat turned into Bandit Enforcer Suit.


Quote from: knife_cz on 19-11-2011
That's nice we will get some artifacts, but can you add some..bonus stats to them?
Like Goldfish adds space in your inventory.

This is for general item ideas. SK will code the rest.
Blake.H: And im also working on whipping him into shape
Blake.H: He's nice
Blake.H: He doesn't moan
Blake.H: The sheer obedience is enough to fuel my erection anyway


Note: More variations to the rookie uniform/sunrise create a more atmospheric zone, because a lot of people were seen wearing these suits. These variants will provide the same OOC look and feel of the zone, but different IC effects due to modification.

Server the item is for: Stalker RP
What is the point of the item?:Suits = "Bandit Mercenary Suit";
ITEM.cost = 10000;
ITEM.model = "models/hgn/srp/banditmerc.mdl";
ITEM.batch = 1;
ITEM.weight = 2kg;
ITEM.access = "T"; = true;
ITEM.category = "Clothing"
ITEM.description = "An brown colored variant of the Western style 'Mercenary Suit' popular with Bandits due to its light weight";
ITEM.armor = 0.20 = "Beige Stalker Jacket";
ITEM.cost = 5000;
ITEM.model = "models/srpmodels/loner1.mdl";
ITEM.batch = 1;
ITEM.weight = 1.5kg;
ITEM.access = "T"; = true;
ITEM.category = "Clothing"
ITEM.description = "A fashionable beige jacket and ski mask";
ITEM.armor = 0.15 = "Green Stalker Jacket";
ITEM.cost = 5000;
ITEM.model = "models/srpmodels/loner2.mdl";
ITEM.batch = 1;
ITEM.weight = 1.5kg;
ITEM.access = "T"; = true;
ITEM.category = "Clothing"
ITEM.description = "A fashionable green jacket and ski mask";
ITEM.armor = 0.15 = "Tan Stalker Jacket";
ITEM.cost = 5000;
ITEM.model = "models/srpmodels/loner3.mdl";
ITEM.batch = 1;
ITEM.weight = 1.5kg;
ITEM.access = "T"; = true;
ITEM.category = "Clothing"
ITEM.description = "A fashionable tan jacket and ski mask";
ITEM.armor = 0.15 = "Sunrise Suit [Lighter]";
ITEM.cost = 20000;
ITEM.model = "models/srp/stalker_hood.mdl";
ITEM.batch = 1;
ITEM.weight = 2kg;
ITEM.access = "T"; = true;
ITEM.category = "Clothing"
ITEM.description = "A Sunrise Suit modified to be lighter with the cost of lower bullet resistance";
ITEM.armor = 0.10 = "Sunrise Suit [Extra Kevlar]";
ITEM.cost = 22500;
ITEM.model = "models/srp/stalker_hood.mdl";
ITEM.batch = 1;
ITEM.weight = 6kg;
ITEM.access = "T"; = true;
ITEM.category = "Clothing"
ITEM.description = "A Sunrise Suit modified to be heavier, but allows more bullet resistance";
ITEM.armor = 0.30 = "Sunrise Suit [Anomalous Protection]";
ITEM.cost = 22500;
ITEM.model = "models/srp/stalker_bes.mdl";
ITEM.batch = 1;
ITEM.weight = 6.5kg;
ITEM.access = "T"; = true;
ITEM.category = "Clothing"
ITEM.description = "A Sunrise Suit modified to have more anomalous protection at the cost of bullet resistance and added weight";
ITEM.armor = 0.10 = "Sunrise Suit [Weight Distribution]";
ITEM.cost = 20000;
ITEM.model = "models/srp/stalker_hood.mdl";
ITEM.batch = 1;
ITEM.weight = 2kg;
ITEM.access = "T"; = true;
ITEM.category = "Clothing"
ITEM.description = "A Sunrise Suit modified to have better weight distribution without the loss of bullet resistance";
ITEM.armor = 0.20 = "Leather Jacket [Weight Distribution]";
ITEM.cost = 3000;
ITEM.model = "models/srp/rookie4.mdl";
ITEM.batch = 1;
ITEM.weight = 2kg;
ITEM.access = "T"; = true;
ITEM.category = "Clothing"
ITEM.description = "A Leather Jacket popularized with rookies in the zone with a modification that provides better weight distribution, allowing the wearer to carry more.";
ITEM.armor = 0.10 = "Leather Jacket [Extra Kevlar]";
ITEM.cost = 4000;
ITEM.model = "models/srp/rookie4.mdl";
ITEM.batch = 1;
ITEM.weight = 3.5kg;
ITEM.access = "T"; = true;
ITEM.category = "Clothing"
ITEM.description = "A Leather Jacket popularized with rookies in the zone with a modification that provides more bullet resistance, at the cost of extra weight";
ITEM.armor = 0.15 = "Bandit Jacket [Weight Distribution]";
ITEM.cost = 3000;
ITEM.model = "models/srp/bandit4.mdl";
ITEM.batch = 1;
ITEM.weight = 2kg;
ITEM.access = "T"; = true;
ITEM.category = "Clothing"
ITEM.description = "A Leather Jacket popularized with bandits in the zone with a modification that provides better weight distribution, allowing the wearer to carry more.";
ITEM.armor = 0.10 = "Bandit Jacket [Extra Kevlar]";
ITEM.cost = 4000;
ITEM.model = "models/srp/bandit4.mdl";
ITEM.batch = 1;
ITEM.weight = 3.5kg;
ITEM.access = "T"; = true;
ITEM.category = "Clothing"
ITEM.description = "A Leather Jacket popularized with bandits in the zone with a modification that provides more bullet resistance, at the cost of extra weight";
ITEM.armor = 0.15 = "Brown Trenchcoat [Hidden Kevlar]";
ITEM.cost = 12500;
ITEM.model = "models/srp/stalker_bandit_veteran.mdl";
ITEM.batch = 1;
ITEM.weight = 2kg;
ITEM.access = "T"; = true;
ITEM.category = "Clothing"
ITEM.description = "A brown trenchcoat popular with Loners and Bandits alike, with special kevlar hidden underneath, to add bullet resistance with no setback other than price.";
ITEM.armor = 0.23
"Mommy, when is Daddy coming home?"
"Here, Alex.. Daddy sent us a package.. The soldier told us that it.. might be a while until Daddy's done with his service. Don't worry, you'll see him soon, Alex.."
"He's always gone! I never get to see him!"


All those other merc suits are donator only.


Lent, the brown merc suits were already added, and we already have kevlar in the script, so no need for "Extra Kevlar." And why you took just about every rookie model and turnned it into a suit...I have no idea.


Quote from: StickyWicket on 19-11-2011
Lent, the brown merc suits were already added, and we already have kevlar in the script, so no need for "Extra Kevlar." And why you took just about every rookie model and turnned it into a suit...I have no idea.
Damn, Sticky, I'm only trying to help and create a world where sunrise suits and rookie suits are more used and less shit than they are right now at a higher price.
"Mommy, when is Daddy coming home?"
"Here, Alex.. Daddy sent us a package.. The soldier told us that it.. might be a while until Daddy's done with his service. Don't worry, you'll see him soon, Alex.."
"He's always gone! I never get to see him!"


Could you PM me or something the codes to make weapons/fix weapons?
Quote from: TheAndyShandy on 05-12-2013
Oh boy.
Strap yourselves in, it's time for the great 'obligatory' SRP resurrection of 2013/14/15/16/22


Quote from: Tom on 28-11-2011
Could you PM me or something the codes to make weapons/fix weapons?

download a swep base from and start coding
Blake.H: And im also working on whipping him into shape
Blake.H: He's nice
Blake.H: He doesn't moan
Blake.H: The sheer obedience is enough to fuel my erection anyway


Server the item is for:Fallout Roleplay
What is the point of the item?: A suit

local ITEM = {}; = "Nikeout";
ITEM.cost = 4000;
ITEM.model = "models/outfit/nikout_inhelm1.mdl";
ITEM.batch = 1;
ITEM.weight = 25.5;
ITEM.access = "T"; = true;
ITEM.category = "Suits"
ITEM.description = "A white overcoat with kevlar and a helmet.";

Additional Optional Lines?:ITEM.useText = "Wear";ITEM.armor = 0.20;

Should something happen when the item is used?: Wearing the model, gain bullet resistance.

Should something happen when its dropped?: Nope.

"When in doubt, mumble."


Server the item is for: Fallout Roleplay
What is the point of the item?: Make use of the NCR models we have.

local ITEM = {}; = "NCR Soldier Uniform Variant 1";
ITEM.cost = 1500;
ITEM.model = "models/ncr/ncr_09.mdl";
ITEM.batch = 1;
ITEM.weight = 26;
ITEM.access = "R"; = true;
ITEM.category = "Clothing"
ITEM.description = "This is an average NCR uniform that features hardened leather shoulder pads, and a metal breastplate for protection. The NCR emblem is painted on the breastplate. This suit offers 16% protection.";
ITEM.armor = 0.16;


local ITEM = {}; = "NCR Soldier Uniform Variant 2";
ITEM.cost = 1500;
ITEM.model = "models/ncr/ncr_04.mdl";
ITEM.batch = 1;
ITEM.weight = 26;
ITEM.access = "R"; = true;
ITEM.category = "Clothing"
ITEM.description = "This is an average NCR uniform that features hardened leather shoulder pads, and a metal breastplate for protection. The NCR emblem is painted on the breastplate. This suit offers 16% protection.";
ITEM.armor = 0.16;


local ITEM = {}; = "NCR Soldier Uniform Variant 3";
ITEM.cost = 1500;
ITEM.model = "models/ncr/ncr_02.mdl";
ITEM.batch = 1;
ITEM.weight = 26;
ITEM.access = "R"; = true;
ITEM.category = "Clothing"
ITEM.description = "This is an average NCR uniform that features hardened leather shoulder pads, and a metal breastplate for protection. The NCR emblem is painted on the breastplate. This suit offers 16% protection.";
ITEM.armor = 0.16;


local ITEM = {}; = "NCR Soldier Uniform Variant 4";
ITEM.cost = 1500;
ITEM.model = "models/ncr/ncr_01.mdl";
ITEM.batch = 1;
ITEM.weight = 26;
ITEM.access = "R"; = true;
ITEM.category = "Clothing"
ITEM.description = "This is an average NCR uniform that features hardened leather shoulder pads, and a metal breastplate for protection. The NCR emblem is painted on the breastplate. This suit offers 16% protection.";
ITEM.armor = 0.16;


local ITEM = {}; = "NCR Soldier Uniform Variant 5";
ITEM.cost = 1500;
ITEM.model = "models/ncr/ncr_03.mdl";
ITEM.batch = 1;
ITEM.weight = 26;
ITEM.access = "R"; = true;
ITEM.category = "Clothing"
ITEM.description = "This is an average NCR uniform that features hardened leather shoulder pads, and a metal breastplate for protection. The NCR emblem is painted on the breastplate. This suit offers 16% protection.";
ITEM.armor = 0.16;


local ITEM = {}; = "NCR Soldier Uniform Variant 6";
ITEM.cost = 1500;
ITEM.model = "models/ncr/ncr_05.mdl";
ITEM.batch = 1;
ITEM.weight = 26;
ITEM.access = "R"; = true;
ITEM.category = "Clothing"
ITEM.description = "This is an average NCR uniform that features hardened leather shoulder pads, and a metal breastplate for protection. The NCR emblem is painted on the breastplate. This suit offers 16% protection.";
ITEM.armor = 0.16;


local ITEM = {}; = "NCR Soldier Uniform Variant 7";
ITEM.cost = 1500;
ITEM.model = "models/ncr/ncr_06.mdl";
ITEM.batch = 1;
ITEM.weight = 26;
ITEM.access = "R"; = true;
ITEM.category = "Clothing"
ITEM.description = "This is an average NCR uniform that features hardened leather shoulder pads, and a metal breastplate for protection. The NCR emblem is painted on the breastplate. This suit offers 16% protection.";
ITEM.armor = 0.16;


local ITEM = {}; = "NCR Soldier Uniform Variant 8";
ITEM.cost = 1500;
ITEM.model = "models/ncr/ncr_07.mdl";
ITEM.batch = 1;
ITEM.weight = 26;
ITEM.access = "R"; = true;
ITEM.category = "Clothing"
ITEM.description = "This is an average NCR uniform that features hardened leather shoulder pads, and a metal breastplate for protection. The NCR emblem is painted on the breastplate. This suit offers 16% protection.";
ITEM.armor = 0.16;


local ITEM = {}; = "NCR Soldier Uniform Variant 9";
ITEM.cost = 1500;
ITEM.model = "models/ncr/ncr_08.mdl";
ITEM.batch = 1;
ITEM.weight = 26;
ITEM.access = "R"; = true;
ITEM.category = "Clothing"
ITEM.description = "This is an average NCR uniform that features hardened leather shoulder pads, and a metal breastplate for protection. The NCR emblem is painted on the breastplate. This suit offers 16% protection.";
ITEM.armor = 0.16;


local ITEM = {}; = "NCR Officer Uniform";
ITEM.cost = 2000;
ITEM.model = "models/ncr/ncr_officer.mdl";
ITEM.batch = 1;
ITEM.weight = 24;
ITEM.access = "R"; = true;
ITEM.category = "Clothing"
ITEM.description = "This is an average NCR uniform that features hardened leather shoulder pads, and a metal breastplate for protection. The NCR emblem is painted on the breastplate. It seems to be modified to fit a lighter and stronger breastplate. It also features a green camo beret with a golden NCR emblem on it This suit offers 18% protection.";
ITEM.armor = 0.18;
Quote from: TheAndyShandy on 05-12-2013
Oh boy.
Strap yourselves in, it's time for the great 'obligatory' SRP resurrection of 2013/14/15/16/22


26kg?you won't be able to carry it by default, even with 100 strength.
Blake.H: And im also working on whipping him into shape
Blake.H: He's nice
Blake.H: He doesn't moan
Blake.H: The sheer obedience is enough to fuel my erection anyway


Isn't the weight negated if you wear it?


Quote from: Khorn on 02-04-2012
Isn't the weight negated if you wear it?

Nope, Power Armor weighs like 46KG and it's damn near impossible to get a gun you can holster after you bring it out.


Thats how much it weighs right now Jake.
Quote from: TheAndyShandy on 05-12-2013
Oh boy.
Strap yourselves in, it's time for the great 'obligatory' SRP resurrection of 2013/14/15/16/22


Blake.H: And im also working on whipping him into shape
Blake.H: He's nice
Blake.H: He doesn't moan
Blake.H: The sheer obedience is enough to fuel my erection anyway

Steven :D

give me like 2 hrs + and i'll post some neat ideas


2 hours and no post. Jeez Steven.

Also, if anyone feels up to it. Female models of characters would be nice for other players that like to mix it up gender wise.


No brandon. Just no. That was a terrible idea.
"Mommy, when is Daddy coming home?"
"Here, Alex.. Daddy sent us a package.. The soldier told us that it.. might be a while until Daddy's done with his service. Don't worry, you'll see him soon, Alex.."
"He's always gone! I never get to see him!"


Blake.H: And im also working on whipping him into shape
Blake.H: He's nice
Blake.H: He doesn't moan
Blake.H: The sheer obedience is enough to fuel my erection anyway