Quotes Thread !!!!!!

Started by Silver Knight, 02-04-2009

0 Members and 4 Guests are viewing this topic.

Steven :D

(/) [OOC] Learner 'Raven': You have my bow.
[ADVERT] 'Gearhead': We're requesting additional support to combat the Monolithians attacking the Freedom compound.
(/) [OOC] 'Neo': You have my sword
(o) [OOC] 'Gearhead': AND MY AXE.
(/) [OOC] Learner 'Raven': :3
(/) [OOC] Brick: And my vuvuzela.

Mr. Pink

Turkey quotes.
<22:40:34> ‎"Turkey‎"‎: ok.
<22:43:41> ‎"Turkey‎"‎: Fuck me
<22:43:43> ‎"Turkey‎"‎: in the ass
<22:43:46> ‎"Turkey‎"‎: i pour the chips into a bowl
<22:43:49> ‎"Turkey‎"‎: then poured milk in
<22:43:56> ‎"Turkey‎"‎: And before I ate it
<22:43:57> ‎"Turkey‎"‎: I looked
<22:43:59> ‎"Turkey‎"‎: I was like
<22:44:00> ‎"Turkey‎"‎: WTF

<22:54:53> ‎"Turkey‎"‎: Hey guys, how do i installed stalker rp content, just place the zip in hl2 fodler?
<22:55:12> ‎"Turkey‎"‎: ok
<22:55:23> ‎"Turkey‎"‎: omg now it wont work
<22:55:36> ‎"Turkey‎"‎: brb. gotta delete system 32 for fresh start
<22:55:37> ‎"Turkey‎"‎: sec
I wish for a pinball machine full of Cannabis.


Disconnect: Kicked by Console : "Banned for 2880 mins ( Bullshit you're not trolling. )".


<02:39:47> ‎"Wing‎"‎:  pokes you: ‎‪<3‎‬‎
<02:39:53> ‎"Rebel6609‎"‎:  pokes you: ‎‪<3‎‬‎

Double post to show the love i get.


[German Accent | Merc ...] says "I'll fight gear though."
[LOOC] Rct. Fyoder Zel: not fighting rebel -_-
Uki Vlavsivostok: "Fist fight exo?"
[LOOC] Church: Go.

---Sometime later---



Quote(/) [OOC] Pale: Is tickling someones butthole with your tentacles considered cybering or consentive rape.


Quote from: ThY on 02-08-2011
Quote(/) [OOC] Pale: Is tickling someones butthole with your tentacles considered cybering or consentive rape.



(o) (22:23) [OOC] Joker: ** [6'2lSunrise Suit|Forg...] puts down 1,500 weapons.(
(/) (22:23) [OOC] Cpt. Leonard Maskinsky: so many weapons
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Steven :D

There are two files left in the PDA. One is "Emergency cell override" and the other are the doctors last logs.
** 'Hydra' goes for the last logs.
[LOOC] Brick: enclave here, try the gain
[LOOC] 'Hydra': LOL.
[LOOC] Artyom Pipson: LOL


Bloodsucker roster -    Name                  Type                             Title                                                  Hostility                  OOC name
                                Kranzer               nigger               Behemoth|Massive|Regenerator|9'4               HostileToAl               Ravenger         
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(*) [OOC] Lord Three Pieces: I grabed my balls and I shook.


[5'11|DUTY SKAT|Captai...] says "So, are you assholes done here?"
'Hydra' says "Yes, Captain wow."
'Hydra' says "Now, shut up and kiss me."
'Gearhead' says "Hydra, down boy."
[5'11|DUTY SKAT|Captai...] says "If you touch me, I'll stick my Groza up your ass and let a VOG fly loose."
** 'Gearhead' pulls back on Hydra's collar.
'Hydra' says "It wouldn't move an inch."
'Hydra' says "In fact, that's the genius of the GP-25."
'Gearhead' says "Oh, here we go..."
[5'11|DUTY SKAT|Captai...] says "And if you try to smart mouth me."
'Hydra' says "VOGs'll only explode once they've reached a certain velocity."
[5'11|DUTY SKAT|Captai...] says "I'll let you smart mouth my Kabar."
[5'11|DUTY SKAT|Captai...] says "Capiche?"
** 'Hydra' puffs up his chest.
'Hydra' says "Listen here, Captain."
[5'11|DUTY SKAT|Captai...] says "No."
[5'11|DUTY SKAT|Captai...] says "YOU listen here."
[5'11|DUTY SKAT|Captai...] says "Shut the fuck up and learn your place."
'Gearhead' says "Hydra, for fucks sake."
'Gearhead' says "Stop talking."
'Hydra' says "Oh yes, because a group of conservative paramilitants is going to force me to."
[Fit | 32 | Brown Hair...] yells "Oh damn!"
'Gearhead' says "Oh here we go..."
[Fit | 32 | Brown Hair...] yells "Shits getting intense!"
[5'11|DUTY SKAT|Captai...] says "Oh."
'Gearhead' says "Listen, Captain."
'Gearhead' says "If I can just get a word in..."
[5'11|DUTY SKAT|Captai...] says "The cripple without a hand is gonna push me around?"
'Hydra' says "Yes, yes I am."
'Gearhead' says "Captain."
'Gearhead' says "Please don't encourage him."
'Gearhead' says "Look, Hydra's just having a bad day, is all."
'Gearhead' says "We've had a rough patch over the past couple of weeks, he's on edge, I'm on edge."
'Gearhead' says "We're all on edge, it's contageous."
'Hydra' says "Insulting my limb loss'll get you no-where, son."
[Fit | 32 | Brown Hair...] yells "I think I just contractd edge!"
[5'11|DUTY SKAT|Captai...] says "Insulting us "conservative paramilitary" will get you six feet under minus your other hand."
[DUTYKevlar|RecruitPin...] yells "WHAT THE DICK!"
[5'11|DUTY SKAT|Captai...] says "Now get the hell out."
[DUTYKevlar|RecruitPin...] yells "ITS A SUASAGE FESTT"
'Gearhead' says "Oh, it's Crack Cocaine Recruit."
'Hydra' says "Sausage fest?"
[DUTYKevlar|RecruitPin...] yells "I've never seeen so many dicks in one place!"
'Hydra' says "Ah, but it's something you can derive pleasure from."
[DUTYKevlar|RecruitPin...] yells "QUITE"
'Gearhead' says "Hydra, move aside."
'Hydra' says "Yes, quite."
'Gearhead' says "Hydra, move."
[LOOC] Sldr. Alek Smirnov: Yeah?
[39|6ft | Broad should...] says "Party?"
** 'Hydra' moves to his left, letting Gear' past.
'Gearhead' whispers "Listen, Captain."
'Gearhead' whispers "Can I have a word with you away from Hydra?"
** [5'11|DUTY SKAT|Captai...] nods slowly.
'Hydra' says "Paramilitant scumbag."
** [5'11|DUTY SKAT|Captai...] turns.
'Gearhead' yells "For fucks sake, Hydra."
** [5'11|DUTY SKAT|Captai...] unslings his groza.
'Gearhead' yells "Captain-"
[39|6ft | Broad should...] says "I'll go on this table then Mister Kardaky!"
[Fit | 32 | Brown Hair...] says "Hey merc."
** 'Gearhead' withdraws his Fora, gripping it tightly.
[Fit | 32 | Brown Hair...] says "Hire a guy to fight me in the arena."
** [5'11|DUTY SKAT|Captai...] points the barrel of his groza under his neck.
'Thunder' says "Wow"
** [DUTYKevlar|RecruitPin...] aims at gearhead. Crotching down bringing the sites to his head.
[5'11|DUTY SKAT|Captai...] says "I swear to god."
[5'11|DUTY SKAT|Captai...] says "If you do not leave."
[5'11|DUTY SKAT|Captai...] says "Right."
'Thunder' says "Stop"
[5'11|DUTY SKAT|Captai...] says "Now."
[Fit | 32 | Brown Hair...] yells "Holy fuck!"
'Hydra' says "You're going to shoot my windpipe, I see."
'Gearhead' yells "Hydra, look what you've gone and done."
[LOOC] Anton Bogdanov: brb again
'Gearhead' says "y/y Are you happy now?"
** 'Thunder' gets out his AKU
[LOOC] 'Gearhead': *Happy
[190cm|23 years old|PS...] says "Hey put the AKU down."
[MilitaryBerril|BlackB...] says "Hydra is Sanctioned buddy"
[39|6ft | Broad should...] yells "Woah, fucking party?"
'Hydra' says "Sorry, how did this turn from a conversation about weapon mechanics to you holding me at gunpoint?"
'Gearhead' yells "Alright, ALRIGHT."
[5'11|DUTY SKAT|Captai...] says "Sorry, how many times have I told you to leave?"
'Gearhead' yells "Everybody put your fucking guns down!"
'Gearhead' yells "Hydra, let's go."
[5'11|Sunrise Suit|For...] yells "Listen to the fucking dutiers"
[DUTYKevlar|RecruitPin...] yells "All non-duty personel, Holster your weapon or face death!"
'Hydra' says "Two, to my awareness."
[Fit | 32 | Brown Hair...] yells "Kill em'!"
'Gearhead' yells "HYDRA."
[5'11|DUTY SKAT|Captai...] yells "Gearhead! Get him out of here before my trigger finger loses it's patience!"
** [DUTYKevlar|RecruitPin...] gets his crazy cocke trigger finger ready
[Fit | 32 | Brown Hair...] yells "Kill them all!"
'Gearhead' yells "You're pushing your luck."
'Hydra' says "Well, Gear'?"
'Hydra' says "What're you waiting for, get me outta' here."
'Gearhead' says "Move."
'Gearhead' yells "Move."
** 'Gearhead' steps forward, bringing his right fist backwards as he attempts to hook Hydra across the face.
** 'Hydra' staggers back a step as his Sphere-12's right lens shatters.
'Gearhead' says "Are you out of your FUCKING MIND!?"
[DUTYKevlar|RecruitPin...] says "Hey."
'Gearhead' says "They call me an idiot, look at you!"
'Gearhead' says "Marching into Duty acting like you're top shit!"
'Gearhead' says "I don't care if you were joking, you pushed it to the limit!"
'Gearhead' says "The fucking limit!"
'Gearhead' says "Hydra."
'Gearhead' says "If you do not leave right now, you're going to be ridden with bullet holes."
[LOOC] 'Hydra': Hold on a second, I've gotta get logs of that argument.
Warning, this news report contains flashing images.


The only thing that made me laugh a bit was Turkey. WHAT THE DICKS.
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|HGN| Don Capo: UH
|HGN| Don Capo: Friday
|HGN| Don Capo: Friday
|HGN| Don Capo: Gotta get down on Friday.
Kassendraw: Why do we get down?
Kassendraw: Grenade? D:
|HGN| Don Capo: Possibly


|HGN| Don Capo: and why is my makarov
|HGN| Don Capo: better than everything else


Knight Alexa Gregory says "Guess what guy. Your High right now."
[Doctors Coat|49 Years...] says "What"
Knight Alexa Gregory says "On Jet."
Caso Kilmarnock says "Yes, this also a fever dream"
[Doctors Coat|49 Years...] says "Oh man.. I musta.. I musta switched my medicine."
[Doctors Coat|49 Years...] says "Oh mang."
[LOOC] Franklin Barrows: Man*
[LOOC] Knight Alexa Gregory: lol mang.
[Doctors Coat|49 Years...] says "Oh dear."
[Doctors Coat|49 Years...] says "So.. Does that mean.."
[Doctors Coat|49 Years...] says "You're not real?"
Caso Kilmarnock says "No, we are not"
Knight Alexa Gregory says "What do you think?"
[Doctors Coat|49 Years...] says "So. I could.. Shoot you with no reprecussions!"
** [Doctors Coat|49 Years...] moves back to his pistol
Caso Kilmarnock says "No"
** [Doctors Coat|49 Years...] picks it up.
Caso Kilmarnock says "No no....."
Knight Alexa Gregory says "If you shoot us we will kill you, and you will become dead"
[Doctors Coat|49 Years...] says "But.."
** Caso Kilmarnock growls and pulls his gun out.
** Knight Alexa Gregory raises her gun
[Doctors Coat|49 Years...] says "Wait.."
[Doctors Coat|49 Years...] says "But you cant hurt me.."
[Doctors Coat|49 Years...] says "If this is a dream.."
[Doctors Coat|49 Years...] says "Or a illusion."
[LOOC] Franklin Barrows: MAN
Caso Kilmarnock says "Yes but mine is bigger"
[LOOC] Franklin Barrows: I NEED A TOP
[LOOC] Franklin Barrows: TO SPIN
Knight Alexa Gregory says "Oh we can hurt you."
[Doctors Coat|49 Years...] says "But.."
** [Doctors Coat|49 Years...] moves foward towards the half and half person.
** [Doctors Coat|49 Years...] attempts to touch /it/
** Caso Kilmarnock pulls back, bending backwards.
[Doctors Coat|49 Years...] says "Wha-"
Caso Kilmarnock says "...... no touchie the dream"
** [Doctors Coat|49 Years...] moves over to the power armoured fellow
** [Doctors Coat|49 Years...] attempts to poke its shoulder.
** Knight Alexa Gregory gets poked.
[Doctors Coat|49 Years...] says "Are.."
[Doctors Coat|49 Years...] says "You real!?"
** [Doctors Coat|49 Years...] is confused as fuck right now.
Knight Alexa Gregory says "What do you think?"
[Doctors Coat|49 Years...] says "I don't know!?"
[LOOC] Knight Alexa Gregory: INCEPTION!
[LOOC] Franklin Barrows: LOL
[Doctors Coat|49 Years...] says "Theres only one test."
** [Doctors Coat|49 Years...] takes out his pistol.
[Doctors Coat|49 Years...] says "If this is a dream"
[Doctors Coat|49 Years...] says "I wakeup."
** [Doctors Coat|49 Years...] aims the pistol at his own foot.
** Caso Kilmarnock watches
** Knight Alexa Gregory looks at Caso
** [Doctors Coat|49 Years...] litterally shoots himself in the foot.
[Doctors Coat|49 Years...] yells "FUUUUUUUUUUU"
** [Doctors Coat|49 Years...] falls over onto the floor screaming
I used to be an adventure like you, but then the shadow started chasing me through a castle filled with monsters.


|HGN| Thanatos:www.youtube.com/watch?v=X21mJh6j9i4&NR=1
|HGN| Thanatos: Panda- Rebel.
|HGN| Thanatos: Victim- You
☺(H C)HitMâñ☺ -:)SSK(:-: Reading now
☺(H C)HitMâñ☺ -:)SSK(:-: LOL

Meanwhile outside of Leshiy's door.

Adam 'Sporadic' Dominika - Alive | Squirrel - Alive | Jordan Redmond - Alive | Njal - MIA | Bowie - MIA


Quote** 'Syfer' grabs Hydra's tight ass.

Steven :D

Quote from: ThY on 07-08-2011
Quote** 'Syfer' grabs Hydra's tight ass.

What, ahaahahahahahaha.


[LOOC] Joker: Get your ass
[LOOC] Joker: Out of my
[LOOC] Joker: Face
[LOOC] Loufe Nebashika: /me farts
[LOOC] 'Hydra': LOL


Lt.Col. Vasyl Wasylyk says "Wow. So your talent is not shooting."
** Lt.Col. Vasyl Wasylyk golfclaps.
[LOOC] Cpt. Leonard Maskinsky: ahahaha
Lt.Col. Vasyl Wasylyk says "You sir, are a fucking winner."

Steven :D

(o) [OOC] Dmitri Bronislav: Who's actually smoked weed?  All it did was make me dizzy and want to relax and be happy.  Or sometimes paranoid of Cops
(/) [OOC] Vasilli Nikolaev: Same. I smoked weed once.
(/) [OOC] Yohan Zieser: Hungry*
(o) [OOC] Dmitri Bronislav: Yes, and big time munchies.
(o) [OOC] Kirill Ivanov: i did, it burnt my lung every time but i liked it :D
(o) [OOC] 'Ray': It made me feel like I was in my underpants and flying through a field of sunflowers.       Made of razor blades.
(+) MikeyWrenn has connected to the server.
(o) [OOC] Kirill Ivanov: my gf made me stop :/
(o) [OOC] Kirill Ivanov: try shrooms :D
(o) [OOC] Arkadi 'Hydra' Belotserkovsky: My chronic heart failure made me die.
(o) [OOC] Dmitri Bronislav: Shrooms are fucking bad.  Don't try them.
(o) [OOC] 'Ray': Weed killed my parents
(o) [OOC] Artyom Pipson: Whats with da music?
(o) [OOC] Dmitri Bronislav: ^
(o) [OOC] Dmitri Bronislav: I remember watching in my highschool class a drug video
(o) [OOC] Artyom Pipson: A mare-jew-wanna robbed a bank
(o) [OOC] Arkadi 'Hydra' Belotserkovsky: Ah yes, anti-drug messages.
(o) [OOC] Dmitri Bronislav: And everyone was laughing because some chick in the movie died from "overdosing" on marijuana



(o) [OOC] Arkadi 'Hydra' Belotserkovsky: Because drug induced death is funny!
(o) [OOC] 'Ray': everyone knows you can only die from weed if you accidentally put it in your ass
(o) [OOC] Artyom Pipson: ^ or a jar
(/) [OOC] Petr Chavnokov: DO NOT LOLRUN! FUCKIGN RP
(o) [OOC] 'Ray': Hydra; you cant fucking die of 'weed overdose'
(o) [OOC] Dmitri Bronislav: Or if you put it on the tip of a bullet and shoot yourself.
(o) [OOC] Sergey Ivanov: You can die if you eat weed
(/) [OOC] Victor Petrov: Admin can i have safe box in Eco bunker plox cos you love me :D
(o) [OOC] Vladimir Vladkov: How i heal poison?
(o) [OOC] Dmitri Bronislav: You can only die from suffocation, if you have a bus-sized wad of weed and stay there for like 2 weeks while burning it.
(o) [OOC] Arkadi 'Hydra' Belotserkovsky: You know, that's a fair point.
(o) [OOC] Dmitri Bronislav: Take chemistry, research the ingredients.
(o) [OOC] Akim Chernov: wtf, why people kill me, but I cant kill them.
(o) [OOC] Arkadi 'Hydra' Belotserkovsky: "Ingredients"? It's just marajuana leaf, unless this is refined marajuana we're talking about.
(o) [OOC] Artyom Pipson: THC. Dats acually healthy for you in some ways
(/) [OOC] Mikael Sokolov: i asked if you need it back.. come to the bar
(o) [OOC] Dmitri Bronislav: The only reason why it's illegal is because during prohibition islanders would smoke it and they wanted everyone to be sad.
(o) [OOC] Arkadi 'Hydra' Belotserkovsky: "Ingredients"? It's just marajuana leaf, unless this is refined marajuana we're talking about.
(o) [OOC] Artyom Pipson: LOL you don't smoke the leaf you smoke the bud you twat
(o) [OOC] 'Ray': "Ingredients"?
(o) [OOC] Akim Chernov: yes can I have my gun back please?
(o) [OOC] 'Ray': This is double post we're talking about
(o) [OOC] Dmitri Bronislav: Should I say the chemical make up of the cannibis itself.


o) [OOC] Dmitri Bronislav: Its not dangerous, but you can suffocate from lack of oxygen in a roomful of it burning.
(/) [OOC] Victor Petrov: Can you spawn one at eco bunker plz cos you luv me :D
(o) [OOC] Dmitri Bronislav: That'd be an awesome death though
(o) [OOC] 'Ray': No shit, but then it's smoke inhalation, no marijuana overdose
(/) [OOC] Vasilli Nikolaev: NO SHIT lets sto ptalking about drugs, half the people wont understand it.
(o) [OOC] Artyom Pipson: ^
(/) [OOC] Petr Chavnokov: predu Come my friend, You have great things to teach this new RP'er
(o) [OOC] Akim Chernov: who killed me?
(o) [OOC] 'Ray': Shrooms raped me
(o) [OOC] Arkadi 'Hydra' Belotserkovsky: MAH SOLVENTS ARE STRONGER THAN YO SOLVENTS.


Me: My wife gave birth to a baby bloodsucker.
Some dude: THATS SO CUTE!!!
Me: Yea, if you call getting eaten alive while giving birth cute.


Quote from: Ray on 08-08-2011
Those are fake

Also not funny. And the smoke is still bad for your lungs. It's not worse than other smoke but it's not good for you either.


*Gets ran over by a car*
(04:37) [5'7|Jeans|19 Years ol...] says " I need a Stimpac"
(04:37) ** [Brown Hair/ Blue Eyes...] injects him with one
(04:37) [5'7|Jeans|19 Years ol...] says "Ahh"
(04:37) ** [5'7|Jeans|19 Years ol...] gets up
(04:37) [LOOC] Lt. John Richardson: nope
(04:37) [LOOC] Lt. John Richardson: NOPE.
(04:37) [LOOC] Lt. John Richardson: Your legs are crippled
(04:38) [LOOC] Max Sterling: oh thats right
(04:38) [LOOC] Lt. John Richardson: No stimpack will ever help you
(04:38) [LOOC] Max Sterling: you did it to the back.
(04:38) [LOOC] Lt. John Richardson: no
(04:38) [LOOC] Max Sterling: no?
(04:38) [LOOC] Lt. John Richardson: Stimpacks are injected to remove pain
(04:38) [LOOC] Max Sterling: Ever played fallout?
(04:38) [LOOC] Lt. John Richardson: Ever played real life?
(04:39) [LOOC] Lt. John Richardson: Stimpacks will heal your cancer.
Blake.H: And im also working on whipping him into shape
Blake.H: He's nice
Blake.H: He doesn't moan
Blake.H: The sheer obedience is enough to fuel my erection anyway