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Other Forums => Scrapyard => Server Dumps => Topic started by: Cpt.Gingerbeard on 26-07-2011

Title: Wandering merchents/faction exlusive equips
Post by: Cpt.Gingerbeard on 26-07-2011
Just 2 possible ways to introduce items that can only be obtained via new maps as the updates role through.
1st and possibly most troublesome (depending on the people in question) could be traveling Merchents who have a designated title (Mrch.) who in effect proquire items from "other lands" and then sells them in caphori. Some sort of selection process would be needed to allow for people to create these charachter, and i suppose the most important factor is how frequently the log on... (also could have themed merchents, such as a wepons trader ect)

2nd and maybe the less popular- faction exlusive equip. Spesificly, each faction (of maybe 5+?) could have certain equipent types alocated to them of which they can bring in a limmited amount. With Arla'Mael Otelier Rii's group a magic spells allocation & a possible alowance for one magic item per week (created through "research") with some sort of cap on how many of the same spell they have- maybe the grey hounds could have flying related equips alocated to them ect ect  (possible option to sell/trade these items)
Title: Re: Wandering merchents/faction exlusive equips
Post by: Lord_Blair on 26-07-2011
Well, If this were to happen, each faction would have to get Steven :D approval on each item they bring in onto the server.... But I don't think bringing weapons would be approved. The traveling merchants... maybe they could bring in common items, but Weapons and Spells, thats a little too much.
Title: Re: Wandering merchents/faction exlusive equips
Post by: Kamimaia on 26-07-2011
I think I prefer the former- while I like the idea of my faction being more magic-based, that certainly isn't so. Merchants allow anyone with the gold to spare access to the otherworld stuff, and its a continual way to make sure items are spread evenly rather than hoarded by just the players who've been here a while (like me). It also ensures worlds are still populated with new equipment. What happens when a person who has all the rocket boots/cloudbottles/red balloons vanishes from the server? The items don't come back. It also means we don't have to make a new World every update.
Title: Re: Wandering merchents/faction exlusive equips
Post by: Cpt.Gingerbeard on 26-07-2011
Who said the rare weps had to be cheap, the better the wep the more expencive, so prices could range from one copper to one platinum