Kade has been banned

Started by JRParadox, 13-04-2012

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The user Kade (HGN profile:  http://www.forums.hypergamer.net/profile/?u=89356 ) has been banned for blatant disregard of the rules, people's well being as detailed by VonXeno.

Some guy with Hallowed Armor, Angel Wings, and a bunch of hardmode items name Kade (Who has completed the application process) flew around throwing glowsticks n'shit on something I was trying to build. The glowstick part is not really a crime in itself, but I'll get to the rest. First screenshot of said incident:

Second, when I'm about to fly off, I hear pieces of the mannequins being knocked off. Sure enough, he was trying to steal everything I was putting up there. Right when I spot him doing it, he puts it all back, don't know why. I didn't get a screen of that, but I DID get one of him putting his hallowed set ON my mannequin. Here's what he looks like as a randomly joining newcomer, if it holds any importance:

Now, third is just something he overwrote on the tombstone I've been trying to write on. Would I call this griefing? Kinda. He also stole a mime mask I had put on one of the mannequins, but that's not really a big deal. Here's what the guy wrote:

I have removed this screenshot as it is just plain disgusting

Things I haven't screencapped, or have any other real form of proof of, is his stealing from the mannequins, and him tossing all of his hardmode accessories, weapons (Legendary Excalibur, Unreal Megashark, Cursed Bullets, etc), but I hope you can take my word for it.

Torkim was also there to witness his expressed desire to give out his hallowed armor. Needless to say, I threw all of his stuff away. Aside from that, mostly everything in the screenshots are in complete violation to the rules, and although we've had much worse, I am pretty sure it still needs to be dealt with. I hope one of you can find the time to take action, before this guy gets on again to cause further harm.

If someone on HGN could ban Kane's account that would be nice, plus VonXeno this GREATLY helps you in your application.

Terraria Super Operator
JRP > What are you?
Rag > Your freind
JRP > For real?
Rag > This is so serious you don't understand.

Steven :D