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Other Forums => Old Servers => Scrapyard => MineCraft: Aceon Fantasy Roleplay => Topic started by: CoolFeerman on 19-04-2013

Title: How to Succeed in Aceon 101 (How to Roleplay, Other things)
Post by: CoolFeerman on 19-04-2013
How to Succeed in Aceon 101

This is WIP.
I am not the best roleplayer. Don't treat this guide like I am saying this. I merely wish to convey tips on how to be a more successful roleplayer on Aceon.

Aceon's Chat System: We use the plugin "HeroChat" for our chat system. This allows us to separate different channels of chat, and adjust their settings (from distance heard, color, who sees it, etc.). The two major channels are "Global" and "Local"

1. Global is the default channel when you log in. This channel broadcasts your message to the entire server. Global is OOC, which means "Out of Character". Out of Character simply means you're not roleplaying through your character. It can be accessed by entering this command: /ch g

2. Local is accessed by entering the command: /ch l. This channel is the roleplay channel, and it only broadcasts your messages to a limited number of blocks around you. Local is IC, which means "In Character". In Character simply means you're roleplaying through your character. If you wish to talk OOC (Out of Character) in local chat, you may put (( or [[ at the beginning and/or end of your chat. This can be useful for conveying simple, short messages that revolve around RP.
Example of using OOC in Local:
[[Hey, I thought that you had dropped your sword!]] ((Hey I thought you had dropped your sword!))

Basic Starting Tips:
1. We EXTREMELY encourage the use of proper grammar when roleplaying. This means capitalizing, using correct punctuation, etc, but if you're playing a stupid character or barbarian character, this DOES NOT mean you must use correct speech.

2. Check the forums often. Important updates and general suggestions/etc. are posted occasionally on the forums. Usually, these updates are important to Aceon and you as a player.

3. Try to memorize "Hyper Gamer Network" or "HGN", these terms might come in handy when proving you read important forum topics.

4. This is a roleplay server. Treat it as such, if not, you risk a warning, then a kick, and possibly a ban if the problem continues.

5. We DO NOT, under ANY CIRCUMSTANCES accept copyrighted material or material related to popular franchises for names, skins, places, characters, weapons, etc. If you already have a skin that is copyrighted (e.g. Mario, Assassin's Creed, Warcraft Characters, etc.) you will be told to change it. If you suggest a name for your character that is copyrighted or relating to a popular franchise, you will be told to change it.

6. Read all stickied threads, unless you know they probably won't help you.

A. What is Roleplay?
Let's start off with this, since many of the new players that come on mistake Aceon for a common survival/pvp server. Aceon is not that.
Roleplay, by definition is to act out the role of. To make it more clear, on Aceon, it is to act out the role of a different, fictional character other than yourself.

B. Creating a Character.
This is an important process. You generally want to make your character someone you'd enjoy playing, while also making it fit to the server's lore (if you need to read up on the server's lore, there is a "Profile and Lore" section. This is important). Your character will be affected by the time, who he/she associates with, and where he/she lives. This can vary from personality, physical features, and clothing. Remember this word: "pondering", as it will prove you've read this thread. Another thing to take into account is that your character can be different races, from humans, to elves, to orcs. There are different sub-races that go under these base races. Remember, take time in creating your character, and try to keep your character "normal", to a point. We do not accept Mary Sues or Gary Stues. If you think your character could be a Mary Sue or Gary Stu,  here (http://www.springhole.net/writing/marysue.htm) is a universal Mary Sue/Gary Stu test.

1. Thinking of a Name
A name is an important thing to your character. It reflects your race, your home-location, and possibly your personality. We DO NOT accept copyrighted names (e.g. Naruto, Muad'dib, Thrall, Garrosh, Dracula, etc.). If you aren't very creative, or just can't think of a name, you might try a random name generator.

2. Skins for Your Character
Your skins must not be copyrighted material. Again, things like Naruto, The Lich King, Assassin's Creed Skins, Mario, etc. are not allowed. We don't expect you to create a skin for your character, if you find yourself wanting something unique, then go for it. We also expect custom skins to be decent. Otherwise, it is completely acceptable to find a skin on the internet.

3. Way of Speech
It's important to remember that everyone's way of speech is different, while there's no inherent right or wrong, things like "yo wassup cuzh," or "shit dude, that's some rank stuff", or even "my financial consultant couldn't be bothered to call me on my cell, he's busy," wouldn't make sense. For one, uber-slang ways of speech isn't really accepted, and cell phones don't exist. Our current time is Colonial-esque, so words like "Aye", or "M'lord", etc. would be acceptable and encouraged. Another important thing is to use proper grammar. This is important. Proper grammar improves your roleplay a lot, and it looks a lot better. 1337 speech ISN'T ALLOWED.
Example of bad roleplay: "y0 d00d, hav u seen dat new in. ?"
Example of good roleplay: "Greetings friend. Have you happened to see the new inn, in town?"
See the difference?

4. Magic/Character Abilities
If you know what you're doing, or simply want one, you may have magic or an ability/skill. Magic, currently, is not widely known, so if you're playing a bland farmer, or soldier, you probably wouldn't know magic. To attain magic, you must apply. You will be presented with basic lore on magic, and you must fill out a form, and list some spells. If you simply want a skill or ability that's above average, you may ask a moderator, super-moderator, or admin. If it won't make your character invincible, or hilariously overpowered, you might possibly be allowed this skill/ability. Of course, you will probably have had to be on the server for more than a few days, and be trusted.

From here, we'll be moving away from the roleplay aspect of things, and more onto the beauty of creations, and factions.
(Note: this still impacts roleplay, but it will be more centered around how to not make buildings look like shit, and good ideas for factions.)

C. Buildings
If you're in a faction, or making one, building is a very important part (obviously) of making your faction. It's encouraged to have some sort of faction building style, which would obviously be affected by your race, culture, and location. An Orc faction might have spikes on some of their buildings, or humans might use certain materials for their walls. Overall, matching buildings/buildings that follow a style drastically improve the connection in-faction, and place your faction apart from others.
In a faction or not? Make your building look good. Of course you can't expect everyone to be an expert builder, there are things that you can do that make your buildings look better. Add detail, simple things like walkways, fences on the roof, hedges or flowers will make your building look better. Another thing to make sure about is that your materials match. It looks very bad if you have birch wood, then suddenly change to jungle. Tables in buildings, or bars, or windows with glass in them improve interior experience. Fireplaces may also be a good idea. Also take into factor where your building is located, if you're in a snowy biome, your building should be different from a desert building (Also keep in mind, if you're in a snowy biome, you'd most likely only have spruce as wood around, so jungle wood in a snow biome wouldn't really make sense.)

D. Factions
You will probably want to join a faction. Certain factions might be centered around certain themes such as knowledge, war, or peace, or, possibly race, such as Orc only, or Human only factions or towns. You'll also want to have a good name for a faction or town, things such as Orgrammar, the Assassins, etc. wouldn't really be good names. Try to have a unique faction, with a unique culture. In the past we have centered faction culture around real culture such as 17th Century England, or the Mongols, the Orient, Arab, Vikings, etc. It's all up to you, but there are limitations, of course. For more information on factions and their requirements, refer to  this thread. (http://www.forums.hypergamer.net/minecraft-aceon-medieval-roleplay/the-age-of-guilds-aceon-rule-supplement-for-aceon-rev-7/) Keep in mind, it costs 100 Drachma to create a faction.

1. Faction Wars, Locations, Etc.
More on this can be found in  this (http://www.forums.hypergamer.net/minecraft-aceon-medieval-roleplay/the-age-of-guilds-aceon-rule-supplement-for-aceon-rev-7/) thread.

E. Economy/Currency
The currency in Aceon is Drachma and Iuma. Drachma are bigger than Iuma, and there are 10 Iuma in a Drachma. Common ways to make money are to sell things, work for other's on projects (building, farming, etc.), or to collaborate with others and combine your money.

NOTE: This is of course a WIP. If you have anything that you think is a good idea to add, please post below. Help is appreciated.

Magic Apps/Thread (http://www.forums.hypergamer.net/locations-places/official-aceonic-mage-informationapplication-thread/)
Faction Section (http://www.forums.hypergamer.net/factions-groups-353/)
Admin Roster and Apps (http://www.forums.hypergamer.net/minecraft-aceon-medieval-roleplay/official-aceon-administrator-roster-and-application-thread/)
Aceon News & Updates Thread (Not used often) (http://www.forums.hypergamer.net/minecraft-aceon-medieval-roleplay/minecraft-newsupdatesbullitin-board/)
Age of Colonies: Aceon Rev.0 (Rules, etc.) (http://www.forums.hypergamer.net/minecraft-aceon-medieval-roleplay/the-age-of-guilds-aceon-rule-supplement-for-aceon-rev-7/)
Aceon Steam Group (http://steamcommunity.com/groups/MCAceon)

Written by: Feerman2010/SwallowedGod