IC: Bulletin Board

Started by kropfi, 19-03-2012

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*A note is posted on the board*

Looks like the Captain single handedly stopped the NCR/BoS war through just talking. Gotta say, the guy got balls, anyways we owe it to the crazy fuck. Maybe now I can smoke in peace without the threat of getting blown to shit.

Two flying robots were seen flying near NCR city, I asked Chorei about it, he speculates they're enclave, but not sure. Do not fire upon them unless threatened, or somehow annoyed..

-Hal McMillan, Special Soldier


*A note is posted on the board*

The Head Knight Lilly Wolfe, of Brotherhood, came by the front entrance of the base, it was nice talk and all, I remained suspicious though, but all in all, nothing really happened.
They're actually friendlier than I thought, but still gotta be cautious around then, a ceasefire doesn't mean they won't capture us.

-Hal McMillan, Special Soldier


*A note is on the board.*

I'm just glad that we got this cease fire with the BoS. We all owe Chorei pretty much. Today, one of them have gave Chorei a flamer. He doesn't knows who should keep it and it wasn't even tested, and it seems to be old. I don't think it even work, really... Chorei also looked that flamer like if he already seen it, if it was familiar to him.

-Daniel Meyers, Private.



*Notes, NOTES EVERYWHE- *Ahem* A note is posted on the board.

Things are getting stranger every day.. Today, me and Hal have fought a swarm of ants.. Boy, those things are some annoying pricks. Once they were killed, their guard has came for revenge. It ended destroying one of our gate entrance's wall... Now we got to find a way to fix it.. We also got a NCR supplier, named "Kat", thanks god she had some ammo, cuz' we waster our all against that many ants.. A vertibird also passed through our base scanning the area, we didn't made any signal or noise, and hopefully it didn't seen us.

-Daniel Meyers, Private.

*Another note is posted under the post above^*

And about that wall, hopefully a man has came to us willing to work. He made it to rebuild the wall. Fine piece of work.

-Daniel Meyers, Private.


*An official looking notice embossed with the NCR Military's emblem is spotted on the bulletin board, with a bright yellow paper that stands out above the other notes*

Attention New California Republic 13th Trooper Company,

With your success in expanding the frontiers of the NCR beyond its borders, your company has received praise from the President himself as well as your highest commanding Generals. It is our pleasure to announce that you will be officially re-purposing your outpost from a frontier camp to an inhabited settlement with civilians under your protection.

We've done some research about the old town you've taken in North Amargosa as home, and discovered its original name to be Goldfield. Thus, this shall be the name of the town until a mayor is elected (if they wish to change the name at all).

It is requested that your commanding officer select several candidates to run for election, and it is requested of the men in the 13th to volunteer to take up this civilian job. Once an official is elected, you are to begin recruiting local wastelanders to gain NCR citizenship to establish our roots in Goldfield so we may one day spread beyond to places like Nevada.

In conclusion, well done gentlemen. Your unit has received the honorary title of "Trailblazers" which comes with a monument being constructed back in Shady Sands. Your work will go down in the history of this Republic.

Lt. Colonel Ronald Jebediah


*A note is posted on the board*

Just heard a massive explosion on the west side of our main building, I went to check only to find a dead soldier and waster in the rubble. I'm still looking in the rubble for anymore people. Don't know how this happened but it did. Guess we have to be more careful now..

*A piece of paper is seen attached to the original note*

The side of the building had just collapsed, the MP, Private Daniel, Jonathan Rillan of New Haven, and me are up on the building across from it. We waited till the smoke and dust cleared, but none of it cleared, but we were escorted out by Head Knight Lilly Wolfe to the New Haven warehouse.

-Hal McMillan, Special Soldier