Defiance Reference.

Started by Welek, 06-03-2010

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A typical Defiance Armband


A faction formed by Loners who fear that other factions might turn on them once the balance of power in the Zone is lost. Lead by Father Stark as he proved himself a capable leader before the "Third Great Emission" uniting the Loners against the Bandits. Defiance members wear yellow armbands to distinguish themselves from neutral stalkers and mark their membership. Defiance members are at a constant war with the bandits trying to secure the garbage while the bandits are trying to hold it. Having no outside contracts supplying them Defiance members have adapted to make a handgun out a lighter and some pop cans.

Goals: Defiance thinks that if someone gets control of the whole zone it's either going to be join him or be kicked out. They will still help Neutral Stalkers and are at a constant war with the bandits, trying to secure their own little piece of the zone.

Equipment: Equipment will be handed out per rank; on rare occasions since we are a group of loners we will not have the funds to supply everything to you so you might see an Experienced Stalker in a rookie jacket. The most you will get is a beat up handgun with its handle taped to shit with duck tape.

Loner Code/IC Rules:
You shall never harm, or rob another Loner.
If Another Loner is in trouble you will assist.
If A Loner is dying and in need of a med kit, you will give it to him.
If a Loner is starving, you will feed him.

OOC Rules:
Don't minge around, we want to keep a reputation, don't rdm basic shit.

Area Controlled:  This is the general area the camp will be.

Recruitment: It will be done IC (See Tasks and Rewards) or with this small form.

IC Information:
Stalker Rank (Be Honest, not everyone is a Vet or Exp.)
What are our Beliefs:
What is the Loner code:

OOC Information:
How long have you been Role-playing on the server?:
Why do you want to join this group?:
Have you played any Stalker games?:

Ranks/Roster: Raider meaning, deep raids into the zone and such, like moving into areas like Red Forest.

Father: Aden "Shade" Stark.
Master Raider:
Veteran Raider:
Experienced Raider: Red Stukov.
Rookie Raider: Jerhico.

Tasks: These will be handed out by the Father, or Master Raiders for points that can be used towards factional supplies.

Scouting Run: One to two people, scouting out the garbage. 1 point each.
Supply Run: One to Three people, gathering supplies from the garbage. 2 points each.
Small Raid: Two to Four people, push the bandits back to the further end of the garbage. 3 points each.

Point Rewards: These are rewards for those who help the faction.
Sunrise Suit – 60 Points.
Mossberg – 10 Points
MP5 – 15 Points.
AKu – 14 Points.
Membership - 4 Points. (This is only for IC recruitment.)

Factional Relations: Small and to the point. No need for a fancy thing here.

Bandits: Angry
Ecologist: Neutral
Military: Angry
Monolith: Angry
Loners: Friendly
Duty: Neutral
Freedom: Neutral

Factional War: We are currently at war with the Power Brothers.
(Does not mean DM them. -.-)

Our Current Goal: Capture the Warehouse.
Our level of supply: Low
Our Faction Strength: 1 (Need members ;-;)


Power Brothers
Current Goal: Unkown
Estimated level of supply: Medium
Estimated Faction Strength: 8-9 Members.

(Thanks Royz I love you.)

( 17/15 +Supports and no -Supports, fuck ya :D)


I like your setup. You explained a lot, I like the Anti-Bandit and Loner-Brother system you approached. Sounds a lot like a Loner police faction since the Military is here to kill you, not help you, and Duty is usually busy with other tasks. You added how you will app people in and displayed your standing to the other Major/Minor factions in the Zone, including an area you would like to control. Ill Give this +Support for the effort put into it. How about a large backstory for us though Welek? You know you can make it bigger, you badass.
Unaffiliated: Mikhal 'Sabre' Tokerov -:- Alive
Ex-Military/Spetsnaz: Andrei 'War' Mirkov -:- Alive
Military Observer: Victor Tokerov -:- Alive
Unaffiliated: 'Siege' -:- Deceased
Leoyid 'Rat Tail' Olinsky -:- Alive
The Tar Man -:- No Data


+Support Looks sweet :)


Great description and I like the use of screenshots :)
Make sure you stay active, not just a one-week group.


+Support I'd love to see more stalker groups out there, and there's not really any possibilities for this one to screw up.


If you keep the Application tight and not just let anyone in then i Support.
It would be nice to see some real enemys of the Bandits.


Thanks for the comments guys, I'll try to improve it sometime today.

Dark Angel

+Support But the insigina is already used so change it.


Thats the global loner symbol thats on every loner suit >_> Also +Support as your a good RPer and I trust you wont let absolute tards in.



Updated with Faction War. (I talked to Pawx yes.)



Great idea, I like the Faction War Idea, But I agree with Dark, You should change the Symbol to your group.

Other then that, Good work.



Oh hell yes I've been waiting for a good Loner group!
Set up pretty well, too.  Rewards are certainly a nice incentive to help out your group.

Innokenti Katya



We need a loner faction that isn't crazed religious nuts or some cult.
Oh, and mainly because I hate the Power Brothers (a faction of lolbandits).

I can trade shit for you guys. Not your official trader, but you're always welcome in my tunnel. (kinky~)
"What dutch says, when he's not trollin mono, he talkes good smartness." - Comradebritish




Glad to see you put alot of effort into making this prettying this up for those who use "tl;dr"

Alot, not to mention it's a loner faction.(Usually takes a while to get all these supports, looks like people like what they see  ;))




Looks well organized and I can see potential in it.
STALKER RP Characters
Alive- Mental Stability= 92%- Michael Zutherson-DUTY Applicant

Alive- Mental Stability= 99%- Nikolai Zakhar-Mercenary


Since this isn't some sort of super-natural faction.
Blake.H: And im also working on whipping him into shape
Blake.H: He's nice
Blake.H: He doesn't moan
Blake.H: The sheer obedience is enough to fuel my erection anyway



However, stop trying to steal my Stalker's campsite >:E



Whoa, 15/15 supports already, thanks guys!

What now? :O


+ support
Im going to give you that one, The Sanctioned could use some allies such as yourselves.



Oh the waiting game. -.-

Good thing I have to go to school.


Loner factions are always welcome to my eyes, since the loners are a rare piece of SRPers.
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