The Novarium Expedition *Inactive*

Started by emperor bobby, 15-04-2011

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emperor bobby

Just so you all Know, If The server is wiped, and novarium is forced to lower it's technology level, We will be voiding everything that has happened In aceon, and will be role playing our origonal landing. Our faction will be Slightly different, taking on a much less diplomatic approach to the colonisation of Aceon, and Lord admiral hektor dantius Shall be leading them. This is an oppertunity, If you are a loyalist auxilliary, you may keep your name and rank, and be transferred to the Novarium Army or navy, But you will not be the same character, as the new expedition will have no interest in The Aceon civillians. if you have had a Character who has died, Like i have ,you may bring them back. to make things perfectly clear, If the server is wiped, Everything Novarium has done Will be voided, And we Will Begin over, just as the server has. I'm sorry if that's frustrating to some, it's not what i wanted. but it's an oppertunity to turn the sudden Removal of everything and us being placed back with zero resources, Into an event in it's own sense.


Hmmm, I know you got a nice faction here bobby and you've worked harder on it than anyone else. But dont you think with a server wipe we should get a faction wipe and start... 100% new. I know this will be hard. But it makes most sense and will work out the best. I mean you have to think of it as not a new part of the Aceon world, but a whole other universe... just my opinion but...
Titan Motstand


Quote from: LupusCallidus on 25-06-2011
Hmmm, I know you got a nice faction here bobby and you've worked harder on it than anyone else. But dont you think with a server wipe we should get a faction wipe and start... 100% new. I know this will be hard. But it makes most sense and will work out the best. I mean you have to think of it as not a new part of the Aceon world, but a whole other universe... just my opinion but...

Who are you. Why do you care.

emperor bobby

I don't think Just because a few people are crying about steampunk i should trash my faction, alot of peopel joined, so obviously it appeals to Alot of people. And Don't worry, We'll Use sailboats like exile said if we have to, Even though it will break our estabalished backstory, and we'll be an entirely different faction, sharing only the name and our characters, You'll see what i mean.


Firstly Turkey um please stop being such a cunt, and secondly Bobby I wrote the ending. So you can start fresh and like land again.
Titan Motstand


How's he being a cunt?
Don't be mean to my love.


This is stupid, being forced to lower technology on a "Fantasy Roleplay" server. "Woah guys I'm sorry your faction can't be on this server. It's too fantasy- ish. Please become less powerful so it's easier for us to destroy you, kthxbye..."
Awesomeness is the best trait one can have


Quote from: LupusCallidus on 25-06-2011
Firstly Turkey um please stop being such a cunt, and secondly Bobby I wrote the ending. So you can start fresh and like land again.
The only cunt in this thread is you.
You reallly seem to want bobby to start fresh.


I want everyone to start fresh, but if bobby doesn't want to thats cool with me, Im not going to keep asking.

Edit - And geccoy I call turkey a cunt because ever since i left his faction and made a more successful one he gives me crap whenever he can.
Titan Motstand


How about we all stop bitching about this? You've had MONTHS to come to us and say "This is to powerful, can you change it?". You said nothing, we kept on with our same technology. Now that the server is being wiped and we're the most powerful faction you want us to nerf the fuck out of everything. You had your chance to say something to us, but yet its only come to your attention now. HMMMMMM.
To loot, lulz and SCIENCE!


Just like to point out i have no problem with steam... we have coal, its not that hard to add water :D
Titan Motstand

emperor bobby

hah, It's ok Lupus, We're just a little "steamed" that Some people are only now saying they want us gone.


In other news, our two ships were griefed. Thank you ComradeBritish "lightning". Just becuase the server might be reset, doesnt mean people should be griefing. Im going to end this here before I let my anger take over.
To loot, lulz and SCIENCE!


If Novarium's current state is voided, I want to help build it up from the beginning and such. It's more fun than being in a town with civilians. If Novarium no longer cares about a diplomatic approach, I think it will change the architecture of how we are building (more military and less civilian) and stuff will be cooler. It would also give me a chance to be more involved.

If I am going to play a game, I want to get some fun from it. So hopefully I will be included.


Bobby, ive had a good idea... :) Im going to PM it to you.
Titan Motstand


maybe we test out different lamps when we start over XD
Authority does not grant maturity.
Power cannot replace ignorance.


I think the whole lamp idea is a step in the wrong direction. Why have street lights when you can have the lights inside the floor?

Using lava under glass in a pattern looks really cool. Unfortunately, there's not supposed to be buckets allowed.

emperor bobby

plus, it's not novarium's style.


You guys dont have an official texture yet right? You probably should that way you could change bows to muskets, arrows to musket balls and depending on how you go with lighting glowstone into lamps/candles/ anything really
Titan Motstand

emperor bobby

Glimmar's texture pack is accurate enough for me, maybe in the new server, if half our faction doesnt ragequit, i'll Make muskets.


The reason people stepped up, and started saying they did not like it, was because when the SK said he did not want it anymore, people had ground to stand on.


Quote from: geccoy on 26-06-2011
The reason people stepped up, and started saying they did not like it, was because when the SK said he did not want it anymore, people had ground to stand on.

I don't know if you know this or not, but before my MineCraft quit functioning, SK wasn't apart of the server at all. He had one house in Victory Bay that was never occupied, or torn down. Crussaria has fallen into oblivion, and nobody ever saw him, anywhere. They have no ground to stand on what so ever.



Oh that's rich, geccoy lived in a city where magic was used frequently. But muskets are more overpowered than magic. Because that makes sense. So basically... You're argument has no ground to stand on. You lived in a city whose weapons were more powerful than medieval, unnacurate muskets, and as soon as it falls you decide that muskets are too powerful. HMMM? Sorry if I'm coming on a little strong, but sometimes theres no point in calling it a fantasy server, if fantasy is banned on it.
Awesomeness is the best trait one can have


I want to help build our new city when the server is wiped! :D
Authority does not grant maturity.
Power cannot replace ignorance.