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Other Forums => Scrapyard => Server Dumps => Topic started by: Kokkaku Kishu on 08-02-2013

Title: Jericho Alan
Post by: Kokkaku Kishu on 08-02-2013
Name: Jericho Alan

Race:   Harmonious Dissonant

Characteristics: humanoid entity whose body is constantly vibrating at various speeds. Because of this, he constantly appears blurry and looks like he's shifting position without moving. The vibration is also in constant flux, as his body naturally tries to keep itself from achieving molecular resonance with any object for too long.

Gender: male

Eye color: constantly ripples and shifts from shades of blue through shades of green

Hair color: a mix of brown and blonde where the colors appear to shift and flow around

Skin color: tan but o. The darker side. Native color is Caucasian

Skills: is exceptionally well at hand-to-hand combat and also has a proficiency in metallurgy and engineering

Combat prowess: While he was young, Jericho was enrolled into martial arts. After many years he has become deadly at close range, as he learned to mix his sonic vibrations into his attacks to create different effects.

Mechanical Advantage: always enjoying working with his hands, Jericho began learning at about 16 metallurgical techniques and engineering mechanisms. Because of this, he generally tends to invent devices on a regular basis.

Sonic reverberation: this ability is one natural to all Harmonic Dissonants. Their bodies constantly vibrate on levels interacting with sound. This allows them to manipulate sound, which had them revered by an ancient long extinct tribe as gods or elementals.

Sonic abilities:
Impact: creates a wave of sound to launch a target that has been physically attacked
Interruption: creates a small field around faster in sphere which nullifies all sound within it
Infrasound (beginner): causes a pulse of infrasound in front of user. Enemies within get caused great nausea. Causes dissonance within user and results in personal pain

Hyper sound (beginner): loud, ultrasonic sounds deafen target(s) within range. Also deafens user

Molecular dissonance (beginner): synchs up body's vibration with that of another object, causing object to begin to vibrate itself into oblivion. Only works on inns image objects under physical contact

Moderate tier:
Dissonance: causes strength to increase but speed gets sacrificed.

Infrasound (intermediate): same as tier 1 but range gets increased by 5% and it can be sustained 50% longer, and less pain is felt. Causes him to begin to slow down vibrating however

Hyper sound (intermediate): same as before, but range increases by 5% and effects last 50% longer. User deafened by half previous

Molecular resonance (intermediate): can now resonate with multiple objects within a moderate radius. Still needs contact with an object thats at least 75% identical to the one he's resonating with

Max tier:
Resonance manipulation: uses powers to reorganize molecules. Allows contact with air to grant a second jump as well as long range amplification to Melee attacks

Harmony: speed is increased by achieving harmony with the universe. Motions are hard to be seen accurately with the naked human eye

Infrasound (master): allows almost infinite use as long as concentration isn't broken. If maintained for long enough, may result in death of anyone within its range

Hyper sound (master): deafens and disorients targets within range. Can be held indefinitely held as long as concentration is held
(Note for both of these previous his vibration has slowed to an almost halt)

Trichord (master version of molecular resonance): allows the synching of any inanimate object within range without need of physical contact. Can only work on one object at time. With physical contact and enough time however, it can even work on living organisms

Fall of Jericho: can amplify blows to send mighty shockwaves strong enough to topple the biggest and mightiest of walls


Perfect Pitch: music is a touchy item with Jericho. If sounds begin to displease him, or resonate with him wrongly, it causes extremely amounts of physical pain

Lost in Translation: The Harmonious Dissonants don't speak a language understandable by most normal people. Their species communicates through musical tones, pitches, sounds, and beats to convey emotion. While he is capable of a few understandable words, a majority of his ability to communicate lies within musical sounds. (Ie fast paced and cheery pop music if he's happy, gutteral demonic metal sounding if he's pissed, and dubstep like sounds when he begins cussing)

Water: he doesn't like it only because when he gets wet his vibrations often turn it into a mist or if he's in water, begins creating various ripple effects.

As a child, Jericho was very fond of his hometown. He had a decent lifestyle, learned much in the nature of his interests, and was well prepared he felt for the world. The only real reason he left was be aide his brother had managed to swindle himself into the position of the king and had banished Jericho from the village. While many were sad to see him go, he was rather fine with it himself. He was excited to see the world.
All was fine till people whom he met began regarding him funny, many calling him a freak, for they hadn't seen anything like him (it makes sense. The Harmonious Dissonants were fairly self-sufficient, and didn't intermingle much). Because of this he developed a slight self perception and didn't enjoy standing out to much in a crowd. Eventually he settled on the Edges of a town, and built himself a workshop, where he could hopefully support himself.

Wip, ill prob come back and fix later