What to do to the White Chapel Robinson Casio

Started by atty, 18-12-2011

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I own the Robinson casio in white chapel but it has not made any money at all so we are going to do some thing to make it better for the town and make more money for the town.   

idea 1 is that i am going to make it a scrap shop where i buy and sell scrap. i will sell the scrap to the outcast so they can make ammo and guns for a prices so if can help the town.

can you tell me if this is a good idea or should do some thing else. 

  your ride's over mutie time to die.



Keep the Casino, just you know.. Roleplay more.


I've seen the whole Casino deal done before, and it works, and making money for the town is nice and all...

However, and don't take this personally, but I'm doubting your ability to roleplay a casino when you spelled casino wrong in your topic title and butchering your capitalization and punctuation.

Or perhaps I'm being a Spelling/Grammar Nazi. I don't know.


I can always make the Casino work....

**Bruce Kotlinski Away*