oh nooooo, i cant post on that topic, whatever will i do?!

Started by CAMaera, 05-08-2011

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nice one there, locking the topic. Anyway, i was going to say what horrible lies you are spewing, and that i dont know this puri person. Your arguement and thoughts have no foundation or support whatsoever, blah, blah, i dont think you should be a mod because your behavior is just atrocious......maybe you should try not assuming everything.......various swear words......i dont know Puri......dont have steam........havent seen Bartol in forever.......again, you are a horrible mod....... Funny, that's what I think you're usually saying anymore. Are you parroting yourself? -Kami


and, i dont believe its over. Not until we settle this, and you stop pulling lies out of your ass.