Unable to Connect?

Started by QuintonGavinson, 03-05-2011

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Greetings, recently I was Whitelisted to the Server, and began to build my first home. At the moment my Gaming laptop is getting repaired so I'm using a family laptop, which crashes after around 30 minutes of playing, unfortunate yes, but I can still play. Anyway down to the point, my Laptop crashed so I let it cool down, now when I try to connect to the server it says Connection Refused: Connect.

Why is this happening and what can I do about it? Please Respond soon.


I'm getting this same issue, so I think that it may be to do with the server itself. It seems to go through phases where its fine and really stable, then really unstable for a period of time. I thought it might've just been me. Sadly I think we just have to wait it out. Its good to know I'm not alone though :)


Ah, good to hear i'm not alone, thank you for replying so fast.


Heh, no worries :). Welcome to the community! Maybe give it an hour or so and then try again, hopefully I'll see you in game soon

Bl★ck Star

The Server is down right now, I already contacted Last.Exile about it.


People need to learn to stop making threads about the simplest of topics.
Post it in the discussion thread.


Really, all these threads of "I can't join."  Or "Unable to connect."  Can probably all just be deleted, or merged into one thread to cut down on the clutter in this forum section.
"If you don't expect gratitude, you'll seldom be dissapointed."
