Piss Bucket

Started by Blake.H, 25-07-2011

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Alright, thus far i've got a gamemode pretty much done which is an RPG style post apocalyptic (With stalker influence) Military/Survivor survival theme.

We will be having Russian Bio Team, and a group of survivors. They will both need to do supply runs and keep the zombies away from Their bases (Russians; Army Base OR bunker. Survivors; Fortified town) There will be more zombies around the survivors to the NORTH of the island. And probably if i place the russians in the bunker, zombies at the factory (The bunker is in a factory kinda like an X18 lab.)

Supplies will be the currency in the RPG which you will be able to buy Vehicles, Weapons, ammunition, medical supplies, Static Weapons, defences and more.

Each 'Mission' that pops up will be for both Survivors and Russians to compete for. If the survivors Complete the mission all survivors get rewarded, vice versa with the Russians. Meaning there will be competition between both sides. After 400-460(Random) Minutes of real time there will be a final countdown where the survivors and Russians must push to the Dam for an evacuation. Though only one team may escape - the evacuation boat will be indestructible until it is occupied by an actual player to stop any foul play.  So say one team gets killed and the other get into the boat the team that was killed (now re spawned) will be able to attempt to kill the escaping team before they get to the evacuation chopper (Which is located on a SMALL island just off the coast).

Once all that is done the map will restart as there tends to be issues with the game mode if up over 400 minutes.

I am CONSIDERING applying a LITE version of ACE with just the core components (No new vehicles/weapons - Just basically making it more realistic with regards to script, damage and playability).

I dont currently have any plans to add Fixed or Rotary winged aircraft to the map at this particular time though it may be considered in future versions.

ref_DevCon.smd: david star is the only heir of the ecologist throne
ref_DevCon.smd: house of blake
"Any of you fucking pricks move, and I'll execute every motherfucking last one of ya!"

Steven :D

Quote from: Longlostblake on 06-08-2011
Alright, thus far i've got a gamemode pretty much done which is an RPG style post apocalyptic (With stalker influence) Military/Survivor survival theme.

We will be having Russian Bio Team, and a group of survivors. They will both need to do supply runs and keep the zombies away from Their bases (Russians; Army Base OR bunker. Survivors; Fortified town) There will be more zombies around the survivors to the NORTH of the island. And probably if i place the russians in the bunker, zombies at the factory (The bunker is in a factory kinda like an X18 lab.)

Supplies will be the currency in the RPG which you will be able to buy Vehicles, Weapons, ammunition, medical supplies, Static Weapons, defences and more.

Each 'Mission' that pops up will be for both Survivors and Russians to compete for. If the survivors Complete the mission all survivors get rewarded, vice versa with the Russians. Meaning there will be competition between both sides. After 400-460(Random) Minutes of real time there will be a final countdown where the survivors and Russians must push to the Dam for an evacuation. Though only one team may escape - the evacuation boat will be indestructible until it is occupied by an actual player to stop any foul play.  So say one team gets killed and the other get into the boat the team that was killed (now re spawned) will be able to attempt to kill the escaping team before they get to the evacuation chopper (Which is located on a SMALL island just off the coast).

Once all that is done the map will restart as there tends to be issues with the game mode if up over 400 minutes.

I am CONSIDERING applying a LITE version of ACE with just the core components (No new vehicles/weapons - Just basically making it more realistic with regards to script, damage and playability).

I dont currently have any plans to add Fixed or Rotary winged aircraft to the map at this particular time though it may be considered in future versions.
Will weapons / supplies and all that jazz be saved? Such as if a new game is made, will people from the previous round still have their stuff. If you don't allow that, at least allow Vehicles, seeing as though I think they will obviously be more expensive and take effort to get.


No, not possible. Everyone's 'Stats' you could call them, Their data/inventory what ever you wanna call it is saved to a temporary file if it was saved to a PERMANENT file it would eat up the script after a couple of restarts. So sadly no stuff wont save. BUT if at the time of the mission/server restart there is an admin on he will globally compensate everyone a certain amount of supplies.

ref_DevCon.smd: david star is the only heir of the ecologist throne
ref_DevCon.smd: house of blake
"Any of you fucking pricks move, and I'll execute every motherfucking last one of ya!"


So it will basiclly be like Chenarus life or the OA verison adcept with zombies.


Could set up an EXP system that allows access to vehicles, weapons etc and people can unlock what they want.

Or something.


Thats an interesting Idea Ragulation. It would be too hard/too much for the script to have everyone with independent EXP but we could make it so that each side gains EXP which increases when a side completes a mission which would then unlock traders/items/vehicles.

I'll look into it.

ref_DevCon.smd: david star is the only heir of the ecologist throne
ref_DevCon.smd: house of blake
"Any of you fucking pricks move, and I'll execute every motherfucking last one of ya!"


So basiclly Blake after the major round event the game ends then starts again and every starts fresh again kind of like Chenarus life correct?


Correct Ravanger.

ref_DevCon.smd: david star is the only heir of the ecologist throne
ref_DevCon.smd: house of blake
"Any of you fucking pricks move, and I'll execute every motherfucking last one of ya!"


Blake left. Again. I guess this project is cancelled.
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