RAD2 aka "RadiationScript 2"

Started by Silver Knight, 19-09-2009

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I can't wait for it. Will be really sweet.
"I know who I am! I'm a dude playing a dude diquised as another dude!"

The myth says that Radek has two arms, the myth also says that the devil has two arms. Coincidence? I think not.



can't wait    improved inventory, PDA, and blowouts, all good.

I hope the blowouts don't kill the server  :'(

Kostya 'Spade' Lutsky - Exp. Loner - ALIVE
Nikolai 'Sparrow' Skavaski - Exp. Bandit - ALIVE
Falcon - Exp. Merc - ALIVE
Savage - Bloodsucker - ALIVE
Konrad 'Owl' Prutsky - Trader - ALIVE
William Evans - Scientist (R&D) - ALIVE

Silver Knight

Quote from: Nevrox on 22-09-2009
can't wait    improved inventory, PDA, and blowouts, all good.

I hope the blowouts don't kill the server  :'(

Nope... They will kill YOU !

Quotebreslau: if i cant cheat i dont wanna play
breslau: period


Hostel's blowouts look sweet :V


Nice, But you guys know of the bug that makes you lose your equipemnts in your inventory? KInda lost many stuff in the past week. Is it a bug or is it in the game for security ways?
Tolik Brome: Loner- Alive
Smith Walin: Loner - Alive
Andrei Grovinski:  Loner - Alive


I can't wait for the new inventory that hopefully won't munch all yer stuff up.

Dora Trajavna - S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Alive


Maybe look through hatmaker or something like that and for the weapons slots allow them to be actually shown on the character when they're not out.


Quote from: Silver Knight on 23-09-2009
Quote from: Nevrox on 22-09-2009
can't wait    improved inventory, PDA, and blowouts, all good.

I hope the blowouts don't kill the server  :'(

Nope... They will kill YOU !

*runs for life*


The poor server can never find a good place to hide during a blowout...

Dora Trajavna - S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Alive


That poor server... :(


Is the bleeding system going to be over powered like in the Taco scripts? If you start bleeding in Taco script, you're dead within 20 seconds.
Make it like, -1 Hp per 3 - 4 seconds like in Stalker.
"Yes, we will be changed and we will march with him, then all the world will have his colour and his light and his madness."

Ace: Howdy-do, Killslim.
Paintcheck: Uh...
Paintcheck: Wrong window

Dark Angel

I suggest not adding Bleeding system :V It's fail for RP because people will die even if someone shoots them by mistake.


Quote from: Dark Angel on 03-10-2009
I suggest not adding Bleeding system :V It's fail for RP because people will die even if someone shoots them by mistake.


Dora Trajavna - S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Alive


Quote from: KillSlim on 03-10-2009
Is the bleeding system going to be over powered like in the Taco scripts? If you start bleeding in Taco script, you're dead within 20 seconds.
Make it like, -1 Hp per 3 - 4 seconds like in Stalker.

Like I said, make it very slow so it allows injury RP.
"Yes, we will be changed and we will march with him, then all the world will have his colour and his light and his madness."

Ace: Howdy-do, Killslim.
Paintcheck: Uh...
Paintcheck: Wrong window



The small menu we have now could use a grey color change and a few flashing lights, there INSTA PDA :D

Dark Angel

Make ammo buying needed? Because people seem to have no need in buying ammo , which means = FAIL


How about AP ammo and standard?


Well, not to reference kuro fag again but what he did with ammo is that you couldn't use the item without "Loading" a weapon with ammo first. For example you would log on the server, then you would have to click on your ammo box, Load ammunition, then you would be allowed to equip your gun and it would have One clip in the gun, you would need multiple ammoboxes for another clip etc.

The main issues with this though was that when you logged off the server your ammo would disappear and you would have to buy brand new ammoclips cause the ammo would not save or re-itemize. Althoug im not a Perfect LUA scripter something like:

On disconnect check slots 1,2,3,4,5,6 for <Item Table Filter>
If SWEPS=true found Store weps inside inventory
Check ammo count per Swep if ammo active and idle <30 make 1 ammo can item per 30 rounds.
Create new items Ammo from <items table ammo> check Swep Calibur make new ammunuition on what types of Sweps were present.

If <Item Table Suits>=True check if equiped on char.
If Equipped create clone item from <item table Suits> and store to Char save file

Its not perfect and not in LUA but something of that process could be applied and perfected. But of course ammo saving is optional, but as a trader on Kurofags it came to my attention that it gave me alot to do and kept the players asking for jobs cause they kept haveing to buy ammo, wich should be true in some cases.

Speaking of Item saving, Kurofag did have a top notch item system, were in his LUA if you disconnected for any reason it would automatically Bag & store any weapons, Suits, or Artifacts that you had active or enabled making the people not have to beg for SA's to give refunds and tehy can enjoy their type RPing rather than admin stuff.


Dora Trajavna - S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Alive


This will be so awsome.
Tom About Mili interigation
|HGN-STSR| Tom: "Ill keep an eye out for OMEGA! PLEASE DON'T KILL ME!!"      "Damn right you will!" *Pours vodka on you and lights you on fire*    "IN HELL!"


I cant wait until this is finished. The glitches are starting to get on my nerves.Also the admins wont be crowded with people saying they want a refund.


Im not sure about stats. You should make it like in STALKER SoC (different protects from anomalies, mutants etc.). PDA will be cool :P I think that you need add trade window also.
Ilya "Skull" Maslov - Ex-Duty
Nikolai Gambarov - Ecologist, retired


Id think a pda  or atleast a skin of a pda  in the f1 menu  would be pretty damn cool