The Synged Village

Started by Blacklegend, 03-08-2011

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So I made a village which had been ripped apart and burnt and had much blood and corpses in it. We burnt it down, but I wanted to know if anyone wanted to make that a bigger idea or just leave it as in game made theme.


Also if idea was good enough it could be tied in with this new event, but that totally depends on Steven or other mods. -Moonshine


I made a story about the Blood Council and how the dwarves... well I'll just type the story.

In the beginning of this story there was a council of holy men who called them selfs by the profession of "paladin", but as darkness grew they seeked more power.... So they traveled through many caverns and jungles intell they found the great wall of dwarves. We greeted them and talked business about this new weapon they required... Many were against this idea and thought it outragous, but the king agreed that the darkness was beginning to get to powerful... so we began forging a holy sword that could kill any demon in one fell swoop. We searched the lands for a soul of pure light, which most would think to be the most calm and peaceful person... but one consumed by light begins to go mad and craves justice in his own ways...

We fell apon a village where all windows were shut and all doors were locked at the top of the hill a priest named Excalibur lived where he would perform acts of "justice". We went up the hill and he started rambling then the battle began.. Though his magic was no match against our armor so we slayed him and had one of our head chairmen in the magic council take his soul. We brought him back to the Dwarven Forge in our great city and then casted a sword of light and magic to hold his powerful soul. At first he would disobey and would morph himself back into a human at almost all times... but soon he began listening and would rarely turn into his human form.

Finally, after months maybe years of work, since us dwarves do not dwell on time, we had completed his training and we handed him to the paladins... though that was not the last of them.... maybe a month later they came back complaining that the sword was not powerful enough and we told him that it was powerful enough to protect any village or city and did not need anymore power or it could be corrupted with power... They nodded and left... or we thought they did. In the morning our armory had been raided of all our greatess creations and the guards had been slaughtered and our great armorers had been slain.. We new it was them from the stain of holyness left on the wall by a powerful sword...

Much time past years maybe months, but they came back 5 council members and a head council member wearing clothes of black and red came with an army. The army carried ordinary weapons but each council member carried a corrupted weapon that had been stolen from our armory.... but the fear from the corrupted Excalibur that the head council member carried frightened most men into madness....

We then blew the horns of battle and blood began to shed. Many men died that day, but we still out powered there army of death and they soon retreated though.... they were more tactical then we had first thought... In the night they sent beasts or "Blood Creepers" as we call them.. they came in the dead of night and slayed most of our women and children.... The next day most of our army had either retreated or... killed them selfs in fear and pain..

Though the strongest stayed.. some days or so later 5 council members came and challanged the 5 great warriors and the king himself. The battle raged on for what seemed like days but at last the 5 council members were slain... and we had our lead magician create a pit of filled with the blood of all the innocent they had killed and through the corpses into it....

Finally, on the last day I had been asked to blow the horn of victory to call back the dwarves that had ran to the castle at exactly midnight the next day. So I did and when the king came back he spoke of how they fought bravely against the king but could not kill him so when only him and the mage did live they cast a spell of imprisonment on him and threw him down the hole of blood. And when they had finished their job they put a large seal on the hole to lock it for all of eternity and the legend says that when the lands of Caphori reach their greatest hour that is when they will be struck by madness and blood thus creating the darkest hour of caphori... but it does not specify if Caphori will ever recover... or even survive this great darkness....


What a nice story. -Moonshine


Ya wish I had spent more time with spelling and details. Feels short to me. -Gwir


I was actually thinking about a whole different story, before you came up with this. Though, I'm pretty sure we can put it together. That would fill in some parts in my story, actually.


Thats kool. Well from now on I'll purely be a Forum poster and Gwir will no longer be a forum poster.