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General Discussion => General Discussion => 📰 In The News => Topic started by: ThatGuy on 01-08-2011

Title: Minecraft = child sex slaves + ruins economy, says crazy baptist
Post by: ThatGuy on 01-08-2011
(Thanks go to Brother Heathen_Basher for helping me with the scriptural side of this.)

Minecraft is not really a video game. It is amazingly much worse than that. It is as if Satan, Second Life and The Sims all had a huge sex orgy and Minecraft was the bastard child that came out of it. They even have a specific variant called "Lava Survival" in which children falsely learn it is possible to escape from Hell!

The horror that is Minecraft:

Defying God by promoting genetic manipulation!
First of all Minecraft shows us what the world will look like once the evolutionists finally get what they want and start genetically manipulating everything and everyone. This is not outdated software! This is hypermodern brand new software which is specifically designed to look like this! To mock God and His amazing creations everything has been made to look like idiotic cubes. Notice the tree and the pig are both completely made out of cubes! This is what will happen if we allow defying God's creation with genetic manipulation to go on! Minecraft is already manipulating our innocent children into thinking that all this is normal!

How this is defying God? As explained by Brother Heathen_Basher: Genetic engineering will take on a role beyond what God has given to us as His creation. The Bible states that all things were created by God and for Him (Colossians 1:16). As individuals we are made in God's image and therefore should be subject to His plan (Genesis 1:26,27; Matthew 22:20,21). God designed all living things after certain "kinds" (Genesis 1:11-25). Too much manipulation of the genetics (altering species) could be delving into issues reserved for the Designer.

Turning children into sex slaves, or "griefing" as they call it.
There is not a single controlled Minecraft environment. Every pedophile can start his own Minecraft server and start luring in hundreds of innocent children. He can first let them build for hours and hours and then threaten to destroy their work unless they do his bidding. The Minecraft term for using children as sex slaves is "griefing". There is no protection whatsoever against pornography inside Minecraft and there is no control over what the inside chat function is used for. Minecraft is web browser based, so every child who can surf the web, can get lured in by an online pedophile. Since every pedophile can start his own Minecraft server, pedophiles can also track down your children using their IP address!

Joel 3:1 "For, behold, in those days, and in that time, when I shall bring again the captivity of Judah and Jerusalem, I will also gather all nations, and will bring them down into the valley of Jehoshaphat, and will plead with them there for my people and for my heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations, and parted my land. And they have cast lots for my people; and have given a boy for an harlot, and sold a girl for wine, that they might drink."

Walking penises are part of Minecraft porn:

Pornographic drawing made by a child after Minecraft:

A Minecraft pupet masturbating over his insane creation, also note the big balls:

Destroying our economy!
Minecraft teaches children that you can create your own tools by combining ingredients instead of the American way of ordering online or going to Walmart. It teaches children they can farm their own food instead of teaching them the American way of going to McDonald's. It teaches them to waste huge amounts of time on making their own buildings instead of the American way of buying a house with borrowed money! It teaches children to be creative instead of watching commercials on television! All this clearly damages and ultimately destroys the American economy! It can be no coincidence that this game was created while Obama is in office!

Acts 8:1 "And Saul was consenting unto his death. And at that time there was a great persecution against the church which was at Jerusalem; and they were all scattered abroad throughout the regions of Judaea and Samaria, except the apostles."

It is clear why Satan worshipers all over the world love Minecraft:

More Satanic Minecraft:


Title: Re: Minecraft = child sex slaves + ruins economy, says crazy baptist
Post by: deluxulous on 01-08-2011
Troll website, old news is old.
Title: Re: Minecraft = child sex slaves + ruins economy, says crazy baptist
Post by: Bl★ck Star on 01-08-2011
Title: Re: Minecraft = child sex slaves + ruins economy, says crazy baptist
Post by: lolKieck on 01-08-2011
Troll website. You got trolled.
Title: Re: Minecraft = child sex slaves + ruins economy, says crazy baptist
Post by: Turkey on 01-08-2011
Title: Re: Minecraft = child sex slaves + ruins economy, says crazy baptist
Post by: Knife_cz on 01-08-2011
Old.But still these are professional trolls