Permadeath/Chase Scenes and or Chase Rp

Started by Lord_Blair, 25-08-2011

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Recently, I've been having people ask me about Permadeath. Permadeath is OPTIONAL, no matter how far you fall, you can ALWAYS rise back up. I don't care if you threw in him lava. RP you used a obsidian skin at the last second. If you drowned him, he could act like he was faking. If you stabbed him in the neck you could always use a potion...
Now. Onto chase scenes. Before you just start running, I want you to actually work it out OOCly with the people who will be chasing you about the rules and how would they stop you. You must both come to a agreement, or no chase scene. I won't have someone just randomly run from me and I'm not going to be able to stop them.