Quotes Thread !!!!!!

Started by Silver Knight, 02-04-2009

0 Members and 37 Guests are viewing this topic.


LOL! I have a better one.

Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hi where are you from?
You: Deutschland.
You: were r u from
Stranger: south korea, u know?
You: ya.
You: wut r u? male, female, or a she male
Stranger: f
Stranger: u?
You: im male.
You: i have a cock the size of china.
You: and thats a big one.
You: can i stick it in ur mouth?
You: He will cockadoodledoo.
You: hes a bird.
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Dark Angel

Quote from: Silver Knight on 05-06-2009
|HGN| Jake: Once, there was a girl playing WoW. She suicide cuz her mom wouldnt let her play anymore, now they say she haunts the game and causes random disconnects. If you do not copy paste this onto 15 other videos within this hour, your internet will die, and so will you in the same night. Also avoid mirrors if you do not do it.

|HyperGamer.Net|ﮖil√ĕřKňight: Once there was a kid who posted some crap over the internet, then he was raped and killed, If you dont suck 10 dicks in the next hour, you will die and get raped by the Devil.
|HGN| Jake: D:
|HyperGamer.Net|ﮖil√ĕřKňight: lol

Liked this one... Jake stole mah joke! Never gonna tell him any jokes eh!

Dark Angel

|HGN| Jake [Lesbian's slave]: Never go on a damn serious RP server while drunk.
|HGN| Jake [Lesbian's slave]: Or else you will be starting to ban players soon.
|HGN| Jake [Lesbian's slave]: Lol.
lHGN-STTAl 19 Years Old Lesbian: You are fucking righ!
|HGN| Jake [Lesbian's slave]: hehe.
lHGN-STTAl 19 Years Old Lesbian: Damn i hate you because you are always right!

Silver Knight

ŖĘĐŖĄPŦŎŖ: Try to imagine yourself in Black mesa. You get your first look at this "Ugly naked chicken" as you enter a clearing. He moves like a bird, lightly, bobbing his head. And you keep still because you think that maybe his visual acuity is based on movement like a snark, he'll lose you if you don't move. But no, not a Headcrab. You stare at him, and he just stares right back. And that's when the attack comes. Not from the front, but from the side, from the other 65 little skullfuckers you didn't even know were there. Because a Headcrab is a pack hunter, you see, he uses coordinated attack patterns and he is out in force today. And he slashes at you with this- a six-inch retractable Penis, like a razor, in between his back legs. He doesn't bother to bite your jugular like a houndeye, oh no... He slashes at you here, or here... Or maybe backwards, in your eye. The point is... you are alive when they start to rape you. So you know... try to show a little respect.

Quotebreslau: if i cant cheat i dont wanna play
breslau: period

Silver Knight

Zoey: Hey babe
Stefan: LOL
Zoey: Seen Francis? Im getting worried
Stefan: Fraid not old chap
Stefan: Think he went that way
Stefan directs you out the door
Zoey: Wait
Zoey: Is that blood on your forehead?
Zoey cocks her gun and aims it at him
Stefan: D:
Stefan: rawr
Zoey blows his head off
Stefan: X_X

Quotebreslau: if i cant cheat i dont wanna play
breslau: period


An account of what happened about 5-10 minutes ago in the WoW server.
Pistertius: Okay, there's a chest guarded by 6 gnolls. I'm going in.
Pistertius: Took out the first two.
Pistertius: Okay, I killed them all, including a raptor -_-
Pistertius: There better be something good in that chest.
Pistertius: [Lesser Mana Potion]



Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: Hey man
You: a oskamolagus is spunkus a pingoos.
Stranger: I know, right?
You: What ilupirkug?
Stranger: Well, if korbimboler the xemophepis, then it all turns out okay.
You: Yes, korbimboler is very important.
Stranger: Unless you use yomboplices.
You: Or junurpolygusser.
You: What if however, jinkuloparthegamekat?
Stranger: Junurpolygusser has nothing to do with anything, you rolkiporkus.
Stranger: Oh, that means you can farforgor the perirotriceigh.
You: I gotta yishdeborbo.
You: Klimbsnufart.
You have disconnected.

Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: I accidentally a boat.
Stranger: you forgot the verb
You: No.
You: I accidentally a boat.
Stranger: hmm
You: Can you help me?
Stranger: yes
Stranger: youll need a pair of scissors and a lortab
Stranger: and some glue
You: Fuck.
You: I accidentally the scissors too.
Stranger: shit man where ae they now?
You: man oh man
You: i think
You: i think i accidentally.
Stranger: fuckfuckfuck
You: motherfucker
Stranger: dude ive never treated someone whose done that
You: my accident is all over the desk
Stranger: i mean i could deal with the boat, maybe, but not now
Stranger: oh fuck!
Stranger: dude calm down!
Stranger: FUCK
Stranger: FUCK
Stranger: FUCK
Stranger: dont calm down!
You: ITS
You: ITS...
Your conversational partner has disconnected.


|HGN-STTA| Cobra: I want you to know something
|HGN-STSV| Raptor Locke: ?
|HGN-STTA| Cobra: I get a hard on when I think about you.
|HGN-STTA| Cobra: :3
|HGN-STTA| Cobra: <3
|HGN-STSV| Raptor Locke: Quoted.


|HGN-STSV| Raptor Locke: Cobra
|HGN-STTA| Cobra: What is it Locke?
|HGN-STSV| Raptor Locke: I love your metal shaft man I wanna rub it.
|HGN-STTA| Cobra: Dude sick! What the fuck seriously!
|HGN-STSV| Raptor Locke: lol you know our love is true baby!
|HGN-STTA| Cobra: Your a pedophile quoted man.


Quote from: cobra on 16-06-2009
|HGN-STSV| Raptor: Cobra
|HGN-STTA| Cobra: What is it Locke?
|HGN-STSV| Raptor: I love your metal shaft man I wanna rub it.
|HGN-STTA| Cobra: Dude sick! What the fuck seriously!
|HGN-STSV| Raptor: lol you know our love is true baby!
|HGN-STTA| Cobra: Your a pedophile quoted man.

Too bad it's faked, and my name is wrong. Dumbass.


It's not fake it's real and it's not wrong dumbass :).


I managed to Assassinate Locke!
2:34 PM - |HGN-STTA|Col.Cobra=TS= Hides in bushs outside your house.
2:35 PM - |HGN-STSV| Locke burns all his bushes
2:35 PM - |HGN-STTA|Col.Cobra=TS= Runs into his tree
2:35 PM - |HGN-STTA|Col.Cobra=TS= Hides
2:35 PM - |HGN-STTA|Col.Cobra=TS= Looks trough Binoculars
2:36 PM - |HGN-STTA|Col.Cobra=TS= Looks at Lockes Mom
2:36 PM - |HGN-STTA|Col.Cobra=TS= Giggles like Quadmire
2:36 PM - |HGN-STTA|Col.Cobra=TS=: Quagmire
2:36 PM - |HGN-STTA|Col.Cobra=TS=: Idk
2:36 PM - |HGN-STTA|Col.Cobra=TS=: D:
2:36 PM - |HGN-STSV| Locke: :|
2:36 PM - |HGN-STSV| Locke: Weird
2:39 PM - |HGN-STTA|Col.Cobra=TS= Jumps out of the tree aiming towards Lockes Window
2:39 PM - |HGN-STTA|Col.Cobra=TS= Slams into the window cracking it.
2:39 PM - |HGN-STTA|Col.Cobra=TS= Falls to the ground
2:40 PM - |HGN-STSV| Locke: Cobra
2:40 PM - |HGN-STSV| Locke: Stop trying so hard
2:41 PM - |HGN-STTA|Col.Cobra=TS= Kills a UPS man down the Street
2:41 PM - |HGN-STTA|Col.Cobra=TS= Takes a package
2:41 PM - |HGN-STTA|Col.Cobra=TS= Knocks on  your door
2:41 PM - |HGN-STSV| Locke: Ohai.
2:41 PM - |HGN-STTA|Col.Cobra=TS= Yells out "UPS DELIVERY"
2:41 PM - |HGN-STTA|Col.Cobra=TS= Hands you the package.
2:41 PM - |HGN-STSV| Locke opens the door
2:41 PM - |HGN-STSV| Locke: (switch order)
2:42 PM - |HGN-STTA|Col.Cobra=TS= Pulls out Two Silver Ballers
2:42 PM - |HGN-STSV| Locke: OHSHI-
2:42 PM - |HGN-STTA|Col.Cobra=TS= Starts pouring Automatic rounds all around the entrance of Lockes house
2:42 PM - |HGN-STSV| Locke runs into his room to get his Spas-12
2:42 PM - |HGN-STTA|Col.Cobra=TS= Walks inside changing mags and getting his Spas 12
2:43 PM - |HGN-STTA|Col.Cobra=TS= Shoots at Lockes suspected places Locke is
2:43 PM - |HGN-STSV| Locke Blows you away with a shotgun
2:44 PM - |HGN-STTA|Col.Cobra=TS= Lays on the ground
2:44 PM - |HGN-STTA|Col.Cobra=TS= Gets up and pumps his shot gun.
2:44 PM - |HGN-STSV| Locke: Bish.
2:44 PM - |HGN-STSV| Locke: OH SHI-
2:44 PM - |HGN-STTA|Col.Cobra=TS= Shoots at Locke
2:44 PM - |HGN-STTA|Col.Cobra=TS= Blows Locke Away
2:44 PM - |HGN-STTA|Col.Cobra=TS=: You know
2:44 PM - |HGN-STTA|Col.Cobra=TS=: I feel like buying Hitman Blood money now for PC
2:44 PM - |HGN-STTA|Col.Cobra=TS=: D:
2:44 PM - |HGN-STTA|Col.Cobra=TS=: I have it for PS2
2:44 PM - |HGN-STTA|Col.Cobra=TS=: But Hitman Blood Money is epic
2:46 PM - |HGN-STTA|Col.Cobra=TS= Goes to the package
2:46 PM - |HGN-STTA|Col.Cobra=TS= Picks it up
2:46 PM - |HGN-STTA|Col.Cobra=TS= Tosses it in his Living room next to Lockes body
2:46 PM - |HGN-STTA|Col.Cobra=TS= Walks outside
2:46 PM - |HGN-STTA|Col.Cobra=TS= Detonates the Dirty Bomb.
2:46 PM - |HGN-STTA|Col.Cobra=TS= Smiles as a small Nuclear explosion goes of
2:46 PM - |HGN-STTA|Col.Cobra=TS=: off
2:46 PM - |HGN-STSV| Locke: Go away.
2:47 PM - |HGN-STTA|Col.Cobra=TS= Wonders why his Skin is burning
|HGN-STSV| Locke is now Offline.


8:48 PM - |HGN-STTA| Col.Cobra=TS=: Silver since your a good chap of mine
8:48 PM - |HGN-STTA| Col.Cobra=TS=: Want in on the closed beta?
8:49 PM - |HyperGamer.Net|ﮖil√ĕř Kňigħt: Hmm?
8:49 PM - |HGN-STTA| Col.Cobra=TS=: This game is epic as hell.
8:49 PM - |HyperGamer.Net|ﮖil√ĕř Kňigħt: Whats the game like?
8:49 PM - |HGN-STTA| Col.Cobra=TS=: Good graphics.
8:49 PM - |HGN-STTA| Col.Cobra=TS=: The guns are a lot nicer.
8:49 PM - |HGN-STTA| Col.Cobra=TS=: I love the Ice pick part and the snow mobiles.
8:50 PM - |HGN-STTA| Col.Cobra=TS=: And running around the frozen tundra.
8:50 PM - |HGN-STTA| Col.Cobra=TS=: I also got this
8:50 PM - |HyperGamer.Net|ﮖil√ĕř Kňigħt: gtfo
8:50 PM - |HGN-STTA| Col.Cobra=TS=: Shitty long loading times
8:51 PM - |HGN-STTA| Col.Cobra=TS=:

Saturday, June 20, 2009
8:44 PM - |HGN-STTA|Sheperd: WHAT?
8:44 PM - |HGN-STTA| Col.Cobra=TS=: Yeah
8:44 PM - |HGN-STTA| Col.Cobra=TS=: Closed beta man
8:44 PM - |HGN-STTA|Sheperd: Oh
8:44 PM - |HGN-STTA|Sheperd: How did you get it?
8:44 PM - |HGN-STTA|Sheperd: Payed?
8:44 PM - |HGN-STTA| Col.Cobra=TS=: I got an intern ship for the company.
8:44 PM - |HGN-STTA|Sheperd: How??
8:44 PM - |HGN-STTA| Col.Cobra=TS=: I am 16 years old.
8:45 PM - |HGN-STTA|Sheperd: I am 14 D:
8:45 PM - |HGN-STTA|Sheperd: I can legaly get a job!
8:45 PM - |HGN-STTA|Sheperd: lol
8:45 PM - |HGN-STTA| Col.Cobra=TS=: I also got this game
8:45 PM - |HGN-STTA| Col.Cobra=TS=: For Beta testing
8:46 PM - |HGN-STTA| Col.Cobra=TS=: Let me turn that off
8:46 PM - |HGN-STTA|Sheperd: What one?
8:46 PM - |HGN-STTA|Sheperd: OH FUCK YOI
8:46 PM - |HGN-STTA|Sheperd: ASSHOLE
8:46 PM - |HGN-STTA|Sheperd: I HATE YOU
8:46 PM - |HGN-STTA| Col.Cobra=TS=: I love the Ice pick part.
8:46 PM - |HGN-STTA| Col.Cobra=TS=: Why?
8:46 PM - |HGN-STTA|Sheperd: You*
8:46 PM - |HGN-STTA|Sheperd: lol
8:47 PM - |HGN-STTA|Sheperd: Because im jelous.
8:47 PM - |HGN-STTA|Sheperd: Dude
8:47 PM - |HGN-STTA|Sheperd: lol
8:47 PM - |HGN-STTA| Col.Cobra=TS=: I can try
8:47 PM - |HGN-STTA| Col.Cobra=TS=: Get a jet flight out here
8:47 PM - |HGN-STTA| Col.Cobra=TS=: I know how to get it
8:47 PM - |HGN-STTA|Sheperd: lol
8:47 PM - |HGN-STTA|Sheperd: I cant fly out there
8:47 PM - |HGN-STTA| Col.Cobra=TS=: You go to a Non SF game in your list and you go to properties.
8:47 PM - |HGN-STTA| Col.Cobra=TS=: And you rename it
8:48 PM - |HGN-STTA|Sheperd: Wha?
8:48 PM - |HGN-STTA|Sheperd: So your not playing them??
8:48 PM - |HGN-STTA| Col.Cobra=TS=: Nope
8:48 PM - |HGN-STTA| Col.Cobra=TS=: :V
|HGN-STTA|Sheperd is now playing Garry's Mod. Click here to join


HGN-STTA|Col. Cobra=TS=: So hows the beating of mum
|HGN-STSV| Locke tugs on the belt he is wearing
|HGN-STSV| Locke: Now.
|HGN-STTA|Col. Cobra=TS= Runs
|HGN-STTA|Col. Cobra=TS= Grabs the hidden gun
|HGN-STTA|Col. Cobra=TS= Shoots at you
|HGN-STSV| Locke: What's that sound so-
|HGN-STTA|Col. Cobra=TS=: D:
|HGN-STSV| Locke flaps around like a dying fish
|HGN-STSV| Locke: I love yo-
|HGN-STSV| Locke dies
|HGN-STTA|Col. Cobra=TS= Shoots himself lol


|HyperGamer.Net|ﮖil√ĕř Kňigħt: lol
|HyperGamer.Net|ﮖil√ĕř Kňigħt: Wow, you really are a jew
|HyperGamer.Net|ﮖil√ĕř Kňigħt: lol
|HyperGamer.Net|ﮖil√ĕř Kňigħt: i feel stupids now
Aet Ssen |ATTS-NGH|: >:|
Aet Ssen |ATTS-NGH|: ur a fuckin' britfag who eats crumpets n' tea for brunch.
Aet Ssen |ATTS-NGH|: >:)


Not really a quote, but funny nontheless.

The backstory: A guy named m303<random numbers here> had REALLY high ping. 350+, if I recall correctly. So, some guy said some way to drop your ping. This is my contribution.

*DEAD* Rofl'd McDonald :  F10 drops your ping to -90, YOU GO IN THE FUTURE
da_griz (TZ) killed [ϟⓅ♏] #cL63.AMG with ak47.
Disconnect: Kicked by administrator.
Disconnect: Kicked by administrator.


|HGN| Murlocinator: I still can't post?
|HGN-STBA| Longlostblake: send me a link to the page
|HGN| Murlocinator: I'm in factions.
|HGN-STBA| Longlostblake: LINK ME
|HGN| Murlocinator: http://www.forums.hypergamer.net//index.php/topic,2158.0.html
|HGN-STBA| Longlostblake: the topic is locked you idiot
|HGN-STBA| Longlostblake: lol
|HGN-STBA| Longlostblake: LOL
|HGN-STBA| Longlostblake: Fail
|HGN| Murlocinator: ROFL.
|HGN| Murlocinator: ROFL>
|HGN| Murlocinator: ROFL>
|HGN| Murlocinator: ROFL>
|HGN| Murlocinator: ROFL>
|HGN| Murlocinator: ROFL>
|HGN| Murlocinator: Quote this.
|HGN| Murlocinator: Quote it now.
|HGN| Murlocinator: So I can look like idiot.


|HGN STTA| Tunddruff: Hey im also demoting Walter to Rookie
|HGN-STSV| Locke: Wat.
|HGN STTA| Tunddruff: Sowwy
|HGN-STSV| Locke: :(
|HGN STTA| Tunddruff: You physgunned my door :D


Quote from: Locke on 01-07-2009

|HGN STTA| Tunddruff: Hey im also demoting Walter to Rookie
|HGN-STSV| Locke: Wat.
|HGN STTA| Tunddruff: Sowwy
|HGN-STSV| Locke: :(
|HGN STTA| Tunddruff: You physgunned my door :D


Commissar Nitro

hmmm how long till my vent rage finds its way here i wonder...
Cry Havoc And Let Slip The Dogs Of War.


|HGN| Assassinator1097: Radek and I got into a fight and then he wiped the whole roster and we have to reapply.
Doomburger: ...
|HGN| Assassinator1097: ROFL GOT YOU.
|HGN| Assassinator1097: Sorry, but that was lol time.
Doomburger: >_>"


Sorry for double post.

|HGN| Assassinator1097: I live in U.S.A.
Dave The Retarded Zombie: hehehehehehehehe, you suck
|HGN| Assassinator1097: Why?
Dave The Retarded Zombie: cuz, i dislike america
Dave The Retarded Zombie: personally, there government
|HGN| Assassinator1097: America is North, South, and Central.
|HGN| Assassinator1097: So you dislike Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Guatemala, Chili and all those other countires.
Dave The Retarded Zombie: and whatever fucking bank lended a foreign bank their money is a dipshit bak, they caused the credit crunch
Dave The Retarded Zombie: no, the USA
Dave The Retarded Zombie: i strongly dislike the U.S.A's government
Dave The Retarded Zombie: exept obama
|HGN| Assassinator1097: Democrats are known to get loans.
Dave The Retarded Zombie: What?
|HGN| Assassinator1097: Why you like Obama?
Dave The Retarded Zombie: He seems to have a 'i'm not a complete fucking douchbag who will get you hated by the whole world' kind of thing about him
|HGN| Assassinator1097: ...?
|HGN| Assassinator1097: Hated by the whole world?
Dave The Retarded Zombie: all countries make hateful jokes about america
|HGN| Assassinator1097: Britain used to be in Iraq as well, right?
Dave The Retarded Zombie: your country is a discrace to its people
|HGN| Assassinator1097: Why?
Dave The Retarded Zombie: Anyone just about can own a fucking gun....
|HGN| Assassinator1097: Is that it?
Dave The Retarded Zombie: No, thats reason number 1
|HGN| Assassinator1097: Second reason, plox?
Dave The Retarded Zombie: Some bank in your country loaned a foreign bank some cash that they never payed back ending up in shitload of banks loaning shit they couldnt pay back causing the credit crunch, causing people here a shitlaod of grief
Dave The Retarded Zombie: WE have to pay for your mistakes
|HGN| Assassinator1097: But isn't it the countries fault for taking the loan?
|HGN| Assassinator1097: We're just loaning money?
|HGN| Assassinator1097: What's your third reason?
Dave The Retarded Zombie: Half the americans i know, are complete fucking assholes
Dave The Retarded Zombie: i cant fucking stand them
|HGN| Assassinator1097: Where do they live?
Dave The Retarded Zombie: The one american paerosn i know in britain i hate, and half the americans i meet via steam are assholes, they kinda imply to me that your country is made up of douches
Dave The Retarded Zombie is now playing Garry's Mod. Click here to join.
|HGN| Assassinator1097: The internet is not the place to meet nice people, though.
|HGN| Assassinator1097: Fourth reason?
|HGN| Assassinator1097: Fourth reason?

He didn't answer.

Edit: Dave The Retarded Zombie: and whatever fucking bank lended a foreign bank their money is a dipshit bak, they caused the credit crunch

Is that a British spelling for lent?

Silver Knight

|HGN|ﮖil√ĕř Kňigħt: http://www.garrysmod.org/downloads/?a=view&id=28876
|HGN|ﮖil√ĕř Kňigħt: lol
|HGN-STSA| Longlostblake: lol
|HGN-STSA| Longlostblake: Rape?
|HGN|ﮖil√ĕř Kňigħt: >.>
|HGN|ﮖil√ĕř Kňigħt: <.<
|HGN|ﮖil√ĕř Kňigħt: Dirty mind...
|HGN|ﮖil√ĕř Kňigħt: >.<

Quotebreslau: if i cant cheat i dont wanna play
breslau: period

Bl★ck Star

yay now we can make tentacle Hentais in gmod na joking xD

Bl★ck Star

Cortez was sleeping and i was bored so this shit comes out of my ass .....

Halten Sie Ihr Passwort geheim.
|HGN|Cloud Strife: still sleeping eh ? :P
|HGN|Cloud Strife throws a brick trough your window
|HGN|Cloud Strife climbs into your room trough the broken window
|HGN|Cloud Strife throws you computer out of the window
|HGN|Cloud Strife goes to your bed and makes an evil laugh
|HGN|Cloud Strife pulls out a knife and slices of your head
|HGN|Cloud Strife laughs harder
|HGN|Cloud Strife: you will ever be with me Cortez !
|HGN|Cloud Strife eats the head
|HGN|Cloud Strife pulls out a gun puts it in the mouth and pulls the trigger
|HGN|Cloud Strife is lays blooding on the floor and dies
|HGN|Cloud Strife pulls out a sign and on that stands "want adminrights on Neotokyo :D"
|HGN|Cloud Strife dies now completly
|HGN|Cloud Strife: *cortez mother walks in cause she herd laughing and sees Cortez laying without a head on his bed and Cloud on the ground with a headshot*
|HGN|Cloud Strife: *She screams, picks up the gun, aims it at her head and pulls the trigger*
|HGN|Cloud Strife: *Cortez father walks in and Laughs*
|HGN|Cloud Strife: "Hahaha finally everybody is dead !! hahahahahha" *pulls out a knife and cuts of his genetali and eats them* "tasty hahahahahahahah" *takes the knife and makes a Harikiri Screams and tosses the knive in his stomach and dies*
|HGN|Cloud Strife: That was the Story of Cortez and his Family
|HGN|Cloud Strife: and thats the reason cortez doesn?t answer cause he isn?t sleeping, he is dead !!!!!
|HGN|Cloud Strife: *evil laugh*
|HGN|Cloud Strife: ....... i got to much time when ppl are sleaping lol xDDDDD


"Silver Knight...hes a true street nigger" -Bagels