Saddam Hussein and Iraq

Started by Silver Knight, 01-02-2010

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Silver Knight

Im making thing thread to get your view points on Saddam Hussein, please, give your view on what you know about him and what you thought of this man. After that ill comment myself on him, i think some people will be suprised with his history.

Quotebreslau: if i cant cheat i dont wanna play
breslau: period


Im not really to knowledgable on him, but he was a tyrant, as everyone makes out.
So he must not have been a good guy.
He also looks like Joseph Stalin.


What I know: He made his mans put explosives on theirselfs and run in places and yell LALALALALA, and then blow up(Jihad). Thats all I know about him.


I know that his officers and other guys were in constant fighting for upper place and he did not spare enemies.
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You spelled his name wrong, it's 'Saddam Hussein'.
Saddam's reign is closest comparable to Nazi Germany. That says it all.
"Yes, we will be changed and we will march with him, then all the world will have his colour and his light and his madness."

Ace: Howdy-do, Killslim.
Paintcheck: Uh...
Paintcheck: Wrong window

Dark Angel

Personaly i think he wasn't that bad. If he would of been that bad , people of Iraq would of killed that.

It can be  taken as Amercian Silent War against Saddam.

Aka they change the facts to make him look bad. It's rather obvious that Americans attacked Iraq when Saddam told them to "GTFO" becuase USA demanded oil from Iraq. As you know Iraq is one of the top oil countries.

Yes Saddam Hussain had a leader paranoia which Stalin and Hitler had. Yes Saddam was killing people who created threat for him. But USA had no rights to accuse him , plus USA stated once "Saddam is threat for the whole world" <----- no seriously if he would of been threat then he would of been dead long time ago! When Saddam was captured he was found in an old basement which means that he was totally un-prepared to the war. <----- This again means that he was interested only in his country and USA like usually "Hey people! look they have stuff we don't have! Damn we gotta go get it! Oh wait what will people say!? I know! Lets say that the country is threat for the world!That evil guy with mustache has nuclear and nerve weapons! We gotta stop him!"  (In the end it appeared that Saddam had no weapons , no nukes , no never gas.)

Good example is Hiroshima and Nagasaki... the  war ended but USA had to pay back for the Pearl Harbor their thinking was something like this. "Oh ladies and gentelmen we have two nuclear-bombs lets test it out on someone! Oh look these people destroyed Pearl Harbor! Lets tell everyone that they  are still supporting war and don't want to give up!"

Same with Afghanistan when USSR left USA decided to become sucha called "International Police" but note Afghanistan is stric country and they don't want to see anyone controlling them.

I'm personally rather negative toward the USA after 1945th


Dark Angel you need to revise some History.

Shiite Muslims attempted to assassinate Saddam. In response, he killed around 160 Shiite Muslims, around half of that number were children or young adults.

Not that bad? Fuck off. What about the Rape Rooms that were established to kidnap, rape and kill women of the Shiites. What about the constant slaughter of children of political enemies? What about the gunning down peaceful protesters? What about the An-Anfal Genocide?

The USA didn't 'barge in false facts', a Nuclear facility was being built. Anyone in the world would be alarmed if a government that had recently committed Genocide and an array of atrocities to Human rights, and then suddenly build Nuclear facilities.

The Atomic bombs upon Japan marked the end of WW2. They were dropped and still Japan refused to unconditionally surrender.

Saddam wasn't that bad? Neither was Hitler if that's the case.
"Yes, we will be changed and we will march with him, then all the world will have his colour and his light and his madness."

Ace: Howdy-do, Killslim.
Paintcheck: Uh...
Paintcheck: Wrong window

Dark Angel

Infact i don't have anything against the Hitler.

But this doesn't matter. I'm still negative toward the USA as they denied Saddam's last wish and insulted him at his execution. About the killing , it's none of USA's buisiness , not their country nor they would become those white knights without getting something they need. Iraq lost the war , what do we see now. USA soldiers beating children on the streets during raids , USA got Oil , USA states that war is over , strange why do they keep their soldiers in Iraq then? I've even better question why do they still send people to the Iraq if they have started war in Afghanistan?

USA always start wars when they want something. Psychologi prooves it.


I'm hardly very knowledgeable about world events but...

Quote from: Dark Angel on 01-02-2010
Infact i don't have anything against the Hitler.

I'm going to assume you at least understand he was the man who started up the largest, and bloodiest conflict in world history.  Not to mention the holocaust that killed 6 million Jewish people and, including all the other people murdered, around 14 million people in all.

Quote from: Dark Angel on 01-02-2010
USA always start wars when they want something. Psychologi prooves it.

I might be a tad concerned about the country that starts wars on whim, rather than having a reason for doing so.  The Bush administration's decision to start the war in Iraq is hardly popular in the US anyways.

Quote from: Szenti on 01-02-2010
What I know: He made his mans put explosives on theirselfs and run in places and yell LALALALALA, and then blow up(Jihad). Thats all I know about him.

I believe the term jihad refers to the Muslim equivalent of a crusade, although I'm not certain.

As for my view point of Saddam Hussein, I think I was a child when I heard about him being captured by the US military, and I only know him as the infamous Iraqi leader.

Dark Angel

Yes Celtic i know what Hitler did... but still it's better than making millions of people suffer 10-40 years from radiation.

While nazies killed jew in 6 mins + 30Mins to be sure that everyone is dead.

Thanks to Nazi Germany nowdays people have been in space.


There's a point where optimism fails and you're just using cold logic. Also, as the saying goes: "The end doesn't justify the means." This is especially true with your strange outlook on things Dark Angel.


One could also make the argument about the cost if the Bombs HADN'T been dropped. I guarantee you it would have been several times higher.

Dark Angel

Quote from: Paintcheck on 07-02-2010
One could also make the argument about the cost if the Bombs HADN'T been dropped. I guarantee you it would have been several times higher.

Wouldn't be... Hiroshima and Nagasaki weren't filled with military there were mostly civilians.


There was a fear that Japan's civilians would take up arms against the US if the US invaded so the decision was either kill Nagasaki and Hiroshima or have to take the country with a conventional invasion fighting block by block. Casualties for both sides from such an endeavor were calculated to be something like 2+ million if I recall correctly.

From wikipedia:, read the part at the bottom on Casualties. And those are just the American numbers, the Japanese numbers would have been several times higher. While the 2 hundred thousand or so so civilians the Bombs killed is a huge number, the cost to invade Japan for both sides would have been many times that.


DA, I fail to see why you think Saddam wasn't all that bad. Someone who did as much as him, does not deserve a last wish. Did the fucking Muslims he killed have a last wish? No. They were probably insulted and verbally abused the whole time. Americans who beat children in Iraq? Never heard it, it did happen in Vietnam though. As for the bombing of Hiroshima.
Think of it as you being on SRP. When you constantly try to get someone to stop doing something, (as to Japan surrendering) what do you do? You try to kick them, the bans get longer, until you perm ban them (or bomb Hiroshima).
The Japanese would not surrender, and as Paint said, the causalities would be much worse. I still don't really agree with the bombing, they should of just blocked off Japan.
Also, yes, most people do not realize it, but the US gov. does sort of use censorship. They try to make sure it doesn't get out as much as possible, yet lie that they don't. The reason for attacking Iraq is pretty uncertain, but I think they used Saddam as a way to get the Americans to support the 'attack'.

Edit: Oh, and how the fuck could you thank Nazi Germany? I'd rather we not be in space than have all those people die. They killed so many people. We would be in space anyways, just maybe not as soon.

Dark Angel

Nazi Germany were researching :

1. Nuclear Power
2. Nuclear Weapons
3. Satelites.
4. Space Ships. (Kinda.)

OK USA actions.

USA was getting alot of cash from selling Oil and suddenly Iraq joined the sales and USA started loosing cash. Logical thinking of USA goverment "We don't want to work harder for the same cash! We need to get their oil!" So what do we see... thousands of idiots marching to the Iraq just to get killed .

Join the Army, see the world, meet interesting people - and kill them. ~Pacifist Badge, 1978

No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country. <---- (Don't remmember where i read it out ... but should be something like that.)


DA is obviously just trolling us.

Saddam murdered millions of his own people, was researching deadly nuclear weapons, as Killslim stated.

Hitler was the worst man in the world. DA is just stupid, just ignore him.

And DA, it isn't about oil. Saddam is responsible for the 9/11 attacks and other terrorist actions in the USA. We're the ones responsible for Iraq's independence. He was a cruel, fascist dictator, and needed to die. Now Iraqis have more democracy, unless I'm thinking about Iran.

Anyone else think that DA should stop posting about things she doesn't know squat about?


Quote from: PistolKid on 10-02-2010
DA is obviously just trolling us.

Saddam murdered millions of his own people, was researching deadly nuclear weapons, as Killslim stated.

Hitler was the worst man in the world. DA is just stupid, just ignore him.

And DA, it isn't about oil. Saddam is responsible for the 9/11 attacks and other terrorist actions in the USA. We're the ones responsible for Iraq's independence. He was a cruel, fascist dictator, and needed to die. Now Iraqis have more democracy, unless I'm thinking about Iran.

Anyone else think that DA should stop posting about things she doesn't know squat about?
Hitler is my hero, he was a fucking genius.



German scientists definitely knew what was up but Hitler himself was far from a genius. Even if you ignore the obvious, Hitler made a fuck ton of military strategy mistakes that very likely cost Germany the war.


I think it was a little more than the US just wanting more oil.

If I'm right (Probably not but eh) then I believe that Iraq was supplying a lot of oil to a lot of places, and the US thought he was about to pull the plug so they went in. As-well as the fact that the UN went asking the US to do something about all the horrible shizz going on in Iraq.

Dark Angel

PistolKid.... I'm not tr0lling.... You are from USA.... i'm like 99.9% sure that you will follow your leaders if it will be needed.

Just analyze the actions... and it's going to be kinda obvious....

So Chill.... always stay neutral =)


You don't seem very neutral with your constant bashing on the U.S. and idolizing of some of the worst people this world had to offer.


Even I think your being a bit to OTT Dark, and I'm English.


Quote from: Dark Angel on 10-02-2010
No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country. <---- (Don't remmember where i read it out ... but should be something like that.)
I believe that's a quote from George Patton, an American general during WWII.


Quote from: Celtic on 13-02-2010
Quote from: Dark Angel on 10-02-2010
No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country. <---- (Don't remmember where i read it out ... but should be something like that.)
I believe that's a quote from George Patton, an American general during WWII.
lol owned.

Oh and Dark, pretty much every American would help the war if asked to do so in times of need. It sounds like a great accomplishment to me, we're almost brainwashed with these sublime messages and adverts.