Quotes Thread !!!!!!

Started by Silver Knight, 02-04-2009

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Quote from: lolKieck on 11-07-2011
02:13 - |HGN| Kieck: btw
02:13 - |HGN| Kieck: viva la revolucion fgt
02:13 - |HGN| Kieck: betty boom will wipe yo ass
02:13 - |HGN-STSA|Rδvanδger ไท: Fuck you fagget.
02:13 - |HGN| Kieck: I never lost at dis game fool
02:13 - |HGN| Kieck: neva
02:13 - |HGN-STSA|Rδvanδger ไท: Betty boom will suck my dick.
02:13 - |HGN| Kieck: arent you homo
02:13 - |HGN-STSA|Rδvanδger ไท: So will juanito.
02:13 - |HGN| Kieck: wat
02:13 - |HGN-STSA|Rδvanδger ไท: Rav don care.
02:13 - |HGN| Kieck: youre not monopenis ?
02:13 - |HGN-STSA|Rδvanδger ไท: As long as he gets it sucked.
02:13 - |HGN| Kieck: youre doublepenored ?
02:14 - |HGN-STSA|Rδvanδger ไท: I have 3.
02:14 - |HGN-STSA|Rδvanδger ไท: Father three pieces?
02:14 - |HGN| Kieck: waaaat
02:14 - |HGN| Kieck: that goes to quotes thread
02:14 - |HGN| Kieck: nice joke btw


We learn the truth.



|HGN-STSV| Rebel: Why does every video you send to me has a ugly black guy singing?
|HGN-STSA|Rδvanδger ไท: I don't know.
|HGN-STSA|Rδvanδger ไท: I feel like quoteing that.


Quote from: Duranblackraven on 10-07-2011
Never tell your password to anyone.
RoboDozer: http://i.huffpost.com/gadgets/slideshows/3035/slide_3035_44435_large.jpg ...rofl
|HGN-STSV|DuranBlackraven(SW): ...I laughed.
RoboDozer: "IT'S TIME FOR YOUR PROSTATE EXAM! HEEEEEEEERE COMES THE CHOOCHOO!!" ...god if a doctor said that to me I'd donkey-kick him in the teeth
|HGN-STSV|DuranBlackraven(SW): XD

My dad had a colonoscopy, and he claimed that the doctor said "Heeeeeere come the goodies!"


11:08 PM - Poopship McGeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee: UBER STASH
11:09 PM - Poopship McGeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee: MAX UPGRADED COLT AND TWO ARTIFACTS!
11:09 PM - |HGN| FrostyFrosty: lol
11:09 PM - Poopship McGeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee: NIGHT STAR AND MOONLIGHT
11:10 PM - Poopship McGeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee: ....
11:10 PM - Poopship McGeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee: Then walk into an anomoly and die.
11:10 PM - Poopship McGeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee: Without saving.
11:10 PM - |HGN| FrostyFrosty: LOL

Steven :D

Thats why theres a quicksave hotkey.


As Yahtzee puts it "I had to press the quick save key more times then the fire button" - "The Mythical quick save key is a dark and mischief power that can change the very fabric of reality"
I used to be an adventure like you, but then the shadow started chasing me through a castle filled with monsters.

Bl★ck Star

Quote from: Paintcheck on 30-06-2011
Quote from: Smirnoff on 30-06-2011
You can disregard my bad attempt at drama, I dont remember writing it apart from fragments but I do remember I was extremly drunk.
On top of that, any tips on headache pills are welcome.

Aspirin. And while you are drinking drink a fuck ton of water. You won't be hungover. Whenever I drink before I go to bed afterward I always try to down about a quart or so of water and I've never had a hangover.

WoW, I just drink and drink and drink alcohol, then I got to sleep, wake up, everything's fine, no headache, nothing. Then I turn my pc on and play.


So I showed a bunch of people a scary baby video, here are some responses:

Quote1:51 AM - |HGN| FrostyFrosty: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wposk0m3PHk&feature=fvwrel
1:51 AM - Wellington: MY EARS MY EYES
1:51 AM - Wellington: WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!

Quote1:51 AM - |HGN| FrostyFrosty: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wposk0m3PHk&feature=fvwrel
1:51 AM - Emperor Bobby ☭: that you?
1:52 AM - |HGN| FrostyFrosty: lolno
1:52 AM - Emperor Bobby ☭: k

Quote1:49 AM - |HGN| FrostyFrosty: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wposk0m3PHk&feature=fvwrel
1:50 AM - |HGN| I say: what
1:50 AM - |HGN| I say: is this
1:50 AM - |HGN| I say: saw a white screen
1:50 AM - |HGN| FrostyFrosty: Scared Pawx
1:50 AM - |HGN| I say: pressed exit

Quote1:49 AM - |HGN| FrostyFrosty: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wposk0m3PHk&feature=fvwrel
1:50 AM - Ɲegative Ȥero: lol

Quote1:49 AM - |HGN| FrostyFrosty: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wposk0m3PHk&feature=fvwrel
1:50 AM - Leomarr: DOES NOT WANT


This is from Teamspeak
Com-Nitro-RG4 Shut the hell up you're scaring my fiance's cat!


|HGN-STSV|DuranBlackraven(SW): That song is now stuck in your head.
|HGN-STSV|DuranBlackraven(SW): Enjoy,.
Teo the Elastic Otter: FFFFF
|HGN-STSV|DuranBlackraven(SW): If you don't believe me, jsut wait.
Teo the Elastic Otter: It already is
|HGN-STSV|DuranBlackraven(SW): And now you notice his steps are in sync with the beat...
|HGN-STSV|DuranBlackraven(SW): And you can't stop watching...
Teo the Elastic Otter: D:
|HGN-STSV|DuranBlackraven(SW): The Gabe Newell dance of death.
Teo the Elastic Otter: With every step. Episode 3 is further delayed
|HGN-STSV|DuranBlackraven(SW): Ep3 was delayed because Gabe made a sandwich and accidentally used the Golden Disk as cheese.


<17:38:18> ‎"Turkey‎"‎
: British people sounding sexy
<17:38:19> ‎"Turkey‎"‎
: is like
<17:38:21> ‎"Turkey‎"‎
: a horse.
<17:38:24> ‎"Turkey‎"‎
: Getting put down
<17:38:26> ‎"Turkey‎"‎
<17:38:29> ‎"Turkey‎"‎
<17:38:31> ‎"Turkey‎"‎
<17:38:34> ‎"Turkey‎"‎

*Exiles awkward silence*


Ping-Pong: who is this
Ping-Pong: ive herd a lot of words like nigger
Ping-Pong: and wet back here of late
Ping-Pong: this is deans dad
Ping-Pong: who is this
|HGN| McCutcheon: this is Cutch, sir. And I understand your frusturation. But I've been raised to look past those words because we are a new generation. My uncle and cousins are hispanic, and we call each other cracker and wetback as jokes.
|HGN| McCutcheon: If you don't want your son being exposed to that type of stuff, you shouldn't have him on the World Wide Web, because it is full of people with different degrees of tolerance of words.
Ping-Pong: I love you Cutch.
Ping-Pong: LOL

"Stop living life so that you can do a job with out pay"
-Blake/Last Exile


[Brownish-Skin|5'9|200...] yells "Come in merc."
'Oxide' yells "NOPE."
** 'Oxide' turns and sprints.


Quote from: PistolKid on 19-07-2011
[Brownish-Skin|5'9|200...] yells "Come in merc."
'Oxide' yells "NOPE."
** 'Oxide' turns and sprints.

You walked in at the wrong time Boy.


FlawleSS - Old World Blues <3: http://www.mspointscodes.com/?i=530916
FlawleSS - Old World Blues <3: Just visit link and close
FlawleSS - Old World Blues <3: I need atlaest 10 people to check it
|HGN-SCSVO| McCutcheon: sorry Frosty only got me
FlawleSS - Old World Blues <3: so i get stuff
|HGN-SCSVO| McCutcheon: I only do one link a day
FlawleSS - Old World Blues <3: ..

"Stop living life so that you can do a job with out pay"
-Blake/Last Exile


Quote from: Cutch on 20-07-2011
FlawleSS - Old World Blues <3: http://www.mspointscodes.com/?i=530916
FlawleSS - Old World Blues <3: Just visit link and close
FlawleSS - Old World Blues <3: I need atlaest 10 people to check it
|HGN-SCSVO| McCutcheon: sorry Frosty only got me
FlawleSS - Old World Blues <3: so i get stuff
|HGN-SCSVO| McCutcheon: I only do one link a day
FlawleSS - Old World Blues <3: ..

He really doesn't know that those are fake?


Quote9:55 PM - |HGN-CSV| Tom (No auths): This is not working out as well as I thought it would
9:55 PM - |HGN| FrostyFrosty: lol
9:58 PM - |HGN-CSV| Tom (No auths): still see a black screen?
10:01 PM - |HGN-CSV| Tom (No auths): Jesus rollerblading christ
10:01 PM - |HGN-CSV| Tom (No auths): 100% CPU usage
10:01 PM - |HGN| FrostyFrosty: LOL
10:06 PM - |HGN-CSV| Tom (No auths): That did not work
10:09 PM - |HGN-CSV| Tom (No auths): Holy FUCK
10:09 PM - |HGN-CSV| Tom (No auths): its that procaster shit
10:09 PM - |HGN| FrostyFrosty: ?
10:09 PM - |HGN| FrostyFrosty: How many
10:09 PM - |HGN-CSV| Tom (No auths): cause right now my CPU usage is at fucking 20%


QuoteFriday, July 22, 2011
10:53 AM - |HGN| FrostyFrosty: Sir, yes sir!
10:53 AM - |HGN-STSA|Rδvanδger ไท: Shud up nigga.
10:54 AM - |HGN-STSA|Rδvanδger ไท: My drunken and corrupt Colonel gonna start rapein you niggas.
10:54 AM - |HGN| FrostyFrosty: OH NO
10:54 AM - |HGN| FrostyFrosty hides in a barrel


|HGN-STSA|Rδvanδger ไท: Nigger.
|HGN| Pawx: Jew
|HGN-STSA|Rδvanδger ไท: Maybe?
|HGN| Pawx: Yes?
|HGN-STSA|Rδvanδger ไท: Nope.avi
|HGN-STSA|Rδvanδger ไท: Fagget.
|HGN| Pawx: No
|HGN| Pawx: Your a jew
|HGN-STSA|Rδvanδger ไท: No
|HGN-STSA|Rδvanδger ไท: Your a Fag.
|HGN| Pawx: Yes
|HGN-STSA|Rδvanδger ไท: Oh lol
|HGN-STSA|Rδvanδger ไท: You just said yo a Fag.
|HGN-STSA|Rδvanδger ไท: Type fasterz denz Fagz.
|HGN| Pawx: nou


Alex Chorei took damage from prop_physics.
(o) [OOC] Alex Chorei: What the heck was that
[ADMIN] Felix Chekerov: A valve wheel hitting you in the face.
(o) [OOC] Alex Chorei: Lol
Alex Chorei took damage from prop_physics.
prop_physics killed Alex Chorei.
[ADMIN] Felix Chekerov: That was a valve wheel cracking your skull open.

Steven :D

Quote from: Duranblackraven on 25-07-2011
Alex Chorei took damage from prop_physics.
(o) [OOC] Alex Chorei: What the heck was that
[ADMIN] Felix Chekerov: A valve wheel hitting you in the face.
(o) [OOC] Alex Chorei: Lol
Alex Chorei took damage from prop_physics.
prop_physics killed Alex Chorei.
[ADMIN] Felix Chekerov: That was a valve wheel cracking your skull open.
Ahahahhahahahaha that one is great.


Sorry Killabreu! <3

QuoteNever tell your password to anyone.
My Sc3n3: Is this ThY?
|HGN-STSV| jamming: No, its Killabreu
|HGN-STSV| jamming: What do you want
My Sc3n3: Whats up?
My Sc3n3: Just saying high
My Sc3n3: And do you play LoL?
My Sc3n3: League of Legends
|HGN-STSV| jamming: What did you want thy for? Ill go tell him you wanted him.
My Sc3n3: No i just thought you were him
|HGN-STSV| jamming: Thy is a dick, Whyku
|HGN-STSV| jamming: dont talk to him
|HGN-STSV| jamming: or hang with him.
My Sc3n3: How come?
|HGN-STSV| jamming: Think for yourself
|HGN-STSV| jamming: what do you think of him?
My Sc3n3: Na
My Sc3n3: He is a very nice person
My Sc3n3: And he is a fair man
My Sc3n3: He does not about bullshit
My Sc3n3: How come?
My Sc3n3: He has my respect
My Sc3n3: So what is up Killabreu
|HGN-STSV| jamming: Well, its been a busy day
|HGN-STSV| jamming: I woke; had to spawn myself some weapons on SRP
|HGN-STSV| jamming: Got off
My Sc3n3: Lol
My Sc3n3: You spawned yourself items?
|HGN-STSV| jamming: yeah, everyone does
My Sc3n3: Why not throw a SVD my way ThY
|HGN-STSV| jamming: ever wondered why my characters are so well armed?
|HGN-STSV| jamming: im not thy
|HGN-STSV| jamming: what is your problem
My Sc3n3: I can check your old names
|HGN-STSV| jamming runs
My Sc3n3: View Aliases
My Sc3n3: Lol
My Sc3n3: I just found it out like 5 secs ago

Quote|HGN-FOTA| Spades: I won't ask for SA.
|HGN-FOTA| Spades: Ever.
|HGN-STSV| jamming: too late i just did for you.
|HGN-FOTA| Spades: But if I'm offered the position
|HGN-FOTA| Spades: I'd take--
|HGN| Ping-Pong: LOL.
|HGN-FOTA| Spades: o.o
|HGN-FOTA| Spades: ohshi


7:27 PM - I say: Dear canada
7:27 PM - I say: We like your moose
7:27 PM - I say: lets be friend
7:27 PM - I say: Signed. Americuh'
7:28 PM - Emperor Bobby: Dear america
7:28 PM - Emperor Bobby: We would be proud to claim friendship with the greatest, most powerful nation in the world.
7:28 PM - Emperor Bobby: and we Like your Big cars.
7:28 PM - Emperor Bobby: Signed, Canada.
7:29 PM - I say: Dear Canada, Oh please, Were not the most powerful, I am pretty sure France has us beat. Haha{That was a joke} SIgned, Americuh'
7:29 PM - Emperor Bobby: Dear America, haha, Good one, We don't like the french either, their responsible for that Tumor on our Ass, Quebec.
7:30 PM - Emperor Bobby: Signed
7:30 PM - Emperor Bobby: Canada
7:30 PM - I say: Dear Canada, I just shit my pants in laughter, Gotta change, BRB, Signed, Americuh'.
7:31 PM - Emperor Bobby: Dear America, It's ok, Quebec Shat itself too, and now the separatists are banging on parliament's door.
7:31 PM - I say: Dear Canada, Wanna go fuck up every country for the lolz? WE just finished in Iraq, Signed, Americuh'
7:32 PM - Emperor Bobby: dear america, thatd be great, we were bsy helping, you may have noticed us in the green camo, not many deserts up here, and we were a little eager to fight. signed, Canada
7:33 PM - I say: Dear Canada, I think i'd be nice if you killed our black president, "DIS NIGGA FUCKIN OUR CUNTREE UP DAWG", Signed, Americuh'
7:33 PM - Emperor Bobby: Dear America, It's already being taken care of. Signed, Russia.
7:34 PM - Emperor Bobby: P.S.
7:34 PM - Emperor Bobby: Canada Sold us the Info.
7:34 PM - I say: LOL
7:34 PM - I say: I laughed hard
7:35 PM - I say: Dear Canada, WTF MAN, Signed, Americuh.
7:36 PM - Emperor Bobby: Dear America, We never really were on your side. Long Live the queen!
7:36 PM - Emperor Bobby: signed, Those Loyalists above you whatburned the whitehouse in 1712.
7:36 PM - I say: Dear Pentagon, Defcon 1. Were lighting these maple syrup drinking fucks up. Signed, BARRCOCK Obama
7:37 PM - I say: Nuclear Launch Detected!
7:37 PM - Emperor Bobby: Dear Russia, Thank you for the Anti Nuclear Defence network, it's just in time.
7:37 PM - Emperor Bobby: Ps
7:37 PM - Emperor Bobby: Why does it say made in chi- BOOOM*


|HGN| Tenshi: Dont know what, but something about (most) americans just tend to piss people off
|HGN| Tenshi: No offense
|HGN| Tenshi: <3
|HGN| Don Capo: Dear Sweden, You're all beet farmers.
|HGN| Don Capo: Signed, America.
|HGN| Don Capo: P.S.
|HGN| Don Capo: <3
"|HGN| G-Man: Dont know what loli is, but i'd lie if I said I havn't seen some of that hentai stuff."