Vote: Reset the Map

Started by Ragolution, 17-04-2011

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emperor bobby


I voted no but could you change it to yes?
Awesomeness is the best trait one can have


When is the poll going to be closed and decision reached?



I agree with Xerdun. If you are going to reset the map, do it because I don't want to build anything knowing it's going to be deleted.

2 word reviews:
Borderlands: Cartoon fun.
Dead Space: Kick babies.
Gears of war: Shotgun obliteration.
CoD: Don't want.
Minecraft: Epic win.


If yes can I help build the castle I made an awesome Canterbury Keep the other day although it took me like 2 weeks to make
Lamp oil


No, everyone made their stuff. It might is kinda messy but if we would get an plugin that allows to set a new spawnpoint the old area can be avoided.

The spawnpoint must be placed somewhere good tho.


In time the new server is just gonna get messy again. If we tidy up some of the stuff that's been destroyed purposely, removing the floating blocks and messed up parts, they could look like ancient ruins that can be explored by newer players. This means nobody has to start over and what's been left to rot by people can look a little more visually appealing.

2 word reviews:
Borderlands: Cartoon fun.
Dead Space: Kick babies.
Gears of war: Shotgun obliteration.
CoD: Don't want.
Minecraft: Epic win.


Well tbh I voted no at first and wish I had voted for yes because now I can't change it, but the reason I tried to change it was because with a restart people will be able to build fresh with new ideas. Also it will be alot more tidy especially if we establish some sort of road. With new factions now coming in, it will also be easier for everyone to get an even amount of ground rather than having a faction thats been established for ages crushing any effort at another faction taking ground. Plus in responce to greatscawt's comment, if you want ruins you can make them anyway and it will be messy I feel to get dirt and attempt to fill in griefing and random holes.
Awesomeness is the best trait one can have


now the servers back up and running some 20 seconds ago is the map reset going ahead or are we going to forgot the poll completely?
Awesomeness is the best trait one can have



After last night I'm fairly sure that the server will not be reset. If everyone continues in the vain of yesterday evening, grouping together to fix the massive scars on the landscape, then I think we can save the server from reset.


Quote from: Xerdun on 27-04-2011
After last night I'm fairly sure that the server will not be reset. If everyone continues in the vain of yesterday evening, grouping together to fix the massive scars on the landscape, then I think we can save the server from reset.

Waste of time.


Quote from: Ragolution on 27-04-2011
Quote from: Xerdun on 27-04-2011
After last night I'm fairly sure that the server will not be reset. If everyone continues in the vain of yesterday evening, grouping together to fix the massive scars on the landscape, then I think we can save the server from reset.

Waste of time.

Well Silver doesn't seem to think so


Quote from: Xerdun on 27-04-2011
Quote from: Ragolution on 27-04-2011
Quote from: Xerdun on 27-04-2011
After last night I'm fairly sure that the server will not be reset. If everyone continues in the vain of yesterday evening, grouping together to fix the massive scars on the landscape, then I think we can save the server from reset.

Waste of time.

Well Silver doesn't seem to think so

I disagree with silver's opinion, then.

Why repair when you can just discard and remake it?
Right now it's not a matter of "Why" it's more of "Why not"
We've seen a clear majority for people in favor of a new map.


But how many of those people had actually been on the map and built something meaningful before voting in the poll? That's something that needs to be considered.

And also the man hours it will take for everyone to rebuild will take much longer than the time taken for people to fix the map we have, if we all work together


Quote from: Xerdun on 27-04-2011
But how many of those people had actually been on the map and built something meaningful before voting in the poll? That's something that needs to be considered.

And also the man hours it will take for everyone to rebuild will take much longer than the time taken for people to fix the map we have, if we all work together

I heavily disagree with your second point.


Quote from: Xerdun on 27-04-2011
But how many of those people had actually been on the map and built something meaningful before voting in the poll? That's something that needs to be considered.

And also the man hours it will take for everyone to rebuild will take much longer than the time taken for people to fix the map we have, if we all work together

Lots of people who have big cities voted yes. Also you aren't taking into account the benefits of starting over, you're only looking at the cost of rebuilding.

For 1, the world wouldn't be horribly word-edit raped.
For 2, people would be closer together, increasing RP.


Quote from: Paintcheck on 27-04-2011
Quote from: Xerdun on 27-04-2011
But how many of those people had actually been on the map and built something meaningful before voting in the poll? That's something that needs to be considered.

And also the man hours it will take for everyone to rebuild will take much longer than the time taken for people to fix the map we have, if we all work together

Lots of people who have big cities voted yes. Also you aren't taking into account the benefits of starting over, you're only looking at the cost of rebuilding.

For 1, the world wouldn't be horribly word-edit raped.
For 2, people would be closer together, increasing RP.


I have built and demolished four cities.
I built them.
I demolished them.
I've got one standing, right now.

I want the map wiped and other people in similar situations as me concur.


I don't understand why you're so adverse to the idea of rebuilding? If you came and helped it would be sped up even more, especially with your admin powers. If we start over you're just going to demand worldedit again, build and rape cities and complain about griefers, and then you'll want to start over again.

Personally i don't think griefers are the problem, i think its everyone's shitty attitude towards rping with one another. Distance isn't an issue either, especially with the boundary, people travel to rp.


Griefers are definitely the problem that's why we're all so spread out, to avoid being right next to spawn and getting griefed. It's hard to RP when the next town over is a half hour walk and since no one knows where anything is you don't even know which direction you need to spend that half hour in.

Map reset would fix the damage caused by the griefers. People would still spread out but they wouldn't go as far away from spawn as they are now. I'm currently at an X and Z coord that is at least 1700 blocks or so from spawn in one direction and a good 800 in another. That's a long walk.


When was the last time anyone was griefed though? I've not seen or heard of any new griefing since joining the server, its just the remnants of past griefing that everyone's too lazy to tidy up. We could just as easily repopulate the villages near the spawn and build cities closer by, now. There's nothing to stop you doing that, the way you're talking is like the whole maps been griefed, which it hasn't, just some parts have already been built on, and then they move it. This ridiculous cycle of building and griefing your own cities through fear of griefers. It makes no sense that you do more damage to the cities you built than a griefer could. And a tool such as world edit could be used to fix the problem but a lot of the problem has been caused by the tool, such as the massive craters. That's not griefers, that's the people who are meant to be taking care of the server. The admins. And that's not me pointing fingers, just an observation


Well moving everything so far away has made griefing pretty unlikely since no one is going to walk for 20 minutes irl just to be a dick. But it has wrecked RP.

And Hessen, the guy who did most of the World Editting shit, had his admin removed.


Then why not move our factions closer? Keep your other bases still and build new ones closer to the spawn? This rebuilding of the server is helping to create a feeling of community between the players. What's to stop everyone just going miles away again if we do reset the map?


Because Silver will install the boundary mod that is on now to limit expansion to a certain degree.