Started by Silver Knight, 19-03-2011

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Silver Knight


Welcome to my thread about a fallout map im working on. Im working on it because the maps out there quite frankly are ill-equipt to support the scale of what we want to accomplish with our fallout roleplay project.

Ive asked belenki to work on his own map however i cannot go by his reliability or his ambition or when it will be ready. We need a new map now and after further experimentation with Atomic, csdesert and Apoc - The outcome is simple. We need a new map, and straight away so that's why ive started this map.

General Map Description:

Where, to start, well that's easy. The map is the size of the hammer grid, the same size as atomic\Apoc. It's aimed to be filled up (So not an atomic repeat) But have that fallout feel and have suitable places\area's\bases to satisfy all roleplay types and groups (So not a apoc repeat).

Current area plans:

Sector42 train tunnel port (Will use teleportation system too.)
Frankie's Republic Cityscape area.
BoS Base.
Enclave Base.
Various buildings to explore around the map.
Cave (It's a maybe, they are very time consuming but ill probably do it just for raiders\mutants)

Quotebreslau: if i cant cheat i dont wanna play
breslau: period


Make a gas station in middle of nowhere and I support this.
Blake.H: And im also working on whipping him into shape
Blake.H: He's nice
Blake.H: He doesn't moan
Blake.H: The sheer obedience is enough to fuel my erection anyway


Hey, this sounds really good!  Do you want suggestions for it now, or later on when you have started working on the map?  Because I have a few ideas for the BoS base.
"If you don't expect gratitude, you'll seldom be dissapointed."


Perhaps you could make some deserted towns in which wastelanders can move in and start their own communities or tribes for that matter(tribals). It doesn't all have to be around the major factions.

Silver Knight

[smg id=223][smg id=224][smg id=225][smg id=226][smg id=227][smg id=228][smg id=229][smg id=230][smg id=231][smg id=232]

Here's some work ive done in the past few hours. The main time spent compiling. You can see i reused two some stalker buildings. Ill make newer versions later most likely or at least more interesting.

I spent some time getting fallout textures to blend correctly, ill be ripping more textures out soon as they really make it feel like the game whereas the half life 2 textures look dull and out of place.

Quotebreslau: if i cant cheat i dont wanna play
breslau: period


Will we need to download a new content pack to be able to see the textures and buildings you are using from Stalker?
"If you don't expect gratitude, you'll seldom be dissapointed."

Silver Knight

[smg id=233]

Here's a overview. As you can see theres alot of empty space. Hell alot of it is just placeholders and experimentation.I must say, what is more important to you. A 3d skybox or a enlarged map because there was not a 3d skybox.

Quotebreslau: if i cant cheat i dont wanna play
breslau: period

Silver Knight

Quote from: RanmaChan on 19-03-2011
Will we need to download a new content pack to be able to see the textures and buildings you are using from Stalker?

There will be a patch with some new fallout vehicles, updated sounds and textures and playermodels. But nothing huge.

Quotebreslau: if i cant cheat i dont wanna play
breslau: period


I'd like to request that the BoS base/bunker is established at Captain Hill


Quote from: Ragolution on 19-03-2011
I'd like to request that the BoS base/bunker is established at Captain Hill

Silver Knight

Quote from: Ragolution on 19-03-2011
I'd like to request that the BoS base/bunker is established at Captain Hill

Im thinking of a government building for the bos. Run down offices a basement base underneath.

Quotebreslau: if i cant cheat i dont wanna play
breslau: period


Make sure to not make it flat enough where a player can use zoom across the whole map.


Apart from the space the Main Factions will get, will there be space for PBGs?.

I'm getting a small idea together for a group.

Silver Knight

Quote from: Khorn on 19-03-2011
Make sure to not make it flat enough where a player can use zoom across the whole map.

There's still alot more terrain to do.

Quotebreslau: if i cant cheat i dont wanna play
breslau: period


Quote from: Last.Exile on 19-03-2011
Quote from: Khorn on 19-03-2011
Make sure to not make it flat enough where a player can use zoom across the whole map.

There's still alot more terrain to do.

Make a doomfort.

Out of marshmellows.

And lasers.

Silver Knight

Quote from: Ragolution on 19-03-2011
Quote from: Last.Exile on 19-03-2011
Quote from: Khorn on 19-03-2011
Make sure to not make it flat enough where a player can use zoom across the whole map.

There's still alot more terrain to do.

Make a doomfort.

Out of marshmellows.

And lasers.

List the things you feel you need for the bos base. Features, rooms. How you think it should all be layed out and how it fits together.

Quotebreslau: if i cant cheat i dont wanna play
breslau: period


For the rooms, I think we would need an Elder's Office, barracks, Armory, lab type thing, and studying area, and a couple decently large rooms where we can build shooting range, ect ect.


Quote from: FrostyFrosty on 19-03-2011
For the rooms, I think we would need an Elder's Office, barracks, Armory, lab type thing, and studying area, and a couple decently large rooms where we can build shooting range, ect ect.

Not your job.

Quote from: Last.Exile on 19-03-2011
List the things you feel you need for the bos base. Features, rooms. How you think it should all be layed out and how it fits together.

I want it to have a tech-filled room for my scribes to slave in
I want it to have a big empty room. Just one. Super-multipurpose
I want it to have three small empty rooms. Basically walk-in closet sized.
It needs an Elder's Office.
It needs a barracks
It needs a computer lab

Other than that, it's all to your digression.

I'll make a map and PM you it, tomorrow morning. Or... Tomorrow, atleast.


You could try copying the bases in the Fallout game.

The Fallout NV had a nice BoS base. Just remove the unneeded areas.


Quote from: Khorn on 20-03-2011
You could try copying the bases in the Fallout game.

The Fallout NV had a nice BoS base. Just remove the unneeded areas.

ITT - most if not all of the areas were unneeded.
There was a fucking ton of useless computer labs and that under-neath area was totally useless.
If anything, we'd need the top layer and then the whole Elder 'wing'


Well, at least stick to the design of those bases.

Don't make a concrete base with a few doors here and there, but make it look like a BoS base.


Do this
Make topside bunker that camouflaged or not only BoS can get in there or people that can get access
Then an elevator with the Normal base floor 1
Then Scribe areas,schooling,tech labs,Medical area,Barracks floor 2
Elder level officer and war room floor 3


The FRA town needs an artillery sandbag emplacement in the rear of it, more or less large enough to fit three of these

that and maybe a small 3 room bunker in that same area underground.

Just a few simple things that we could greatly use.


Wait, does the FRA have artillery now?

Since when did they acquire those?


Since the FRA is supposed to be the biggest and strongest faction. That's why, we could have rolled them in from our main areas.
Any man who can drive safely while kissing a pretty girl is simply not giving the kiss the attention it deserves