OP Abuse + Potential Wipe Vote

Started by Silver Knight, 23-06-2011

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emperor bobby

what will the new system be? people are saying whitelist wont be needed, That implies you can just join if you ahev the IP.

Bl★ck Star

Quote from: emperor bobby on 26-06-2011
what will the new system be? people are saying whitelist wont be needed, That implies you can just join if you ahev the IP.

Like I said in my post before, Who the fuck said that ?

emperor bobby


Eh, in retrospect, maybe i should have taken that with a grain of salt, but i've heard alot of people say that, portkins being the first.

Bl★ck Star

Quote from: emperor bobby on 26-06-2011

Hmm I dunno why he said something like that, but the whitelist will be kept as it is a stupid idea to just open the server for anyone cause morons who don't know how to rp will join and only build crap and griefer's will join and destroy everything .___.


I thought it was getting changed to a
ranking, that way anyone can join and look around but you need to be given the right to build
Titan Motstand


No way, those systems are stupid. It means you can only place a certain amount of blocks and that would be extremely annoying. People can't give an app in, which means we don't know if they can actually rp. It will allow spammers and retards on the server and there would be nothing we could do about it if an op wasn't present. The biggest problem is the set amount of blocks you can place. Unless that permission was at "you can place 100,000 blocks as a builder", I might accept it...
Awesomeness is the best trait one can have


Well black i heard it from Portkins 2 about the whitelist thing.

But i would like to ask IF there is a need of a capital somewhere I would gladly accept the offer of building it... It would take some month but I would be able to make an area within a wall where all people can meet and RP if needed... in short a place for all factions to gather to trade materials, talk and RP and also a place for people to make a home...

By saying a home i mean a house with max 2 floors + basement in a restricted area so they or I can build a house, however only with some specific allowed materials... and if they would like they can make a shop aswell but only those two things...

One big "safe zones" if you please BUT NOT MAKING IT A SAFE ZONE.. just an idea I would gladly build if accepted...

I also just want to ask are we going to ask to be whitelisted again and will the IP come on the forum in the future.. All i need to know :D
Elf: Tiny man!!
Human: That's no man thats a leprechaun!
Dwarf: A leprechaun!?! We will hang him by his feet and beat him like a piñata 'till the gold falls out!!!
Elf: with this golden salmon.
Human: gold does not come from leprechauns... it comes from china.
Elf: oh..

Bl★ck Star

The IP will stay and I think you guys need to reapply then.


Is there any date on when the wipe will come or is it right after the vote has ended?
Elf: Tiny man!!
Human: That's no man thats a leprechaun!
Dwarf: A leprechaun!?! We will hang him by his feet and beat him like a piñata 'till the gold falls out!!!
Elf: with this golden salmon.
Human: gold does not come from leprechauns... it comes from china.
Elf: oh..

Bl★ck Star

Quote from: GreenLeprechaun on 26-06-2011
Is there any date on when the wipe will come or is it right after the vote has ended?

I don't know when it will be wiped as Last.Exile just putted this up here without talking to me.


Elf: Tiny man!!
Human: That's no man thats a leprechaun!
Dwarf: A leprechaun!?! We will hang him by his feet and beat him like a piñata 'till the gold falls out!!!
Elf: with this golden salmon.
Human: gold does not come from leprechauns... it comes from china.
Elf: oh..


There will be no whitelist, Last.Exile/Silver Knight decided this.
A new permission system will be set up, in which trusted OP's will be chosen to manage the server without the spawning commands and stuff.

Black Star you are of course not aware of this because you aren't aware either of what's going on at the moment.
SK did this after I talked to him and some other people did.

Bl★ck Star

Quote from: Ralazo on 26-06-2011
There will be no whitelist, Last.Exile/Silver Knight decided this.
A new permission system will be set up, in which trusted OP's will be chosen to manage the server without the spawning commands and stuff.

Black Star you are of course not aware of this because you aren't aware either of what's going on at the moment.
SK did this after I talked to him and some other people did.

How should I be aware if noone tells me anything, I am all day long online on Steam and I always write insta back, but did I even got 1 message ? No, not at all.

And someone is griefing novarium hard.


What's the point in fixing it if the server is getting a wipe anyway.
I'm hip! What are you talking about!


Hay guiez I haz idea: Letz nawt talk to Blackstar about anything, I meanz hez only teh hed adminz on the server he haz no place in knowingz what goez awn on teh server. So anywai we talkz to Last.Exile so it lookz leik onleh we care about teh server and blackstar iznt doing his jawb se maybeh we get teh high positionz and such. Gewd idea rit?


Quote from: Duranblackraven on 26-06-2011
Hay guiez I haz idea: Letz nawt talk to Blackstar about anything, I meanz hez only teh hed adminz on the server he haz no place in knowingz what goez awn on teh server. So anywai we talkz to Last.Exile so it lookz leik onleh we care about teh server and blackstar iznt doing his jawb se maybeh we get teh high positionz and such. Gewd idea rit?

you're trying too hard
Blake.H: And im also working on whipping him into shape
Blake.H: He's nice
Blake.H: He doesn't moan
Blake.H: The sheer obedience is enough to fuel my erection anyway


Quote from: Duranblackraven on 26-06-2011
Hay guiez I haz idea: Letz nawt talk to Blackstar about anything, I meanz hez only teh hed adminz on the server he haz no place in knowingz what goez awn on teh server. So anywai we talkz to Last.Exile so it lookz leik onleh we care about teh server and blackstar iznt doing his jawb se maybeh we get teh high positionz and such. Gewd idea rit?
Why would I try that, Duran?
I can't get a high position.


Quote from: Duranblackraven on 26-06-2011
Hay guiez I haz idea: Letz nawt talk to Blackstar about anything, I meanz hez only teh hed adminz on the server he haz no place in knowingz what goez awn on teh server. So anywai we talkz to Last.Exile so it lookz leik onleh we care about teh server and blackstar iznt doing his jawb se maybeh we get teh high positionz and such. Gewd idea rit?

Wow. Spell much? If you were trying to look like an idiot, you did a pretty good job as well as being disrespectful.


Quote from: mrkddsmn on 26-06-2011
Quote from: Duranblackraven on 26-06-2011
Hay guiez I haz idea: Letz nawt talk to Blackstar about anything, I meanz hez only teh hed adminz on the server he haz no place in knowingz what goez awn on teh server. So anywai we talkz to Last.Exile so it lookz leik onleh we care about teh server and blackstar iznt doing his jawb se maybeh we get teh high positionz and such. Gewd idea rit?

Wow. Spell much? If you were trying to look like an idiot, you did a pretty good job as well as being disrespectful.

Oh shit really?

Bl★ck Star

Quote from: Duranblackraven on 26-06-2011
Quote from: mrkddsmn on 26-06-2011
Quote from: Duranblackraven on 26-06-2011
Hay guiez I haz idea: Letz nawt talk to Blackstar about anything, I meanz hez only teh hed adminz on the server he haz no place in knowingz what goez awn on teh server. So anywai we talkz to Last.Exile so it lookz leik onleh we care about teh server and blackstar iznt doing his jawb se maybeh we get teh high positionz and such. Gewd idea rit?

Wow. Spell much? If you were trying to look like an idiot, you did a pretty good job as well as being disrespectful.

Oh shit really?

I sure smell the scent of Summer around here.


Quote from: mrkddsmn on 26-06-2011
Quote from: Duranblackraven on 26-06-2011
Hay guiez I haz idea: Letz nawt talk to Blackstar about anything, I meanz hez only teh hed adminz on the server he haz no place in knowingz what goez awn on teh server. So anywai we talkz to Last.Exile so it lookz leik onleh we care about teh server and blackstar iznt doing his jawb se maybeh we get teh high positionz and such. Gewd idea rit?

Wow. Spell much? If you were trying to look like an idiot, you did a pretty good job as well as being disrespectful.

NC - Dying of Laughter


Quote from: Duranblackraven on 26-06-2011
Hay guiez I haz idea: Letz nawt talk to Blackstar about anything, I meanz hez only teh hed adminz on the server he haz no place in knowingz what goez awn on teh server. So anywai we talkz to Last.Exile so it lookz leik onleh we care about teh server and blackstar iznt doing his jawb se maybeh we get teh high positionz and such. Gewd idea rit?

I assumed he knew.


Just wipe it soon,because everything seems to be going to hell in VB. Also Apache's base was partially greifed.
I'm hip! What are you talking about!


I am not 100 % sure, but server wide war i think is going on whilst yall talk to each other in the forums...
Its a trap!


Quote from: Sir_Therim on 26-06-2011
I am not 100 % sure, but server wide war i think is going on whilst yall talk to each other in the forums...

Nothings happening, people are just griefing thier tits off becuase they know they'll get away with it.
To loot, lulz and SCIENCE!