Portal 2 Confirmed + a little candy extra ^^

Started by Bl★ck Star, 05-03-2010

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Bl★ck Star


New Portal Ending is nice too.
[urlrawr]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g7lgqS-yq88&feature=player_embed[/url] <--- SPOILER WARNING. Just copy the youtube link.
It looks nice by the way.

Dark Angel

Also now when you are destroying radio you can hear shooting and so on from it.

Also there are secret messages and alot of other stuff =) Secret pictures and so on =) <3 Valve! <3 Well hidden secrets.


Yeh, they did alot of hidding stuff in Portal. All the secret rooms and stuff.

Bl★ck Star


Fuck man. I am at 24/26 for the radios.


Woo epic! But... I see alot of people killing their friends on co-op.

Bl★ck Star


Didn't know there was a new ending! Looks cool. I saw the concept art and it looks like it takes palce in a jungle type area for part of it!

Bl★ck Star


I watched the announcement on E3 :D (and new engine ?)


"I think we can put our differences behind us."
GLaDOS is too amazing for words.

Bl★ck Star

I think she's going to work toghether with you and in the end, turn evil again.

Also I like this new Sphere AI that helps you, he's cute =3


Bl★ck Star


Thanks for the pre-rendered 30 second video
"Yes, we will be changed and we will march with him, then all the world will have his colour and his light and his madness."

Ace: Howdy-do, Killslim.
Paintcheck: Uh...
Paintcheck: Wrong window


Here's some none pre-rendered footage for ya.
Updated Wheatley.

Wheatley Update