[SRP] Special/Female/Non-Ukraine/Russian Char applications.

Started by Tom, 02-10-2010

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Due to the fact that admins do not inform me when they auth a char. This is made to make Roster keeping easier. Follow the format. If you are already on the roster you do not have to apply. this WILL be enforced and on my return wendsday, If there is an unauthorized specail character, you will be dealt with.
Also it is in the server rules that ALL charas must be 18 or older, so no 14 year old girls in the zone. (Sorry Pedo's No jailbait for you)

Please note you do not need to apply for Female/Non-Ukrainian Characters if you are in/joining the Ecologist.

And do not bother the moderators about your app. You will ONLY make them NOT want to check it. They will get to it when they can and not a moment sooner.

[OOC Info]
OOC Name:
Steam ID:
Which you are applying for ((IE Female, Non Ukraine/Russian, Or Special char:
Why do you want this Char?
By applying you accept the responsibilities of having the char, and know that by having this char it may be removed if found that you are abusing.:
Proof of Admin support (Must be an SA or higher and must be a screenshot that is legible):

[IC info]
Character Name:
Backstory (Must be at least 2 paragraphs):
Why does it want in the zone?:

Non-Ukrainian/Russian Characters
Any player who wishes to have a character whose origin is not from the Ukraine or Russia must have authorization from an SA or above.  This roster is to help admins keep track of who is authorized.  It would be greatly appreciated if admins could post here whenever they give someone their auth.

|Character Name| - |OOC Name| - |Admin Auth|

Thomas Wainscott- Tom - Tunddruff
Andrei Egorov - ThY - Welshy
John Tavis - Picto Wolf - CommisarNitro
Arthur 'Night' Hutchinson - |HGN| OrangeReal - Rdvandger ??
Adam Murray - Thanatos – CommisarNitro
Anne 'Savior' Hutchinson - |HGN| OrangeReal – Tom
Michael "Mike" Shepard – cgge - Dug
Austin Creed - Pawx - Thy
Heinrich "Ricky" Vetter - Dvsilverwing - Tom

Female Characters
Any player who wishes to have a character whose Gender is not male must have authorization from an SA or above.  This roster is to help admins keep track of who is authorized.  It would be greatly appreciated if admins could post here whenever they give someone their auth.

|Character Name| - |OOC Name| - |Admin Auth|

Veronika Maslov- Paintcheck
Pandora- Paintcheck
Akalena Petrinko- Tom
Alyona Lutrova- Tom
Anichka Valyusha - [SGC] Blazer – Dug
Rebecca Owens – Darkzerxx - Rovandger ??

Other Special Characters

|Character Name|-|Description of Why They are Special|-|OOC Name| - |Admin Auth|

Felix Chestnikov  - Collector  - DuranBlackraven - Paintcheck
Razor - Bloodsucker Alphamale - ThY
Sphynx- Mutant- Paintcheck
Serhiy Mykhailo-Ex-mono- Chrono - Radek

Quote from: TheAndyShandy on 05-12-2013
Oh boy.
Strap yourselves in, it's time for the great 'obligatory' SRP resurrection of 2013/14/15/16/22


[OOC Info]
OOC Name:Madface
Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:84322
Which you are applying for:Ukrainian Medical Unit
Why do you want this Char?:Well i am a girl myself though i guess a valid reason would be Military reasons, Ukraine does have female soldiers in it though by STALKER lore, there is rarely or none in it.
By applying you accept the responsibilities of having the char, and know that by having this char it may be removed if found that you are abusing.:Yes.
Proof of Admin support (Must be an SA or higher and must be a screenshot that is legible):

Fellow - Rav
Date Taken:10/3/10 12:05AM - October 3rd(Sunday) 12:05AM 2010

[IC info]
Character Name:Sldr. Saikov 'Shi' Desnikov
Backstory (Must be at least 2 paragraphs):

  Saikov Desnikov applied for the Ukrainian military for family reasons and personal reasons, in her fathers view, she was a disgrace to the family name and also instated as a coward. With this, Saikov would be a sort of servant you would say, she cleaned everything up and made sure everything fitted into fathers picture, if it didn't, she would get beaten. So everyday she had to endure this up til the Coming Of Age. When she turned 18, she enlisted with a couple friends, they trained and fought together for some time though after a while, officials broke up their squad due the squad leader being killed in a incident.

  After that, Saikov was shipped off to Pripyat, never to see her friends again. After a couple years, a second incident had happened, and so she was stuck. Her leaders ordered her to evac as many citizens as possible though more dreadful news had struck her, her friends were posted near and had been engulfed in the tragedy, with this, she never made friends again, never to feel that sorrow so he just kept to herself after the incident. Months passed and Saikov was still the same but the world around had changed, suddenly people killed each other over shitty reasons and small problems. But she still stands ready and obeys his officers with ease because she was such a puppet to his father. No one rarely bothers her anymore...

Why does it want in the zone?:Transfer into 105st Black Fire Division

Also, not to be a jerk or anything but you spelled Special wrong.

Yes I know special is spelt wrong but I don't feel like relinking it in the shout box so SMEH. . . Accepted ~Tom
Four Eyes is nice.

http://tinyurl.com/HGNUKMFMU - Military Faction Simple Medical Guide


*bitchslaps you* stupid idea good sir, anyways.

[OOC Info]
OOC Name: Laveshia
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:20845612
Which you are applying for: Female Character of the Ukrainian Army
Why do you want this Char?
QuoteWell i am a girl myself though i guess a valid reason would be Military reasons, Ukraine does have female soldiers in it though by STALKER lore, there is rarely or none in it.

By applying you accept the responsibilities of having the char, and know that by having this char it may be removed if found that you are abusing.: Ye ye.
Proof of Admin support (Must be an SA or higher and must be a screenshot that is legible):

[IC info]
Character Name: Tanja Kowaljow
Age: 18
Sex: Female
Backstory (Must be at least 2 paragraphs):
QuoteTanja grew up in east of the Ukraine, in a city called Lugansk. (Since the Kiev stuff gets old. :P  ) Her parents both served in the ukrainian army. Her mother was a medic, but stopped as she became pregnant and brought Tanja into the world. Her father still is in the ukrainian army as a tank commander. Tanja's father wanted her to join the army too later on, so he already drilled her as a little child, just not that hard as it is done in the army. In the Kindergarten she was usually hanging arround with the boys, playing with tanks and soldiers... And in School it didn't become any better. She bought herself tank posters, softair weapons... Her mother didn't like that, because she saw alot of injured people in the army, and she didn't want her daughter to end up like one of those, but she couldn't get Tanja of her "Army trip" anymore...

As Tanja nearly finished the school, and sent an application to the Military, her mother left her father, because she hated the way he "messed up" their daughter. Now it was Tanja's decission with who she would stay... With her father, who was proud of her joining the army, and even if he was hard, he was fair and he loved her really much, or with her mother, who also loved her, but would never allow her to join the army... It was a hard decission, but in the end, she decided that she would stay at the person, who allowed her to live her greatest wish... Her father.

She finished the school and went on straight to the army. She had alot of friends there, they all liked her. Her comrades, the instructors... She was self-confident, nice, a little paranoid, and she always followed orders and never gave up untill she reached her goal...

After a long and hard time in the training camp, every of her comrades were sent to different barracks, but as the letter with her destiny arrived, the instructor looked pretty sad, wished her the best of luck and walked away...
She opened the letter and she knew what was wrong with him. Her destination was not some old barracks, far away from everyone else... Her new "barrack" was.. The Zone.
Why ( Good sir it's:) What does it want in the zone?: Beeing in the Ukrainian Army, I guess?

Accepted, Oh and your grammar is invalid cause I have a lemon on my head. ~Tom


[OOC Info]
OOC Name: Headcrabs35
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:19286320
Which you are applying for ((IE Female, Non Ukraine/Russian, Or Special char: Non-Ukrainian

Why do you want this Char?: The character I am applying (See the IC info) is English in nationality, I know it strays from the main canon of the game, but thus far nobody has complained, I decided to make him English to enhance the options of roleplaying, and to fit his backstory.

By applying you accept the responsibilities of having the char, and know that by having this char it may be removed if found that you are abusing.: I fully understand these terms, and I accept them.
Proof of Admin support (Must be an SA or higher and must be a screenshot that is legible):

[IC info]
Character Name: Xavier Shepherd
Age: 27
Sex: Male
Backstory (Must be at least 2 paragraphs):

It all began in Afghanistan (Just read on, it will make sense later.), Xavier was a Corporal in the Territorial Army at the time, he worked in the medbay of an English military base.
Throughout Xavier's life, he had always wanted to visit Ukraine, he had read up previously on the architecture, but the only thing that had stopped him from going is the 3 years that he had to do in Afghanistan.

the story goes on from here, on the final day of Xavier's 3 years, the officers went around and signed people up again, so they could come back to service immediately after their break.
It was midday before Xavier was confronted about signing up again, but problems had crossed his mind, problems about getting to Ukraine, would he have enough money for the flight, accommodations and all the essentials that he would need whilst in Ukraine?
These are the thoughts that made Xavier sign up again, so he could visit Ukraine on 6 years worth of pay.


Xavier was back in England, at an airport, freshly arrived with his pay and luggage, straight from Afghanistan.
He began his long walk home, but something caught his eye, the tickets to Ukraine, they had been cut down in cost, for reasons unbeknownst to Xavier, he immediately went to the ticket station and, with a hint desperation, bought the ticket.


Xavier was out and about in Kiev at the time, he had seen so much, and was almost ready to go back to England, but then he remembered, he signed up for the TA again, and he had to go now or he would miss the office, but Xavier knew it was too late.
He contacted the TA, and then made a proposal, that he serve his years in the Ukrainian military.
The TA officers pondered the thought, before contacting the Ukrainian Military officials.
Fortunately, the deal had worked out, and Xavier was now working for the Ukrainian Military.
It wasn't long until he was transferred to his base, along with a few other soldiers.
The base itself, was in The Zone.
(Yeah, it's probably a bad story, I just tried to sum up how Xavier got into the Zone.)

What does he want in the zone?: To serve the Ukrainian Military to the best of his abilities.

Accepted, Story is more plausible then my backstory for my old freedomer named Thomas Wainscott soo. . . ~Tom
"Is it just me, or have peoples' hands been growing out of their asses lately?"


[OOC Info]
OOC Name:
|HGN|OrangeReal / []Doom[]
([]Doom[] in was my old alias, in my old picture, so, just pretend it was OrangeReal)
Steam ID:
Which you are applying for ((IE Female, Non Ukraine/Russian, Or Special char:
Why do you want this Char?
The reason why I want this character is because I've had this character during 2009, meaning way before the applications and authorizations for Non-Ukraine/Russian characters. I also need it because my character is a trader, and plus, most characters on SRP that arn't mine know who this character is and it's just going to be complicated just switching his name to a Russian name.
By applying you accept the responsibilities of having the char, and know that by having this char it may be removed if found that you are abusing.:
Yes, I do agree or accept the responsibilities of being a Non-Ukraine character and agree on if I abuse this, I will know that this character will be delete, but, I'm still wondering how you could. Oh well.
Proof of Admin support (Must be an SA or higher and must be a screenshot that is legible):
[Old] Rδvanδger ไท - http://img821.imageshack.us/img821/4961/authforcharacter.jpg
[New] Rδvanδger ไท - http://img703.imageshack.us/img703/1585/authforchar2.jpg

[IC info]
Character Name:
Arthur 'Night' Hutchinson
[Getting from my Physical Description on my character but I believe it's 29]
Backstory (Must be at least 2 paragraphs):
   Arthur 'Night' Hutchinson is part of the loner faction, The Sanctioned. When he first got into the Zone, he brought no one with him, nor brought any weapons with him, but did bring a little bit of food, and bottled water. He came to the Zone to find an adventure, and because there is a lot of action in the Zone. He didn't really like a normal life, working everyday to earn a living. He needed an exciting life, than a boring life in a city.

   Before Arthur first came to the Zone, he heard some people talking about a person who went into the Zone, just to get rich. They said that you could get many riches inside the Zone. Artifacts, Rubles, Money, and all that. It was like a newly discovered gold mind they found.

   Since Arthur didn't have any weapons, or any items that could help him survive in the Zone, he began to scavenge for some. He only found some basic stuff, for example medical kits, food, water, and useless ammo. So he sold most of it. Of course he wasn't an official trader, but hes got to make a living in the Zone too.

   Later, he then went to a camp fire to buy some supplies from a Trader. Sadly, the trader was gone. So he sit there and camp and relaxed near the calm warm fire. Two Stalkers came by, one by the name of Valentin, and one by the name Gibbons. The two chat, Arthur was just calm, and kept quiet.

   Valentin was the Leader of the Sanctioned. Gibbons was an Ex-Sanctioned member. Valentin re-invited Gibbons back into the Sanctioned. The two chat for a little bit.

   Valentin then asked if Arthur was to join the Sanctioned. Arthur asked what the Sanctioned's goal was in the Zone. Valentin said their goal is to make the Zone a better place for Loners. Arthur said he will join. So Valentin send rules to Arthur's PDA, and Arthur carefully read them. Later he grouped up with other Sanctioned members.

   Arthur is still scavenging for items, guns, ammo, food, water, and other items that could be hidden. He's also still selling items too. Now he is thinking of becoming an official trader for the Sanctioned. Which he hopes to become.

   Arthur then became a trader shortly. He has gain a decent amount of cash from trading. After that, hes gotten contacts to buy shipments of food,drink, and miscellaneous items. He also did a little scavenging for weaponry or clothing to sell too.
   Later, Arthur got sick of being in the Zone, forcing him to stop being a trader and he left the Zone for good, illegally.

   After awhile, Arthur came back to the Zone. He missed being in an opened free life that was what he liked and being a Stalker. When he came back he lost all trace of The Sanctioned, and he doesn't know if The Sanctioned is still running.

   Arthur became a trader again when he came back, and he still has the contacts from before to be able to buy shipments of food, drinks, and other miscellaneous items.
Why does it want in the zone?:
Well, what's the most common thing Stalkers want inside the Zone? Money.

Accepted since you've had it a while
Arthur 'Night' Hutchinson - ALIVE
Anne 'Savior' Gerris - ALIVE
Coroner - ALIVE
'Crazed' - ALIVE


OOC Name: |HGN| Sharrock
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:15458524
Which you are applying for ((IE Female, Non Ukraine/Russian, Or Special char: Non Ukraine/Russian
Why do you want this Char? I can roleplay it easier.
By applying you accept the responsibilities of having the char, and know that by having this char it may be removed if found that you are abusing.: Yes
Proof of Admin support (Must be an SA or higher and must be a screenshot that is legible):

[IC info]
Character Name: Ken Thompson   
Age: 32
Sex: M
Backstory (Must be at least 2 paragraphs): Ken Thompon was born in Paris, Texas. He worked hard on a ranch in his youth, and attended school. He was an average student, but was a hard worker and made some money off of the ranch he worked at. He grew strong at the ranch and learned how to work with some animals along with some very handy knowledge for the future as he planned to own his own ranch later on. When he graduated from High school he went on a road trip down to Mexico with friends to sit around, and drink. When down there their car got planted with drugs from one of the cartels. On the way back in the Border Patrol searched the vehical and found the drugs. When the guards told them of what they had and asked them to step out they panicked and started to speed off. They made it to Galveston. They made a plan to leave the country, and find somewhere else to stay. Ken moved to Ukraine and heard the stories of the zone. He relized he had nothing to lose, and was in dire need of money. With little knowledge of the people or language he set off to the zone. When he got there he gave all the money he had to the military as a bribe to let him in and he set off to make his own story among the STALKERs.
Why does it want in the zone?: To escape his crimes, and to make a living to beable to live in Ukraine.
|HGN-STSA| Doomburger: Kay, bend over under that guillotine.
|HGN-STSA| Doomburger: ...
|HGN-STSA| Doomburger: Wait.
Sharrock: Homo
|HGN-STSA| Doomburger: Fuck.

Tom: Look at the roster
Doomburger: "110th Regiment Blood Company Reaper Squad Roster
Started by Doomburger"
Doomburger: get my name off
Doomburger: I beg you
Doomburger: I may have done some ridiculous things, but come on


[OOC Info]

OOC Name: [M.I.A.P.D.] Rook/DTRZ
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:11821690
Which you are applying for: Female Auth and non-russian/ukrainian auth
Why do you want this Char?: I had the char for a while and I would like to be able to play as said char again
By applying you accept the responsibilities of having the char, and know that by having this char it may be removed if found that you are abusing: Yes
Proof of Admin support (Must be an SA or higher and must be a screenshot that is legible):
Portuguese* my mistake.

[IC info]

Character Name: Veronika Nehoda
Age: 29
Sex: Female

Veronika Nehoda was born in Ukraine, afterwards moving to Portugal where she spent the next few years of her life. Veronika didn't know much about her Parents, she knew her Father was always away for work and her Mother was to put it plainly, left to take care of her, for the early stages of her life she didn't have many friends where she lived, wasn't until in her teens when she moved from Portugal back to Ukraine she got close with anyone that wasn't her parents, at the age of 16 she had found that her father was a Mercenary that worked in several places across the Globe, which took her a long time to come to terms with, Veronika didn't think much of her father for the next few years, it wasn't until the age of 20 she came to terms with it fully, by this time Veronika had alot more to worry about, she had wanted to get a good job, a house of her own which she did for the next 6 years of her life, by the time she was 26, her curiosity about her Father's work had re-appeared, urging her to talk with her Father properly for the first time in years, he had told her about the places he'd been, most importantly his last job in a place called the Zone, as he described as Riches and Murder.

Her Father still had some contacts with the men he worked with, those who were much more experianced in the Zone than himself, she spoke to a few over the phone and met with one who still had his PDA, showing pictures, accumulated information and other saved information, after all the people she spoke to she thought it was too interesting a place to be passed up, not realising the true dangers she packed some Rubles, clothes suitable for travelling in, and her Father's Pistol, she made her way to the Zone and with help of her father's contacts, smuggled through the Military lines into the Zone, the first move is always the hardest she was told, and she should start with Wolf's camp, upon arrival she was met with stares, whispers and greetings, feeling even better that she had a weapon with her, a man in a green suit waved her over, this was to be the Man called Wolf.

For the next few months she spent her time as a STALKER, learning the ways of the Zone and picking up useful skills to any Zone Traveller. Although a STALKERs life was hard, she had to pull her own weight, after leaving the Cordon she travelled to other parts of the Zone, making a few friends on the way, most notibly a Trader named Wine, wine had hired her, got her some gear and in time become her best friend in the Zone, up until his Death, rendering Veronika a Freelancer..

Why does it want in the zone?: To pursue curiosity influenced by her Father.


[OOC Info]
OOC Name: Pink.
Steam ID: the_pink_pink
Which you are applying for : Female Character
Why do you want this Char? I am, I fear, more comfortable roleplaying a female character than a male. I attempted to create a realistic character in Gennadi, but I feel I can do far, far superior with a legitimate, gentle female character.
By applying you accept the responsibilities of having the char, and know that by having this char it may be removed if found that you are abusing.: Yes, I accept this responsibility.
Admin support: Tom and killabreu have both supported my application for a female character.

[IC info]
Character Name: Zhenya Poslavska
Age: 28
Sex: Female
Backstory (Must be at least 2 paragraphs): I simply wrote a summary of her life here, in storyline form. I apologise for not having every detail there, however, some are as yet undecided until I continue roleplaying, and decide the true tale of the character.
Why does it want in the zone?: She seeks, at this time, sufficient money to pay for her beloved husband's treatment in an intensive care unit. He was afflicted with cancer as a result of the enormous radiation that fills the Zone. With time, as she learns of some areas of the Zone, including what may lie in the center, she may attempt to utilize artifacts or the Wish Granter in a desperate attempt to save his life.

For various reasons, I'm not at HGN much any more.
I'll see you all around, though, some time...


[OOC Info]
OOC Name: Sexy Duck
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:20789337
Which you are applying for: Female.
Why do you want this Char?: I feel more comfortable roleplaying a female than a male.
By applying you accept the responsibilities of having the char, and know that by having this char it may be removed if found that you are abusing.: Of course.
Proof of Admin support (Must be an SA or higher and must be a screenshot that is legible):

[IC info]
Character Name: Darya Amka
Age: 26
Sex: Female
Backstory (Must be at least 2 paragraphs): I've written it here: http://www.forums.hypergamer.net/in-character-information/time/
Why does she want in the zone?: She wants to become rich, as greed drives almost anyone. She also wants to be a woman and not a girl.


OOC Name: MikeyWrenn OR Prospekt
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:27013761
Which you are applying for ((IE Female, Non Ukraine/Russian, Or Special char: Female
Why do you want this Char? I truly believe that playing a female character opens up experiences that cannot be brought about via a male character. I wish to play with a friend of mine, who plays the second character described in the story, after we spent a good hour deciding on our background stories.
By applying you accept the responsibilities of having the char, and know that by having this char it may be removed if found that you are abusing.: I accept the set terms.
Proof of Admin support (Must be an SA or higher and must be a screenshot that is legible):

[IC info]
Character Name: Valentina Melekhin
Age: 27
Sex: Female
Backstory (Must be at least 2 paragraphs): Valentina lived within a small community, towards the south-west of Poltava, a large industrial town. She and a boy lower down in the school, Matviyko Bondarchuk, made a 'connection' of sorts during their early years. Although Valentina was relatively well-off, able to do pretty much as she wished, Matviyko would commit crime after crime; Theft, Assualt, ect..
An unlikely set of companions, but later becoming companions none-the-less.
At the age of fourteen, she came across Matviyko within Poltava. She was watching him as he took food from a market stall, leading on to her following him and questioning him on his actions. He didn't seem ashamed of his actions, seeming to think of it as an 'honest'. Weeks later, after taking a personal interest in this boy, 'Matvi', she decided to follow him home after school. As she went about this 'mission' he walked into a barn, after a good thirty minutes, she followed him inside. This barn was, not only, full of straw, but also a sleeping bag and clothing.
Weeks, months, years later, these two have built up a relationship that could never be broken. Even after they walked into the zone side-by-side, nothing could separate them.

Why does she want in the zone?: Described briefly within the backstory, she will follow Matvi where ever he may go.

Accepted. Don't be a loose Bicurious ninja bitch or I will fuck you up!
[OOC] Aleksandr Makarov: When do you actually need Cullinary?
[OOC] Commissar Ruslan Turchin: Vat... are you trying to say cooking skill?
[OOC] Aleksandr Makarov: Yeah.
[OOC] Commissar Ruslan Turchin: It's for the women, of course. Which is why we don't see that skill much.


[OOC Info]
OOC Name: |HGN| Chrono
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:17047605
Which you are applying for ((IE Female, Non Ukraine/Russian, Or Special char: Special Char.(Ex-monolith)
Why do you want this Char? Because it was my first character and i have been rping with it for a long time.
By applying you accept the responsibilities of having the char, and know that by having this char it may be removed if found that you are abusing.: I accept
Proof of Admin support (Must be an SA or higher and must be a screenshot that is legible):

[IC info]
Character Name: Serhiy Mykhailo
Sex: Male
Backstory (Must be at least 2 paragraphs):
Serhiy was born in a average family in Kiev, he passed through a normal childhood and was a normal teenager but when he turned 18, he started to have conflicts with his family, intense discussions and sometimes even a fight with his father. He was tired of that and one day he decided to ran way to Tcherkássi when he arrived there, He searched for a job after 1 day, He found a job in a bar that was run by an old man called Vladimir. He worked there for 2 years and him and the old man were very good friends after this whole time. One day the old man called Serhiy and told that he needed someone to get something for him in the zone, Serhiy never heard of the zone before, He gladly accepted the task that was given to him and on the same day he went to zone, It took 20 hours to reach its borders. He managed to pass through the borders and he walked to a place called cordon. After reaching cordon Serhiy searched for a place to sleep, He asked to man that was standing there and the man showed him a bed in a house, Serhiy laid down and slept very quickly. On the other day at noon Serhiy woke up and started to search for the certain item that the old man wanted back, after wandering for a while a military patrol saw him and started to open fire, Serhiy quickly toke cover and fired at in the direction of the soldiers with his makarov that he acquired in cordon, Serhiy would be dead if it wasn't for some freedomers that were walking by and they saved him and toke him to their base he stayed at their base, did several missions and earned their trust and eventually let him in their ranks.
*Around 6 Months later*
Serhiy got captured by monolith and was brainwashed, He stayed in their ranks for some time and  his fellow freedomers friends managed to track him down and when they found him, they killed him and toke his body to their base they made a funeral and all then they buried his body on the back of their base.
* 1 year later*
The monolith managed to get a rare artifact called  "Life water" They sneaked at the back of the freedom base at night and  they used the life water to revive Serhiy, He stayed with them he remembered everything from his past life and he managed to run away from them and join freedom again, They all were impressed that Serhiy was alive and he explained everything, After a while some things happened to Serhiy and he needed to disappear for a while, He went next to pripyat with some other stalkers they stayed there for a long time, Most of them died tough.
*Another year later*
Serhiy went back to freedom base and after reaching there he had a very long talk with his friend goose, after a while he went out to a patrol with some other freedomers, a lot of things changed in freedom since he left, They were walking around the garbage and a bloodsucker appeared, They all climbed in a building then the bloodsucker rushed pushing one us down and killing another but we managed to kill it.
* 3 days later*
Serhiy, A stalker and other freedomers were in the bar when suddenly Kranzer arrives, He is some kind of unique mutant, we got trapped in the bar we barricaded it and a lot of shit started to happen  zombies started to appear, Anomalies and they were firing and hitting the door and after a while a stalker named fellow arrived to help us, We hold the waves of zombies together, Serhiy got shot once but they patched him up and after one hour he was back to the fight then 2 mercenaries appeared and help them out. After this day Serhiy decided to join freedom again. 

Why does it want in the zone?: He wants to help freedom to make the zone free for all

obs: if the image doesnt show up here is the link http://img511.imageshack.us/f/authserhiymykhailo.png/

Accepted just don't go spouting off shit you don't know (IE "The brainscorcher looks like this" or "THe monolith can be reached like this")


[OOC Info]
OOC Name: Linxiekins - AaW-Sin
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:16224394
Which you are applying for ((IE Female, Non Ukraine/Russian, Or Special char: Female and Non-Ukraine/Russian
Why do you want this Char? I have been playing Akayla for over a year, she is my only character.
By applying you accept the responsibilities of having the char, and know that by having this char it may be removed if found that you are abusing.: Of course.
Proof of Admin support (Must be an SA or higher and must be a screenshot that is legible):
[IC info]
Character Name: Akayla Aoki
Age: 29
Sex: Female
Backstory (Must be at least 2 paragraphs):

Akayla was born in a small town in Alaska where she lived with her parents. Her father was hard on her, making her study every day on hours on end. "We didn't move to this country for you to not go to school!" her father would always say. He also required that she keep in peak physical condition. She'd exercise and study most of the day, the rest was spent doing chores. She was never social as a child, extremely disciplined and well mannered. As tradition in her family, she was trained in knife fighting at a young age. Akayla was taught it was better to be quick and smart rather than strong and dumb, which she quickly realised isn't the case in most situations. Akayla was always at odds with her father, she never completely agreed with him and mostly not at all. Her mother was never much help, Akayla always thought she regreted marrying her father, but she honored him. All she ever wanted, as most kids do, was to get the hell away from her parents as quick as possible.

When Akayla went to college, she picked up her firey and rebelious attitude. She kept ontop of her studies, but made certain to have as much fun as possible. Akayla recieved EMT certification and worked on ambulance while at the same time attending school, while still at the same time managing to balance her social life. With straight A's through high school and an almost perfect score on the MCAT, she got into medical school. After college she became a surgeon at one of the major hospitals in her area. With the war on terror raging in the middle east, her father urged her to join the army. In fact he pretty much demanded it. She has always had a sense of adventure, but wasn't so sure about getting shot. After much thought, she gave in and signed up. Basic training was hard on her, she had to suddenly revert back to the rigid lifestyle she remembered as a child, and it made her furious. Every instinct told her to quit, give up, find a way out. She didn't, she toughed it out. One day, the sargent was calling out for any recruits that were interested in airborne school, Akayla ran up first. She was so eager to get her red baret. Akayla foolishly beleived that it would be fun. Not only was the training not fun, what she signed herself up to do overseas, was even less fun. After going through the army's medical training course, which she thought was laughable, she had taken on the job that no one ever wants. She was a paramedical specialist. Her duty was to drop out of planes into live fire zones, hoping to god not to get hit on the way down, to rush around while trying desperately to remain calm amidst the gun fire, artilery, and sounds of people screaming in pain and to administer medical attention and get people out of the danger zone. After four years of living in hell, trying to save lives, she was released from active duty, and never wanted to go back to it again.

A few years after leaving the army she was living in Okinawa, Japan, the place where her now deceased parents were born. Most of her time was spent alone, occasionaly she would go out for drinks at the bar, not talking to anyone while there. One day on her walk home she was grabbed from behind and rendered unconcious. She had no idea where she was or what was going on, but she was being moved constantly. In the back of trucks, in the cargoholds of boats, sometimes with other people who seemed to have been taken as well. She had become a slave and was constantly changing hands, she hadn't even done anything for anyone yet, she was just moving. Constantly moving from place to place, never having a clue where she was or who she belonged to at that moment. After a time she stopped moving, but nothing was happening. She was stuck in a cell, alone, being fed three times a day and taken out for a shower once a day. She never knew what it was, but something about the place gave off the most terrifying of feelings, the feeling of death. She knew if she stayed she would die. She knew if she ran she might die, but hopefuly not in the greusome manner in which she imagined most of the captives there were slaughtered everyday. With luck, and a perfectly formulated plan, she escaped into the wild, not knowing where she was or for what reason she had been brought here. She was now...In the zone.

Why does it want in the zone?: Akayla was taken to the Zone, she had opprotunities to leave, but didn't take them. She felt that she was needed here, made close friends, and was finally part of a war that made sense.

Accepted Don't be a dumbass or I will fucking murder you in your sleep


[OOC Info]OOC Name: Pac Man
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:13683554
Which you are applying for ((IE Female, Non Ukraine/Russian, Or Special char:
Why do you want this Char?By applying you accept the responsibilities of having the char, and know that by having this char it may be removed if found that you are abusing.: I want this charecter for the most part, for my nationality, as I am majority Italian, but I also want this charecter because, although it's not rare to see non-Ukranian or Russian charecters, they are still somewhat uncommon, and contribute to charecter development much of the time from what I have learned in dealing with non-Ukranian or Russian charecters.
Proof of Admin support (Must be an SA or higher and must be a screenshot that is legible): http://i890.photobucket.com/albums/ac105/PacMan502/Italianauth.jpg
[IC info]Character Name: Gaetan Buonsanto
Age: 35
Sex: Male
Height: 5'10
Nationality: Italian
Why does it want in the zone?: For the reason to possibly find his friend, Enco, and also to help him forget the family he had lost.
Backstory (Must be at least 2 paragraphs):
Gaetan Buonsanto was the off spring of Antonio Buonsanto and Bianca Buonsanto, though his mother past away during the birth of their son, which his father later name Gaetan. His father, now at the age of twenty-seven was unsure of what to do with his son, sure he would have to give up his career if he kept his son, so at the age of three months old, Gaetan was put up for adoption.
Gaetan for the most part grew up in an orphanage, not having much in his life other then the various other orphans, but he was never a talkative boy, growing up in his adolescence as a secluded boy, always seeming to struggle with schooling, not from lack of intelligence, but from lack of motivation. Continuing forward through his teenage years, most of the children he knew were adopted or able to leave, now being six-teen, he was alone once again without as so much as an acquaintance.
When he was eight-teen, without hesitation he enlisted into the Italian military, they scarcely accepted him as he grades were border-line failing, but never-the-less allowed him in. As he continued through his basic training, he met a young man two years older than him named Enco Audle, he was a nice-enough young man, but also fell out of line very much through his training.
Finishing his training fourth highest in his class, he and Enco were shipped off on the peace keeping mission, Iraq in 2001. Enco was the least happy of the entire squad during this time, he was known for his insubordinance and disrespect, which is why two days before they were to be shipped back in late 2003, and he was given a dishonorable discharge from the military.
After Enco was discharged, Gaetan never saw much of him, though talked to him on a normal base due to spending the rest of his term on a military base near where he was given basic training. Generally his days consisted of talking to acquaintances on base, and talking to Enco, a boring existence but a safe and at times interesting one.
In September twenty-third, 2004, two months after his term was up Gaetan decided to go to a bar to celebrate his birthday with Enco, which by this time was struggling in life, but overall never went hungry. While at the bar, he ended talking to Adona Balre, a somewhat shy young girl whom was a year younger than him. Adona and Gaetan hit it off at the bar that night, Adona and him becoming quick friends.
As the months went on, Gaetan and Adona began becoming closer and closer, until they decided to begin dating seven months after meeting each other. The relationship between the two went quick, from simple things like movies to fine dining, they were generally happy, never having any major arguments. Four months after they started dating, Adona learned she was pregnant with their daughter, later named Bice Barle, Gaetan deciding that she have her mother's last name.
Three months after Bice was born, Adona and Gaetan were married. They soon moved in together, though after Bice was born, they generally stayed at her apartment building, so Gaetan moved into her apartment as it was more adequate for raising a child.
A year later, Adona learned she was once again with child, though become very sick during the early stages of pregnancy. Gaetan learned throughout the months before marrying Adona, that she had a very weak immune system, making her weak and sick more than the average person. Adona successfully gave birth to their first son, Dante Buonsanto, Adona having no major illness during the birth of her son.
The year now 2007, Adona and Gaetan and they're two children remain in the same apartment, though looking for a house affordable to they're income, Gaeten still in contact with Enco, seeing him every once in a while. Eight months past as Gaetan and Adona and they're two young children move into their new home, still very happy, though the occasional fight between the two.
Two more months pass as they learn that, once again, Adona is pregnant with their second daughter, though this time Adona becomes very ill early in the pregnancy, not recovering as the months past. As the month's pass by, Adona not only does not get better, but begins to get worse, Gaetan fearing for her and the unborn Childs life. Nine months into pregnancy, Adona gives birth to their second daughter, Caprice Buonsanto, though after giving birth in her state of illness, Adona see's her new-born daughter until she falls asleep, passing away moments later.
Gaetan, completely devastated by the death of his wife, began to drink at a somewhat alarming manner, though always managing, struggling against his own self-interest to keep his three children safe. These good times, however, were not meant to last. As Gaetan began having trouble affording his house payments, forcing them to move into a old, dilapidated apartment unsuitable for the three children, forcing him to give them to Adona's parents until he can collect the money to afford a better apartment for the children.
Four years pass, Bice now seven years old, Dante six and Caprice four, still living with their grandparents, though Gaetan visiting at least once every two days, content on being a good father, despite the conditions, though another fatal blow strikes Gaetan as he learns his youngest daughter, Caprice had inherited her mother's very weak immune system, becoming very sick with a unexplained fever, and so Gaetan quit his job, moving in with his parents-in-law for the time being to be with his sick daughter, they completely understood. Two months later, April 17th, 2011, Caprice died of her illness while sleeping next to her father.
Gaetan, unsure of what to do, now once again bearing the death of his wife, Adona, and now the death of his youngest daughter, he moved out of his parent's-in-law's house, moving back into the dilapidated apartment he had left. As months passed by, still visiting his two children at least one every two days, though now very distant, and somewhat cold, sometimes they did not wish to see him, but usually would eagerly run to his arms.
A year passes, his daughter, Bice now nine, and his son Dante, eight, were traveling with their grandparents to see Gaetan at his apartment, as he struggled to maintain a stable and suitable paycheck, to see him, though it seemed a higher power wished something else of Gaetan. When they were on their way to the apartment in a nearby town, they were hit in a head-on collision, killing his daughter and parents-in-law on impact, his son Dante now in critical condition. To Gaetan, he didn't want to believe, he continuously cursed higher powers such as god, extremely distraught as he went to see his son, still having a semblance of hope to raise him.
Two months later, Gaetan was informed that Dante was completely brain-dead, a vegetable, and so, despite the pain of losing his son, he did not want to see him go through life in a humiliated state, and so before he was taken off the machines that were keeping him alive, Gaeten decided to pull the plug, watching as his son flat lined with the doctor next to him, his head down, tears coming down his cheeks onto the floor, beginning to weep quietly.
By this time, it was 2015, his family was completely gone, and nothing left in the world he cared for, thinking seriously of suicide, but never having the heart to do it, believing he would end up in hell for ending his own life, away from his dearly departed family. In January 2015, Enco sent word to Gaetan in a not.

'My friend, I'm sorry I have not wrote you recently, I have been very busy, I am deeply sorry for your family, I'm not sure what I can tell you, I could barely get this message of out the 'Zone', which is why I wish you to come here, to be here with me, perhaps god has something left for you in this world, I send you the offer to join me here.
              ~Enco Audle.'

As Gaetan read the note, he decided to join his friend, and left without with only the intention of reaching the zone in his mind, not because he truly wanted to go there, but because it seemed to only thing that could take his mind off the family he had loss, but only he knows his truth for sure. He is presumed dead, but perhaps...perhaps he made it to the zone, I suppose only he and the residents of that dark place will know now.

Also sorry if there are any misspelled words and grammatical errors, I was downgraded to use notebad instead of M.O 2007.


[OOC Info]
OOC Name: Thanatosd347h
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:30349766
Which you are applying for ((IE Female, Non Ukraine/Russian, Or Special char: Non Ukraine/Russian
Why do you want this Char? I would like to be a unique character because it might add good RP
By applying you accept the responsibilities of having the char, and know that by having this char it may be removed if found that you are abusing.: Yes
Proof of Admin support (Must be an SA or higher and must be a screenshot that is legible): http://s300.photobucket.com/albums/nn18/darkzerxx/?action=view&current=Auth-1.png

[IC info]
Character Name: Adam Murray
Age: 23
Sex: Male
Backstory (Must be at least 2 paragraphs):Adam Murray was born in Dublin, he was a curious child. His parents were never around so he lived with his grandparents most of the time. He never stayed at one school because his grandparents wanted to travel as much as they could before they died.  They loved the Ukraine and we traveled there more than once for long periods of time, that's where he picked up most of the language.
   On Adam's nineteenth birthday he decided to spend half a year in Russia. It was amazing, he went to clubs and other parties until he met a woman named Eva Zinaida. They started to date having the best time together until it was time for Adam to leave, he and Eva were heartbroken of this fact, so they decided to get married early and live in Russia.   
   This was a bad choice, even though they thought they loved each other they would fight constantly, one bad fight and Adam decided to leave her. Depressed as he was he decided to drink his sadness away at one of the bars. He had been drinking for about three hours when he saw four men walk in whispering poorly about this land of 'Riches' called The Zone. He decided to get in on this conversation to see what it was about. He had learned that these men were planning on traveling to The Zone, Adam wanted in.
   Once they reached the Bus stop Adam  began to bribe some guards for extra protection so he could be assured to make it inside The Zone alive, this was a good plan because the group of men he learned this information from died getting to The Zone. He arrived at the Cordon and he started his journey for riches, and adventure.
Why does it want in the zone?: Riches and Adventure.

Acepted CommisarNitro

Meanwhile outside of Leshiy's door.

Adam 'Sporadic' Dominika - Alive | Squirrel - Alive | Jordan Redmond - Alive | Njal - MIA | Bowie - MIA


[OOC Info]
OOC Name:
Steam ID:
Which you are applying for ((IE Female, Non Ukraine/Russian, Or Special char:
Non-Ukraine + Female
Why do you want this Char?
Well, I want this character just for the roleplay.
By applying you accept the responsibilities of having the char, and know that by having this char it may be removed if found that you are abusing.:
Yes, I do know the responsibilities of having this character and I am aware of this character being removed if am abusing it.
Proof of Admin support (Must be an SA or higher and must be a screenshot that is legible):
|HGN-CSV| Tom -

[IC info]
Character Name:
Anne 'Savior' Hutchinson
25 Years Old
Backstory (Must be at least 2 paragraphs):
   After Annie's parents died, due to an accident, she came into the Zone looking for her brother, Arthur Hutchinson. She wanted to know why he came here, and wanted to figure out what was so special about the Zone. She came here, mostly because of her curiosity, not just for money or the adventures. When she came here, in the Zone, she knew the risks of coming here. For example the radiation, the military, and the mutants living in the Zone.

   She then begins to look around the Zone, to find Arthur. Sadly, no one knew him, so finding him was incredible hard. Until, one day, she encounter a small group of bandits. The bandits started to demand money, and these objects called artifacts. She gave them all she got of value, but the bandits demanded more. She didn't have anything else to give them. Until, a loud gun shot was heard. One of the bandits fell to the ground. This took them by surprised. They aimed they're guns, looking around, ignoring Anne. The bandits started to fall one by one, after every gun shot. She started to look around, finding out what just happened. A man in a Sun Rise suit came out of a bush. Checking if she is okay.

   The person's name was Quake, a Sanctioned Member in the Zone, and a friend of Arthur's. Quake was aware that Anne was Arthur's brother, since he talks about her most of the time to him. Anne asked if Quake knew her brother. He said he did, but he didn't know his exact location. Quake said he left the Zone for a bit and came back, and he quit The Sanctioned, he thought it was a dead group. He also told her that he goes around by the name of 'Night'. He thought this might be easy to search for him. Anne thanked the man, and went off.

   *A few months later*

   Anne didn't find her brother, but she is still searching for him, hoping she finds him. While being in the Zone, she has been given the name 'Savior' for rescuing most Stalkers who are in dire need. Even though she did had some troubles with other people in the Zone, and the mutants, she managed to survive and save most people during her encounters. During her experiences, she possibly understand why he came to the Zone now. Possibly for the adventure, or he might of did something wrong and came here. She still hopes of finding him thought, hoping he's not deceased.

Why does it want in the zone?:
To find her brother (AKA Arthur 'Night' Hutchinson) and the curiosity of why he chose to be here.

Edit: I edit the back story a bit, and added a nickname
Accepted ~Goose
Arthur 'Night' Hutchinson - ALIVE
Anne 'Savior' Gerris - ALIVE
Coroner - ALIVE
'Crazed' - ALIVE


[OOC Info]
OOC Name: [SGC] ๖ۣۜßĮâźēř232
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:35149487
Which you are applying for ((IE Female, Non Ukraine/Russian, Or Special char: Female character
Why do you want this Char? I want this character to improve my RP experience, because I love to roleplay, especially on HGN servers.
By applying you accept the responsibilities of having the char, and know that by having this char it may be removed if found that you are abusing.: I accept
Proof of Admin support (Must be an SA or higher and must be a screenshot that is legible): http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/191/femcharapp.png/

[IC info]
Character Name: Anichka Valyusha
Age: 27
Sex: Female
Backstory : Anichka was born on a farm, and raised there.  She never really made many friends, because there were no neighbors for miles around, and she was home schooled, so she never went to school.  She was taught to use basic firearms, to keep pests away from the cattle, and various other animals on the farm.  Although she really had no friends, she lived a happy life on the farm.  The surrounding fields were beautiful, and the skies were mostly cloudless.  As the years passed, though, people began to stop buying their crops, and meat, so the farm began to run out of money.  For the first time, she traveled to the city, to scour the streets for a job, or some other way to make money, when she heard about 'The Zone'.  She heard of the various riches and artifacts you could find in the zone.  She returned home quickly after hearing of it, and waited until the night, when her parents were asleep.  She grabbed her backpack, and the old, but reliable, Hunting Rifle she had used over the years of living on the farm.  She left a note on her bedroom door, and left, hitchiking her way toward the zone.

          Eventually she reached the outskirts of the zone, where she met a small group of people, next to a hole in the perimeter. She approached them, and asked them what they were doing.  They said, "Sneaking into the zone, are you sneaking in too?", she nodded her head, and they stared blankly at her. "Well you should probably go in properly prepared," one of them said, and tossed her a geiger counter, and a small looking gas mask. "Welcome, to the zone." one of them said, and smiled, and she half smirked back, placing the gas mask on her head, and bringing her hood over her head. They began sneaking into the perimeter, one by one, her going along somewhere in the middle. It was tough sneaking through, as where they were sneaking in, the area was heavily fortified, and riddled with soldiers. At some point, they reached an old sewage ditch tunnel that led to the other side of a hill, which should bring them into the clear, but when it was her turn to crawl inside, her rifle would not fit. Unfortunately, she had to leave it behind. They made there way through the tunnel, and arrived near a strange looking bunker, next to a long, and dark tunnel. She had made it.

Why does she want in the zone?: Her family became poor, and she needed money for her family, so she came in search of riches.

Accepted It'll pass...for now.


[OOC Info]
OOC Name:Darkzerxx
Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:20067753
Which you are applying for ((IE Female, Non Ukraine/Russian, Or Special char:Female, Italian
Why do you want this Char?I think it would be a different role play experience from trader, Eco leader, and monolith. I think it just be over all a fun chance to try something new.
By applying you accept the responsibilities of having the char, and know that by having this char it may be removed if found that you are abusing.:Yes.
Proof of Admin support (Must be an SA or higher and must be a screenshot that is legible):

[IC info]
Character Name:Rebecca Owens
Backstory (Must be at least 2 paragraphs):
I was born in 1992, in Roma Italy. My family was a small one and we did not do much as a family since we weren't very rich. I lived and went to school in Roma for the good part of my life, it was not till I was 17 when I moved to Venice on the edge of water in a small two bed room home with my best friend Michel. We both went to university there and studied the Ukraine after hearing of the explosion and other things, learning the language mostly. One day we went to a bar in the slums after going out for the night to have some drinks when we saw a man stumble in covered in scars and approached a group of men, He was talking really loud that me and Michel could hear what the man was saying. He talked about the Ukraine and of a place called the "Zone" where everyone was going to seek fortune and .
Soon after me and my friend researched this zone a bit more, after looking up some information that was open to see. Michel was excited about this "Zone" and would spend day's trying to convince me to go with her there, I was interested but thought it was to dangerous. A couple months passed and I came home from work one day and found a note on the desk, Michel left without me... I was so scared and confused that I was going to lose my Best friend if I did not go after her. Soon after I packed some bags and whatever money I had and set out for this zone in search of her. Lucky for me I found an old man who was a bit strange but helped me get inside the "Zone", I think he called himself fellow. He also supplied me with some protection for myself and gave me some money instead of what I had saying my money was no good there. I soon hope to find my friend and go home, but I do not know what awaits me.

Why does it want in the zone?:
Tofind her friend Michel who left without her.

Ex-Duty-converted Monolith:|Draco 'Dice' stellem|Decease
Stalker/Trader:|Dracovich Raka|Alive
Eco:|Dr.Richard L. Vangraff|In zone
Stalker:|Scarler 'becca' Owen|Alive
Stalker:|Taylor 'trinity'|Alive
Military:|Scarlet Stroik|alive


[OOC Info]
OOC Name: cgge
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:0 00:19 290 (this is what showed up in console)
Which you are applying for ((IE Female, Non Ukraine/Russian, Or Special char:Non Ukraine/Russian
Why do you want this Char?:Because i feel that i could RP better playing as a nationality that i understand better
By applying you accept the responsibilities of having the char, and know that by having this char it may be removed if found that you are abusing.:Indeed
Proof of Admin support (Must be an SA or higher and must be a screenshot that is legible):http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198003915877/screenshot/560911634037493029?tab=public(copy and paste this link because idk how to put in the actuall LINK or just goto my steam profile on steam powerd or whatever)

[IC info]
Character Name: Michael "Mike" Shepard
Sex: Male
Backstory (Must be at least 2 paragraphs):Michael "Mike" Shepard Grew up in St.lawrence Newfoundland, Canada before moving to the Ukraine to go to school to get a better job to support his sick mother,as a child he lived on the docks, since he was a dock kid all the bay kids and the dock kids were always fighting in school,One time Mike was approached by a bay kid and the bay kid picked a fight with him.He whooped his ass back to the bay cause he smacked him right in the jaw and knocked the bay kid out faster then you could say "Hey whats up?" ,Though in appearance Mike might not look tough "He is a real newfie" As his mother  would say,He was tough as they come because under that fat was a lot of muscle,
Because he worked out in the fitness room at recess,He had a real strong newfoundland accent (which is sort of like an irish accent and i think a bit of a british accent) And he had a real good singing voice,He also was really good with the guitar according to friends parents of friends and his family,In college years
Mike went to the college of the north atlantic trade school to learn mechanics and construction,After a while all was good he moved to placentia and made a buisness called "shepards construction and repair"
Though he never had a son he hired a few workers and they were pretty much like a family,Ukraine years:When Mike was 37 he decided to go to school in the ukraine to go to school and get better work and a better education,Zone years:When Mike heard about the zone he thought "Wow this zone place must be awesome everybody says,or atleast i think they say That its amazing there,so much money and buisness,Mabye i will raise up enough money to go back home with a ton of money and become a lawyer or mabye a manajer of a big corperation" He then went and bought a PMm and grabbed 500 rubles worth of canadian bills and went into the zone, Reaching Yanov station was a bit difficult because he was all alone untill he found a group of S.T.A.L.K.E.R's (loners) and they were going to yanov aswell so he tagged along with them.
Why does it want in the zone?: why do all people want to come into the zone? Money of course,and to raise money so he can support a family later in life.

Accepted I'll be honest, I didn't want to accept this. I hate non-Ukrainian/Russians in the Zone.


[OOC Info]
OOC Name: Dutch
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:6660673
Which you are applying for: Non-Ukrainian/Russian
Why do you want this Char?: Joker's an old character of mine and I intend to keep roleplaying on him, now that I plan to make a return.
By applying you accept the responsibilities of having the char, and know that by having this char it may be removed if found that you are abusing: Yessiree.
Proof of Admin support: http://img844.imageshack.us/img844/304/fdsfdo.png

[IC info]
Character Name: Joker
Age: Late twenties.
Sex: Male
Backstory (Must be at least 2 paragraphs):Dwayne Stewart, Joker to his wise-cracking friends, grew up quite roughly. The streets of New York aren't exactly the best place to raise a child. His lower-class lifestyle meant meager meals, at most. Joker enrolled in school until he was seventeen, when he dropped out and joined his friends in a local street gang. That didn't go so well, as numerous crimes, ranging from petty theft to kidnapping and attempted murder, were pinned on Joker. At the age of twenty, Joker began to flee the police, and soon enough, he found himself with a fake passport on his way to Europe.
Several years later, he was lead by some contacts and old friends into the Zone. Joker has served with Duty, and briefly tried to fund a career as a craftsman. Joker is rather skilled when it comes to upgrading, modifying, or repairing items, and that has, and hopefully will continue to help, his career as a trader. He has been in the zone for several months now, and is pleased to consider himself as an experienced stalker. Joker has finally decided to calm things down for now, and set up shop selling the supplies he can find.
Why does he want in the zone?: Power and money, just like any other STALKER.

Denied for using him without having the application approved. Reapply in two weeks. - Dug
"What dutch says, when he's not trollin mono, he talkes good smartness." - Comradebritish



[OOC Info]
OOC Name: Pawx

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:13778615

Which you are applying for ((IE Female, Non Ukraine/Russian, Or Special char: Non Ukraine/Russian

Why do you want this Char?: For more of a Backstory and a interesting story to develop my Character even further

By applying you accept the responsibilities of having the char, and know that by having this char it may be removed if found that you are abusing.: I Understand

Proof of Admin support (Must be an SA or higher and must be a screenshot that is legible):
(If it isn't clear enough, please tell me, Thank you.)
[IC info]

Character Name:Austin Creed

Age: 36

Sex: Male

Backstory (Must be at least 2 paragraphs):

The family was born in the Poor Parts of Europe to a French Mother and a Ukrainian Father. After the births of all Four of the Children, Austin and Kathy were forced to Adaption due to growing Poverty. They were sent to a Rich Family in France, where they took after the two and raised them like their own. After a few years, the parents seemed to drift off from the two, including Austin. Austin drove into the Criminal life, joining a Gang and causing trouble throughout France. It wasn't long until a waring Gang framed Austin's gang for a Mass Murder in a Airport Terminal. Austin was caught outside of France in Panama, And was sent to a European Prison. Austin was to serve a Life Sentence for the Murder of over 500 French Citizens.

After serving over 20 years in Prison, he was given a opportunity to escape after the Fellow Prisoners started a massive Riot due to the Living Conditions. Austin took the chance and Escaped the European Prison. While in the Prison, Austin overheard one of the Prisoners rambling on about a huge treasure and worthy leadership in a place called 'The Zone' in Ukraine. Austin had no choice but to escape to Ukraine, and seek the Treasure and Respect he rightfully Deserved. Kathy followed Austin after trying to visit him one day, and found him escaping, and the other two overheard Rumors of Fortune and Power through the Citizens of Europe.

Why does it want in the zone?: To seek Treasure and Power that was Rumored of 'The Zone'.



[OOC Info]

OOC Name: FrostyFrosty

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:24921714

Which you are applying for ((IE Female, Non Ukraine/Russian, Or Special char: Non Ukraine/Russian (American)

Why do you want this Char?: So I can provide more roleplay for myself and others, and to develop him more.

By applying you accept the responsibilities of having the char, and know that by having this char it may be removed if found that you are abusing.: I do.

Proof of Admin support (Must be an SA or higher and must be a screenshot that is legible):

[IC info]

Character Name: Robert 'Whiskey' Clark

Age: 42

Sex: Male

Backstory (Must be at least 2 paragraphs):      Robert Clark was born in the city of Minneapolis, Minnesota. He was not rich or poor during his childhood, but right in the middle. Robert's mother died when he was four from cancer, so he has been living with his father through child and teen years. During the time spent with his father, Robert picked up some skills. Some of these skills were how to track animals and shoot a gun. During school, Robert was average student, with decent grades, but during his high school years, he saw the first incident in Chernobyl, Ukraine and became very interested in the Ukrainian and Russian cultures. So, high school was where Robert learned about the history of Russia and Ukraine, and the language.

      In 2006, Robert heard about the second Chernobyl incident, and was astounded that it happened again, and heard about treasures that my be there. So in 2007, Robert packed some things up, and took the first flight out to Kiev, Ukraine. Once in Kiev, Robert had to figure out a way to get to the place known as 'The Zone'. Robert figured out the perfect plan: sneaking on to a Military transport truck. Robert figured that it was going to be a tough task, but then hit it him. All of a sudden, a Ukrainian soldier walked into an alleyway near where he was, and Robert knew what he must do. Robert followed the soldier into the alleyway, and spotted a large enough rockon the ground. So Robert picked it up, and hit the soldier in the back of the head. Once the soldier was knocked out, Robert quickly took all the possessions away from the soldier, including uniform, weapons, radio, ect. Robert was now disguised as a soldier, and quickly looked for the next transport to the zone. The first transport out was about to leave, and Robert made it on the truck, and was on his way to 'The Zone'.

      When the truck arrived in 'The Zone', Robert had to find a way to escape the Military base he was stationed at in the Cordon. Robert decided the best way to get away from the Military, was to escape during a patrol. When he went on patrol and was attack by bandits, Robert knew it was the perfect time to escape. So Robert threw a smoke grenade that was on his belt, and quickly ran out to the forest where he would escape. Once in the forest, Robert took only the uniform off and kept the rifle, pistol, ammo, and radio. Robert eventually gained enough money from jobs, and bought himself a sunrise suit.

      The date is now 2011 (?), and Robert is now a Veteran of the zone, and knows mostly about the area. Robert also picked up on the nickname 'Whiskey', so people won't know he is officially American. So now Robert helps out stalkers, and lives life in 'The Zone' as a STALKER.

Why does it want in the zone?: Because he wants to experience life in Ukraine and 'The Zone', and to get a little money on the side.

Denied It was rather sub-par. Spend a bit more time working on the grammar and backstory and we'll see then.


OOC Name: Kassandra
Steam ID: Kassendraw STEAM_0:1:37702783

Which you are applying for ((IE Female, Non Ukraine/Russian, Or Special char: Female character.

Why do you want this Char?: Because I don't feel comfortable Roleplaying a character of the opposite sex

By applying you accept the responsibilities of having the char, and know that by having this char it may be removed if found that you are abusing.: I agree to the conditions of this.

Proof of Admin support (Must be an SA or higher and must be a screenshot that is legible):

[IC info]
Character Name: Kassandra Draw
Age: 29
Sex: Female
Backstory (Must be at least 2 paragraphs): Kassandra was raised in a family in Moscow with a economic status that one might say would be above average. Her parents had their own problems, fighting amongst her family broke out and soon a divorce which shattered the economic status of Kassandra's family was let loose. Kassandra stayed with her mother, but, her mother had turned abusive due to the anger and rage of the divorce. In need to escape this abusive behaviour, Kassandra left Moscow and fled to the area of Kiev in Ukraine at the age of 20. Finding jobs for Kassandra, was very difficult in Kiev.

Kassandra soon found a job working for the Ukrainian military as a secretary. This job enabled her to sneak peaks at documents that were classified and were handed to her to be given to the higher commanding officials. Kassandra, after 3 years of this, found out about "The Zone" intrigued by this, she collected her things and set out to Chernobyl or, better known, "The Zone". Before setting out, Kassandra spent 3 long years preparing herself physically and mentally for the conditions she would face in The Chernobyl region, though she did not know what she'd really find there.

Why does it want in the zone?: She would strive to enter the zone because of the opportunity to partake in something important, after all, being in ruin due to many conditions in her life, she would feel the need to find a sense of belonging and at the same time the opportunity to start new without a need for one to know her background.

Denied You're not know...at all. You have one post count. Reapply when you're more known as an active member of the community.


[OOC Info]
OOC Name: Dvsilverwing
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:10883866
Which you are applying for: Non-Eastern European Character
Why do you want this Char?: So I can better roleplay the character, and to provide a bit more originality in the player base, there's probably a million "Vladimir" characters made
By applying you accept the responsibilities of having the char, and know that by having this char it may be removed if found that you are abusing.: Yeah.
Proof of Admin support:

[IC info]
Character Name: Heinrich "Ricky" Vetter
Age: 26
Sex: Male
Backstory (Must be at least 2 paragraphs): Heinrich was born in Stuttgart, Germany. He was raised by two loving parents into an average midde class family. Heinrich was a good student, a great student even. He was excellent with electronics: he'd loved computers since he first played a game on his fathers work PC. He loved fiddling with them, changing the settings, replacing parts: he loved it. It became almost an obsession with him, technology in general was his love and his life. He took as many school courses involving computers and science as he could, eventually going to college and majoring in Computer Science. Heinrich was also always one for attention, always wanting to be the center of attention. He said he'd be famous one day, and every time he'd program a new code or create a new application it was always going to be the next big thing: he was going to become famous someway or another.

Soon into his adulthood, word of The Zone started spreading. Nothing more than rumors, to most people: they were in Germany, who cares about the useless, grimy, dirty and radioactive wasteland off to the East: it didn't matter to them. But to Heinrich, he saw something else: he saw a chance to use his calling for something, he saw a new frontier that had nothing but opportunities for him to use his skills to become famous: to rise in the ranks. Dealing with electronics was something he could work with in The Zone, something he could become known for, and the more people knew his name the better. Heinrich started researching a bit more into The Zone, not such a friendly place for opportunists like himself he found out. He assumed he'd be okay, he was never a bad shot with a rifle. Memories of him and his father hunting together throughout his adolescent years reminded him that if ever that inevitable time came where he needed to use a weapon, he'd be able to use it effectively enough to keep himself safe, and that's about it. He was no marksman, but he assumed he could fare alright in The Zone. His parents, he knew, would be less than supportive of his new money making venture: especially considering all the failed small ideas in the past, why risk such a large venture only to fail again? So he told them he'd picked up a job as a Program Development Officer over East, and that it was his big chance to get a stable career going. Of course, they bought it: he was a good liar, every detail sounding like it came straight from a documentary itself. He found himself some contacts in The Zone with a few small STALKER groups and a larger Mercenary division: everybody was after his expertise and he wasn't even in The Zone yet, he knew he'd just started it: the path from a 100% Average, Middle Class, German man to a famed Electronics expert, and he was convinced that the longer he's in The Zone: the more famous he'll become.

Why does it want in the zone?: Fame, recognition, and succeeding in his life's aspiration in the new frontier of The Zone.

Accepted Sorry for the wait.
During the course of the last fiscal year minimum wealth was earned, and dismal tears were shed for critical health concerns.


[OOC Info]
OOC Name: Kassandra  (Kassendraw)
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:37702783
Which you are applying for ((IE Female, Non Ukraine/Russian, Or Special char: Fenake Character
Why do you want this Char?: I would like to roleplay a character of my own gender
By applying you accept the responsibilities of having the char, and know that by having this char it may be removed if found that you are abusing.:
Proof of Admin support (Must be an SA or higher and must be a screenshot that is legible):

[IC info]
Character Name: Aksinya Proxy
Age: 30
Sex: Female
Backstory (Must be at least 2 paragraphs):

Aksinya was raised in a girls-only boarding school due to her father abandoning her when she was a child and her mother not able to always be around for her. In the girls-only boarding school, due to the female only a tense enviroment due to this, Aksinya was known for her violent manner with the other girls. Aksinya grew up in this enviroment until she was 20 years old, in which, upon completeing her study's at 22, she left to Kiev to find work. Aksinya couldn't find a stable job in Kiev for 4 years due to the economy and low job rates in Ukraine at the time, so, she resorted to working for the government. Aksinya worked as a saleswoman for Ukrspetsexport.
When the company was caught red handed supplying weapons to conflicts in Africa, it was shut down on her 27th birthday. Due to her growing up in a girls-only school and her raising with a non-male area, she quickly adapted and soaked up the ways and attitudes of all her male companions, becoming a tomboy herself in many aspects. Aksinya found herself with no attraction to most people by this time, spiriling into a depression until she was 28. The last two years before her arriving to the zone she was slowly convinced by her male friends who had figured out by their owns means to accompany them. Aksinya, naive, was conviced to go with them and within entering the swamp sector of the zone, while they were sleeping, her "friends" attempted to rape her.
Out of luck some dogs were around the area and a fight broke out. In the confusion, after a few dog bites herself, Aksinya fleed and became a loner STALKER, masking her female sex, she traveled around the zone in silence to not let even her voice reveal her gender. She was commented in various times of her feminine eyes and postures, but, suspicion didn't rise enough to have another accident happen. Within much rubles spent through traveling and taking from dead S.T.A.L.K.E.R.S. Aksinya managed to keep a Makarov for herself, deciding it was time to move on from her group, deeper, deeper into the Zone to where she might find a home. Aksinya was always doubtful on whether she wanted to stay in the zone or not, but mostly, she seemed to not care.

Why does it want in the zone?: As stated before, being convinced by her "friends" to come in and then due to her fleeing and traveling with other S.T.A.L.K.E.R.S. leading her deeper without her noticing she was going deeper due to lack of general knowledge.

Denied Royz[/color] isn't exactly active, even by the current admin activity standards.


|OOC Info|
OOC Name: Tunddruff
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:11463550
Which you are applying for ((IE Female, Non Ukraine/Russian, Or Special char)): Female
Why do you want this Character?: Im coming back to RP after a long time. To be sure TO MYSELF that im coming back, I NEED a not male character, it would feel too much like Tenel to me. To come back, AND STAY BACK, I need a new feel to SRP that is renewing and I can expand not only myself but my character.
By applying you accept the responsibilities of having the char, and know that by having this char it may be removed if found that you are abusing.:
Proof of Admin support (Must be an SA or higher and must be a screenshot that is legible):

|IC info|
Character Name: Oxana Lyudmyla
Age: 19
Sex: Female (Ofc?)
Backstory (Must be at least 2 paragraphs):
Born in Київ (Kiev), Ukraine she grew up hearing about the Zone on a regular basis, as far back as she can remember. She graduated with moderate grades, and planned to work for her Father in a hobby shop her father owned. This was the easiest course she could take for her life. Live lazy and have a secure job regardless of how she acted. About two months into working for her father, she began to draw customers because she was a female whom they felt the had a chance with, her working in a hobby shop, and guys going there usually struggling sharing the same interests as other women. She fell for one of them. Hard. Symon was his name, He had brown hair, green eyes, 5'7" and shy. Your usual quiet guy.

She fell for him faster than a brick threw water. She had not known of love before, she herself lacked womanly features. Small breasts, short hair, black hair with dark hazel eyes. Known to wear brown and known to be forgotten in a group of two. He didn't have to try hard to get her attention, simply talking to her fired up her mind in a lustful passion that could only be described as "getting attention when you never knew what it was before". She was a naive girl who would soon be taken advantage of. Symon wished for nothing but to get ahead for himself. He strung her along till she thought she was madly in love with him, when really all she wanted was his attention. They finally went on a date, he played his cards right so she would give him whatever he wanted. Paid for dinner. Paid for condoms. Paid for it more than economically. There was a collectors item that her dad had ordered for a customer, a original Star-Wars light saber. Worth thousands of rubles. Symon knew this. He asked Oxana "Do you think we could hang out in the store after it closes?", her reply was undeniably "Yes."

When she woke up she was surrounded by empty shelves in a place that looked familiar. She stood up noticing the broken glass in her arms and hands. It burned to move, but she had to know what was going on. She looked around dazed and confused. There was glass everywhere... but it was dark. She felt around for a light switch, flicking it on. A small buzzing, and nothing changed. She couldnt see what had happened but, it was the shop she worked in. The shop had become destroyed.

Symon used her.

Time seemed to slow down as her heart raced more and more. She could feel the fire, but not see it. It just felt warm. The air got thinner and thinner. She felt her way behind the counter, and to the door that led to the upstairs. Grabbed the handle. Turning it, the door flew open as a large mass fell threw the opening. Buring, screaming, dying. She couldnt make out who they were, but they could see why it was getting hotter. The switch was rigged to the upstairs. To start a fire. Cover Symon's tracks and frame Oxana. She was to take the blame for all that would unfold for her. The person on fire was her father, trying to escape. Falling into broken glass. Quickly standing, shoving Oxana over the counter and running outside, tears running down his burnt face. Her mother was staying with her parents that night, safe from the fire. And the pain.

Oxana woke up in a Jail cell, unaware of what unfolded in mere minutes. Her arms were bandaged, her wounds were mended. But her mind was scattered, in ignorant bliss. A tall man walked in, scar across his right cheek, leading down and past his neck, which was battle-worn too. He looked at her threw the bars saying,
"Son. I dont think your the one who started the fire. Or broke the place up. The owner just wants to know where his daughter is. There are no charges against you, we have you here to see what you know. Its been three days since then. Your are only lead. The owner said that if you cant find his daughter, you will be charged with all the damages, arson and finally, the murder of his daughter. Now you look young. So everyone will go easy on ya'. Did you, or did you not, help or assist in everything that happened at the store?"

"No...", she replied, "I am his daughter! Im not a girl!"
He looked at her with disbelief.
"Mister, don't pull my leg, I know a guy when I see one. Are you gunna tell me anything, or are we gunna deal with you like how we deal with dangerous criminals, like yourself."

"I had nothing to do with it! I SWEAR to GOD! I will swear on a bible if you find one! I am innocent!" she protested,

"See. Symon thought you'd say something like that. But, he doesn't have the heart to watch you die, or kill you, or have someone kill you. Your too ... little... Too... insignificant."

Her eyes widened as tears fell from her face. Oxana realized he wasn't a police officer, and this wasn't a jail cell at the police station. It was a dungeon. Her world had been taken away.

"To the authorities, your already dead. Only one person is missing, and only one body was found in the remains. Nothing more than a chared remain now. But hey, not like they can id it or anything" as he started to chuckle loudly, he wiped away a twisted tear that gathered in the corner of one eye. "Ahhh... that was fun. My employer, or 'Symon' as you know him is putting you in the infamous zone. If you ask me, your better off dead than in there. I'll give ya one hint, IF YOU ARE IN FACT a lady, hide that you are... Or you'll be treated worst than what Symon did to you and you'll wish we shot you in your sleep"

He drew his gun and pointed it at Oxana. All unseriousness fled from his eyes as they became enveloped by the sight of a man who would shoot without a second though and walk away never worrying about the morality behind killing anyone. He gave her instructions to move. She moved. Oxana was no more. Her old life was taken from her, a crushed husk of the naive girl was no more. She had to 'act' like a man in a mans world. She couldn't let anyone know. Anyone.

Why does it want in the zone?: She has no choices in her decision, she is marked as dead. She is walking down the path that will let her live longer than her old life let her. It will be a long journey into the Zone. Where she goes, who she will turn too is not known. But. She can see that she would rather walk, than lay in a ditch with a hole in her head, never to be found.

Either live in the zone. Or die. She isnt ready to give up, but she has no idea who to turn to, where to go or how to even react to anything. When she finally realizes that she isnt dreaming will be the most devastating day anyone could face.


~Goose your a dick for not reading it.