Super Duper Mart

Started by Das_Uberman, 22-04-2011

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Journal Entry #1
Glad I got this terminal up and running, now I can get my thoughts out, and anyone who finds this knows what happened. Anyway, it's been a long day, we've been boarding up windows and moving shelves. Apparently this used to be a Super-Duper Mart, whatever that is. We are a caravan of travelers, and this place has food and shelter so we are setting up here. Everything is going well so far, we moved the shelves off to the side and used them to help barricade the doors for safety.

Journal Entry #2
Everything is going well, there is food and water, enough to last a while. We slept in sleeping bags on the floor last night, but it wasn't that bad.

Journal Entry #3
I discovered that this place has a basement, there was a locked door but I managed to pick the lock, it had more water and food, and it could make a good shelter in case raiders break in.

Journal Entry #4
I barely got any sleep last night, no one did. Raiders arrived yesterday evening and looked for a way in, when the couldn't find one they began banging on the barricades and laughing maniacally, god I'm scared , if they found a way in... No I shouldn't think like that, they won't get in, they can't, but that'll be little comfort tonight...

Journal Entry #5
It's been a week, and they're still out there, making those horrible banging noises, and that terrible laughter, the lack of sleep is getting to people, a fight almost broke out twice today, I hope the raiders leave.

Journal Entry #6
Finally, I got some rest, I slept in the basement of the building, from there I couldn't hear the banging or laughing from the raiders. I told the others and tonight we are all gonna sleep in the basement. Also I found a ladder and a trapdoor, most likely leading to the roof, but it seems to be either stuck, or locked, anyway I can't get it open, maybe someone can help me...

Journal Entry #7
Finally, the raiders are no more. We slept in the basement for about a week, and tempers cooled. Then one evening we were up at ground level, when there were inhuman snarls, and growls, then the screams of the raiders. I got a look through the barricades on the windows, it looked like feral ghouls, they've since moved on. On a side note, Jenkins helped me get that trapdoor open, we're gonna go on the roof and survey the damage.

Journal Entry #8
Things are looking up, Jenkins and I got on the roof, then we dropped down on a dumpster, then onto the ground. We salvaged the raiders' armor, supplies, and weapons, not a lot of ammo, but we'll make do. We went back up to the roof the way we came and added the supplies to the ones we already have. We stored the guns in the basement; I didn't like the looks some people were giving them, they looked almost, hungry. The armor was handed out to everyone, there were a lot of raiders out there, maybe fifteen in all so everyone got a piece of armor; I got some leather armor, a chest piece, a pauldron, and some leggings, I got a lot of armor because I went out there; Jenkins got a metal chest piece

Journal Entry #9
We've established guards, I am one of them, we guard the building from the roof. We started growing crops on the roof, not much really but it will help.

Journal Entry #10
We've had to stop growing crops, the water is limited, and we can't spare any. Luckily we got one harvest from the crops before we stopped, so the food is holding up. We sent Steve out to find more water, I hope he finds some, or we'll have to leave.

Journal Entry #11
It's been two weeks since my last entry, Steve came back with three jugs of water, it should give us more time here. I've sensed some anxiety in some people here, being stuck inside is getting to them.

Journal Entry #12
Tempers are rising, nothing serious yet but I've had to break up a few heated arguments. Tempers are rising and food and water are starting to get low.

Journal Entry #13
More bad news over the past week, three fights have broken out. Mostly bruises and scratches, but poor old Frederick broke his wrist trying to separate to guys who were fighting. I'm scared I wont be able to keep the peace much longer.

Journal Entry #14
Poor Will, it looked like he broke his neck falling down the stairs to the basement, but I'm not so sure. He and Greg were fighting earlier, and when we broke up the fight Greg told Will to watch his back because he was gonna get him. I do not think this was an idle threat. Nothing I can do about it, no proof. If I go making accusations nobody will trust me anymore, best keep my mouth shut.

Journal Entry #15
Another "accident" today, Martin was found dead underneath some fallen shelves. I don't think this was an accident either, this on was way sloppier than the last. How do shelves suddenly just topple over and crush someone? Anyway, I don't think Greg is responsible for this one, him and Martin got along well. There is another murder, and I'm stuck here with him! The thought is terrifying, that at least one of us has killed someone and theres nothing I can do.

Journal Entry #16
Things are bad. Food is running low. just the other day I heard a group of people murmur to each other about sneaking into the basement, I can only assume that they will try to steal guns, which is bad. I'll have a guard stationed at the door to the basement, and take daily inventories of weapons and ammo. Things are looking bad, I don't want them to get any worse.

Journal Entry #17
It's been a week, I think. God the days are blurring by, my brain wont think straight. I haven't been sleeping much. A few days ago I did inventory on the guns, and one was missing: a 9mm pistol along with twenty bullets. We went through all the belongings of everyone, and nothing turned up. I fear that someone might use that gun, and if that happens all hell will break loose.

Journal Entry #18
I'm getting paranoid, the gun hasn't turned up yet, and food supplies are lower than ever. Tempers are flaring. Everyone is irritable, including myself. The longer the gun is missing the more paranoid I get, I've been sleeping with a gun under my pillow, and carrying a knife in my boot, just in case. No one but me knows about the missing gun, so when whoever that has it decides to use it, everyone will blame the guards. If I tell everyone, our trust may collapse all together, we would destroy each other.

Journal Entry #19
My worst fears came true, in the middle of the night I heard gunshots, and, well, Steve was dead, shot about five times in the chest. Now accusations are spreading like wildfire, fights are breaking out, and worst of all there have been multiple attempts to raid the basement. So far both Howard, and Leo are dead, killed in the frenzy. Again I went through everyone's things looking for the gun, I never found it, however, I did find a disturbing amount of makeshift weapons: shivs, clubs, sections of pipe, and spears. My god, what have we become?

Journal Entry #20
This place is crumbling, not literally, but the small society we had here is falling apart. The food is all but gone, four more people are dead, killed trying to get into the basement, and on top of it all, we still haven't found the gun, or the murderers. I fear for my life, I sleep in my armor, in the basement, safe behind the guard, but I don't trust even him. My god, what is happening to me? I'm paranoid, irritable, and overall unpleasant. We need to fix things soon, or this will be the end of us.

Journal Entry #21
We are one step closer to turning things around, but that doesn't help me sleep. Two nights ago I woke up to see Tomas standing over me with a gun in his hand, he had slit the guard on the stairs throat and crept down here, luckily I was able to get the gun out of his grip, and then I shot him with the gun from under my pillow. He was dead before he hit the ground. Everyone was happy that we caught the murderer. He was one of them there is one more at least, I'm sure of it. I can barely sleep, every time I close my eyes I see Tomas's face, pale and blank, staring at nothing, dead. His face haunts me.

Journal Entry #22
We sent Tim out to scout for a town or a place to move to, we can't stay here much longer. Tempers are on the rise again and this time it could get ugly, well uglier that it has been. Again I fear for my life, threats have been made, insults spoken, blows exchanged, thing are getting bad again. On top of it all Tomas's face still haunts me in my dreams, I haven't slept more than eight hours in the past week. I think it's getting to me.

Journal Entry #23
Things have gone to hell, people are dead, fights are breaking out, guards are being attacked, and Tim hasn't come back yet. There are only fifteen of us left in total, pretty soon the will only be one left, but I pray that won't happen. I've considered leaving, taking food and water and setting out on my own, but I can't leave these people, they are the closest thing I have to family.

Journal Entry #24
Eight of us left, two guards, six others. Tim still isn't back yet, I think he's dead. God help us, I don't know who I can trust, all of us left are hardened, scarred by what we've seen, what we've done.

Journal Entry #25
My god there are four of us left, me and three others. Four people decided to rush the basement, wielding pieces of pipe, and planks. I made it out, but the other guard and three other people died.

Journal Entry #26
Final Entry. We are leaving, the four of us left. We will find someplace else, we split up what food and water was left, and the weapons. We are heading south, I don't know what we expect to find, but it sure beats this place. I hope whoever finds this knows this story, the story of where things started perfect, but descended into anarchy. Learn from our mistakes, and never repeat them.
<-------Information Closing------->


Someone hijacked my style.

Bravo, either way. A fair story.


Blake.H: And im also working on whipping him into shape
Blake.H: He's nice
Blake.H: He doesn't moan
Blake.H: The sheer obedience is enough to fuel my erection anyway


Quote from: Ragolution on 22-04-2011
Someone hijacked my style.

Bravo, either way. A fair story.

Thanks, I used the format that LongLostBlake posted.


Quote from: Das_Uberman on 22-04-2011
Quote from: Ragolution on 22-04-2011
Someone hijacked my style.

Bravo, either way. A fair story.

Thanks, I used the format that LongLostBlake posted.

Damn you, Blake. Damn you to... New Orleans.


Quote from: Ragolution on 22-04-2011

Damn you, Blake. Damn you to... New Orleans.

Ouch, not a nice place to be. At least it's not Detroit.
Or Texas.
Or Kansas.


I iz serious kat, good read.
You can shed tears that she is gone,
or you can smile because she has lived.
You can close your eyes and pray that she'll come back,
or you can open your eyes and see all she's left.
Your heart can be empty because you can't see her,
or you can be full of the love you shared.
You can turn your