Pavilion Flats, An Emergent Wastelander Settlement

Started by Steven :D, 19-05-2011

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Steven :D

Town Statistics:
Note that this is a Dynamic Settlement, Buildings can be added or removed by Blake

Owner: Steven Cortez

Ruling Faction: Pavilion

Population: 6
-Town Director (x1)
-Local Milita-Members(4x)
-Civilians (x1)

Objects: 2
-Safebox (x1)
-Bounty Board (x1)

Buildings: 5
-Shack (x4)
-Junk Wall, Full Circle (x1)

Owned Buildings: 4
-Shack (x4)

The Main Overview
Image to be Added

Steven :D

The Pavilion History

Founded by Steven Cortez in in the early 30's, this civilization holds a powerful strategic advantage, as it allows visibility to the lands around for miles. The town's history begins like this, while a group of Pavilion members were on a routine inspection, they discovered a large expanse of deserted plains, abundant with rusty, old cars. They camped out there in the desert, that night, staring upon the rusty graveyard. The next morning, it came to agreement that this would be the ideal spot to craft the foundations of a town, with the abundance of metal, they sent Steven to contact the Contractors. Within days, the city was created, the workers were paid for their labor and the small city of Pavilion Flats began to grow.

(This is WIP, Draft #1)
This is subject to change.

What is Pavilion?

Pavilion is a group of Men and Women, mainly wastelanders that share a common goal; survival. They do not interfere with other factions matters, though they do try to help out others, unless they are attempting to attack a member. Pavilion was founded by a person named 'Alek' he has no other known alias. It is known that 'Alek' was reported missing shortly after the creation of Pavilion, he is still not known to be dead or alive. Leadership has passed on to the charismatic commander, Steven Cortez who was the original founders most trusted man, they originate from the northwest, eventually migrating to Kentucky in search of civilized civilization. 'Alek' was able to lead them halfway towards their destination, it was here he went missing, in Kentucky. Pavilion has been stationed here instead of continuing towards their unknown destination. Only 'Alek' knows where this suitable location is, so in hopes of finding peace, Pavilion searches for their lost leader, helping wastelanders, recruiting members and collecting information as they go along.

(This is WIP, Draft #1)
This is subject to change.