Brotherhood of Steel - Std. Membership Applications

Started by Ragolution, 12-12-2010

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OOC Name: Spades Neil
Steam ID: Spades Neil
Time with HGN: Roughly a day.
Time Roleplaying: ^
Primary Language: English
Reason you want to join: After spending much of Wednesday playing on the server and falling right in with the Brotherhood of Steel, I'm already a member apparently, but I wanted to submit an official application anyway.

In Character Name: Spades Neil
Ethnicity: White
Age: 18
Applied Rank: (Anything that will let me walk on the surface.)
Blood Type: O+
Appearance: A young caucasian adult in ragged clothes, worn from months of travel.
Backstory: Neil doesn't talk too much about his past in mixed company, but one on one he happily explains his origins. He's a young adult who traveled all the way from the New England Commonwealth. Things were good there for a long time, as cities like Boston flourished compared to other large cities in the aftermath of the war. Food was plentiful and not irradiated, the water was fresh and clean, fishing was still a viable source of food, and the people were happy, Neil's family included. Unfortunately, the good times were not destined to last. A mysterious welathy man claiming to know android technology used the remnants of the old Massachusetts Institute of Technology to reactivate an on-campus nuclear reactor and begin work on a devious project. For a long time, the citizens of Boston didn't care about this odd man's research, that is until he decided to use his power for his own control. The mysterious scientist took over Boston. Those who wanred to live became his goons. Those who didn't were either killed or fled. Neil's large family fell into one of those categories until they were all split. Neil was one of those who chose to run.

Prior to the events in Boston, Neil was a gifted marksman even from a young age. It likely runs in his blood. Pre-war, there was a legendary man by the name of Larry Neil who was arguably the best marksman in the world. (RL person. My RL grandfather. :D Look him up if you can.) Renound across New England for his incredible accuracy with a pistol--even while piss drunk--the man won trophies and medals constantly. He was even offered to enter the olympics, though at the time one could not participate without a sponsor which resulted in Larry's nonparticipation in the Olympics. However, Larry's skills seemed to eminate, at least to some degree, in his grandson of the time, Jeremy Neil, who chose to act upon this gift. When the bombs fell, Jeremy knew this trait would become priceless in a world where your life could be taken in a split second. It soon became tradition for direct descendants of Larry Neil to practice this legend. Generations later, Spades Neil is just one example of this small group of lethal marksman. Provided, the integrity of marksmanship has degraded with following generations, but it is still well above average compared to other wastelanders. Spades for instance is quite advanced in the arts of stealth and evasion. He's the closest thing to a true "sniper" you'll find in the Wasteland, though he wouldn't call himself such.

Comments: You people got me addicted to Gmod RP. I hope you're happy.


Quote from: Spades_Neil on 16-03-2011
OOC Name: Spades Neil
Steam ID: Spades Neil
Time with HGN: Roughly a day.
Time Roleplaying: ^
Primary Language: English
Reason you want to join: After spending much of Wednesday playing on the server and falling right in with the Brotherhood of Steel, I'm already a member apparently, but I wanted to submit an official application anyway.

In Character Name: Spades Neil
Ethnicity: White
Age: 18
Applied Rank: (Anything that will let me walk on the surface.)
Blood Type: O+
Appearance: A young caucasian adult in ragged clothes, worn from months of travel.
Backstory: Neil doesn't talk too much about his past in mixed company, but one on one he happily explains his origins. He's a young adult who traveled all the way from the New England Commonwealth. Things were good there for a long time, as cities like Boston flourished compared to other large cities in the aftermath of the war. Food was plentiful and not irradiated, the water was fresh and clean, fishing was still a viable source of food, and the people were happy, Neil's family included. Unfortunately, the good times were not destined to last. A mysterious welathy man claiming to know android technology used the remnants of the old Massachusetts Institute of Technology to reactivate an on-campus nuclear reactor and begin work on a devious project. For a long time, the citizens of Boston didn't care about this odd man's research, that is until he decided to use his power for his own control. The mysterious scientist took over Boston. Those who wanred to live became his goons. Those who didn't were either killed or fled. Neil's large family fell into one of those categories until they were all split. Neil was one of those who chose to run.

Prior to the events in Boston, Neil was a gifted marksman even from a young age. It likely runs in his blood. Pre-war, there was a legendary man by the name of Larry Neil who was arguably the best marksman in the world. (RL person. My RL grandfather. :D Look him up if you can.) Renound across New England for his incredible accuracy with a pistol--even while piss drunk--the man won trophies and medals constantly. He was even offered to enter the olympics, though at the time one could not participate without a sponsor which resulted in Larry's nonparticipation in the Olympics. However, Larry's skills seemed to eminate, at least to some degree, in his grandson of the time, Jeremy Neil, who chose to act upon this gift. When the bombs fell, Jeremy knew this trait would become priceless in a world where your life could be taken in a split second. It soon became tradition for direct descendants of Larry Neil to practice this legend. Generations later, Spades Neil is just one example of this small group of lethal marksman. Provided, the integrity of marksmanship has degraded with following generations, but it is still well above average compared to other wastelanders. Spades for instance is quite advanced in the arts of stealth and evasion. He's the closest thing to a true "sniper" you'll find in the Wasteland, though he wouldn't call himself such.

Comments: You people got me addicted to Gmod RP. I hope you're happy.

You are already in the organization. You started at the bottom step, since you're a profligate wastelander, but I assure you that you'll rank of pretty fast.

Equerry is the first of many steps on the long road of the applicant waster.



OOC Name: Negative Zero

Steam ID:  0:0:24451882

Time with HGN: 10 months to a year, I've lost track

Time Roleplaying: HGN has been my first roleplaying experience, so 10-ish months

Primary Language: Enlgish

Reason you want to join: Out of all the factions, BoS seems to be the one that appeals to me the most. Enclave seems like it'd be nothing but STK/STM/fighting, and FRA seems like it would collapse in on itself if it had enugh members since its effectively four or five mini-factions in one.

In Character Name: Nicholas Eisenstien

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Age: 32

Applied Rank: Knight

Blood Type: A -

Appearance: Black hair, which he wears in a crew-cut most of the time. He has blue eyes and a rather gaunt appearance, his skin pale and his cheeks sunken from malnurishment in the apocalyptic wastelands. Although not particularly tall, standing at only 5'9" he is barrel-chested and fairly well muscled.

Backstory: "Two knights on the left. Three on the right. Paladin to the rear. More than enugh to take out any rabble." Nicholas thought to himself as he adressed the situation.... He couldn't be more wrong. The group had come under fire from a dozen or more raiders waiting in ambush atop a ridge, which ran the length of the road they needed to take to reach the objective, a rumored cache of pre-war weapons and other tech another kilometer down the road. Although only a rumor, and one designed to lead them directly into a trap, the Brotherhood had jumped at the opporitunity.

Now stranded and with little cover, there wasn't much left to do but try and fight off the raiders, hoping they wouldn't realise they had the Brotherhood completely pinned and simply fanking them would end the fight, and that they would realise that four of thier own had fallen thus far. Reloading his weapon, Nicholas fired blind from behind a boulder, hearing a satisfying scream of pain as one of his shots found a target. Despite this small victory, it was retalitated by another defiant volley of fire from the raiders. Pistols, submachine guns and one or two Chinese Assault rifles fired as one on the Brotherhood's position, with horrifying results. Two Knights were hit, one scrambling back behind what little cover he had, only to be hit in the head and killed instantly. The second was not so fortunate, as none of the shots were in lethal areas, and the rounds of small calibure, the Knight spent his last moments of conciousness in excruciating pain, as blood spurted though the holes in his armour before he finaly passed out and died minutes later. Down to only five men, the Knights stood thier ground. Four Raiders were killed, and one maimed as they retaliated with thier own volley of more accurate and powerul fire. Eight Raiders and five Knights now fought tooth and nail. What had begun as a death trap had turned into a firefight.

Seeing the situation, and the greusom deaths of his friends one Knight decided he'd had enugh. Despite the frantic crys of the remaining Knights to get back to cover, and that they could beat them, he ran. The Knight was felled in a hail of gunfire as he broke from cover down the road. Several bullets entering his side, causing him to fall, and another hitting his neck as he hit the ground, drawing a blood curdling scream as his blood gushed from his several jugular. Encouraged by the gruesom death of the Knight the Raiders became emboldened, and with shouts of obcenities that would offend even a sailor, the Raideres grabbed what weapons they could find, and charged. Eight psychotic men wielding shovels, bats, knifes and sharpened rocks ran down the steep slope and into a flurry of gunfire. Despite the fact that they had no cover to speak of they charged onwards. One having his head blown clean from his body by a shot from the Paladin, and another hit in the knee and in the collar bone.

What had started as an ambush had turned into a firefight. Which had now degraded into a despairate melee as the remaining combatants struck at eachother with whatever they could find. Nicholas reveres the grip on his weapon and swung it at the Raider who was in mid-air after jumping over the boulder, and falling to the ground holding his groin as the butt of Nicholas's weapon impacted him. Switching his grip again Nicholas put a round through the mans head and turned in time to recieve a kick in the chest from a massive Raider. The mans victory was short lived, though, as a knight tackled the man and pounded his fists against the back of his head as he fell on top of him. Getting to his feet again Nicholas put three rounds into a Raider as he beheaded a Knight using a shovel with sharpened, seraided sides. Finaly realising the Brotherhood's training out weighed any experience gained through fist-fights and brawls among themselfs, the raiders begin to run. First one then the remainder followed. The fight had been won, but at a terrible cost. Only Nicholas and one other Knight remained, as well as the Paladin who had been leading the expedition.

Gathering what technology they could find from the felled Raiders, and looting any supplies from the camp atop the ridge, the remaining three BrotherHood members pressed on to the supposed loaction of the cache. Upon raching the location, and finding nothing but an abandoned car which had been looted for parts years ago the Brotherhood returned to thier base. His first mission as a newly promoted Knight had been completed.

The son of Daren and Julia, a Scribe and a Knight, Nicholas had been immersed in the Brotherhood of Steel since day one of his life. When given the choice of joining the Brotherhood, or leaving to join the wastelanders, Nicholas readily accepted, he had been inspired since early childhood by the men and women standing trimphant in gleaming power armour and took every opporitunity he could to become one of them.

His free time as a toddler was spent interviewing members of the Brotherhood, fireing off questions faster than any of them could answer, fighting off imaginary mutants (and always finding the super-secret-laserbeam gun once the "fighting" was finished), or drawing pictures of the seemingly heroic men and women, Nicholas had his heart set. As time drew on, things changed. Slowly he began asking fewer and fewer questions, the "mutants" apparently erradicated from his imagination and all the secret weapons found, and his pictures became darker, more realistic, and in some cases quite gorey as "real life" began to take hold. By the time he was in his mid-teens questions and drawings had almost ceased to exist, him focusing on his one goal since early child-hood, become one of the triumphant heroes in gleaming armour that had inspired him.

Although making slow progress through the ranks Nicholas eventualy worked his way up to Knight through steely determination and his almost mechanical-like ability to sloug through any task given to him until it was finished, or he was told to stop. His first assignment had been to join the six Brotherhood members on the mission which turned out to be near suicide, and upon returning to base was praised by the Paladin leading the mission as well as others for standing and fighting alongside his comrades and not giving up in the face of seemingly overwhelming odds. It was for this trait he was sent to the chapter in Ohio. They knew they would need all the men they could get out there, who better to send than one who would press on to the end no-matter the odds?

Comments: -I get the feeling the bit about the early life n' such is lacking. If it needs improvement, I'll gladly do so, but my ideas have pretty much run dry and its late at night. Hopefuly this is enough.
To loot, lulz and SCIENCE!


OOC Name:SGT-Spartans
Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:23583984
Time with HGN: Six months
Time Roleplaying:Six Months
Primary Language: English
Reason you want to join: OOC: Ive always loved the BoS storyline and cause. IC: Hale believes they are doing the right thing upholding order in Rust Town, and believe they are the true saviours of the wasteland, as they, in his view, strive and work to recreating technology which would help in a new world.

In Character Name: Hale
Ethnicity: North-American
Age: 24
Applied Rank: Equerry
Blood Type: A
Appearance: Torn Shirt, Worn Jacket, Claw marks on his back
Backstory: Hale, born in the world of waste and tragedy, has lived his life a working man. Since he turned 15, he has taken numerous jobs in scouting, scavenging, and constructing for various employers. Many times he has been scammed, beaten, and left poor by his own teenage year gullible attitude. But now, a maturing, midtwenties male, he has gone to settle in Rust Town, a place he hears a small refuge in a land of blood.
   Hale first considered joining the Brotherhood when he spoke to the Head Scribe, Anton Vladislav. Vladislav said he should join, work his way to apprentice, so he could become a scout for the brotherhood. Unlike many other wasters, Hale didnt want the oh so revered power armor, he just wants to help uphold the order and "peace" of Rust Town. He even went as far as to fight alongside with the Brotherhood when the rabid ghouls stormed the town, spending his munition. He did not ask for ammunition as a reward, he bought it as he knew it would support the town.

Comments: I think mines a bit different than everyone elses. My story is so short because my character is now joining the BoS as a waster, who, unlike the rest, isnt as incompetent. With survival skills and logic, and a hard past of work. I dont know if this is correct, but I'd prefer it this way as I've talk to the head scribe and he said its possible.
SRP chars:
Vasilli 'Vasoline' Nikolaev - Freedom - Alive
Aleksey Ipanov - Spooky Trenchcoat Man - Alive
'Pale' - Bloodsucker - Alive


If it were up to me I would accept both N3gativezero and SGT-Spartans, but Port hasn't given me the ability to accept applications, so I give my recommendation to both of them.  Also, from RPing with SGT-Spartans, I give a +2 recommendation.

The only problem I see with your application SGT-Spartans, is that there are no mutants in our canon.  If you could just change that to "Ghouls" for Headcrab zombies, and "Radroaches/Giant Ants" for Antlions, that would be awesome.  Also, due to you joining the Brotherhood as an outsider, you would start as an Equerry, not an Initiate.  I doubt that is a problem though.

Also, due to speaking with Paint, and the FRA's situation of low recruitment, after these two applications, the Brotherhood can no longer accept anymore people.  I don't have the power to close this thread, so I am just posting this here so Port will see it and close it.

Applications are closed.
"If you don't expect gratitude, you'll seldom be dissapointed."


All pending applications WILL BE REVIEWED


Applications are now, and permenantly closed.

Out-of-game recruiting is now limited to 'Special' applications ONLY.

In-game recruiting is also extremely limited, now.

The only accepted rank will be, as predicted, Equerry. The Trial Period for Equerries has been extended.


Quote from: SGT-Spartans on 20-03-2011
OOC Name:SGT-Spartans
Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:23583984
Time with HGN: Six months
Time Roleplaying:Six Months
Primary Language: English
Reason you want to join: OOC: Ive always loved the BoS storyline and cause. IC: Hale believes they are doing the right thing upholding order in Rust Town, and believe they are the true saviours of the wasteland, as they, in his view, strive and work to recreating technology which would help in a new world.

In Character Name: Hale
Ethnicity: North-American
Age: 24
Applied Rank: Equerry
Blood Type: A
Appearance: Torn Shirt, Worn Jacket, Claw marks on his back
Backstory: Hale, born in the world of waste and tragedy, has lived his life a working man. Since he turned 15, he has taken numerous jobs in scouting, scavenging, and constructing for various employers. Many times he has been scammed, beaten, and left poor by his own teenage year gullible attitude. But now, a maturing, midtwenties male, he has gone to settle in Rust Town, a place he hears a small refuge in a land of blood.
   Hale first considered joining the Brotherhood when he spoke to the Head Scribe, Anton Vladislav. Vladislav said he should join, work his way to apprentice, so he could become a scout for the brotherhood. Unlike many other wasters, Hale didnt want the oh so revered power armor, he just wants to help uphold the order and "peace" of Rust Town. He even went as far as to fight alongside with the Brotherhood when the rabid ghouls stormed the town, spending his munition. He did not ask for ammunition as a reward, he bought it as he knew it would support the town.

Comments: I think mines a bit different than everyone elses. My story is so short because my character is now joining the BoS as a waster, who, unlike the rest, isnt as incompetent. With survival skills and logic, and a hard past of work. I dont know if this is correct, but I'd prefer it this way as I've talk to the head scribe and he said its possible.



Quote from: N3gativezero on 19-03-2011
OOC Name: Negative Zero

Steam ID:  0:0:24451882

Time with HGN: 10 months to a year, I've lost track

Time Roleplaying: HGN has been my first roleplaying experience, so 10-ish months

Primary Language: Enlgish

Reason you want to join: Out of all the factions, BoS seems to be the one that appeals to me the most. Enclave seems like it'd be nothing but STK/STM/fighting, and FRA seems like it would collapse in on itself if it had enugh members since its effectively four or five mini-factions in one.

In Character Name: Nicholas Eisenstien

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Age: 32

Applied Rank: Knight

Blood Type: A -

Appearance: Black hair, which he wears in a crew-cut most of the time. He has blue eyes and a rather gaunt appearance, his skin pale and his cheeks sunken from malnurishment in the apocalyptic wastelands. Although not particularly tall, standing at only 5'9" he is barrel-chested and fairly well muscled.

Backstory: "Two knights on the left. Three on the right. Paladin to the rear. More than enugh to take out any rabble." Nicholas thought to himself as he adressed the situation.... He couldn't be more wrong. The group had come under fire from a dozen or more raiders waiting in ambush atop a ridge, which ran the length of the road they needed to take to reach the objective, a rumored cache of pre-war weapons and other tech another kilometer down the road. Although only a rumor, and one designed to lead them directly into a trap, the Brotherhood had jumped at the opporitunity.

Now stranded and with little cover, there wasn't much left to do but try and fight off the raiders, hoping they wouldn't realise they had the Brotherhood completely pinned and simply fanking them would end the fight, and that they would realise that four of thier own had fallen thus far. Reloading his weapon, Nicholas fired blind from behind a boulder, hearing a satisfying scream of pain as one of his shots found a target. Despite this small victory, it was retalitated by another defiant volley of fire from the raiders. Pistols, submachine guns and one or two Chinese Assault rifles fired as one on the Brotherhood's position, with horrifying results. Two Knights were hit, one scrambling back behind what little cover he had, only to be hit in the head and killed instantly. The second was not so fortunate, as none of the shots were in lethal areas, and the rounds of small calibure, the Knight spent his last moments of conciousness in excruciating pain, as blood spurted though the holes in his armour before he finaly passed out and died minutes later. Down to only five men, the Knights stood thier ground. Four Raiders were killed, and one maimed as they retaliated with thier own volley of more accurate and powerul fire. Eight Raiders and five Knights now fought tooth and nail. What had begun as a death trap had turned into a firefight.

Seeing the situation, and the greusom deaths of his friends one Knight decided he'd had enugh. Despite the frantic crys of the remaining Knights to get back to cover, and that they could beat them, he ran. The Knight was felled in a hail of gunfire as he broke from cover down the road. Several bullets entering his side, causing him to fall, and another hitting his neck as he hit the ground, drawing a blood curdling scream as his blood gushed from his several jugular. Encouraged by the gruesom death of the Knight the Raiders became emboldened, and with shouts of obcenities that would offend even a sailor, the Raideres grabbed what weapons they could find, and charged. Eight psychotic men wielding shovels, bats, knifes and sharpened rocks ran down the steep slope and into a flurry of gunfire. Despite the fact that they had no cover to speak of they charged onwards. One having his head blown clean from his body by a shot from the Paladin, and another hit in the knee and in the collar bone.

What had started as an ambush had turned into a firefight. Which had now degraded into a despairate melee as the remaining combatants struck at eachother with whatever they could find. Nicholas reveres the grip on his weapon and swung it at the Raider who was in mid-air after jumping over the boulder, and falling to the ground holding his groin as the butt of Nicholas's weapon impacted him. Switching his grip again Nicholas put a round through the mans head and turned in time to recieve a kick in the chest from a massive Raider. The mans victory was short lived, though, as a knight tackled the man and pounded his fists against the back of his head as he fell on top of him. Getting to his feet again Nicholas put three rounds into a Raider as he beheaded a Knight using a shovel with sharpened, seraided sides. Finaly realising the Brotherhood's training out weighed any experience gained through fist-fights and brawls among themselfs, the raiders begin to run. First one then the remainder followed. The fight had been won, but at a terrible cost. Only Nicholas and one other Knight remained, as well as the Paladin who had been leading the expedition.

Gathering what technology they could find from the felled Raiders, and looting any supplies from the camp atop the ridge, the remaining three BrotherHood members pressed on to the supposed loaction of the cache. Upon raching the location, and finding nothing but an abandoned car which had been looted for parts years ago the Brotherhood returned to thier base. His first mission as a newly promoted Knight had been completed.

The son of Daren and Julia, a Scribe and a Knight, Nicholas had been immersed in the Brotherhood of Steel since day one of his life. When given the choice of joining the Brotherhood, or leaving to join the wastelanders, Nicholas readily accepted, he had been inspired since early childhood by the men and women standing trimphant in gleaming power armour and took every opporitunity he could to become one of them.

His free time as a toddler was spent interviewing members of the Brotherhood, fireing off questions faster than any of them could answer, fighting off imaginary mutants (and always finding the super-secret-laserbeam gun once the "fighting" was finished), or drawing pictures of the seemingly heroic men and women, Nicholas had his heart set. As time drew on, things changed. Slowly he began asking fewer and fewer questions, the "mutants" apparently erradicated from his imagination and all the secret weapons found, and his pictures became darker, more realistic, and in some cases quite gorey as "real life" began to take hold. By the time he was in his mid-teens questions and drawings had almost ceased to exist, him focusing on his one goal since early child-hood, become one of the triumphant heroes in gleaming armour that had inspired him.

Although making slow progress through the ranks Nicholas eventualy worked his way up to Knight through steely determination and his almost mechanical-like ability to sloug through any task given to him until it was finished, or he was told to stop. His first assignment had been to join the six Brotherhood members on the mission which turned out to be near suicide, and upon returning to base was praised by the Paladin leading the mission as well as others for standing and fighting alongside his comrades and not giving up in the face of seemingly overwhelming odds. It was for this trait he was sent to the chapter in Ohio. They knew they would need all the men they could get out there, who better to send than one who would press on to the end no-matter the odds?

Comments: -I get the feeling the bit about the early life n' such is lacking. If it needs improvement, I'll gladly do so, but my ideas have pretty much run dry and its late at night. Hopefuly this is enough.

Approved as Junior Knight


OOC Name: ๖Sgt. Kitty(-(LGC)-)
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:36121993
Time with HGN: about two or three weeks
Time Roleplaying: about a year
Primary language: English
Reason you want to join:  I am looking for a more suitable,and fun roleplaying experience
In Character Name:Mark "Sharp Shooter" Greene
Ethnicity: German
Age: 18
Rank: Don't care
Blood type: Unkown
Appearance: Young male, wears heavy power armor, helmet off. Short brown hair, maybe 1 inch. Not very muscular but fast.
Backstory: I was born into a family of army veterans, early life was complicated. When I was 10 my father died during the war against Russia, my mother soon followed. It was just me, I learned how to shoot, build electronics, and cook meals for myself. After six years of pain and sorrow I enlisted into the ranks of the Brotherhood of Steel, I was happy. I began to become more of an important figure, from apprentice, Initiate, Guardian and so on. I was on my way to the airport to return home when, well, lets just say the "Incident" happened. I had woken up, bleeding in the left shoulder and chest, and came stumbling upon a group of well armored men. They asked me my name, I told them, then they gave me the gift of hospitality. I woke one day to see they had been gone, once again I was alone. They left me a few medical supplies, a gun, ammo for that gun, and a letter.
        "Dear Mark,
                 We are sorry to have to leave you stranded, but we left you for a good cause and you aided and supplied. I hope we can see each other again, something in the near future.
                                                                                                                              Sincerely, The Guardians
                       We left you a gun, that in fact, WILL kill you if misused. Be careful and stay away from the mystery meat, It screws up your brain."

From that day I have vowed to serve anyone I can, in order to keep the world held together, for the good of the people.


Quote from: srgkitty on 27-03-2011
OOC Name: ๖Sgt. Kitty(-(LGC)-)
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:36121993
Time with HGN: about two or three weeks
Time Roleplaying: about a year
Primary language: English
Reason you want to join:  I am looking for a more suitable,and fun roleplaying experience
In Character Name:Mark "Sharp Shooter" Greene
Ethnicity: German
Age: 18
Rank: Don't care
Blood type: Unkown
Appearance: Young male, wears heavy power armor, helmet off. Short brown hair, maybe 1 inch. Not very muscular but fast.
Backstory: I was born into a family of army veterans, early life was complicated. When I was 10 my father died during the war against Russia, my mother soon followed. It was just me, I learned how to shoot, build electronics, and cook meals for myself. After six years of pain and sorrow I enlisted into the ranks of the Brotherhood of Steel, I was happy. I began to become more of an important figure, from apprentice, Initiate, Guardian and so on. I was on my way to the airport to return home when, well, lets just say the "Incident" happened. I had woken up, bleeding in the left shoulder and chest, and came stumbling upon a group of well armored men. They asked me my name, I told them, then they gave me the gift of hospitality. I woke one day to see they had been gone, once again I was alone. They left me a few medical supplies, a gun, ammo for that gun, and a letter.
        "Dear Mark,
                 We are sorry to have to leave you stranded, but we left you for a good cause and you aided and supplied. I hope we can see each other again, something in the near future.
                                                                                                                              Sincerely, The Guardians
                       We left you a gun, that in fact, WILL kill you if misused. Be careful and stay away from the mystery meat, It screws up your brain."

From that day I have vowed to serve anyone I can, in order to keep the world held together, for the good of the people.

THIS APPLICATION IS ͗́̋̽͐̄ͤ̉̂h̸̢̧̗͕̥͇̣͔̯̺̎ͭͣͫ̂̾̊̏̑̀̔ͮ̉̉̍̉ͯ͞g̷̡͇̝̜̬̝̫̝̻̺̼͍̻͌͑̈́̔̇̒͗́̋̽͐̄ͤ̉̂͢͝ͅd̡͎͇̮͍̮̥͍̲̠̀ͣͧ͌̏ͤͨ͆ͫ̐̊͌̚͜ͅf̫̟͔̟̰͎̜̩̖̹̱͙̺̖̼̤̳̻͚̓͂̌ͩͫ̊̀͆͌͑̐̀̕̕͡h̵̡̭̱͇̮̮̮͚͚̖̗̺ͬ̈́̏̋͆ͮ̎̉̊̄̏̒͌̿́͜͝d̴͖͎͕̫̰͇͚ͪͪ̈́̂̊̈́̽ͩ̓̒̓͆̋ͫ̓̑̈̕͡f̢̢̣̻̞̫͇̲͉͎̹̒͒̏̚̚ͅZ̡̿ͫ̽̉̆̇͛҉̷̡͇̝̜̬̝̫̝̻̺̼͍̻͢͝ͅd̡͎͇̮͍̮̥͍̲̠̀ͣͧ͌̏ͤͨ͆ͫ̐̊͌̚͜ͅf̫̟͔̟̰͎̜̩̖̹̱͙̺̖̼̤̳̻͚̓͂̌ͩͫ̊̀͆͌͑̐̀̕̕͡h̵̡̭̱͇̮̮̮͚͚̖̗̺ͬ̈́̏̋͆ͮ̎̉̊̄̏̒͌̿́͜͝d̴͖͎͕̫̰͇͚ͪͪ̈́̂̊̈́̽ͩ̓̒̓͆̋ͫ̓̑̈̕͡f̢̢̣̻̞̫͇̲͉͎̹̒͒̏̚̚ͅZ̡̿ͫ̽̉̆̇͛҉̱̥̙͈A̧̩͕͕̱̼̘̙̤̯̺̙͔̹̮͕̦͚̺̍̊̂͛̇͊͆̌ͥ̎ͨ̽̕͢L̸̴͖͓̮̥͇͎͒ͧ̈́̉ͤ̄͊̚͢͡G̤̫͉͉͗ͥͫ̎ͪ̉̉͐ͣͨ͋̿̀͝O̴̸̷ͨͧͨ̍́ͩ̋́̓̄̀͆͆́͑̇̑̚͏̩̰͙̗̩̮̗̝̥̹͔͇̠̜̜͓d̵̃̓ͮ̐ͧ̐̓͑̄ͥ̐͊̈́̍͊̄͘҉̳̠͖͇͓̜̰̻̬̖̫̰̗̘̺̫̞̥ͅe͆ͯ̋̍̏͂́͏̙̰̥̞͍̥̱͕̺͕͉͈͍̹̝͕͎͠ṅ͍̺̰̰̼̠̘͈͍̝̰͙̣̯̣́̿͋ͪ̈́̊̅ͫ̎̓ͦ̔̀͒͋̕͟ͅi̴̟̰̫̪̞̝̝̫͉̟̫̽ͭ͌̍̿ͩ̑͌̐̉̌̈ͧ̊ͭ̀́ͣ́ȇ͍̞̦̟͚̟̣̣̤̥͖̪̳̳͖̍ͬ̑ͥ͐͐͟͠d̛̰͎̠̦̮͕̘͚́̽͋̆͑ͫ̚̕͡


Quote from: Ragolution on 05-04-2011
Quote from: srgkitty on 27-03-2011
OOC Name: ๖Sgt. Kitty(-(LGC)-)
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:36121993
Time with HGN: about two or three weeks
Time Roleplaying: about a year
Primary language: English
Reason you want to join:  I am looking for a more suitable,and fun roleplaying experience
In Character Name:Mark "Sharp Shooter" Greene
Ethnicity: German
Age: 18
Rank: Don't care
Blood type: Unkown
Appearance: Young male, wears heavy power armor, helmet off. Short brown hair, maybe 1 inch. Not very muscular but fast.
Backstory: I was born into a family of army veterans, early life was complicated. When I was 10 my father died during the war against Russia, my mother soon followed. It was just me, I learned how to shoot, build electronics, and cook meals for myself. After six years of pain and sorrow I enlisted into the ranks of the Brotherhood of Steel, I was happy. I began to become more of an important figure, from apprentice, Initiate, Guardian and so on. I was on my way to the airport to return home when, well, lets just say the "Incident" happened. I had woken up, bleeding in the left shoulder and chest, and came stumbling upon a group of well armored men. They asked me my name, I told them, then they gave me the gift of hospitality. I woke one day to see they had been gone, once again I was alone. They left me a few medical supplies, a gun, ammo for that gun, and a letter.
        "Dear Mark,
                 We are sorry to have to leave you stranded, but we left you for a good cause and you aided and supplied. I hope we can see each other again, something in the near future.
                                                                                                                              Sincerely, The Guardians
                       We left you a gun, that in fact, WILL kill you if misused. Be careful and stay away from the mystery meat, It screws up your brain."

From that day I have vowed to serve anyone I can, in order to keep the world held together, for the good of the people.

THIS APPLICATION IS ͗́̋̽͐̄ͤ̉̂h̸̢̧̗͕̥͇̣͔̯̺̎ͭͣͫ̂̾̊̏̑̀̔ͮ̉̉̍̉ͯ͞g̷̡͇̝̜̬̝̫̝̻̺̼͍̻͌͑̈́̔̇̒͗́̋̽͐̄ͤ̉̂͢͝ͅd̡͎͇̮͍̮̥͍̲̠̀ͣͧ͌̏ͤͨ͆ͫ̐̊͌̚͜ͅf̫̟͔̟̰͎̜̩̖̹̱͙̺̖̼̤̳̻͚̓͂̌ͩͫ̊̀͆͌͑̐̀̕̕͡h̵̡̭̱͇̮̮̮͚͚̖̗̺ͬ̈́̏̋͆ͮ̎̉̊̄̏̒͌̿́͜͝d̴͖͎͕̫̰͇͚ͪͪ̈́̂̊̈́̽ͩ̓̒̓͆̋ͫ̓̑̈̕͡f̢̢̣̻̞̫͇̲͉͎̹̒͒̏̚̚ͅZ̡̿ͫ̽̉̆̇͛҉̷̡͇̝̜̬̝̫̝̻̺̼͍̻͢͝ͅd̡͎͇̮͍̮̥͍̲̠̀ͣͧ͌̏ͤͨ͆ͫ̐̊͌̚͜ͅf̫̟͔̟̰͎̜̩̖̹̱͙̺̖̼̤̳̻͚̓͂̌ͩͫ̊̀͆͌͑̐̀̕̕͡h̵̡̭̱͇̮̮̮͚͚̖̗̺ͬ̈́̏̋͆ͮ̎̉̊̄̏̒͌̿́͜͝d̴͖͎͕̫̰͇͚ͪͪ̈́̂̊̈́̽ͩ̓̒̓͆̋ͫ̓̑̈̕͡f̢̢̣̻̞̫͇̲͉͎̹̒͒̏̚̚ͅZ̡̿ͫ̽̉̆̇͛҉̱̥̙͈A̧̩͕͕̱̼̘̙̤̯̺̙͔̹̮͕̦͚̺̍̊̂͛̇͊͆̌ͥ̎ͨ̽̕͢L̸̴͖͓̮̥͇͎͒ͧ̈́̉ͤ̄͊̚͢͡G̤̫͉͉͗ͥͫ̎ͪ̉̉͐ͣͨ͋̿̀͝O̴̸̷ͨͧͨ̍́ͩ̋́̓̄̀͆͆́͑̇̑̚͏̩̰͙̗̩̮̗̝̥̹͔͇̠̜̜͓d̵̃̓ͮ̐ͧ̐̓͑̄ͥ̐͊̈́̍͊̄͘҉̳̠͖͇͓̜̰̻̬̖̫̰̗̘̺̫̞̥ͅe͆ͯ̋̍̏͂́͏̙̰̥̞͍̥̱͕̺͕͉͈͍̹̝͕͎͠ṅ͍̺̰̰̼̠̘͈͍̝̰͙̣̯̣́̿͋ͪ̈́̊̅ͫ̎̓ͦ̔̀͒͋̕͟ͅi̴̟̰̫̪̞̝̝̫͉̟̫̽ͭ͌̍̿ͩ̑͌̐̉̌̈ͧ̊ͭ̀́ͣ́ȇ͍̞̦̟͚̟̣̣̤̥͖̪̳̳͖̍ͬ̑ͥ͐͐͟͠d̛̰͎̠̦̮͕̘͚́̽͋̆͑ͫ̚̕͡

1. War wasn't against Russia, it was a gainst china.
2. Your parents died, which is fail in applications.
3. How the fuck did you learn to shoot.
4. You'd most likely die while tinkering and testing the electronics, without any book or a magazine.
5. Bombs fell in 2077, your character is a ghoul, if he lived BEFORE the nuclear war.
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I wouldn'tve even rectified that with a review.


Quote from: lolKieck on 05-04-2011
Quote from: Ragolution on 05-04-2011
Quote from: srgkitty on 27-03-2011
OOC Name: ๖Sgt. Kitty(-(LGC)-)
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:36121993
Time with HGN: about two or three weeks
Time Roleplaying: about a year
Primary language: English
Reason you want to join:  I am looking for a more suitable,and fun roleplaying experience
In Character Name:Mark "Sharp Shooter" Greene
Ethnicity: German
Age: 18
Rank: Don't care
Blood type: Unkown
Appearance: Young male, wears heavy power armor, helmet off. Short brown hair, maybe 1 inch. Not very muscular but fast.
Backstory: I was born into a family of army veterans, early life was complicated. When I was 10 my father died during the war against Russia, my mother soon followed. It was just me, I learned how to shoot, build electronics, and cook meals for myself. After six years of pain and sorrow I enlisted into the ranks of the Brotherhood of Steel, I was happy. I began to become more of an important figure, from apprentice, Initiate, Guardian and so on. I was on my way to the airport to return home when, well, lets just say the "Incident" happened. I had woken up, bleeding in the left shoulder and chest, and came stumbling upon a group of well armored men. They asked me my name, I told them, then they gave me the gift of hospitality. I woke one day to see they had been gone, once again I was alone. They left me a few medical supplies, a gun, ammo for that gun, and a letter.
        "Dear Mark,
                 We are sorry to have to leave you stranded, but we left you for a good cause and you aided and supplied. I hope we can see each other again, something in the near future.
                                                                                                                              Sincerely, The Guardians
                       We left you a gun, that in fact, WILL kill you if misused. Be careful and stay away from the mystery meat, It screws up your brain."

From that day I have vowed to serve anyone I can, in order to keep the world held together, for the good of the people.

THIS APPLICATION IS ͗́̋̽͐̄ͤ̉̂h̸̢̧̗͕̥͇̣͔̯̺̎ͭͣͫ̂̾̊̏̑̀̔ͮ̉̉̍̉ͯ͞g̷̡͇̝̜̬̝̫̝̻̺̼͍̻͌͑̈́̔̇̒͗́̋̽͐̄ͤ̉̂͢͝ͅd̡͎͇̮͍̮̥͍̲̠̀ͣͧ͌̏ͤͨ͆ͫ̐̊͌̚͜ͅf̫̟͔̟̰͎̜̩̖̹̱͙̺̖̼̤̳̻͚̓͂̌ͩͫ̊̀͆͌͑̐̀̕̕͡h̵̡̭̱͇̮̮̮͚͚̖̗̺ͬ̈́̏̋͆ͮ̎̉̊̄̏̒͌̿́͜͝d̴͖͎͕̫̰͇͚ͪͪ̈́̂̊̈́̽ͩ̓̒̓͆̋ͫ̓̑̈̕͡f̢̢̣̻̞̫͇̲͉͎̹̒͒̏̚̚ͅZ̡̿ͫ̽̉̆̇͛҉̷̡͇̝̜̬̝̫̝̻̺̼͍̻͢͝ͅd̡͎͇̮͍̮̥͍̲̠̀ͣͧ͌̏ͤͨ͆ͫ̐̊͌̚͜ͅf̫̟͔̟̰͎̜̩̖̹̱͙̺̖̼̤̳̻͚̓͂̌ͩͫ̊̀͆͌͑̐̀̕̕͡h̵̡̭̱͇̮̮̮͚͚̖̗̺ͬ̈́̏̋͆ͮ̎̉̊̄̏̒͌̿́͜͝d̴͖͎͕̫̰͇͚ͪͪ̈́̂̊̈́̽ͩ̓̒̓͆̋ͫ̓̑̈̕͡f̢̢̣̻̞̫͇̲͉͎̹̒͒̏̚̚ͅZ̡̿ͫ̽̉̆̇͛҉̱̥̙͈A̧̩͕͕̱̼̘̙̤̯̺̙͔̹̮͕̦͚̺̍̊̂͛̇͊͆̌ͥ̎ͨ̽̕͢L̸̴͖͓̮̥͇͎͒ͧ̈́̉ͤ̄͊̚͢͡G̤̫͉͉͗ͥͫ̎ͪ̉̉͐ͣͨ͋̿̀͝O̴̸̷ͨͧͨ̍́ͩ̋́̓̄̀͆͆́͑̇̑̚͏̩̰͙̗̩̮̗̝̥̹͔͇̠̜̜͓d̵̃̓ͮ̐ͧ̐̓͑̄ͥ̐͊̈́̍͊̄͘҉̳̠͖͇͓̜̰̻̬̖̫̰̗̘̺̫̞̥ͅe͆ͯ̋̍̏͂́͏̙̰̥̞͍̥̱͕̺͕͉͈͍̹̝͕͎͠ṅ͍̺̰̰̼̠̘͈͍̝̰͙̣̯̣́̿͋ͪ̈́̊̅ͫ̎̓ͦ̔̀͒͋̕͟ͅi̴̟̰̫̪̞̝̝̫͉̟̫̽ͭ͌̍̿ͩ̑͌̐̉̌̈ͧ̊ͭ̀́ͣ́ȇ͍̞̦̟͚̟̣̣̤̥͖̪̳̳͖̍ͬ̑ͥ͐͐͟͠d̛̰͎̠̦̮͕̘͚́̽͋̆͑ͫ̚̕͡

1. War wasn't against Russia, it was a gainst china.
2. Your parents died, which is fail in applications.
3. How the fuck did you learn to shoot.
4. You'd most likely die while tinkering and testing the electronics, without any book or a magazine.
5. Bombs fell in 2077, your character is a ghoul, if he lived BEFORE the nuclear war.
Backseat modding of Cannon inspectors applications :D


Quote from: Ragolution on 05-04-2011
I wouldn'tve even rectified that with a review.
You should still tell the guy, rather than LOLURAPPSUCKSBOY, to read FORP information thread and such.
And yes, I don't even know how the hell did the guy became a smooth-skinned ghoul.
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Quote from: lolKieck on 06-04-2011
Quote from: Ragolution on 05-04-2011
I wouldn'tve even rectified that with a review.
You should still tell the guy, rather than LOLURAPPSUCKSBOY, to read FORP information thread and such.
And yes, I don't even know how the hell did the guy became a smooth-skinned ghoul.

He obviously only made two posts; They were both shitty copypastes of the same application and it appears he hasn't been online since the day he posted them.

I should actually go ahead and make sure no one is plagiarising.