Im stating my case.

Started by CAMaera, 05-08-2011

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1. Ael thinks i brought in Rocket boots.

I didnt, its possible to get 2 in one goblin raid.
Thanks for assuming that one.

2. I dont have auth for extended building

Fair enough, i didnt know. My bad, but you brought this up AFTER you gave me a strike because you felt like it.

3. Bringing in Blades of Grass for other people so that they would be my friends.

Why the fuck would i do that? Good job on pulling that one out of your ass. I farm and stuff when nobody is on, i wake up early. When others are on, I usually RP and chat.

I want Ael to no longer be a mod because she is treating me way unfairly. Whenever you try to tell her that you didnt do anything wrong, she threathens with bans, ignores you, or says she is screencapping the conversation. Its wrong.
Other than that, Ael is a HUGE bitch sometimes, and its hard to have fun when youre constantly getting threatened with bans and strikes.
And no matter which way you slice it Ael, you dont forgive me for my first strike. Ever since that first one, you have just wanted to ban me. If you want to so badly, find that im actually CHEATING FIRST!

If you want to actually give me a strike, have a fair conversation. Right here, Find me Guilty! Or pull more shit out of your ass. What next, am i using a cheat engine? Do i have unlimited health? Try Me.


For the most part i'm on your side for this, blade of grass is easy to farm for, i've seen enough *Person X was killed by hornets* and then the eventual "YAY i got a blade of grass!!!" to realise that it is piss easy to farm for them, and i suppose the underground jungle should have its difficulty increased because of that, Rocket boots- there have been way too many goblin invasion (and events in general for that matter, SO MANY METEORITES). The building permit, well you did know the rules so you should have PMed for a permit, I did- but you do admit fault so whever.

Now i would normaly be on your side for this and defend you as much as i possibly could-however. The language you use damn it and the tone of your post in general, i don't care how unreasonalbe someone is being that doesn't give you an exuse to use vulger language and slag off a member of our "comunity" (i use the term loosely). If you have a problem, then bring it up in a calm civilised manner and if you feel as if a Moderator is abusing their powers then you talk to someone above them or try to reason with them, not randomly flame on the forum, all that does is breed mistrust and cause devisions- leading to a load of passive agressive bs that i can't be asked to be in the middle of. At the end of the day this is supposed to be a fun roleplaying expreience, so even if there are issues atleast make an effort to keep it that way and try to clear up missunderstandings... (must lighten tone of post... but what...) ARRRG!!!


Tell me, Kain, do you know a Balthazzar? Or a Bartol Aurion?


not the first one, but i RPed with Bartol a bit when i just joined. Why?


and ive tried to be calm about it many a time, she just keeps threatening with screencaps and strikes.


Let me recount the events today, involving you and after you leave.

Your island is torn down- I ask for it not to be torn down any further (I've given you warnings, specifically the last time you decided to go off) as I've yet to take screencaps for Authbreaking reasons. You immediately go off (for the... sixth time? seventh?) and begin slinging around a bucketful of insults, I tell you I'm not interested. You leave. Five minutes later, a non-whitelisted player enters in and names you as the person who gave the password to them. She leaves, you come back, basically call us and the person who arrived a liar, then leave again. Ten minutes later, Bartol Aurion pops on and begins TNT/bomb-griefing the server, forcing me to chase them around with blocks so that they blew themselves up- and then cage them in the spawn with bricks. Fun stuff, right?

I'm sure that had /absolutely nothing/ to do with you. I'm just assuming again, right?

Nevermind that Bartol Aurion hadn't been seen since he logged on the server the first couple days- and played mostly with *you*, solo, and that I remember specifically that you gave him your steam id.

But even if I'm assuming- which I might be, you never know- we still have to change the server's password.

You won't be getting the new one. I'll make sure of it. <3


That's ridiculous. You have absolutely NO proof that Kain was even loosely related to that. You are using the textbook definition of "assuming" and turning it into a topic reply.           

assume take for granted or without proof; suppose; postulate; posit: to assume that everyone wants peace.


i dont even have steam except you sent me an invite when I posted my steamname on the server. -Kamimaia! XDDD wow, nice one there Kami. So im not getting on because somebody else decided to greif?


It doesn't matter in the end, Kain. The only person who would have any reason to do this is you. Whether or not I believe you're behind it in collab with Bartol (I do), the other stuff is what you're getting called out for. Screencaps were taken of Puri naming you as the person who gave out the password to a non-whitelist player (Puri, specifically). This topic is over.