Quotes Thread !!!!!!

Started by Silver Knight, 02-04-2009

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Quote from: Lent23 on 27-05-2012
** Ivan Ivakov slowly lifts his rifle to his hip.
[29|5.3|Skinny Build|B...] says "Listen i dont want any trouble i just want to know what you want..."
** Ivan Ivakov unbuttons his pants. "You."

Otto: wait
Otto: Ivan Ivakov
Otto: you quoted yourself
Otto: faggot
Brandon Lent: what
Brandon Lent: quoted?
Otto: in the quotes thread
Brandon Lent: LOL
Otto: loser
Brandon Lent: SHH


*Chatting with a group of friends, randomly start talking about Anne Frank*

Person 1: "It's such a shame she died the way she did"

Idiot of the group: "Yeah, chocking on Henry's dick!"
Everyone else: "WHAT THE FUCK?"
Idiot of the group: "She was one of Henry the VIII's wives right?"

*Unanimous facepalm*

Terraria Super Operator
JRP > What are you?
Rag > Your freind
JRP > For real?
Rag > This is so serious you don't understand.


Quote from: JRParadox on 01-06-2012
*Chatting with a group of friends, randomly start talking about Anne Frank*

Person 1: "It's such a shame she died the way she did"

Idiot of the group: "Yeah, chocking on Henry's dick!"
Everyone else: "WHAT THE FUCK?"
Idiot of the group: "She was one of Henry the VIII's wives right?"

*Unanimous facepalm*

Smart friend you got there.


StickeyWicket: It's like that japanese anime, and it's about a girl in highschool"

Tom: that's specific.



Spades: Kelse, where's the satchel charge?
Kelse: What do you mean? It's in the backpack.
Spades: No it's not...
*Kelse opens the backpack*
Kelse: Aww fuck.

the permaban queen.


Quote from: Kelse on 07-06-2012
Spades: Kelse, where's the satchel charge?
Kelse: What do you mean it's in the backpack.
Spades: No it's not...
*Kelse opens the backpack*
Kelse: Aww fuck.
Clearly Arma 2.

SRP: Nicolai 'Thunder' Lagunov - Loner - Alive


|HGN| Vortigoat: Not realy
|HGN| Vortigoat: Since the final solution is about the holohoax
Don Captain: HOLOHOAX
Don Captain: SON
|HGN| Vortigoat: It is
|HGN| Vortigoat: Atleast the numbers are exagtereated
|HGN| Vortigoat: Made up''
Don Captain: I don't know what you're smoking.
|HGN| Vortigoat: Bro
|HGN| Vortigoat: Read some of David Irving's books
Don Captain: Read some logic.
Don Captain: The holocaust wasn't a hoax.
|HGN| Vortigoat: Most of it is made up.
Don Captain: Such as?
|HGN| Vortigoat: The gas chambers.
Don Captain: Uh
Don Captain: They did gas jews.
|HGN| Vortigoat: Funny, Since a person made a report and wrote a book on how the 'Gas Chambers' didnt exist
Don Captain: Uh
Don Captain: Have you ever been inside Auschwitz?
|HGN| Vortigoat: Yeah it's just a shower room
Don Captain: Oh yeah, a shower room that emits Hydrogen cyanide in the form of Zyclon B.
|HGN| Vortigoat: Yeah....very little
Don Captain: UH
|HGN| Vortigoat: And with the high dosis needed to kill the people...
|HGN| Vortigoat: You would find more
Don Captain: Have you ever read the Gerstein Report?
|HGN| Vortigoat: Have you ever read:The jews are greedy faggots and need to be destroyed?
Don Captain: Have you ever read: You're a neo-nazi, aren't you?
Don Captain: I mean I don't like gypsies in the EU, but I have no qualms with Jews.
|HGN| Vortigoat: Do you realy think everyone in germany whas like....Oh let's all hate the jews tommorow because i suddenly changed of tought
Don Captain: Uh, no
Don Captain: Everybody hated Jews because of Hitler's mass funding, economic genius, and amazing propaganda campagin
Don Captain: as well as his emotional speeches.
|HGN| Vortigoat: Jew's need to die, Only real thing to save the world is national socialism.
Don Captain: *campaign
Don Captain: The world is beyond saving
Don Captain: especially with the Neo-Nazis, Gypsy real estate mafia, terrible conditions in the Baltic States, terrible conditions in the middle east, religious dogma, and terrible education.
|HGN| Vortigoat: I find it funny that russa has neo nazi's since they are ünter menschen
|HGN| Vortigoat: russia'
Don Captain: Uh
Don Captain: Russians
Don Captain: are sub-human?
|HGN| Vortigoat: Yes.
Don Captain: How so?
|HGN| Vortigoat: Lol
|HGN| Vortigoat: You are so funny.
Don Captain: I'm serious.
|HGN| Vortigoat: The opinion of hitler towards russians/or slavic fucks whatever is clearly stated
Don Captain: Uh, Hitler wasn't exactly the host with the best opinions.
|HGN| Vortigoat: Oh rly?
|HGN| Vortigoat: He made some bad decissions
|HGN| Vortigoat: If he would leave the war to his generals Germany surely had won
Don Captain: You know Erwin Rommel disagreed with Hitler, right?
|HGN| Vortigoat: I know
|HGN| Vortigoat: And you know what happend because of that?
Don Captain: And he was going to plot to assassinate Hitler, correct?
|HGN| Vortigoat: He died.
Don Captain: Yes, I know.
Don Captain: It doesn't change the fact that Hitler is not a good person, and his views are those of the most right-wing, most idiotic, must IQ numbing people in this world./
|HGN| Vortigoat: I am for National socialism, You can have whatever you want.
Don Captain: Sounds more like Nationalist Fascism, to me.
|HGN| Vortigoat: From wich country are you btw?
Don Captain: United States, Mid-west.
|HGN| Vortigoat: Oh lol, No wonder you act like this.
|HGN| Vortigoat: Silly american's with there propaganda.
Don Captain: And where are you from?
|HGN| Vortigoat: The Netherlands.
Don Captain: Oh, funny.
Don Captain: Seeing as the Netherlands was subject to years of oppression, genocide, and low-quality conditions.
|HGN| Vortigoat: Not for the NSB'ers and the Germaansche SS
Don Captain: not everyone was welling to submit to German rule.
Don Captain: *willing
|HGN| Vortigoat: And look at what happend to them
|HGN| Vortigoat: :D
Don Captain: Uh
Don Captain: They recieved support from allied forces once they pushed into the Netherlands?
|HGN| Vortigoat: And?
Don Captain: And the Nazis were eventually pushed back into Germany and lost the war once Berlin fell?
|HGN| Vortigoat: Because of the russians.
Don Captain: Oh, yeah
|HGN| Vortigoat: England and America didnt realy do anything.
Don Captain: Russians were able to push the Germans out of Russia and way into the heart of the Motherland with
Don Captain: Poland was it?
Don Captain: Yes, Poland.
Don Captain: A bunch of Sub-humans kicked your ass.
|HGN| Vortigoat: While the money hungry americans let these sub-humans loose 20 million people
|HGN| Vortigoat: Seems legit that America did so much in the war
|HGN| Vortigoat: Unless if you count killing alot of civilians with atomic bombs
Don Captain: Because they didn't want to be involved in the war in the first place, and were fighting (mostly) in the Pacific and France?
|HGN| Vortigoat: wich still cause defects at birth
|HGN| Vortigoat: And what about the french army
|HGN| Vortigoat: Oh wait
|HGN| Vortigoat: They dont have an army herp
|HGN| Vortigoat: 6 Weeks
|HGN| Vortigoat: And gone.
Don Captain: They lost only to have a bunch of rag-tag resistance groups rise up and kick your ass once again?
|HGN| Vortigoat: National Socialism = win.
|HGN| Vortigoat: The rest is deemed to fail
|HGN| Vortigoat: That's my opinion
|HGN| Vortigoat: Dont try to change it.
|HGN| Vortigoat: I wont change your opinion
Don Captain: Because Nazism hasn't already failed
Don Captain: right
|HGN| Vortigoat: the end of this discussion.
Don Captain: I like it how when you can't backup your points you switch topics
|HGN| Vortigoat: No, Because i want to actualy play Gmod instead of having arguements with you.
Don Captain: And that's why when I brought up the Gerstein Report you switched topics
Don Captain: as well as when I brought up the Russians, French, and other resistance movements kicking ass once again
|HGN| Vortigoat: BTW, How did this go from picture judging to a big discussion herp.
Don Captain: You claiming the holocaust was actually a hoax
Don Captain: and then switching topics
|HGN| Vortigoat: (Cough) It is a hoax, BTW do you know SCP?
Don Captain: Gerstein Report says otherwise.
Don Captain: And yes.
|HGN| Vortigoat: I found a server that uses  a SCP kind of thing on gmod
Don Captain: uh
Don Captain: HGN's one, right
|HGN| Vortigoat: Yeah
Don Captain: yep
|HGN| Vortigoat: it's rather undeveloped

might not be funny to you
but i thought it was pretty funny the way he went from gas chambers not existing to nationalist socialism being the best to SCP

by the motherland i meant *their fatherland



Quote from: Maxi96203 on 09-06-2012
Today Vortigoat lost all of my respect.
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why does anyone even talk to that backward-thinking retard
that made me lol so much, the amount of idiocy he says is unbearable

Blake.H: And im also working on whipping him into shape
Blake.H: He's nice
Blake.H: He doesn't moan
Blake.H: The sheer obedience is enough to fuel my erection anyway


Quote from: lolKieck on 10-06-2012
Quote from: Maxi96203 on 09-06-2012
Today Vortigoat lost all of my respect.
He was indocrinated..by the Reapers!
He is now blind, stupid beliving only them....


God Child made me say those things :(


Hail Satan. Also...

(°╭ ◡ ╮°)


Quote from: Maxi96203 on 09-06-2012
|HGN| Vortigoat: Jew's need to die,
Stopped reading here


You dun goofed Vortigoat.


great job vortigoat

you fucking made me laugh my ass off


What are you all talking about

this is how I learned when i was your age.

Education for Death

Fucking rabbits...



Seeing as you are so in to books and reading Vortigoat you should probably try reading this:

Terraria Super Operator
JRP > What are you?
Rag > Your freind
JRP > For real?
Rag > This is so serious you don't understand.


This is turning silly. I'll ready my thread splitting scissors and mail the package to the GVC.


Quote from: Spades_Neil on 11-06-2012
This is turning silly. I'll ready my thread splitting scissors and mail the package to the GVC.

no don't
let everyone see how mentally challenged vortigoat is
Blake.H: And im also working on whipping him into shape
Blake.H: He's nice
Blake.H: He doesn't moan
Blake.H: The sheer obedience is enough to fuel my erection anyway


Quote from: Jake on 12-06-2012
Quote from: Spades_Neil on 11-06-2012
This is turning silly. I'll ready my thread splitting scissors and mail the package to the GVC.

no don't
let everyone see how mentally challenged vortigoat is
You don't have to call me mentally challenged.


Quote from: Jake on 12-06-2012
Quote from: Spades_Neil on 11-06-2012
This is turning silly. I'll ready my thread splitting scissors and mail the package to the GVC.

no don't
let everyone see how mentally challenged vortigoat is

Fair 'nuff, I'll let another mod handle it.

You guys can hit the report button when it gets too crazy I suppose.


Quote from: Vortigoat on 12-06-2012
Quote from: Jake on 12-06-2012
Quote from: Spades_Neil on 11-06-2012
This is turning silly. I'll ready my thread splitting scissors and mail the package to the GVC.

no don't
let everyone see how mentally challenged vortigoat is
You don't have to call me mentally challenged.
You're saying Holocaust is a lie. That's enough proof.
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I also don't believe in god...geuss i'm also a witch :'(