
Started by lukeclooney, 23-06-2011

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i was banned for 1 day by sith then unwhitelisted by geccoy then i waited a few months and still unwhitelisted... i told geccoy and she didnt even respond to me, i just asking this....   wtf?

emperor bobby

what did you do?


Luke, get off.
You called me horrible things, griefed, refused to RP, and, blamed me for un-whitelisting you, when it wasn't me.
You will never be on this server.


where did you get griefing and refusing to rp? i wanted to build first THEN rp, and i cannot remember calling you horrible things, i may have once but i wouldnt do that normally, and your in charge of whitelisting and im new so i dont know anyone else who would unwhitelist me, so THERE.


Luke, if you have Steam friends,add me there;

We'll talk.


Now, just talking from what I know, I heard from several people that you threw a tantrum when people insisted you not build stuff, then went around griefing. I dunno about refusal to RP but I don't....

While geccoy's reaction is bad, the fact that there's people as dumb as this shows we need some kind of education program.