Quotes Thread !!!!!!

Started by Silver Knight, 02-04-2009

0 Members and 24 Guests are viewing this topic.


Vent, lolwut.

Sniperhunter: Jesus christ, why do you care if our team sucks or not?






Anon: Relax man, just chill. I'm here to play for fun.

Dex Vach - Psychotic Cannibal
Mich Dimeron - Big ol' Barkeep - Co-leader Trader Union
Charig Vesgar - Science Freak
Cricket - Chirp Chirp.


On vent.
Killabreu-Chea Prolly dude
Cobra-Cheeea Prolly Dude
Killabreu-Cobra stop being a faggot don't ruin it
Cobra-Chea Prolly
Killabreu- Your a faggot
Cobra-Chea Prolly
Killabreu-Thats It I am muting you until you stop being a faggot.


Guys ill totaly own you at Quotes don't even start.


Quote from: wil Guys ill totaly own you at Quotes don't even start.

It's been going on for a while, so technically we started about since HGN was here.


|HGN-STTA|Col.Cobra=TS=: lol I have to listen to my sisters crappy rap
|HGN-STSV| Locke [Epic]: How old is she
|HGN-STTA|Col.Cobra=TS=: So I play the Freedom Base music from Clear sky
|HGN-STTA|Col.Cobra=TS=: Really loud
|HGN-STTA|Col.Cobra=TS=: I wish I had a smoke mister
|HGN-STTA|Col.Cobra=TS=: Open my door
|HGN-STTA|Col.Cobra=TS=: have a bunch of smoke come out with this song playing
|HGN-STSV| Locke [Epic]: Haow old sheee
|HGN-STTA|Col.Cobra=TS=: 12
|HGN-STTA|Col.Cobra=TS=: Pedo
|HGN-STSV| Locke [Epic]: Then I'd tap it
|HGN-STSV| Locke [Epic]: :D
|HGN-STTA|Col.Cobra=TS=: Gtfo
|HGN-STSV| Locke [Epic]: Roflcakes


You're gonna pay for that D:<.



Never tell your password to anyone.
|HGN-HA| SniperHunter: Well hi thar.
|HGN-STTA| Dom: Hilow.
|HGN-HA| SniperHunter has changed their name to |HGN-HA|At a hotel|SniperHunter.
|HGN-HA|At a hotel|SniperHunter: Are you going to the cookout?
|HGN-STTA| Dom: cookout?
|HGN-HA|At a hotel|SniperHunter: Yeah.
|HGN-STTA| Dom: WHats that?
|HGN-HA|At a hotel|SniperHunter: Its the cookout where I slap my meat across your grill.
|HGN-STTA| Dom: =.=
|HGN-HA|At a hotel|SniperHunter: FUCKING OWNED!
|HGN-HA|At a hotel|SniperHunter: I PLAY TO WIN!
|HGN-STTA| Dom: now your going to post this on the forum? ;p
|HGN-HA|At a hotel|SniperHunter: Yep.
|HGN-STTA| Dom: back to playing SoC.
|HGN-HA|At a hotel|SniperHunter: Sure, go get raped by a sucker.

Silver Knight

Bagels: we have...
Bagels: grown apart!
Bagels: FOR SO LONG, father, we have not had a conversation
|HGN-Owner|ﮖil√ĕřKňight: thats cause you became a fag son =(
Bagels: What say thee, oh father of mine
|HGN-Owner|ﮖil√ĕřKňight: and i dont like you sticking a dildo or a mans penis up your ass
|HGN-Owner|ﮖil√ĕřKňight: its unjust
Bagels gasps
Bagels: BUT DAD
Bagels: THATS...thats who i am!
Bagels runs away crying

Quotebreslau: if i cant cheat i dont wanna play
breslau: period

Dark Angel

Guys.... you are just a bunch of tr0lls....

Damn i had an awsome quote about Longlost ..... fuck need to find it.

Dark Angel

Sﮎcorpion: pussy lover


|HGN| Assassinator1097: Jes?
lHGNl 19 Years Old Lesbian: How old are you :3 ? Just curious
|HGN| Assassinator1097: 546 year olds Blood Elf Mage?
lHGNl 19 Years Old Lesbian: 16 right
lHGNl 19 Years Old Lesbian: Busted
lHGNl 19 Years Old Lesbian: 5-4 and 6 = 16
lHGNl 19 Years Old Lesbian: I've won the game :D
lHGNl 19 Years Old Lesbian: I should post it in the Quote thread

And he didn't answer to my SFs for a while after that.

Silver Knight

|HGN-STTA|Killa of the Breus: This server.
|HGN-STTA|Killa of the Breus: Is a "clean" server.
|HGN-STTA|Killa of the Breus: So I was like, "Explain your reasoning."
|HGN-STTA|Killa of the Breus: "Well, people have kids. And kids can't see the game, but they can hear it"
|HGN-STTA|Killa of the Breus: I was like. "One word: headset."
|HGN-Owner|ﮖil√ĕřKňight: lol

Quotebreslau: if i cant cheat i dont wanna play
breslau: period

Silver Knight

Quote from: 19YearsOldLesbian;16437Sﮎcorpion: pussy lover


|HGN| Assassinator1097: Jes?
lHGNl 19 Years Old Lesbian: How old are you :3 ? Just curious
|HGN| Assassinator1097: 546 year olds Blood Elf Mage?
lHGNl 19 Years Old Lesbian: 16 right
lHGNl 19 Years Old Lesbian: Busted
lHGNl 19 Years Old Lesbian: 5-4 and 6 = 16
lHGNl 19 Years Old Lesbian: I've won the game :D
lHGNl 19 Years Old Lesbian: I should post it in the Quote thread

And he didn't answer to my SFs for a while after that.

You scared him =(

Quotebreslau: if i cant cheat i dont wanna play
breslau: period


http://omegle.com - Beware, many a /b/tards go here. Still fun.

Stranger: Mr. Anderson, welcome back. We missed you. You like what I've done with the place?
You: Its a bit stuffy.
You: Open a window.
Stranger: a/s/l?
You: 46/M/Behind you
You have disconnected

not mine this one-

Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: Hi.
Stranger: hey
Stranger: asl
You: Can I ask for some advice?
Stranger: yeah lol im pretty good at givin advice
Stranger: shoot
You: Ok, Lenny.
You: Can I call you Lenny?
You: Thanks, Lenny.
Stranger: ummm sure
Stranger: lol
You: Anyway, I accidentally a coke bottle.
Stranger: what
You: In your professional opinion, Lenny, is this bad?
Stranger: what did u do lol i dont understand
Stranger: what did u do with a coke bottle
You: I accidentally a coke bottle.
You: A WHOLE coke bottle.
Stranger: what did u do with it
You: Try not to judge, Lenny, it can happen to all of us.
You: I accidentally it.
Stranger: ok i wont judge
You: Thanks.
Stranger: u accidentally what
You: A coke bottle.
Stranger: how do u do that
You: I can't divuldge that information.
Stranger: then how can i help
Stranger: u can tell me anythin
Stranger: i wont care
Stranger: i promise iv probly herd worse
You: Well, I would, Lenny. You seem like a nice young man and I think we're all friends here.
You: And you've already told me you don't judge.
Stranger: ok
You: But I just can divuldge that information, I'm afraid.
Stranger: dont be
You: So, if you were in my situation, what would you do?
Stranger: depeneds
Stranger: what did u do with a coke bottle
You: I accidentally it.
Stranger: did u put it someware where it didnt belong
Stranger: its a yes or no question
You: Lenny, I'm sorry, but you're just not making sense.
Stranger: u accidentally did what with it
Stranger: be blunt
Stranger: i dont care
You: I accidentally the whole coke bottle.
You: I don't know how else to put it.
You: The coke bottle, I accidentally it.
Stranger: how could u accidentally a coke bottle
You: You said you wouldn't judge, Lenny.
Stranger: no im just wondering how because i dont understand what ur sayin
Stranger: your not maken too much sence
You: The coke bottle. I accidentally it.
Stranger: u accidentally did what with the coke bottle
You: I'm sorry, but are you using an online translator? Because it's obviously not working too well.
Stranger: what do u mean by online traslator
Stranger: like for diferent lang
You: Yes. It's ok if English isn't your first language, because, no offence, Lenny, you can't speak it very well.
You: Can you speak french?
You: J'ai accidentellement ensemble bouteille de coke
Stranger: no not really but if u hold on i will traslate
Your conversational partner has disconnected


|HGN-HA| Sniper Of The Hunters is now playing Garry's Mod. Click here to join.
Your chat with |HGN-SV| Neo Hazard is now a multi-user chat.
Super Soldier entered chat.
Super Soldier: yeah?
|HGN-HA| Sniper Of The Hunters: We have great news.
Super Soldier: what?
|HGN-SV| Neo Hazard: Really fucking great news
Super Soldier: what type of news
Super Soldier: what great news
|HGN-HA| Sniper Of The Hunters: You have been unbanned, and your group will be official.
|HGN-SV| Neo Hazard: On the STALKER RP server
Super Soldier: what happened?
|HGN-HA| Sniper Of The Hunters: We had a change of heart.
|HGN-HA| Sniper Of The Hunters: We are sorry.
|HGN-SV| Neo Hazard: We realized that your side was right
|HGN-HA| Sniper Of The Hunters: Silver is discussing about my position as a HA.
Super Soldier: You're not playing with me are you?
|HGN-SV| Neo Hazard: Why would we do that?
|HGN-HA| Sniper Of The Hunters: No, Silver might demote me for my behavior as a HA.
Super Soldier: I don't know
Super Soldier: cause alot of people hate me
|HGN-SV| Neo Hazard: Well we have decided that we were wrong in banning you
|HGN-SV| Neo Hazard: and have officially revoked the ban and reinstated your group
|HGN-HA| Sniper Of The Hunters: You will receive Master Bandit flags.
Super Soldier: Thank you
|HGN-HA| Sniper Of The Hunters: No problem.
|HGN-SV| Neo Hazard: I hope you will enjoy the server again
Super Soldier: I will
|HGN-HA| Sniper Of The Hunters: Well, Im heading back to the server now.
|HGN-HA| Sniper Of The Hunters: Have a nice day.
Super Soldier: Thanks,
|HGN-SV| Neo Hazard: You should join him
|HGN-SV| Neo Hazard: So he can give you the flags and your group back
Super Soldier: Ok
Super Soldier is now playing Garry's Mod. Click here to join.
|HGN-HA| Sniper Of The Hunters: Stupid crashes.
|HGN-HA| Sniper Of The Hunters is now playing Garry's Mod. Click here to join.
Super Soldier has changed their name to Redneck.
Redneck: Thank you
[After he was P-Banned on the server]
|HGN-SV| Neo Hazard: Wow, we unban you, let you on the server, give you flags
|HGN-SV| Neo Hazard: And you go and be a douchebag
|HGN-SV| Neo Hazard: Thanks a lot
Redneck: What?
Redneck: I Didn't do anything!
|HGN-SV| Neo Hazard: never come back here again
Redneck: I went on the server!
Redneck: I went on it
Redneck: and he was gonna give me my flags
Redneck: then it said perma banned (PERMABAN-FLAGS)
|HGN-HA| Sniper Of The Hunters: Its because were're aliens, and thats how we roll.


5:00 PM - |HGN-HA| Major Fluffy: Oh god... You have a black heart XD
5:00 PM - |HGN-HA| Sniper Of The Hunters: LOL.
5:00 PM - |HGN-HA| Sniper Of The Hunters: I am black.


7:53 PM - Pool is itchy: Does this mean no banjo? ;-;
7:53 PM - |HGN-HA| Sniper Of The Hunters: You can haz your banjo.
7:53 PM - Pool is itchy: Nor playing TONY HAWK'S PRO SKATER ON THE PLAY STATION ONE?!
7:53 PM - Pool is itchy: on a small T.V., too.
7:53 PM - |HGN-HA| Sniper Of The Hunters: You can have a Ps3!
7:53 PM - Pool is itchy: Fuck the PS3,
7:53 PM - |HGN-HA| Sniper Of The Hunters: >_>
7:54 PM - |HGN-HA| Sniper Of The Hunters: Your kicked out now.

Dark Angel

lHGNl 19 Years Old Lesbian: What?
|HGN| Jake: What?
lHGNl 19 Years Old Lesbian: Why
|HGN| Jake: Because
|HGN| Jake: is
lHGNl 19 Years Old Lesbian: Is it like
|HGN| Jake: no it's
lHGNl 19 Years Old Lesbian: Oh so you mean it like
|HGN| Jake: actually
|HGN| Jake: I mean
lHGNl 19 Years Old Lesbian: I got it
|HGN| Jake: yeah.
lHGNl 19 Years Old Lesbian: You are underaged and can't buy a whore.
|HGN| Jake: :C
|HGN| Jake: Lol
lHGNl 19 Years Old Lesbian: No problem happends...
|HGN| Jake: wat
|HGN| Jake: I don't need a whore
lHGNl 19 Years Old Lesbian nods "You have your hand"
|HGN| Jake: O.O
|HGN| Jake: That's true...
|HGN| Jake: and still..I tested if I can go on porn websites,you lied.
|HGN| Jake: You said you will BAN THEM
|HGN| Jake: >:(
|HGN| Jake: Rofl
lHGNl 19 Years Old Lesbian: >:3 Sorry i was busy
|HGN| Jake: With what?
lHGNl 19 Years Old Lesbian: You are too young to know.
|HGN| Jake: O.O
|HGN| Jake: ...
|HGN| Jake: I r older ten a guy
|HGN| Jake: who's 16
lHGNl 19 Years Old Lesbian: And you are virgin.
|HGN| Jake: Wut
|HGN| Jake: Or ly
|HGN| Jake: no wai
lHGNl 19 Years Old Lesbian: Yarly
|HGN| Jake: norly
lHGNl 19 Years Old Lesbian nods
|HGN| Jake n0d5
|HGN| Jake: That
|HGN| Jake: NO


|HGN| Jake: Rofl
|HGN| Jake: yeah sure
lHGNl 19 Years Old Lesbian: Want to see some of the info :D
|HGN| Jake: Sure...
|HGN| Jake rads
|HGN| Jake reads
|HGN| Jake: Yeah
|HGN| Jake: I know that

2nd Update

|HGN| Jake: Password please?
|HGN| Jake: I'm GM on WoW
lHGNl 19 Years Old Lesbian shakes her head
lHGNl 19 Years Old Lesbian: What?
lHGNl 19 Years Old Lesbian: Sersiouly?
|HGN| Jake: "yes"
lHGNl 19 Years Old Lesbian: Lies!
|HGN| Jake: Nope
lHGNl 19 Years Old Lesbian: You aren't GM!
|HGN| Jake: I'm a GM
lHGNl 19 Years Old Lesbian: Who made you one ?
|HGN| Jake: Silver
lHGNl 19 Years Old Lesbian: Lies!
|HGN| Jake: he made me GM
lHGNl 19 Years Old Lesbian: Triple Lies!
|HGN| Jake: no
lHGNl 19 Years Old Lesbian: Proove!
|HGN| Jake: How?
lHGNl 19 Years Old Lesbian: Dunno Proove it somehow
|HGN| Jake: How -.-?
lHGNl 19 Years Old Lesbian: Lies!
|HGN| Jake: No.
lHGNl 19 Years Old Lesbian: OK tell me what can you do as GM then :3 ?
|HGN| Jake: Shitloud
|HGN| Jake: of things
lHGNl 19 Years Old Lesbian: Lies!
lHGNl 19 Years Old Lesbian cries "I want GM too..."
|HGN| Jake: But
|HGN| Jake: you can't be GM
|HGN| Jake: You just...can't/
|HGN| Jake: .
lHGNl 19 Years Old Lesbian: WHy ='(
|HGN| Jake: Because you can't!!
|HGN| Jake: It's impossible
|HGN| Jake: Do you know what GM means?
lHGNl 19 Years Old Lesbian: Game Master , Global Moderator , Gang Master , Group Mudkips , Global Minge
|HGN| Jake: hmh
|HGN| Jake: Well
|HGN| Jake: I'm a GM you never told about
|HGN| Jake: Gay Master
|HGN| Jake: ...
|HGN| Jake: lOl
|HGN| Jake: rofl
|HGN| Jake: Nvm
|HGN| Jake: I'm bored
|HGN| Jake: to
|HGN| Jake: hell
|HGN| Jake: epicly
lHGNl 19 Years Old Lesbian: LOL!
|HGN| Jake: bored
lHGNl 19 Years Old Lesbian: XD
|HGN| Jake: also
|HGN| Jake: I won the game.
lHGNl 19 Years Old Lesbian: I'm going to die now
|HGN| Jake: You lost it.
|HGN| Jake: <3


KIRILLARMAS: Silverknight spoonfeeds bullshit lies
|HGN| Jake: XD
KIRILLARMAS: silverknight is a son of a bitch who likes things to work his way and exactly his way
KIRILLARMAS: don't ever think of leading a community justguy!!!
|HGN|Itsjustguy: ...
|HGN|Itsjustguy: i never was
KIRILLARMAS: I will ban you and anyone who goes there from HGN!
KIRILLARMAS: Cause im a british totalitarian faggot!
Lollzers wowzers :D
"Where ground is soft most often grows, arise! Arise! Arouse! A rose!...a rosy rose ?


|HGN-STSV| Locke: Hello there buzz killington, know any good jokes?
Buzz Killington: Oh im quiet
|HGN-STSV| Locke: Please dooooo share a good yarn
Buzz Killington: no
|HGN-STSV| Locke: You're a horrible roleplayer for buzzkillington
|HGN-STSV| Locke: :(
Buzz Killington: :D

Dark Angel

Quote from: NomNom :D Lesb on 04-06-2009
Once, there was a girl playing WoW. She suicide cuz her mom wouldnt let her play anymore, now they say she haunts the game and causes random disconnects. If you do not copy paste this onto 15 other videos within this hour, your internet will die, and so will you in the same night. Also avoid mirrors if you do not do it.

Silver Knight

|HGN| Jake: Once, there was a girl playing WoW. She suicide cuz her mom wouldnt let her play anymore, now they say she haunts the game and causes random disconnects. If you do not copy paste this onto 15 other videos within this hour, your internet will die, and so will you in the same night. Also avoid mirrors if you do not do it.

|HyperGamer.Net|ﮖil√ĕřKňight: Once there was a kid who posted some crap over the internet, then he was raped and killed, If you dont suck 10 dicks in the next hour, you will die and get raped by the Devil.
|HGN| Jake: D:
|HyperGamer.Net|ﮖil√ĕřKňight: lol

Quotebreslau: if i cant cheat i dont wanna play
breslau: period


Using Omegle.

Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hi
Stranger: aloha!
You: hi
You: s'cuse me.
You: are u der?
Stranger: i'm here for sure!!!
You: can i has butt secks with u and put creme on ur cheeze?
Stranger: right
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

And another one :

Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hai
You: asl
You: asl
You: asl
You: asl
You: ok u know wut
You: ur banned.
You: boom.
You: dead.
You: go eat a pie.
Stranger: hongkong
Stranger: 20 m
You: Hong Kong Woods?
You: I live there.
You: and im always lyk omfg hai.
Stranger: 男的女的?
You: my asl is.
You: USA, 6, Female.
You: I'm very hawt.
Your conversational partner has disconnected.