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General Discussion => General Discussion => 📰 In The News => Topic started by: Zstan on 11-03-2011

Title: Japan earthquake / tsunami - Japan is the new Zone.
Post by: Zstan on 11-03-2011
If you haven't been watching the news.

http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/technology/2011/03/japan-earthquake-video-of-tsunami-warnings-in-hawaii-hit-youtube.htm (http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/technology/2011/03/japan-earthquake-video-of-tsunami-warnings-in-hawaii-hit-youtube.htm)

http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2011/mar/11/japan-earthquake-evacuate-nuclear-plant (http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2011/mar/11/japan-earthquake-evacuate-nuclear-plant)

Japan hit by massive tsunami
power lost in some nuclear reactors
Reactors overheat
Causes meltdown
Radiation throughout a good portion of Japan
Millions perish
Many evacuated
Some stay and are lucky enough to prepare for the radiation and survive
The survivors cluster together
Each cluster has its own agenda, often conflicting with the other groups
Some people attempt to enter Japan to acquire nuclear materials
Japan becomes an urban deserted wasteland.
Title: Re: Japan earthquake / tsunami - Japan is the new Zone.
Post by: jaik on 11-03-2011
That's what you get for being a weeaboo.
Title: Re: Japan earthquake / tsunami - Japan is the new Zone.
Post by: Zstan on 11-03-2011
Quote from: Jake on 11-03-2011
That's what you get for being a weeaboo.
It's actually pretty serious.

"The Tokyo Electric Power Company has said the pressure inside the No. 1 reactor at its Fukushima-Daiichi nuclear plant has been rising, with the risk of a radiation containment leak, according to the Jiji Press news agency. Tepco planned to take measures to release the pressure, the report added. The reactor's cooling system began to malfunction after the earthquake. People living close to the plant were later evacuated as a precaution. Nuclear physicist Dr Walt Patterson tells the BBC it sounds like there is a "serious problem" at the Fukushima-Daiichi plant. "It's the sort of thing that nuclear engineers have nightmares about," he says. "If it is not resolved in the next few hours it will get serious. If the core is uncovered, then those rods at the top may get hot enough to melt themselves and we could be looking at a potential nuclear chain reaction meltdown on THE SCALE OF CHERNOBYL 1986""

Everywhere: Weeaboos are crying.
Title: Re: Japan earthquake / tsunami - Japan is the new Zone.
Post by: Silver Knight on 11-03-2011
Kinda like what you did to the minecraft server Zstan you bastard.
Title: Re: Japan earthquake / tsunami - Japan is the new Zone.
Post by: Bielecki on 11-03-2011
Quote from: Jake on 11-03-2011
That's what you get for being a weeaboo.

Not really time for jokes, it's all very upsetting.
Title: Re: Japan earthquake / tsunami - Japan is the new Zone.
Post by: Zstan on 11-03-2011
Quote from: Last.Exile on 11-03-2011
Kinda like what you did to the minecraft server Zstan you bastard.

Title: Re: Japan earthquake / tsunami - Japan is the new Zone.
Post by: Bl★ck Star on 11-03-2011
Guys Calm down, this is nothing to joke about.

Title: Re: Japan earthquake / tsunami - Japan is the new Zone.
Post by: Dragon on 11-03-2011

Goodbye Wapa- I mean, Japan.
I will not really miss you THAT much, compared to SOME people.
Title: Re: Japan earthquake / tsunami - Japan is the new Zone.
Post by: Bl★ck Star on 12-03-2011
Title: Re: Japan earthquake / tsunami - Japan is the new Zone.
Post by: Knife_cz on 12-03-2011
Go to hell you furfag and Zstan,you just started doing these shits because Bielecki said its not funny..wait,you are doing it all the time.
Title: Re: Japan earthquake / tsunami - Japan is the new Zone.
Post by: Bl★ck Star on 12-03-2011
Quote from: knife_cz on 12-03-2011
Go to hell you furfag and Zstan,you just started doing these shits because Bielecki said its not funny..wait,you are doing it all the time.

my last post was on a more serious side acctualy, as you see in the picture the radioactive cloud would spread over to Canada also.
Title: Re: Japan earthquake / tsunami - Japan is the new Zone.
Post by: Maxi96203 on 12-03-2011
Quote from: Bl★ck Star on 12-03-2011

Indiana safe? Good nuff for me.
Title: Re: Japan earthquake / tsunami - Japan is the new Zone.
Post by: Chrono on 12-03-2011
there is no leaking on the atomic plant..so far.
Title: Re: Japan earthquake / tsunami - Japan is the new Zone.
Post by: Bl★ck Star on 12-03-2011
Quote from: Chrono on 12-03-2011
there is no leaking on the atomic plant..so far.

well the meltdown has already started in 1 reactor.
Title: Re: Japan earthquake / tsunami - Japan is the new Zone.
Post by: Chrono on 12-03-2011
the atomic plant is on state of emergency but no leaks have been confirmed..
Title: Re: Japan earthquake / tsunami - Japan is the new Zone.
Post by: Aresty on 12-03-2011
Here's a great phrase. " It doesn't affect me so I don't care. " Sucks to be an American on the West-Coast.
Title: Re: Japan earthquake / tsunami - Japan is the new Zone.
Post by: deluxulous on 12-03-2011
Quote from: Aresty on 12-03-2011
Here's a great phrase. " It doesn't affect me so I don't care. " Sucks to be an American on the West-Coast.

Yeah. It does. This could be very bad for us Americans; luckily I live in Ohio.
Title: Re: Japan earthquake / tsunami - Japan is the new Zone.
Post by: Bl★ck Star on 12-03-2011
I am good to go here in Germany, directly at the other side on the world from japan.
Title: Re: Japan earthquake / tsunami - Japan is the new Zone.
Post by: lolKieck on 12-03-2011
I'm wondering if Dark Angel is alive.
Title: Re: Japan earthquake / tsunami - Japan is the new Zone.
Post by: Bl★ck Star on 12-03-2011
Quote from: lolKieck on 12-03-2011
I'm wondering if Dark Angel is alive.



also Da hasn't been online in steam since 4 days, what a coincidence xD
Title: Re: Japan earthquake / tsunami - Japan is the new Zone.
Post by: Madcombat on 12-03-2011
Thats incredibly mean, and Dark is fine.
Title: Re: Japan earthquake / tsunami - Japan is the new Zone.
Post by: lolKieck on 12-03-2011
Quote from: Madcombat on 12-03-2011
Thats incredibly mean, and Dark is fine.
IF you are targeting this post at me, then, it's not that I tried to make a cocky comment, just shared my thoughts.
Title: Re: Japan earthquake / tsunami - Japan is the new Zone.
Post by: Bielecki on 12-03-2011
Quote from: Aresty on 12-03-2011
Here's a great phrase. " It doesn't affect me so I don't care. "

Heard of empathy?
Title: Re: Japan earthquake / tsunami - Japan is the new Zone.
Post by: deluxulous on 12-03-2011
Quote from: lolKieck on 12-03-2011
I'm wondering if Dark Angel is alive.
Realize that Dark Angel is a man and lives in Estonia
Title: Re: Japan earthquake / tsunami - Japan is the new Zone.
Post by: jaik on 12-03-2011
Quote from: PistolKid on 12-03-2011
Realize that Dark Angel is a man and lives in Estonia

I live in Estonia.
I've yet to meet the 30 year old.

complete de-rail
Title: Re: Japan earthquake / tsunami - Japan is the new Zone.
Post by: Bl★ck Star on 13-03-2011
God really hates Japan.

There's also now an Volcano that spit's lava.
Title: Re: Japan earthquake / tsunami - Japan is the new Zone.
Post by: Ragolution on 15-03-2011
Quote from: Bl★ck Star on 12-03-2011

I'm okay with this.
Show me a month-long projection and we'll talk.
Title: Re: Japan earthquake / tsunami - Japan is the new Zone.
Post by: RanmaChan on 15-03-2011
Bwahaha, I waaay over on the East Coast.

Seriously though, I heard just recently that a different reactor started to meltdown and that they had to try to send emergency crews and stuff in.  Anyone else hear anything like that?
Title: Re: Japan earthquake / tsunami - Japan is the new Zone.
Post by: Bl★ck Star on 15-03-2011
Quote from: RanmaChan on 15-03-2011
Bwahaha, I waaay over on the East Coast.

Seriously though, I heard just recently that a different reactor started to meltdown and that they had to try to send emergency crews and stuff in.  Anyone else hear anything like that?

Yeah 3 reactor's already exploded, like 30 crew member's were harmed, they always say harmed, I think they are already dead cause of the radiation and the explosion.
Title: Re: Japan earthquake / tsunami - Japan is the new Zone.
Post by: Goose on 15-03-2011
I live in BC...
Title: Re: Japan earthquake / tsunami - Japan is the new Zone.
Post by: andrewhatesyou on 15-03-2011
Quote from: Bl★ck Star on 15-03-2011
Quote from: RanmaChan on 15-03-2011
Bwahaha, I waaay over on the East Coast.

Seriously though, I heard just recently that a different reactor started to meltdown and that they had to try to send emergency crews and stuff in.  Anyone else hear anything like that?

Yeah 3 reactor's already exploded, like 30 crew member's were harmed, they always say harmed, I think they are already dead cause of the radiation and the explosion.

When the reactor explodes, the radiation isn't going straight to the U.S and Canada. Wind people, wind affects it! The wind might blow all of that the OTHER way.
Title: Re: Japan earthquake / tsunami - Japan is the new Zone.
Post by: Killabreu on 15-03-2011
They're also forecasting that there could be a second wind going in the south east direction tomorrow. If that's true, Tokyo is majorly fucked. Unless they deploy robots that have giant fans....

(https://forums.hypergamer.net/proxy.php?request=http%3A%2F%2Fgreenbabyguide.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2009%2F07%2Fsmall-fan.jpg&hash=6ced81fef2f0ee9e8fbfc7635ced628d52d6f693) plus (https://forums.hypergamer.net/proxy.php?request=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.mobilewhack.com%2Fimages%2Fsony_aibo_ers_7m3_robot_dog_1.jpg&hash=ee807032e06cbfcc11874da3922af924d22f6514) maybe?