WildMen (Event based faction, open to just about any one)

Started by DasHeadCrap, 15-04-2013

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WildMen are a savage barbarous people that where not noticed until the fall of the Aridellian colonies. They consist of almost all common races and have many small tribal camps around between Rubyroot and the Canderous Fields. They are unusually strong for an average human/dwarf/orc and take to using broadswords scavenged from Aridellian ruins and obsidian spears found near old volcanic rivers. They commonly wear upper biceps iron plate armor and iron knee caps and boots. It allows them to be well armored yet still light enough to be agile. They either got the armor from ruins or skirmishes with homesteaders around Aceon. They outcome of this ancient barbarian network of tribes rest on the outcome of the Judonian/Mardra war and the WildMen plan to make a difference in it. Currently their are some 10 to 15,000 wild men in the area around Rubyroot and the Canderous fields but lack of good language skills and trade mean only a few tribes can communicate at once. Tribes range from 10 to 300 people, Often they are arranged around a cobble stone meeting square that has a primitive stone watch tower. They have small farms and good nighttime eye sight due to a diet of mainly carrots. A few rumors of skirmishes between Judonian troops and WildMen are present at camps. But most say it's just the troops trying to come up with a good camp story. WildMen are amazed by civilization and are zealots in worshiping and guarding those who give bit of it to them. Their hope in the war is for the victor to award them with the knowledge of how to be as great as the victors them selves. They where defeated at the river by the Judonians and retreated back to their jungle homes.
Listen, man, humanity dreams of the stars for one reason and one reason only. Hot xeno ass. Don't fail us now.