The Elves of Tyvard

Started by meldin, 12-11-2011

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"Friends, I have found a place of such magnificence it's hard to imagine. There are hot, dry deaserts, Crisp white mountains, lush, green forests, and many lakes and rivers that we can travel to other cities by and trade with other people.I have made home by a lake, with rivers that lead all over the island. I want you all to find me, I have named the lake Lake Ailin. I hope to see you soon!"

Faction Requirements:
You MUST be an elf, I don't care what type.

......That's the only requirement......

Hope to see you in the faction!


Quote from: meldin on 12-11-2011

If you want to be an elf, then look no further!

The faction is public right now and is eager to get new members.
I'll be updating this with a proper back-story to this once I've figured something out.

Pro Tip:
Just make a story now, because I guarantee you won't do it later.