Random Violence Report

Started by Snazzy, 19-12-2011

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In game i hve been Killed once by a gun and two times by a person who has the phygun and dropped a car on me.. on purpose. We need better admins. Also i get errors for no reaon so please help!
I had my second chance and I selfishly blew it for petty revenge on people who didn't even deserve it. I abused Exile's trust in me and now I'm banned forever. :(


Not the right spot for this.....


Arn't you that dude who shot RDMed that one person, forgot his name. Then we chased after you and killed you.


Listen here, I think your the guy that RDMed someone but the car that was my fault, Archer was running over people so I grabbed him and you were under the car when I let go, so I didn't do it on purpose.
I'm back from the dead...