Proposal for Resetting the Caphori World Map

Started by Velspera, 04-10-2011

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I've been an active member of the Caphori server for a long time now, or at least I like to think it's been a long time, and I've seen it go through a lot of changes.  I've seen amazing builds, chatted with amazing players, and, all around, have had a pretty fantastic time.  However, I've also been on actively enough to realize that the current physical state of the server map has really taken a nosedive. 

It started off small:  People complaining about not finding crystal hearts as easily or about the scarcity of copper  Then, it got progressively worse.  There was less silver, than iron, and even elss copper.  The dungeon was emptied, then started being raided for its walls and bricks and settled to the point of being pretty unrecognizable from the surface unless someone happens to drop down the large pit (which is pretty indistinguishable from the other random, large pits you might find on the server).  Buildings were erected, then left, then raided and left dilapidated and empty and as absolutely amazing as some of the larger builds like Einherjar, Gemcross, the full town of Mideel's Creek, and the Pirate Ship are...the majority of them have essentially been abandoned. and the rest of the map is pretty much in the same state.

People join the server and can't find places to build homes and have to search, back and forth, along a limited amount of space on the map because either there's already a building there or they're too worried about breaking some IC law by building within the extensive and needlessly large land claimed by factions that don't really do anything anymore.  Nowadays, some of the huge places get griefed and they're fixed but a lot of the time I can't help but wonder why when no one's going to use it.

There is a wilderness server that has been started to fix the issues with finding minerals, but that only fixes one problem.  All of them could be solved at once by taking one (albeit drastic) measure: Resetting the map and starting from scratch.

I am sure this idea isn't popular to a lot of veterans of Caphori, namely the people who actually put time into creating some of the more amazing builds.  I'm one of them.  I put a hell of a lot of time into creating Gemcross and the castle in Mideel's Creek.  I do realize, however, that they can be rebuilt.  As for the smaller homes:  It's just sad.  A lot of them are really beautiful, but having a server full of beautiful, empty building just makes it feel...sad.  Even a little abandoned. 

At any rate, I'll hold off on the rest of my blathering for now.  I'm putting up a poll.  Vote and let me know what you think about this idea. 

Edit: Please try to actually COMMENT and let me know what you think, even if it's short.  Poll's don't tell the whole story.

Caphori Characters: Vaillaro and Ilanna

Steven :D

I'm all for it. If anything it will allow for newer people to create their houses without worry. We are also in need of factions so if you feel like gathering up people in a steam conversation of even here on the forums and have around three people then feel free to make a thread.
The reason why I voted yes is because I've seen the state the map is in and it looks nothing like how it did when it was first created.


I'm gonna say Yes. While some buildings do look nice, the state of Caphori is less than ideal, and it's even messy. I believe starting from scratch would be beneficial.

Although, I'd wait for Kamimala's view on the matter. I know she kinda reserved 1/8th of the map for her little castle thing.


I don't know.... maybe.... I'll think about my decision later, because maybe is for half-asses.


Quote from: Crow793 on 05-10-2011
I'm gonna say Yes. While some buildings do look nice, the state of Caphori is less than ideal, and it's even messy. I believe starting from scratch would be beneficial.

Although, I'd wait for Kamimala's view on the matter. I know she kinda reserved 1/8th of the map for her little castle thing.

Kami isn't the only person losing a huge build by resetting the server.   If the majority of players agree that the server does in fact need to be reset, then that's what needs to happen whether she wants to lose the Reach or not.  Same thing goes for the Shark Fin Pirates AND for me.

Caphori Characters: Vaillaro and Ilanna


huh. my only question is could we bring whatever we had from the old server to the new server?

I'm just waiting to mess up your day. Honest.


A lot of people have been discussing an event happening, mainly a demon invasion, destroying the 'Old' Caphori and we rebuild the 'New' Caphori in the terrible aftermath. I am not 100% sure though.


Quote from: James Almasy on 05-10-2011
huh. my only question is could we bring whatever we had from the old server to the new server?

Definitely.  If the server is reset, you can bring anything you got while on the old server, or the wilderness server, to the new one. 

Caphori Characters: Vaillaro and Ilanna


Quote from: Velspera on 05-10-2011
Quote from: James Almasy on 05-10-2011
huh. my only question is could we bring whatever we had from the old server to the new server?

Definitely.  If the server is reset, you can bring anything you got while on the old server, or the wilderness server, to the new one. 

I mean would it be alright to hold said items on my own server. This also may be a problem itself.
I.e. people trying to sneak things in, which may be temporarily doused by having a wilderness server.

I'm just waiting to mess up your day. Honest.


Quote from: James Almasy on 07-10-2011
Quote from: Velspera on 05-10-2011
Quote from: James Almasy on 05-10-2011
huh. my only question is could we bring whatever we had from the old server to the new server?

Definitely.  If the server is reset, you can bring anything you got while on the old server, or the wilderness server, to the new one. 

I mean would it be alright to hold said items on my own server. This also may be a problem itself.
I.e. people trying to sneak things in, which may be temporarily doused by having a wilderness server.

The items we are the most concerned about being snuck onto the server are all accounted for and resetting the server won't really change anything about that.  They still have to validly prove that they were able to make, or trade for, high tier items before they are allowed to use them and they still need permission to use shadow keys before they can open chests to get the rarer items. 

If someone is sneaking on building materials or one or two crystal hearts, that's really not something we can do anything about in the first place since they are far more common than things like the dark lance, sunfury, etc.  We already know who owns those items so sneaking something like that on would only result in getting a strike against them.

When it comes to items you currently have stored on the Caphori server: I would suggest everyone take all of their things onto an SP world and hold them there until the map is reset and the server is officially up again.  Otherwise, it will just be wiped along with everything else on the old map. 

If you're not able to actually go retrieve your items before the map is wiped, I'd suggest asking someone trustworthy to get them for you and hold them until you are able to come back.


Caphori Characters: Vaillaro and Ilanna


Quote from: Velspera on 07-10-2011
Quote from: James Almasy on 07-10-2011
Quote from: Velspera on 05-10-2011
Quote from: James Almasy on 05-10-2011
huh. my only question is could we bring whatever we had from the old server to the new server?

Definitely.  If the server is reset, you can bring anything you got while on the old server, or the wilderness server, to the new one. 

I mean would it be alright to hold said items on my own server. This also may be a problem itself.
I.e. people trying to sneak things in, which may be temporarily doused by having a wilderness server.

The items we are the most concerned about being snuck onto the server are all accounted for and resetting the server won't really change anything about that.  They still have to validly prove that they were able to make, or trade for, high tier items before they are allowed to use them and they still need permission to use shadow keys before they can open chests to get the rarer items. 

If someone is sneaking on building materials or one or two crystal hearts, that's really not something we can do anything about in the first place since they are far more common than things like the dark lance, sunfury, etc.  We already know who owns those items so sneaking something like that on would only result in getting a strike against them.

When it comes to items you currently have stored on the Caphori server: I would suggest everyone take all of their things onto an SP world and hold them there until the map is reset and the server is officially up again.  Otherwise, it will just be wiped along with everything else on the old map. 

If you're not able to actually go retrieve your items before the map is wiped, I'd suggest asking someone trustworthy to get them for you and hold them until you are able to come back.
Since it looks like its going to win.... I want everyone who has a rare item ( Rank 3 or above ) To post it here. ( If you don't know what item ranks in terraria are, go look it up. )


Ivy whip.
Feral claws.
Rocket boots.

And i think that's it

I'm just waiting to mess up your day. Honest.


Quote from: Lord_Blair on 07-10-2011
Since it looks like its going to win.... I want everyone who has a rare item ( Rank 3 or above ) To post it here. ( If you don't know what item ranks in terraria are, go look it up. )

On Gustavis: Feral Claws, Rocket Boots, Demon Scythe

On Stanton Dowd: Rocket Boots


I've never seen the map and probably won't for a while, but from what I've seen in many posts it sounds like its been mined down to a few ores here and there. Also the building situation sounds insane to.... probably only space left underground to what I've read. I voted yes on this, but only because after all the information I've collected it seems that I might not want to see this constructed land.

So if anyone complains that I voted even though I have not been accepted onto the server yet, [Probably due to issues with my character]. Then please know I put time into this before I voted. Also I'm either expecting most of you to either be like "O.O Ok...... [Don't really care....]" or "Hey you voted! We should scrap this vote! Its not fair now a nooooob voted! [Is an ass]"
Help for hire! Seriously ask me for help, I need things to do.


Quote from: Dungeon_Lord on 08-10-2011
I've never seen the map and probably won't for a while, but from what I've seen in many posts it sounds like its been mined down to a few ores here and there. Also the building situation sounds insane to.... probably only space left underground to what I've read. I voted yes on this, but only because after all the information I've collected it seems that I might not want to see this constructed land.

So if anyone complains that I voted even though I have not been accepted onto the server yet, [Probably due to issues with my character]. Then please know I put time into this before I voted. Also I'm either expecting most of you to either be like "O.O Ok...... [Don't really care....]" or "Hey you voted! We should scrap this vote! Its not fair now a nooooob voted! [Is an ass]"

Just because you haven't been accepted yet doesn't mean your vote doesn't count.

Caphori Characters: Vaillaro and Ilanna


Ok, thats nice to know. Because I was on this one server which never accepted me because there list was full so they never counted my vote in voting matters. It was a bit frustrating.
Help for hire! Seriously ask me for help, I need things to do.


Quote from: James Almasy on 07-10-2011
Ivy whip.
Feral claws.
Rocket boots.

And i think that's it

Adding something. Found Feral claws the other day.

I'm just waiting to mess up your day. Honest.


Tier 3 items:
Jungle Set, Nature's Gift, Anklet of Wind and Feral Claws.
Iseyu Characters: Alicia Saphoe


Light's bane
Shadow armour
And i think that's it.
Also i think that there should not be a town like mideel's creek made straight away. But for players to make houses at spawn which they have made not that others have. This will make it so there are no un owned buildings lying around and maybe after the village becomes more established a castle or fort can be made. This will give the feel of actually finding a land to settle in not joining and going. "Oh look a huge castle and city" You can't make up a ic reason you just appeared in this city because everyone just can't spawn in town and not know anything about it. Problems with letting people building there own homes can lead to problems also like "No ones here so im going to make myself a huge mansion" The houses will have to be reasonably sized not huge mansions. To avoid this people could mine the area around them to create the town e.g you find a forest you chop it down make a small hut. It will be annoying to join server for first time to find someone has already ass pulled lots of stone and has made huge castle like house. Thats just my opinoin though and lots of people have other ones. But i am voting for yes as it should be reset due to know ores and has to many abandoned buildings.

SRP: Nicolai 'Thunder' Lagunov - Loner - Alive


Quote from: INA7HAN on 09-10-2011
Light's bane
Shadow armour
And i think that's it.

Tier 3 are items with orange names. Light's Bane and Shadow Armor have Blue names, so they're Tier 1.



I think that a lot of the buildings in the current world are great and beautiful...., but almost all of Caphori is statues and pretty buildings, which is unrealistic to this time period and rpg realm. So I think there should be more small houses and not just like a billion random ones made by one person. But like make a small house, then over time to be more realistic add onto it and don't make random statues and pretty things everywhere. Also a town is usually made out of a bunch of small housing and should be made by a group of people that decide to have a society. I also noticed that mideel's creek is mostly buildings like churches and so on, which in my opinion there should be more houses and less large buildings that don't get used.
Help for hire! Seriously ask me for help, I need things to do.


Quote from: Dungeon_Lord on 09-10-2011
I think that a lot of the buildings in the current world are great and beautiful...., but almost all of Caphori is statues and pretty buildings, which is unrealistic to this time period and rpg realm. So I think there should be more small houses and not just like a billion random ones made by one person. But like make a small house, then over time to be more realistic add onto it and don't make random statues and pretty things everywhere. Also a town is usually made out of a bunch of small housing and should be made by a group of people that decide to have a society. I also noticed that mideel's creek is mostly buildings like churches and so on, which in my opinion there should be more houses and less large buildings that don't get used.
Did you read my post because you have just pretty much mentioned what i said? lol

SRP: Nicolai 'Thunder' Lagunov - Loner - Alive


Basically. Just said it my own way. XD
Help for hire! Seriously ask me for help, I need things to do.


Quote from: INA7HAN on 09-10-2011
Light's bane
Shadow armour
And i think that's it.
Also i think that there should not be a town like mideel's creek made straight away. But for players to make houses at spawn which they have made not that others have. This will make it so there are no un owned buildings lying around and maybe after the village becomes more established a castle or fort can be made. This will give the feel of actually finding a land to settle in not joining and going. "Oh look a huge castle and city" You can't make up a ic reason you just appeared in this city because everyone just can't spawn in town and not know anything about it. Problems with letting people building there own homes can lead to problems also like "No ones here so im going to make myself a huge mansion" The houses will have to be reasonably sized not huge mansions. To avoid this people could mine the area around them to create the town e.g you find a forest you chop it down make a small hut. It will be annoying to join server for first time to find someone has already ass pulled lots of stone and has made huge castle like house. Thats just my opinoin though and lots of people have other ones. But i am voting for yes as it should be reset due to know ores and has to many abandoned buildings.

Though I do like pretty things and have a habit of getting carried away with building them, I'd have to agree with this. :3  Maybe we can bring in some community spirit this wayl.

Caphori Characters: Vaillaro and Ilanna