Should we Close STALKER RP?

Started by Silver Knight, 13-09-2009

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Silver Knight

Should we Close STALKER RP?

No, don't panic, i just mean, to the public, keep the server locked, and have admins move players into a STALKER RP group, to see the STALKER Boards.

Im getting tired of all these mingy players, trolls, idiots, and bored little kids, who want to do nothing more than stab you in the back.

Better Playerbase
Tighter Security on Stalker
Less Edrama and bullshit
A more Private project

Less Overall members
Admins monitor players on the forum
Probably more work for me

Quotebreslau: if i cant cheat i dont wanna play
breslau: period


I wana say yes, for good RP, but I wana say no cause then its the same people always.

Silver Knight

Well, im thinking temporarily, to sort your priorities out, such as our playerbase and admin team. 

Quotebreslau: if i cant cheat i dont wanna play
breslau: period


It's good to have more new players in a community.
But on the other hand,

Some could be bad RP'ers.

Id suggest A small test to see if they are decent and/or tutors to teach them how to roleplay properly in the STALKER world ( If neccassary).

Id say close the server, but initate a test/tutor system for new players.
"Is it just me, or have peoples' hands been growing out of their asses lately?"

Silver Knight

Quote from: Headcrabs on 13-09-2009
It's good to have more new players in a community.
But on the other hand,

Some could be bad RP'ers.

Id suggest A small test to see if they are decent and/or tutors to teach them how to roleplay properly in the STALKER world ( If neccassary).

Id say close the server, but initate a test/tutor system for new players.

Yeah well, in the past, "tutoring" or "helping" generally leads to some kid who cannot rp, rage, go on facepunch, and say we are a bad community. The Gmod community has too many of these kids these days.

Quotebreslau: if i cant cheat i dont wanna play
breslau: period


Id say yes... But we would probably suffer due to the lack of players.

Silver Knight

Quote from: Mr. Tea on 13-09-2009
Id say yes... But we would probably suffer due to the lack of players.

Better to have good players than shit players.

Quotebreslau: if i cant cheat i dont wanna play
breslau: period


I'd say yes. They have to register on the forums and read through the rules to find the password. This can lead to higher faction activity and the sort. Might wanna put forums link in the server name though.
Of course, this could also be totally pointless. I mean, most of the RP'ers are already registered and good RP'ers, but it just means that they have to find a password.

Bl★ck Star


I say yeah, how about a locked server and an open server, I made a really big thread about that a few months ago.


No, would cause hell. Being with the same players so much would kill me. As it is with the content packs not many new good players join, this would make it worse.


Keep it open. I don't see any E-drama from new people, and a community needs new people as the old people leave. (Like the life cycle.)
Just add to the current 'HELP' bar in the F1 menu, add a pre-written roleplaying guide which covers everything in stalker; if the new people really want to be a part of this community, and want to become good roleplayers, then they'd read it.
Maybe add a quiz when you join? (Like TnB's? Short but effective.) It would certainly cancel out the Dark Rp noobs.
"Yes, we will be changed and we will march with him, then all the world will have his colour and his light and his madness."

Ace: Howdy-do, Killslim.
Paintcheck: Uh...
Paintcheck: Wrong window

Strelok Holmes

I would say keep it open BUT apply a little "minge" test when the person logs on the server like killslim suggested, if they fail then a 1 hour ban (they'll have to take the test again when the hour is up). 

Crussaria=Wiglaf Grimshaw(Grimshaw of the Iron Hand), The Corpse Brigade:Alive


You could change the help bar to The Stalker Roleplay Handbook and highlight it so they can see it well. And put some roleplaying advice and some guides from the forums.

Wazer Wifle

I say hell nah, I rather have a good flow of new players, and keep the server active. Just step up the admin team.


Make a guide, send it to everyone who Does register on the forums in email form, then let them know to check it.


Could you do a like a Signing a Waiver Upon Joining , so they accept the rules and conditions?


Well...It's quite nice to meet new people and experience different types of rp so I say, no, don't lock it. But ofcourse, there mite be another way to deal with all the trolls and the ones that ruin the rp, instead of bringing some new sides to it.
"I know who I am! I'm a dude playing a dude diquised as another dude!"

The myth says that Radek has two arms, the myth also says that the devil has two arms. Coincidence? I think not.

Dark Angel

I don't see E-Drama so i want it to stay open so there is always many people to RP with.


Quote from: ISPYUDIE on 14-09-2009
You could change the help bar to The Stalker Roleplay Handbook and highlight it so they can see it well. And put some roleplaying advice and some guides from the forums.

I like this idea.
A small quick guide on OOC, LOOC, what not to say IC, a little background about STALKER to give players new to RP a chance to actually have some footing rather than having some people rage them for RPing improperly and chasing them off.


God NO. The same people would utterly ruin the community.

But I agree to what ISPY said above.
Also, There should be loads of guides there, and updated like wikipedia.
Im offering to write some tutorials and pictures to benfit the RP experience, Anyone think I shouldn't?

Speak now or forever hold your peace.


When someone new joins the server, they don't always know enough and helping them Roleplay Properly can be hard work, Having a link or a guide In-game could help alot I think.


I say YES. not only would we have better people, other people would be more interested in what we have and would come and attempt to join.
There would be better roleplay, and there would be no drama, the admins could take it easy, we wouldn't have to worry about faggots attempting to troll because we'd have something private, there's so many more reason at why this should be this way. I don't play there, but I've played private communitys before, they always work out for the best.
And, it would also put less work on Silverknights shoulders.

Thom's Law
"Nothing can not produce something. If there was ever a time when there was nothing, there would STILL be nothing."


i say no, we already have problems at some hours that we dont have enough people, hindering it more would be bad. anyways, doesnt it prove them good enough just that they have to join the forums to find the map and files? i say no support